SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!Aww, thanks! I'm glad you liked it~
Thank you, I'm a sucker for romance/bromance stories. You're very good at this, have you considered a series?
In response to Solovei's "Dreams", with her permission and encouragement, I bring to you the story as told from Lalli's POV. I'm not feeling very confident about this, but here goes:....I think my heart just simultaneously melted and exploded....*calls for an ambulance*
Of Sunrise and Soft Pillows
Of Sunrise and Soft Pillows
....I think my heart just simultaneously melted and exploded....*calls for an ambulance*
EeeeeeeeeeEEEEeeeeee!!!! 8'D *applause*
Because I have an evil mind, I can't help picturing what happened about 30 minutes after the end of this story:
1. Tuuri pads into the kitchen, hoping to sneak a piece of dried fruit from Mikkel's porridge-making stash before everyone else wakes up.
2. Peeking through the cockpit door to make sure Emil won't catch her, she lets out an EEEE! of delighted amusement.
3. A confused series of grunts, bangs, and then a loud THUD as Emil wakens with a start, flails about, and falls heavily to the floor. A softer THUMP as Lalli, ejected from his warm nest, neatly lands on his feet. He gives Tuuri the outraged stare of a cat rudely deprived of its sleep.
4. Tuuri giggles as Emil, red-faced, shouts "NO! No! It's not what it looks like!"
5. Mikkel, woken by the ruckus, looms up behind Tuuri in the doorway. Instantly sizing up the situation, he very theatrically turns his eyes away as if to say, "Aw, let's give the happy couple some privacy." (And stifles a chuckle behind one massive hand.)
Also, I like Lalli lazily pushing his hand against Emil's face to make him stop moving. Cats do that exact same thing!
Also, I like Lalli lazily pushing his hand against Emil's face to make him stop moving. Cats do that exact same thing!Thankfully for Emil, at least Lalli doesn't have claws...
In response to Solovei's "Dreams", with her permission and encouragement, I bring to you the story as told from Lalli's POV.Besides the great description of cat behaviour (if you don't have one, I have to assume that you are one :P), I like the way you painted that early morning mood, and also the parallel between the stealth of a tired "cat" and sunrise.
Thankfully for Emil, at least Lalli doesn't have claws...He has a knife, though. And he seems to know how to use it. :Pthat we know of
I love it! Even though your story does contradict my claim that Lalli fails some basic functions of cat-hood, such as purring and keeping your lap warm (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=17.msg10767#msg10767)...Technically, if I understood well, he lied on Emil's chest and along his side, not in his lap. (Except, if Swedes also have a heartbeat in their stomach - in which case, I'm going to shout TROLL! so loud that Admiral Olsen will beg for the receipt. Although, after having only four toes...)
Because I have an evil mind, I can't help picturing what happened about 30 minutes after the end of this storyHaha. You left out only the part where someone tries to document it. A troll somewhere in Kastrup would get the surprise of it's life when a camera would land on one of it's heads. :D
Technically, if I understood well, he lied on Emil's chest and along his side, not in his lap. (Except, if Swedes also have a heartbeat in their stomach - in which case, I'm going to shout TROLL! so loud that Admiral Olsen will beg for the receipt.That's how I originally envisioned it~
Reposted from the comments/Disqus per Aggelikis request ...Well, there's breaking the fourth wall and then there's pulverizing the fourth wall with a wrecking ball.
"You can't see or move at all?"
"Yes! How do you know?"
"It's the same over here, it's called a chapter break."
"... what's a 'chapter' and how can it just break us all!?"
"... no, 'break' as in 'taking a week off'. Or several, actually. With the scarcity of visions among the mages recently, it seems that the Divine Buffer ran quite empty."
"I'm afraid that I don't understand a word you say ..."
"In summary, when the Gods haven't had the time to plan out our everyday fate, they put us mere mortals on standby. The important ones, that is, so it didn't affect you until you became part of this expedition."
Well, there's breaking the fourth wall and then there's pulverizing the fourth wall with a wrecking ball.Lemme compare my notes with Emil to see whether we can come up with a third approach re: walls ... ;D
Lemme compare my notes with Emil to see whether we can come up with a third approach re: walls ... ;D
Not sure meta-universal walls are flammable but it's probably worth a try è_é
They might not be flammable but they sure are meltable ;Dbut... but... but melting boring :-[ ... it doesn't make hair shine in the dancing lights as if was coming alive
but... but... but melting boring :-[ ... it doesn't make hair shine in the dancing lights as if was coming alive
I love it! Even though your story does contradict my claim that Lalli fails some basic functions of cat-hood, such as purring and keeping your lap warm (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=17.msg10767#msg10767)...Just picturing Emil flailing about and falling over is amazing. Of course he'd be all huffy and embarrassed about it.
Because I have an evil mind, I can't help picturing what happened about 30 minutes after the end of this story:
1. Tuuri pads into the kitchen, hoping to sneak a piece of dried fruit from Mikkel's porridge-making stash before everyone else wakes up.
2. Peeking through the cockpit door to make sure Emil won't catch her, she lets out an EEEE! of delighted amusement.
3. A confused series of grunts, bangs, and then a loud THUD as Emil wakens with a start, flails about, and falls heavily to the floor. A softer THUMP as Lalli, ejected from his warm nest, neatly lands on his feet. He gives Tuuri the outraged stare of a cat rudely deprived of its sleep.
4. Tuuri giggles as Emil, red-faced, shouts "NO! No! It's not what it looks like!"
5. Mikkel, woken by the ruckus, looms up behind Tuuri in the doorway. Instantly sizing up the situation, he very theatrically turns his eyes away as if to say, "Aw, let's give the happy couple some privacy." (And stifles a chuckle behind one massive hand.)
Just picturing Emil flailing about and falling over is amazing. Of course he'd be all huffy and embarrassed about it.
Of course he would. Just imagine what he'd be like in yoga class. He'd barely last two seconds in Standing Bow-Pulling Pose. (Tuuri could last about 10 seconds, at least on her first try.)Lalli is probably a secret yoga master, if only because his cat powers probably let him be super flexible.
Lalli is probably a secret yoga master, if only because his cat powers probably let him be super flexible.
Actually, I can see them finding some long-forgotten yoga book and being very confused by it.
Tuuri: "There's pictures in this one... what are these people doing? They're making weird shapes with their arms and legs..."
Sigurn: "Oh, thiiis. Yes, this is an ancient form of magic. Very difficult to master."
Quick, someone write this!
Actually, I kind of did ages ago, though it lacks any kind of plot attachment:YES! Those are all exactly how I was picturing them. Good job, Sunflower!
To start us off, here is a little thing I posted on the comments earlier, in which Emil tries to teach Lalli some stuff (and fails... maybe?)
A Lesson
Emil had drawn the night watch again; he was beginning to think the Dane had rigged the lots out of some misplaced spite towards him personally. Still, Lalli was usually up during the night anyway, and spending time with the scout wasn’t too bad, once you got over the fact that he didn’t understand anything you said. It was kind of nice, in a way.
“-- So anyway, this guy I was in training with, he thought he was the best at everything, but clearly he was just trying to show off in front of the girls, you know? It was really pathetic!” He finished with a self-satisfied laugh, raising his arms to stretch his back. As always, the Finnish teenager said nothing, the expression on his face that of slightly bored apprehension as he sat with his arms folded over his knees, rifle at his side.
“You know, Lalli, one of these days we should have an actual conversation. That would be nice, right? Maybe I could teach you some words or something while we’re out here...”
This seemed to pique the scout’s interest, as he sat up and glanced at Emil with an almost imperceptible smile. He tapped his chin, looking at their surroundings. There wasn’t much, really.
“Um… lets see…” At this point, he made an exaggerated shivering gesture. “It’s cold, right? Kallt?”
He got a few blinks in reply, but this didn’t deter him. He was a Swede after all, and if Swedes gave up this easily, they would not have reclaimed so much of their lands, or built a city as magnificent as Mora.
“Okay, maybe that’s too hard... “ after all, cold was a very abstract term. You can’t touch cold, at least not when it’s in the air. Maybe he should look for something more solid, something real. He pointed excitedly to the small fire they’d been allowed to set up to keep warm during the night. “Brasa. Can you say that, Lalli? Braaa-sa.”
This time, the Finn nodded slowly, but didn’t say anything in response. Emil was starting to feel a bit silly, sitting out here and saying random words and waving his hands like an idiot. He pointed up to the full moon. “Månen?” Surely he would understand that, he was the one that summoned the thing, supposedly. But once again there was only a small nod and nothing else to suggest comprehension.
“Ugh, I give up.” He said finally and bit off a chunk of his meat jerky in frustration, staring into the dancing flames. For a while, everything was quiet; only the howling wind broke the night-time silence. They had picked a good spot to make camp for the night, and the chance of an attack here was minimal, but Sigrun had insisted on setting up a rotating watch anyway. He was about to start dozing off, just for a short while… it was fine, really, because Lalli was right there and he was much better at this than...
The sound of his name snapped him awake. It was his turn to blink now - Lalli had never, ever called him by name before. His features softened somewhat and he smiled before realizing that the scout was pointing at something off in the distance.
The smile vanished. “Go get the others. We need to leave.”
Esko stares right into Solovei's eyes before getting down on one knee and putting his hand in his pouch.
He slowly pulled it back out, revealing a perfectly shaped unpealed potato.
Esko quickly looked straight into Solovei's eyes, filled with warmth, as he whimpered, "Solovei... Will you be..."
He was interrupted by an instinctive gulp but he quickly continued his sentence as opposed to starting again and risking another nervous gulp.
"My... senpai...?"
Esko stares right into Solovei's eyes before getting down on one knee and putting his hand in his pouch.I'm actually eating a potato as I write this.
He slowly pulled it back out, revealing a perfectly shaped unpealed potato.
Esko quickly looked straight into Solovei's eyes, filled with warmth, as he whimpered, "Solovei... Will you be..."
He was interrupted by an instinctive gulp but he quickly continued his sentence as opposed to starting again and risking another nervous gulp.
"My... senpai...?"
EEEE! <delighted giggle>
As Falstaff said in "The Merry Wives of Windsor":
Let the sky rain potatoes; let it thunder to the tune of Green Sleeves!
i'm working on something, so keep your eyes peeled! just may have to wait until i've finished my finals for this semester.
Eww, I may have to change the name of the scout, tried to pick a rare surname with a not too common first name, but alas, there's at least one Erkki Hyytiälä living today, maybe the scout is a descendant of him... The colonel instead will stay as is, Kosonen is a common name in Saimaa area...
I thought 'Mam' was the NATO standard for addressing superior female soldiers! So it stands for female equivalent for 'Sir', granted it sounds much like 'Mum'.Wow, I learn something new every day!! :D I didn't even know this word existed.
I'll have to see how this proceeds, everything this far is just the prologue for a longer piece (pretty hazily sketched, thus far) that could have more descriptive language too, at least when I've been writing the dialogue I've had imagery in my mind so it would be just a matter of writing this down... not that I have done much of this sort of writing before.Nice!! :D I want to see more of this! I do enjoy fanfiction that is not canon-character (and non-Mary-Sue-character) centered!
As for the trolls and other beasts, I'm not too sure they are always staying in one place, could be they move about quite a lot in warmer nights (plus zero celsius) and cloudy days, that are quite common in the north all through spring to autumn. Safest time to travel would then be cold clear winter days, but these are hard times to move about and short. I also think camping on ground would not be a recommended action for the minor beasts could come and bite you under the snow cover... the motivation for their movements would of course be food and water, the meat of the non-sick could be a delicacy among these, or maybe not.Hmmm I see what you mean! I spoke too early. I suppose we'll have to wait to see the beasts and trolls live ine the comic to be sure, but what you've written makes sense.
I've used "Ma'am" since I learned how to talk; it's not just for the queen, it's for any lady. Superiors in particular, but it's also informally used as well.Really?? OK then! (A random movie that I once saw and stated otherwise is no longer to be trusted :P) What country are you from, by the way?
That sounds really interesting! I'm looking forward to reading more, especially about the (Inuit?) hunter.
What about the effects of climate change in your world - does the polar region look like in our days or is there much less ice (or even more)?
The scout enters the container and starts to unpack his rugsack, he opens the hatch of the
decontamination chamber, sets his stuff there, an axe, knife, few other essentials, few items from the
Silent World, and after undressing, all his clothes. His rifle and maps go to another chamber. Then it's a
matter of turning the wheel on the wall to get the conveyor in the chambers going on. After some 10
turns, there's a bling that signals the scout the door to the next chamber is open. This mechanism
allows scouts to enter the premises of the safe area on times the Main Gate is shut up. Most scouts
travelling in the east use this anyway because it's faster and more convenient than going through
several checks on the main gate.
Kajaani safe area has two gates of this kind, other gates are the Main Gate facing east, Rehja Harbour
Gate to ease the travels southwards, the Dark Gate on the bridge crossing the river and Lake Manama
Harbour Gate used mainly for fishing and travelling to smaller settlements in Kajaani Area.
The shower scout takes includes disinfectants, with this improvement ten years ago, Kajaani was
finally declared a Safe Area by the very distant authorities of Iceland. Currently all the
yougnsters between ages 6 and 12 are taking part on language education program that includes
words from all Nordic languages, though the main subject is of course Icelandic. The other
subjects in school include many of the skills essential for the survival of Kajaani, so much of the
education is practical. The scout leaves the shower chamber to the drying and light-treatment
room to finalize his decontamination. There's another wheel in the wall here, but the scout has
to wait until the light on the wall turns green. After few turns the scout gets his belongings back
from the conveyor. The door to the final check is now open and the shower door locked so the
scout proceeds to the room having a window, with no opening for verbal exchanges, for the
nurse-in-duty to check for possible lacerations, blood and other injuries the scouts may have
acquired during their patrols. The nurse looks happy to see Erkki returning seemingly unharmed
,with only few bruises that are already healing well, and pulls the lever opening the inner gate to
the Safe Area.
City, since this story is apparently going to be very long and the flow is interrupted by the several other posts, why don't you publish it on a site where you can actually create chapters and leave a link? I think it's be easier that way :)I like this idea :3
I like this idea :3
Maybe if City creates a little SSSS category on another site it might encourage non-forumite-minions to write too? :D
If City doesn't do it, I know I will, just name the site and be sure I am allowed to sign up if I'm not there.
I absolutely approve and hope for archive of our own for anyone!! I really want to see some fics over there...
i hadn't even thought about it, but i have an account there! perhaps i'll upload my things there so that i won't clog this thread.
edit: and i did just that. if you want to check out the story with all its fancy formatting over there, here's a link! (http://archiveofourown.org/works/2798174/chapters/6281342)
i hadn't even thought about it, but i have an account there! perhaps i'll upload my things there so that i won't clog this thread.
edit: and i did just that. if you want to check out the story with all its fancy formatting over there, here's a link! (http://archiveofourown.org/works/2798174/chapters/6281342)
Ruth, if you are going to continue your story on Archive of Our Own, can you post here whenever there's an update?
Looks like I just can't help myself around these two anymore! More ridiculously cute Lalli/Emil fluff:It's so fluffy I'm gonna dieeeeeeee! 8D
http://archiveofourown.org/works/2888789 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/2888789)
Looks like I just can't help myself around these two anymore! More ridiculously cute Lalli/Emil fluff:
http://archiveofourown.org/works/2888789 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/2888789)
Looks like I just can't help myself around these two anymore! More ridiculously cute Lalli/Emil fluff:
http://archiveofourown.org/works/2888789 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/2888789)
What happened?!
Uh, Woah.
Any info on the last few posts that disappeared? Were they long, short, full of smileys, anything?
I... I strongly disagree with casting Emil as Gaston. No, i guess Emil is as far from a conceited rude... swank as can be.:) Well, that's why I suggested not telling Emil about the (apparent) Face-Heel Turn (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FaceHeelTurn)awaiting Gaston in the last act. (As we know, the boy is profoundly incurious (http://sssscomic.com/comic.php?page=136) and wouldn't read ahead on his own...) Up till that point, Emil's inflated self-regard could probably stretch enough to play a guy who has everyone *thinking* he's the hero. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/VillainWithGoodPublicity)
But the rest fits just fine for me, and re-casted version of The Snow Queen looks very desirable.
Uh, Woah.
Any info on the last few posts that disappeared? Were they long, short, full of smileys, anything?
I quoted Solovei and said five words or something.Same here I think...
next chapter of first contact on ao3! (http://archiveofourown.org/works/2798174/chapters/6914294)I just read it and I have to say, I laughed really hard! :D Looking forward to the rest!
next chapter of first contact on ao3! (http://archiveofourown.org/works/2798174/chapters/6914294)
"Amelia Earhart, that great Canadian aviator." <Snert.> Priceless! :)
Also, when didCaptainSigrun Eide switch branches of the Norwegian Armed Forces? Was troll-hunting no longer enough of a challenge for her?
So, I recently found a website that will generate a drabble (100-word piece of fic) for you using words you've given it, madlib-style. I decided to try it out using some SSSS-related things and the result was... interesting XDD
Read it HERE (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZRQpK4cLazxPyGWBeGCAFj00QylGFblUNpFt3CqSdP8/edit?usp=sharing).
So, I recently found a website that will generate a drabble (100-word piece of fic) for you using words you've given it, madlib-style. I decided to try it out using some SSSS-related things and the result was... interesting XDD
Read it HERE (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZRQpK4cLazxPyGWBeGCAFj00QylGFblUNpFt3CqSdP8/edit?usp=sharing).
Or make your own (http://prillalar.com/drabbles/).
So, I recently found a website that will generate a drabble (100-word piece of fic) for you using words you've given it, madlib-style. I decided to try it out using some SSSS-related things and the result was... interesting XDD
Read it HERE (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZRQpK4cLazxPyGWBeGCAFj00QylGFblUNpFt3CqSdP8/edit?usp=sharing).
Or make your own (http://prillalar.com/drabbles/).
So, I recently found a website that will generate a drabble (100-word piece of fic) for you using words you've given it, madlib-style. I decided to try it out using some SSSS-related things and the result was... interesting XDD
Read it HERE (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZRQpK4cLazxPyGWBeGCAFj00QylGFblUNpFt3CqSdP8/edit?usp=sharing).
Or make your own (http://prillalar.com/drabbles/).
So, I recently found a website that will generate a drabble (100-word piece of fic) for you using words you've given it, madlib-style. I decided to try it out using some SSSS-related things and the result was... interesting XDD
Read it HERE (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZRQpK4cLazxPyGWBeGCAFj00QylGFblUNpFt3CqSdP8/edit?usp=sharing).
Or make your own (http://prillalar.com/drabbles/).
Oh my gosh you used my metaphor :0 (feels very flattered for some reason) I just- I can't. I'm dying cx You ruined me.I've been using it a fair bit, actually! Probably should have asked you first, sorry~~
I've been using it a fair bit, actually! Probably should have asked you first, sorry~~
I felt that as we haven't seen but a glimpse of our dearest enymies during the last pages, they should be given some space:
Long ago silence had settled like a thick blanket on the surrounding territory. Gusts of wind sometimes made faint noises, yet it was the growth of plants that would give what little sound there would be. Birds avoided the place and insects pretended not to exist, rather creeping slowly then merrily scrambling along. Once breathing, whistling and humming would be heard at light at last but all species in want of making it during dark avoided giving sounds of live. Belonging to the predetors meant boredom since the prey chose to play dead. If friction of any sorts was wanted during light, it was only due to chosing a sleephole allowing the piercing rays of light in. Besides that it was just letting the mind float through the unmoving silence.
Since one darkness it was different. On the light before some sounds from days long gone had been heard. brrrrmmm-tucktucktuck-brrrrrrm it went slowly moving towards the lightshelter. Many felt the difference and some even let themselves get hurt by light just to see what kind of toy was comming to them. Long had it been since some sort of bigger prey had been around and the memorie of their smells and noises nearly fainted. Yet after last darkness their smell was there, filling the nostrils of many, watering mouthes and keeping every muscle tensed. Impatiently waiting for getting to the prey first knowing that the others where in for competition let the tension all over the citiy grow until one sensing it could actually grab it. The prey seemed not to mind, steadily moving to the holes.
Being on the edge of bursting the predetor listend intendly to the prey's sounds. Not used to hearing sounds during light anymore it was unsure if it was to get the prize first. The intense smell stung in his nostrills raising excitement. Clearly now they were on their way to its darkhole! Having chased the others away long time ago it was his alone. The noise had settled down direclty in front of lightshielding surroundings and with the last rays faiding they where his alo... sensations exploded in the predator's head! The smell nearly turned to a sweet stench and all memories from ancient days were back at once. The taste of this prize to be was on the tongue already filling its mouth ... the prey was in its darkhole and entering a safeplace. Slowly it extended its tentacles carefully collecting every impulse given by the prey.
Yes! It was one of the best prizes to get. Moving, breathing and free of the others. One of them left the smell of fear but the predator was sure, this prey was not carefull enough to get away. Just waiting a little until the piercing rays were fewer and the prize was its!
I'm afraid to read this thread. I'm afraid I will die of squee.
Okay, I finally read through this thread and I'm so glad I did! Good job everyone!
I'm afraid to read this thread. I'm afraid I will die of squee.
aaaand i know it's a double post, but chapter 4 of first contact (http://archiveofourown.org/works/2798174/chapters/7101680) is kicking around now. go check it out if you're interested!
Lars_B spurred some delightful creativity on a recent Disqus page, on expressions that would be no-nos in the Known World due to changing contexts.Oh my gosh, I just laughed waaaayyy too hard at some of those! XDD
EdmundThese are so great XD
And nobody gets away by the skin of their teeth anymore, either.
These are so great XD
I do wish someone finds a book with all these inside.
I'd be up for it! :) I've been learning Swedish for a few months now and I've done a few stories with multiple languages. I'm also pretty good at editing if I do say so myself.
Awesome. I'm going to use Drive, as I have had great success with sharing with it.
Excellent! Do you want some kind of IM so we can talk this over, or... ?I sent a pm. I have a Skype and Kik.
Hmm, just wondering whether we could use this as a sort of official beta-reading thread for fan-fics?Why not just use the scriptorium, wasn't it created for these things anyways?
Why not just use the scriptorium, wasn't it created for these things anyways?
I'll PM sunflower asking her to merge the two threads?
Uhmm. So I was bored, and then this thing comes tumbling out of my brain and I thought I'd post the result to you guys :D So in this lil ficlet the Lallemil duo is wandering about in a forest at night. Unfortunate things happen. Didn't know what to do with the others, so let's just say the rest of the motley crew are waiting for them in the catmobile.
Now, I ain't a native English speaker, so you'll forgive me the possible errors in grammar. Anyway, here it is;
...didn't know how to proceed, so I left it at that. Maybe I'll write more once I come up with what happens next. If anyone's interested to see :D
That was great! :D I'd love to read the rest!
Here's a story I whipped up to be seasonally appropriate.
Parliament of Fowls
Here's a story I whipped up to be seasonally appropriate. (This is just the first installment -- it kind of got away from me. The date becomes relevant in the next part.)
For narrative convenience, I pretended the mission launched in early January and they've been at it for about a month. (So they haven't had time to level up *too* much, just to get to know one another.)
Parliament of Fowls
Here's a story I whipped up to be seasonally appropriate. (This is just the first installment -- it kind of got away from me. The date becomes relevant in the next part.)
For narrative convenience, I pretended the mission launched in early January and they've been at it for about a month. (So they haven't had time to level up *too* much, just to get to know one another.)
Parliament of Fowls
Will Braidy be Tuuri's secret prince charming?
I wonder now if anyone's going to come riding out of the forest... ;)... pray tell, on what!? :o
... pray tell, on what!? :o
We meet back here at 0900 hours for judo practice. Remember to strip:0
and remake your bunks neatly:|
Guys, guys, this is Braidy we're talking about here...Not just any (http://vaghauk.deviantart.com/art/rage-of-the-sheep-warrior-180555057) plain sheep (http://zeitgeistdragon.deviantart.com/art/Year-of-the-sheep-504264850), I trust?
It's obviously going to be a sheep.
I counted four instances of what I choose to interpret as innuendo (which means they probably weren't intended as such).
Uhmm. So I was bored, and then this thing comes tumbling out of my brain and I thought I'd post the result to you guys :D So in this lil ficlet the Lallemil duo is wandering about in a forest at night. Unfortunate things happen. Didn't know what to do with the others, so let's just say the rest of the motley crew are waiting for them in the catmobile.
...didn't know how to proceed, so I left it at that. Maybe I'll write more once I come up with what happens next. If anyone's interested to see :D
The life so short, the craft so long to learn,
The assay so hard, so sharp the conquering,
The fearful joy that slips away in turn...
Here's another chunk of Parliament of Fowls. It doesn't advance the plot, but it does provide some back-story for Tuuri and her family. (Which I'm sure will eventually be contradicted by Word of God...)
Finally put this up on AO3!
Pretty short little thing about Lalli and Tuuri that I originally wrote for one of the forum members but decided to post anyway. Hope you guys like it!
The adorableness! Tuuri explaining things in terms Lalli can understand! I love it!I meant same age as Onni :)
(Just one question: When you say the... new character... is "about the same age as her brother," do you mean Tuuri's brother Onni, i.e. about 23 in story time? Or did you actually mean "same age as her COUSIN," i.e. as Lalli?)
Woops looks like I did it again! Have another fic, you guys! (http://archiveofourown.org/works/3379946). Just a word of warning that there's some actual making out in this one! Nothing explicit, but I thought I would let you know.
It's set during Year 1, in Iceland, and features some of the Hotel Survivors (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=282.0) and Arni, from the prologue! Hope y'all like it :)
Wow, that's lovely. I'm old-fashioned enough that I had to, uh, adjust my expectations about the romantic encounter. But I think it's very touching and well-motivated.
Question: When one of the Hotel Survivors refers to Hannah as his "mother," he means his host or adoptive mother, right?
EDIT: How much work is it to sign up for An AOOO account? I'm still working on my story, which will be at least twice the length of what I've shared so far, and I'm starting to think I shouldn't just spam this thread with it.
How much work is it to sign up for An AOOO account? I'm still working on my story, which will be at least twice the length of what I've shared so far, and I'm starting to think I shouldn't just spam this thread with it.
Finally put this up on AO3!
Pretty short little thing about Lalli and Tuuri that I originally wrote for one of the forum members but decided to post anyway. Hope you guys like it!
I read this yesterday (rather than working like I should have been doing - congratulations :P ) and just had to comment to say how much I liked it ^_^ I've nothing clever to say about it really, but the little story has really struck a chord, and has been lingering at the back of my head since reading it. So yeah, good job :D
As I promised some people on the IRC, I have written a thing:
Story!! (http://archiveofourown.org/works/3413777)
I honestly never pictured myself writing fanfiction, but it's the first piece of writing I've finished in four years (that's about a fourth of my life, do at this point I'll take anything). Even better, it was fun! So I may have to do it again. :)
Just added this little effort from a couple days ago (had to modify it slightly to get around the NetNanny-style security!):
I now have an AO3 account as well, so I posted my (still-incomplete) story "Parliament of Fowles" to it:
(It's about Tuuri's efforts to revive that Old World tradition, Valentine's Day.)
Yes, only 969 words! *does victory-dance* Anyway, I started this story a while ago and finally found the time to finish it.
You had me at "Sigrun x megaphone." 8)
Yes, only 969 words! *does victory-dance* Anyway, I started this story a while ago and finally found the time to finish it.
Oh man, all of these stories are amazing and I have too many new headcanons now.Right place indeed. If it's rather long, and you're unsure about posting a giant wall of text here, you can post a link in here for everyone to see. Just keep it PG-ish, please. :)
I actually have a fic of my own I've been working on for a while and I was wondering if you guys would be interested in me posting it? It kind of branches off of the story (around right now, actually) and I do have a couple of OCs featured heavily, but none of them are shipped with the main characters and none of them will be (apart from one character being unrequitedly creepy.) It's not all that ship-driven either but there are a couple (Sigrun X megaphone, Lalli x Emil x Braidy in any combination etc etc). Would this be the right place to post it?
Oh man, all of these stories are amazing and I have too many new headcanons now.
I actually have a fic of my own I've been working on for a while and I was wondering if you guys would be interested in me posting it? It kind of branches off of the story (around right now, actually) and I do have a couple of OCs featured heavily, but none of them are shipped with the main characters and none of them will be (apart from one character being unrequitedly creepy.) It's not all that ship-driven either but there are a couple (Sigrun X megaphone, Lalli x Emil x Braidy in any combination etc etc). Would this be the right place to post it?
Yes, only 969 words! *does victory-dance* Anyway, I started this story a while ago and finally found the time to finish it.
Okay, I got an Archive of Our Own account and posted it there! Here's the link: Chapter 1 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/3487976/chapters/7662440)
It's written in English with phrases from other languages interspersed throughout, but I don't personally speak any of those languages so if you see something wrong please tell me! The summary on ao3 pretty much says it all about the warnings (there aren't really any).
Okay, I got an Archive of Our Own account and posted it there! Here's the link: Chapter 1 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/3487976/chapters/7662440)
It's written in English with phrases from other languages interspersed throughout, but I don't personally speak any of those languages so if you see something wrong please tell me! The summary on ao3 pretty much says it all about the warnings (there aren't really any).
I made myself a new fanfic, so here you go. (http://archiveofourown.org/works/3491585/chapters/7670684)YEAH!! I really like it so far! A lot!! :D
That is great! I absolutely can't wait to read more!thank you so much!!! i'm working on the next chapter and hope to have it done soonish??
Just wrote a new story, inspired by the winner of Melodifestivalen (https://youtu.be/2g4wmYYfchQ). I'm so going to turn that song into a fanvid at some later time, I just need more pictures! Anyway, here you go!
Just wrote a new story, inspired by the winner of Melodifestivalen (https://youtu.be/2g4wmYYfchQ). I'm so going to turn that song into a fanvid at some later time, I just need more pictures! Anyway, here you go!
My apologise for the probably mangled finnish, I only had google translate to help me out ^^' Lalli's supposed to say something like: "Help this lost soul find peace. Lead it to Tuonela to rest forever."
Also the song Emil is singing, if you want to listen to it, is Vyssan Lull (https://youtu.be/oGDohCcjwSg) a Swedish Lullaby that's been around since like forever! I wanted to have a video with lyrics so you could sing along, but Gösta Ekman d.ä had the most best voice, so no lyrics for you this time :P
One correction though, it's Byssan lull and not Vyssan (my childhood is a lie D= ).Actually, that seems to depend. I've heard both versions, and I actually even searched to find which lullaby to use, so I searched "vaggvisor" and it was "Vyssan lull" everywhere and not one "Byssan lull" ^^' That and I asked a friend which songs might still be around in year 90 and he was all like "Vyssan lull" and then I was all like "Fine, I'll call it that then!" But never mind, I can change it :P
Also, if I may help you with the Finnish, the sentence you're trying to say would go roughly like this:Thank you! I shall correct that at once! You shall move over here so I can use you for all my SSSS-fanfic needs! :P
"Auta tätä kadonnutta sielua löytämään rauha. Johdata se Tuonelaan lepäämään ikuisuudeksi."
Btw I just realized that instead of "Johdata se Tuonelaan lepäämään ikuisuudeksi" you could also say "Saata se Tuonelaan ikuiseen lepoon."
Whatever you feel like using, I guess.
I was sort of planning a similar fic where Lalli was singing to Emil after a bad dream, so this is even more encouragement to write that >_>Yes, gogogo! We need more awesome fanfics!
Thanks everyone for your kind words <3
Actually, that seems to depend. I've heard both versions, and I actually even searched to find which lullaby to use, so I searched "vaggvisor" and it was "Vyssan lull" everywhere and not one "Byssan lull" ^^' That and I asked a friend which songs might still be around in year 90 and he was all like "Vyssan lull" and then I was all like "Fine, I'll call it that then!" But never mind, I can change it :P
Darn it, I should have just used Videvisan instead xD
It seems it's a really common mishearing. I wad convinced that it was Vyssan, but the original seems to be Byssan. Videvisan is cute =3 I used to sing that one and Trollmors vaggvisa as a child.
I agree with Aqua and Sumeri, very cute! :D I was sort of planning a similar fic where Lalli was singing to Emil after a bad dream, so this is even more encouragement to write that >_>
I was sort of planning a similar fic where Lalli was singing to Emil after a bad dreamPleeeeeease do this! I have found a mighty need okay
Do it. PLEASE DO IT. I will die if you don't.
Pleeeeeease do this! I have found a mighty need okay
You asked for it, so here it is! :D
http://archiveofourown.org/works/3557222 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/3557222)
You asked for it, so here it is! :D
http://archiveofourown.org/works/3557222 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/3557222)
Soooo cute! What does the "Drabble" tag mean?
Also, if there's a link to someone singing that song, would you share it with us, please?
You asked for it, so here it is! :D
http://archiveofourown.org/works/3557222 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/3557222)
Back when we didn't know what was in those crates I wrote myself a little three-chapter story of Emil getting his hands on some heavy-duty ordnance. That's now been officially jossed (unless there's a lot more to those candles than meets the eye) but I thought I'd put it up anyway:
Hope you guys like it!
Back when we didn't know what was in those crates I wrote myself a little three-chapter story of Emil getting his hands on some heavy-duty ordnance. That's now been officially jossed (unless there's a lot more to those candles than meets the eye) but I thought I'd put it up anyway:
Hope you guys like it!
Back when we didn't know what was in those crates I wrote myself a little three-chapter story of Emil getting his hands on some heavy-duty ordnance. That's now been officially jossed (unless there's a lot more to those candles than meets the eye) but I thought I'd put it up anyway:D'awwwww! That ending! <3
Hope you guys like it!
You asked for it, so here it is! :D
http://archiveofourown.org/works/3557222 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/3557222)
Back when we didn't know what was in those crates I wrote myself a little three-chapter story of Emil getting his hands on some heavy-duty ordnance.
Hope you guys like it!
Back when we didn't know what was in those crates I wrote myself a little three-chapter story of Emil getting his hands on some heavy-duty ordnance. That's now been officially jossed (unless there's a lot more to those candles than meets the eye) but I thought I'd put it up anyway:
Hope you guys like it!
Wow! Thanks to everyone for your support. I've had a couple of other ideas for fanfics ratting around in my head for ages now, might have a go at writing them after all.The idea behind this one is great and it's really well written to boot, you should definitely give the other ideas a go.
Someone in the Scenes We’d Like to See thread said they’d like to see our crew find one of those ‘sci-fi instruction manual’ books, and it got me thinking. Without further ado:
Aaaaaand this makes it 21 stories on AO3. :) There must be something about Stand Still Stay Silent, I never normally write anything like this much. This time it’s Mikkel remembering the fall of Kastrup – a bit gloomier than most of the stories we’ve all put up there so far, I must admit.
As I said earlier, hope you guys like it!
I'm going to Tease ya'll now. Beginning of my OC into comic world story. I'm feeling a little museless right now. . .
The crimson eyed ranger ....Gilbert cursed under his breath, and took off after the stranger.
Pale,crimson eyed,and his name is Gilbert? I don't think you know what fandom you're untentionally crossing over to, but this still looks cool.
Aaaaaand this makes it 21 stories on AO3. :) There must be something about Stand Still Stay Silent, I never normally write anything like this much. This time it’s Mikkel remembering the fall of Kastrup – a bit gloomier than most of the stories we’ve all put up there so far, I must admit.
As I said earlier, hope you guys like it!
Sigrun's comment on nobody dying on the first mission kind of stuck in my mind, so in the end I decided to try my hand at writing a little fic about what kind of a past might be behind that. One warning for a short, possibly gory scene (I'm a gore/horror fan so my idea of what's acceptable is entirely borked, sorry. :-\ I promise there's nothing too graphic, this time at least).
A Pretty Good Sign of Potential (http://archiveofourown.org/works/3697685).
Sigrun's comment on nobody dying on the first mission kind of stuck in my mind, so in the end I decided to try my hand at writing a little fic about what kind of a past might be behind that. One warning for a short, possibly gory scene (I'm a gore/horror fan so my idea of what's acceptable is entirely borked, sorry. :-\ I promise there's nothing too graphic, this time at least).eek.
A Pretty Good Sign of Potential (http://archiveofourown.org/works/3697685).
Sigrun's comment on nobody dying on the first mission kind of stuck in my mind, so in the end I decided to try my hand at writing a little fic about what kind of a past might be behind that. One warning for a short, possibly gory scene (I'm a gore/horror fan so my idea of what's acceptable is entirely borked, sorry. :-\ I promise there's nothing too graphic, this time at least).
A Pretty Good Sign of Potential (http://archiveofourown.org/works/3697685).
Sigrun's comment on nobody dying on the first mission kind of stuck in my mind, so in the end I decided to try my hand at writing a little fic about what kind of a past might be behind that. One warning for a short, possibly gory scene (I'm a gore/horror fan so my idea of what's acceptable is entirely borked, sorry. :-\ I promise there's nothing too graphic, this time at least).
A Pretty Good Sign of Potential (http://archiveofourown.org/works/3697685).
Sigrun's comment on nobody dying on the first mission kind of stuck in my mind, so in the end I decided to try my hand at writing a little fic about what kind of a past might be behind that. One warning for a short, possibly gory scene (I'm a gore/horror fan so my idea of what's acceptable is entirely borked, sorry. :-\ I promise there's nothing too graphic, this time at least).
A Pretty Good Sign of Potential (http://archiveofourown.org/works/3697685).
I never thought I'd say this, but Sigrun's dealing pretty well, if that's what her past looks like.
Lalli crept up behind Mikkel to peer over his shoulder, curious. The big man had been sitting quietly outside the truck, across from Emil and Sigrun, for some time, doing something with a pencil and notepad.
[...]That night as Lalli prepared to head outside, he noticed something on the wall and stopped to look. It was the picture he had drawn, carefully taped up where it was clearly visible to anyone who passed by.
Wow, this is great! Just a brief vignette, but it's a vivid portrait (so to speak) of everyone's characters. It felt like I really was hearing Lalli's thoughts, which we so seldom get to do. And it was touching to see the loner night scout building a rapport with "the big man."
It also reminded me that drawing would be an important skill in the Known World, where photography is rare and time-consuming. (e.g. the Cat-Tank probably doesn't have a darkroom for Tuuri to develop her film.) Your descriptions of Mikkel's and Lalli's sketches are really convincing, speaking as someone who can't even draw at the Lalli level. Do you yourself draw, or have friends who are learning to, that you know what mistakes a beginner would make?
Now I'm hoping for someone to re-create the sketches Mikkel and Lalli made...
Keep up the good work! :)
I do draw, and I've also taught art and have younger siblings, so I've noticed some typical go-tos. Every person's differentaaaaaaaaa this makes me so happy
When I came up with this, I actually did make the sketches: it was an interesting experiment to imagine how the different characters would draw. Mikkel would have a very good grasp of anatomy and his pictures would probably have a very solid feel to them, which I don't think I really managed to capture. And I described Lalli's picture a little worse than it actually turned out.
Mikkel's sketch:(http://orig01.deviantart.net/0b01/f/2015/097/0/1/scan__21__by_whyblessyourheart-d8osfwc.jpg)
(Sigrun doesn't stay still long enough for him to get a good picture, hehe)
Lalli's sketch:(http://orig15.deviantart.net/07d5/f/2015/097/b/0/scan__22__by_whyblessyourheart-d8osgkw.jpg)
Lalli actually has a very good instinctive grasp of composition, and if he were to work on it consistently could turn out a very respectable artist. He's got other priorities at the moment, though.
(Sigrun doesn't stay still long enough for him to get a good picture, hehe)
Looking at these again though, it seems to me pretty obvious that they were drawn by a girl: the relative size of the eyes and face as well as the inclination towards thinner, longer forms gives it away. *sigh* live and learn.
Huh. Really? Those are signs of being drawn by a girl? Interesting.
I might have guessed some other, more gender-stereotyped things (like drawing people as pretty and anime-like, or choice of "feminine" subjects).... but I never knew there were ways of representing the human form that are give-aways. (Sure, there are Rorschach blots and "draw a person" tests, but I thought those were to look for overall personality traits or abnormalities.)
EDIT: Let the record show that I love the way you/"Mikkel" drew Sigrun. Very cubist, with all those time-lapse legs, arms, and heads!
It seems pretty likely by now that Reynir’s our second mage (famous last words), so here’s a little story of how Lalli finds that out. My apologies in advance for the few words of Danish, which I had to get from google translate. Hopefully the general meaning behind them is still there, even if tenses and whatnot have gotten mangled.holy wow, sectoboss
As always, I hope you all like it!
holy wow, sectoboss
Okayyy… this is actually the first fanfic for SSSS that I ever did, yonks ago now. I never uploaded it because quite frankly I was never sure whether anyone else would be able to take the idea seriously or not. Ages ago in one of the rash/trolls/monsters threads people mentioned the ideas of infected buildings and city-sized giants and infected that could still think, and this was what I made of that. No doubt it’s going to get shot down as the comic progresses but hey… nothing ventured? I guess?Oh my god, I love this! The descriptions were amazing. Though it's terrifying to think giants could reach city-size
Thanks for your kind words! Means a lot to me, that other people like the stuff I put up here :)
Okayyy… this is actually the first fanfic for SSSS that I ever did, yonks ago now. I never uploaded it because quite frankly I was never sure whether anyone else would be able to take the idea seriously or not. Ages ago in one of the rash/trolls/monsters threads people mentioned the ideas of infected buildings and city-sized giants and infected that could still think, and this was what I made of that. No doubt it’s going to get shot down as the comic progresses but hey… nothing ventured? I guess?KVITEKRIST why did i read that
It seems pretty likely by now that Reynir’s our second mage (famous last words), so here’s a little story of how Lalli finds that out. My apologies in advance for the few words of Danish, which I had to get from google translate. Hopefully the general meaning behind them is still there, even if tenses and whatnot have gotten mangled.
As always, I hope you all like it!
Okayyy… this is actually the first fanfic for SSSS that I ever did, yonks ago now. I never uploaded it because quite frankly I was never sure whether anyone else would be able to take the idea seriously or not. Ages ago in one of the rash/trolls/monsters threads people mentioned the ideas of infected buildings and city-sized giants and infected that could still think, and this was what I made of that. No doubt it’s going to get shot down as the comic progresses but hey… nothing ventured? I guess?
Thanks for your kind words! Means a lot to me, that other people like the stuff I put up here :)
To the Dagrenning program public relations office,
“Hey!” calls the prime minister. “Glad you could like, join us.”
“Hello, Ragnheiður,” says Claire. “Are you looking forward to meeting my bosses, finally?”
“Yeah, for sure. But they aren’t going to be sick, are they? Like we’ve ruled that out, right? Nothing grosser than that, honestly.”QuoteRagnheiður Bjarnadóttir
Age: 51
Nationality: Icelander
Immunity: No
Languages: :iceland:
About: The Icelanders don’t really know how this happened either, exactly, but Ragnheiður’s promises to expand the Dagrenning genetic program were received well and she received an overwhelming majority in the Alþingi. What she does with her newfound power has yet to be seen.
“I think that was the point of the quarantine.”
“Right, okay. But I’m totally blaming you if they bring down civilization as we know it because of your weird foreign diseases.”
today i had this sudden craving for an AU
so i started thinking about a super silly norwegian high school au
and get this. I wrote a thing.
I haven't written in *checks clock* ten thousand years, and I've never ever written any fancfic before, sooooooo this is. um. not super good and pretty weird and OOC but maybe it will cause some enjoyment anyway
(please don't take any of it seriously, it's random as heck)
((the ending is super abrupt I know))
Hvor vanskelig kan det være
~*OFFICIAL ACTUAL ENGLISH TRANSLATION*~ (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/116420856219/okay-this-is-utterly-ridiculous-but-i-wrote-a) over here so I don't clutter the thread with two ridiculously long posts
ruth and RandomTexanReader, I'm surprised and delighted you enjoyed it!!! thank youuu
I will regret this tomorrow I feel it in my bones
~*OFFICIAL ACTUAL ENGLISH TRANSLATION*~ (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/116420856219/okay-this-is-utterly-ridiculous-but-i-wrote-a) over here so I don't clutter the thread with two ridiculously long posts
ruth and RandomTexanReader, I'm surprised and delighted you enjoyed it!!! thank youuu
I will regret this tomorrow I feel it in my bones
Haiz, that is SO BEAUTIFUL
I can totally imagine that (PE Teacher Sigrun, FTW!)
aaaaaaaaargh I have stuff that I should be doing right now but I am, instead, glued to this dang forum. :P
Bwaaah, Haiz, it's wonderful! I'm not sure why I found the abuse of Braidy funny, but I did... and of course, I read treebeard as Treebeard, as in the character, so I was laughing too hard, so I had to read it again :Phhh thank you?? i still cant believe people actually read it
Dangit, this is material for all sorts of fanart on its own, nooo, I need to finish my own... ;_;
~*OFFICIAL ACTUAL ENGLISH TRANSLATION*~ (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/116420856219/okay-this-is-utterly-ridiculous-but-i-wrote-a) over here so I don't clutter the thread with two ridiculously long posts
ruth and RandomTexanReader, I'm surprised and delighted you enjoyed it!!! thank youuu
I will regret this tomorrow I feel it in my bones
Everything changed after the Forest Trip.
~*OFFICIAL ACTUAL ENGLISH TRANSLATION*~ (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/116420856219/okay-this-is-utterly-ridiculous-but-i-wrote-a) over here so I don't clutter the thread with two ridiculously long posts
(also did you read the norwegian version too)
(also did you read the norwegian version too)
Selv Lalli var imponert med hans lynraske fletteskills.
*joins the party a year late*MOST BEST. I love proud Lalli!
this is my first fan fiction scene. ever.
so uh here goes
MOST BEST. I love proud Lalli!Thanks!I will do my best to make more :D
Make more of these soon, please. *puppy-dog eyes*
Haiz: Such a funny AU =D I felt sorry for poor Reynir, though I can't help but giggle when I try to picturing him covered in snot xD
I read it in both Norwegian and English. I think I prefer the Norwegian version since it sounds a lot funnier :P
Lalli: (proud)I watched and I learned from all my friends. Now I know manners.
Thanks! I was thinking of drawing it but I haven't started yet, so yeah there's like a 50/50 chance it'll happen ;)
This is your first fanfiction ever? Congrats, then! It's really good! :)
Also, someone should draw this scene. :P
Word spew
[The crew returns from a successful book haul, and after, Turri finds a picture that fell from one of the books]
Turri: *holds it up to Lalli* Do you know what this person is doing?
Lalli examines the picture, then does the "Nya" pose
Lalli: Nya!
Now, imagine that said with a deep, somewhat scratchy baritone. (After this picture (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=35.msg26297#msg26297), I can't help giving Lalli a deeper voice. And, after your post, I don't dare to watch the Watchmen again, because I'm afraid I would keep imagining cat ears on Rorschach. Cannot. Unthink. Your. Fault! :D )
Now, imagine that said with a deep, somewhat scratchy baritone. (After this picture (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=35.msg26297#msg26297), I can't help giving Lalli a deeper voice. And, after your post, I don't dare to watch the Watchmen again, because I'm afraid I would keep imagining cat ears on Rorschach. Cannot. Unthink. Your. Fault! :D )
Your fault, Sharion.
(http://i.imgur.com/kRcrJXb.jpg)*tries very hard to look like she is doing homework*
i have spent all day writing the next installment of my Norwegian High School AU
it's silly, it's ooc, but i had fun with it so maybe you will too.
I'm posting the Norwegian version here again, because that is the Intended Language, aaand I'll come up with a Quality Translation as quick as I'm able to!! It won't take all day, I promise, so I highly advice to NOT go the google translate route. It's not worth it.
(apologies for the massive post. translation will be a link again)
******** SKOLESKUESPILLET ********
I’m supposed to be revising for my exams, but NOPE instead I wrote this. It’s a story of Reynir’s journey on the ship from Iceland, and in particular of his crewmates scaring him with tales of what lurks in the North Sea.Oh man, oh, man,that's good. Sorta scary, I loved it
N.B. While this doesn’t technically contain OCs, as the crew of the Túnfiskurinn are all characters from the comic, it does feel a bit like I should put a warning up since I’ve effectively characterised them from scratch.
ahahaa I'm glad you liked it, friend!!!I'm supposed to do the housework, not laughing alone reading you ! (Sorry, housemates... ^^°)
without further ado:
~*TRANSLATED VERSION*~ (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/116682298844/hello-here-is-another-installment-of-my-norwegian)
good night folks
I’m supposed to be revising for my exams, but NOPE instead I wrote this. It’s a story of Reynir’s journey on the ship from Iceland, and in particular of his crewmates scaring him with tales of what lurks in the North Sea.HOW DO YOU DO THAT
N.B. While this doesn’t technically contain OCs, as the crew of the Túnfiskurinn are all characters from the comic, it does feel a bit like I should put a warning up since I’ve effectively characterised them from scratch.
Your fault, Sharion.*working hard to find a way to blame it on fen, too, who were the origin of the first picture to begin with* >:D
without further ado:I was reading this on the sub train, on my way to work.
~*TRANSLATED VERSION*~ (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/116682298844/hello-here-is-another-installment-of-my-norwegian)
Right, this is something I wrote after page 299 went up and it's been sitting on my computer ever since. I wasn't sure what to do with it but after much deliberation I figured I'd post it here. My apologies for the length. Here goes nothing!XD
Right, this is something I wrote after page 299 went up and it's been sitting on my computer ever since. I wasn't sure what to do with it but after much deliberation I figured I'd post it here. My apologies for the length. Here goes nothing!
Emil shifted his glare from Reynir’s face to his wild mane. “That braid… If only they knew. With one word I could tarnish your reputation, and with one picture, I could destroy it forever. If they ever find out-”
Reynir panicked and leaped to his feet. “HEY! That’s a secret!”
Right, this is something I wrote after page 299 went up and it's been sitting on my computer ever since. I wasn't sure what to do with it but after much deliberation I figured I'd post it here. My apologies for the length. Here goes nothing!
If you take a look over at the first post of this thread (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=193.msg10034#msg10034)...Oops. So sorry about that. That must get annoying to see. >_<
WHAT SECRETAre you sure you want to know...?
In which Emil is bitter, Reynir is confused, and Tuuri is me. ;)And what sort of things have you been writing? ;P
XDI'm glad you liked it! ;D
THAT WAS HILARIOUS. I love how Tuuri's self-shipping... and also Jealous Emil and Confused Reynir and alll the people and excuse me, I have to go laugh some more.
Right, this is something I wrote after page 299 went up and it's been sitting on my computer ever since. I wasn't sure what to do with it but after much deliberation I figured I'd post it here. My apologies for the length. Here goes nothing!That was funny ^w^ I really liked the interaction between Mikkel and Sigrun!
Edit: Silly me didn't read the first page of the thread and posted the behemoth here. You can now read it here. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WV-Q8GHgzWxEQvdgQVWI_8j2hKRXyX5q8IvAXIPhBR0/edit?usp=sharing)
That was funny ^w^ I really liked the interaction between Mikkel and Sigrun!That was one of the things I liked too! (Aside from Reynir's fan-phobia and Tuuri's braid fixation...) :D
If you take a look over at the first post of this thread (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=193.msg10034#msg10034), you'll see that we prefer works over 1000 words to be hosted externally and linked.OH NO I APOLOGIZE TOO
hello scriptorium, I bring theeWonderful! :D
HIGH SCHOOL AU PART 3: the sleepover saga
Its taking a really long time to transcribe this thing, but here is a sneak peak.Ooo! I can't wait to see the finished story! :D
(http://indieanna.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/kitty-burrito.jpg)eeeeeeeeeeeeeee *dies of the cute*
hello scriptorium, I bring theeLittle sister : So we go now ?
HIGH SCHOOL AU PART 3: the sleepover saga
hello scriptorium, I bring thee
HIGH SCHOOL AU PART 3: the sleepover saga
Reynir skriver: jeg er så utrolig smart dette blir det beste overnattingspartyet everrr
Reynir skriver: VENT
Reynir skriver: kan lalli lese
Hvem hadde autorisert dette? Hvem hadde gitt ham lov å se sånn ut? Hvordan kunne en slik pur kanelsnurr eksistere i denne grusomme verden?
hello scriptorium, I bring theeLalli-burrito sounds like the cutest thing ever!!
HIGH SCHOOL AU PART 3: the sleepover saga
There are discussions of Gender and Orientations in this one, so if that bothers you in any way, you might not want to read this I guess...........
I hadn't really intended to go this direction with my AU, but I really had to write this. So. I'm going this direction with my AU. What's high school without confused teenagers!! and it's also maybe uh. going in a shippy direction which makes me a hypocrite, but it's not like you guys seem to mind that kinda thing so much, sooooooooo
~*NORWEGIAN VERSION*~ (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/116937190064/stillsta-vgs-del-3-overnattingsparty)
~*ENGLISH VERSION*~ (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/116951587089/standstill-high-part-3-the-sleepover-saga)
jeez this dual language thing is a chore
good night folks!!
Found this picture by pure coincidence after reading Hiaz's story,(http://38.media.tumblr.com/1609bed100e99f7676a69d21df03318f/tumblr_inline_nl6al3TZ0p1r2g2kx.jpg)(http://41.media.tumblr.com/7aa32988de332587bbaa405c7a334a82/tumblr_inline_nmhx6i5O441r2g2kx_250.png)
Sleeping Lalli according to Hiaz:
Ooo! I can't wait to see the finished story! :D
wildfire: omg I'm glad you laughed at that part, because SO DID I WHEN I WROTE IT,,, i'm a horrible dweeb with no shame.......
(the only reason we know lalli can read in canon is because he reads Tuuri's letter at the very beginning hahahaha)
also I totally encourage you to become a mom. do it
Mélusine: oh noo please don't neglect your family for the sake of my silly fic!!!She's absolutely not neglected, she had an additional birthday surprise yesterday (some photo by a friend photograph) and we're going to see the Eiffel tower by night in a few minutes. Can I read ? :P
(Well. I don't usually write fanfic, you don't usually read fanfic, I guess we're all in the same boat here)
A while ago in the crossovers thread, Haiz suggested a crossover with Pacific Rim. The idea got my muse going and, with Haiz’s blessing, this is the result. I’ve tried to make it so that you don’t need anything more than a passing knowledge of the world of Pacific Rim to work out what’s going on, and this is at its heart still very much a SSSS fanfic – just with giant robots and the odd zeppelin instead of a beaten-up cat-tank. Yes, zeppelin. Don’t look at me like that.
If I get the time, I might write a second part to this. In the meantime though, I hope you guys like it!
Hop, Skip, Jump, Falldo the bolded numbers indicate changing character point of views? Awesome story by the way!
Chapter 1: Abandon all hope, ye who enter here
<awesome story>
A/N: It's my new story!!!!!! What such a wonderfully happy chapter title. So full of hope. So full of joy. Sorry about the double-post by the way, I din't think I would finish typing thing today. FYI,the story is 693 words long, which is pretty dang long by my standards. If the format is too is too hard to read just tell me and I put it in justified or something? And the bolded numbers mean something. Whomever guess it first get a drawing!.
Hop, Skip, Jump, FallOh, this is intriguing! :D I need to know what happens to poor Emil >.<
do the bolded numbers indicate changing character point of views? Awesome story by the way!
AquaAqurion: Emil is *puppyfox voice* justttttt fineeeeeee.Just like Hannu was just fine?? D=
I present to you my latestOh gosh this is way too cute! >w< Any pretenses I had about not shipping them are now out the window xDand greatest, a short little modern-day AU (http://archiveofourown.org/works/3816457) where Tuuri is maybe getting a little too involved in Lalli's life!
(okay it's not that good but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, and I had it sitting on my google drive for several months before unearthing and finally finishing it)
I just caught up on everything and oh, do I love them all!
Solo and Windy: Those are the cutest stories! XD So much adorableness. I have to say though, Windy, I didn't know what "Jag älskar dig" meant, so I was very surprised to see the translation! Pleasantly surprised, of course. But poor Tuuri, always having to translate and never getting any fulfilling ships of her own...
a short little modern-day AU where Tuuri is maybe getting a little too involved in Lalli's life!
KicknRun: Both of your stories are really intriguing! I really like what you did with the Sigrun one!
When you mention beta reading, do you just want someone who will look for spelling errors and so on?
While somebody to catch spelling errors would be great, what I need is somebody to bouce ideas off, keep charaecters IC and stuff along that line. And check spelling errors, I guesss.I can try to help you. Please be aware that I've never done something like it before, though.
Sooo, I just wrote my first fanfiction in like four years because of you guys :P It could probably use some more work, but here it is: http://aquaaurion.deviantart.com/art/Trapped-529703527 (http://aquaaurion.deviantart.com/art/Trapped-529703527)
Sooo, I just wrote my first fanfiction in like four years because of you guys :P It could probably use some more work, but here it is: http://aquaaurion.deviantart.com/art/Trapped-529703527 (http://aquaaurion.deviantart.com/art/Trapped-529703527)
I can try to help you. Please be aware that I've never done something like it before, though.
Sooo, I just wrote my first fanfiction in like four years because of you guys :P It could probably use some more work, but here it is: http://aquaaurion.deviantart.com/art/Trapped-529703527 (http://aquaaurion.deviantart.com/art/Trapped-529703527)
Okay, so I know that aRTD and SSSS are canonically not taking place in the same universe. But I can dream… This is a little short story of everyone’s favourite grump and his (human) dog getting a little cameo in the world of SSSS, and saving Lalli and Reynir’s bacon into the bargain.
As always, I hope you all like it!
Okay, so I know that aRTD and SSSS are canonically not taking place in the same universe. But I can dream… This is a little short story of everyone’s favourite grump and his (human) dog getting a little cameo in the world of SSSS, and saving Lalli and Reynir’s bacon into the bargain.I really like how you tied the two universes together through the dream world!
As always, I hope you all like it!
Sooo, I just wrote my first fanfiction in like four years because of you guys :P It could probably use some more work, but here it is: http://aquaaurion.deviantart.com/art/Trapped-529703527 (http://aquaaurion.deviantart.com/art/Trapped-529703527)It seems I'm not the only one fascinated by the dreamworld :)
I can try to help you. Please be aware that I've never done something like it before, though.
It seems I'm not the only one fascinated by the dreamworld :)Oh, I think we all are ;) I really hope we get to see more of it this chapter! It looks promising this far =D
KicknRun: Your stories so far are really good! I do hope Emil makes it out all right...
AquaAurion: Those are some intruiging ideas about the dreamworld you've got there. As you say, I hope we see more of it in this chapter!
And thanks to you both for your kind words on my ramblings above! :)
Okay, so I know that aRTD and SSSS are canonically not taking place in the same universe. But I can dream… This is a little short story of everyone’s favourite grump and his (human) dog getting a little cameo in the world of SSSS, and saving Lalli and Reynir’s bacon into the bargain.well if the point of fanfic isn't to make all your dreams come true then I don't know what is. I loved this. I also love the pacfim au fic, but you already know that. I made several very undignified sounds while reading it, accompanied by very excited tapping on my desk, eheheh
I call this...
KicknRun: Your stories so far are really good! I do hope Emil makes it out all right...Thank you! I was playing around with ideas in my head and thought it could be nice to include them in the story :D
AquaAurion: Those are some intruiging ideas about the dreamworld you've got there. As you say, I hope we see more of it in this chapter!
And thanks to you both for your kind words on my ramblings above! :)
I felt a bit gloomy today so I wrote a little fic about the fall of civilisation. It’s set in the Year 0 as the Rash takes hold in Denmark – specifically, the area of Kastrup that Emil, Lalli and Sigrun now have such fond memories of after chapter 5. I should probably warn you guys, it does contain one or two occasions of quite strong language, so if that’s not your cup of tea…hhhhhh that was so dark
Aside from that, I hope you all like it!
I felt a bit gloomy today so I wrote a little fic about the fall of civilisation. It’s set in the Year 0 as the Rash takes hold in Denmark – specifically, the area of Kastrup that Emil, Lalli and Sigrun now have such fond memories of after chapter 5. I should probably warn you guys, it does contain one or two occasions of quite strong language, so if that’s not your cup of tea…
Aside from that, I hope you all like it!
I felt a bit gloomy today so I wrote a little fic about the fall of civilisation. It’s set in the Year 0 as the Rash takes hold in Denmark – specifically, the area of Kastrup that Emil, Lalli and Sigrun now have such fond memories of after chapter 5. I should probably warn you guys, it does contain one or two occasions of quite strong language, so if that’s not your cup of tea…I agree, it's really well writen, and dark but sadly realistic to my mind. Oh, and the very last lines are very good too.
Aside from that, I hope you all like it!
I felt a bit gloomy today so I wrote a little fic about the fall of civilisation. It’s set in the Year 0 as the Rash takes hold in Denmark – specifically, the area of Kastrup that Emil, Lalli and Sigrun now have such fond memories of after chapter 5. I should probably warn you guys, it does contain one or two occasions of quite strong language, so if that’s not your cup of tea…
Aside from that, I hope you all like it!
I felt a bit gloomy today so I wrote a little fic about the fall of civilisation. It’s set in the Year 0 as the Rash takes hold in Denmark – specifically, the area of Kastrup that Emil, Lalli and Sigrun now have such fond memories of after chapter 5. I should probably warn you guys, it does contain one or two occasions of quite strong language, so if that’s not your cup of tea…
Aside from that, I hope you all like it!
I call this...
This… this story nearly killed me. I’ve had the idea for ages now, but every time I tried to write it down it just didn’t work, if that makes any sense. I actually had to sit down and force myself to keep at it, otherwise it’d be hanging over me for ever. Still, I think it’s turned out ok.Oh. My. Gosh. Loved it, we totally need more action Tuuri around here!
Anyway, this is a story of Tuuri and Reynir getting cornered by a troll. I just wanted to see Tuuri get in on the troll-slaying action, if I’m honest. I get the feeling that she could be pretty good at it if someone gave her a chance.
And, as always, I hope you all like it!
Anyway, this is a story of Tuuri and Reynir getting cornered by a troll. I just wanted to see Tuuri get in on the troll-slaying action, if I’m honest. I get the feeling that she could be pretty good at it if someone gave her a chance.
And, as always, I hope you all like it!
Haiz: That was perfect. Completely without intending to, you just made my birthday.
This… this story nearly killed me. I’ve had the idea for ages now, but every time I tried to write it down it just didn’t work, if that makes any sense. I actually had to sit down and force myself to keep at it, otherwise it’d be hanging over me for ever. Still, I think it’s turned out ok.You write very well :)
Anyway, this is a story of Tuuri and Reynir getting cornered by a troll. I just wanted to see Tuuri get in on the troll-slaying action, if I’m honest. I get the feeling that she could be pretty good at it if someone gave her a chance.
Standstill High part 4: dress dayThe most difficult, when you read at 2am, is not to laugh because the others are sleeping.
it took a little long and some responsibility neglection but here it is
You write very well :)skjndshjdsbnbdsfsd why does this keep happening
The most difficult, when you read at 2am, is not to laugh because the others are sleeping.
Haiz - that was hilarious, and perfect in every way. please please pleaseee never ever stop writing this series ;)as long as there are readers and as long as I get ideas, I won't!!! thank you so much
Haiz that's a super adorable story and I have told you how much I love it but. *frantically tries to upvote*akjsfdkjbdsnbsd sdasadjsan
Haiz, I don't know how I didn't read all of these before, but...oh wow that is
*excited hands and words*
*possibly screaming of happiness*
Also, is it odd that your stories have cleared up a lot of things for me? I've never actually met anybody confused about their sexuality (WEIRD I KNOW) and I've wondered about a lot of this stuff for a while. So thanks for entertaining and informing!
@Haiz: (I meant to mention this before, but my mind has been a little bit slippery this week) Like pretty much everyone else on this thread, I've been enjoying your AU very much! Not only is it humorous, but it made me so happy to see Tuuri's orientation as pansexual (considering i'm pansexual myself). Keep up the awesome work! ;)
ksjbnsdn dsosdfjnsd SINCE YOU ARE BEING SO KIND TO ME
written a little bonus scene
.......... I realize the mall trip was very rushed/glossed over, which is really sad considering its vast potential. Thus I present to you:
How Lalli Came To Own a Hoodie That Was Actually His SizeSpoiler: show
ksjbnsdn dsosdfjnsd SINCE YOU ARE BEING SO KIND TO ME
written a little bonus scene
.......... I realize the mall trip was very rushed/glossed over, which is really sad considering its vast potential. Thus I present to you:
How Lalli Came To Own a Hoodie That Was Actually His SizeSpoiler: show
He tried to sort his thoughts a little.
thought 1) ?
thought 2) ?? ? ??
thought 3) ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?
It didn’t help much.
oh NOThis pretty much describes my life now.
And that is the moment when I fell over laughing.I knoooow, I've already complained about that particular smiley shortcut because SOMETIMES YOU JUST GOTTA
(I had to space out the ?s in the quote because otherwise they make this: ???)
Of course I have to put this right below KicknRun's next (Finally!) chapter. Nothing compares well against brilliance. But so be it. Well, here's another one--or the first part of another one. I almost put this in the Crossovers thread, but Puppy-Fox should be in the SSSS world as Kuutar and Vellamo are. So, in the inevitable 12 millionthripoffhomage to Capra, I present:
“It’s a Wonderful Team”
Part 1Spoiler: show
Now read all the better stuff in this thread.
Chapter Two: Possession is Nine-tenths of the Law
“It’s a Wonderful Team”
Part 1
Hey all! My long-promised fic detailing how the Hotakainen kids came to Keuruu and got settled is finally HERE.It's an excellent idea to write on that moment :) I'll wait for your chapter 2.
Or rather, the first chatper of it! But fear not, chapter 2 will be coming shortly! :) It will feature even more adorableness from Tiny Tuuri and Tiny Lalli and maybe some more questionable parenting decisions from Onni.
Had to try the Drabble-matic here is a Shakespearean take on Sigrun and Mikkel.Oh my god... I think I laughed for a solid two minutes there. I need to play around with that site more XD
It's an excellent idea to write on that moment :) I'll wait for your chapter 2.It's coming! I gave a good idea of what I want it to be about, but nothing written down just yet... I think it'll focus a but more on Tuuri and Lalli though.
So, here's the next bit.
“It’s a Wonderful Team”
Part 2Spoiler: show
There you go.
Had to try the Drabble-matic
This version is Most Best
The Adventure Of The Rash Beast
"You most best silly," Sigrun said, tickling Mikkel with her hose. "It's completely terrifying."
But Mikkel, although he was magnificent, knew he had to save his love. He grabbed a soap and, Like a farmer washing pigs, beat the rash beast calmly until it ran off. "That will teach you to run innocent people."
Mikkel never loved again.
This part's "What We Already Know but Lalli Doesn't"
(But it's necessary story-wise)
“It’s a Wonderful Team”
Part 3Spoiler: show
So much for that.
This part's "What We Already Know but Lalli Doesn't"
(But it's necessary story-wise)
Horrible Eric gets worse.
(Wouldja believe it was the plan all along? It was.)
“It’s a Wonderful Team”
Part 4Spoiler: show
Here, have a short story I wrote:AGH this is so well written :o ;D
When in hell... (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11253387/1/When-in-hell)
No experience in his life had prepared Emil for his first visit to hell. Not that he believed in hell.
AGH this is so well written :o ;D
I love your title too
Is it supposed to be like the start of a sentence almost? Like When in Hell, Stand Still, Stay Silent (My most recent fan-fic is supposed to be hinting at a sentence "Always Remember, Stand Still, Stay Silent.") ?
Here, have a short story I wrote:
When in hell... (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11253387/1/When-in-hell)
No experience in his life had prepared Emil for his first visit to hell. Not that he believed in hell.
Nope, hadn't seen that before, I don't do tumblr. The first sentence just started echoing in my head so I needed to write it down to get it out. Lalli wasn't even supposed to be there and then he just started throwing blankets at Emil and I couldn't just ignore him :Pcome to AO3 dammit XD
That was cute! also, is it by any chance from this prompt? (http://kinky-ssss.tumblr.com/post/117644268104/lalli-being-protective-of-sick-injured-emil-tuuri) If it is, you should send it in! :)
I'll come to AO3 when you come to ff.net!
The last part, and an epilogue. I hope nobody's too disappointed.Why would anybody be disappointed, it was great! And I wanted to punch Eric too.
“It’s a Wonderful Team”
Part 5Spoiler: show
“It’s a Wonderful Team”
EpilogueSpoiler: show
And that's it.
Here, have a short story I wrote:Too adorable
When in hell... (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11253387/1/When-in-hell)
No experience in his life had prepared Emil for his first visit to hell. Not that he believed in hell.
Soooo, I have a theory on how there are trolls in the Dream-space.
It is a rather short theory, but here goes:
Someone (a mage) was infected with the Rash, and didnt know it. They went into their dream-place and travelled around, doing stuff, and then, the Rash started to develop. It killed them, and they went around, stuck as a troll in the dream and out of it. They infected a ton of people and turned them into trolls, and stuff.
So, anyone agree?
Soooo, I have a theory on how there are trolls in the Dream-space.
It is a rather short theory, but here goes:
Someone (a mage) was infected with the Rash, and didnt know it. They went into their dream-place and travelled around, doing stuff, and then, the Rash started to develop. It killed them, and they went around, stuck as a troll in the dream and out of it. They infected a ton of people and turned them into trolls, and stuff.
So, anyone agree?
Who likes Pacific Rim? Haiz and I, that’s who. So for those of you (the five of you) who were waiting for the next instalment of the Pacific Rim crossover that ze postulated and I started writing about a month ago, well here it is! Now, it probably won’t be what you were expecting – I got writer’s block on the fight, so I made a ‘meet the team’ website page while I waited for it to clear. What happens when General Trond Andersen blackmails Torbjorn Västerström to be the head of PR? Something like this:
Who likes Pacific Rim? Haiz and I, that’s who. So for those of you (the five of you) who were waiting for the next instalment of the Pacific Rim crossover that ze postulated and I started writing about a month ago, well here it is!
After his courageous actions in the Siege of Nyborg, where he co-ordinated three war zeppelins against the attacking giants by shouting over the black noise jamming the radio communications, he was promoted to Admiral in 2038 and has commanded the Air Fleet ever since.
At long last! I've managed finally to POST the second half of 'A Few Of Mikkel's Secrets' to Archive Of Our Own. I put the first bit up over a month ago, and have had the second part ready for a couple of weeks, but haven't been able to get the Cursed Machineries to cooperate in putting it up. However a technically skilled person/Noble Rescuer was here this evening and managed to beat the Machineries into submission. So it's up! I'm 'Tanist' over there, since their system won't recognise my usual name. There might eventually be more of the story; the last few paragraphs will tell you why. But not at present - real life is wildly busy just now!I waited for that chapter, but wasn't prepared for such greatness. Thank you. I loved everything about it!
Here is the link to Chapter two
Here is Chapter one, for those who haven't read it
Thinking I might stick with what I know and write a 'What If..' piece about British survivors, if I write anything.
I am working on a Christmas story.
I can promise you that your ideas (whatever they may be) will almost certainly be a bit more realistic than mine...Realism? Pfff, what's that?
Here is the link to Chapter two
Here is Chapter one, for those who haven't read it
Realism? Pfff, what's that?
I don't know if you've ever seen Gurren Lagann, but obviously I was going to end it with the participants literally throwing entire universes at each other.
(Please note that this genuinely happens in Gurren Lagann.)
I was wondering if any of you natives could tell me what companies exist as jewelry shops and sporting/camping/hunting stores in Copenhagen. I am working on a Christmas fic where the characters are going to search for things other than books to give each other as Christmas gifts. Many things will have fallen to dust in 90 years but gold and gems will not. And aluminum camping pots will be intact too. Possibly even high grade cast ironware if they were still in boxes and not directly under a waterleak. Guns and ammo locked in a gunsafe could still be fine. If you can think of any other durable product that survived that they might scrounge as presents let me know.Long-life canned food, if stored properly.
Synthetic rope (don't know if you know how labour-intensive making natural rope is, even if you can get the hemp or flax. An intact coil of nylon rope would be a treasure).Speaking from experience, making properly strong and reliable natural rope is massively irritating, even if you've got properly prepared flax fibres.
I was wondering if any of you natives could tell me what companies exist as jewelry shops and sporting/camping/hunting stores in Copenhagen. I am working on a Christmas fic where the characters are going to search for things other than books to give each other as Christmas gifts. Many things will have fallen to dust in 90 years but gold and gems will not. And aluminum camping pots will be intact too. Possibly even high grade cast ironware if they were still in boxes and not directly under a waterleak. Guns and ammo locked in a gunsafe could still be fine. If you can think of any other durable product that survived that they might scrounge as presents let me know.
Long-life canned food, if stored properly.
You could be nice to your characters and give them hot chocolate, or be cruel and make it pickles or Spam or something.
Don't they occasionally find supplies from late-19th and early-20th century polar explorers that are still edible? A quick peek at Wikipedia re: Scott's doomed Antarctic expedition (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott%27s_Hut) turned up this:Well, with modern food and the amount of preservatives and sealing going into them, if they happened to be in a cool basement or something similar I can't see why they wouldn't still be edible after 90 years. Especially desiccated things like chocolate powder.
While the preservation of food in the freezing temperatures and dry climate has been noted, bacterial decay still occurs. Visitors describe the seal meat preserved at the Discovery Hut as smelling 'quite rancid', and some[who?] have expressed concerns that the fabric of these huts are being affected by fungal decay.
I was wondering if any of you natives could tell me what companies exist as jewelry shops and sporting/camping/hunting stores in Copenhagen. I am working on a Christmas fic where the characters are going to search for things other than books to give each other as Christmas gifts.
I know that glass from pre-industrial eras flows and deforms very slowly over time, which is why stained-glass windowpanes in cathedrals and such are now slightly thicker at the bottom than the top.Actually that is being disputed (http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/General/Glass/glass.html).
Actually that is being disputed (http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/General/Glass/glass.html).
Anyway, to quote an even more relevant part of that article:
"Sometimes people say that good evidence that glass does not flow is provided by telescope lenses which after 150 years still maintain excellent optical qualities. They would be spoiled by the slightest deformation."
As someone slogging through a science degree, I’m slightly sad we never saw much of Siv’s work in the comic. So I wrote this, a short story of Siv pulling a late shift in the lab on the night Torbjörn quit his job. Remember those trolls in the background of page 138? Siv certainly will after this…
I hope you all like it!
(I really need to stop writing and do some revision now)
As someone slogging through a science degree, I’m slightly sad we never saw much of Siv’s work in the comic. So I wrote this, a short story of Siv pulling a late shift in the lab on the night Torbjörn quit his job. Remember those trolls in the background of page 138? Siv certainly will after this…
I hope you all like it!
(I really need to stop writing and do some revision now)
As someone slogging through a science degree, I’m slightly sad we never saw much of Siv’s work in the comic. So I wrote this, a short story of Siv pulling a late shift in the lab on the night Torbjörn quit his job. Remember those trolls in the background of page 138? Siv certainly will after this…
I hope you all like it!
(I really need to stop writing and do some revision now)
Brilliant! (Troll names FTW...)
Count on a Hand
Whoa, that has a great mood. Because of it I imagine the trolls sitting by the campfire, greeting a stranger, even though it's nonsense, but that's just me.
Anyway, here goes nothing:
And good grief, this is my twelfth fanfic for SSSS! I really need to figure out how to stop…..Please don't figure it out. c:
Oof, double-posting here. Bad SectoBoss!
This is what happens when I write fanfiction on 48 hours with no sleep: I go a bit crazy and write a story about a giant telling a gang of trolls the legend of the six warriors and their iron beast that invaded Copenhagen in the winter of Year 90. I think in my addled state I’ve developed a sort of ‘I am Legend’-style headcanon for the trolls and giants.
(Looking back, I also think I’ve been inspired by KicknRun’s Count on a Hand here. Go read that, it's better.)
Anyway, here goes nothing:
And good grief, this is my twelfth fanfic for SSSS! I really need to figure out how to stop…
Woohoo! We've made it to 40 stories on AO3 alone! I remember when it was something like 15...I remember when we had 10 and half of them were mine and I felt like a horrible person for dragging the fandom into ship territory.
As someone slogging through a science degree, I’m slightly sad we never saw much of Siv’s work in the comic. So I wrote this, a short story of Siv pulling a late shift in the lab on the night Torbjörn quit his job. Remember those trolls in the background of page 138? Siv certainly will after this…
Today on: Kick writes wish fulfillment!
Oooohh that was most awesome!
And...uhh. I'm hoping this won't be too off topic. And I also hope you won't mind terribly (I'm so sorry if you do mind), but when I saw that truly lovely runo, THE INSPIRATION JUST HIT ME and I...kinda made a Finnish rendition of it. It's not a straight translation of course, and I'm not really that good at Kalevala meter (or poems in general) so I'm afraid this isn't nearly as good as what someone like Mikko could come up with, but I HAD TO do it:
Thank god. I was actually going to write it in Kalevala meter, but then I nope'd outta that faster than your average politician, so that didn't happen. I am just so happy that somebody did a thing for my thing oKAy. Thank you a lot!
(also I kinda ended up making my own kinda of meter in the process. kinda)
Today on: Kick writes wish fulfillment!Love, love, love this!
They were lucky, the first few raids.The first raid wasn’t too bad, and practice makes perfect, right? The second and third raids went just fine.
This raid was on a crash course to failing spectacularly.
Everything goes wrong, very very loudly. Its in a library, once proud stone now decaying, what is means defiled and gone, ready to be opened like one of the Old World’s innumerable rotten presents.
(Number 42: library, many books above ground, preserved books below ground. high value collection)
There is a loud rumbling sound, and as Tuuri looks out from the window, more of the roof starts to cave in. Mikkel is at the door of the library, and Sigrun, Lalli, and Emil already seem to be getting out of there. Sigrun, of all people, has a gash running down her arm, and favors her arm as she runs. Tuuri starts the engine.
It doesn’t start, and the ground begins to rumble. There is a thudding sound at the cockpit, and Tuuri turns her head to look back at the door, even though she already knows who it is.
“Is something happening! What’s going on? ”, Reynir yelps in panicked Icelandic, and Tuuri winces, because she needs to think, and having a panicking Icelandic boy at the door is not. Helping.
Tuuri tries to start the engine again, and it fails again.
“I’m starting the engine! We’re leaving, and everything will be fine.”, Tuuri lies. She tries not to think of what ‘everything will be fine’ means, because she isn’t fooling herself, and she doesn’t think she’s fooling Reynir either. Because, if she can’t start this engine, they’ll all be nothing but dead, and she can’t have that.
The ground rumbles again, stronger, and Tuuri feels it though the metal treads of the tank. The old library collapses in on itself,entirely, and something like a displeased rumble sounds.
Its a giant
a giant
The word giant loops itself on an endless circle around her mind, stopping everything else. Then Tuuri forces down her panic like the weak little thing it is, and tries the engine one last time.
And the proximity monitor beeps. They’ve finally reached the tank. Tuuri yanks down the lever that will let them in and leaves them to close the door for themselves.
The engine still hasn’t started. She had a ton of luck right now, a full load but a broken boat.
Something weak and fleshy starts breaking out from the once-library, and a chittering starts, and Tuuri knows she will not die this way.
Onni had never taught her much about this, but he had taught her a little, and that was hopefully enough. Beside, any Finn worth their salt knew how to compose a runo. What she needed was a goddess, and a goal. She (un)fortunately had both.
They must be getting restless now, but they couldn't leave until they had been decontaminated , so she could do this. Actually, she had to do this.
Tuuri stands up, spreads her arms straight and wide, takes a deep breath, and sings.
I call to Tuuri, my namesake
Listen to my fear
as I call to your grace
From a dark and silent land
Full of danger, this place
Grant of me you grace
I beg
I plea
I beseech
for luck
So we can live,
a goal we hope to reach
For Tuonela is another day
Our lives a keepsake
Her arms drop, and Tuuri takes in a swallow from her throat to her now much dryer mouth. Tuuri counts to ten before trying the engine once again, because the goddess could always choose not to listen, or punish her for her impatience, and they would all die.
The engine starts.
A/N: ahhh, i really just wanted to see Tuuri do something magic, since Minna said that even people who don't have magical talent can do runos, and I'm pretty proud of this catastrophe. and to anyone who's reading Hop Skip Fall, the next chapter's going smooth! I'm just putting 75% of my creative output into the Tomorrow Villains AU, which is going to be lengthy.
Word count is 624 words. Its like 200 in my notebook.
Aw yisssssssssssss. I am so ready. And I like how Sigrun is recognizable after 6 years, and how Renyir still gets his hopes and dreams dashed.
Also, about the badass Tuuri thing I might have just written another story and started revealing depths to her character just maybe oops.
There seems to be a lot of great things happening in the Scriptorium, and I'm hoping to catch up with all of it at some point! For the time being I've read the first chapter of Solovei's Hotakainen backstory and everything by SectoBoss, and it's all great! I don't think you need to hear any additional squee'ing about the pacific rim au, just know that there is a lot of it.
ANYWAY, I kind of promised in the art thread to write some more of that high school au, involving cookies. So I did. It's short, ridiculous and as OOC as ever, I hope you enjoy it!
~*Standstill High part 5: The Cookiepocalypse*~ (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/120924537644/standstill-high-part-5-cookiepocalypse)
(only english version for the time being, might translate if I get the opportunity later on)
There seems to be a lot of great things happening in the Scriptorium, and I'm hoping to catch up with all of it at some point! For the time being I've read the first chapter of Solovei's Hotakainen backstory and everything by SectoBoss, and it's all great! I don't think you need to hear any additional squee'ing about the pacific rim au, just know that there is a lot of it.
ANYWAY, I kind of promised in the art thread to write some more of that high school au, involving cookies. So I did. It's short, ridiculous and as OOC as ever, I hope you enjoy it!
~*Standstill High part 5: The Cookiepocalypse*~ (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/120924537644/standstill-high-part-5-cookiepocalypse)
(only english version for the time being, might translate if I get the opportunity later on)
~*Standstill High part 5: The Cookiepocalypse*~ (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/120924537644/standstill-high-part-5-cookiepocalypse)
(only english version for the time being, might translate if I get the opportunity later on)
Wait a secondyeaaahh that's what I usually do, but for a Variety of Reasons I can't do the translation thingy for the moment, and since most of you don't speak or read Norwegian anyway........ it can wait.
Aren't you supposed to have the Norwegian thingy first.
ANYWAY, I kind of promised in the art thread to write some more of that high school au, involving cookies. So I did. It's short, ridiculous and as OOC as ever, I hope you enjoy it!"Awwwwww..." ? *Less and less constructive*
~*Standstill High part 5: The Cookiepocalypse*~ (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/120924537644/standstill-high-part-5-cookiepocalypse)
(only english version for the time being, might translate if I get the opportunity later on)
There seems to be a lot of great things happening in the Scriptorium, and I'm hoping to catch up with all of it at some point! For the time being I've read the first chapter of Solovei's Hotakainen backstory and everything by SectoBoss, and it's all great! I don't think you need to hear any additional squee'ing about the pacific rim au, just know that there is a lot of it.
ANYWAY, I kind of promised in the art thread to write some more of that high school au, involving cookies. So I did. It's short, ridiculous and as OOC as ever, I hope you enjoy it!
~*Standstill High part 5: The Cookiepocalypse*~ (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/120924537644/standstill-high-part-5-cookiepocalypse)
(only english version for the time being, might translate if I get the opportunity later on)
There seems to be a lot of great things happening in the Scriptorium, and I'm hoping to catch up with all of it at some point! For the time being I've read the first chapter of Solovei's Hotakainen backstory and everything by SectoBoss, and it's all great! I don't think you need to hear any additional squee'ing about the pacific rim au, just know that there is a lot of it.
ANYWAY, I kind of promised in the art thread to write some more of that high school au, involving cookies. So I did. It's short, ridiculous and as OOC as ever, I hope you enjoy it!
~*Standstill High part 5: The Cookiepocalypse*~ (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/120924537644/standstill-high-part-5-cookiepocalypse)
(only english version for the time being, might translate if I get the opportunity later on)
Edit : will we see an Ikea excursion ? :DhMMmM it's on the list of possible scenarios, if I ever come up with a plot for that (or if I visit IKEA anytime soon... fun fact: i applied for a summer job on IKEA. i didn't get it of course but still), it may happen >:]
Broke a mirror off the cattank in full view of two of my team mates?hahaha YEAH PRETTY MUCH
Attacked by a troll and I have a gun, a shortsword, and a bandolier of grenades?
Lalli's trying to steal dough from an easily carriable bowl?
Yeah, I think you have Emil's thought process down Haiz.
ANYWAY, I kind of promised in the art thread to write some more of that high school au, involving cookies. So I did. It's short, ridiculous and as OOC as ever, I hope you enjoy it!
~*Standstill High part 5: The Cookiepocalypse*~ (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/120924537644/standstill-high-part-5-cookiepocalypse)
ok um, so here is my fanfic, and um, criticism is welcome, so yea.
chapter one
rated T
for: turkeyrunes
I own nothing, all characters belong to the creator of stand still stay silent
what happened?" emil asked, his voice rough.
ok um, so here is my fanfic, and um, criticism is welcome, so yea.This is wonderful!
Aside from what Roisin said, your problems seem mostly technical, as mentioned by KicknRun: paragraphing, punctuation, and capitalization errors detract from a very solid story opening. My advice: slow down; go over what you've written; and perhaps have someone else proofread. Again, as an opening chapter, it seems sound story-wise.
See if you can buy or find online a little book by Ursula K LeGuin called 'From Elfland to Poughkeepsie'. It is a precious book about how to write good fantasy/SF. And how to write well in general.
Sigrun is likely annoyed enough to haunt Emil for the rest of his probably brief days!Sigrun: "Hey, this is great! I was afraid I'ld have to work around the language barrier with interpretative dance or something to tell you about your part in my revenge plan, my little Finnish mage."
Sigrun: "Hey, this is great! I was afraid I'ld have to work around the language barrier with interpretative dance or something to tell you about your part in my revenge plan, my little Finnish mage."
Somehow, Emil gets back, away from the school (the place where her body lies, probably with some troll or beast is already consuming it. emil knows he’d consider it a fate worse than death) and over the truck (didn’t she help you up that?), and to the tank, where he almost but doesn’t quite crash into the door. He slides down it instead, crumpling.The door opens. Mikkel comes out. “Where is Sigrun?, he asks.
Emil doesn’t honestly know the answer.
(Emil does not cry himself to sleep. He simply cries.)
Wha... what's happening here ? O_o T_T
Uhh, nobody's really written anything sad for this fandom yet, but i just did?We're reaching my own limits in fanfiction. I'll just pretend I have not read that.
Uhh, nobody's really written anything sad for this fandom yet, but i just did?Oh yes they have. There have been a few (too many, for my liking) fics with character deaths and the like. I'm a little concerned, actually. Do people think there's something wrong with the somewhat lighthearted tone of the comic?
I wrote a 1000+ words today! Crap.Oh my god, poor Emil and poor Sigrun T_TSpoiler: WARNINGS FOR THE STORY show
Something That Will Follow Us
Sigrun checked her watch. It had been about fifteen minutes since Emil had gone off to check for danger. He was either killing something idiotically, lost, or idiotically dead. Hopefully, Emil was lost. If he had spectacularly bad luck, he was dead. Sigrun put the watch back, and set out for Emil.(or his body)¤
Emil’s hand is on the trigger of his gun. Beginner's mistake.¤
Emil had pretty good ears, Sigrun considered. He could have made a pretty good Hunter, back in Norway. Too bad he was dripping ‘round the ears and, ya know, not from Norway.
Sigrun’s ears perk up. Pitter pat. Pitter patter. Its not from the rain either-which has stopped-it’s feet. Which is good, because she did not want to deal with a deal body. Sigrun curves around to duck her head into one corridor. The sound is louder here, and now more of a shuffle than a patter. One of the doors are open. All the other doors are closed.
Sigrun goes through the open door. Shuffle. Emil is there, back turned away from her. A smile comes to her face. At least he isn’t dead.
There is a dead body on the floor, and she is smiling. Sigrun is smiling. Sigrun is dead. Sigrun is smiling and dead. Emil killed Sigrun.
The gun drops. Emil runs. Emil falls, on crazy lady, on the woman who saved his life ,on Sigrun Eide from Dalsnes, with a family that is still alive, skilled enough to survive too many brutal hunting seasons but not one stupid trainee and Emil hears a crack and he isn’t quite sure who it belongs to but he flails around some more and (deadeadMURDERER) and gets up and runs. Calling it flying would be far too elegant, and calling it fleeing would be far too cruel, but it is accurate. Emil flees.¤
Somehow, Emil gets back, away from the school (the place where her body lies, probably with some troll or beast is already consuming it. emil knows he’d consider it a fate worse than death) and over the truck (didn’t she help you up that?), and to the tank, where he almost but doesn’t quite crash into the door. He slides down it instead, crumpling.The door opens. Mikkel comes out. “Where is Sigrun?, he asks.
Emil doesn’t honestly know the answer.
(Emil does not cry himself to sleep. He simply cries.)
A/N; huwooo, everything i wrote today was sad. I'm never writing death again by the way. also, to the people who follow me on tumblr, yup, this was the worrying sentence. EDIT: This was written before the monday page happened, and it was typed afterwards.
BONUS:where is the title from-hint the comic
Like my feels weren't broken already ;n;
~*Standstill High part 5: The Cookiepocalypse*~ (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/120924537644/standstill-high-part-5-cookiepocalypse)
(only english version for the time being, might translate if I get the opportunity later on)
So is this where little vignettes of our self-inserts with the rest of the comic characters go?
I see, will ask there. Thank you! :)
I don't think so. I posted a little thing directly into the Self-insert thread, and nobody said anything.
You might want to try the Collaboration Self-insert thread.
Hello dear survivalists of the known world, I come bearing gifts.Both of these were so sweet~ ^w^
I'm not too big on actually writing in the forum, but I wrote two fics by now, and I don't want to keep them from you.
Is both Emil/Lalli, but can be seen as platonic if necessary.
hands (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4048234)
Outside of a cat, a book is a man's best friend (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4113277)
Run Fast, Run Far
A Stand Still. Stay Silent fanfic
Part ISpoiler: show
Haiz did a doodle-or-die of the crew tasting coffee for the first time, with some pretty spectacular results. This is my attempt to write the story of that misadventure, in the very vague style of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (with a few cameos from some familiar trolls):
Hope you guys like it!
Haiz did a doodle-or-die of the crew tasting coffee for the first time, with some pretty spectacular results. This is my attempt to write the story of that misadventure, in the very vague style of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (with a few cameos from some familiar trolls):I think I bruised a rib.
Hope you guys like it!
Haiz did a doodle-or-die of the crew tasting coffee for the first time, with some pretty spectacular results. This is my attempt to write the story of that misadventure, in the very vague style of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (with a few cameos from some familiar trolls):ahahHAHAHA YEESSsSsssSSSS
Haiz did a doodle-or-die of the crew tasting coffee for the first time, with some pretty spectacular results. This is my attempt to write the story of that misadventure, in the very vague style of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (with a few cameos from some familiar trolls):Hahahahah, my face is hurting now xD
Hope you guys like it!
Haiz did a doodle-or-die of the crew tasting coffee for the first time, with some pretty spectacular results. This is my attempt to write the story of that misadventure, in the very vague style of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (with a few cameos from some familiar trolls):
Hope you guys like it!
This is so good!!!
And the trolls!!
"It accordioned away over the ruined car and into a crumbling building like a living spring, pausing to absentmindedly swat at the screaming troll as it did so."
Can we please have some fics centered only on our most best trolls? Blep, BlorpTroll, LaufeyTroll and GramophoneTroll deserve their own adventures on the Silent World.
I would totally read that fic! (Is GramophoneTroll the same as :V-troll or did I miss one?)
Haiz did a doodle-or-die of the crew tasting coffee for the first time, with some pretty spectacular results. This is my attempt to write the story of that misadventure, in the very vague style of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (with a few cameos from some familiar trolls):
Hope you guys like it!
Haiz did a doodle-or-die of the crew tasting coffee for the first time, with some pretty spectacular results. This is my attempt to write the story of that misadventure, in the very vague style of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (with a few cameos from some familiar trolls):
Hope you guys like it!
Haiz did a doodle-or-die of the crew tasting coffee for the first time, with some pretty spectacular results. This is my attempt to write the story of that misadventure, in the very vague style of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (with a few cameos from some familiar trolls):The trolls ! The trolls ! How couldn't we like it ? ;D
Hope you guys like it!
Haiz did a doodle-or-die of the crew tasting coffee for the first time, with some pretty spectacular results. This is my attempt to write the story of that misadventure, in the very vague style of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (with a few cameos from some familiar trolls):
Hope you guys like it!
Can we please have some fics centered only on our most best trolls? Blep, BlorpTroll, LaufeyTroll and GramophoneTroll deserve their own adventures on the Silent World.
Anyway, here it is for those that are interested! http://archiveofourown.org/works/3954073/chapters/9300582 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/3954073/chapters/9300582)I like this fic!!
Hey all! Remember how I said I'd finish the second chapter of "Beginnings" fairly soon?I really like what you're doing with them :) It's both sweet and very serious, sad but with some hope.
Well, that was only half true. I did finish it, but it took me almost a month T_T
Anyway, here it is for those that are interested! http://archiveofourown.org/works/3954073/chapters/9300582 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/3954073/chapters/9300582)
also the thought if teeny tiny lalli falling asleep and probably exploring the dreamworld is both very cute and intriguing and I'm excited for the next part!
And what is young Lalli following, I wonder? I look forward to reading more of this tale.
Chapter three of the Pacific Rim crossover is now up! (It’s been ready for about a week but for some reason I forgot to post it.)
Zeppelins frighten trolls! Lalli speaks! Tuuri steals a spy satellite! And the Jaeger and the giant still haven’t met yet. Where am I going with all this? Heck if I know, but I’m going to keep writing anyway!
I hope you like it! And thanks to Haiz for your support during the writing of this chapter.
Solovei, KicknRun, I look forward to the continuation of both of your stories!
Chapter three of the Pacific Rim crossover is now up! (It’s been ready for about a week but for some reason I forgot to post it.)Wait, chapter THREE? Why did nobody tell me there was even a chapter TWO? XD I feel so betrayed!
Zeppelins frighten trolls! Lalli speaks! Tuuri steals a spy satellite! And the Jaeger and the giant still haven’t met yet. Where am I going with all this? Heck if I know, but I’m going to keep writing anyway!
I hope you like it! And thanks to Haiz for your support during the writing of this chapter.
Solovei, KicknRun, I look forward to the continuation of both of your stories!
KicknRun: ooh nice introduction! It seems like you've got a good worldbuilding down for this AU, and setting the intro up as an essay was a nice touch. I noticed a few typos here and there, especially with punctuation/lack of space after commas, but considering it's supposed to be written by a younger Tuuri, it might be deliberate? Then again, grade 11 isn't actually that young, and Tuuri seems to be the kind of person who would get top grades in language subjects. It also seems a tad unplausible that they would have to write essays about this kind of thing in grade 11, since the empowerment is a big part of your setting and most people would probably know a lot of this already, but I have no idea how the school systems in your AU work. Maybe grade 11 age isn't the same as the 11th grade I know in my world.
So yeah okay that was an attempt at sounding constructive at 1:30AM, but I liked it! as long as there won't be any major character death (which i will not touch with a ten foot pole sorry) I will definitely read this series. superpower aus are wonderful
I'd prefer this was a bit more polished, but it's too close to the 1k limit now, for my tastes.
With apologies for any deflated expectations:
Run Fast, Run Far
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part IISpoiler: show
ahah, okay then. As for grammar, you do clearly have a grasp on it and it's not a big deal anyway, but maybe reading through before posting or having a beta-reader would be good?
This idea was born out of two separate ones: I wanted to see the crew several years down the line getting put back together, and for some mad reason I wanted to see how Reynir would react to seeing a helicopter. Somewhere along the way, it became the story of the known world coming to an end and Sigrun putting the crew back together for one last desperate mission out into the silent lands to save it. The actual mission itself I have no intention of actually writing – what I’ve got is already probably going to get canoned super hard within a year or two, plus long stories are way too hard for me to write.Good, good, good, good, good!
Anyway, enough spiel:
I hope you like it! (And yes, the title is a Pacific Rim reference. You watch that film enough times for a crossover fic and bits start to rub off on you.)
And KicknRun: I love your story! We really need more badass Tuuri around here.
Good, good, good, good, good!
Chapter three of the Pacific Rim crossover is now up! (It’s been ready for about a week but for some reason I forgot to post it.)Whoa, this story is really good!! Such an awesome crossover :D
Zeppelins frighten trolls! Lalli speaks! Tuuri steals a spy satellite! And the Jaeger and the giant still haven’t met yet. Where am I going with all this? Heck if I know, but I’m going to keep writing anyway!
I hope you like it! And thanks to Haiz for your support during the writing of this chapter.
The photo book was worn and cracking now. The combination of obsessive flipping and the years of the elements had not been kind to it. She had found it, where she remembered it to be - a fever ridden place in a long abandoned and run down apartment in Frederiksberg.
How long had she wandered was unknown, but sometimes the headaches would just take over and the madness would come. Already the madness was pawing - incessant and feral.
Vision swam and refocused. Sarah Hansen at the age of thirteen had won silver in the junior 10k run on the 6th of April. The newspaper clipping had been carefully cut at the time, now the image of the winners had blurred to indistinction. The date was only two years from when the outbreak happened and when the madness started.
The place she had made for herself was once a basement. Various lockers with chicken wire and dusty numbers indicated the possessions of people. Most of the storage places had been cleared out. Clothes strewn on the concrete floor. Toys and various electronic devices lay in the corners mouldering.
Light came from light bulbs powered by a combination of car batteries and an emergency generator she had found. The emergency generator had once been part of a military dump. The creatures had over run it and the personnel dead or gone. A rifle, the generator and some food is what she had taken with her.
The food had tasted awful and the rifle took her a long time to understand how to use it. Complicated forethought demanding actions when the madness took hold were nearly impossible. Still she persisted and when she was reading, the madness would be distracted for a while.
Books were her great obsession. The more complicated the topic, the quieter the madness would become. Books. She needed more books. A wall of the basement was piled from floor to ceiling. She was already starting a second row of books.
Sunlight hurt when she walked among the streets. She had to be careful there were creatures hiding among the buildings. Constantly hungry, constantly searching.
Sometimes she would take a car battery to the beat up Saab. It's tires partially deflated. The engine worked well and sometimes she would take gas from other cars and drive it along the roads. It could only be driven during the day. At night the roads were far too treacherous and the creatures far too curious to survive.
There was the university library and main library, but since a nest of creatures had become awakened in the main library she could no longer go back. Still finding non-damaged books was becoming near impossible now and the hunger's gnawing.
She picked up a book on anatomy. It was a recent addition from a stash she had found. It was a familiar topic, the memory of using a book like this numerous times. She remembered being at the hospital, checking the latest CBC of a patient. There were mutations along the patient's body, what was keeping the body fixed was becoming fluid. The frustration and anger for so many patients that couldn't be helped. They weren't even rationing medication anymore, everything was being diverted now into research. The madness was becoming greater again.
The power must have run out. It took a while to find the backup generator and start up the lights. She was back. Books had been strewn all across the floor. She picked them up and placed them back in their rightful place.
She picked up the photo book and read and re-read the articles inside, remembering and seeing the photos of herself and her parents. The madness for now was sleeping. She took her photo book and a car battery, heading to the parking lot.
She was driving the old Saab. The gears would grind in a bad way when shifted. She was already making good time, where exactly she couldn't remember but the road was familiar. A school perhaps?
She drove on to the motorway, avoiding overgrown vehicles and pot holes. The hospital complex was ever increasingly larger in front of her.
She was sitting in the car in a school parking lot. Water was cascading down. A deer had lept past a few hours ago, now she was watching a dog as it sniffed among the debris. They looked at each other and the dog continued on looking for its quarry.
There was a crash from the main entrance, a sound that raised her curiosity. The madness was there urging her on. She picked up her rifle and took her empty rucksack, placing the photo book carefully inside.
An empty window yawned with welcome darkness as she carefully clambered over the broken sheet glass making crunching sounds under her feet. She moved through the classroom with its upended pulpits in the shape of a dragon and peered through the opening.
There were two men, no boys speaking! She wanted to rush in, confront them. But there were no rescuers for her. Instead she listened to them complain about the usual boyish things like weather. Weather!
She listened in to them, finally sliding down to sit among the pulpits. Her foot slipped and one of the pulpits moved with a jarring sound. She froze and listened. The voices stopped. One said they should ignore it, the other said that he would investigate.
She gripped her rifle as he walked forward. A sound from outside distracted him and he continued onwards. She waited to what would happen next when she heard the staccato of an automatic rifle.
Smells of acrid smoke and wet fur came to her as an inhuman keening followed. The rifle was silent. She clutched her knapsack and her rifle. Madness was stalking her now and it knew where she was.
First post to the forums.
This story runs in parallel with the current comic until the following panel:
There may be more at a later point.
*Maniacal laughter intensifies*
So, here's the next part.
Let the epicness begin.
Run Fast, Run Far
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part IIISpoiler: show
I'd put it in the "Scenes we'd like to see" thread, but I don't want to see this scene.Spoiler: show
I'd put it in the "Scenes we'd like to see" thread, but I don't want to see this scene.Spoiler: show
I'd put it in the "Scenes we'd like to see" thread, but I don't want to see this scene.O_OSpoiler: show
I'd put it in the "Scenes we'd like to see" thread, but I don't want to see this scene.Spoiler: show
I'd put it in the "Scenes we'd like to see" thread, but I don't want to see this scene.I had a similar conclusion with a friend yesterday evening. I admire how Minna is building her universe, it's dark but beautiful but dark, and this is both a sad and very good idea.Spoiler: show
Danish National Archives: File ARC-F32 "Excerpts of pre-Rash news articles, found near Hägnars, Åland Islands, former Finland (Y40)"Spoiler: show
Nothing bad happens. Promise.you filthy liar
Would I lie to you?
Fanfiction 15. Someone stop this madness...
I wrote a cheerful little story about Emil and Lalli getting their hands on a frisbee!
Nothing bad happens. Promise.
Would I lie to you?
Hope you like it!
I’m so sorry I lied.
you filthy liar
reactions in order of reading:
- yes. yeessssss.
- *slams hands on desk repeatedly* THIS IS THE CONTENT I LIKE TO SEE
- o_o
- O____________________O
- ;_____________________________;
...........what a good fic though. what a good
Hope you like it!
I’m so sorry I lied.
Fanfiction 15. Someone stop this madness...
I wrote a cheerful little story about Emil and Lalli getting their hands on a frisbee!
Nothing bad happens. Promise.
Would I lie to you?
Hope you like it!
I’m so sorry I lied.
You definitively should write more.Fanfiction 15. Someone stop this madness...
I wrote a cheerful little story about Emil and Lalli getting their hands on a frisbee!
Nothing bad happens. Promise.
Would I lie to you?
Hope you like it!
I’m so sorry I lied.
I wrote a cheerful little story about Emil and Lalli getting their hands on a frisbee!*Coughs*
Nothing bad happens. Promise.
Would I lie to you?
This thing never ends, does it?
By request (sort of)
The Forest, the Flames, and the Old, Old Man
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: show
Spoiler: show
By request (sort of)
The Forest, the Flames, and the Old, Old Man
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: show
By request (sort of)
The Forest, the Flames, and the Old, Old Man
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
By request (sort of)What did you do to me?? I can't stop crying. This was beautiful. I don't know what to say.
The Forest, the Flames, and the Old, Old Man
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: show
By request (sort of)
The Forest, the Flames, and the Old, Old Man
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: show
By request (sort of)A lot of talent evident in your works here. Use of language was very good, and it moved very fluidly.
The Forest, the Flames, and the Old, Old Man
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: show
By request (sort of)
The Forest, the Flames, and the Old, Old Man
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: show
Since not all of you on Tumblr, I've put up my latest prompt thing on AO3 as well!
Since not all of you on Tumblr, I've put up my latest prompt thing on AO3 as well!
By request (sort of)
The Forest, the Flames, and the Old, Old Man
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: show
Cool idea, great little story, and *dumroll* the 50th fanfic on AO3!I know!! Aren't we great? 8)
And the end of my monster fic is met with deafening silence.
So, should I bother to ask for feedback?
I like what I have read. I think I missed an installment or two though.
And the end of my monster fic is met with deafening silence.
So, should I bother to ask for feedback?
the evening's dying light (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4226220)
^ My first fic on ao3? Haha, I don't know. /covers face with hands. I really don't know.
It's a lot of angsty Sigrun and death, um. Also, a little embarrassed about my habit of lowercase notes and titles which I picked up from the haikyuu fandom.
the evening's dying light (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4226220)Okay, no, I'm still not ready to read that kind of fanfics *Curls up herself in a corner, crying*
^ My first fic on ao3? Haha, I don't know. /covers face with hands. I really don't know.
It's a lot of angsty Sigrun and death, um. Also, a little embarrassed about my habit of lowercase notes and titles which I picked up from the haikyuu fandom.
DOHey, you tried something like that first ! ;)
Hey, you tried something like that first ! ;)
New Chapter of 'A Few of Mikkel's Secrets'. Sorry it took so long, life has been busy. One more chapter to go, which I will post likely within the week.
New Chapter of 'A Few of Mikkel's Secrets'. Sorry it took so long, life has been busy. One more chapter to go, which I will post likely within the week. (I have it written, just need to check spelling etc. This chapter is short, next will be long. Didn't want to post the rest of the story all at once, and splitting it evenly would have included spoilers for the end). And I haven't killed Lalli, however it may look! Promise!All is veeeeeeery interesting :)
I'm 'Tanist' over there, since I can't get their system to recognise 'Róisín'.
Here is the link to Chapter three.
Here is the link to Chapter two
Here is Chapter one, for those who haven't read it
the evening's dying light (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4226220)
^ My first fic on ao3? Haha, I don't know. /covers face with hands. I really don't know.
It's a lot of angsty Sigrun and death, um. Also, a little embarrassed about my habit of lowercase notes and titles which I picked up from the haikyuu fandom.
Trying, trying again.Oh wow, this is shaping up to be quite excellent! Is there an AO3 link or some compounded version that this will be updated on? I'd hate to lose track of any updates! ;A;
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part ISpoiler: showSpoiler: show
Spoiler: show
Trying, trying again.
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part ISpoiler: showSpoiler: show
Trying, trying again.It's a really interesting idea in terms of exposition (*shakes fist because he didn't think of it first*) and it's very well-written, but, um, would Emil be formal to such a degree that he uses "loquacious" and "surfeit"? I don't think it especially detracts from the story, but it just doesn't seem to me like how he'd talk.
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part I
It's a really interesting idea in terms of exposition (*shakes fist because he didn't think of it first*) and it's very well-written, but, um, would Emil be formal to such a degree that he uses "loquacious" and "surfeit"? I don't think it especially detracts from the story, but it just doesn't seem to me like how he'd talk.
Well, to me Emil's speech is already a bit more formal than the others', at least when he's speaking to people he hasn't known all his life (i.e. not his relatives and Bosse the cat) -- with almost a Bertie Wooster vibe ("We get along swimmingly!"). So I suppose that with the passage of time he might have starched up his vocabulary further -- especially since his nationality is Pompous Swede.Okay, you've convinced me, the vision of Emil barking orders at some long-suffering butler is too funny not to think of.
Trying, trying again.This is a really interesting premise, I'm very excited to see where it'll go! :)
First of all, HOW DARE YOU.*Sighs* More traumatized persons here. Do you want tea ? I need more tea thinking to what I have half read before closing it.
Russet: You're forgiven 'v' *claps hand gleefully in anticipation of fics and angst while whisper screaming "NOOOOO"*I'm actually really excited about Tuuri's story! And I possibly have an idea for Lalli's. hmmmmmm. /stroaks imaginary goatee
I would love tea, Mélusine, only I can't have too much caffeine :I *starts to wonder if there's decaffeinated tea in the house**Offers herb tea instead of tea. And cookies*
Story: The Doctor and SarahSpoiler: show
The Pacific Rim crossover is finished! Two chapters this time, as the last one’s barely a page long:
This started out as a fun little idea from Haiz on the crossover thread and somehow snowballed over several months into the nigh-on-20,000 word monster before you. How, I have no idea. But I would just like to say thanks to Haiz for hir endless support as I bumbled through it, and also to everyone who said Nice Things about it on AO3 and in the scriptorium here.
I hope you like it!
Russet: the one you wrote for Sigrun was very dark, but probably how, being Sigrun, she would respond to losing yet another team. Do you plan to do all the team members in such a scenario? It would be interesting though I think rather emotionally wearing. The difficult part would be getting enough variation in the individual scenes.Similarly tragic and angsty, probably, but different scenarios. I just felt like the mass character death was sort of suitable for Sigrun's character, who seems so fearless and light-hearted but probably has had to lose many friends, considering how brutal things are over in Norway.
I myself prefer not to kill main cast characters in my stories, but I can see how it would be very challenging to write. And you would never look at the comic the same way again.
The Pacific Rim crossover is finished! Two chapters this time, as the last one’s barely a page long:I don't really know what I can say other than hOLY WOW thank you so much for writing this? I mean, aside from coming up with a quick crossover concept (everyone can come up with a pacific rim crossover. seriously. it's one of the most crossoverifable works out there) and making LOUD SQUEEING NOISES at every other sentence, I didn't do anything. I could've never come up with all this. I could never have written machinery, or fight scenes, or anything like this. I will do my best to return the favour with some fanart in the immediate future.
This started out as a fun little idea from Haiz on the crossover thread and somehow snowballed over several months into the nigh-on-20,000 word monster before you. How, I have no idea. But I would just like to say thanks to Haiz for hir endless support as I bumbled through it, and also to everyone who said Nice Things about it on AO3 and in the scriptorium here.
I hope you like it!
SectoBoss and Haiz: that was so pulse-poundingly Boys Own Paper Adventure Story! Great stuff! Do it again!huhuhu I shall do my best to gently prod SectoBoss into producing more glorious jeager adventures
Also I can't stop thinking about a SSSS/A:TLA crossover (not sure if you guys know about A:TLA? It was a pretty popular cartoon a few years back), though more in a I-want-to-draw-that way rather than a writing thing. Just.. Sigrun the avatar? And Lalli would be a waterbender or something, with Tuuri as his nonbender cousin from the water tribe, and Mikkel as this stone-faced, grumpy earthbender, and Emil the firebender, and Reynir one of the air nomads? I'm unreasonably excited about this, idk.ooooh YES YES YES
Trying, trying again.
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part ISpoiler: showSpoiler: show
I also see that there has been a lot of, um, darker fics around here lately? I'm not gonna read angstfics, sorry, that's a haiz thing haiz can't read angstficsOh yes please, something more... more... something different. Even later. But something different. Thank. (Which traumatism ? This fic doesn't exist, neither the other before. Haha.)
Which means I'm starting to feel like it's my duty to come up with more High School AU shenanigans to balance it out a little, and... I have several plans in the works - there will be more Sigrun and Mikkel, IKEA will be involved, teenagers being awkward... I have the PLANS, but I gotta WRITE them, and I have a lot of projects going on lately, in addition to work, so.... it goes slow, I'm sorry. I never thought I'd have an actual readership, you see. But I promise there will be more, and hopefully not super late~
Also I can't stop thinking about a SSSS/A:TLA crossover (not sure if you guys know about A:TLA? It was a pretty popular cartoon a few years back), though more in a I-want-to-draw-that way rather than a writing thing. Just.. Sigrun the avatar? And Lalli would be a waterbender or something, with Tuuri as his nonbender cousin from the water tribe, and Mikkel as this stone-faced, grumpy earthbender, and Emil the firebender, and Reynir one of the air nomads? I'm unreasonably excited about this, idk.
Which means I'm starting to feel like it's my duty to come up with more High School AU shenanigans to balance it out a little, and... I have several plans in the works - there will be more Sigrun and Mikkel, IKEA will be involved, teenagers being awkward... I have the PLANS, but I gotta WRITE them, and I have a lot of projects going on lately, in addition to work, so.... it goes slow, I'm sorry. I never thought I'd have an actual readership, you see. But I promise there will be more, and hopefully not super late~
*squeals a lot* NON-ANGSTY, FLUFFY FICS YES (also your AU is absolutely adorable, I've read through several times now)If you guys want that, you should go look at my AO3
I'm gonna go read some fluffy fics now T_T
maybe someone didn't notice the last chapter of the pacific rim ficOoh, me! me! I noticed it! It was really good. Even though I've not seen Pacific Rim, heh.
maybe someone didn't notice the last chapter of the pacific rim fic
Ooh, me! me! I noticed it! It was really good. Even though I've not seen Pacific Rim, heh.
*facepalms* I can't believe I didn't see the "Next Chapter" buttonand I can't believe I'm not fully awake still I've been up for three hours
*crawls under blankets in embarrassment*
CorrespondenceSAD THINGS, OH NO. D:
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part II
Ah, it's fine. To be honest, I was mostly worried I'd written something that someone really didn't like!
The Pacific Rim crossover is finished! Two chapters this time, as the last one’s barely a page long:This was amazing, thank you!
This started out as a fun little idea from Haiz on the crossover thread and somehow snowballed over several months into the nigh-on-20,000 word monster before you. How, I have no idea. But I would just like to say thanks to Haiz for hir endless support as I bumbled through it, and also to everyone who said Nice Things about it on AO3 and in the scriptorium here.
I hope you like it!
CorrespondenceI like this style of writing, where you have to guess what's happening and what both Tuuri and Lalli have been writing :)
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part IISpoiler: show
Author's Notes:Spoiler: show
My writings a little rusty because I haven't written in like....6 - 7 months.It's very sweet :) I love everyday scenes like this with the crew ^w^
I've had a headcanon about how the others could communicate with Lalli, I decided to use Emil because I honestly feel like he's the only character I can write right now :-\
Sorry if it's a bit out of character! I'd love any constructive criticism you may have for me;;
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4239321 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4239321)
My writings a little rusty because I haven't written in like....6 - 7 months.There were a few grammatical errors here and there (I think 'picking up a pen greatly' was mentioned) but it was a really cute fic! which is lovely right around this time when there are so many angsty fics floating around, haha.
I've had a headcanon about how the others could communicate with Lalli, I decided to use Emil because I honestly feel like he's the only character I can write right now :-\
Sorry if it's a bit out of character! I'd love any constructive criticism you may have for me;;
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4239321 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4239321)
My writings a little rusty because I haven't written in like....6 - 7 months.I agree with Russet, I spotted a few grammatical errors and some awkwardly phrased sentences, but other than that it's good!
I've had a headcanon about how the others could communicate with Lalli, I decided to use Emil because I honestly feel like he's the only character I can write right now :-\
Sorry if it's a bit out of character! I'd love any constructive criticism you may have for me;;
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4239321 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4239321)
I agree with Russet, I spotted a few grammatical errors and some awkwardly phrased sentences, but other than that it's good!
There were a few grammatical errors here and there (I think 'picking up a pen greatly' was mentioned) but it was a really cute fic! which is lovely right around this time when there are so many angsty fics floating around, haha.
Did somebody say light and fluffy?
It's lighter than last part, OK?
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part IIISpoiler: show
Author's Notes:Spoiler: show
Fanfiction 15. Someone stop this madness...
I wrote a cheerful little story about Emil and Lalli getting their hands on a frisbee!
Nothing bad happens. Promise.
Would I lie to you?
Hope you like it!
I’m so sorry I lied.
In response to some of the Author's Notes:Spoiler: show
Spoiler: show
Spoiler: show
Keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
Spoiler: show
Spoiler: show
Did somebody say light and fluffy?Ooh, this is shaping up pretty well! I didn't really catch the winter part either, but other than that I think the letters get general ideas across pretty well. Also, I like the sound of M's character, she sounds very capable and strong-willed. :)
It's lighter than last part, OK?
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part III
Did somebody say light and fluffy?
It's lighter than last part, OK?
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part IIISpoiler: show
Author's Notes:Spoiler: show
Spoiler: show
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part IV
Post-page 354, because I'm not sad enough.Spoiler: show
Post-page 354, because I'm not sad enough.Spoiler: show
Post-page 354, because I'm not sad enough.I love it.Spoiler: show
Post-page 354, because I'm not sad enough.Spoiler: show
I love it.
I will see you that and raise this.
*heartbreaking fic*
Awww. Perfect. And totally in character.
Nicely written. Now if you'll excuse me I think I'm gonna snuggle my kitten for a bit.
That actually didn't make me sadder, instead I started feeling a bit better about the whole cat thing. Very well written, characterization was spot-on and I loved the way they were interacting with each other. You wouldn't happen to have an AO3 account?Thank y'all so much! *blushes*
Post-page 354, because I'm not sad enough.Spoiler: show
I love it.
I will see you that and raise this.Spoiler: show
Internet is all but dead. Took me an hour well over an hour just to get this one post up. But I needed something a little more cheerful.
Spoiler: show
Internet is all but dead. Took me an hour well over an hour just to get this one post up. But I needed something a little more cheerful.*snnnnnrnnrnrnrnrrkkk* muahahahahaha
Spoiler: show
Internet is all but dead. Took me an hour well over an hour just to get this one post up. But I needed something a little more cheerful.
Internet is all but dead. Took me an hour well over an hour just to get this one post up. But I needed something a little more cheerful.
Spoiler: show
Internet is all but dead. Took me an hour well over an hour just to get this one post up. But I needed something a little more cheerful.XDDD that's amazing~~~
Spoiler: show
XDDD that's amazing~~~
Meanwhile Mikkel wipes a single tear off his cheek and realizes he has found his protege.
The minutes I spent reading this were pretty much amongst the most best minutes of the whole day. :D
*snnnnnrnnrnrnrnrrkkk* muahahahahaha
Hehehehehee!Guys, stop, don't encourage me.
Guys, stop, don't encourage me.^^ I was sure it will end like that.
I'm convinced that our provider is holding our internet hostage until we shell out more money for their "fiber" service. Negotiations have not yet broken down. As a result, unfortunately, our scanner has departed for the Land Where Appliances Are Eternally Blessed, so until it's revived I can't post my Momma Sigrun sketches or Reynir taking advantage of Daddy Perogative or Austin!Reynir and Mikkel celebrating the first and second amendments, respectively.
However, I can, with tears, time, and various vociferations, post another fic.Spoiler: show
Guys, stop, don't encourage me.MUST. SEE.
I'm convinced that our provider is holding our internet hostage until we shell out more money for their "fiber" service. Negotiations have not yet broken down. As a result, unfortunately, our scanner has departed for the Land Where Appliances Are Eternally Blessed, so until it's revived I can't post my Momma Sigrun sketches or Reynir taking advantage of Daddy Prerogative or Austin!Reynir and Mikkel celebrating the first and second amendments, respectively.
...Wait. Nobody celebrating the 21st Amendment? On the Fourth of July? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-first_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution)
Internet is all but dead. Took me an hour well over an hour just to get this one post up. But I needed something a little more cheerful.
Spoiler: show
Internet is all but dead. Took me an hour well over an hour just to get this one post up. But I needed something a little more cheerful.
Spoiler: show
Internet is all but dead. Took me an hour well over an hour just to get this one post up. But I needed something a little more cheerful.Oh my gosh XD Mikkel definitely has the right idea about this ;D
Spoiler: show
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part V
Hey all! I bring you today a short/cute/funny fanfic I wrote for starfallz! Wherein Lalli plays his own games and thinks about some stuff.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4290867 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4290867)
OK, loooooooooooooong part here, but I decided I couldn't break it up.
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part VSpoiler: show
Author's NotesSpoiler: show
Spoiler: show
I caught up with every single piece of writing I hadn't already read today and had the great idea that I should write another fanfiction.Sounds great! Best of luck! :)
So after much brainstorming (as some of you already know) my brother and I got ambitious. It's happening. We're going to do the SSSS/ATLA crossover so many people want to see. (Feel free to write your own such crossover, I'm just letting you guys know so that we feel commited to actually doing it.)
@Willowham: Beautiful!lol, I can't remember any of what I wrote, because it was like 12 in the morning. But I am glad that you liked it!Spoiler: show
Right, so Solovei finally persuaded me into getting past my laziness and actually writing something.I liked it!
This is, uh, actually my first ever fanfic. I don't know how it's going to go or even if it fits with canon especially, but neh, it's in the spoiler.
Honest but harsh criticism would be preferable to kind but untrue comments, BTW.Spoiler: show
I'll be honest, I wasn't entirely sure about this one. I think it perhaps dragged on too long, maybe wasn't entirely convincing, and perhaps wasn't worded well enough.
Still, it's my first fanfic (ever) and of course it can be rewritten: I'll remind you that I would appreciate honest but harsh criticism far, far more than kind but untrue words in the long run.
Still, hope you enjoyed!
I liked it!Nonono, critical is good and those are all valid concerns.Spoiler: And now some other stuff XD show
Right, so Solovei finally persuaded me into getting past my laziness and actually writing something.
This is, uh, actually my first ever fanfic. I don't know how it's going to go or even if it fits with canon especially, but neh, it's in the spoiler.
Honest but harsh criticism would be preferable to kind but untrue comments, BTW.Spoiler: show
I'll be honest, I wasn't entirely sure about this one. I think it perhaps dragged on too long, maybe wasn't entirely convincing, and perhaps wasn't worded well enough.
Still, it's my first fanfic (ever) and of course it can be rewritten: I'll remind you that I would appreciate honest but harsh criticism far, far more than kind but untrue words in the long run.
Still, hope you enjoyed!
Ooh, I really like this! :D I agree with Solo but overall it's really well-written!Hah, well, thanks- as I've said, I honestly don't think I'm an especially talented fictional writer (hence why I want to go into journalism) but I thought I might as well try.
Right, so Solovei finally persuaded me into getting past my laziness and actually writing something.
This is, uh, actually my first ever fanfic. I don't know how it's going to go or even if it fits with canon especially, but neh, it's in the spoiler.
Honest but harsh criticism would be preferable to kind but untrue comments, BTW.Spoiler: show
I'll be honest, I wasn't entirely sure about this one. I think it perhaps dragged on too long, maybe wasn't entirely convincing, and perhaps wasn't worded well enough.
Still, it's my first fanfic (ever) and of course it can be rewritten: I'll remind you that I would appreciate honest but harsh criticism far, far more than kind but untrue words in the long run.
Still, hope you enjoyed!
EDIT 1: addressing problems helpfully pointed out by Solovei.
This is more of a culture and language-related thing than any real correction so feel free to ignore, but since this happens in Iceland I thought I might as well mention it: Icelanders don't use surnames talking about other people. Calling someone "son of Bryndís" doesn't tell you who it is so instead you'd use the person's real name or names, a nickname or a name and a nickname combo (let's imagine you have four guys called Páll in the same room: one is Páll, another Páll Óskar, third Palli, fourth stóri Páll). Bjornsen might be non-Icelandic (going by his surname) but Icelanders would still rather use his first name.Thanks for the cultural info- frankly, I only knew what I could glean off Google. That'll help in the future, because frankly my writing's stilted enough as it is. (although Bjornsen is indeed Swedish)
I quite enjoyed this fic, looking forward to reading more of your writing in the future! :)
Right, so Solovei finally persuaded me into getting past my laziness and actually writing something.
This is, uh, actually my first ever fanfic. I don't know how it's going to go or even if it fits with canon especially, but neh, it's in the spoiler.
Honest but harsh criticism would be preferable to kind but untrue comments, BTW.Spoiler: show
I'll be honest, I wasn't entirely sure about this one. I think it perhaps dragged on too long, maybe wasn't entirely convincing, and perhaps wasn't worded well enough.
Still, it's my first fanfic (ever) and of course it can be rewritten: I'll remind you that I would appreciate honest but harsh criticism far, far more than kind but untrue words in the long run.
Still, hope you enjoyed!
EDIT 1: addressing problems helpfully pointed out by Solovei.
[deletia]A fug is, as I understand it, a dense/impenetrable cloud of smoke or a particularly strong smell.
A fug is, as I understand it, a dense/impenetrable cloud of smoke or a particularly strong smell.I agree about the "fug", that's definitely a thing.
"From the off" is a saying- it means "immediately", but is more colloquial.
…And now, back to our regular time-frame.
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part IXSpoiler: show
Author's NotesSpoiler: show
I too can imagine Lalli marrying once he has lived enough to learn to trust that anything in his life will endure beyond the next few breaths. Reckon it would have to be another mage, though; I can't see him communicating enough with anyone else. Don't know whether he would need another silent person? Or a chatty one?Even if I'm not able to imagine such futures for the characters, I'm sure that if Lalli needs someone (This "someone" is including friend(s).), it's someone who respect his silence and his need of silence.
People on other threads were wondering about the people on board the ISS when the rash hit, and that coupled with watching my friend play Kerbal Space Program of all things led to this. I pretty much wrote this on the bus home, then spent the next three days dithering about whether or not to turn it into a bigger fanfic or not. Hopefully, it’s turned out ok.*Loud sniffle*
As always, I hope you like it!
And sheesh, I really should have been saying this earlier, but there’s been a lot of good stuff being put up on here lately! (LooNEY, ParanormalAndroid, StellersJayC, I’m looking at you guys.) Now if we could only get a rate of posts like the art thread… *wistfulness intensifies*
People on other threads were wondering about the people on board the ISS when the rash hit, and that coupled with watching my friend play Kerbal Space Program of all things led to this. I pretty much wrote this on the bus home, then spent the next three days dithering about whether or not to turn it into a bigger fanfic or not. Hopefully, it’s turned out ok.
As always, I hope you like it!
People on other threads were wondering about the people on board the ISS when the rash hit, and that coupled with watching my friend play Kerbal Space Program of all things led to this. I pretty much wrote this on the bus home, then spent the next three days dithering about whether or not to turn it into a bigger fanfic or not. Hopefully, it’s turned out ok.your mind is such a wonderful place, you always pull out great threads from the worldbuild-weave and bring them to light, the ones I've never thought to look after, and I love it
As always, I hope you like it!
People on other threads were wondering about the people on board the ISS when the rash hit, and that coupled with watching my friend play Kerbal Space Program of all things led to this. I pretty much wrote this on the bus home, then spent the next three days dithering about whether or not to turn it into a bigger fanfic or not. Hopefully, it’s turned out ok.
As always, I hope you like it!
And sheesh, I really should have been saying this earlier, but there’s been a lot of good stuff being put up on here lately! (LooNEY, ParanormalAndroid, StellersJayC, I’m looking at you guys.) Now if we could only get a rate of posts like the art thread… *wistfulness intensifies*
(and as an American, I'm particularly touched)Well, since I kind of made fun of America in the Pacific Rim crossover, I guess this is my official letter of apology :D
Wow. That's an absolutely amazing piece of work. Bravo! Never stop. :)
your mind is such a wonderful place, you always pull out great threads from the worldbuild-weave and bring them to light, the ones I've never thought to look after, and I love itThank you! Although I must admit, a fair few of my story ideas are just one's I've gotten from other threads on the forum and run off with...
I can't seem to stop send help
People on other threads were wondering about the people on board the ISS when the rash hit, and that coupled with watching my friend play Kerbal Space Program of all things led to this. I pretty much wrote this on the bus home, then spent the next three days dithering about whether or not to turn it into a bigger fanfic or not. Hopefully, it’s turned out ok.I feel like I got chills so often that the hair on my skin is probably still standing right now. Just.. goosebumps everywhere, god, this was the best. Everything is portrayed in such a terrifying yet beautiful way that makes me feel like an ant in this vast world.
As always, I hope you like it!
And sheesh, I really should have been saying this earlier, but there’s been a lot of good stuff being put up on here lately! (LooNEY, ParanormalAndroid, StellersJayC, I’m looking at you guys.) Now if we could only get a rate of posts like the art thread… *wistfulness intensifies*
I'd be too busy trying to see if I could get the president to pull a ron burgundy and say whatever I put up on the teleprompter.
Perhaps the saddest part yet?I really enjoy these letters. Something came to mind after this one, though- how's Emil's Finnish, or Lalli's Swedish, these days? It's implied that they've both been learning, but now neither one has a translator close to them(that we've seen, I think). Tuuri, Onni, and Mikkel in one sweep, though, that's tough :(.
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part XSpoiler: show
Author’s NotesSpoiler: show
I lika… do… da cha-cha.
LooNEY: sad but well written, and properly observes the ironies. People forget that the influenza epidemic after World War 1, for instance, killed way more people than did the whole Great War.
Emil and Lalli are never going to meet again in the flesh, are they?
Emil and Lalli are never going to meet again in the flesh, are they?
Spoiler: show
Spoiler: show
Heey, did you just get a promotion? :D*Was trying to ignore it since yesterday evening* ::)
*Was trying to ignore it since yesterday evening* ::)Hey, congratulations! Which derelict airport have you chosen to rule? :D
Hey, congratulations! Which derelict airport have you chosen to rule? :D... Time to say I have never taken a plane so never been into an airport so I have absolutely no idea ?
I have never taken a plane so never been into an airport so I have absolutely no idea ?What could I make with an airport ?*Embarrassed*
Conquer Sciphol! It's big and fancy and big!I've been told that the bicycle lanes near it have signs saying "niet in de lucht kijken", lest bicyclists run into something while watching overhead aircraft ... ;D
The recent revelations of the true nature of the beasts appear to be such 'the story of the scout' will be diverging from the 'lore'. Might still continue it, though.
Conquer Sciphol! It's big and fancy and big! And it's probably been run down with trolls since day one since it's, as aforementioned, so very big!
Oh, also, angst party with Reynir: when it's all over (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4353263).
Well, first fanfic I have written, hope you all like it! It takes place after p. 359.Spoiler: show
So, that was it! I hope you enjoyed it! I may write more! But now I should sleep...
Belatedly, here it is.This was beautiful and you had me standing on a train station, holding back tears after reading.
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part XISpoiler: show
Author’s NotesSpoiler: show
Conquer Sciphol! It's big and fancy and big! And it's probably been run down with trolls since day one since it's, as aforementioned, so very big!
Oh, also, angst party with Reynir: when it's all over (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4353263).
JOIN ME IN "SIGRUN KILLED BY TEAMMATE" HELLI say no ! (And I'm not alone, I know I'm not alone.)we don't have cookies but we do have sin
we don't have cookies but we do have sin
YES SO MUCH YES!!! AMAZING!!Spoiler: show
Ahahaha sorry, didn't make that clear, that is Sigrun saying that.
Feels like it's been a while since I posted here!
Buuuut here's a fanfic (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4401371)I wrote for Sigrid's birthday where everyone works in a bakery :D
Feels like it's been a while since I posted here!
Buuuut here's a fanfic (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4401371)I wrote for Sigrid's birthday where everyone works in a bakery :D
Feels like it's been a while since I posted here!Yes, awkward Emil <3
Buuuut here's a fanfic (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4401371)I wrote for Sigrid's birthday where everyone works in a bakery :D
Yes, awkward Emil <3XD you basically just read my mind. That's a little scary.Spoiler: show
XD you basically just read my mind. That's a little scary.Oh no, my psychic powers are showing! \( ゚Д゚)/
Uh, oh… I seem to have been inspired.
The Good, the Bad, and the Bestial
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Western crossover fanfic
Part 1Spoiler: Authorial Notes show
Well, wrote up a thing. (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4418825/chapters/10038932) Just started out on it, but going to be a story set in north-western Russia in year 60, pretty much inspired by Ruth's Canadian one. Map in second page made by Ruth.
It's amazing! A whole Russian epic novel in the making! I can hardly wait for Chapter 4.Thanks. Chapter 4 will hopefully be up sometime this weekend.
How did you get the ideas for your various survivor groups and cultures?
Also, were you always interested in Russia?
…And the next part cometh.
The Good, the Bad, and the Bestial
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Western crossover fanfic
Part 4Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Thanks! :D I thought I'd put them up for the folks that don't follow me on tumblr.
So, this might be a stupid idea, but does anyone want me to do a little tutorial on submitting stuff to Archive of Our Own? Like, how to use the tagging system and stuff? I use it pretty heavily (and volunteer for them) so I can offer some tips!
Solovei: A3O tutorial - yes please! I have put stuff up there but have MAJOR trouble with it. Sunflower explained it to me, but it doesn't answer me well. I think I need all the help I can get!
Certainly couldn't hurt!
@Solovei Oh, yes, a tutorial would help! I feel like I abuse the tagging system cruelly, haha.
Lalli's unwritten spell on page 371 (1st submission) :
Hound of Hel has gone away
Asking you to stay a day
to watch for us the nightly veil
that seeks your free'er to repay
The separation of its part
taking free'ers' souls and hearts
do this thy be welcomed where
thee know your siblings shall be there.
Mielikki, Tapio's wife,
please let the elves of life
seek the hunters' heart to like
the dealings of our mundanes' lives
@Solovei The tutorial was reaaaally helpful, many thanks for solving my great dilemma about how to use the tagging system, haha. I always feel like the amount I put in the tags is practically blasphemous.
Here I go again. I promise, three at once is my limit, and the next bits of the other two are well under way.O______________O INTRIGUE
That being said…
The Oldest Law
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 1Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Here I go again. I promise, three at once is my limit, and the next bits of the other two are well under way.
That being said…
The Oldest Law
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 1Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
I need to read the rest of this.
SectoBoss crawls in from the dry, parched landscape of Writer’s Block to deliver… this. Three little vignettes from Sigrun’s life, vaguely connected by the headcanon someone posted in the comments ages ago that she might have dyslexia. (Or some similar reading difficulty which is why she hates books so much.)
I don’t know where I was going with these, and gods know they’re a bit rambly, but I hope you like them nonetheless!
SectoBoss crawls in from the dry, parched landscape of Writer’s Block to deliver… this. Three little vignettes from Sigrun’s life, vaguely connected by the headcanon someone posted in the comments ages ago that she might have dyslexia. (Or some similar reading difficulty which is why she hates books so much.)It took you long enough! /pot
I don’t know where I was going with these, and gods know they’re a bit rambly, but I hope you like them nonetheless!
SectoBoss crawls in from the dry, parched landscape of Writer’s Block to deliver… this. Three little vignettes from Sigrun’s life, vaguely connected by the headcanon someone posted in the comments ages ago that she might have dyslexia. (Or some similar reading difficulty which is why she hates books so much.)
I don’t know where I was going with these, and gods know they’re a bit rambly, but I hope you like them nonetheless!
(are you in cahoots with Minna somehow?)I wish... but really, all I do is try and find the cracks in the canon and see what I can pull out of them. One day, probably all of my stories are going to get blown out of the water.
It took you long enough! /potIt certainly did, didn't it? (by the way, forgive my internet illiteracy, but what does '/pot' mean?)
Further chapters of the others are forthcoming, but for now…O__o That escalated quickly.
O__o That escalated quickly.All according to plan, m'dear. MWA-HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH-(inhale)-HAH-HAH-HAH-HA.
(by the way, forgive my internet illiteracy, but what does '/pot' mean?)Oops, meant to answer this already.
Further chapters of the others are forthcoming, but for now…
The Oldest Law
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 3Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
SectoBoss crawls in from the dry, parched landscape of Writer’s Block to deliver… this. Three little vignettes from Sigrun’s life, vaguely connected by the headcanon someone posted in the comments ages ago that she might have dyslexia. (Or some similar reading difficulty which is why she hates books so much.)yeah break my heart WHY DON'T YOU
the only thing I'd nitpick at is names, though! norwegians don't use c's in their names much, so Erik (or Eirik) would be a way norwegianer name than Eric. And I don't think norwegians call teachers by their last names, ever. I mean, we don't do that at the university, never mind elementary school! but yeah this is super nitpicky, carry on~
I like what are called 'old saws': choice apothegm, traditional maxims and so-true-they're-trite proverbs. "/" in internet parlance is "end", so "/pot" means I, the pot, have finished calling you, the kettle, black.
h-h-hellooPoor, poor, poor Emil, forced to talk... *Pat pat him*
you know how I said I'm gonna work on the next chapter of my high school au, right? how i said that like, two months ago? yeah I haven't... really.... done that yet........ i'm sorry
I have a draft thing
for a conversation that's gonna happen in the chapter after next
it may change a bit when I write it into the actual story and stuff
it's super embarassing
both for me and for emil
but I had a lot of fun writing it
I wrote it... almost three months ago........
so I might as well publish it so you have SOMETHING, right? i mean it's a spoiler but who knows how long you'll have to wait anyway
Standstill High: confronting ur feelings (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/127706102974/standstill-high-preview-confronting-ur-feelings)
you know how I said I'm gonna work on the next chapter of my high school au, right? how i said that like, two months ago? yeah I haven't... really.... done that yet........ i'm sorry
I have a draft thing
for a conversation that's gonna happen in the chapter after next
it may change a bit when I write it into the actual story and stuff
it's super embarassing
both for me and for emil
but I had a lot of fun writing it
I wrote it... almost three months ago........
so I might as well publish it so you have SOMETHING, right? i mean it's a spoiler but who knows how long you'll have to wait anyway
Standstill High: confronting ur feelings (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/127706102974/standstill-high-preview-confronting-ur-feelings)
Standstill High: confronting ur feelings (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/127706102974/standstill-high-preview-confronting-ur-feelings)
Poor, poor, poor Emil, forced to talk... *Pat pat him*
AH HA HA. I like:
Emil: that was MORTIFYING and we agreed to NEVER TALK ABOUT IT AGAIN
Tuuri: pffff, no we didn’t, just you.
I know I've said this before, but this is tremendous fun to read! Ah, Emil, your pain is at once hilarious and annoyingly relatable...
Haiz, that's sweet! And very Emil. You catch adolescence so well.
Guys I return with fanfic.
Actually what happened was that I have bunch of stuff written up but no time/motivation to type them up soooo yeah!
But wanted to try copying the writing style of A Dark Room, aka that game I posted in the general discussion board that ate souls.
It was fun, but the writing style is so sparse I feel uncomfortable.Spoiler: show
This was longer but when I re read it I realized that some it it was unesssary, so I cut them out.
Seriously, this writing style is so sparse you could tell the entire comic in it and it wouldn't break 5000 words max.
And I would type up the things I cut out but I do not feel like dealing with autocorrect no more(I'm on a phone.)
Sigrun the military cyborg*Hears her mind say "Ghost in the Shell" in the second. Can see how... Sigrun it could be in the next second*
Does anyone like cyberpunk? I do. So I started writing a cyberpunk AU for SSSS! Megacities, hackers, cybernetic augmentations – the works. Sigrun the military cyborg, Lalli the ‘data mage’ hacker, that sort of thing.
It’s not finished – heck, it’s barely started, although I do have the whole thing planned out – but I’m putting what I have up now in an effort to incentivise myself to finish it rather than let it languish.
So yeah, I’ll try and write some more of this soon if people think it’s worth following up on!
Kicknrun: You seem to have discovered a knack for brevity that I could do with learning! Good stuff!
Guys I return with fanfic.
Actually what happened was that I have bunch of stuff written up but no time/motivation to type them up soooo yeah!
But wanted to try copying the writing style of A Dark Room, aka that game I posted in the general discussion board that ate souls.
It was fun, but the writing style is so sparse I feel uncomfortable.
An Old World
the cleanser plunges down.
there was a beast. its dead now.
they go back.
the day ends. a new one begins.
the beast is gone.
the dog is free.
the snow muffles when they move.
dangerous to go this far.
the bridge was one, once. it's not that way anymore.
the scout says the truck will do.
they go forward.
This was longer but when I reread it I realized that some it it was unnecessary, so I cut them out.
Seriously, this writing style is so sparse you could tell the entire comic in it and it wouldn't break 5000 words max.
And I would type up the things I cut out but I do not feel like dealing with autocorrect no more(I'm on a phone.)
edit since i have computer and ahaha i don't feel like typing up the lines anymore whoops but i fixed some things yay
So... Hi. You don't know me, but I've been lurking here for a few months now, hungrily devouring all your gorgeous works. There is a lot of talent around here! Which, for the first time in my life, has pushed me to try my hand at fanfic. ;DThat was soooo awesome! I'm surprised it was your first fanfic, and I hope to see more from you. :D
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4678838 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4678838)
It's a one-shot inspired by Minna's use of the word "soulmate" and the Discus comments contemplating what it means.
I hope it's worthy of a place among you!
*freezes, nods, runs away*
Does anyone like cyberpunk? I do. So I started writing a cyberpunk AU for SSSS! Megacities, hackers, cybernetic augmentations – the works. Sigrun the military cyborg, Lalli the ‘data mage’ hacker, that sort of thing.Ohhh yeeeesssss I am all about SSSS cyberpunk! PLEASE GIVE US MORE HACKER!TUURI AFTER THAT PACIFIC RIM AU.
It’s not finished – heck, it’s barely started, although I do have the whole thing planned out – but I’m putting what I have up now in an effort to incentivise myself to finish it rather than let it languish.
So yeah, I’ll try and write some more of this soon if people think it’s worth following up on!
Kicknrun: You seem to have discovered a knack for brevity that I could do with learning! Good stuff!
That was so great I am still thinking about it.
So... Hi. You don't know me, but I've been lurking here for a few months now, hungrily devouring all your gorgeous works. There is a lot of talent around here! Which, for the first time in my life, has pushed me to try my hand at fanfic. ;D
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4678838 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4678838)
It's a one-shot inspired by Minna's use of the word "soulmate" and the Discus comments contemplating what it means.
I hope it's worthy of a place among you!
*freezes, nods, runs away*
So... Hi. You don't know me, but I've been lurking here for a few months now, hungrily devouring all your gorgeous works. There is a lot of talent around here! Which, for the first time in my life, has pushed me to try my hand at fanfic. ;D
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4678838 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4678838)
It's a one-shot inspired by Minna's use of the word "soulmate" and the Discus comments contemplating what it means.
I hope it's worthy of a place among you!
*freezes, nods, runs away*
Just making a post to inform that if anyone is wondering where to find all the chapters of my norwegian high school au (since I'm not on Ao3), it's here (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/tagged/high%20school%20au/chrono)!
Haiz I am in love with this AU. I hope you find the time to write more soon!thank you! <3 and I hope so, too
Does anyone like cyberpunk? I do. So I started writing a cyberpunk AU for SSSS! Megacities, hackers, cybernetic augmentations – the works. Sigrun the military cyborg, Lalli the ‘data mage’ hacker, that sort of thing.hoooooooooooooooooly wow this is intense
It’s not finished – heck, it’s barely started, although I do have the whole thing planned out – but I’m putting what I have up now in an effort to incentivise myself to finish it rather than let it languish.
KicknRun: i like the minimalistpoetic approach! Very clever and concise.
I love how you've used this style - simple, but effective. Well done!
Does anyone like cyberpunk? I do. So I started writing a cyberpunk AU for SSSS! Megacities, hackers, cybernetic augmentations – the works. Sigrun the military cyborg, Lalli the ‘data mage’ hacker, that sort of thing.
It’s not finished – heck, it’s barely started, although I do have the whole thing planned out – but I’m putting what I have up now in an effort to incentivise myself to finish it rather than let it languish.
So yeah, I’ll try and write some more of this soon if people think it’s worth following up on!
Kicknrun: You seem to have discovered a knack for brevity that I could do with learning! Good stuff!
Ooooooh I likey :D
/me posts the next part anyway.
/me looks at all the returning Titans of the thread."Nervous," he says? Why, any time LooNEY_DAC announces a new increment of his fanfics on the comics page, you can practically feel the ground shaking with an influx of visitors. At this moment, we currently have about 30 visitors on this Forum, and half of them are reading this very thread.
/me swallows nervously.
/me posts the next part anyway.
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Terminator” crossover fanfic
Part 4
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Terminator” crossover fanfic
Part 4
Okay, so I know that aRTD and SSSS are canonically not taking place in the same universe. But I can dream… This is a little short story of everyone’s favourite grump and his (human) dog getting a little cameo in the world of SSSS, and saving Lalli and Reynir’s bacon into the bargain.
As always, I hope you all like it!
Psst, is this the place to ask? Need someone to beta for me some HSAU.I can!
Right, well now I'm going to lose a bit of the goodwill I've hopefully built up on this thread by treading on another forum member's toes. After the third or fourth re-reading of LooneyDAC's SSSS/Terminator fanfic 'Contingencies', I really really wanted to play around a bit with the idea. A sort of AU fanfic of an AU fanfic here. It's is officially not as good as 'Contingencies'. But I hope some of you like it, and I hope Looney doesn't get too angry that I've started in on his turf!
SectoBoss, this looks fascinating. Have you ever thought of asking LooNEYDAC if he is up for doing a continuation of this AU with alternate chapters by each of you? It would be interesting to see two such clever writers bouncing ideas off one another! And that might make for a very complex and interesting story.
And yes, a lot of us still re-read your old fanfics! Do you plan ever to restore the missing bits? Long may you continue to write!
SectoBoss, this looks fascinating. Have you ever thought of asking LooNEYDAC if he is up for doing a continuation of this AU with alternate chapters by each of you? It would be interesting to see two such clever writers bouncing ideas off one another! And that might make for a very complex and interesting story.The idea of a collaborative effort is one of those I might be interested in trying if I had a lot of spare time and knew the other author very well. I have the problem of not being very good at plotting out multi-installment works, which I imagine would be exacerbated greatly if I was working with someone who perhaps had a different vision of where they wanted the story to go. But one day, who knows...
And yes, a lot of us still re-read your old fanfics! Do you plan ever to restore the missing bits? Long may you continue to write!
SectoBoss, I am, as always, in awe of your prose. I'll send you a PM on some stuff, but I wanted to say publicly that you're one of the "returning Titans of the thread" I was talking about.Thank you very much! Although I must admit any 'titan' status I have is as much due to sheer output volume as it is to anything else.
I have heard there are certain groups of writers who use this format as a kind of friendly challenge to each other by "writing the story into a corner" at the end of each of their chapters.And this is one reason why I'd be wary of doing this - the fear that I might do this accidentally, let alone deliberately!
Psst, is this the place to ask? Need someone to beta for me some HSAU.I don't mind either! c:
I don't know the reference at all. Where is it?
Huh. I thought someone else would have posted before this.
The Oldest Law
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 6Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Huh. I thought someone else would have posted before this.
The Oldest Law
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 6
The Oldest LawOtherwise known as The Part Helenatroy Read Before She Read Part 5 XD
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 6
Took me long enough.
The Oldest Law
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 6
Descent to Tension’s Rise
Huh. I thought someone else would have posted before this.
The Oldest Law
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 6Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
LooNEY.... don't you already have a part 6?
Took me long enough.
The Oldest Law
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 7Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Not quite the end yet…
but close.
The Oldest Law
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 8Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Not quite the end yet…
but close.
The Oldest Law
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 8Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
The Oldest Law
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 9Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
The Oldest Law
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 9Spoiler: show
If you ever wanted to write out more detailed versions, I'd read those too, probably several times. Per week.
The Oldest LawI don't think the noise I'm making can count as anything but "!!!!!!!!!"
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 9Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
LooNEY: oh, well done and very well done. The bit I didn't follow: WHO was the crazy old lady, and why? Or does that come into later tales?More or less: plot contrivance. She's a random psychopathic serial killer with a really good hiding place of the sort that heroes of this kind of story run into at a statistically improbable rate ("Psycho in haunted house? Gee, I didn't know it was Thursday already"). When 'Eric', a psychopathic serial killer, started looking for a good hiding place, he found hers. He then manipulated her into helping him with his hit list, including Emil, and thus our story.
Hey everyone! Remember how a while ago I wrote a story where Emil works in a coffeeshop and Lalli comes in to order cookies?
WELL it now has the second chapter (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4401371/chapters/11117759) that everyone was asking for! There will probably also be a third at some point. Maybe fourth. But definitely third.
Hey everyone! Remember how a while ago I wrote a story where Emil works in a coffeeshop and Lalli comes in to order cookies?
WELL it now has the second chapter (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4401371/chapters/11117759) that everyone was asking for! There will probably also be a third at some point. Maybe fourth. But definitely third.
I love this so much. Emil so would go through that terrible manuscript, poor guy XD Can't wait for the next chapter!
Yay! I had been looking forward to the next chapter of this fic :P
coffee shop aus are a weakness of mine
coffee shop aus are a weakness of mine
Hey everyone! Remember how a while ago I wrote a story where Emil works in a coffeeshop and Lalli comes in to order cookies?!!!!!!!!!!!!
WELL it now has the second chapter (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4401371/chapters/11117759) that everyone was asking for! There will probably also be a third at some point. Maybe fourth. But definitely third.
I'm just going to leave these here.
#1: "Routines". 1.2k words. Characters: Emil & Lalli.
Summary: They have their routines. They've become set in them. Sometimes, they make new ones. AKA "that thing with hairbrushing, fluff, and language barriers".
Relationship is friendship/ambiguous.
On Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4681715
Backup at my archive: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/52400.html
!!!!!!!!!!!!*waits for tiny owl ghost to show up*
SOLO I'm dead, I died. I also dropped my phone on my face but it was fine.
#2: "Break Down, Build Up". 500-word drabble sequence. Various prologue characters: Stig & Ulrika, Aino & Kaino, Aksel and his grandmother, Signe & Michael, Árni.I really enjoyed these! Short and sweet, and I'd say they punched well above their weight. Good stuff!
Summary: The world's gone, but as time turns, they hang on. Snapshots of the lives of the prologue characters during Year 0 and beyond.
On Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4861910
You might be able to tell from this story that I’ve not been in a cheery mood recently :D*Cries T_T*
Tuuri may or may not have caught the Illness, and on what could be her last night on earth, one other character from the comic stays with her – although I all but guarantee it’s not the person any of you might expect.
I hope you like it!
I really enjoyed these! Short and sweet, and I'd say they punched well above their weight. Good stuff!
*Cries T_T*
I'm using a small, low-res monitor at the moment and I thought for a second you'd accidentally just quoted my post! :DT_T *Still crying, takes SectoBoss arm, forces him to sit in front of his computer again, point it and only says : WRITE !*
Hope that means it was alright...
T_T *Still crying, takes SectoBoss arm, forces him to sit in front of his computer again, point it and only says : WRITE !*
I know I told you before but you're really doing it well, you have a talent for writing as some others here have one for drawing. Thank for sharing what you create with us <3 If I cried while reading, it's simply because you... errr... can take the reader with you, or mostly with your characters, inside the story. That's something precious. Maybe it's also because I'm easily in empathy, but anyway, if I react like that it means it's a success for the person who did the novel/book/movie/..., it had been done good enough to make me feels. So, yeah, it's a strange thing to write, but congratulations, you made me cry :)
Better get started on/finish those three other fanfics I've been sitting on for way too long now...Yes please ! :D
You might be able to tell from this story that I’ve not been in a cheery mood recently :D
Tuuri may or may not have caught the Illness, and on what could be her last night on earth, one other character from the comic stays with her – although I all but guarantee it’s not the person any of you might expect.
I hope you like it!
You might be able to tell from this story that I’ve not been in a cheery mood recently :D
Tuuri may or may not have caught the Illness, and on what could be her last night on earth, one other character from the comic stays with her – although I all but guarantee it’s not the person any of you might expect.
I hope you like it!
You might be able to tell from this story that I’ve not been in a cheery mood recently :D
Tuuri may or may not have caught the Illness, and on what could be her last night on earth, one other character from the comic stays with her – although I all but guarantee it’s not the person any of you might expect.
#1: "Routines". 1.2k words. Characters: Emil & Lalli.There is something very quiet, very peaceful and sweet in this one :) I see friendship, I assume some other persons would see something else, but it's... how to explain... as if the novel had a sweet light. And I like to see the barrier language by Lalli's eyes, voices saying... things, and some words here or there, some gesture.
Summary: They have their routines. They've become set in them. Sometimes, they make new ones. AKA "that thing with hairbrushing, fluff, and language barriers".
Relationship is friendship/ambiguous.
On Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4681715
Backup at my archive: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/52400.html
#2: "Break Down, Build Up". 500-word drabble sequence. Various prologue characters: Stig & Ulrika, Aino & Kaino, Aksel and his grandmother, Signe & Michael, Árni.I'm... someway I fell less connexions between me and the prologue characters but it's the kind of things you read and want to have more. That's not nice from you, giving us so small parts but not more ! :D
Summary: The world's gone, but as time turns, they hang on. Snapshots of the lives of the prologue characters during Year 0 and beyond.
Relationships: the canon marriages, also Signe/Michael.
On Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4861910
Backup at my archive: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/53634.html
You might be able to tell from this story that I’ve not been in a cheery mood recently :D
Tuuri may or may not have caught the Illness, and on what could be her last night on earth, one other character from the comic stays with her – although I all but guarantee it’s not the person any of you might expect.
I hope you like it!
Hey everyone! Remember how a while ago I wrote a story where Emil works in a coffeeshop and Lalli comes in to order cookies?Oh yes, that's exactly how I wanted the Trond & Emil interaction to go >D
WELL it now has the second chapter (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4401371/chapters/11117759) that everyone was asking for! There will probably also be a third at some point. Maybe fourth. But definitely third.
I'm just going to leave these here.This is really sweet and I kind of feel relaxed just by reading it? :)
#1: "Routines". 1.2k words. Characters: Emil & Lalli.
Summary: They have their routines. They've become set in them. Sometimes, they make new ones. AKA "that thing with hairbrushing, fluff, and language barriers".
Relationship is friendship/ambiguous.
On Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4681715
Backup at my archive: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/52400.html
So, SectoBoss kindly said I could do this. I hope it holds up.:) Thank for the other vision.
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
You might be able to tell from this story that I’ve not been in a cheery mood recently :D
Tuuri may or may not have caught the Illness, and on what could be her last night on earth, one other character from the comic stays with her – although I all but guarantee it’s not the person any of you might expect.
So, SectoBoss kindly said I could do this. I hope it holds up.
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
So, SectoBoss kindly said I could do this. I hope it holds up.LooNEY, that was everything I had hoped it would be and more. You really captured the crew's different reactions superbly - Reynir going off on a hunt for Odin himself to plead Tuuri's case is something that I'd never have thought of but seems so much like something he'd do! Great job!
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Wow. Amazing. All of your fics are incredible, and I think this is my all time favorite. I only wish I could write like this.Thank you! (And hey, maybe you can - give it a go, why not?)
LooNEY, that was everything I had hoped it would be and more. You really captured the crew's different reactions superbly - Reynir going off on a hunt for Odin himself to plead Tuuri's case is something that I'd never have thought of but seems so much like something he'd do! Great job!
Thank you! (And hey, maybe you can - give it a go, why not?)Thanks! I already started a fic, centered on the journey of a young Dane who discovers he is a healthy carrier of the Rash and is forced to flee for the Silent World. If you want to check it out, here are the first four chapters. Hope you enjoy it!
Thanks! I already started a fic, centered on the journey of a young Dane who discovers he is a healthy carrier of the Rash and is forced to flee for the Silent World. If you want to check it out, here are the first four chapters. Hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 1
https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg64481#msg64481 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg64481#msg64481)
Chapter 2
https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg65012#msg65012 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg65012#msg65012)
Chapter 3
https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg65552#msg65552 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg65552#msg65552)Spoiler: Carriers, Chapter 4 show
I didn't have time to read this before, but now I have and hOLY MOLY I WISH I READ THIS EARLIERThanks a ton! I really appreciate it. Hope you continue to enjoy it!
Thanks! I already started a fic, centered on the journey of a young Dane who discovers he is a healthy carrier of the Rash and is forced to flee for the Silent World. If you want to check it out, here are the first four chapters. Hope you enjoy it!Those are some interesting ideas you've got on the boil there, and yikes, the last part of chapter 4 was very sad (but the good kind of sad!)
Just another one-shot.
Turning Back the Bäckahästen
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
This went through a couple of redesigns – it was originally going to be set in a medieval world where the rash had replaced the bubonic plague! – but this worked better and I thought I’d better get it done with before the näkki-Lalli craze got forgotten. Anyway, here’s my take on things. And thanks again to Laufey for helping with the mythology behind it!
Fair warning: the näkki catches its victims through seduction of some sort, so it’s a bit more shippy than the stuff I usually write.
I would bet both of these tales evoke some really scary fanart.We can only hope... ;)
This went through a couple of redesigns – it was originally going to be set in a medieval world where the rash had replaced the bubonic plague! – but this worked better and I thought I’d better get it done with before the näkki-Lalli craze got forgotten. Anyway, here’s my take on things. And thanks again to Laufey for helping with the mythology behind it!
Fair warning: the näkki catches its victims through seduction of some sort, so it’s a bit more shippy than the stuff I usually write.
This week I had to deal with three part-time jobs, surly students, and a sinus infection, so of course the first thing I did upon getting home was write fan fiction. Here's part one of my spin on Näkki-Lalli.
This week I had to deal with three part-time jobs, surly students, and a sinus infection, so of course the first thing I did upon getting home was write fan fiction. Here's part one of my spin on Näkki-Lalli.
This went through a couple of redesigns – it was originally going to be set in a medieval world where the rash had replaced the bubonic plague! – but this worked better and I thought I’d better get it done with before the näkki-Lalli craze got forgotten. Anyway, here’s my take on things. And thanks again to Laufey for helping with the mythology behind it!
Fair warning: the näkki catches its victims through seduction of some sort, so it’s a bit more shippy than the stuff I usually write.
It's really fun to see how one idea can inspire so many interesting variations.The both of your takes are obviously well-written, but what really interests me is how both of yours center on a "new strain" of Rash that hits immune individuals, while mine was the old 'rescued from the deal with the devil' idea (thus "a long and foolish story").
The both of your takes are obviously well-written, but what really interests me is how both of yours center on a "new strain" of Rash that hits immune individuals, while mine was the old 'rescued from the deal with the devil' idea (thus "a long and foolish story").
I envisaged a troll in the dreamworld (perhaps even another näkki) getting its claws on him and sort of 'downloading' the rash into his soul, thereby circumventing the biological immunity he posesses.
I may have mentioned before that one of my ideas for what makes the maahinen or vatte is that it is what happens when the earth-things get infected with the Rash? I've actually used the concept in the rest of that long fanfic of mine, if I ever manage to get the rest of the #<<£%%||! Thing to post. I imagine that they suffer as humans do, with some immune, most dying, a few turning into troll equivalents.I hope you do get it posted, I'm looking forward to it!
I don't even have a solid origin for the näkki-rash -- Lalli will probably never find out where he got it, other than in the dreamworld. (Spirit world? Both? Is there an official name for it yet?)I don't think we have an official term for it just yet, at least not one provided within the comic. Everyone seems to be calling it the dreamworld, though.
At long last! I've managed finally to POST the second half of 'A Few Of Mikkel's Secrets' to Archive Of Our Own. I put the first bit up over a month ago, and have had the second part ready for a couple of weeks, but haven't been able to get the Cursed Machineries to cooperate in putting it up. However a technically skilled person/Noble Rescuer was here this evening and managed to beat the Machineries into submission. So it's up! I'm 'Tanist' over there, since their system won't recognise my usual name. There might eventually be more of the story; the last few paragraphs will tell you why. But not at present - real life is wildly busy just now!First of all, I know it's like super old news at this point, but I just read this and wanted to say it is amazing! I'm a big fan of Mikkel, and I think this just adds so much to his character and that of Alma without really drifting too far from canon. I read the third part as well, and wanted to ask if a fourth part was coming up...?
Here is the link to Chapter two
Here is Chapter one, for those who haven't read it
This went through a couple of redesigns – it was originally going to be set in a medieval world where the rash had replaced the bubonic plague! – but this worked better and I thought I’d better get it done with before the näkki-Lalli craze got forgotten. Anyway, here’s my take on things. And thanks again to Laufey for helping with the mythology behind it!
Fair warning: the näkki catches its victims through seduction of some sort, so it’s a bit more shippy than the stuff I usually write.
This week I had to deal with three part-time jobs, surly students, and a sinus infection, so of course the first thing I did upon getting home was write fan fiction. Here's part one of my spin on Näkki-Lalli.Great work to both of you! And I had a sort of horrible and busy week too (no sinus infection, but I can totally relate), so this was great for me. I also wrote my own, in fact two more chapters of the Carriers fic I've been doing for a while. So if you're looking for a quick fic fix, here are chapters five and six.
Seilann, Sectoboss, your fics are wonderful ;u;
*knows it's futile but checks AO3 for more of Seilann's näkki!Lalli fic*
Spoiler: Carriers, Chapter 5 showSpoiler: Carriers, Chapter 6 show
Are you psychic? XD
Microferret: briefly because I'm working today: yes, parts 4 and 5, which is the end, have been written for what, 5-6 weeks, or more, and my repeated efforts to upload them have so far only succeeded in repeated shutdowns of my iPad. I have a number of things I want to upload to the forum, not just the story but some recipes and photos to the appropriate threads. Way back, Sunflower told me how, and occasionally I have managed to get it to work, but most often the whole thing simply locks up. So I have to wait for one of the technically capable members of my extended household to pass through, and fix it for me. Most of my close household are even worse with machineries than am I, and my husband, who is comparatively good at it, is often lengthily away.Oh well. I hope your iPad feels better soon, because I would love to read that! Tech issues are never fun, though I'm pretty tech-savvy and am surrounded by people who are even more so, so I never have to deal with things like that for long.
At least the iPad does not itself break down and die as previous electronics have. Guess I just emit static or something. It works fine most of the time, for things like this where I am just typing words straight into where they are to go. But if I try to transfer something larger, it dies.
For what it's worth, the rest of the story follows the two threads of what Mikkel and Reynir do, and of what happened to Lalli. And yes, Sigrun at the end of the third chapter is being even more pessimistic than the situation warrants, to try stirring Mikkel out of his misery and get him moving again. I think she succeeds.
*squawks*Oh, yeah, those...
*completely forgets about textbooks and midterms and flails for a good five minutes*
Hiii everybody. Sorry for introducing myself and immediately disappearing ahaha. I'm just popping in to drop off a late night fic before I go to bed. Is this the right place? Gosh I hope so. Let me know what you think!This made me laugh. 'Twas a good fic, and I hope you continue to write. Welcome to the forum, and welcome to the Scriptorium!
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4935574 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4935574)
I'd post the fic under a spoiler but I'm still not sure how to do that (still getting used to the forum, sorry)!
This made me laugh. 'Twas a good fic, and I hope you continue to write. Welcome to the forum, and welcome to the Scriptorium!Thank you! :)
Oh, I also put up some older stuff on my deviantArt (http://looney-dac.deviantart.com).
Well, this is what happens when I drink too much coffee... I write a story of a troll trying to invade Tuuri’s dreams, only to find out that this harmless little skald has some serious magic protecting her. Where was I going with this? I have no idea! Here it is anyway!
(Also holy [expletive], this is my 21st SSSS work on AO3. I genuinely wouldn’t have believed that possible a few short months ago…)
Hope you like it, even if it was thrown together in a morning...
Also there's been a lot of good stuff posted since I was last here so I'm just going to say that I love it all!
*happy squeaking* HOTAKAINEN SIBLINGS \o/
Well, this is what happens when I drink too much coffee... I write a story of a troll trying to invade Tuuri’s dreams, only to find out that this harmless little skald has some serious magic protecting her. Where was I going with this? I have no idea! Here it is anyway!
(Also holy [expletive], this is my 21st SSSS work on AO3. I genuinely wouldn’t have believed that possible a few short months ago…)
Hope you like it, even if it was thrown together in a morning...
Also there's been a lot of good stuff posted since I was last here so I'm just going to say that I love it all!
Darn, I need to catch up ;) you're beating me quite squarely, I'm only at 17.
Fifteen more of Solo's tumblr drabbles later:Well, I would write more of those if people sent me some prompts (http://solosvejs.tumblr.com/ask)
Me: ho, hum, it was nice while it lasted...
(Also holy [expletive], this is my 21st SSSS work on AO3. I genuinely wouldn’t have believed that possible a few short months ago…)
Making this quick because I'm literally supposed to start teaching a class... one minute ago. XD But here's part 3!
*still claiming to not be obsessed*
Hey! We broke 1000 posts on the thread! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Oh, and there's this:
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Terminator” crossover fanfic
Part 6
Well, I would write more of those if people sent me some prompts (http://solosvejs.tumblr.com/ask)
I really need to watch the series at some point
2. Do Y0 fics still get posted on the scriptorium? Or is there some other place I should be putting them? Also, I'm sort of toying with the idea of posting them to a public google doc... is this a good idea, or is there some reason others haven't been doing this? (For no good reason, I'm sort of paranoid about getting new online accounts regardless of how safe or useful they are, and I already have a public google drive but not an AO3...)I'll just address question #2.
I'd appreciate any input. Thanks!
Is that also where you were going with the trolls in that young Sigrun fic you were working on awhile back? Fascinating concept! I wonder if/how the presence of magic in the world affects such subtle technology?Aha, not quite - my plan was for the trolls to be people infected with a nanotechnological illness of some kind (called the cRash virus, because of course it would be) that mutates them but also provides nanotech to shield them from the sun and cold, turning them into all-weather versions of the trolls we know and love from the comic. That said, the interplay of magic and high technology would be a fascinating one to see explored... (speaking of which, I really must finish that fic someday!)
Hey everyone, I'm thinking about writing a new fic set mostly in Y0 Hawaii (mainly due to its importance as an island state with a very large military and scientific presence, and I wanted to write about what would happen in that sort of an environment immediately after the outbreak). I want to set it up differently from Carriers, however, so I have a couple of questions to ask.
1. Should I finnish Carriers before I start posting this one, or can you guys wait for the next installment? I'm more excited about the new fic for the moment, but I can finish up if you guys want to see the ending first.
2. Do Y0 fics still get posted on the scriptorium? Or is there some other place I should be putting them? Also, I'm sort of toying with the idea of posting them to a public google doc... is this a good idea, or is there some reason others haven't been doing this? (For no good reason, I'm sort of paranoid about getting new online accounts regardless of how safe or useful they are, and I already have a public google drive but not an AO3...)
I'd appreciate any input. Thanks!
(For no good reason, I'm sort of paranoid about getting new online accounts regardless of how safe or useful they are, and I already have a public google drive but not an AO3...)
I'd appreciate any input. Thanks!
Yr 0 fics go on the Scriptorium with the rest, as Yuuago said (you can find a couple on here already if you dig back). As for Google Docs - well personally, I'd be much happier if everyone here posted to AO3 so we had one central archive where all of the SSSS fanfic can easily be found, so people don't have to dig back through acres of posts if they want to read some of the old stuff. But the choice is of course entirely yours.
heeeeyyyy i kinda. wrote a. weird pointless drabble thing today. for the Näkki AU - more specifically Sectoboss' version, or at least the concept of that one. like, i don't even know. there's no plot to it, really, just. writing. things. yeah.The word you're looking for is : bittersweet.Spoiler: forest hobo husbands show
I'll just address question #2.Thanks, Yuuago and Secto! I think maybe what I'll do is post each new chapter, and then include a link back tho the google doc that contains the old ones. And thanks Cap'n Solo, but I don't think I'll get an AO3 just yet.
I've dumped prologue-era/Year 0 stuff here before and nobody objected - can't see why anyone would either, because Year 0 SSSS is still SSSS! (Which is good, because I plan to do more, hah!) Do post it if you write it please, your Year 0 fic sounds interesting.
As for googledocs - I think I've seen a few that did post their fic as googledocs. It isn't usually done, but I don't think anyone would object to it. Use whichever posting platform you feel comfortable with.
heeeeyyyy i kinda. wrote a. weird pointless drabble thing today. for the Näkki AU - more specifically Sectoboss' version, or at least the concept of that one. like, i don't even know. there's no plot to it, really, just. writing. things. yeah.Spoiler: forest hobo husbands show
heeeeyyyy i kinda. wrote a. weird pointless drabble thing today. for the Näkki AU - more specifically Sectoboss' version, or at least the concept of that one. like, i don't even know. there's no plot to it, really, just. writing. things. yeah.Spoiler: forest hobo husbands show
Oh gods above I was supposed to get so much work done today but then I did this instead and I almost don’t regret that.
I’m starting a 1920s AU, set in Prohibition-era Chicago. Pulpy nonsense about booze smuggling, mob shootouts, nice suits – the works. It may confine itself to the two chapters I’ve got planned out, or it may snowball. We’ll have to see how much I can fit in around all the work I should have done.
Anyways, enough babbling: here’s Chapter 1.
Oh gods above I was supposed to get so much work done today but then I did this instead and I almost don’t regret that.i wanna tell you how awesome this is but i kind of need an angel choir in the background to express my feelings accurately
I’m starting a 1920s AU, set in Prohibition-era Chicago. Pulpy nonsense about booze smuggling, mob shootouts, nice suits – the works. It may confine itself to the two chapters I’ve got planned out, or it may snowball. We’ll have to see how much I can fit in around all the work I should have done.
Anyways, enough babbling: here’s Chapter 1.
I’m starting a 1920s AU, set in Prohibition-era Chicago.hhhhhHHHHHHNNNNNNN N N N N N N N N N N N M THIS IS AMAZING I MAY HAVE CRIED FROM ITS AMAZINGNESS <_<
/me drools over the 20's AU fic.
…Oh, I edited my Lalli-näkki fic (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg69745#msg69745).
Oh, and what's this? Part 2 of the 1920s AU? Which will probably be 3 chapters or more at this rate? (Yeah, it's snowballing. Sue me.)
Hope you all like it!
*tosses up link to part 4, dives right back into the real world*Ah, I love it! Poor Lalli... And I really like the way you've charted Lalli's descent into the illness, it feels chillingly realistic!
*tosses up link to part 4, dives right back into the real world**Reads parts 2, 3 and 4*
And now, a giant step back…
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
…Oh, I edited my Lalli-näkki fic (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg69745#msg69745).
*tosses up link to part 4, dives right back into the real world*
Curiouser and curiouser! Now just where are you going with this one, LooNEY?*Maniacal laughter*
I keep having to double post like this…
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Terminator” crossover fanfic
Part 7Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
OLD MAN GREYSpoiler: show
OLD MAN GREYSpoiler: show
I feel like I've seen something like this before - have you posted other works like this (or in the same universe, or whatever) on the forum recently, or am I just getting deja vu?It's the most recent update to these:
Tall Ships & Taller Tales
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Pirate crossover fanfic
Part 1Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Uh, oh. Here's another one:
Tall Ships & Taller Tales
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Pirate crossover fanfic
Part 1Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Uh, oh. Here's another one:Pirates!! \(◎o◎)/
Tall Ships & Taller Tales
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Pirate crossover fanfic
Uh, oh. Here's another one:
Tall Ships & Taller Tales
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Pirate crossover fanfic
Part 1Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
What sort of scifi AU? This crew might fit right into Ray Bradbury's Mars. Or E.E. Smith's space opera? Or mebbe Freakangels?Careful… the Forum's already under the control of an Eich!
What sort of scifi AU? This crew might fit right into Ray Bradbury's Mars. Or E.E. Smith's space opera? Or mebbe Freakangels?
I was thinking more Douglas Adams...…and so might Minna be.
Just another very short one-shot here.
The Gift
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Hey everyone! Does everyone remember that random fanfic I made like eight months ago? No?It's an interesting beginning which raises many more questions than it answers. Hopefully, forthcoming chapters will provide the answers.
Well I rewrote my first chapter for you guys! Please read it, guys. I really appreciate it. (http://archiveofourown.org/works/3491585/chapters/7670684)
I added like two thousand words to my original draft somehow.
Happy 2 years of SSSS! This isn't exactly a celebration piece, but in honor of the birthday (and to play escapist to some IRL problems y'all would rather not hear about) I wrote an Emilalli fluff piece.
Sorry it's not the last chapter of Burning, I had to take a break from my own angst fest. :D
I hope the angst is over nothing irremediable?
aw, take your time with Burning! We are all....burning with anticipation. As it is im not complaining about this at all. the opposite. I'm drawing a scene from it Right Now
I can’t claim this turned out exactly how I’d planned, but oh well. I shall take it as a warning not to write on so little sleep next time!
I wrote a little story of a younger Reynir coming across a strange magical trinket for sale:
Hope you all like it!
I can’t claim this turned out exactly how I’d planned, but oh well. I shall take it as a warning not to write on so little sleep next time!
I wrote a little story of a younger Reynir coming across a strange magical trinket for sale:
Hope you all like it!
Late again...
The Good, the Bad, and the Bestial
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Western crossover fanfic
Part 14Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
I can’t claim this turned out exactly how I’d planned, but oh well. I shall take it as a warning not to write on so little sleep next time!
I wrote a little story of a younger Reynir coming across a strange magical trinket for sale:
Hope you all like it!
I can’t claim this turned out exactly how I’d planned, but oh well. I shall take it as a warning not to write on so little sleep next time!
I wrote a little story of a younger Reynir coming across a strange magical trinket for sale:
Hope you all like it!
Great piece! I love all the little details and how you fill in the gaps of Minna's world. :)
And now to leave this here and go to bed before AO3 devours what's left of my soul:
(Yes, that is Burning part 5 -- the end except for the epilogue!What do you mean I said only five chapters? Epilogues totally don't count as chapters...)
And now to leave this here and go to bed before AO3 devours what's left of my soul:And it was absolutely worth the wait! I loved it... and what's this, an epilogue? Yuss!
(Yes, that is Burning part 5 -- the end except for the epilogue!What do you mean I said only five chapters? Epilogues totally don't count as chapters...)
Here's a beginning for a story of an evacuation center, year 1.Intriguing start! I shall look forward to more!
EVIL LAUGHTER INTENSIFIESWow that was quick! And hilarious, let's not forget that too :D
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Epilogue of Burning is up. Just gonna leave this here for y'all: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4918981/chapters/11988020
I am curious to see what happens! Is that terrible school uniform the one for your school?
Epilogue of Burning is up. Just gonna leave this here for y'all: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4918981/chapters/11988020
Finished next bit on the fanfic I'm working on, waaaaaaay later than I thought. Here (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4418825/chapters/10145366).
Wasn't sure about posting this one, but I thought some might like it, so-
"Until We Meet Again". 600 words. Lalli/Emil.
Summary: They didn't get a chance the first time around. But maybe here, maybe now, they can try again together.
The prompt was: Reincarnation; one of them remembers. The other doesn't.
On Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5229263
Dreamwidth backup: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/56445.html
I totally spaced reading this. I love the way you write. :)
Wasn't sure about posting this one, but I thought some might like it, so-
"Until We Meet Again". 600 words. Lalli/Emil.
Summary: They didn't get a chance the first time around. But maybe here, maybe now, they can try again together.
The prompt was: Reincarnation; one of them remembers. The other doesn't.
On Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5229263
Dreamwidth backup: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/56445.html
Wasn't sure about posting this one, but I thought some might like it, so-
"Until We Meet Again". 600 words. Lalli/Emil.
Summary: They didn't get a chance the first time around. But maybe here, maybe now, they can try again together.
The prompt was: Reincarnation; one of them remembers. The other doesn't.
On Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5229263
Dreamwidth backup: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/56445.html
I kind of want to give away my secret, but maybe it would be a disappointment. ;pI wish I had a secret to writing as well as you do! I really liked this, very well done indeed! :)
Fenris, I just read this for the first time, and it is very well done! I noticed you did the map the same style as the Map of the Known World in the comic, and I've seen maps of this style in a few other places around the forum. Is there some specific tool you used to do that? It's really cool, and I would like to make a few maps like that for myself.That was done as mentioned by stclairvoyant (Ruth on the forum) rather than me, so you'll need to ask her.
Wasn't sure about posting this one, but I thought some might like it, so-
"Until We Meet Again". 600 words. Lalli/Emil.
Summary: They didn't get a chance the first time around. But maybe here, maybe now, they can try again together.
The prompt was: Reincarnation; one of them remembers. The other doesn't.
On Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5229263
Dreamwidth backup: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/56445.html
Oh gods what have I done...
I've only gone and started a sequel (technically a prequel, I suppose) to the SSSS/Pacific Rim crossover I did a while ago.
Now with more giants! More Jaegers! More just about everything!
Less Reynir, I guess.
I hope you like it!
Wasn't sure about posting this one, but I thought some might like it, so-Oh, I hadn't saw it !
"Until We Meet Again". 600 words. Lalli/Emil.
Summary: They didn't get a chance the first time around. But maybe here, maybe now, they can try again together.
The prompt was: Reincarnation; one of them remembers. The other doesn't.
On Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5229263
Dreamwidth backup: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/56445.html
Well, while other things get a bit rewritten, here’s something that I’ve been working on-and-off for a while now. Sigrun and Mikkel, comparing the scars the silent world has given them. Following today’s page, I guess Sigrun’ll have one more now!
I hope you all like it!
LooNEY, I really liked your fic!Spoiler: show
Oh, I hadn't saw it !
I like it, it's... errr, it would be difficult to explain it in English without a dictionary to translate the exact words which came to my mind, but I like what you did with this idea, and who remembers :)
Anyway, here's another minor milestone: my 20th fic here (counting the ones still in progress, to which I will return shortly, I promise). It's a Y0 bit, so rather dark.
Aksel’s Turn
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: show
Well, while other things get a bit rewritten, here’s something that I’ve been working on-and-off for a while now. Sigrun and Mikkel, comparing the scars the silent world has given them. Following today’s page, I guess Sigrun’ll have one more now!
I hope you all like it!
Anyway, here's another minor milestone: my 20th fic here (counting the ones still in progress, to which I will return shortly, I promise). It's a Y0 bit, so rather dark.
Aksel’s Turn
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
/me mourns that "Shared Story" has surpassed this thread in post count.
So, amidst my weeping, it seems to be time for… A MEGA POST!!!
The Good, the Bad, and the Bestial
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Western crossover fanfic
Part 15
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg76993#msg76993)Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
The Jylland Jump
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Jazz Age” crossover fanfic
Part 2
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg73245#msg73245)Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Tall Ships & Taller Tales
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Pirate crossover fanfic
Part 2
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg73289#msg73289)Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
/me mourns that "Shared Story" has surpassed this thread in post count.
So, amidst my weeping, it seems to be time for… A MEGA POST!!!
The Good, the Bad, and the Bestial
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Western crossover fanfic
Part 15
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg76993#msg76993)Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
The Jylland Jump
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Jazz Age” crossover fanfic
Part 2
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg73245#msg73245)Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Tall Ships & Taller Tales
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Pirate crossover fanfic
Part 2
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg73289#msg73289)Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Gwenno over on the art thread drew the leaftroll coming home at last. I guess all the calls for it to be turned into a fanfic must have tripped something in me, ‘cause I blasted this out in just under an hour! A very short story of the Amalienborg survivors and leaftroll’s return.
Hope you like it!
(and Gwenno, sorry for taking this and running with it without getting your okay first!)
Gwenno over on the art thread drew the leaftroll coming home at last. I guess all the calls for it to be turned into a fanfic must have tripped something in me, ‘cause I blasted this out in just under an hour! A very short story of the Amalienborg survivors and leaftroll’s return.I love it! Sad but perfect. :'( ^-^
Hope you like it!
(and Gwenno, sorry for taking this and running with it without getting your okay first!)
Gwenno over on the art thread drew the leaftroll coming home at last. I guess all the calls for it to be turned into a fanfic must have tripped something in me, ‘cause I blasted this out in just under an hour! A very short story of the Amalienborg survivors and leaftroll’s return.
Hope you like it!
(and Gwenno, sorry for taking this and running with it without getting your okay first!)
So I vented some waiting for update (and a little waiting for book) nerves and ended up cranking out the first chapter of a fic idea I got faster than expected
Dropping links since this is gonna be a doozy of a fic
"Have you ever screwed up So Badly that, when you finally stop, take a minute, and Look at the very moment you screwed up, you could say for absolute certain it was the exact moment that your entire life as you knew it went to complete, total, and utter catastrophe?
That is just how badly Emil had Screwed Up.
And to think that the whole mess had started with such a seemingly, deceptively, simple plan: a recovery mission. Get in. Get books. Get out. Easy, right? That’s exactly what Emil thought. And the entire debacle had quite nearly cost him his Life."
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5292065/chapters/12216398 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5292065/chapters/12216398)
Critiques are more than welcome~ I always want to improve my writing
Oh yes, writing fic is the perfect coping mechanism. Welcome!
I also see that you are a Nightwish fan. :)
Does anyone remember that 1920s AU I started two flippin' months ago?? Well, it's finally gotten finished! (although it's been so long I'm wondering if i need to post a cheat sheet so people can remember who's doing what...)I haven't even read it yet but yay!
I do hope it was worth the wait!
And LordoftheThings, I am greatly enjoying 'Hypothermia', and my apologies for not saying so earlier!
Does anyone remember that 1920s AU I started two flippin' months ago?? Well, it's finally gotten finished! (although it's been so long I'm wondering if i need to post a cheat sheet so people can remember who's doing what...)
I do hope it was worth the wait!
And LordoftheThings, I am greatly enjoying 'Hypothermia', and my apologies for not saying so earlier!
umm... I did a thing.
I'm still not quite sure if it's a good idea to write fics as a non-native speaker, but Noodly was nice and read it through.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5345138 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5345138)
umm... I did a thing.This was so sweet ^w^
I'm still not quite sure if it's a good idea to write fics as a non-native speaker, but Noodly was nice and read it through.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5345138 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5345138)
Róisín and Haiz, thank you very much!This is such a nice AU :D I like the idea of Lalli as a unsocial painter ^^
And while I'm here, chapter 2 of the modern-day AU is up!
Hope you like it!
Does anyone remember that 1920s AU I started two flippin' months ago?? Well, it's finally gotten finished! (although it's been so long I'm wondering if i need to post a cheat sheet so people can remember who's doing what...)
I do hope it was worth the wait!
Thanks guys!
I'm in a weird sort of tired-productive state right now so what the hey, here's chapter 3!
Oh gods what have I done...
I've only gone and started a sequel (technically a prequel, I suppose) to the SSSS/Pacific Rim crossover I did a while ago.
Now with more giants! More Jaegers! More just about everything!
Less Reynir, I guess.http://archiveofourown.org/works/5234288/chapters/12072128
Edit: Or, maybe not. I'll try re-uploading this when AO3 stops throwing a temper tantrum.
I read it before it got pulled down and liked it.
So, what's its status?
Curious about that myself.
SectoBoss: Eh, happens to all of us! Look forward to when it arrives.Speaking of which, can we look forward to a new installment of 'A Few of Mikkel's Secrets' anytime soon?
Have had the rest of it written for months. It's long. And long story short, the problem seems to be in the iPad uploading it. Last time one of the technically competent family passed through, he didn't have time to work on the machine for me.
...I intend to try posting the last two chapters of 'A Few of Mikkel's Secrets' by the same method I'm using for the Crossroads stuff - retyping it into the site. Problems: it can just randomly disappear when I'm a few thousand words in, which has happened before and is most annoying, also it takes forever. Advantages: I can do last-minute corrections as I type it in, and I don't have to worry about waiting until someone is here who can make 'Pages' cooperate!
Hi, so, super-super newbie here and I'm concerned that I'm not even writing this in the right place, but how would one go about joining this...this posting, writing thingie? Just a little confused by the layout of the website and by life as a fact in general, so if anyone could let me know how to conduct myself around here, I would really appreciate the attempt to help me not embarrass myself. Thanks in advance
Thanks so much for the welcome. Always nerve racking to leap into a new forum, but I will use the link you've given me to try to figure out what do to. Thanks again.
Hi, so, super-super newbie here and I'm concerned that I'm not even writing this in the right place, but how would one go about joining this...this posting, writing thingie? Just a little confused by the layout of the website and by life as a fact in general, so if anyone could let me know how to conduct myself around here, I would really appreciate the attempt to help me not embarrass myself. Thanks in advance
Well, the Introduction Thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=131.1710) is probably a good place to start. I'm assuming you're talking about the forum in general, so from there you can browse around and see what topics interest you. If you have any questions, we've got some great skalds, mods, and admins that can help. :) Welcome!
Chapter 4 of my modern-day AU is now up and running! We finally get to see what's going on with Lalli, and how Emil helps him along:Yay, new chapter! I don't think I've said so yet, but I really love this fic so far! You are always so good at realistically writing the characters. I normally don't even like to read AUs but yours are just so good. :D
Hope you like it!
Fair warning, vaguely shippy. And I do mean vaguely.
Chapter 4 of my modern-day AU is now up and running! We finally get to see what's going on with Lalli, and how Emil helps him along:
Hope you like it!
Fair warning, vaguely shippy. And I do mean vaguely.
Chapter 4 of my modern-day AU is now up and running! We finally get to see what's going on with Lalli, and how Emil helps him along:Secto I love this story so much ;-;bbbbbbb
Hope you like it!
Fair warning, vaguely shippy. And I do mean vaguely.
Also seems like you managed to reel in quite a few readers with the "vaguely shippy" thing hahahahahaxD
Secto I love this story so much ;-;bbbbbbbThank you!
Tsk, tsk. I seem to have become a filthy doubleposter.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA D: :D D: I can't decide which face to use because aaaAAAAAAAA
Anyway, the fifth chapter of my modern AU is now up! Turns out Lalli's visions can have their uses after all...
Hope you like it!
Ahhhh!!!!!!!!! This is brilliant as usual, boss. I really liked how you wrote Lalli's pov on the train, and y'know Lalli and Emil continuing to be Very Good Friends (no but the friendship in this fic is really important.....)^agreed!
I really wanna draw something for this...! You're uploading so fast you're gonna be done before I get anything finished lmao.
Ahhhh!!!!!!!!! This is brilliant as usual, boss. I really liked how you wrote Lalli's pov on the train, and y'know Lalli and Emil continuing to be Very Good Friends (no but the friendship in this fic is really important.....)I would be honoured as always if you did! (and the next chapter may take longer anyway because of Life, so...)
I really wanna draw something for this...! You're uploading so fast you're gonna be done before I get anything finished lmao.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA D: :D D: I can't decide which face to use because aaaAAAAAAAAThank you! :D
Anyway, the fifth chapter of my modern AU is now up! Turns out Lalli's visions can have their uses after all...HERE WE GO
HERE WE GODo it do it do it!
at first i was like "what, no newspaper article?" and then i was like OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh
*vibrates* i wanna draw too
at first i was like "what, no newspaper article?" and then i was like OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh
*vibrates* i wanna draw too
Do it do it do it!Yes! Draw scenes from my fanfics! Validate meeeee... XD
I would try drawing something too but I've gotta pack...for a plane trip... *rocks back and forth in a corner*
Do it do it do it!
Yes! Draw scenes from my fanfics! Validate meeeee... XDjust some sketches ok (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.msg82549#msg82549)
Tsk, tsk. I seem to have become a filthy doubleposter.
Anyway, the fifth chapter of my modern AU is now up! Turns out Lalli's visions can have their uses after all...
Hope you like it!
and i was waiting for a really long time for those seagulls hahaAlmost exactly a month, I think!
Reading fanfiction isn't really my thing, but for some reason I decided to give this one a chance, and damn, what a well written piece it is! Read all the existing chapters in one sitting and now I'm waiting to get my hands on the last one.It's when I manage to reel in the non-fanfic-readers that I know I must have done something right! Thanks very much!
I decided to try my hand at a modern day AU, and this is the first chapter of the result. Set in a world where the Rash wasn’t as virulent, Lalli and Emil meet in Stockholm and strike up an odd friendship.*Read all too quickly with a cup of tea*
(Fair warning – it's going to get a teensy tiny bit shippy in later chapters, but nothing major)
I hope you all like it, chapter 2 should be here very soon!
Aki: excellent first post! Such a sad, expressive little vignette. Once your thesis is done, I hope you will write more.I will! I have already several works in progress for SSSS so once I'm free, I'll start working more earnestly on them. Those will be lengthier :)
I don't know why, but it's late and I decided to to write some odd fanfic without any experience of creative writing. I warn you, this was all written within an hour and has not been checked for grammatical errors, it's as raw and incoherent as it gets.
I'm so sorry if this is not tagged as a spoiler, still trying to figure this forum out.Spoiler: show
Thank you for reading
*jumps out of a window and runs away*
Emil and Lalli weren't happy that I dared make my intro post before I was done writing the multi-chapter fic about them I've been working on. So they made me write this instead this night:May I say "Awww... <3" ? And add I perfectly agree with Róisín ?
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: None
Relationships: Lalli Hotakainen & Emil Västerström
Characters: Emil-centric, lots of Lalli, quite a bit of Tuuri, meaningful appearances of everyone else except Purrito
Tags: Angst, Friendship, Gen or Pre-Slash as you want
Summary: Everyone reasonable knows that magic doesn't exist. So when Lalli insists that the reason he's so sick is based in magic, Emil's concern for his friend conflicts with his anger at Lalli's obvious lie.
Aliax: Just read this on AO3 - it's good! Keep on writing!Thank you :) ! And actually, these two (Emil and Lalli) made me start writing *again*. This fic is pretty bad compared to what I used to be able to write :( But at least I'm writing again, which feels so incredibly good :)) Emil and Lalli's absolutely adorable canon friendship seems to be exactly what the healer ordered :P
May I say "Awww... <3" ? And add I perfectly agree with Róisín ?Yes, "Awww... <3" was pretty much exactly what I was looking for :D And thank you!
This fic is pretty bad compared to what I used to be able to write :(*Coughs* EXCUSE ME ? You're writing in English, with this quality, and it's "pretty bad" ? Tsss...
Emil and Lalli weren't happy that I dared make my intro post before I was done writing the multi-chapter fic about them I've been working on. So they made me write this instead this night:Aw so sweet <3
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: None
Relationships: Lalli Hotakainen & Emil Västerström
Characters: Emil-centric, lots of Lalli, quite a bit of Tuuri, meaningful appearances of everyone else except Purrito
Tags: Angst, Friendship, Gen or Pre-Slash as you want
Summary: Everyone reasonable knows that magic doesn't exist. So when Lalli insists that the reason he's so sick is based in magic, Emil's concern for his friend conflicts with his anger at Lalli's obvious lie.
*Coughs* EXCUSE ME ? You're writing in English, with this quality, and it's "pretty bad" ? Tsss...Well... It used to be better? Like, for example, I realised halfway through (thanks to the Chapter 10 title page which Minna posted while I was writing) that I had completely forgotten about Emil's leg injury. 3 years ago, it would have been no big deal at all to go back and insert little mentions of it here and there. This time, it seemed like such a huge edit that it made me want to throw the whole thing away :/ And I won't get into how my vocabulary is so much poorer than it used to be, or how my grammar keeps getting wonkier all the time :-[ ... Of course it would help if I didn't have such a perfectionist streak, too, I agree ::)
Aw so sweet <3Yay ^-^
I also started writing again because of those two ^w^There IS something magical about them, isn't there :) !?
Well... It used to be better? Like, for example, I realised halfway through (thanks to the Chapter 10 title page which Minna posted while I was writing) that I had completely forgotten about Emil's leg injury. 3 years ago, it would have been no big deal at all to go back and insert little mentions of it here and there./butts in
To be fair, with an ongoing canon like this, where details can be rendered non-compliant the next day, small things like that aren't such a big deal, really.I know, right!? But see, my Perfectionist Demon says that it doesn't matter if the fic I write today gets Jossed tomorrow, but it does matter very, very, Very Much that the fic I write today be perfectly in accordance with all the canon we have up to today :P
Plus, I would say that particular detail didn't make too much impact - I mean, he sure took a whack, but he seemed to be mooostly okay...But, but, but! There should be mentions that it hurts when he kneels down, or that he's got a limp, or something, you know D: !? Just a few mentions... here and there...
BUT I can totally understand how perfectionist tendencies can make you want to toss it all in the recycle bin. I might be the same way. ;pPerfectionists, unite - against Perfectionism ;D ! I've read of artists who deliberately introduce small flaws in their works in order to prevent the Perfectionism Demon from keeping them forever stalled, for example.
This fic is pretty bad
*looks at his own abomination of a literary work*That's not fair, though :P You can't compare a piece which took hours and was obsessively edited to something that "was all written within an hour and has not been checked for grammatical errors, it's as raw and incoherent as it gets."
I can't even begin to imagine how your previous works looks like if you call this wonderful piece of art "bad".No, wait, I'm not calling that fic I posted "bad"! If I thought it was bad, you couldn't pay me enough to post it in the first place :D I'm just saying that I'm horribly rusty, and I used to do much better, that's all. You know how the saying goes: "Better is the enemy of good", or something like that ;D
But, but, but! There should be mentions that it hurts when he kneels down, or that he's got a limp, or something, you know D: !? Just a few mentions... here and there...eyyyy it's all good
I definitely just figured that it had about the effect of a kick in the shins and he was just overdramatising. Maybe a bruise for a few days, but meh.Hmm, I don't know about that, really. He did take an iron bar in full swing, used by someone who is canonically rather strong, straight into the shin. Even Mikkel didn't seem quite sure that this wasn't enough to break a leg. I'm guessing that with a bit of luck, the hit was cushioned by the boot, but even then, it would definitely leave a bruise.
The fic's lovely, btw.Thank you :D !!
I sat down at 7pm, determined that I'd get my modern AU finished or die trying. It's now 2am and although I'm not dead I get the feeling I'm not far off :))
The last chapter:
I really really hope you like it, it's certainly been quite an experience to write.
(special thanks to Laufey who gave me a lot of help with ideas that ended up getting cut completely. Sorry about that!)
I sat down at 7pm, determined that I'd get my modern AU finished or die trying. It's now 2am and although I'm not dead I get the feeling I'm not far off :))Sectoboss, that was so beautiful! Such an amazing ending for such an amazing fanfic.
The last chapter:
I really really hope you like it, it's certainly been quite an experience to write.
(special thanks to Laufey who gave me a lot of help with ideas that ended up getting cut completely. Sorry about that!)
You know that feeling when something is just so good that when it's over you're suddenly empty and breathless, slamming back into a physical universe and need to just sit there and digest reality for a while?I agree with this on every level.
That feeling.
I was wondering how on earth you were going to wrap all that up in just one more chapter. I'm not wondering anymore.
You know that feeling when something is just so good that when it's over you're suddenly empty and breathless, slamming back into a physical universe and need to just sit there and digest reality for a while?
That feeling.
Edit: and actually, your fic is MUCH better than anything *I* could produce under such circumstances O.o
No, wait, I'm not calling that fic I posted "bad"! If I thought it was bad, you couldn't pay me enough to post it in the first place :D I'm just saying that I'm horribly rusty, and I used to do much better, that's all. You know how the saying goes: "Better is the enemy of good", or something like that ;D
I sat down at 7pm, determined that I'd get my modern AU finished or die trying. It's now 2am and although I'm not dead I get the feeling I'm not far off :))
The last chapter:
I really really hope you like it, it's certainly been quite an experience to write.
(special thanks to Laufey who gave me a lot of help with ideas that ended up getting cut completely. Sorry about that!)
I sat down at 7pm, determined that I'd get my modern AU finished or die trying. It's now 2am and although I'm not dead I get the feeling I'm not far off :))
The last chapter:
I really really hope you like it, it's certainly been quite an experience to write.
(special thanks to Laufey who gave me a lot of help with ideas that ended up getting cut completely. Sorry about that!)
I sat down at 7pm, determined that I'd get my modern AU finished or die trying. It's now 2am and although I'm not dead I get the feeling I'm not far off :))Pfffffff, I would need to learn more vocabulary to explain what I'm feeling reading it :)
The last chapter:
I really really hope you like it, it's certainly been quite an experience to write.
(special thanks to Laufey who gave me a lot of help with ideas that ended up getting cut completely. Sorry about that!)
I sat down at 7pm, determined that I'd get my modern AU finished or die trying. It's now 2am and although I'm not dead I get the feeling I'm not far off :))
The last chapter:
I really really hope you like it, it's certainly been quite an experience to write.
(special thanks to Laufey who gave me a lot of help with ideas that ended up getting cut completely. Sorry about that!)
Pfffffff, I would need to learn more vocabulary to explain what I'm feeling reading it :)What Mélusine said. I don't think I have the necessary words to tell you how much I love this fic, but believe me, I do.
The last chapter:
The last chapter:
Emil and Lalli weren't happy that I dared make my intro post before I was done writing the multi-chapter fic about them I've been working on. So they made me write this instead this night:
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: None
Relationships: Lalli Hotakainen & Emil Västerström
Characters: Emil-centric, lots of Lalli, quite a bit of Tuuri, meaningful appearances of everyone else except Purrito
Tags: Angst, Friendship, Gen or Pre-Slash as you want
Summary: Everyone reasonable knows that magic doesn't exist. So when Lalli insists that the reason he's so sick is based in magic, Emil's concern for his friend conflicts with his anger at Lalli's obvious lie.
I sat down at 7pm, determined that I'd get my modern AU finished or die trying. It's now 2am and although I'm not dead I get the feeling I'm not far off :))
The last chapter:
I really really hope you like it, it's certainly been quite an experience to write.
(special thanks to Laufey who gave me a lot of help with ideas that ended up getting cut completely. Sorry about that!)
I sat down at 7pm, determined that I'd get my modern AU finished or die trying. It's now 2am and although I'm not dead I get the feeling I'm not far off :))This hit hard ;w; it was beautiful and definitely a worthy ending!
The last chapter:
I really really hope you like it, it's certainly been quite an experience to write.
(special thanks to Laufey who gave me a lot of help with ideas that ended up getting cut completely. Sorry about that!)
/me swallows nervously at all the new good stuff from everybody
/me puts the next bit of the Western up anyway
The Good, the Bad, and the Bestial
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Western crossover fanfic
Part 16
Caper the Third: The Cave of Time
Part 4
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg79730#msg79730)Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
I'll just drop this here too, since it's from an AU that started here. What happens when somebody who doesn't write AUs jumps on the näkki-Lalli bandwagon? Well...
"Water and Eternity". 3k length. Characters: Emil and Lalli
Summary: Lalli is becoming something, transforming, changing. He knows this. He also knows that there is someone he must save, someone he must protect, even if doing so means hiding himself away.
Relationships: Lalli/Emil (mild and vague, but it's there)
Rating: 13+ for some canon-typical violence - it's on the mild side, but to be safe...
On Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5480474
Archive backup: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/59721.html
Uh, Yuuago, you're not helping me be less intimidated: your latest is too magnificent for that.
Oh, well.
So, here's this bit of fluff:
The Jylland Jump
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Jazz Age” crossover fanfic
Part 3
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg79730#msg79730)Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
just 1 hour and 8 minutes before my personal deadline. I just hope that this story will end soon.
I just remembered that i didn't have a title for this thing, so lets call it....Panic? sounds good enough.
Quick note: The text in (cursive?) is supposed to represent inner monologue.Spoiler: show
Oh dear what a mess of a story this is. I really need to get into a writing club at some point in my life. I appreciate any form of criticism you may have, constructive or destructive is up to you. Goodnight and a marry Christmas to all of you.
/me swallows nervously at all the new good stuff from everybodyYEEEEEESS \o/ I hope I didn't miss any installments from the two months I disappeared from the forum....
/me puts the next bit of the Western up anyway
The Good, the Bad, and the Bestial
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Western crossover fanfic
Part 16
Caper the Third: The Cave of Time
Part 5
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg79730#msg79730)Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
I'll just drop this here too, since it's from an AU that started here. What happens when somebody who doesn't write AUs jumps on the näkki-Lalli bandwagon? Well...I
"Water and Eternity". 3k length. Characters: Emil and Lalli
Summary: Lalli is becoming something, transforming, changing. He knows this. He also knows that there is someone he must save, someone he must protect, even if doing so means hiding himself away.
Relationships: Lalli/Emil (mild and vague, but it's there)
Rating: 13+ for some canon-typical violence - it's on the mild side, but to be safe...
On Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5480474
Archive backup: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/59721.html
Uh, Yuuago, you're not helping me be less intimidated: your latest is too magnificent for that.Oh ho ho yes I live for Emilalli fluff :3
Oh, well.
So, here's this bit of fluff:
The Jylland Jump
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Jazz Age” crossover fanfic
Part 3
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg79730#msg79730)Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
just 1 hour and 8 minutes before my personal deadline. I just hope that this story will end soon.Tip: put a space between your paragraphs; it's a lot harder to follow walls of text. X3 But it's really, really good! Can't wait for more!
I just remembered that i didn't have a title for this thing, so lets call it....Panic? sounds good enough.
Quick note: The text in (cursive?) is supposed to represent inner monologue.Spoiler: show
Oh dear what a mess of a story this is. I really need to get into a writing club at some point in my life. I appreciate any form of criticism you may have, constructive or destructive is up to you. Goodnight and a marry Christmas to all of you.
So...this crazy/amazing fandom has inspired me to write my first fanfiction ever. (I blame the people in the art thread...all the amazing art for Sectoboss's Neighbor AU got me hooked, and I'm slowly working my way through this thread to find more). I'mI really don't ship these two, but this was cute c:obsessed withfond of Tuuri/Reynir, and since I haven't seen much written about them I decided to try my hand. It's a fluffy little thing inspired by the way they're sitting in the last panel on page 441 (http://sssscomic.com/comic.php?page=441).
So here it is. (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5517719)
Seilann: Thanks for the tip, completely forgot storytelling 101 ^-^
The infected was pretty much copied from the dead space series. :P (never played it though, too gruesome for me :-[ )
Róisín: Thank you for helping me see my grammatical mistakes. Don't really have a beta reader that could help me improve my story. Tried to get a few friends hooked on the comic, but it wasn't their cup of tea.
I've actually tried re-reading my fic a few hours after completion, just need to make sure that I'll be done a few days before the "deadline" in order to have more time to judge it.
I tried to resist. I tried to tell myself it was a bad idea. But I couldn't help it, once the notion entered my head it wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it out and inflicted it on the world. I shall let you all decide on an appropriate punishment.
"The Currently Untitled Fanfic that Probably Doesn't Actually Deserve a Title"
Length: 1.7k
Characters: The Hotakainen family
Summary: What was Grandma Hotakainen's terrible mistake? What is looking for the Hotakainens? Why is every sentence in this summary in the form of a question?
Relationships: Just family stuff
Rating: No gore or adult situations. Apart from that, take your chances.
Located on my personal blog and including an intro for non SSSS folk - http://wyrmlog.wyrmworld.com/?p=7351 (http://wyrmlog.wyrmworld.com/?p=7351)
Edit: Meant to say that my Finnish is from Google Translate and therefore likely to be awful
:D haha!
Just finished it and that was great!
I tried to resist. I tried to tell myself it was a bad idea. But I couldn't help it, once the notion entered my head it wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it out and inflicted it on the world. I shall let you all decide on an appropriate punishment.
"The Currently Untitled Fanfic that Probably Doesn't Actually Deserve a Title"
Length: 1.7k
Characters: The Hotakainen family
Summary: What was Grandma Hotakainen's terrible mistake? What is looking for the Hotakainens? Why is every sentence in this summary in the form of a question?
Relationships: Just family stuff
Rating: No gore or adult situations. Apart from that, take your chances.
Located on my personal blog and including an intro for non SSSS folk - http://wyrmlog.wyrmworld.com/?p=7351 (http://wyrmlog.wyrmworld.com/?p=7351)
Edit: Meant to say that my Finnish is from Google Translate and therefore likely to be awful
"The Currently Untitled Fanfic that Probably Doesn't Actually Deserve a Title"
*hands a turkey shaped medal that says GET OUT*
I have that terrible song stuck in my head now. I don't know if I can forgive you for this.
So it's all your fault, is it? I had wondered why the seal! *Dissolves in helpless giggles*
If you don't mind it taking a few days, I could beta for you. :)
"The Currently Untitled Fanfic that Probably Doesn't Actually Deserve a Title"Why... why did I expect anything else? Well played, well played indeed :D
After lurking and drawing for this thread for ages I come bearing...! A very self-indulgent Tuuri fic, haha. Voilà (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5539997)Already said this on AO3 but I really liked this! We definitely need more Tuuri fics, that's for certain (hell, we need more fics in general, but that's another issue...)
After lurking and drawing for this thread for ages I come bearing...! A very self-indulgent Tuuri fic, haha. Voilà (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5539997)
Why... why did I expect anything else? Well played, well played indeed :D
I am so behind with reading, because I've been trying to finish as much stuff as possible before the end of the year. (Why? Well... why not?) I look forward to combing through this when I'm done with that. : DMy favorite fic from you <3 Definitively. The images are strong, which is one of the best compliment I can say to someone I read, we can see, we can feel, Lalli and Reynir are very themselves. It's a success, and the poem alone was already beautiful <3
And on that subject, I finished something! Rather, another version of something. The poem that I wrote Vi for the forum's secret santa was originally drafted as a regular prose fanfic. So, I finished that.
Title: Wayfarer (I & II).
Characters: Lalli & Reynir; no pairing.
Rating: E for Everyone.
Length: 1.7k of fic; 60 lines of poetry
Summary: Reynir visits Lalli in the dreamworld again. This time, he has a suggestion. Lalli has mixed feelings about it.
Fic by itself can be read at my archive: https://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/60915.html
Fic and poem together are at Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5557196
Just went through the whole of the Scriptorium in two days and all I can say is good job everybody! (Absolutely no way I could go back and give comments individually, sorry!)Wow, two days?!?! I've been trying to go through and see what's been posted, but I've only gotten to page 23 so far. (Plus the last few pages, I guess.) That's impressive!
Kiraly: read it and commented on A3O but will say here: the story is funny and sweet, please do continue!Aww, thank you! (And now I know who you are on AO3 - still putting together what names everyone uses on different websites). I have another chapter in progress now, so hopefully I can get that finished soon.
I keep getting the urge to do a Matrix crossover somebody please help me!According to Google, the Finnish translation for "déjà vu" is "deja vu". Expect Derpkitty to paf you if you get her stuck with that name. Twice.
I keep getting the urge to do a Matrix crossover somebody please help me!
Well, 2 scenarios spring to mind immediately:
1. Y90 is a subset of the Matrix where the machines are experimenting with extended longevity through the mental prison of Trollification;
2. The Rash was the reason people were put into the pods and the Matrix to begin with, and the war against the machines happened after the Rash was forgotten.
…oh. That wasn't the kind of help you were asking for?
Oh, look.
I made a little Family Headcannon fanfic.
With a Hey and a Ho (and a Hey-Nonny-No!)
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Oh, look.
I made a little Family Headcannon fanfic.
With a Hey and a Ho (and a Hey-Nonny-No!)
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
So here's what I'm really asking by way of help: does anyone actually want to read this thing that I'm still bouncing around?*breathy whisper* If you post it, they will read.
does anyone actually want to read this thing that I'm still bouncing around?
This is... Not a fic. But it's a song based on Kiraly's fic. So I guess I'll link it here?OH MY GOSH LOOK AT THAT I MEAN LISTEN TO IT AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!
Lyrics (and character commentary) included. :)
Herewith a short fic in response to today's page. Still can't use A3O, so trying this.
Herewith a short fic in response to today's page. Still can't use A3O, so trying this.
Herewith a short fic in response to today's page. Still can't use A3O, so trying this.
I've been sitting on my hands for weeks, and I'm so glad that I can FINALLY post these two stories! They were written for a blind exchange; fics were revealed on Dec 24, so some of you might have already seen these, but authors had to be kept a secret until January 01.I really liked these ^w^ Especially the first one!
01. Title: Don't Fall Behind
Pairing: Emil/Lalli, but the story is mostly action, not romance.
Rating: 13+ for canon-typical violence
Length: 4.6k
Summary: While on a book-hunting mission in an old library, Emil loses track of Lalli. Again. Finding him again isn't as easy a task as he would like it to be.
Read at Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5413331
Dreamwidth backup: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/59048.html
02. Title: I will love you quietly
Characters: Emil & Lalli; friendship/ambiguous relationship
Rating: 0+/G
Length: 1.3k
Summary: When Lalli wakes, he finds that someone has been keeping watch over him. He isn't surprised in the least.
*This is compliant to the end of Chapter 8, but diverges a little after that, because I started writing it at the beginning of Chapter 9.
Read at Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5413952
Dreamwidth backup: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/59312.html
Hi, brand new here and unfortunately not bearing gifts. I do have an idea, though, and wanted to know if it was dumb or not: specifically, I really want to write a series prequel, preferably following a group of random characters I have yet to come up with in the Dalsnes survivor community, in around year 15. The general premise would involve watching a band of enthusiastic but no more than semi-trained survivors coming together to Get Really Good at punching trolls in the face.
The story is still very much in the planning stages at this point. I'm posting here partly because I'd like to gauge interest in the idea (including whether or not it sounds even remotely interesting to anyone else, given it wouldn't actually be about our crew) and partly because I was curious if anyone knew what it would help me to take into account or any resources that might be available to call upon. I'm British, and know very little about Scandinavia, so if I'm going to write about it homework is goijng to have to be done. I'm just honestly not very sure where to start right now.
Okay, enough rambling and that was a very long-winded way to ask for help. Thanks for reading. :)
Here's the first part of my Matrix crossover. Critique is welcome!I love what you have done with the story so far.
Title: Dangerous
Rating: T/PG-13
Characters: Mostly Lalli, Onni, and Tuuri, though the entire crew sans Reynir will make appearances at some point.
Warning: For brief mentions of self-harm.
Background notes on the setting, for anyone interested:Spoiler: show
Part I:Spoiler: show
More notes:Spoiler: show
Lazy8 that's a good start! I'll admit I've never seen any of the Matrix movies (oh look, there goes all my nerd cred) but even without that I still enjoyed your chapter. :)
Thanks!I've seen the first one, but it's been a looooooong time. Can't wait for the enxt part!
...you're the second person I've talked to in as many days who's missing that particular bit of nerd cred. Though I do hope you know the gist of the movie, if you want to keep reading, since I've been writing with the assumption of familiarity with both fandoms.
Herewith a short fic in response to today's page. Still can't use A3O, so trying this.
(Cut for length)
I tried to resist. I tried to tell myself it was a bad idea. But I couldn't help it, once the notion entered my head it wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it out and inflicted it on the world. I shall let you all decide on an appropriate punishment.
"The Currently Untitled Fanfic that Probably Doesn't Actually Deserve a Title"
Length: 1.7k
Characters: The Hotakainen family
Summary: What was Grandma Hotakainen's terrible mistake? What is looking for the Hotakainens? Why is every sentence in this summary in the form of a question?
Relationships: Just family stuff
Rating: No gore or adult situations. Apart from that, take your chances.
Located on my personal blog and including an intro for non SSSS folk - http://wyrmlog.wyrmworld.com/?p=7351 (http://wyrmlog.wyrmworld.com/?p=7351)
Edit: Meant to say that my Finnish is from Google Translate and therefore likely to be awful
Oh, look.E X C E L L E N T
I made a little Family Headcannon fanfic.
With a Hey and a Ho (and a Hey-Nonny-No!)
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Herewith a short fic in response to today's page. Still can't use A3O, so trying this.o___o Next installment, please! I'm dying of curiosity now
Thanks!I'm vaguely familiar with it, and I suppose if I don't understand I can always do some research. (Or ask my housemate, who was totally horrified when she found out I hadn't seen them.)
...you're the second person I've talked to in as many days who's missing that particular bit of nerd cred. Though I do hope you know the gist of the movie, if you want to keep reading, since I've been writing with the assumption of familiarity with both fandoms.
Kiraly: Must. Fight. The urge. To ship. Must. NOT. SHIP. MUST NOT. *ships anyway* dang itMuahahaha, my plan is working!!! >:D
Hi, brand new here and unfortunately not bearing gifts. I do have an idea, though, and wanted to know if it was dumb or not: specifically, I really want to write a series prequel, preferably following a group of random characters I have yet to come up with in the Dalsnes survivor community, in around year 15. The general premise would involve watching a band of enthusiastic but no more than semi-trained survivors coming together to Get Really Good at punching trolls in the face.
The story is still very much in the planning stages at this point. I'm posting here partly because I'd like to gauge interest in the idea (including whether or not it sounds even remotely interesting to anyone else, given it wouldn't actually be about our crew) and partly because I was curious if anyone knew what it would help me to take into account or any resources that might be available to call upon. I'm British, and know very little about Scandinavia, so if I'm going to write about it homework is goijng to have to be done. I'm just honestly not very sure where to start right now.
Okay, enough rambling and that was a very long-winded way to ask for help. Thanks for reading. :)
What kinds of triggers are the ones that people tend to avoid around here? I understand that with a story like SSSS that does involve a great deal of body horror, most of the readership will have a strong stomach for gore. None of the things I plan to write involve anything untoward in a sexual manner at all, but I am concerned about offending people with graphic violence and gore
I mean, this is the comic where Lalli skinned a dog and then wore its skull because MAGE but I just wondered?
I don't think there's exact rules aside of "if it's on level with the violence shown in SSSS it's acceptable", but I'd just go by the usual rule of courtesy: if dealing with anything extreme (character death, torture, gore and body horror if they're taken to extreme) it's good to give a warning beforehand.
^ What Laufey said. Anything like that, it's probably good to mention in a note.
Otherwise, if it's not extreme, you can generally just slap a "canon-typical violence" on it, or "canon-typical situations" etc, if you want to be careful.
What kinds of triggers are the ones that people tend to avoid around here? I understand that with a story like SSSS that does involve a great deal of body horror, most of the readership will have a strong stomach for gore. None of the things I plan to write involve anything untoward in a sexual manner at all, but I am concerned about offending people with graphic violence and gore
I mean, this is the comic where Lalli skinned a dog and then wore its skull because MAGE but I just wondered?
In some places I've been, people don't want spoilers but then get mad that they were triggered
- If the drawing contains blood/scariness/violence within what the canon SSSS comic has portrayed/contained, you do not need to put it under a spoiler.
- If it does contain graphic gore or abject horror, it's not the best idea to post it outright. Please link or spoiler with a warning.
Forced to Fight
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: show
For those not following the Secret Santa, here’s my gift to frenci (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=694.msg85484#msg85484), based on the prompt for Yuuago’s “Until We Meet Again” (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5229263), but with a few twists. (What if the one who remembered was not the one seeking to reconnect?)
Aaaaaaand there’s also this:
Forced to Fight
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
(Is there maybe a more appropriate place to post fan songs, and/or should I make one?)
(It's been a while, do I detect some call backs to your Emil's-letters-to-Lalli-over-the-years fic series you did a while ago, or is that my imagination?)Mostly stuff mentioned in Part VIII (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg50799#msg50799).
Ahem (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=477.0).
My deviantArt (http://looney-dac.deviantart.com) has everything aside from "Contingencies", but I'll put that up soon.
My deviantArt (http://looney-dac.deviantart.com) has everything aside from "Contingencies", but I'll put that up soon.
Kiraly, this is great! As I said in your comments, I'm still laughing.
Thanks Róisín! Your comments always make my day. :)) And it's good to hear it's making you laugh, because I'm having waaaay too much fun writing this silly thing.Ah. So nearly as much fun as we're having reading it, then.
*runs in, drops another chapter of the Ridiculous Hipster Band AU (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5569909/chapters/13172455) (complete with fluffy Reynir/Tuuri) and runs away again*
*runs in, drops another chapter of the Ridiculous Hipster Band AU (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5569909/chapters/13172455) (complete with fluffy Reynir/Tuuri) and runs away again*Kiraly, I adore reading your AU, it's so sweet and I look forward to see what other shenanigans Sigrun may have in store for them in the future. :))
Ah. So nearly as much fun as we're having reading it, then.
Kiraly, this is delightful and funny and insightful. I laughed out loud at least once per chapter. (Of course Sigrun would text in all caps. Of COURSE. And what other job could Lalli have in this AU besides a programmer?)
Kiraly, I adore reading your AU, it's so sweet and I look forward to see what other shenanigans Sigrun may have in store for them in the future. :))
While people are posting stuff they did for the Secret Santa, I should put this up. This is the short piece I wrote for Amarinthineamusement. I figured a funny and fluffy short story might amuse her, since one of her specifications was: ' SSSS CHARACTERS INTERACTING'. Nobody seems to have guessed I was the guilty party before the list went up, likely because it is much fluffier than my usual style! So herewith:
*Curmudgeonly growling*
The Jylland Jump
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Jazz Age” crossover fanfic
Part 4
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg84742#msg84742)Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
*Curmudgeonly growling*
The Jylland Jump
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Jazz Age” crossover fanfic
Part 4
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg84742#msg84742)Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Brilliant! Is this our first space-fiction AU? I know LooNEY DAC has done time. Do keep writing!
DiscoMonster that was great! I like the slow reveal that not only are the mysterious alien-types watching...they're also as obsessed with this story as the rest of us. ;)The Minnions exist throughout space and time, confusing Minna greatly as a child.
I know LooNEY DAC has done time.Wait, when was I in the pokey?
Ah, of course! The American usage - sorry! English she are a weird language. I meant that DiscoMonster had written an AU set in space, where you have written some where the thing changed it time. Like the delightful tales you are currently posting. Which are really good!You know, I have this theory that Aussie English is an experiment to see how much vocabulary can be replaced in a language, the grammar and syntax remaining unchanged, before it becomes a different language. This was, of course ordained by the Trilateral Commission from their secret Antarctic base, and Poe's Law says that no matter how much more I spin this out, someone will think I'm serious.
Apologies, I don't have much time to read or write fanfic or set up new accounts but I wrote this today and thought I'd post it:A pure sci-fi take on SSSS? And a good and funny one, too!? <3 <3 MARRY ME! And make me loads of little sci-fi/SSSS ficlets! PLEASE!
Excerpts from a Communication by Universe Cruise Craft Aorryg. This urgent briefing concerns Planet Three (BlueGreen Pearl), System 10 (Bountiful) First visit in one hundred years.
Hi all! Here's the next bit of 'Gone Astray'. Last part should be up in a day or two.
A pure sci-fi take on SSSS? And a good and funny one, too!? <3 <3 MARRY ME! And make me loads of little sci-fi/SSSS ficlets! PLEASE!(Dammit, this fandom IS dangerous :o I just came over because I was starved for SSSS fic and there isn't enough new stuff over on Ao3, and suddenly here I am, proposing to a complete stranger O.O )
By the sixth line the massive head had turned toward him. By the eighth the creature was charging. **********************************************
Hi all! Here's the next bit of 'Gone Astray'. Last part should be up in a day or two.
I'm way behind in reading fanfics... but I wrote a new one.
Thanks again to Noodly for reading it through :)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5764144 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5764144)
Spoiler: show
I'm way behind in reading fanfics... but I wrote a new one.
Thanks again to Noodly for reading it through :)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5764144 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5764144)
Also, today my muse (probably named Procrastination or some such) descended upon me and commanded me to write this little Onni fic: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5789218(I've already said this in two other places but I love this!)
(I've already said this in two other places but I love this!)
Speaking of everyone's favorite older brother, someone made an appearance (sort of) in Chapter 5 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5569909/chapters/13344139) of Silly Fluffy Hipster Band AU! Now with even more fluff.
So I know I was here and then wasn't, but I am now back and have kind of been productive in the time that I slunk away.
So if anyone wants a kind of weird, slightly quirky take on how they discuss how to solve the food problem Reynir's extra mouth makes, then I wrote something.
Here it is
And now I will melt away in the darkness to regret everything I have ever done. Adieu, friends
Ahahahaha! Please don't melt away, then who will write hilarious things like this? The twist at the end is what really got me.
Haha...I mean, I'll be honest, if they were actually going to eat Reynir I'd be at the head of the mob screaming "NOOOOO!!!"
Glad you enjoyed it. Wasn't sure how the whole 'Let's eat Reynir' thing was gonna go down, but I did hope people would like the fact that the 'kids' were doing the exact same thing on the other side of Sigrun's snow drift-fort of super secrecy
So I know I was here and then wasn't, but I am now back and have kind of been productive in the time that I slunk away.This is probably the best thing I've ever read. :)) I mean, wow. The tone was seriously great, and I'm having a really hard time choosing my favorite part, can I just say the entire thing is my favorite part? (cannible lalli though, that was hilarious. also boo-boos)
So if anyone wants a kind of weird, slightly quirky take on how they discuss how to solve the food problem Reynir's extra mouth makes, then I wrote something.
Here it is
And now I will melt away in the darkness to regret everything I have ever done. Adieu, friends
Yeah, what Kiraly said. Disturbingly, darkly funny.
Just so long as you understand that after this the fandom is going to be insisting that the next thing you write needs to be some meringue-like piece of fluff!Yes, cannibalism tends to leave a bad taste in the mouth.
Just so long as you understand that after this the fandom is going to be insisting that the next thing you write needs to be some meringue-like piece of fluff!
An ornate and decadent marble tub?
Yes, cannibalism tends to leave a bad taste in the mouth.
I'm confident in my ability to obsess over ships
/me drops the next part of the Jazz AU and runs, giggling evillyYes, cannibalism tends to leave a bad taste in the mouth.(https://media1.giphy.com/media/qeA0jZAlsCHAI/200_s.gif)
/me drops the next part of the Jazz AU and runs, giggling evilly
The Jylland Jump
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Jazz Age” crossover fanfic
Part 5
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg88720#msg88720)Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
/me drops the next part of the Jazz AU and runs, giggling evilly
The Jylland Jump
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Jazz Age” crossover fanfic
Part 5
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg88720#msg88720)Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Aaaaaaaand after a long stretch of writer's block, here is Part 2 of my Matrix crossover Dangerous.Yes, it seems to be worth the wait...
LooNEY! What an awesome twist! I never saw that coming. And whoa! Emil and Onni! Two blows in the gut without so much as a warning! Now I'm all edgy for it to go on.
I also smiled at the nearly similar sentences Lalli and Emil said to Tuuri in this and the last chapter. Very cute and acurate. :D
What do you guys think about AU's? I'm trying to decide what kind of world I should set a fic in, and I'm wondering what your thoughts are on AU's for SSSS in general
So far, the only options that really seem like workable things to me are modern settings and a setting where it's SSSS except the trolls are changed in some way
What do you guys think about AU's? I'm trying to decide what kind of world I should set a fic in, and I'm wondering what your thoughts are on AU's for SSSS in general
So far, the only options that really seem like workable things to me are modern settings and a setting where it's SSSS except the trolls are changed in some way
What do you guys think about AU's? I'm trying to decide what kind of world I should set a fic in, and I'm wondering what your thoughts are on AU's for SSSS in general
So far, the only options that really seem like workable things to me are modern settings and a setting where it's SSSS except the trolls are changed in some way
Guys, you are so talented!I could give it a read, although I'm not a native speaker.
I'm not so experienced in writing, but some time ago wrote a fic for Secret Santa. It's rather short (about 2000 words), and without any warnings. I'd like to share it here, but I'm not a native speaker, and it would be better to check it.
Is there anyone to proof-read it?
Guys, you are so talented!I'm a native speaker, if you still need help.
I'm not so experienced in writing, but some time ago wrote a fic for Secret Santa. It's rather short (about 2000 words), and without any warnings. I'd like to share it here, but I'm not a native speaker, and it would be better to check it.
Is there anyone to proof-read it?
And uh, you people have me an idea... I already have 2 and a half chapters written (they are kinda small though,). But I guess I should first ask, do you guys think that it would be too unlikely that the team would run in to some cleansers at all? Not like that was my whole plan, haha, nooo....
Would it be okay if I posted the first chapter here once it's edited?
Okay, sorry it took a bit longer than expected. Distractions in the form of math homework came along...
Here's the prologue to the little story, just put together so forgive any mistakes.Spoiler: show
If you find a problem, just tell me. Gentle criticism would be good. I know I'm writing the sentences weird. I just don't know, they don't look right to me, so if you know what I'm doing wrong please say.
Okay, I am officially intrigued.Right, sorry... Fixed? Possibly?
As for problems, if you left some spaces in between your paragraphs, it would make the story a lot easier to read. I've found that a line of --------'s or ******'s works fairly well if you need to indicate a break.
Right, sorry... Fixed? Possibly?
Sorry, I was taught to only put an indentation, so I'm stuck in the habit of it. I'll fix that on the next chapters...
Further to AUs, we've had high school, coffeeshop, time travel, western, jazz age, prohibition-era Chicago, modern era Scandinavia where the Rash worked out differently, science fiction, urban hipster, fairytale, nakki,...... Have I forgotten any?Arrrr, mayhap ye have.
*clumsily sneaks in to forum*So what's this "little fic" called?
Hello, I finally went through the whole (nearly, almost, who needs specifics...) fanfic thread and these are ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! And uh, you people have me an idea...
Right, sorry... Fixed? Possibly?
Sorry, I was taught to only put an indentation, so I'm stuck in the habit of it. I'll fix that on the next chapters...
Arrrr, mayhap ye have.
Tall Ships & Taller Tales
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Pirate crossover fanfic
Part 3
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg79730#msg79730)Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Is that a sufficient reminder?So what's this "little fic" called?
Lazy8: Definitely squicky, but interesting. I take it the bug is something from the original? Do go on...
It should work now, sorry I'm not used to this kind of code... Sorry about that!
Yes, I like these stories. And 'punishable by Sigrun's wrath' is probably the most gruesome punishment I've ever heard of.
I have narrowed the title down to TWO choices, I'm very proud of myself, it's an amazing accomplishment for me... This chapter is shorter than the one and three (and three isn't even near done yet, jeeze) and there's another wonderful, not-ominous-at-all, optimistic ending. Actually, you all know that was sarcasm, there's some gore but I don't think it's worse than anything cannon, just a fair warning. No main character death.
The school AU was wonderful "There's a cat in the pantry! Huh? Oh, no never mind. Any one looking for Lalli?"
So chapter three was getting too long to be posted here (I imagine,) and I cut it at a time skip. It's short now, but you get to figure out what happens to Sigrun and the giant, anyway! I'll post chapter four a little later. Some gore, you have been warned.Spoiler: showSpoiler: notes show
*creeps in*
*posts link (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5882653/chapters/13557766)*
Madsen’s Malmö Mayhem
Again, this is “in the style of” rather than a direct crossover with the “Burn Notice”, “the Prisoner” and “Leverage” franchises.
Oh my goodness! Don't run away, we need you to come back and write more so we can find out what happens! You did a really good job of building the tension and showing the different characters' reactions to what's going on.
What Kiraly said, yes. I've already commented over on A3O, but will say again: good story premise, don't keep us in suspense too long!
Thanks, guys :D I'm just intimidated to post something in the SSSS fandom; there are so many talented writers here! But I'm going to try to keep a steady enough pace to post a chapter every 1-2 weeks. I'm one of those people that gets sucked into the Vortex of Editing...just keep editing the sames pages over and over and over because it never feels good enough. I don't feel chapter one is totally done yet but gotta keep some momentum going forward or I'll never finish.
*creeps in*
*posts link (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5882653/chapters/13557766)*
I... have zero familiarity with any of those franchises, so I don't know how long I'll be able to follow. What you have so far, though, has proved to be immensely fun!Well, the beauty of "in the style of" stuff is that no knowledge of the other is required.
I'm one of those people that gets sucked into the Vortex of Editing...just keep editing the sames pages over and over and over because it never feels good enough./me looks at pile of unfinished stories from a decade ago
Thanks, guys :D I'm just intimidated to post something in the SSSS fandom; there are so many talented writers here! But I'm going to try to keep a steady enough pace to post a chapter every 1-2 weeks. I'm one of those people that gets sucked into the Vortex of Editing...just keep editing the sames pages over and over and over because it never feels good enough. I don't feel chapter one is totally done yet but gotta keep some momentum going forward or I'll never finish.
OwlsGO, you have a wonderful gift for unexpected phrases that are hilarious.
I lost it at "...could in fact have been a canoe with a wig on..."
frostykitty I can't seem to open the first spoiler tag? I've noticed that if I put punctuation in the "spoiler=something or other" section it doesn't work, for some reason. Excited to read the next part though!
As for the writing of the new chapter, I have seemed to have picked up Writer's Block... The dreaded word... So this chapter might end up being pretty short.
I just posted about this problem over on the Gender thread.This is a test:
The apostrophe is the only symbol that breaks the spoiler code. Everything else (.&*?!) seems to be OK. Why our Forum code rejects the humble apostrophe, I don't know.
As a temporary measure, you can see what's in a broken spoiler by quoting that post. But hopefully the original author won't mind editing the "spoiler=something or other" part.
This is a test:Spoiler: Isn’t it strange? show
EDIT: The above spoiler opens for me. I think it's because the apostrophe in its title is directionally biased rather than the 'generic' one some text programs generate/use. Examples:
Can you see the difference?
I have edited it, should be okay now... It is right? Or did I mess it up again?
OwlsG0 I personally like that Siv is teaching himhow to beat his rivals in to submissionI mean, uh, self defense. It seems in character to me. I love the story.
As for the writing of the new chapter, I have seemed to have picked up Writer's Block... The dreaded word... So this chapter might end up being pretty short.
BUT HEY! It ended up longer than I thought!Spoiler: return to silence; part one, chapter six show
So for those of us who use A03, how many pages would you post at once? I've been on it for like, two years, but have never written as much for one chapter that I just churned out. 13 pages, and all of them full, full, full.
Would you guys post 13 pages in one go, or split them up a little bit? I'm more inclined to, for the sake of the narrative flow, post 13 pages in one go, but would you guys have a problem with reading that much in one go?
So for those of us who use A03, how many pages would you post at once? I've been on it for like, two years, but have never written as much for one chapter that I just churned out. 13 pages, and all of them full, full, full.
Would you guys post 13 pages in one go, or split them up a little bit? I'm more inclined to, for the sake of the narrative flow, post 13 pages in one go, but would you guys have a problem with reading that much in one go?
Pages can vary depending on font size/formatting, so... what is your wordcount? My estimate comes out to about 4.5k, does that sound about right? For anything under 5k, I would just post it at once - it isn't that much to read. Especially if the narrative doesn't have a place where it divides up neatly.
And even for larger wordcounts, I do think the more important part is whether it can divide up in an unobtrusive way, rather than the length itself.
My word count is actually somewhere up in the 6000's, but I found that I kinda couldn't stop the narrative anywhere that wouldn't end up stretching out the length of the story. Thanks for your advice, bro
my ficreading habit is to open a bunch of fics and then read them while I'm somewhere with no internet, so I don't like chapters much. idk what other people like.
I don't like chapters much.
I do the same thing as Noodly Appendage most of the time, whoops...And on that note, I post the next chapter. *sigh*
And on that note, I post the next chapter. *sigh*
Madsen’s Malmö Mayhem
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficQuote
I honestly love the way Emil and Sigrun are both just like 'can we blow stuff up' then get grumpy like children when they find out Onni has only been pragmatic about their health, rather than the amount of boom-booms there is to be had.
And on that note, I post the next chapter. *sigh*
Madsen’s Malmö Mayhem
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficQuote
I honestly love the way Emil and Sigrun are both just like 'can we blow stuff up' then get grumpy like children when they find out Onni has only been pragmatic about their health, rather than the amount of boom-booms there is to be had.
What in the heck happened to this format? This is what happens when you post while your cats are on the keyboard.
Hello, I have a thing. It's http://archiveofourown.org/works/4922551/chapters/11294539 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4922551/chapters/11294539) (link bcos long)
I've been writing it for a while now but never thought to share it here (clearly my capacity for overlooking the obvious is strong).
Warning: it's shippy. I know that's not everyone's style.
I think I must have read every ssss fanfiction on a03 and I love the community's fun loving vibe. I think one of the reasons minna's characters are so fun to write is because of how well crafted they are.
And on that note, I post the next chapter. *sigh*
Madsen’s Malmö Mayhem
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 2
Hello, I have a thing. It's http://archiveofourown.org/works/4922551/chapters/11294539 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/4922551/chapters/11294539) (link bcos long)
I've been writing it for a while now but never thought to share it here (clearly my capacity for overlooking the obvious is strong).
Warning: it's shippy. I know that's not everyone's style.
I think I must have read every ssss fanfiction on a03 and I love the community's fun loving vibe. I think one of the reasons minna's characters are so fun to write is because of how well crafted they are.
My chapter two is up. It's a slow one for pacing and context. Getting closer to the action and horror though :D
@dire - Oh I read the first chapter of elegia, I always love a long pacing stories and I really want to find directions out what happens if this one (let us know if you ever need a peppered talk, haha!) It's a tense situation to write about, I loved emil's frustration. Can't wait to read the next chapter!
Spoiler: showSpoiler: show
Question for the group: Is there a defined line between what gets considered shippy and what doesn't? Does something have to be explicit about characters' romantic interest/attraction to be called shippy or does ambiguous/open to interpretation qualify too?
I'm basically wondering at what point I may need to acknowledge I'm writing a shippy fic vs one about really good friends haha
The other couple I ship, Mikkel and Tuuri, I'm writing much more cautiously, because I think that relationship would require a great deal of negotiation and sorting out of the power structure before it could work.
I'd say the line between romanticshippy and friendshippy is the presence or absence of overt sexual activity. But that's just my opinion. Anyone else have ideas?
Minna did say that if she ever did write a romance into the comic it would be hard to tell from a really good friendship. So if I'm writing Emil/Lalli I try not to write them doing anything much beyond what a pair of coeth-companions in one of the old hero-tales would do.
Question for the group: Is there a defined line between what gets considered shippy and what doesn't? Does something have to be explicit about characters' romantic interest/attraction to be called shippy or does ambiguous/open to interpretation qualify too?
I'm basically wondering at what point I may need to acknowledge I'm writing a shippy fic vs one about really good friends haha
Cool, I appreciate everyone's thoughts on it. That helps guide me on how I should tag the next chapters. I think I'm in the grey area at the moment, there's definitely nothing explicit one way or the other. I just wasn't sure if I should forewarn potential readers that they might read my fic and find it romantically inclined, if they happen to interpret it that way.Seems legit. I think that, in this fandom, there are few enough antis that nearly everyone who reads it romantic will be a shipper and therefore ok with however it goes. :D
Cool, I appreciate everyone's thoughts on it. That helps guide me on how I should tag the next chapters. I think I'm in the grey area at the moment, there's definitely nothing explicit one way or the other. I just wasn't sure if I should forewarn potential readers that they might read my fic and find it romantically inclined, if they happen to interpret it that way.
*Edit* IT WAS ONLY A FEW HUNDRED WORDS OVER!I just walked in here to inquire about something, but that can wait - your story has caught my attention, and I wanna know: is there any way I could have a link to the first chapter, please? :3
But, it's FINALLY FINISHED! This chapter was being a pain to write because I wasn't entirely sure how Emil would deal with a loss, but I hope I got it right.
It was going to be shorter, but then story time happened so that made it a bit longer... eheheh... It's freshly written though, tell me of any grammar mistakes and such
WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, HERE'S CHAPTER EIGHT! (http://sta.sh/0k3okgumfaw)Spoiler: the notessss show
Oh, sure! Chapter one (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg90702#msg90702), and every other chapter is just hidden among the pages leading to this one.Thanks! I shall binge to my heart's content soon.
What was your inquiry?
[shyly enters this thread]
Um... hi. I, uh... I have a thing I'm doing on FanFiction.net, where I'm posting a series of vignettes in one fanfic. It's an "Inside Out" fanfic, but with a twist - each entry is a guessing game, and is set in the mind of characters from other works of fiction (comics, movies, tv shows, books, etc.). I describe what's happening in the mind in vague terms, then pull back to reveal the answer of whose mind it is and what's going on in it. Then - after that - I post the clues I gave. Also, the emotion genders are randomized to avoid arguments over how to interpret them.
ANYWAYS, I bring this up only because I just posted an entry centered around a character from SSSS and was wondering if this would be the place on the forum to share a link, or not?
Well, that's an interesting mind. Well caught. I hope you'll do it again!Thank you kindly! I had a lot of fun exploring it! :) If I do another SSSS entry, I'll be sure to let people know.
I liked it. It would be hard to explain all the magical mage stuff (obviously I'm using technical terms) in that way, but I think you did good.Thanks. ^^
And I think I got another plot figured out, so part two should start in a few days!
[punch right in the feelings]
Oh look...my "so sweet it will give you cavities" Hipster Band AU (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5569909/chapters/13776958) is updated just in time for Valentine's Day! (I swear I didn't do that on purpose, it just happened that way, haha.)
Well, I'd been having an uncommonly delightful day already, and I open the Scriptorium looking for something to read over lunch and find not one but three new fics, all of them excellent. LooNEYDAC, Kiraly, SectoBoss, thank you! These are great!
Well, the last two months have been a wonderful procession of life kicking me in the teeth, but I’ve finally found the time to write again (just)! A short story of Onni on the Keuruu docks, mostly based around what we saw on Page 451 and inspired by some art Gwenno did around the same time.
Hope you all like it! And I will read the new stuff on this thread soon, I promise…
Thank you! I've had a few projects in the past for school where you need to write an entire story, and I've written other things, but I decided to try fanfiction. The hard part is getting in to character when the character is already developed and has a personality you can't change. I'm just afraid I don't execute them correctly...
And with that, let me post chapter two and get back to writing chapter fourSpoiler: return to silence; part two, chapter two show
Oh my, that last paragraph's wording... *shudders*Spoiler: notessss show
LooNEY_DAC, there can never be too much fun.Oh, dear.
Have some more! Your kind of fun is contagious. *waits to be exposed to more contagious fun*
Final chapter of my Matrix crossover Dangerous!Please continue this, I loved following this story so far! :) Very good!
Previous chapter here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg90712;topicseen#msg90712)Spoiler: Part 4 showSpoiler: Notes show
I seem to be on a bit of a role right now, but I went and started writing another story in my Matrix croSSSSover. Links to my previous story, for reference (thought you should be able to follow this one whether you've read it or not):Very good! I sorta understand what a sentinel is but I've only seen the first movie so I don't know anything about Zion (that's the last human city?)
Part 1 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg86776#msg86776)
Part 2 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg90023#msg90023)
Part 3 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg90712#msg90712)
Part 4 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg93144#msg93144)
Now on to the new one!
Title: New Beginnings (working title; may change)
Inspiration: "Animus Vox" by The Glitch Mob
Characters: Sigrun, Emil, Mikkel; cameos by Onni and Tuuri
Warnings: Minor character death, major character near-death, violence, blood. I've tried to keep the gore and descriptions of injuries at a PG-13 level, but if I need to move this off-forum, please let me know.Spoiler: Prologue showSpoiler: Notes show
Very good! I sorta understand what a sentinel is but I've only seen the first movie so I don't know anything about Zion (that's the last human city?)
Very good! I sorta understand what a sentinel is but I've only seen the first movie so I don't know anything about Zion (that's the last human city?)
Yep, Zion is the last human city in the movie canon. It's almost certainly named after the late 1890s movement where Jews were clamouring for their own nation to avoid the discrimination and anti-Semitism that was becoming legalised. They were called 'Zionists' if they were part of that movement, which eventually went on to found Israel in Palestine. So, I guess the theory is that the humans that make up Zion are like the Jewish population in that they are discriminated against by the majority- the machines- and they had to peel off and make their own nation to avoid this.
That was way more theory than you needed for a simple question, but there you go buddy
Yep, Zion is the last human city in the movie canon. It's almost certainly named after the late 1890s movement where Jews were clamouring for their own nation to avoid the discrimination and anti-Semitism that was becoming legalised. They were called 'Zionists' if they were part of that movement, which eventually went on to found Israel in Palestine. So, I guess the theory is that the humans that make up Zion are like the Jewish population in that they are discriminated against by the majority- the machines- and they had to peel off and make their own nation to avoid this.
That was way more theory than you needed for a simple question, but there you go buddy
Glad you posted this, it's good! And I do hope we'll see more of your work here. We never have enough good fanfic writers.
Well, the last two months have been a wonderful procession of life kicking me in the teeth, but I’ve finally found the time to write again (just)! A short story of Onni on the Keuruu docks, mostly based around what we saw on Page 451 and inspired by some art Gwenno did around the same time.
Hope you all like it! And I will read the new stuff on this thread soon, I promise…
Oh, look. Another one-shot AU.
In the Center Ring
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Oh, look. Another one-shot AU.
In the Center Ring
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Ah! That was wonderful, LooNEY! As soon as the first part of dialogue came up I had a smile and a questioning look from my mother for making an unearthly smothered laughing sound...
Uh. Uhhh. I totally have a chapter four... Yep, it's right here... (Why was it late? That'll be in the note area)Spoiler: return to silence; part two, chapter four showSpoiler: notessss show
[snip]Yes, I had absolutely no notion that you'd written these when they posted on ao3; no, none whatsoever. /mikkel
Yes, I had absolutely no notion that you'd written these when they posted on ao3; no, none whatsoever. /mikkel
Anyway, here's the opening itty=bitty bit of something new:
Sigrun’s Shenanigans
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
PrologueSpoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Anyway, here's the opening itty-bitty bit of something new:
Sigrun’s Shenanigans
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
The good thing with a piece of fiction like SSSS is the characters and their relationships are set up in such a way that they could go either way. We do know Minna prefers saga friendships to romance, which I think makes stories far more interesting sometimes. For example, there's been a recent blow-up over Mikkel and Sigrun because they had an entertaining interaction lately, with the mutiny list. This in my mind made them a bromance (a bromace so strong I think I feel a one-shot coming on, concerning exactly how bromancy they are), but in many others it is romantic.
We are conditioned to think of any male-female relationship as a romantic one waiting to happen, but you've got a little more wiggle-room because that is not so much the case with a gay couple. I think for now, sticking to the grey area is a good idea because it is what you're comfortable with. As your story goes on (and I am crossing my fingers it will progress soon because WOW I LOVE IT) you might find yourself leaning more towards one side or the other. If you are not yet sure, give yourself a little time to think about the way you want Emil and Lalli to end up.
Either way, I'm sure the result will be satisfying for your readership.
So I know I'm resurrecting this like a ghost super late after the fact but I just wanted to say that I found this a really thoughtful response and I've been keeping it in mind as I've been working. It articulates one of my issues with the topic, that I haven't actually decided how I interpret Lalli/Emil's relationship in the comic, and therefore am struggling with how to interpret it for my fic. It's been good advice to not feel obligated to rush and pick a side if I'm not sure how I want to define things yet, so thank you =D
My work weeks have been nuts lately so I haven't had as much time as I've wanted to work on this lately but I did get around to posting chapter three yesterday:
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5882653/chapters/13907275 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5882653/chapters/13907275)
So I know I'm resurrecting this like a ghost super late after the fact but I just wanted to say that I found this a really thoughtful response and I've been keeping it in mind as I've been working. It articulates one of my issues with the topic, that I haven't actually decided how I interpret Lalli/Emil's relationship in the comic, and therefore am struggling with how to interpret it for my fic. It's been good advice to not feel obligated to rush and pick a side if I'm not sure how I want to define things yet, so thank you =D
My work weeks have been nuts lately so I haven't had as much time as I've wanted to work on this lately but I did get around to posting chapter three yesterday:
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5882653/chapters/13907275 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5882653/chapters/13907275)
Chapter has landed. I repeat, chapter has landed.
In the chapter that will follow this one, we're actually going to get a little bit of plot and, you know, actual story-telling.
It's really fun to read! ^w^
I just have a little nitpick (if you don't mind)Spoiler: show
Alright, thanks very much for that one. As you can probably tell I have little no local knowledge of the area. Let's assume Emil fell through in the summer?You're welcome :) If you have any questions related to Sweden, feel free to ask me :)
And those urban legends are sticking weird animals everywhere. Cougars, honey badgers, wolves and Slender man.
Chapter has landed. I repeat, chapter has landed.
In the chapter that will follow this one, we're actually going to get a little bit of plot and, you know, actual story-telling.
These are all great!
YESSS!!! I'm super into this story and get really excited whenever you update. Sigrun's training methods - and her "revenge list" - are very in-character. I also like how Reynir has scars and stories from shepherding, it's nice to have that undercurrent of "actually pretty tough" beneath his goofy, cheerful exterior. Most people (including me!) tend to focus on his fluffy side.
Also I'm very curious about this other Madsen Emil remembers! You've got me hooked. :)Spoiler: one tiny critique I keep forgetting to mention show
YESSS!!! I'm super into this story and get really excited whenever you update. Sigrun's training methods - and her "revenge list" - are very in-character. I also like how Reynir has scars and stories from shepherding, it's nice to have that undercurrent of "actually pretty tough" beneath his goofy, cheerful exterior. Most people (including me!) tend to focus on his fluffy side.
Also I'm very curious about this other Madsen Emil remembers! You've got me hooked. :)Spoiler: one tiny critique I keep forgetting to mention show
In response to that skald thing, thanks for picking that up.Where did you see Lalli referred to as such? (Tuuri on the other hand is a skald)
I kind of assumed that term was inter-changable with scout because I've seen them refer to Lalli as on several times, but if I get the chance I'll go back and change it. Thanks again.
Where did you see Lalli referred to as such? (Tuuri on the other hand is a skald)
I wrote this fic a while ago, but never got around to posting it. It's unfinished but there will be more later hopefully!Spoiler: Forgotten Dream - Part 1 showSpoiler: Notes show
I got inspired again.
The Red Herring League
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Superhero AU fanfic
Part 1Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Well then.
What a place to leave a cliff-hanger. You, sir, have learned well from Minna. I look forward to more, in hopes that there will be more.
Luth: nicely done creepy, and your landscape is good. Why not post it in both threads as a crossover, that way people who only read one of Minna's comics won't miss out. Looking forward to what comes next.
These are all great!
Very interesting start to 'Forgotten Dream'. I'll be waiting for the next part! Patently! Yeah that word, I can do that. Totally capable of that. I can just imagine it now, Reynir following around Hannu... "Can I help?" "There's nothing to help with." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "Really?" "Yes. Really."
I wrote this fic a while ago, but never got around to posting it. It's unfinished but there will be more later hopefully!
(snip)Spoiler: Notes show
I'm not quite caught up but I couldn't wait to share this thing I wrote yesterday! So I made an AO3 account and I'm so excited it's ridiculous. I hope you like it!
(It's got some gender stuff in it, in case you want to avoid that. And with "some stuff" I basically mean that that's the topic.)
Title: Right-Hand Man
"One step at a time", he had told himself. "Make a good first impression, don’t let there be a repeat of what happened at the academy."
Length: 1316 words
Characters: Team minus Reynir (happens after p. 266)
Okay, I'll better leave and try not to explode now. :D
I wrote a fluffy one-shot today. […] I hope it will still work in the light of day. *collapses*Looks okay to me.
One of the things I really love to do in writing is explore the format. I've decided to do a little bit of exploration for this chapter, and chose to write the whole thing in a series of letters written by the team-mates to their various families. Let me know what you guys think? If it's not too weird or anything?
By the way, I really enjoyed the super-hero piece. This thread is on a roll of good one-shots and the like right now. Let's keep it up folks!
This is great! I like playing around with different formats too, and letters home are a great way to see what characters are thinking about (that they won't necessarily have a reason to say). It's fun seeing the different family dynamics you have going on here - the letters from Mikkel and Sigrun had me cracking up! (Especially Sigrun's sign-offs, and the one-liners from Mikkel.) Reynir's letters are exactly like I would imagine them, and I appreciate how Tuuri and Lalli alternate (and you can always tell which of them is writing even without seeing their names). I also have lots of appreciation for Emil's family correspondence, but I think I'll write that out over on AO3 so as not to spoil anything.
Edit: Oh, I forgot to say - I really want to draw the sketches Emil did of Reynir now. So...that might happen, if it's okay with you. :)
Thanks for that giant review you left on Ao3. I know people are reluctant to do essay-style comments sometimes, but I actually like reading them. I'm one of those few people who enjoys text-walls, and as well as that, your feedback was really thorough and insightful
Go ahead and draw Reynir, but I would like to ask two things. Could you credit me for the original idea? Also, consider putting a little bit of foam in the corner of Flossy's mouth to make them look like a bucking bronco?
and to celebrate I have a new chapter for hypothermia to bring it off hiatus
I'm Sorry Emil
You did nothing to deserve what I'm gonna toss at you starting now
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5292065/chapters/14060338 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5292065/chapters/14060338)
Oh yes, I have a question, and this seems like the appropriate place to ask it: does this forum ever do fic exchanges? I actually rather enjoy writing oneshots for other people, so doing one for this fandom would be nice as well.The closest we've come have been the "Secret Santas". Why don't you try starting one?
Fic exchanges? Like stories exchanged between individuals, or posted on the board, or both? The secret santa was fun, wouldn't mind doing something like that.I think it would have to be like the Secret Santa, as we don't have anon posting on this board. I couldn't run something like that myself--I'm too disorganized. That's why I suggested Lazy8 take the helm, as it were. But I'd probably participate.
I think it would have to be like the Secret Santa, as we don't have anon posting on this board. I couldn't run something like that myself--I'm too disorganized. That's why I suggested Lazy8 take the helm, as it were. But I'd probably participate.
I'm going to have to mull that over a bit before making any commitments. At any rate, I give you this... thing. And then I go to bed.Why do I sense an oncoming case of survivor's guilt for Emil?
[snipitty snip snip]
Why do I sense an oncoming case of survivor's guilt for Emil?
But, anyway, I did it (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=813.0).
Before I started reading SSSS, I didn't even read fanfic, and I never imagined I would write any. However, apparently this fandom can do strange things to innocent little bunnies, such as giving them a sudden urge to write a SSSS/Supernatural crossover. :D
I never would have thought of doing this AU before, but now that I'm reading it, I have to wonder why it hasn't been done before. It seems like the most obvious choice, now that I can see how well it fits.Maybe most SSSS fans have too good taste in TV shows... :D
Maybe most SSSS fans have too good taste in TV shows... :D
Lazy8, Pupunen, SectoBoss: the stories just keep getting better and better....…Which is my cue to break the streak.
So I was just wondering, I guess, what kind of music you guys put on to write, if any?For me it's anything with a good rhythm to it really, and I end up using it as a sort of metronome to write to. Minimalist rock music and electronic stuff works best for me in this regard, although I will try and tailor it to what I'm writing. For example: electro swing for a 20's AU, symphonic rock (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBCJDd95JIc) for one about Sigrun that I'm starting to plan, aggrotech and metal for giants and trolls, that kind of thing. But it must have a clearly defined beat to it that I can pump the words out to, that's the number one concern.
If I have music for writing it's something like the Elder Scrolls soundtracksNow if I put that on I'd just end up playing an Elder Scrolls game instead of writing xD
For me it's anything with a good rhythm to it really, and I end up using it as a sort of metronome to write to. Minimalist rock music and electronic stuff works best for me in this regard, although I will try and tailor it to what I'm writing. For example: electro swing for a 20's AU, symphonic rock (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBCJDd95JIc) for one about Sigrun that I'm starting to plan, aggrotech and metal for giants and trolls, that kind of thing. But it must have a clearly defined beat to it that I can pump the words out to, that's the number one concern.
(I've left that link there because that guy is one of my favourite artists on YouTube and I'm determined to spread the word :D)
Now if I put that on I'd just end up playing an Elder Scrolls game instead of writing xD
Now if I put that on I'd just end up playing an Elder Scrolls game instead of writing xD
What amuses me most (and maybe only me) is that the "Type 1" and "Type 2" hero classes remind me very much of the old definitions for "Type 1" and "Type 2" diabetes. I'm going to pretend that means I've had superhero powers since age 10. :))
I spotted the same similarity to diabetes as did Kiraly, and wondered about it!Two of my mom's brothers were Type Is (one died from it); the third and my mom have become Type IIs; my niece and her father (my brother-in-law) are Type Is… Yeah, for a non-diabetic, I have a lot of diabetes experience. That said, the similarity is conscious and deliberate, as I kinda wanted to try to point out the downside to being a superhero (not that Tuuri, for one, would agree).
I'm pretty close to being finished chapter 2 of Forgotten Dream, would anyone like to proofread it?
I can proof it if you give me a day or two (and I can run a comb through the previous chapter as well, if you want). PM me if that sounds good.
And the second chapter of my latest is now up! Offering a perspective on the infected that we haven't really seen before...
I hope you all like it, even if it is a bit out there!
And the second chapter of my latest is now up! Offering a perspective on the infected that we haven't really seen before...Nice job SectoBoss! I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it.
I hope you all like it, even if it is a bit out there!
Dangit, I'm behind on telling people how much I like their writing things (people! I like your writing things!) but it's 1 AM and I should go to bed. BUT FIRST:
Have the next chapter of Before It Was Cool (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5569909/chapters/14126287), now with added Hotakainen family drama! (Don't worry, there's still at least a little fluff).
Luth: I love how you managed to weave the two worlds/stories into one another! And I'm proud of Hannu, too, that he managed to stay friendly with someone as enthusiastic as Reynir - but then again, who knows what might have happened if he hadn't disappeared so promptly... I'm a bit unsettled by that the mage-troll is still out there, though - will we see them again? Find out their backstory?
Yay! I love this story!
Kiraly: Aaaah, all the feels! I'm glad you ended with some fluff to tie us over. :) Also: I LOVE the text messages, they're so much fun! I might have had more to say but my heart is too excited for these cuties to remember any of it now. :3
Kiraly: Good. I feel so sorry for poor Onni! Looking forward to the next chapter.
OwlsG0 Ooh, this is intriguing! I look forward to seeing what you do with this. I'll admit to a great weakness for "old gods interacting with modern humanity" stories. *shifty glances at piles of books by Rick Riordan, Tessa Gratton, and Neil Gaiman's American Gods*
(In regards to the formatting, it looks like you put two front-end spoiler tags instead of an opening and closing tag? The first should be [spoiler ] without the space and the end should be [/spoiler ] without the space. You should be able to edit your post to fix it.)
Hallelujah! It worked! Thanks for that, saving my skin with confusing coding things there.
I also really love Rick Riordan's work (Heroes of Olympus, the Kane Chronicles and even Magnus's book are taking up my top shelf, and I've got both of the anthologies), and I couldn't be more excited about the American Gods show that's coming up! I really hope they do justice to the books, which seems like it might happen since I'm pretty sure Gaiman himself is on the creative team.
This Tessa Gratton woman, on the other hand, I've never read. What has she written?
Heck yes for similar taste in books!Spoiler: not going to derail the thread, but Tessa Gratton is amazing show
So I'm thinking about writing a fic after I finish the Academy, which addresses the idea that the old gods have come back and are now running at least some parts of the show since they're being worshipped again. This would include a series of Icelandic spirits, the old Norse gods and a few Finnish gods. The basic idea of it would be that Emil and Lalli are sacrificed to the gods in a routine sacrifice their society does every summer.
Instead of dying properly, they're sent out of Valhalla to go back home and open up some kind of portal so the soldiers of Valhalla can come out and fight the Rash monsters. Some weird fantasy thingie like that.
What this is is a little ficlet based on someone seeing one of the old gods, because I just wanted to see how that would sound and work?Spoiler: show
Man, everyone is so active... I'm looking forward to tomorrow, when I'll have time (hopefully) to go through some of the back-catalogue of posts here.And with that, there are 150 SSSS fics on AO3!
So - I wrote this in October, and for some reason I... sat on it for months and didn't finish it until now, and I have no idea why. But, anyway! Here's some fluff.
"Salve". 0+/G. 2.1K. Lalli/Emil.
Summary: After Emil is injured in an entirely preventable incident, he feels absolutely awful about it. But Lalli is a source of comfort - in his own way.
Other notes: This wasn't meant as a sequel to Routines* (http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/52400.html) but it could be read as one, I think.
At Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/6173716
Dreamwidth backup: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/65707.html
And with that, there are 150 SSSS fics on AO3!
…just imagine some of Vi's edh & thorn confetti here.
Man, everyone is so active... I'm looking forward to tomorrow, when I'll have time (hopefully) to go through some of the back-catalogue of posts here.
So - I wrote this in October, and for some reason I... sat on it for months and didn't finish it until now, and I have no idea why. But, anyway! Here's some fluff.
"Salve". 0+/G. 2.1K. Lalli/Emil.
Summary: After Emil is injured in an entirely preventable incident, he feels absolutely awful about it. But Lalli is a source of comfort - in his own way.
Other notes: This wasn't meant as a sequel to Routines* (http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/52400.html) but it could be read as one, I think.
At Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/6173716
Dreamwidth backup: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/65707.html
Man, everyone is so active... I'm looking forward to tomorrow, when I'll have time (hopefully) to go through some of the back-catalogue of posts here.
So - I wrote this in October, and for some reason I... sat on it for months and didn't finish it until now, and I have no idea why. But, anyway! Here's some fluff.
"Salve". 0+/G. 2.1K. Lalli/Emil.
Summary: After Emil is injured in an entirely preventable incident, he feels absolutely awful about it. But Lalli is a source of comfort - in his own way.
Other notes: This wasn't meant as a sequel to Routines* (http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/52400.html) but it could be read as one, I think.
At Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/6173716
Dreamwidth backup: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/65707.html
That was good, I liked it.You can do either of those things! I'll beta-read (though it may take a bit to get back to you, I'm a bad combination of forgetful and procrastinatey :P ) or I know there are some others, though not 100% sure who.
I want to make sure a scene is in character before I continue writing, can I just put it here, or can I message someone?
The sudden, horrifying death of a former mentor and colleague throws Slime Splayed back together with his ex-partner to stalk a killer known only as the Night Scout, but as one crime leads to another, he finds himself tangled in a web of intrigue, friendship, love, betrayal, and murder in – Silence Broken.
Silence Broken
Luth: That was an interesting vignette. Nice to see Ville is teaching Hannu some manners! And the Kade/Troll is definitely worth following further - would make for interesting backstory.
While I mull over a few other fics here’s something I’ve had on the boil for about a week now: a story of Sigrun and Emil’s book run in the current chapter that we never got to see. Contains some (very justified) swearing in their native languages, and a big troll.
Hope you like it!
Frogtreader, that was just wonderful!
While I mull over a few other fics here’s something I’ve had on the boil for about a week now: a story of Sigrun and Emil’s book run in the current chapter that we never got to see. Contains some (very justified) swearing in their native languages, and a big troll.
Hope you like it!
While I read what I missed, have chapter eight, and nine is on its way... And if you have any name suggestions (for those weird Y0 lab people,) please messagel me or something! I don't want the names to be odd for the area and such...WAIT! I think it's too long... Ehhh, I'll check soon...Yeah, too long. By 785 words ;-; So have this link to it (http://sta.sh/01qulcci4pno)Spoiler: show
Aah, scary. She's maybe Hel?
Lazy8: Gladiator, huh! Now is that back in the Roman times, orrrr.... Maybe some of the more intelligent and together trolls, or a group of totally feral immune survivors, or some unholy alliance of the above, capture them and like to play with their food before they eat it?
Well I was just thinking classic Roman times (got a lot of classic education back in high school and remember rather enjoying it), but... trolls... intelligent trolls... frightfully intelligent trolls that like to play with their food... Hmmmm... This is intriguing, I like it! Will have to keep thinking on these possibilities... (And then scream some more because I still have too much else to do!)
Funny you should mention a gladiator Sigrun? I've been thinking about her in a Roman AU all week, right down to Emil being her junior and trainee and pseudo-son/little brother! If you can find the time, you should definitely write something for your AU. I know I'm never going to touch it- I've got way too much to write as it is.
Here comes another chapter of the Mora-monster. Not too many more are left to write at this point
I really didn't think I would end up writing another fanfic, but it seems that once you've written one, there's no going back. Oh well, at least this one's short. Does anyone like Finnish mythology?
I really didn't think I would end up writing another fanfic, but it seems that once you've written one, there's no going back. Oh well, at least this one's short. Does anyone like Finnish mythology?
Does anyone like Finnish mythology?Well, there's this comic several others around here like called A Red Tail's Dream...
I wrote something in like 1.5 hours? It's the application/adaptation of a poem by Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) (https://www.poets.org/poetsorg/poem/do-not-go-gentle-good-night)(read: mutilation of great poetry) to Stand Still Stay Silent.
Title: Do not go gentle into that good night (http://aki-no-monogatari.tumblr.com/post/141229465165/do-not-go-gentle-into-that-good-night)
Characters: the crew minus the kitten
Pairings: none
length: super short
Published on: tumblr
Honestly, it's not a happy thing, I should not be left alone with such poetry and a light buzz. Explicitly non-explicit. There's no happy ending. Read at your own risk.
tamaerchen: Such a heartwarming story ^-^ I especially adore the fact that you managed to make Saku and Aino complete each other with their contrasting personalities despite the dark times they find themselves in.Thank you. :) We only see them for such a short amount of time in the comic, but I felt like I really got to know them and their relationship. (I'm probably making a lot up but I feel that it's them and not me, if that makes sense.) Anyways, these two are great! <3
Sigrun’s ShenanigansNice!! I'm looking forward to more campfire stories! And I wonder what people found when they first looked into the house... And what happened to Sigrun's
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 1
Apparently it's not a good thing to let me overthink potential scenarios when there's a cliffhanger, because they will inevitably turn into the opposite of what I intended to do, so here's a fic featuring Five Ways Sigrun Died Fighting the Watcher... and One She Didn't (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6299491). Like the title says, it contains character death. I tried not to make it too graphic, but proceed with caution anyway.
Not what I'd hoped to write my first SSSS fic about, but hey...
Apparently it's not a good thing to let me overthink potential scenarios when there's a cliffhanger, because they will inevitably turn into the opposite of what I intended to do, so here's a fic featuring Five Ways Sigrun Died Fighting the Watcher... and One She Didn't (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6299491). Like the title says, it contains character death. I tried not to make it too graphic, but proceed with caution anyway.Elleth, love, I loved every moment of it! :D Longer review at AO3. And don't feel bad! My first SSSS fic looks like it will be dealing with (possible) terminal illness/permanent loss of one's luonto.
Not what I'd hoped to write my first SSSS fic about, but hey...
Reviewed. Not well, but I'm kind of still reeling...
Elleth, love, I loved every moment of it! :D Longer review at AO3. And don't feel bad! My first SSSS fic looks like it will be dealing with (possible) terminal illness/permanent loss of one's luonto.
Here, have some shameless Sigrun whump. (This is Kiraly's fault. (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.msg99035#msg99035) And Laufey's fault (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.msg99002#msg99002), but mostly Kiraly's.)Spoiler: Untitled showSpoiler: Notes show
Here, have some shameless Sigrun whump. (This is Kiraly's fault. (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.msg99035#msg99035) And Laufey's fault (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.msg99002#msg99002), but mostly Kiraly's.)Spoiler: Untitled showSpoiler: Notes show
Here, have some shameless Sigrun whump. (This is Kiraly's fault. (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.msg99035#msg99035) And Laufey's fault (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.msg99002#msg99002), but mostly Kiraly's.)Spoiler: Untitled showSpoiler: Notes show
Elleth, shut up, your crush is showing.
Ha! Join the club!*coughing fit* who, me? I absolutely do not at all have a crush on Sigrun, not even a tiny one. Nooooo, this picture of her in my pocket is for a friend. FOR A FRIEND, I SAY.
Ha! Join the club!
Aaah! These are both amazing!
And I'm glad that they both have a happy ending, presumably. :)Cause the thing that I've been writing hasn't and I feel horrible about it.
But I've been waiting for Sigrun to go into Berserker mode for nigh a week now, so as far as I'm concerned that's what the update should look like. :D (And then when the giant is all chopped up, Mikkel can wrap her in his jacket and carry her home.)
A new chapter for the Mora monster
What a pity that I can't give Kudos per chapter!And you don't need to tell me to put on my shipper glasses, I pretty much wear them constantly.
I seem to be quickly descending deeper into fanfic madness. I was actually working on something slightly different, but somehow ended up writing this thing first. It's... kind of shippy?This was so sweet!! I really like how soft and dreamy it was >w<
I seem to be quickly descending deeper into fanfic madness. I was actually working on something slightly different, but somehow ended up writing this thing first. It's... kind of shippy?
I can't decide if that was sweet or heartbreaking... No, scratch that, it was definitely both, what I can't decide is whether I should be feeling the "awwwww" or the "WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME"
I'm reminded of the theme that turns up a lot in French, Irish and Galician folktales, where a close couple are cursed in some way to only both be together for a few moments at dawn and dusk, generally because one or both are shapeshifted.I wish I could say the resemblance was intentional, but unfortunately I'm not that knowledgeable about folklore. :D But that's an awesome fic idea for someone to write!
And how can you write this fast?Actually, I've discovered that having an unfinished fanfic waiting helps me finish my translation homework a lot faster than I usually do. If I promise myself that I can keep writing once I've finished, say, my law translation assignment, I magically manage to translate the whole thing really quickly, and this leaves me plenty of time to write. :D (Well, I also neglect other things I should be doing, but let's not talk about that...)
Actually, I've discovered that having an unfinished fanfic waiting helps me finish my translation homework a lot faster than I usually do. If I promise myself that I can keep writing once I've finished, say, my law translation assignment, I magically manage to translate the whole thing really quickly, and this leaves me plenty of time to write. :D (Well, I also neglect other things I should be doing, but let's not talk about that...)
I seem to be quickly descending deeper into fanfic madness. I was actually working on something slightly different, but somehow ended up writing this thing first. It's... kind of shippy?
EEEEEE!! That just made my day so much better! The cuteness warms my heart and every mention of Emil and Lalli makes me grin stupidly. :D Not to mention the hilarity of Mikkel and Sigrun texting each other. :)
Beautiful, Kiraly, simply beautiful XD.
Oh look, more silly hipster shenanigans! (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5569909/chapters/14558392) Now with less flower crowns but more weasel-bunny.Yay! I've been eagerly waiting to read more of this. :) And I look forward to reading the Emil and Lalli spin-off, too!
Yay! I've been eagerly waiting to read more of this. :) And I look forward to reading the Emil and Lalli spin-off, too!
Kiraly, this keeps getting better!
Cool! This story always makes me smile.Spoiler: show
Oh look, more silly hipster shenanigans! (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5569909/chapters/14558392) Now with less flower crowns but more weasel-bunny.
On a further note: I wrote something. http://archiveofourown.org/works/6356119Yeah, about that…
Oh look, more silly hipster shenanigans! (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5569909/chapters/14558392) Now with less flower crowns but more weasel-bunny.Hooray for more shenanigans! ;D
Yeah, about that…Spoiler: Irrelevant Technical Thing showSpoiler: About the End Note show
Yay! It's so fluffy and sweet! I am always glad to see a new chapter of it. I especially love all of the phone messages. They are like concentrated character-essences. <3
On a further note: I wrote something. http://archiveofourown.org/works/6356119
Hooray for more shenanigans! ;D
I also just love how you manage to capture Sigrun's enthusiastic personality and Mikkel's deadpan seriousness during their texting.
Its contrasts between characters like these that makes me grinn the most, especially if they are in a conversation. :))
Another chapter of that thing which I have yet to name, which seems to be the preliminary to a longer fic which will result in the crew fighting for Valhalla? Yes, I think this is what that is. Not to crash the BIWC party; I just realised I haven't posted in a long time.Spoiler: show
Another chapter of that thing which I have yet to name, which seems to be the preliminary to a longer fic which will result in the crew fighting for Valhalla? Yes, I think this is what that is. Not to crash the BIWC party; I just realised I haven't posted in a long time.Spoiler: show
I might as well post this here before the comic josses it, haha. This was flashfic for a request at another site - somebody wanted to see something after p498, something in which Mikkel doesn't have to jump in, and Sigrun is going to be okay. So.I liked this! Especially the way Sigrun doesn't stop making fun of Mikkel even in such a serious situation. :D
"Fortuity". Mikkel & Sigrun, no pairing. G/0+. 800 words.
Read it over here: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/66367.html
I went back and read the other two chapters leading up to this. Woah! This is going to be intense! Your description of Hel is truly terrifying and I like the contast between Lalli's reasonably calm inner monologue and his confession of being scared out of his coma. I'm very much looking forward for more of this!One, which page numbers do I need to find the previous chapters if I'm lazy and don't want to just go digging for them?
A question: What does BIWC mean? Google offered Berlin Internation Womens Club or Benefitial Irrigation Water Consumption, which both do not fit.
I might as well post this here before the comic josses it, haha. This was flashfic for a request at another site - somebody wanted to see something after p498, something in which Mikkel doesn't have to jump in, and Sigrun is going to be okay. So.
"Fortuity". Mikkel & Sigrun, no pairing. G/0+. 800 words.
Read it over here: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/66367.html
Google offered Berlin Internation Womens Club or Benefitial Irrigation Water Consumption, which both do not fit.
About the quote formatting. It's mostly german because I am german and don't have figured out how to the english formatting, or if I should do it at all.I know; you mentioned it earlier. I was just surprised AO3 did the formatting thing.
I was thinking about your story, too. ;) Although I meant it more in a way: Odin revealing himself to Mikkel and Mikkel arguing with Odin that no gods exist. The ensuing discussion would be witty and funny as long as Odin was amused and then ... who knows.It really depends on how much knowledge you assume the gods have--I was assuming Odin knew more or less everything about Mikkel, and so didn't bother trying to fruitlessly convince him of divinity; also, I didn't consider the possibilities of omnipotence for convincing someone of something (which would be slightly OOC for Odin--but not for either Loki or Puppy-Fox).
Hehe, I'm glad you liked it!Ooooh, I forgot to mention how much I did too, didn't I?
Ooooh, I forgot to mention how much I did too, didn't I?
It really depends on how much knowledge you assume the gods have--I was assuming Odin knew more or less everything about Mikkel, and so didn't bother trying to fruitlessly convince him of divinity; also, I didn't consider the possibilities of omnipotence for convincing someone of something (which would be slightly OOC for Odin--but not for either Loki or Puppy-Fox).
One, which page numbers do I need to find the previous chapters if I'm lazy and don't want to just go digging for them?
(snip)Many thanks!
It starts on page 113 and the second part is on page 115.
I might as well post this here before the comic josses it, haha. This was flashfic for a request at another site - somebody wanted to see something after p498, something in which Mikkel doesn't have to jump in, and Sigrun is going to be okay. So.
"Fortuity". Mikkel & Sigrun, no pairing. G/0+. 800 words.
Read it over here: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/66367.html
I liked this! Especially the way Sigrun doesn't stop making fun of Mikkel even in such a serious situation. :D
YES YES YES! Right now I basically need all the fics in which Sigrun gets out of the water okay, so thank you for writing this! Mikkel's overly relieved reaction is great, and I laughed so hard at the fate of the bobble-head trolls.
Yuuago, that's very fine!
AAAAAAAAAAAH the feels! Yes please! More of this!
Yesterday's damp and foggy weather reminded me of the cheerful events at the end of chapter 7.
Yesterday's damp and foggy weather reminded me of the cheerful events at the end of chapter 7.
Keeps getting better, and your writing voice is growing more confident.
Yesterday's damp and foggy weather reminded me of the cheerful events at the end of chapter 7.
Very well made! This thread gets better and better.
This is really good!
I enjoyed that, thank you.
A good looking the inner workings of Lalli's mind! :)
I'm sure this is the same with a lot of people, but I tend to just write automatically and only stop every now and then to make a conscious decision about word-choices.
Thank you for the nice comments, everyone! :)
Haha, I kind of wish I was able to write like that, too. I tend to spend a lot of time checking if words mean what I think they mean and if they are appropriate to use in the context I want to use them in (especially when writing in English, since I'm not a native speaker, but in Finnish too). My current obsession is sentence structure, though: I've noticed I have a bad habit of writing terribly long sentences that make my texts difficult to read. I have to consciously force myself to cut the biggest monsters into smaller pieces and to insert short sentences here and there. :D
I'm curious to see what happens next in your story, by the way!
Um, is anyone else having a problem where their posts have been inexplicably filled with 'Mikkel' and 'Reynir' all over the place, or is that just me? Because those fine lands have sneaked into every post Mikkel mine I've seen todayIt's April 1st. :)
It's April 1st. :)
It's April 1st. :)
Oh Lalli Pete's sake
Well played, Forum, well played.
All the visitors reading through the Forum will think we are one very obsessed Fandom :'D
If one Mikkel the admins are riffling through posts to change these by hand, they sure are committed. This is a labour Mikkel love! Even if the forum visitors do conclude we are an obsessed fandom, they should give most Mikkel the credit to whoever the brilliant giggling maniac is, sabotaging the posts with name-drops.Agreed! Though, it must Reynir an 'algorithm' or whatever you call them. There are names Sigrun Sigrun the first page to Mikkel the very last Mikkel all the threads I have looked into. Surely that is too much even the most Lalli committed giggling maniac ;D
Um, is anyone else having a problem where their posts have been inexplicably filled with 'Mikkel' and 'Reynir' all over the place, or is that just me? Because those fine lands have sneaked into every post Mikkel mine I've seen todayI thought people did it on purpose as a joke, but if it's an algorithm of something it's even better :D
Agreed! Though, it must Reynir an 'algorithm' or whatever you call them. There are names Sigrun Sigrun the first page to Mikkel the very last Mikkel all the threads I have looked into. Surely that is too much even the most Lalli committed giggling maniac ;D
I just hope it goes back to normal all by itself...
I gift-wrapped my parent's door Tuuri they had to Hulk-smash out Mikkel the wrapping to get to the bathroom and told my sister she was late Lalli school, with a week still left on her Easter holidays. She was getting on her bike before she realised her mistake and came back into the house with a stick to claim her revenge
I think I figured it out. Certain prepositions are replaced with a character's name. [o f] = Mikkel Lalli excample.I figured s o as well :P
I figured s o as well :P
Tuuri seems to b e [s o] and Reynir [b e]
Shall we test this?I think Emil is Emil [w h e n], Lalli is for [f o r] and Sigrun Sigrun [f r o m]
Tuuri Tuuri Tuuri
[ read: s o s o s o]
Reynir Reynir Reynir Reynir Reynir
[ also a bunch Mikkel b e 's]
Mikkel Mikkel Mikkel Mikkel Mikkel Mikkel
[ lots a o f 's}
In which I take the Scriptorium back to fanfic and prove that I have no sense of self-preservation. In other words:
I'm doing the NaNo thing!
1. Introduction (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/14707465)
Where was this challenge issued?
In the NaNoWriMo-thread in the General Discussion Board, or more exactly here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=136.msg97024#msg97024) <3
Ta. Well if it ain't too late to hop onto the band-wagon, I might do just that.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5853457/chapters/14727691This is so intense! I'm both excited and scared for the next chapter
Speaking of writing, I seem to have produced the penultimate chapter for the Mora monster
This is so intense! I'm both excited and scared for the next chapter
I enjoyed it. But we are going to lose someone next chapter, aren't we?
That is quite possible
Edit: AND I filled my first ficlet for the NaNo. Please find it here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/6440122/chapters/14741962Spoiler: show
Agreed! Though, it must Reynir an 'algorithm' or whatever you call them. There are names Sigrun Sigrun the first page to Mikkel the very last Mikkel all the threads I have looked into. Surely that is too much even the most Lalli committed giggling maniac ;D
I just hope it goes back to normal all by itself...
I'm back again to pester the thread with the first piece of obvious Emilalli I've ever done.
Have it at, with prompt 16: Questioning
Perfect! I'm heading off to bed soon and this'll be my bedtime treat! :D
I updated my story, too. Prepare for the first chapter of a six-chapter-story with an actual plot!apparently, I need an AU-setting for anything substantial.Behold Prompt 81: Pen and Paper.
Sigrun might be just a little bit too into this, mighn't she? Very nicely captured- everyone nerding around. It's nice to see them no in mortal peril and still having fun with each other.
8: Innocence
In which Reynir is a Disney princess and doesn't like it at all.
...I seem to be a bit preoccupied with death lately. Yeah, I just killed my favorite character.
7. Heaven (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/14857432)
Ok, I need to psych myself up for this before I read it and Lazy stomps on my fragile, fanthing's heart
Yeah, probably. Making people cry is a personal specialty of mine.
All of these are great! From the ones I've read! I haven't got to them all yet! But I will!
Now, someone (https://disqus.com/home/discussion/sssscomic/stand_still_stay_silent_webcomic_page_507/#comment-2612257118) seems to have given me an idea of something write about, how could they do such a thing, but anyway! Comment section inspiration is the best inspiration! Sometimes, not always.Spoiler: *evil laughter* show
*posts chapter*Been there, done that.
*receives chirping crickets*
*nervously posts another*
Spoiler: *evil laughter* show
Here, have a short fic I threw together!
Sleeping Habits
And at least tonight would not put more fuel on the Emil/Lalli-ship. Lalli/Reynir on the other side... He let out a sigh. He could live with that. Mikkel looked at two boys a few seconds before yawning, rolling over on his right side and quickly fell asleep.
Yeah, probably. Making people cry is a personal specialty of mine.
Cry? Uh... No. That's just some onions that spontaneously appeared next to my computer. But seriously- you are waaay to good at the whole tearjerker thing! Don't stop!
What about fuel for the Mikkel/Lalli? Has he thought of that?? *cackles evilly*
Took me a while to get it done with the prompt challenge going on and school eating up my time, but here it is. The last chapter of that Mora Academy nonsense. Been a blast to write, though. A convoluted, slow-boil of a blast.
OwlsG0, these are great! I'm so glad I read the first one before school, it made my entire day happier. :)
And now, a fic of my own!
Summary: How did Lalli gate his luonto back? According to Reynir, Emil helped!
Not shippy, but friendshippy and cute. :)) If you like listening to Excited Reynir babble on about stuff, you'll probably like this.Spoiler: show
And some author's notes:Spoiler: show
Kiraly and Róisín: Thank you so much, I'm so glad you liked it! That was indeed my first fic, and you will definitely see more of my stuff here! Yay!
Warning: I barely ever write stuff that is not cute and fluffy.
39: Dreams http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/14990293
In which Reynir gets to take a look at everyone's lunontos/ fylgja
9: Drive http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/14990314
In which Tuuri is young and determined to discover a bigger world
And now, the Fic No One Asked for!
Dream Following
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Kiraly and Róisín: Thank you so much, I'm so glad you liked it! That was indeed my first fic, and you will definitely see more of my stuff here! Yay!
Warning: I barely ever write stuff that is not cute and fluffy.
That was super cute and fluffy. And no, please, balance my angst!
Tr, we need fluff to balance out Aliax, Lazy8 and myself, who can be a bit grim at times.
27: Friendship http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15011236
In which Sigrun has a few too many at a bar and lets Mikkel know all about it
(no real crude humour. Just Sigrun thinking the radio is god and mistaking Emil for a beautiful woman, whom she assumes Mikkel wants to court)
39: Dreams http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/14990293
In which Reynir gets to take a look at everyone's lunontos/ fylgja
9: Drive http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/14990314
In which Tuuri is young and determined to discover a bigger world
Awesome job, OwlsG0! You did a great job describing all of the fylgjas! Makes me wonder though- as a non-mage Finn, does Tuuri get a Fylgja? Or would that be considered a luonto, who she just can't communicate with like Lalli and Onni can?
Awesome job, OwlsG0! You did a great job describing all of the fylgjas! Makes me wonder though- as a non-mage Finn, does Tuuri get a Fylgja? Or would that be considered a luonto, who she just can't communicate with like Lalli and Onni can?
Remember way back in the comic where Lalli had that strange bird thing with him when he was trying to find Onni? Silen- something? I think for people who aren't mages, they only have those floaty thingies. And instead the Icelandic have only the fylgjas, but the people who can see them are able to use them the way a Finnish mage uses their luontoThe floaty thingie is a sielulientu, which only mages would have. All Finns have a luonto rather than a fylgja.
Why am I doing this?
/me waits for legions of furious A:tLA fans to vent their dissatisfaction (possibly through ventilating the author)
Bent and Twisted
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Avatar: the Last Airbender” crossover fanfic
Part 1
This looks promising, LooNEY! Since the earlier fanfic that referenced benders, I've actually watched the recent film,so now have some idea of what is going on.
You mean, th-th-the... live action movie?
NOOOOOOOOOOO don't watch the live-action movie! Watch the cartoon, it's so much better! *pants*
Why am I doing this?Oooh, delightfully clever! I can't wait for the next part!
/me waits for legions of furious A:tLA fans to vent their dissatisfaction (possibly through ventilating the author)Spoiler: Authorial Notes show
I've never actually seen the live action movie. One of my friends forced me to watch the cartoon instead. (Have I been saved from a horrible fate?)
Hm, let's see...*stare* *eye twitch* Whyyyyyy?!!! Why would they do that?
- Let's recast all of the Asian and Inuit characters as white actors!
- Who needs female characters anyway? Hey Katara, just sit there and be useless while Zuko beats you with one hit!
- Pf, who needs real martial arts when you have The Pebble Dance? (Seriously, look up The Pebble Dance. It's hilarious and horrifying both at the same time.
Yep, I'd say you dodged a bullet there.
Why am I doing this?
/me waits for legions of furious A:tLA fans to vent their dissatisfaction (possibly through ventilating the author)
Bent and Twisted
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Avatar: the Last Airbender” crossover fanfic
Part 1Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
You mean, th-th-the... live action movie?
Every person has a sielulintu (= soul bird), but I imagine that in Minnaverse only mages can actually see theirs in the dreamworld. Likewise she might have the sielulintu as a Finn-only thing, considering Reynir doesn't seem to have/need one. Sielulintu is linked to the first soul, henki, and represents life energy, so when a person dies sielulintu flies away from them. It can leave for very short periods of time when someone is gravely ill or injured without the person dying, but then you know they're very near death.
The carved birds are largely an east Finnish tradition and though they almost disappeared for a while they're now making a comeback in the Karelian areas. The bird over the cradle of a child was put there to keep the sielulintu still during the night as they were perfectly capable of flying around when their owner was asleep, and if the bird would escape while the child slept the child would die.
In short, the presence of a sielulintu marks somebody's life energy and the one we see marking Lalli's safe return from the mage chatroom is what's tying him to life.
Hm, an interesting start. Flesh benders, you say? Sounds like bloodbending.See the Authorial Notes for why it isn't.
So, a Finn, a Swede and a Norwegian walked into an abandoned building...
Kudos to you for bravely being the first! :) Hadn't thought about it before, but maybe mildly judging Emil in disbelief (http://www.sssscomic.com/comic.php?page=187) is the one thing Lalli and Sigrun have in common...
Bent and TwistedThis is pretty darned fun so far!
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Avatar: the Last Airbender” crossover fanfic
Part 3
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg103272#msg103272)Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
I needed a break from writing theses so I wrote fanfiction instead, because of course I did. Here’s a story of some of the ghosts from the chapter just gone possessing Reynir, and making conversation with Mikkel.
Sleepwalker (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6593254)
(I dashed it off in an evening – I hope it doesn’t come across as too thown-together!)
I needed a break from writing theses so I wrote fanfiction instead, because of course I did. Here’s a story of some of the ghosts from the chapter just gone possessing Reynir, and making conversation with Mikkel./muffled screaming/ AAAAAAAAAA REYNIR!! NOOOO! MIKKEL! AAAAAA!
Sleepwalker (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6593254)
(I dashed it off in an evening – I hope it doesn’t come across as too thrown-together!)
Spoiler: show
It doesn't come across as thrown together at all! Well done and terrifying! (That is meant as a compliment. Terrifying is cool. You can take the muffled screaming as a compliment as well.)
Aaaaaaaa, so many good fics! *blanket appreciation of everyone here*
Here, have more fluff! Because you can never have too much fluff!
That was hilarious and cute, especially the part about "again." Poor kitty! Though isn't hairspray supposed to stiffen hair, so that it holds its shape? Somehow I don't think that would help much in getting Kitty out! Conditioner is much better for untangling.Pffff, haha. Oops. Thanks. I would like to repeat: I know nothing about hair care, or hairspray at all. I think I remember reading that lemon juice and water make a good untangling solution? *shrug*
Pffff, haha. Oops. Thanks. I would like to repeat: I know nothing about hair care, or hairspray at all. I think I remember reading that lemon juice and water make a good untangling solution? *shrug*
I don't think I've ever used hairspray myself, so you're probably absolutely correct. (If my hair is frizzy or something, I just braid it or put water on it or both.) ::)
I needed a break from writing theses so I wrote fanfiction instead, because of course I did. Here’s a story of some of the ghosts from the chapter just gone possessing Reynir, and making conversation with Mikkel.
Sleepwalker (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6593254)
(I dashed it off in an evening – I hope it doesn’t come across as too thrown-together!)
SectoBoss: I've commented already over on A3O but will repeat it here: that was subtle, terrifying and amazing. Love it! And that was the work of an evening!!! You know, back in the days of the old story magazines like 'Strand' and 'Argosy', where they had a few writers on tap who could turn out a masterly story in a night if one of their regulars missed a deadline, you would have fitted right in. That story was shuddersome and brilliant.
SectoBoss: giving you feels for Mikkel Madsen you didn't know you had since always
I had some of my first paying publications in those old Literary Supplements. * Goes off to polish her walking stick and feel old....*
I'm not sure whether to be astonished that an Englishman has never heard of the Strand Magazine, or just to feel old! Just to add to my sense of feeling ancient: something else that seems to have vanished is the old usage that most respectable newspapers were used to have a Literary Supplement, which was a sort of mini-story magazine, which generally also had poetry, book reviews, play and later film reviews. They generally came out in the Saturday edition of the paper, to amuse people over the weekend.I think that by the time I was of the age where I might have taken an interest in this sort of thing, it was the early 2000s and we were well into the internet age by then. Besides, Strand doesn't really look like the sort of magazine the local corner shop would have sold where I grew up! We still have literary supplements, though, I see them lying around when I go back to my parents's house. But (for now) everything's online nowdays...
I had some of my first paying publications in those old Literary Supplements. * Goes off to polish her walking stick and feel old....*
It's honestly amazing that you've been writing for so long! And besides, your age is what gives you the experience and knowledge you share with everyone here. Honestly, it never ceases to amaze me how much you've done and seen.I can heartily second this!
That's well written. I can see Tuuri as stubborn and well earthed. It would also not surprise me if non-mage Finns like Tuuri could perhaps use the prayer type of Runo spell.Thanks! I'm glad you think so! I like writing terror sometimes, just not very often because I always start thinking, there are shadows on my wall are they shaped like people? they kind of are OHMYGOSH I think that one just moved... ::)
And if I can write occasional fluff, why shouldn't you write occasional terror? It was good!
Two minutes to midnight! *pant* *pant*
Things I learned about myself while writing this chapter: it sucks to be my favorite character. Hello angst fest, my old friend.
20. Fortitude (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/15130660)
Nicely done! And now you've got me singing Simon and Garfunkel
Two minutes to midnight! *pant* *pant*
Things I learned about myself while writing this chapter: it sucks to be my favorite character. Hello angst fest, my old friend.
20. Fortitude (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/15130660)
Wonderful! NOW I have an earworm, too! XD
Sigrun and angst ... I wasn't sure how that could even work but you did a great job here! I like that you have taken the real-world consequences into account as well at the otherworldly.
Your writing style is very neat and pleasant and very to the point, nothing superfluous with Sigrun, ey? I like that you portray Emil as wanting kids (you did that in a former story, too) and you have Mikkel so much in character it made me smile.
Thanks for writing and sharing! =)
I could think of far worse earworms. Would you like me to share? *evil grin*
Ah yes, my one non-negotiable you-will-have-to-fight-me-on-this headcanon is that Emil wants kids, and that he will be an amazing father. Seriously, just watch him interact with his little cousins!
And good to know that you found Mikkel believable. I was constantly second-guessing whether I had the character dynamic between him and Sigrun right, not to mention 'Is he talking too much oh gods I think he's talking too much this is Mikkel how often does he ever talk!?'
I wish I could get that song in my head as an earworm!Call Me Maybe just played on the radio so now I'm stuck with that all day.
I am 100% behind your Emil headcanon, of all the characters he's the one I see as most likely to want kids. I really enjoyed this fic - even though it's angsty, it shows a complex side of Sigrun that wouldn't come out in any other situation. And I thought the interaction with Mikkel worked well. He may have talked a little more than he does in the comic, but he also hasn't had many one-on-one scenes with other characters so far. And if he was there to cheer Sigrun up, that amount of talking would be expected.
SectoBoss crawls in from the dry, parched landscape of Writer’s Block to deliver… this. Three little vignettes from Sigrun’s life, vaguely connected by the headcanon someone posted in the comments ages ago that she might have dyslexia. (Or some similar reading difficulty which is why she hates books so much.)
I don’t know where I was going with these, and gods know they’re a bit rambly, but I hope you like them nonetheless!
So what I needed this morning.
Because after last prompt I desperately needed to write Sigrun being goofy again. So here's my take on how she got those injuries she had when she was recruited.
21. Vacation (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/15146968)
Updated "Silence Broken", The Slime Splayed story, with the second part posted on the comments a couple weeks ago.
70: bound and gagged http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15211312
In which Emil decides whether or not he wants to join the Hotakainen family business of contract killing
58: Kick in the head http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15211426
Tuuri's head injury results in a magical seal, instead of loss of motor function.
Mage-Tuuri would be awesome! I think my favorite part is when Tuuri first asks about the seal, and everyone who isn't a mage just looks at her like 'Oh great- that kick must have been harder than the doctors thought."
Thanks for writing these! They're always a lot of fun!
More Hypothermia!!
This fic is still going. It's going SLOWLY. But Still going.
Let the Emil torment continue
ps. Seventy by Heart, thank you for the prompt-generator thing, what a great idea! :3
Tall Ships & Taller Tales
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Pirate crossover fanfic
Part 4
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg90719#msg90719)
The Kraken (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg93162#msg93162)Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
OwlsG0: this is likely the sort of thing he would have learned about in mage school, if he had ever been to mage school. I wonder if a mage might die if, say, he had a creative nightmare and filled his haven with murderghosts? Sort of like 'Forbidden Planet'? And poor uncomprehending Emil!
Hey! Someone else who's seen 'Forbidden Planet'!.... That's all I have to say here.
I found it impossible to take that movie seriously from the second someone said "electron volts."
Anyway, I come bearing gifts! (Not to mention some emotional whiplash.)
25. Trouble Lurking (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/15237010)
Quarter mark FTW!
This is the part where I really test whether I've still got my mojo. Also, is it weird that my chapters now seem to be alternating between funny and serious?
26. Tears (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/15257143)
I henceforth declare this my new BroTP.
27. Friendship (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/15280201)
45: Illusion http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15296860
Very long fill, here, where Sigrun decides she is sick of human life and tries her hand at being a badger. Or: I'm under a lot of stress and my luonto is trying to fix me.
One of your best stories so far! Best parts in my opinion: "I'm a gods-da--ed badger!", and the vague references that Lalli makes to having had similar episodes in the past.
I read through the entire thread over a course of three days, and I saw something that someone (I'm not sure who, I think it was OwlsG0?) posted a short fic about how Lalli thinks that Hel has to take someone from the team, and it's not going to be him, Tuuri or Emil.Spoiler: showSpoiler: show
Hello :) poking my head in nervously to say that I've joined the 100 prompt challenge, first chapter here:
Emil takes an opportunity to introduce himself. Again.
Hello :) poking my head in nervously to say that I've joined the 100 prompt challenge, first chapter here:
Emil takes an opportunity to introduce himself. Again.
Bent and Twisted
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Avatar: the Last Airbender” crossover fanfic
Part 4
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg103403#msg103403)Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Aaaaaaand I go from happy to sad. Again. I think this is becoming a pattern.
30. Under the Rain (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/15342409)
Hmm... I haven't really been writing much SSSS lately. Well, here are two bite-sized bits of shippy flashfiction that I wrote while neglecting some responsibility or other:
01. "Silence makes it easier". 0+, 600 words. Emil/Lalli.
Summary: They'll return to civilization in the morning. But where will they go from here?
On Dreamwidth: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/68979.html
02. "Soaked". 0+, 100 words. Emil/Lalli.
Summary: Lalli returns covered in blood. Emil is Concerned.
On Dreamwidth: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/68254.html
Hmm... I haven't really been writing much SSSS lately. Well, here are two bite-sized bits of shippy flashfiction that I wrote while neglecting some responsibility or other:
01. "Silence makes it easier". 0+, 600 words. Emil/Lalli.
Summary: They'll return to civilization in the morning. But where will they go from here?
On Dreamwidth: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/68979.html
02. "Soaked". 0+, 100 words. Emil/Lalli.
Summary: Lalli returns covered in blood. Emil is Concerned.
On Dreamwidth: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/68254.html
Hmm... I haven't really been writing much SSSS lately. Well, here are two bite-sized bits of shippy flashfiction that I wrote while neglecting some responsibility or other:
01. "Silence makes it easier". 0+, 600 words. Emil/Lalli.
Summary: They'll return to civilization in the morning. But where will they go from here?
On Dreamwidth: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/68979.html
02. "Soaked". 0+, 100 words. Emil/Lalli.
Summary: Lalli returns covered in blood. Emil is Concerned.
On Dreamwidth: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/68254.html
You should neglect your responsibilities more often, these were lovely to read! :)
Ooh, ouch : ( In 'Silence' – on one hand it's beautifully sad, but on the other I'm just loving how well you've worked in Emil's character development. 'Will you miss me?' vs. 'You'll miss me, of course,' is just perfect. And perfect levels of Emil faffing around whilst Lalli just stands there, very patiently allowing it, in 'Soaked' < 3
I absolutely love the first line of 'Silence makes it easier'. Beautiful piece of imagery. And the rest of it was as gorgeous and full of longing and heartbreak and gah it was all just perfect.
OwlsG0, I love this. They would get along marvelously. Tuuri would have to unpack her stuff, and then Reynir would help. ;D
Aansero, that made me smile. Wonderful.
And oh look, I wrote a really short, cute fic about what will happen when Lalli wakes up! I'd better put it up before the page~
Oh. Oops. Ah well.
Here, have this anyway.Spoiler: showSpoiler: authors note show
34. Stars (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/15432313)
46: Family http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15417325The first one is hecka similar to one I was gonna write where Hannu is Emil and Lalli's son. I commend you for seeing the resemblance as well. I was also gonna write Ville as Reynir and Tuuri's son. I'll probs still carry through and write it though, but I'll make an effort to make it as different from yours as possible :3
So I noticed Lalli and Hannu from aRTD have the same cheekbones. Kinda
13: Misfortune http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15417307
In which Tuuri discovers talking about her trauma is cheaper than therapy
46: Family http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15417325
So I noticed Lalli and Hannu from aRTD have the same cheekbones. Kinda
The first one is hecka similar to one I was gonna write where Hannu is Emil and Lalli's son. I commend you for seeing the resemblance as well. I was also gonna write Ville as Reynir and Tuuri's son. I'll probs still carry through and write it though, but I'll make an effort to make it as different from yours as possible :3
Also I've been meaning to ask whenever I see you around the forums, does your name happen to be a reference to the song by Architetecture in Helsinki ? If that's the case that's also be a hecka weird coincidence cuz I've also used song titles by them as usernames of forums before like 'Heart It Races' and shtuff
Yep! That's the song! Love it. It's on repeat whenever I need to do a slightly sad piece of writing.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who's seeing the resemblance between Hannu and Lalli, though I never thought of Ville being related to anyone. Now that you mention it, chubby and red-headed, he could be Tuuri-Reynir spawn.
Yeah !! Plus with Ville's really positive / optimistic / happy-go-lucky attitude that really made me think of Reynir and Tuuri, like probably how a child raised by those two would behave.
And then there's Hannu . . not only does he look like Lalli with the cheek bones and his light blonde almost silvery hair, but it's mostly his personality that makes me feel like he's a good blend of Emil and Lalli. He's someone who strongly prefers his solitude and alone time like Lalli, but he's also pretty spoiled (as described in his bio) just like a certain Swede and as a result can be pretty, well, Hannu. I know I saw more personality similarities but it's been a while since I've read aRTD so I'd probs have to re-read it before writing anything.
Ville is exactly like a doggy Reynir! He's definitely the kind of person who grew up surrounded by love, and I'm sure any child of Tuuri and Reynir's would have nothing but a loving childhood. Maybe a bit of a magical childhood. Reynir's a mage, most of Tuuri's family are mages, so any kid of theirs would probably be magical enough to, I don't know, turn off their personal gravity and float around.
And Hannu as Emil and Lalli's child kind of works too. Emil's immediate instinct would be to spoil the child. But then I also kind of think Lalli would be a no-nonsense dad. If I were ever to consider a situation where Hannu was the kid and Lalli was the dad (though my head canon is vice versa, and pretty firmly established), I think they might butt heads. Lalli telling the kid not to be so stubborn because it's gonna make his life difficult. Hannu telling Lalli to stop trying to run his life. Emil stuck in between them like 'guys be nice'. I don't know, I feel like they'd love each other, but they'd clash a little bit for being so similar.
Ah yeah that's what I was thinking too !! I was also wondering how late into his life Lalli would work as a night scout because that could be a source of conflict too if Lalli was absent a lot as a parent because of his scouting duties. That'd also explain why even if Lalli was stricter in his parenting than Emil, Hannu would still turn out pretty spoiled if Lalli wasn't around a lot leaving a lot of the parenting to Emil who would really lack in disciplining and spoil quite a bit :P
I hope Lalli wouldn't be an absent parent. I can kind of imagine him as the dad that wears his baby on his back to work, but not, you know, into dangerous zones. Just when he's helping to coordinate other scouts or something like that. And when Hannu is older he gets to tag along, provided he stays quiet and does everything he's told.Oh gosh that's so cute I can't handle that ö would you mind if I used that ?
Emil would definitely spoil him though. And brag about him. He'd be inordinately pleased with his child, like 'look at what I made he is perfection'
Oh gosh that's so cute I can't handle that ö would you mind if I used that ?
Maybe not absent absent, but perhaps occupied with work a lot and therefor not around as much as Emil would like. During the winter when things are more calm he'll do the cute bringing Hanny around but during the summer during peak troll season he sure gets busy with work because he's high ranking and doing important work coordinating scout stuff and it's totally too dangerous to bring lil Hannu around. Lalli tries to compensate not being able to be around as much as he'd like by pushing Hannu to spend time with his second cousin Ville, thinking he'd be a good influence and isn't wrong.
Another short and silly fic written to relieve stress: http://archiveofourown.org/works/6774754This is really sweet :)
Another short and silly fic written to relieve stress: http://archiveofourown.org/works/6774754
This is really sweet :)
Aww... Cute! just what I needed today! :D
In which I expand on some speculation that was once bounced around the comments section.
37. Eyes (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/15493159)
Here is the next chapter of the story about Tuuri finding a sauna, "The Heat of the Moment."Spoiler: "You Will Need Towels" show
In which Sigrun takes the plunge with Tuuri, and Lalli has a message for Reynir.
All this "Secret Agent Mikkel" stuff reminded me of this:EIDE-HO!!!!
Mikkel’s Malmö Misadventures
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 2
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg91969#msg91969)Spoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
55: Waiting http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15524518
When it seems like Lalli will never either be interested in companionship or have the chance at it, Onni has to cross his fingers, hope for the best, and settle in for the long wait.
55: Waiting http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15524518
When it seems like Lalli will never either be interested in companionship or have the chance at it, Onni has to cross his fingers, hope for the best, and settle in for the long wait.
55: Waiting http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15524518
When it seems like Lalli will never either be interested in companionship or have the chance at it, Onni has to cross his fingers, hope for the best, and settle in for the long wait.
EEEEE!!!! I'll leave a more coherent comment on AO3 later (maybe...it might not be more coherent, there's a lot of adorable screaming going on in my head right now) but I love this to pieces.
Also...I forgot until now that I never posted this anywhere, but your "Eyes" fic inspired me to draw this:Spoiler: show
There are so many good fics in here right now I don't even know what to do, I'll try to get back and leave individual feedback but for now hugs for everyone!
Or Mikkel Fixes Everything
Yes, this is an "Emil and Lalli forgive each other" fic. I thought it had to be done, and none of you could stop me! *maniacal laughter*
Please enjoy Mikkel fulfilling his role as Team Dad.Spoiler: showSpoiler: author commentary show
It's that moment where you forget someone at a gas station, except the gas station is a troll-infested post-apocalyptic horror land.
38: Abandon http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15547180YES you turned it into a fic! Heheheh, awesome. Poor Emil :P
It's that moment where you forget someone at a gas station, except the gas station is a troll-infested post-apocalyptic horror land.
(something I wrote on 'Scenes we'd like to see' which people wanted turned into a fic, so I also made it a prompt)
Yeeeesssss....Thank you ;D
53: Keeping a secret http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15569632
They both have red hair. They both laugh the same way. Sigrun and Reynir are definitely not related. Probably. Mikkel just wants to check, alright?
53: Keeping a secret http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15569632Can I just say I love the way you write Mikkel in all of your fanfics ? You do such a perfect job of capturing his dead pan humor it's marvelous :3
They both have red hair. They both laugh the same way. Sigrun and Reynir are definitely not related. Probably. Mikkel just wants to check, alright?
I would have liked to add more to this. But it's late, and I have a headache.
52: Deep in thought http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15607840The way you wrote their personalities is just perfect and exactly how I'd imagine each of them would be like in a modern AU aaaah good job c:
In which Sigrun reflects on how much older she is than her friends. And in which said friends are utterly useless in helping with the slight emotional crisis.
52: Deep in thought http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15607840Oh my gosh that is probably my favorite thing to come out of anyone's 100 prompt challenge. :)
In which Sigrun reflects on how much older she is than her friends. And in which said friends are utterly useless in helping with the slight emotional crisis.
Summary of this chapter: I make people cry.Me: I can handle it, *clicks*
43. Dying
My first fanfic in this fandom:(https://36.media.tumblr.com/9562351102ba2e50a87c702fec48d688/tumblr_inline_nll1cqYDuY1r2g2kx_500.png)
(Also - my first post in this forum. Hope I'm doing it right)
The third wanderer says nothing
A little Onni drabble.
Onni has no need of worldly possessions, but the Vesterströms tell him to buy a spare set of clothes.
Just out of curiosity, would anyone be interested in a Eurovision fic? Say, the team in a modern setting, watching the second semi-final and the finals from just last night? Wondering whether or not I should write this.YES WRITE THIS YES
Me: I can handle it, *clicks*
*gets to Lalli* man there's dust in here or something.
*get to Reynir* why is my throat closing up what is this.
*single tear glides down cheek*
Somewhat belated, but…
Another Independent Production
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Somewhat belated, but…
Another Independent Production
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanficSpoiler: show
I have now read this twice. I think I nearly died laughing both times.
69: Annoyance http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15702112
In which Reynir annoys everyone by turning off his personal gravity
This was absolutely delightful to read, just like everything else you've written. Except the part where Lalli called Mikkel 'mom' and Sigrun 'dad' went from "hahaha" to "ouch D:" really fast
69: Annoyance http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15702112
In which Reynir annoys everyone by turning off his personal gravity
Someone requested this in the comments, so...
48. Childhood (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/15739120)
I like this, you do have a way with Sigrun's thought processes!
Somewhat off-topic, how do you get a line to divide portions of your AO3 text?
Good story, Lazy8. And I second Wavewright's question - all I can manage is a row of asterisks!
OwlsG0, why am I reminded of trying to share a bed with angular snoring siblings when I was little, or This One Guy I used to climb with, with whom I sometimes had to share a tent? He snored like a motormower, and I'd swear he was made of elbows! Such a delightfully funny story!
The elbows part was inspired by my sister who, I swear to all things holy, sharpens her elbows on a whetstone prior to sharing a bed with me.
*ruefully rubs ankles and remembers the number of times I've told this one sparring partner he needs to file his elbows*
And I somehow get the feeling that Sigrun is not going to be happy when she wakes up...
I'm back again, for some reason
72: Mischief Managed http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15766423
In which Mikkel livens up at dull afternoon at the expense of Lalli's sanity
AAAAAHHHH there have been so many good fics recently and I've neglected to comment on them! You all are wonderful.
Someone on Tumblr who seems to be new to SSSS was talking about wanting a fic where Emil fusses with everyone's hair and clothes before an important event, so I got inspired and rattled this off. Last First Impressions (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6916474).
I'm back again, for some reason
72: Mischief Managed http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15766423
In which Mikkel livens up at dull afternoon at the expense of Lalli's sanity
This is quite good, everything was written very in-character! ;D
This is part of the Multimedia Fanworks Exchange, but here it is as well. I answered Sc0ut's prompt for "Someone in the team has their birthday while the expedition is in the Silent World. Do they get to celebrate? (I'm okay with anything, shipping or darker themes or whatever.)"Spoiler: "Birthday Candles" show
A great way to start the exchange, wavewright! But, what is that passage at the end? It's especially beautiful!
Prompt: something from the Hogwarts Au. (from the recent crossover)Emil Västerström and the Shadows of the Forest
@Tr, I can tell you're on a roll here. Please tell me, is this Joshua named after a real person of your acquaintance? He seems to be. Also, you had me at Admiral Shouty playing Hagrid.Heheh, thank you! <3
Three chapters in one go, for some reason
63: Do not disturb http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15830629
Sigrun is a nervous carpenter
92: All that I have http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15830641
A glimpse into a possible past of the Hotakainens'
62: Magic http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15830662
Emil is so danged magical even he doesn't know what to do about it
I wrote a really long fic for the Multimedia Exchange. Please enjoy Mikkel and Sigrun terrorizing small children.Emil Västerström and the Shadows of the Forest*rests chin on hands* I approve :3
A Stand Still, Stay Silent/Harry Potter crossover fic
This fic is in five parts because it somehow got ridiculously long. Sorry about that. Hope you like it
Right, so this is my first fic in this fandom. Warning: it is EmiLalli and VERY VERY PORNY. VERY MUCH SO. Do not read this at work or around small children.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/6915991 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6915991)
I would post it to the NSFW board but...um. I can't find any links to it or anything. /cough. I've only been here a few days!
EDIT: nevermind, found it.
Warning: inspired by this (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.msg107843#msg107843).
I hope everyone brought tissues.
53. Keeping a Secret (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/15848443)
Warning: inspired by this (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.msg107843#msg107843).
I hope everyone brought tissues.
53. Keeping a Secret (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/15848443)
Warning: inspired by this (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.msg107843#msg107843).
I hope everyone brought tissues.
53. Keeping a Secret (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/15848443)
Warning: inspired by this (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.msg107843#msg107843).Congratulations this is not the first but the second fic by you that's made me cry. Poor Reynir baby, I'd like to think in a situation like that he'd be that selfless, he is a pretty selfless dude after all. I've read fics before where Lalli doesn't come back from a scouting venture and everyone is just like "yeah he dead" and those give dread almost worse than when someone just straight up dies and we read about it first hand, something about people just disappearing and knowing they ain't coming back is so unsettling.
I hope everyone brought tissues.
53. Keeping a Secret (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/15848443)
Warning: inspired by this (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.msg107843#msg107843).
I hope everyone brought tissues.
53. Keeping a Secret (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/15848443)
Lilithqueen, there is a thread in the Forum called 'Scenes we'd like to see' for just such things! And there is a 1920s AU story by SectoBoss, with art by Shoop, in which Emil is an explosives guy, Lalli a hitman, and Tuuri their driver. Read it, it's good!
Lalli thinking, no punctuation. Inspired by the unreadable part in "Beloved" by Tony Morrison.I had to read beloved for one of my high school lit classes, it was a heavy read but I enjoy Tony Morrison. By extension, I enjoyed this and think your writing was excellent :3
The Crying World
Lalli is running in unmapped territory
Warning - Mention of physical maltreatment of a child
I had to read beloved for one of my high school lit classes, it was a heavy read but I enjoy Tony Morrison. By extension, I enjoyed this and think your writing was excellent :3
65: http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15854437
In which Emil is terrified of everything supernatural, including villains from Moomins.
WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO US. WHY. My feels, they have been wounded.Wow, much sad, very tears
65: http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15854437In Emil's defense, I'm turning 24 in two weeks and I'm still pretty terrified of all of those things (including the Groke) :P
In which Emil is terrified of everything supernatural, including villains from Moomins.
Here, have this piece of ridiculousness to make up for yesterday.Reypunzel! ;D
54. Tower (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/15868156)
Yep, I did Reypunzel.
And now, resurrected from the depths ofwriter's blockinattention…
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Terminator” crossover fanfic
Part 9
80: Words http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15872914
A short glance into everyone's favourite scout's head, via the journal he apparently keeps.
Warning: inspired by this (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.msg107843#msg107843).
I hope everyone brought tissues.
53. Keeping a Secret (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/15848443)
80: Words http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15872914
A short glance into everyone's favourite scout's head, via the journal he apparently keeps.
80: Words http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15872914
A short glance into everyone's favourite scout's head, via the journal he apparently keeps.
This post will be cross-linked and kept up to date.Spoiler: The Complete Links to LooNEY_DAC’s Forum fanfics show
Hello! Coming in with my first SSSS fanfic. :)
Also for the SSSS prompt challenge: 10. Breathe Again.Spoiler: Breathe For Me show
What interesting threads you have woven together here!
I see you mention Katla in your profile, too. Is she a reference from elsewhere, or a fully-realised OC of your creation?
Hello darkness, my old friend.
56. Murder (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/15914146)
I already posted this in the exchange thread, but I suppose I could put it here as well: a depressing story about cleanser training (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6978166).Depressing ? Yes. Really well written with a really sweet ending ? Also yes :3
36: Precious treasure http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15941170
Sigrun misses her bro, Mikkel. She also finds a rock that looks a lot like him. She and the rock understand each other.
36: Precious treasure http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/15941170
Sigrun misses her bro, Mikkel. She also finds a rock that looks a lot like him. She and the rock understand each other.
I didn't kill anyone this time.
You may cry anyway. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssWbqeC6DJA)
59. No Way Out (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/15976606)
For the SSSSS 100 Prompts Challenge: 67. Playing the MelodyI quite like this, it is excellently sinister!
A Melody of His Memories (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7027810)
Days since his Luonto returned, Lalli is still feeling lonely and unappreciated, but by chance he meets a new friend in the dreamworld.
I'm not sure if this will fall on the same 'verse as my previous fic (which is set 50 years post-canon), but it was a fun idea to explore nonetheless. :)
For the SSSSS 100 Prompts Challenge: 67. Playing the Melody*gasp* I need more! Good job leaving us in suspense, I love this! ;D And you did a very good job fitting it into canon too!
A Melody of His Memories (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7027810)
Days since his Luonto returned, Lalli is still feeling lonely and unappreciated, but by chance he meets a new friend in the dreamworld.
I'm not sure if this will fall on the same 'verse as my previous fic (which is set 50 years post-canon), but it was a fun idea to explore nonetheless. :)
The second is a little Emil/Lalli scene from the same setting as my ongoing hipster band AU. I did a giveaway of sorts over on Tumblr (which I'll be posting the results of in the appropriate places on the forum, as I have time and inclination) and this is my gift for tamaerchen: Taste Test (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7036675)*screech* it included Agneta <3 also this is v good fluff, I should probably read the original 'before it was cool' it sounds like a good AU.
Ooh, Lazy8 that's a nice look at Emil's origins. It definitely fits with what we know about his history.
I come bearing two fics! The first has already been posted in the multimedia exchange, but I figured I'd put it here as well.
Reynir and Tuuri go wandering off on their own and encounter a troll in Trouble for Two (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7034392). (Mildly shippy, as should be expected from any fic by me involving these two). Prompted by Gwenno.
The second is a little Emil/Lalli scene from the same setting as my ongoing hipster band AU. I did a giveaway of sorts over on Tumblr (which I'll be posting the results of in the appropriate places on the forum, as I have time and inclination) and this is my gift for tamaerchen: Taste Test (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7036675)
Ooh, Lazy8 that's a nice look at Emil's origins. It definitely fits with what we know about his history.EEEEEEEEEEEEE, Kiralyyy! These are so cute!!!!!! <3
I come bearing two fics! The first has already been posted in the multimedia exchange, but I figured I'd put it here as well.
Reynir and Tuuri go wandering off on their own and encounter a troll in Trouble for Two (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7034392). (Mildly shippy, as should be expected from any fic by me involving these two). Prompted by Gwenno.
The second is a little Emil/Lalli scene from the same setting as my ongoing hipster band AU. I did a giveaway of sorts over on Tumblr (which I'll be posting the results of in the appropriate places on the forum, as I have time and inclination) and this is my gift for tamaerchen: Taste Test (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7036675)
The second is a little Emil/Lalli scene from the same setting as my ongoing hipster band AU. I did a giveaway of sorts over on Tumblr (which I'll be posting the results of in the appropriate places on the forum, as I have time and inclination) and this is my gift for tamaerchen: Taste Test (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7036675)This is so sweet :)) I really like this AU, so it was nice to read more from it ;D
*screech* it included Agneta <3 also this is v good fluff, I should probably read the original 'before it was cool' it sounds like a good AU.
Kiraly, I don't think I've ever mentioned it, but BIWC happens to be my favorite AU. So there's a chance you may have heard me when I was reading this because I was making a noise approximating (http://i.imgur.com/HZXydxZ.gif) loudly enough to wake the entire neighborhood. That is all. <3
Hehe, yeah, I needed a coworker for Emil and II'm quite happy that my new icon has this effect :3am too lazy to come up withdon't like to use OCs, so I thought she'd be a good candidate. I was amused to see the conversation about her in the shipping thread that started around the time I was writing this. (Also, I'm now imagining her shouting the words of your post because she's your icon, hehe).
This is the part where I try to get out of my Sigrun & Emil rut. Because as much as I love those two to pieces, there are other characters.
62. Magic (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/16056946)
Also, I belatedly realized that my Emil-bullying story had a lot of similarities to the one Pupunen wrote. I'm sorry; I swear it was subconscious.
Ooh, looks like things are heating up for our heroes, LooNEY! Literally heating up, in Emil's case.Ahhhh, I have died of cute (which honestly normally happens whenever I read your fics).
So...the most recent page (535, for time-travelers) gave me all kinds of feelings. So I spun some of them out into this Emil/Lalli fic.
Bridging the Gap.
Ahhhh, I have died of cute (which honestly normally happens whenever I read your fics).
Ahhhh, I have died of cute (which honestly normally happens whenever I read your fics).
Same. I am ded now. Too cute.
Nope, apparently I still can't get enough of this mentorship.
66. Traps (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/16150024)
17: Blood http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/16242041Looks like his parents may have some circulation issues as well! Hee.
Reynir and his sinuses have a problem with timing. Nosebleeds galore.
Oh, Emil...
71. Obsession (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/16262951)
I have a feeling I'll get hate mail for this.
Oh, well.
The Red Herring League
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Superhero AU fanfic
Part 6
Complete Links to Complete Links post (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg108613#msg108613)
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg109582#msg109582)Spoiler: Interlude in Scarlet showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Oh, Emil...
71. Obsession (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/16262951)
ntbw but i really really really love this one a lot
84: Out cold http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/16268354Boy I'm really glad you wrote this for a multitude of reasons, not only was it beautiful and enjoyable to read but it supports my theory that being a mage automatically means that you're really super gay because magic is actually powered by your sheer gayness. This means that because Onni is the most powerful mage character in the comic he's also the most incredibly gay character. The only reason Emil can't do magic is because he doesn't believe in it, but if he did believe in magic he could harness his sheer gayness and become a formidably powerful mage, perhaps even more powerful than Onni.
In which someone sleeps in a haven, but is not quite out-cold.
(Another Emil/Lalli epic.)
Boy I'm really glad you wrote this for a multitude of reasons, not only was it beautiful and enjoyable to read but it supports my theory that being a mage automatically means that you're really super gay because magic is actually powered by your sheer gayness. This means that because Onni is the most powerful mage character in the comic he's also the most incredibly gay character. The only reason Emil can't do magic is because he doesn't believe in it, but if he did believe in magic he could harness his sheer gayness and become a formidably powerful mage, perhaps even more powerful than Onni.
*tilts head*
Part of me wants to say this can't possibly be correct, and another part of me is screaming *I ship it*. help
A third part might be waiting for Minna to confirm this....
Here's the thing I posted in the multimedia exchange, based on Elleth's prompt. Enjoy!Spoiler: sigruns first troll show
Unfortunately she has already confirmed otherwise (http://sssscomic.tumblr.com/post/145663357235/hello-minna-i-hope-youre-having-a-wonderful-day), but I can dream *wistful sigh*
Bwahahahahaha Lovely!! Soo many chuckles, but I think my favourite is the mention of Stumpy's exploits.
Actually, as I read this, it could be interpreted as:Awe yeah I just remembered the mage info page explicitly states "most Finns have the ability to use spells to some degree" which I'm pretty sure means just about all of the Finns are at least kinda gay.
Finnish magic runs in the blood, Icelandic magic comes from the gods. We already knew this.
Maybe the Norse criteria is "level of gayness", while the Finnish bloodline includes genetic markers for the same thing?
84: Out cold http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/16268354
In which someone sleeps in a haven, but is not quite out-cold.
(Another Emil/Lalli epic.)
*heavy sigh* This is a beautiful landscape. Soooo beautifully imagined.
Thank you! I had some real fun working on the natural landscapes for this one. I was definitely trying to channel in some of that sublime natural stuff you get in the Gothic classics. Took me a long time to get right. You can't really tell but I also had a cat sitting on my throat for most of the time this one took to write, so that was an extra layer of difficulty.
...You can't really tell but I also had a cat sitting on my throat for most of the time this one took to write, so that was an extra layer of difficulty.
Cranky old men vs. snot-nosed brats, go!
72. Mischief Managed (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/16284449)
35: Hold my hand http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/16321577
Sigrun has a special problem when it comes to high doses of painkillers. The nature of the problem is something Mikkel should have seen coming, but somehow he doesn't.
(I may enjoy writing slightly-inebriated!Sigrun more than I let on)
Well I posted this over on the Multi-media exchange thread, but I'll drop the link here too
(In which a Danish town speculates as to what Mikkel does when he isn't on the farm)
In which Siv and Torbjörn review the personnel files of their prospective crew.This is not only really well written, but also touches on something I think about a lot. I always wonder how Siv and Torbjörn were able to send out their little 19 year old nephew on a highly dangerous and potentially deadly mission and actually really made me question them, still kind of does.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7211909 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7211909)
Soooo many wonderful fics recently! I can hardly keep up!This was hilarious! This AU of yours just gets better and better.
Anyway, I'll add one to the pile. It's another one from my Tumblr giveaway, and the request was for a story about how Sigrun and Mikkel met in my Hipster AU. There's also a drawing to go along with it, which is at the end of the fic (and I'll probably put it in the art museum too).
An Inauspicious Beginning (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7214971). (Featuring Sigrun, Mikkel, brawling, and booze).
Soooo many wonderful fics recently! I can hardly keep up!I love the way you write Sigrun <3
Anyway, I'll add one to the pile. It's another one from my Tumblr giveaway, and the request was for a story about how Sigrun and Mikkel met in my Hipster AU. There's also a drawing to go along with it, which is at the end of the fic (and I'll probably put it in the art museum too).
An Inauspicious Beginning (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7214971). (Featuring Sigrun, Mikkel, brawling, and booze).
This is not only really well written, but also touches on something I think about a lot. I always wonder how Siv and Torbjörn were able to send out their little 19 year old nephew on a highly dangerous and potentially deadly mission and actually really made me question them, still kind of does.
Is it obvious I wrote this in the midst of an existential crisis?
79. Starvation (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/16439950)
And I don't want to let too many posts pass without something of substance, so have a slightly shippy EmiLalli drabble! It's only a bit over 100 words, too.
Lalli was cold. And damp. And tired. He hated being cold and damp and tired. It was just a few more steps to the door of the cat-tank, though, and from there to his bunk. Right, he could do this. Shuffle into the tank, decontaminate himself, grunt affirmatively in Tuuri’s direction when she asked if it was safe…
And pause. The pallet on the floor would be cold. He was done with being cold.
Emil had half rolled onto his side, leaving a little space on the bunk. It would fit him, if he pressed himself very close.
So he did. Even mostly asleep, Emil’s arm slid around him, and he sighed happily as he snuggled into the warmth.
The Jylland Jump
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Jazz Age” crossover fanfic
Part 7
....Spoiler: Authorial Notes show
42: Stand still http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/16556434/preview
Initiation is tough, especially in post apocalyptic Finland.
This got quite a bit more literal than I had expected.
86. Seeing Red (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/16591720)
I think I'm going to have to take a hiatus from the 100 Prompts challenge. I just have too much RL stuff on my plate (and by this point, everyone ought to know why). Hopefully I'll be back to writing by the start of July, and if not then, mid-August at the latest!
I think I'm going to have to take a hiatus from the 100 Prompts challenge. I just have too much RL stuff on my plate (and by this point, everyone ought to know why). Hopefully I'll be back to writing by the start of July, and if not then, mid-August at the latest!
The Jylland Jump
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Jazz Age” crossover fanfic
Part 7
...And I told you that last part wasn’t the end, didn’t I?
EDIT: Apparently the profanity filters didn't like Kerttu's nickname for Lalli. Weird.[/spoiler]
Some more Hogwarts stuff. Very, very ridiculous. VERY ridiculous. Honestly I don't know why I wrote this.
Tuuri and Reynir visit Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop, only to have a pair of unlikely interrupting friends ruin their evening.Spoiler: show
Don't mind me, I'm just reviving my Hipster Band AU (http://archiveofourown.org/works/5569909/chapters/16726669) from its long sleep (with a looooong chapter). Also, there will most likely only be two chapters after this, unless it gets away from me.
Yay! I love the introduction of Kiraly-level Angst into this. This is about the only level of angst I can handle at the moment so it is awesome. Poor Onni - he is so right. TT_TT
And the songs were awesome. Don't know all of them butCate Bush is horror on the vocal cords as I have enough evidence to lay down through countless Sing-Star evenings.Spoiler: show
Crushed that Kirlaly's hipster AU's only going to have like 2 more chapters, but it's been a fun ride all the same. I'm looking forward to the ending!
Haven't posted myself in a while because there was no wi-fi where I've been for the past week and I had extended family coming up to my eyeballs, so have a prompt now.
47: Creation http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/16738501
I'm so glad I didn't kill this thread last week.
So, of course, I'll kill it now, with this dark tale of the future.
In other news, I’m hopeless at Swedish surnames.
79: Starvation http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/16758568
In which Reynir considers whether or not it was worth it to feed his starvation for adventure.
Yay! I liked the conversation between Mikkel and Reynir, very sad and very enlightening. I also liked the assumption that Reynir is some sort of lucky charm. XD Lucky to be born, lucky to survive the Silent World, lucky to be a mage ... Hehe.
The Inuk you have Mikkel mention here, is he the same Inuk from the "Creation"-story? If so, how would he be at the Kastrup-frontlines? Will you write more about this?
Anyhow, thanks for writing and sharing. =)
Yes that's the same Inuk. I don't quite know how he made it out there to the Kastrup front-lines, but suffice to say it was professionally. He didn't just up and chase the twins out there. He was doing his job when he died.
I've gotten unreasonably attached in a short amount of time to all the Madsens I flung out at everyone in the "Creation" prompt. It's nice to see that other people seem to like them as well!
60: Rejection http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/16784791
In which Reynir considers gender identity in the context of rejection.
Or: Reynir is a sad puppy and Lalli isn't gonna let it keep going because he's a good room-mate.
Thank you, that is a great fanfic.
Reynir is genderfluid, Lalli is autistic and gay and Reynir leaves his long hairs everywhere. Those are pretty much all my headcanons too. And it's a hilarious joke what Emil comments about the paintings in the museum.
Unfortunately in digital applications you can't just write a third option at "what's your gender"...
You might try photoshopping it?
Is it time for a political thriller set in semi-democratic post-apocayptic Norway? Well, after spending a couple hours putting together a map of the valgkretser/kommuner/fylker of post-rash Norway, signs are pointing to yes.
Keep your eyes peeled for a project in the works...and while you're trying to count all those tiny little electoral districts to see which party is winning, see if you can figure it out: just who is going to be the next Jarl of Norway???
99: Solitude http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/16824529
Tuuri worries about Mikkel, and realises he's pretty much the last person she needs to worry about being alone.
51: Sport http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/16848586
This one went a bit weird but I also had some fun with it.
Hey y'all!! I've never posted on this forum before so please forgive me if I do something wrong!Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy your stay. :D If you'd like, you can introduce yourself to everyone down at The Introduction Thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=131.0)~!
Hey y'all!! I've never posted on this forum before so please forgive me if I do something wrong! Anyways, I've written a (platonic) Lalli x Emil story that can be read here: https://www.quotev.com/story/8195563/Communication-Emil-x-Lalli-Stand-Still-Stay-Silent(http://i.imgur.com/HZXydxZ.gif)
I apologize deeply if it bares any resemblance to another user's fanfiction, because if so, it was COMPLETELY unintentional!
Hey y'all!! I've never posted on this forum before so please forgive me if I do something wrong! Anyways, I've written a (platonic) Lalli x Emil story that can be read here: https://www.quotev.com/story/8195563/Communication-Emil-x-Lalli-Stand-Still-Stay-Silent
I apologize deeply if it bares any resemblance to another user's fanfiction, because if so, it was COMPLETELY unintentional!
And chapter 3 (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12033091/3/Project-SSSS) of Project SSSS is done and up, and for a short while we leave Emil to focus on what's going on over in Iceland!
Ack!Spoiler: show
I'm not saying it is, but I'm also not saying it's not 0=)More Emil! Yay!
(Haha, no, I'm lying. While it being Siv would be interesting, it actually isn't :P)
Anyway, stopping by to say that I finished another story!
Heartbreak Hotel (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12041994/1/Heartbreak-Hotel)
Summary: "Stop being a crybaby." Emil had been called that before, maybe that's why this time he swore not to complain again. But complaining isn't always bad.
So... uhm, yes. More Emil. I really need to learn to write the others as well, but... Emil
I'm not saying it is, but I'm also not saying it's not 0=)
(Haha, no, I'm lying. While it being Siv would be interesting, it actually isn't :P)
Anyway, stopping by to say that I finished another story!
Heartbreak Hotel (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12041994/1/Heartbreak-Hotel)
Summary: "Stop being a crybaby." Emil had been called that before, maybe that's why this time he swore not to complain again. But complaining isn't always bad.
So... uhm, yes. More Emil. I really need to learn to write the others as well, but... Emil
After that discussion on fruits, this one was kind of inevitable.
87. Food (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/16960080)
After that discussion on fruits, this one was kind of inevitable.This is wonderful. And now I want to draw Sigrun eating a pomegranate.
87. Food (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/16960080)
Now that this one is de-anon'd, I guess I can post it. : D
"Take Five". Sigrun/Tuuri. 1k length. 13+ rating (ish).
Summary: Tuuri's been pushing herself a little too hard. Sigrun has just the solution for it. (Basically, fluff and massages and more fluff.)
Read at Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7367602
Dreamwidth backup: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/72657.html
This one is Tr's fault. (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.msg115075#msg115075)Already said this on AO3 but AH GOSH THIS IS PERFECT, you added all the little details that wouldn't really work in a comic and you did it well!
89. Through the Fire (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/17003232)
...and I can't seem to focus right now even on stuff I should be doing, so no new entry tonight. On the bright side, I've already thought up a new fic challenge to get us through the chapter break...?
And please find herewith the next installment of the superhero AU I've been working on. Reynir can run on water, but can he swim?
...and I can't seem to focus right now even on stuff I should be doing, so no new entry tonight. On the bright side, I've already thought up a new fic challenge to get us through the chapter break...?
New prompt. Sorry for the double-post
71: Obsession http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/17031732
Reynir on wooden clogs. Yes. I approve.
64: Lovers http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/17068825
Sigrun and Mikkel have a frank talk about their love lives. Drinks are snorted and hysterics are had with alarming regularity.
That's a nice story!
I want to see Sigrun and Mikkel hug friendshiply...
Spoiler: show
Beautiful. :'DSpoiler: show
Spoiler: show
Spoiler: show
Wrote a teeny text because reasons!Spoiler: Emil/Lalli show
54: Tower http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/17099479
Tuuri finds something to occupy her time in the late evenings, when everyone else is asleep.
Thanks for the kind words! I threw together another teeny thing, because it's been all over lately! It's about Emil one day finding a Nokia.Oddly heartwarming. :)Spoiler: Nokia Go! show
Thanks for the kind words! I threw together another teeny thing, because it's been all over lately! It's about Emil one day finding a Nokia.BWAHAHA! This is great! :'DSpoiler: Nokia Go! show
Thanks for the kind words! I threw together another teeny thing, because it's been all over lately! It's about Emil one day finding a Nokia.Spoiler: Nokia Go! show
I've had this written for a while now, but neglected to post it. (I think I may have been planning on writing more before posting, but it seems to end on a good cliffhanger.) Here's the first chapter of my SSSS/Sunless Sea crossover AU fic thing. (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7532608/chapters/17124712) More chapters to come! I have a rough idea of where to take the story from here, so I just have to write it! ;DAnd that, fellow Minnions, is the 300th AO3 SSSS fanfic! *muppetflail*
And that, fellow Minnions, is the 300th AO3 SSSS fanfic! *muppetflail*
Yay! Good one, Luth!
74: Are you challenging me? http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/17134441
Onni suspects another owl might be trying to claim his position of older brother/cousin
Thanks for the kind words! I threw together another teeny thing, because it's been all over lately! It's about Emil one day finding a Nokia.Spoiler: Nokia Go! show
I am holed up in a hotel room in Switzerland with a cold that may soon mutate and turn me into Rash Illness patient zero, but I managed to bash out this thing to say thank you to everyone who was so nice and helpful over in the comfort corner thread.About halfway through this I realized I was laughing hysterically. This is beautiful. :'D
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7555774 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7555774)
Don't blame me! It's the weird Swiss cough syrup!
I am holed up in a hotel room in Switzerland with a cold that may soon mutate and turn me into Rash Illness patient zero, but I managed to bash out this thing to say thank you to everyone who was so nice and helpful over in the comfort corner thread.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7555774 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7555774)
Don't blame me! It's the weird Swiss cough syrup!
90: Triangle http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/17213314This is brilliant! I love the interaction between Sigrun and Lalli. *urge to draw Lalli with a bunch of tiny floofy lynxes intensifies*
Lalli and Sigrun spend some quality time together. Around the same time, Lalli becomes a parent in a rather unexpected way
Would never have thought of that combination! Nicely written though.
Yes! Thank you for writing this. :DSpoiler: show
Well, that's dark! Sequel, please?
I'll add it to my list of 'things to write when and if school lets me have my life back'. Glad you enjoyed it. This is definitely an interesting concept for me, though, since I'm super curious about the thingie following the Hotakainens.Fascinating headcanon about giants taking up (presumably immune?) persons.
I had always assumed that they just incorporated any and all organic matter into their mass, under the overarching dominance of the Rash. That's certainly how I've been writing them in fics. Maybe the immune people and animals are the bits that retain enough mind to scream?
Apparently, my preferred method of preparing for intercontinental flights is staying up late writing sappy fanfiction. Here is the result: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7628158
Intentional or not, great pun! Safe travels!
Making puns? Me? I wood never!
75: Mirror http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/17480329
Emil has problems and his friends are the not helping. They're causing them, in fact.
Speaking of cute things with Emil and Lalli, I wrote a silly thing involving babysitting Emil's cousins. (It's a post-canon fic with Emil/Lalli as an established relationship).
Cousin Emil, Catman, and the Changelings (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7690453).
88: Pain http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/17526487
Tuuri gets a splinter.
Talimee, I am normally a hardy soul - but now I am dead, melted into a sigh...
67: Playing the melody http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/17613079
Lalli is orphaned. After an excruciatingly long three days, that is.
67: Playing the melody http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/17613079
Lalli is orphaned. After an excruciatingly long three days, that is.
*tries very hard not to cry**cries* Owl, aughhh...that was pretty heartbreaking.
*cries* Owl, aughhh...that was pretty heartbreaking.
Deadlines have put me in a sour and stressed mood, so I took it out on the Hotakainens as usual. I really should find another target.I hope things work out and you feel better soon! *whispers* Emiiiiiiil. I hear Emil makes a very nice angstfest target.
I hope things work out and you feel better soon! *whispers* Emiiiiiiil. I hear Emil makes a very nice angstfest target.
Click here (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6440122/chapters/17659108) for Lalli and Emil actually doing their jobs. :D
Is it possible to win a "Most Boring Teaser Award"?
Talimee, well done.
Certainly, but none of your work begins to meet being qualified for the award.
Róisín, OwlsG0, thank you for your praise! *bows* =D*turns away and bites knuckles* Damn, I wanted that award!
Just found the scriptorium....gonna spend a while here it seems.
I would start up a chant of one of us, one of us but I think you already understand how doomed you are.
97: Safety first http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/17737717
In which Tuuri demonstrates exemplary driving skills and Lalli regrets every life choice that lead him to the shotgun seat.
OwlsGo, please do continue. Also, is the new avatar a dropbear?Looks like a were-koala to me.
This has been a very sleepy thread for a few days. I wonder if it's because Lazy8 isn't here to spam us with wonderful Sigrun angst?
sends Lazy8 good vibes
*sneaks in to drop off a little Sigrun/Tuuri thing* I originally meant for this to fit on a postcard, but it got far too long. Anyway, enjoy!
Fine Ladies, Dancing (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7809739)
This was fun, Kiraiy! Not my ship, butwell written. And fun!/me echoes Róisín and adds a bad pun:
This was fun, Kiraiy! Not my ship, butwell written. And fun!
/me echoes Róisín and adds a bad pun:
So, will your next work feature the exploits of an imperturbable Mikkel as he saves the others in a series of hops and jumps and be titled Zen Lords A-Leaping?
OwlsGo, please do continue. Also, is the new avatar a dropbear?
Speaking of cute things with Emil and Lalli, I wrote a silly thing involving babysitting Emil's cousins. (It's a post-canon fic with Emil/Lalli as an established relationship, FYI).
Cousin Emil, Catman, and the Changelings (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7690453).
/me echoes Róisín and adds a bad pun:
So, will your next work feature the exploits of an imperturbable Mikkel as he saves the others in a series of hops and jumps and be titled Zen Lords A-Leaping?
66: Traps http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/17870596
A syrup slow afternoon ticks by in the Tank.
I wrote a follow-up! (http://archiveofourown.org/chapters/17829517) It's about one of the changelings coming downstairs to annoy Lalli for a bit.
Are there any of you in need of Emil/Lalli-fluff? I'll be happy to deliver (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7832437)! :D
Title: Cotton Love
Author: Talimee
Summary: Lalli surreptitiously obtains something Emil is only to happy to give.
Characters: Emil Västerström, Lalli Hotakainen
Pairing: Emil/Lalli
Setting: Alternate Universe (modern times)
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Tags: fluff, hugs, established relationship, slice of life
Are there any of you in need of Emil/Lalli-fluff? I'll be happy to deliver (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7832437)! :D
Title: Cotton Love
Author: Talimee
Summary: Lalli surreptitiously obtains something Emil is only to happy to give.
Characters: Emil Västerström, Lalli Hotakainen
Pairing: Emil/Lalli
Setting: Alternate Universe (modern times)
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Tags: fluff, hugs, established relationship, slice of life
Aaaaand this has spawned a second chapter (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7832437/chapters/17898286). :D
Yay, another chapter! Hand-kisses are the cutest, I imagine Lalli and Emil must do that a lot : )
I loved that one, OwlsG0! :D Left a comment on AO3!
Another fic today, this one written for LGBT Fest and uses the SSSS 100 Prompts Challenge: 18. Rainbow.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7848883 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7848883)
Summary: Maja bonds with her son Reynir after learning he is bisexual.
I have decided to write down summaries of the two chapters i planned to write for my norwegian high school au (http://unicorngender.tumblr.com/post/149407614914/standstill-high-the-chapters-that-never-were) but realized i'm never going to write. it's been over a year and i'm sorry i didn't write them, but c'est la vie. i hope someone enjoys them anyway.
Awwww. (Draws dagger behind back.) (Whispers): There can only be one. ANYWAY. Now I'm inspired to try to get my thing done already.Thank you! :D
Haiz, I'm sad you never got to write them! Even in summary they are....diverting.
Haiz, there are so many fanfics that I am sad never to have seen finished - thank you so much for this summary of yours!no problem ^___~
WOOPADOODLE TOOL jfc I have never laughed this hard so I had to commenti appreciate that very much, i think the woopadoodle tool is my finest work
Thank you! :D
Get your thing done, for LBGT Fest? :D You have until August 31st, and it's really fun! Here's the list of prompts (http://lgbtfest.dreamwidth.org/1054.html). Some are fandom-specific, and there weren't any for SSSS but there are ones for "any" fandom which is where I got my prompt. :) If they run the fest again next year, we can add in SSSS prompts, and if you or anyone else wants, I can advertise the fest here since it runs from May to end of August.
No, it's just a general Lamil shipping fic, no prompt. (Hence the rivalry with Lalli/Reynir ships, you monster)I prefer the term 'witch' if you don't mind. ;) And no need for rivalry! In my other fandom, everyone ships and let ship! :)
I could totally contribute to that though.
A little delayed by my sojourn in hospital, but here is Chapter 10 of the superhero AU fic:
In which the expedition gets last-minute replacements for the skald, medic, and driver, Onni hits the wall, and searching eyes turn south, just as Reynir finally encounters someone who speaks his language. The clogs make an appearance again, too.
Appearances by the SSSSonas of Gwenno, Haiz, Noodly Appendage, AquaAurion, Ragnarok, & Sunflower.
It's...oddly appropriate for Jón to be called 'black mage.' They share a similar sense of overkill.
On further note, this made me very happy. Thank you!
96: In the storm http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/17962117
Lalli isn't back by the time a blizzard starts up, so Emil takes matters into his own hands.
Title: Cotton Love
Author: Talimee
Characters: Emil Västerström, Lalli Hotakainen
Pairing: Emil/Lalli
Setting: Alternate Universe (modern times)
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Tags: fluff, hugs, kisses, established relationship, slice of life
And chapter three (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7832437/chapters/17971453) is up. Enjoy!
Fanfic two of the chapter break series: Reynir has seen something in the dreamworld that wasn't meant for his eyes. (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7815343)
Pairing: Emilalli
Rating: Teens and up
I love this as well! AAAH!
Thanks! Screaming is always a nice compliment.
Today's fic: Sneak ruffle (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7840951) (based on this artwork by Minna (http://www.sssscomic.com/mainimages/art/sneakruffle.php))
Thanks! Screaming is always a nice compliment.
Today's fic: Sneak ruffle (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7840951) (based on this artwork by Minna (http://www.sssscomic.com/mainimages/art/sneakruffle.php))
It occurs to me that the two who have done the majority of the 100 Prompts Challenge, Lazy8 and OwlsG0, have improved their writing skills beyond all reckoning, am I right? There have been some amazing and memorable stories coming from their efforts.
Outstanding work. Dunno if I'm up to it at this stage, but if I wanted to develop writing skills, I sure would. Applause also for the organiser of the Challenge!
For some reason I keep getting the crazy urge to ramble at length about that gladiator!Sigrun AU I came up with a while back but will probably never get around to writing.Spoiler: This got long show
...yeah. I could have some fun writing this, but whether it will ever come about is another matter entirely...
Miriam, these last two fics are too cute!!! I love how the most recent one is all about respecting boundaries and finding ways to display affection that work for both of them. :))
Well, for better or for worse, Chapter 10 of 'The Khalasar of the Iron Tiger' is up. Please leave feedback, especially for this, as neither Solokov nor I had the slightest idea if he was in-character, being unused to writing optimistic characters.
My fanfic of today: Hug coupon (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7886179).
Lalli wants to hug Emil but doesn't know how to initiate it. He gets an idea on how to communicate it.
89: Through the fire http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/18080782
One of Mikkel's leg is made of living tree from the knee down, for a reason slightly more sad than could have been predicted.
I will write feedback, one of these days - but I'm still stuck in the Eddard-chapter. D: I liked the chapters so far, all in all I find it a bit strange that Khal Drogo and Daenerys are so nice and welcoming. I can't see the immediate benefit for them, but as this looks like it's going to be a looooong fic we will see eventually. (Or as soon as I find the time to read more. =/ ) More detailed comments on AO3 (eventually)
- ...this story wants to be Emil/Reynir, because my muse hates me.
Audite resus mei!
I will write feedback, one of these days - but I'm still stuck in the Eddard-chapter. D: I liked the chapters so far, all in all I find it a bit strange that Khal Drogo and Daenerys are so nice and welcoming. I can't see the immediate benefit for them, but as this looks like it's going to be a looooong fic we will see eventually. (Or as soon as I find the time to read more. =/ ) More detailed comments on AO3 (eventually).
Very cute idea!
Somehow AO3 shows your stories at weird points on the site, so people just going through today's uploads won't see them. The latest for example is shown for the 27th of August. Oo
Hear my... laughter? Et tu, Brute?
Thanks. Yes, for some reason the last three stories seem to be dated the 27th of August *cries*.
I'll put up an author's note to this effect shortly, but the short of it is that Khal Drogo is smart enough to realize that attacking the group with the giant metal tiger miiiight be a bad idea. Daenerys for her part is partly glad to meet people who speak her language, and partly similar reasons as Drogo.
Plus, there's approx. three months of travel we've basically skimmed over, that will be brought up and explained in a later chapter.
If this happens again (or if you want to change the date on any of your other stories) you can do it by going to the story's edit screen, scrolling to the checkbox for "Set a different publication date", and choosing the correct date. Sometimes Ao3 does weird things.
That would be like the guys in the Coliseum listening when one of them yells "look out! Lions!" They already know. They already know.
...aaaaaaaaaaaaand I keep getting ideas for this thing.
(Yes, I know gladiators fought each other, not exotic animals. I might just have to call artistic license, though, because a scene like this is too good to pass up.)(... simply call them by their proper terms (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bestiarii), then?)
(... simply call them by their proper terms (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bestiarii), then?)
But-but-but I want to have them fighting other humans too!Well, that calls for the invention of the MostBestidiators, then. ::)
Remember how I was beginning to write a thing? I'm still writing a thing (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7435532/chapters/18131476).
Since everyone is posting what they wrote for Rare Pair Fest (so many great fics!) here's mine:
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7808377 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7808377)
Emil/Lalli*, in which Emil has trouble learning languages.
* By Rare Pair Fest standards, every SSSS pairing counts as a rarepair.
Thunderous applause
I'm really, really sorry guys that I never posted my thing I started. Trying to Finnish it now. ;D
Now that we know what Ensi Hotakainen (AKA Grandma Hotakainen) looks like and what her name is, I decided to write something with her. < 3 Just something quick!I seem to have neglected to commemorate this as…
"On a Midnight Clear". 1k. 13+ for canon-typical violence. No pairings.
Summary: She's been tracking this thing for several nights. Now, she's finally found it.
Other details: #32, "Night", in the 100-fic challenge.
On Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/8005276
On Dreamwidth: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/75223.html
I seem to have neglected to commemorate this as…
THE 350TH AO3 SSSS FIC!!!!!!
The Good, the Bad, and the Bestial
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Western crossover fanfic
Part 27
Caper the 4th: The Madsen Connection
Part 2
Complete Links to Complete Links post (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg108613#msg108613)
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg107197#msg107197)Spoiler: Connections Good and Bad showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Lars challenged me to kill Emil, so I killed Emil. Here, have a story:Reading Lars comment made me think you would drop a piano on him but not this!
Title: Playful Giant (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12146539/1/Playful-Giant)
Summary: Emil is standing guard when he hears a weird voice inside the hospital
(Okay, he probably didn't really die)
(I'm actually not sure)
(But don't worry, I'm sure Sigrun's safe at least!)
Lars challenged me to kill Emil, so I killed Emil. Here, have a story:
Title: Playful Giant (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12146539/1/Playful-Giant)
Summary: Emil is standing guard when he hears a weird voice inside the hospital
(Okay, he probably didn't really die)
(I'm actually not sure)
(But don't worry, I'm sure Sigrun's safe at least!)
Reading Lars comment made me think you would drop a piano on him but not this!
Weeeeeeell, it's not so much that I didn't trust you to write it as I immediately thought of the forum's most (in)famous crack writer.
Also, welcome to Club "Let's Kill Our Favorite Character"! Felt kinda sorry for the poor giant, though. It just wanted to play...
...wait, I've been killing Emil for like at least a year and I'm not welcome to the club until now? D: Forget it, I don't wanna join you guys ;|
...nooooo, wait, I wanna be with the cool kids, lemme join!
OwlsG0, your 100prompts fic needs some kind of summary table of contents thingy! After 95 chapters I am forever going "what was that one chapter with this person and the thing" and can never match it to the prompt name! ;)
Oh believe me I know the struggle. There are only five prompts left to do, and I'm still struggling to figure out which prompts I have yet to fill. If there's one chapter you really want to find then feel free to shoot me a PM. I've almost got the whos and what's memorised after spending nearly five months working on this
WHOA wait, you mean you haven't been tracking which ones you've done? O_O I don't know how you've managed not to get mixed up with so many! I have a file with all the prompts listed and I mark whenever I finish one. Without that I can't imagine keeping them straight.
Here, have this thing.
90. Triangle (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/18503107)
59: No way out http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/18531097
A short look at the fierce competition between the Tank's two cats, from Kitty's perspective
(Didn't mean to copy Lazy's newest material. Wrote this up before I read what they posted. Sorry for the repetition of ideas)
chapter three of the relationships challenge, involving Tuuri and Emil and a nice chat on top of the Tank.
A "nice" chat? hahahaha, A veritable snark-fest of a chat!
6: Breaking away http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/18659350
Reynir discovers what happens to the haven when a mage is infected.
I ended up laughing hysterically at the Onni flashback, thanks for that. Great way to start my day!
So I've been thinking... would it be considered too divisive to do some sort of "Fic of the Year" award? Would there be any actual interest in something like that?
Wow, I wasn't aware that these were still a thing. Interesting.
I don't really have any opinion on participation either way. But one thing I feel worth mentioning is that either it should be opt-in only, or there should be an option to opt out. Or something like that.
Wow, I wasn't aware that these were still a thing. Interesting.
I don't really have any opinion on participation either way. But one thing I feel worth mentioning is that either it should be opt-in only, or there should be an option to opt out. Or something like that.
Of course. My initial idea was that all active forum members are up for consideration automatically but can opt out, while anyone who's not an active forum has the option to opt in.
It could also make sense to have a few different categories for different kinds of fics, like one-shots versus longer works, AUs and crossovers, and shippy and non-shippy fics. That way, more people and fics could get recognized. :)
I had plans for that too. Here's what I was thinking:
By character: One category for each member of the main crew, plus an "Other" category
By relationship: Gen, het, M/M, F/F, and Emil/Lalli is so popular it could plausibly get its own.
By genre: Action/adventure, angst, fluff, horror, humor, crack, hurt/comfort, tearjerker (romance is already covered by the relationships category)
By setting: Canon compliant, Y0/prologue era, pre-mission, post-mission, Dreamworld, Alternate Universe, Alternate Reality, crossover
By format: Oneshot, WIP, best (multi-chapter) work completed this year, best series
Oh, I think that sounds really good! (And like a great excuse to go and re-read a lot of fics...) How were you planning to handle the actual voting part (I'm assuming there would be a vote)?
I don't really know how I feel about that. I'm not really sure what it means? Like some people chose one fic that's better than all the rest? rrrrgh... I'd be happy for the person who won of course but I also know I'd feel terrible about my own writing over it because why isn't that good enough? D:
Look at me already assuming my writing isn't good enough.
j/k, I know my writing is terrible.
Okay, I'll shut up now.Also no, I'm not looking for people saying my writing is good, I'm having a bad evening, tomorrow I'll be back to thinking I'm the awesomest
I kinda like the idea with different categories! but uh... I'm still not... entirely sure what this is about?I'm sorry, I so stupid *reynir-flop*
I don't really know how I feel about that. I'm not really sure what it means? Like some people chose one fic that's better than all the rest? rrrrgh... I'd be happy for the person who won of course but I also know I'd feel terrible about my own writing over it because why isn't that good enough? D:
Look at me already assuming my writing isn't good enough.
j/k, I know my writing is terrible.
Okay, I'll shut up now.Also no, I'm not looking for people saying my writing is good, I'm having a bad evening, tomorrow I'll be back to thinking I'm the awesomest
I kinda like the idea with different categories! but uh... I'm still not... entirely sure what this is about?I'm sorry, I so stupid *reynir-flop*
If this is a thing that would make a lot of people feel bad, I won't do it. The point would be to have fun, not make people feel like they weren't good enough, and if it won't be fun then there's not much point. Which is why I'm testing the waters now and asking people first.
I had the same immediate reaction as Windy: questioning if my fanfics are any good, feeling bad about my own writing... Fanfics are for fun, not to compare or to be anxious about being bad at writing. But that's just my opinion.
At the same time, though, I don't want to be a killjoy...
Count me in the insecure category as well along with Windy & Miriam, and I also echo their desire to not stifle the fun just to save my fragile ego. (Huddles in with Windy.) At the very least, it provides me a great impetus to go back and have a (re)read, and that tips the balance towards DO IT!!
However, I like Pupuinen's and Lazy8's idea of numerous categories for voting, and the caveat that a multi-chapter work has to be completed by the closing date to be considered for the year.
I second Ragnarok's idea of a period coinciding with the Forum birthday - 1 September 2015 to 31 August 2016.
You may wish to consider a category for overall achievement on the year, looking at the likes of Lazy8, OwlsG0, and L00neyDac here, who are consistently spinning the fic and fulfilling the NaNo 100 fics Challenge and more. Lazy8, I know you have a conflict of interest in that category. It may also devolve into a popularity contest, hmmm, how to work that?
It may also devolve into a popularity contest, hmmm, how to work that?
I finished the prompt challenge.
100: End http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/18674186
Send new wrists please because mine are dying. What do I do with my free-time now?
AGH. I just-
flops and groans weakly into the wood-panelling
Would anyone be interested in a yearly SSSS (and aRTD if there's interest!) exchange that's run solely on AO3?
(Cut for length)
I finished the prompt challenge.
100: End http://archiveofourown.org/works/6445972/chapters/18674186
Send new wrists please because mine are dying. What do I do with my free-time now?
AGH. I just-
flops and groans weakly into the wood-panelling
You may wish to consider a category for overall achievement on the year, looking at the likes of Lazy8, OwlsG0, and L00neyDac here, who are consistently spinning the fic and fulfilling the NaNo 100 fics Challenge and more. Lazy8, I know you have a conflict of interest in that category. It may also devolve into a popularity contest, hmmm, how to work that?
Maybe instead of picking one ultimate winner per category, we mention one or two or even three people who have shown especial devotion to those categories? That way more people will get a mention and there is less chance of a bruised ego? I get the insecure thing too- I think it's an integral part of being a writer, because writing is essentially putting a giant chunk of your inner-world out there and saying 'enjoy!'.
Having more than one 'winner' might remove the competitive element that we're dubious of?
(I would also assume that nsfw works would be exempt from consideration? Unless anybody wanted to run a parallel version on the nsfw forum.)
While we're discussing an awards event, I guess I could use this thread just to ask: would anyone be interested in a yearly SSSS (and aRTD if there's interest!) exchange that's run solely on AO3? The matching process and all fanworks would be posted there. Instead of one prompt from each person, they make several requests (usually in AO3 exchanges, it has to be at least 3, and we can discuss the maximum.)
If you're unfamiliar with AO3 exchanges, we usually first go through a nominations period where we gather everything into a tagset that we can then select our requests from. I'll be using Coronation Ceremony as my example here since it's a single fandom exchange and is the closest to what I'm thinking of doing (here's the tagset (https://archiveofourown.org/tag_sets/1339) on AO3, and the mod's organized list on Dreamwidth (https://coronationceremony.dreamwidth.org/1762.html).)
After that comes sign ups where you select your requests and your offers that you will then be matched on. You can type in your requests directly into the AO3 sign up form or write a "dear author letter" which you can see examples of here (http://innumerable-stars.dreamwidth.org/1731.html) for the Tolkien-centric exchange, Innumerable Stars (and I especially like Indy's letter (http://indy1776.livejournal.com/326480.html), which I think is a good example of a dear author letter to emulate if you've never written one before. :) )
As for the matching process: we can match on characters, relationships (romantic or platonic) and even worldbuilding themes (magic systems, how the cattank works, etc.) You can also be matched on the type of fanwork you want which we can discuss (fic, art...anyone want to add to the list? Fanmix? Videos? Podfic?) And since the event will be run solely on AO3, I was thinking of adding in ratings, so you can also be matched on ratings. So if you want to request NSFW fanwork, you can select that, and the person who does not wish to create NSFW work will not be matched with you, and so on. This way, everyone wins. :)
In terms of the works themselves, I was thinking of keeping things low-pressure. At least 500 words, or a nice sketch not on lined paper. You are free to do treats afterwards (additional gifts for either the person you're assigned to or to another person whose request tickled your fancy!) My hope is this event will be fun for all. Would anyone be interested?
In terms of when this will be run...I was initially hoping for the wintertime, but I don't know if that's still possible because I had a period of illness recently that pushed things back. If we can still opt for wintertime, such as making middle to late January the deadline for all fanworks, we could call this exchange Silent Night. :)
I wish I could wrap this up in anything other than pure bluntness, but I am decidedly against awarding-polls for fanfiction and if it should come to pass here I will opt-out of it.
My personal reasons are plain: The fear of not being good enough and the feeling of being a failure is a constant shadow in my daily life and I will not have that in an environment where I want to feel safe to experiment with my art and writing. Getting no kudos or comments or whatever is hard enough to bear without giving in to the urge of withdrawing everything and never to post anything again (only slight exaggeration), having awards here would make that infinitely worse because I would not only feel like a failure myself but would feel sorry for everyone else who got no mention. That is that.
I can see the the noble reason behind this proposal, however. There are fics here which are exceptional, there are writers here who are awe-inspiring, be it in one way or the other. Authors create with their fics something out of nothing, they give their own spin to the events and the world we love and they're doing it in their spare-time when they could be doing other things. So writers deserve appreciation and a friendly clap on the back for their work. And before anyone asks, yes, even with the Most Horrible Fanfic Ever there is at least this as a reason for encouragement and approval.
Also, we should not forget that several of the regular contributors are not english-natives and as much as we might want to overlook it, it shows in insecure usage of appropriate code-switching variants, of idioms, accents, cultural-inherent visuals, slang and so forth. And a firm and secure grip on those is very important for creating diverse characters and a reading environment which engulfs the reader and pulls them along without hickups that disturb the flow. Running awards would basically be unfair on the level of craftsmanship.
So, what can we do to let people know that we like their work? There is always the comment. Write and tell people how you liked their work, let them know what moved you, what disturbed you. Tell them what didn't work for you. Semi-constructive criticism does not need to be an essay - two sentences about what you liked and another two about things you think could be improved. Done and dusted.
Another thing I liked in this regard was a meme I have seen recently on tumblr. It was for fanfiction-appreciation day and asked people to recommend fics, using prompts like: "A memorable sentence", "made you see a character in a new light" or "made you ship a pair you formerly didn't ship". Going about it like this doesn't focus on competition but on personal experience and encourages people to explain their choice, giving the author feedback and possible advice or inspiration to others. A recommandation-thread could work that way, even with the categories Lazy8 has suggested so far.
Another thing I liked in this regard was a meme I have seen recently on tumblr. It was for fanfiction-appreciation day and asked people to recommend fics, using prompts like: "A memorable sentence", "made you see a character in a new light" or "made you ship a pair you formerly didn't ship". Going about it like this doesn't focus on competition but on personal experience and encourages people to explain their choice, giving the author feedback and possible advice or inspiration to others. A recommandation-thread could work that way, even with the categories Lazy8 has suggested so far.
I was thinking of something like this as I was reading other posts on the subject. I think it would keep the heart of the idea - giving people a chance to publicly gush about fics they enjoy - without making anyone feel bad. And having categories would actually make it way easier to narrow it down, because I've read and enjoyed SO many fics that it would be impossible to choose a favorite, or even a top 5.
Also, a recommendation thread might be a good way for new fans to dip their toes in the water with reading fics for the first time. I know when I first got involved in the forum I found this thread and was SO overwhelmed by the backlog of entries (and I still am, I don't think I've ever gone through the whole thing). So if someone is brand new, it might be helpful to see that other people are talking about fics they've enjoyed, and use those as a starting point. (And for people like me who don't read through the whole giant thread, it might give them exposure to older fics that they haven't seen before).
That sounds like a good idea. Who would you recommend to submit the...recommendations?
Well, I imagine anybody could, once the thread was set up. (I guess it could eventually get bogged down like this thread over time though...) I was just thinking something like "here's a list of categories, post with links to fics you've enjoyed that fit them!" or something. And then people could just...do the thing. So anyone can recommend a fic, as long as it was written by someone else.
Have the thread starter take the links and put them in the primary post, each category under a spoiler?
Something like that would work well for me, since I've already proven myself to be the ur-obsessive indexer.
Who would you recommend to submit the...recommendations?
Since I have no idea if that is possible: If a fic is posted in that index, would it be possible to link to the original post that recommended it? So that people could read about the the reasons for recommending? And is only the thread-starter allowed to change the first post? I would say it is pretty obvious but I want to ask anyway.
As I said, the categories Lazy8 mentioned sounded good. To keep things clearly arranged the first post should not include more information than necessary, sorting the fics into categories and pairings. The actual rec-post should include some more info. Ideas down:
Shippy [y/n]:
[if yes] Pairing:
Finished [y/n]:
Link to Fic:
I think we should make it clear that the thread-starter would not be reading and approving the recommended fics but is only the custodian of order for this thread. So, to get people talking we could pose some questions that might [or might not] be mandatory to be answered unless the rec-post might be deleted (can the thread-starter DO something like that? Or is that the firm prerogative of a Mod?). Maybe something like "Answer X out of Y questions".
But on the other hand it might be easier for some to just say something straight from their heart about their recommended fic. I would say, if someone takes the trouble and recommend something, they would like to gush about it but one can never know ... So maybe a few exemplary questions? Or some recs that could be used as a guideline???
Damn, now I really want to do this. =/ Would it be awful if the thread was not regularely updated?And can someone help me putting this thing up, once there are enough ideas? Plx?If someone else did this thread I would feel like I strong-armed them into doing this. =/
Sigrun and Tuuri; in which Sigrun teaches Tuuri the basics of self-defence, and in which the training session becomes something that wouldn't be out of place in a gladiator's ring.
Huh...ironically, the chapter Solokov and I just completed has Tuuri learning some self-defense as well...
The Khalasar of the Iron Tiger: Chapter Eleven (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7707919/chapters/18727270)
Well that's a little creepy.
The chapter, or the coincidence?
That chapter almost made me take up smoking.... Now I know why winds of winter is taking forever. I could see the stuff we want to come after that chapter but that one was a slog...
What, I'm the one trying to abate the forum's trauma by posting some ridiculous crack? What madness is this!?
93. Give Up (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/18739951)
What, I'm the one trying to abate the forum's trauma by posting some ridiculous crack? What madness is this!?
93. Give Up (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/18739951)
Get ready…OH MY GOSH LOONEY *falls over laughing*
The Red Herring League
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Superhero AU fanfic
Part 8
Complete Links to Complete Links post (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg108613#msg108613)
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg113309#msg113309)Spoiler: The Trouble with Trials and More Troubles showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Immune: A Tale of Year Zero
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 1
Complete Links to Complete Links post (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg108613#msg108613)
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg117724#msg117724)Spoiler: A Tale of a Fateful Trip showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Have a good weekend, Wavewright!I am, thank you, look for photos in the Picture thread Monday or Tuesday.
Blame Elleth.
99. Solitude (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/19139293)
Blame Elleth.
99. Solitude (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/19139293)
*drags sorry carcass across the finish line several months behind OwlsG0*
100. End (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/19165498)
*drags sorry carcass across the finish line several months behind OwlsG0*Yay, well done indeed! :sparkle::sparkle:
100. End (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/19165498)
*drags sorry carcass across the finish line several months behind OwlsG0*
100. End (http://archiveofourown.org/works/6424975/chapters/19165498)
Oh, Windy. I appreciate your dedication to writing stories where bad things happen to Emil. xD
Anyway! I have 3 fics to post this time! Some of you might have seen them before, because they were posted earlier in an anonymous exchange.
01. "Edges". Sigrun-centric, G-rated, no pairings. 300 words.
Summary: They'll write songs about her some day. She's sure of it.
Read on Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/8293349
Or on DW: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/77169.html
02. "Let me see through your eyes". Emil & Lalli, G-rated, no pairings. ~900 words.
Summary: Sometimes, Lalli seems to see things that Emil can't. But what?
Read on Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/8328196
Or on DW: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/77393.html
03. "We'll muddle through this somehow". Reynir/Tuuri, G-rated, 1.2k.
Summary: The expedition is almost over. Soon, they'll have to part ways. But for how long? Tuuri has some ideas.
Read on Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/8193025
Or on DW: http://roesslyng.dreamwidth.org/76116.html
Lazy8, it is traditional for creativity to blossom from themanure/soil of suffering....
Well, *I* am certainly enjoying Fortitude, Lazy8. It rings true to Sigrun and those around her.
That sinking feeling... how many posts in a row am I going to end up making? (http://archiveofourown.org/works/8511595/chapters/19631116)
Just a friendly reminder to everyone: I can't post the next chapter if you kill me. (http://archiveofourown.org/works/8511595/chapters/19650511)
Windfighter, that was amusing. Is Karlavagnen the same as Charles's Wain, Orion's Belt, Nimrod, Fingal, the Saucepan? Lots of names for that constellation!
Lazy8, I've commented on A3O, but I'll also say here: that was realistic and well written. Well done!
Lazy8, I'm glad Sigrun found her way in life again and that she was not responsible for the fire. For a few hours I was afraid that she had forgotten to turn off the stove after they had eaten (harrowing rl-experiences), but a re-reading of the chapter cleared that up. I found your notes and comments after the chapters entertaining and enlightening as well. Thank you for writing and sharing it. =)
Windy, this last story of yours was very good and very very sad. At the start of it I thought that Lalli perhaps was just missing Emil who had stayed behind in Schweden or so but then ... well, I remembered who the author was and it was pretty much clear then that Emil was dead. It's your personal Leitmotiv. ;D But I enjoyed reading the story very much. :D
Windy, that was sad but consistent with the story. Your writing gets better all the time.
Final chapter (http://archiveofourown.org/works/8511595/chapters/19668883), aaaaaaaaaand...
Epilogue! (http://archiveofourown.org/works/8511595/chapters/19668907)
...and just because it's me, here's an appropriate song to go with it. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOVuHbE_soI)
sorry about double post, but I just finished a new story:
Title: Sorrow and Shadows (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12236823/1/Sorrow-and-Shadows)
Summary: Back in finland Lalli refused to talk with anyone. Until he got a visitor he wasn't prepared for.
Warning: Character death
yes, don't know what else to say. Have fun! \o
This one is great, I really enjoyed its sadness and converse hope.
But one niggle, I will PM you.
Why not throw chapter two (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12239212/2/100-SSSS-fics-All-around-the-world) of All around the world into the deep depths of the interwebs now that it's done as well? \o/
In which Emil rides a boat!
I really like this.
And I don't know if I am becoming over-sensitised for drama by reading your stories or not - but something dreadful has happened in the past, hasn't it? I noticed the way Emil pulled down his sleeves when meeting people he knew.
Not sure what Leitmotiv isIt actually became a loan word in English, changed its last
Chapter three (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12239212/3/100-SSSS-fics-All-around-the-world) and four (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12239212/4/100-SSSS-fics-All-around-the-world) of All around the world is up and we get to know a little about what Lalli has been up to and see the two friend finally meet!This little tale is coming along very nicely, Windy! I think it's your best yet. :)
This little tale is coming along very nicely, Windy! I think it's your best yet. :)
And chapter five (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12239212/5/100-SSSS-fics-All-around-the-world) is up, and in this chapter some secrets are revealed!
Personally I think Resumé is my best story (haven't linked it here since I decided it was probably a mature story) and this story is most... It's not really going somewhere. But thanks for the kind words <3
And chapter five (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12239212/5/100-SSSS-fics-All-around-the-world) is up, and in this chapter some secrets are revealed!
You are updating fast.Haha, I knew there'd be people who'd suspect self-harm! I have a hard time seeing Emil doing that though (which of course is why I entertain that thought in my mind from time to time). I'm so happy you liked the reveal!
I liked the reveal. I'll admit, for a while I was suspecting self-harm, but the thing that you went with worked a lot better. And I could definitely see how Emil would be experiencing some guilt and self-blame over what happened.
(For some reason writing this chapter made me so unsettled and nauseous that I wasn't able to eat dinner. Make of that what you will and prep for a little bit of light body horror)
Now I want Sigrun in a mirrored shalwar kameez riding a lindworm into battle. No pressure.
Sooooooooooo... would anyone be interested in a thread whose sole purpose is to index all fanfictions ever written for this fandom?
Sooooooooooo... would anyone be interested in a thread whose sole purpose is to index all fanfictions ever written for this fandom?
*mind boggles at the task Lazy8 has lain down*
I'll...I'll just leave this short but (hopefully) entertaining chapter of the superhero AU fic here instead:
Nah, I'm just teaching Python to do it for me. :3You… you mean my painstakingly maintained Complete Links Post will be obsolete?
You… you mean my painstakingly maintained Complete Links Post will be obsolete?
*Lip wibbles*
Sooooooooooo... would anyone be interested in a thread whose sole purpose is to index all fanfictions ever written for this fandom?
On a more serious note, I'm sorry I keep knocking everybody's latest of the top of the AO3 list; I am trying not to post walls-o-fics, but I still have at least 11 more to put up as of now.
In other words, this is a call for people to put stuff up or update stuff on AO3.
I was going to hold off until I had more typed up, but here's the first taste of my peculiar little au-thing. It's small for now and the title is random and might change if I can think of anything with more significance.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8753329 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/8753329)
On a more serious note, I'm sorry I keep knocking everybody's latest of the top of the AO3 list; I am trying not to post walls-o-fics, but I still have at least 11 more to put up as of now.
In other words, this is a call for people to put stuff up or update stuff on AO3.
The rate at which you produce these is astounding. You must have keyboard gremlins taking dictation for at least some of these, right?It's all my old stuff, posted on here over the last year and a half.
New stuff?*vibrates with anticipation*Cf. here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=920.0). Again, I can't say more for 7 weeks (grrrrrr).
A new update to "Silence Broken" has just been released featuring parts 3 and 4.
A new update to "Silence Broken" has just been released featuring parts 3 and 4.
A new update to "Silence Broken" has just been released featuring parts 3 and 4.
Hello people, I come bringing more terrible stories about pain and suffering! Finished this story a month or so ago but needed some Danish for it, so it has waited while I hoped a Dane would come to my rescue. No such luck, so you'll have to survive gt-Danish!
Anyway, have the story:
Ghostly Precense (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12269666/1/Ghostly-Presence)
When Lalli is out scouting he notice something following him. Something that's stealing energy from Emil.
3 chapters, 22,793 words. Have fun!
Wow! Windy, that's an epic!
*literally jumps up and down while squeeing*
I understood it I understood it I understood it! I understood a good chunk of the Scandinavian languages in this! *dances around happily*
That cliffhanger though...
aww, thanks! <3
ooooh, congratulations :D uh... I think I missed the cliffhanger, but I'm glad you liked it <3
First chapter. I was overexcited and started talking before I'd finished reading.aaaa, that's like the best review ever <3
The advent calendar going on in the forum is so cheerful, I thought I should try to counter that a little with some more Emil in trouble, so I started a new story:
Title: The Letter (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12270966/1/The-Letter)
Summary: One year after their return from Iceland Lalli starts getting letters from Emil.
In which the first letter arrives.
Why do you do this to us. You should change your avatar to a picture of Godzilla (labelled 'Feelszilla') terrorising the forumI'm the evil twin, it's in my jobdescription to be mean >:D I mean, just look at my avatar, she's a trained killer you know!
I'm the evil twin, it's in my jobdescription to be mean >:D I mean, just look at my avatar, she's a trained killer you know!I did not, thanks for bringing that to our attention.
And we have Chapter 3 (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12270966/3/The-Letter) of The Letter, in which the third letter arrives, but a warning, the story is steering into pretty deep territory now and people are getting hurt!
Or like Basse so eloquently put it:
(so, uh, I probably won't post more chapters for this story here and if I had known from the beginning it would steer in this direction I pobably wouldn't have posted the first ones either but you'll still be able to find them on ff.net and on my tumblr!)
That is what the Mature Board is for. It's not all about explicit sex there but is also thought as a place where the really dark stories can be posted. =)
yessss, I know, the problem is that there is the... hrm... bedsheet dancing-part :P I'll just continue hiding my dark stories xD
Agree with the hoping that Lalli can help him. Mrr, have to go follow on FFNet now since I'm not on the mature board...
Bent and Twisted
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Avatar: the Last Airbender” crossover fanfic
Part 7
Complete Links to Complete Links post (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg108613#msg108613)
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg129354#msg129354)Spoiler: Authorial Notes show
I promised a fic for Christmas Day, and here it is!
The Best Rooms are Always in the Rear (https://archiveofourown.org/works/9037289)
It's not Christmas/Holiday themed at all, and I feel like it could do with a little bit more polishing, but deadlines are deadlines. Hope you all enjoy! :))
I promised a fic for Christmas Day, and here it is!
The Best Rooms are Always in the Rear (https://archiveofourown.org/works/9037289)
It's not Christmas/Holiday themed at all, and I feel like it could do with a little bit more polishing, but deadlines are deadlines. Hope you all enjoy! :))
Mikkel’s Malmö Misadventures
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 4
Complete Links to Complete Links post (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg108613#msg108613)
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg121952#msg121952)Spoiler: Rash Decisions showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Please enjoy the lovely piece I received as my Secret Santa present, by an author who is as yet unrevealed.No, I can't guess, because I know that I wrote it.Spoiler: "My awesome Secret Santa fic - Song of the Wanderer" show
Soooo cool. I'm guessing Dvergamhrar penned this haunting story. Or maybe Róisín. Would anyone else like to hazard a guess?
...if Looney can do this, so can I. In which I finally finish up the second part of that Matrix crossover no one asked for.(http://i989.photobucket.com/albums/af14/epierceabbott/Screen%20Shot%202016-06-09%20at%2018.49.29_zpskgnjyknr.png)
[Final part we've been waiting for]
…Oh, yeah; I need to make an announcement.
So, just to play havoc with Lazy8's All-Encompassing Fanfiction Index (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=943.0), I'm starting a new collection of one-shots (or three, but I'll explain later) called Alphabet Soup. As the name (hopefully) implies, each one-shot's title will begin with a different letter of the (English) alphabet. Where it'll play havoc with the Index, and why it's three collections, is because there will be a set of titles beginning with "A/An" (e.g., "An After-Dinner Chat"), a set that's anarthrous ("no article", e.g. "Asterisks and Obelisks"), and a set beginning with "The" (e.g., "The Aforementioned"). So instead of 26, the collection(s) will come to 78 one-shots in toto.
As per my usual practice, they'll be posted here 24ish hours before they get posted to AO3, so essentially, I'm going to be spamming the thread for a while.
So, would anyone else like to try their hand at this, too?
Oh Hel. I kinda want to, but I also kinda remember what the last long fic challenge I took on was like.The fact that your Index sorts alphabetically by the first word regardless of presence or absence of articles suggested it to me.
So is this a challenge that was issued somewhere or did you come up with it yourself?
The fact that your Index sorts alphabetically by the first word regardless of presence or absence of articles suggested it to me.
...so you're deliberately trying to troll me, is that it? Cuuuuuuuursssssseeeeee yoooooooooouuuuuuuu!Uuuuuummmmmmmm…
…Oh, yeah; I need to make an announcement.
So, just to play havoc with Lazy8's All-Encompassing Fanfiction Index (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=943.0), I'm starting a new collection of one-shots (or three, but I'll explain later) called Alphabet Soup. As the name (hopefully) implies, each one-shot's title will begin with a different letter of the (English) alphabet. Where it'll play havoc with the Index, and why it's three collections, is because there will be a set of titles beginning with "A/An" (e.g., "An After-Dinner Chat"), a set that's anarthrous ("no article", e.g. "Asterisks and Obelisks"), and a set beginning with "The" (e.g., "The Aforementioned"). So instead of 26, the collection(s) will come to 78 one-shots in toto.
As per my usual practice, they'll be posted here 24ish hours before they get posted to AO3, so essentially, I'm going to be spamming the thread for a while.
So, would anyone else like to try their hand at this, too?
*Looks at update history*
Mmmaybe, but only the anarthrous variety. (I learnt a new word, oh boy!) Have you a deadline and/or schedule?
So apparently I don't have the time nor energy to work on the fic I should have posted for LAST YEAR, but I have plenty of time to bang out this piece of steaming agnst
Concerning Tuuri and how she and her cousin decide to deal with her infection.
…Oh, yeah; I need to make an announcement.
So, just to play havoc with Lazy8's All-Encompassing Fanfiction Index (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=943.0), I'm starting a new collection of one-shots (or three, but I'll explain later) called Alphabet Soup. As the name (hopefully) implies, each one-shot's title will begin with a different letter of the (English) alphabet. Where it'll play havoc with the Index, and why it's three collections, is because there will be a set of titles beginning with "A/An" (e.g., "An After-Dinner Chat"), a set that's anarthrous ("no article", e.g. "Asterisks and Obelisks"), and a set beginning with "The" (e.g., "The Aforementioned"). So instead of 26, the collection(s) will come to 78 one-shots in toto.
As per my usual practice, they'll be posted here 24ish hours before they get posted to AO3, so essentially, I'm going to be spamming the thread for a while.
So, would anyone else like to try their hand at this, too?
LooNEY_DAC, that sounds interesting! Are you planning on giving any prompts or should everyone just come up with their own titles?Sorry for the belated response. This being a very freeform exercise, I am not planning on spitting out prompts; part of the idea was that you would come up with story-appropriate titles of your own that met the A-to-Z theme.
Sorry for the belated response. This being a very freeform exercise, I am not planning on spitting out prompts; part of the idea was that you would come up with story-appropriate titles of your own that met the A-to-Z theme.
The Eide Traveling Mercenaries, Er, Players
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Napoleonic Wars AU fanfic
Hey Lazy8, I really like the idea your brain subjected you to! Would you mind me joining in your specification of the challenge: using a song starting with each letter and writing a oneshot about it?
I may join that challenge as well later! So many challenges! ...Maybe we should have a fanfic challenge index somewhere xD
Let's see, we have the 100 fic-challenge, the relationship-challenge, the alphabet-challenge and now the song-challenge (yes, I'm counting those seperately!)! Any other I've forgotten to join?
I may join that challenge as well later! So many challenges! ...Maybe we should have a fanfic challenge index somewhere xD
Maybe we really need an index, I have never heard of the relationship challenge before!
Oh no you don't! I've got enough to do what with handling the index as is!
That's one I started, and it's here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=907.0). It's been moved to forum memories, but there was technically no time limit, so I can ask a mod to revive it if anyone wants to contribute to it again.
Huge ups to LooNEY_DAC for his immense contribution, consistently great writing alongside the ongoing work he's posted here in the meantime!! (Y'know, I should have gotten the clue when I started enjoying stories fulfilling prompts I wouldn't ordinarily find inspiring, that they were yours. I must go back and read the lot.)*Blushes*
I suppose I can now link to my thing for the exchange as well. (http://archiveofourown.org/works/8952238)Hee that was a good'un indeed. I didn't guess it was you at all!
So, uh, has anyone done a SSSS/Welcome to Night Vale crossover yet? I wrote a thing about what would happen when the Rash came to Night Vale, in the form of a traditional Night Vale episode.
Warnings for a bit of gore, Night Vale spoilers, and things really not making sense if you don't listen to the podcast.
And hey... thanks.Spoiler: show
/me disappears back into the void
So, uh, has anyone done a SSSS/Welcome to Night Vale crossover yet? I wrote a thing about what would happen when the Rash came to Night Vale, in the form of a traditional Night Vale episode.
Warnings for a bit of gore, Night Vale spoilers, and things really not making sense if you don't listen to the podcast.
And hey... thanks.Spoiler: show
/me disappears back into the void
I love this! :D
And wavewright62, that fic about six-year-old Sigrun was one of my favourites in the exchange, absolutely hilarious!
Here are my own Silent Night contributions:
Favourites (http://archiveofourown.org/works/9121207), a Sigrun/Tuuri story set at the end of chapter 10.
Far from the treacherous world (http://archiveofourown.org/works/9183205), in which Onni performs a funeral ritual.
Also, I wrote this Reynir/Onni fic (http://archiveofourown.org/works/8133334) a while back but I don't think I ever got around to posting it here.
Alphabet Soup
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Series 1, Part 1
Complete Links to Complete Links post (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg108613#msg108613)Spoiler: An After-Dinner Chat showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Yay, and you're away! Yes, about those squirrels. Hrm. Even a kind heart will go for the protein if they have to. (Only niggle: would Sigrun use a word like 'equivocal'?)She would if she were mocking Mikkel's highfalutin' speechifying.
Do you reckon you should set up an official collection for the Alphabet Soup on AO3?Done (http://archiveofourown.org/collections/SSSS_Alphabet_Soup_and_Singalong_Collection).
So, uh, has anyone done a SSSS/Welcome to Night Vale crossover yet? I wrote a thing about what would happen when the Rash came to Night Vale, in the form of a traditional Night Vale episode.I even read it in in his voice, great job!
Warnings for a bit of gore, Night Vale spoilers, and things really not making sense if you don't listen to the podcast.
And hey... thanks.Spoiler: show
/me disappears back into the void
LooNEY, don't forget that some of your readers are not at all familiar with the Avatar universe; these passages of exposition are as good as any action sequence to me.The irony is that the stuff in this part is a partial explanation of what's going on to the A:tLA fans, because they have no clue on this, either.
And from you, they are really good.
Lazy8: I remember the idea of a Roman gladiator AU being floated some while back; glad you did something with it. And that you remembered the lead! Sigrun as Spartacus, hmmmm....Lazy8 and Aliax have been discussing Lazy8's doing the story in AO3 comments back-and-forth on their fics for a while now; I'm also glad it's come to fruition.
I have a new story for the song challenge, and I'm really satisfied this time!
Dangerous Game (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12349728/1/Song-challenge-Dangerous-game)
Summary: AU: Emil has been a space gladiator for several years, but he is playing a dangerous game, as he discovers when he realize he has to fight against someone he knew long ago.
Rating: T
Genre: Sci-Fi/Tragedy
Inspired by the song Dangerous Game (https://youtu.be/6-ZOeZytu-U) by 3 doors down.and since it's a Windy-story I guess it's not too much of a spoiler to say that someone dies in it...
Are gladiator AUs a new fad now? ;D Anyway, I was listening to the song as I was reading, and you really managed to capture the overall feel of it - and as a synesthete who often has trouble wrapping my head around other people's song visualizations, I do not make that statement likely. Nice!
(Also I kinda want to go and somehow mash our AUs together now...)
And now, to continue…
The Expedition
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Cyberpunk AU fanfic
Part 2
Complete Links to Complete Links post (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg108613#msg108613)
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg131395#msg131395)Spoiler: Blue and Yellow Make Green showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
One of the fanfic ideas I've been throwing at the wall stuck, and is coming out in chapters that are just around 1000 words. Took 6 chapters to decide on a title, so it's high time I post at least the first one:Good one, E! Makes me wish the forum had an "upvote" or "kudos" function.
Broken bridges
Under cover of making his embarrassing youngest son's dream come true, a rich man bankrolls an expedition into the Silent World manned by an underqualified crew... and a woman hired to kill his son. His plan gets thwarted on the first day not only by the crew being more resourceful than planned, but the bridge between the Known World and the Silent World breaking. The crew, stranded in the Silent World for the winter, decides it might as well spend it doing the research for which it was officially hired. A job that gets complicated by including a good-hearted young man who just found out more about the world's cruelty than he bargained for.Chapter 1Spoiler: show
Also, where does everyone find challenges and prompts for this things?
Oh good. I was worried you'd picked up the same plot thread I was going to take up regarding Ensi and time travel shenanigans.
*resumes writing to finish it off before anyone else does another time loop story*
Weeeeeell, we haaaave...
The 2015 prompt challenge. Can be found here: http://archiveofourown.org/collections/ssss_artd_100/profile
The Alphabet Soup/Singalong Collection/Challenge. This was discussed on this thread a few, pages back, but the collection is here: http://archiveofourown.org/collections/SSSS_Alphabet_Soup_and_Singalong_Collection/profile
And I am starting something porn-related over at the mature content board currently... *twists her hands*
I probably forgot at least one challenge.
I probably forgot at least one challenge.
I probably forgot at least one challenge.
...apparently they are. Sorry, I missed the discussion about you other people writing gladiator AUs! (Although mine is Space gladiator, totally different ;P)
and thank you for the nice words <3 You can see why I'm really satisfied with it!
(also, you do that, I bet it'd be fun!)
You did good! You changed the non-existant background I had thought out though so now I can't do more if I ever felt like revisiting that world!
...I should prolly thank you for that so Thank you <3 I have too many stories already :P
Finally get to make use of the only reason I have the the mages and the three terrors in the same place!
Finally getting started with the Alphabet Soup-challenge as well!
Haha, nope, I took them as two seperate challenges, I said that when I accepted the Song Challenge! :P
Alphabet Soup
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Series 2, Part 1
Complete Links to Complete Links post (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg108613#msg108613)Spoiler: Asterisks and Obelisks showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
And one more story done since my last few have been so overwhelmingly popular! (I'm starting to suspect that warnings make people less likely to read stories, but maybe I'm just doing something wrong with the warnings?)
(I mean I do not like myself...)
(...I'm sorry, this whole warning-thing is making me really insecure, I'll just hide in a corner now <.<)
(I also recently learned that upsetting material for me is people looking for work. Is that something you'd ever think to warn someone about in a story? :P)
(I'm not saying you should, it's a silly thing to get upsetted about)
(...I'm sorry, this whole warning-thing is making me really insecure, I'll just hide in a corner now <.<)
I will keep this in mind for those off-canon Mikkel and/or Michael stories. (Also for those post-canon Torbjörn stories where the books get...uh, never mind. Nothing to see here.)
Alphabet Soup
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Series 1, Part 2
Complete Links to Complete Links post (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg108613#msg108613)Spoiler: A Bestial Thing to Do showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
I finally wrote a really long one-shot that I really, really wanted to publish. This means the revival of my old alter ego on Fanfiction.net!Oh, dear. "Just in case" seems to have been transformed into a wall of text.
First of all, the new work:
Just in case (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12392674/1/Just-in-case)
Onni still suspects Reynir is hiding something from him, and decides to magically spy on him for a day. He ends up following the crew's first day of actually adressing many of the last battle's consequences almost through Reynir's eyes, and getting answers to a few questions he's never asked himself in addition to the one he's actually seeking.
Since I was completely new to what had become of the site in the last five years, I got used to the interface again by uploading "Worst case scenario (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12390942/1/Worst-case-scenario)" on the account as well. "Broken bridges" will come in time. My brain decided it was going to be when Chapter 13 would be ready, because I figured out what to put in it just three days ago and have just gotten around deciding I didn't like the first version.
Not sure what happened there, but I think I fixed it.You did, thank you!
This should be interesting!Seconded!
The letter E contribution herewith, resulting from FrogEater's plea to have someone write something using this title. So I did.
"Emil and the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch."
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10173134Spoiler: show
*is now wondering what that Tolkien time-travel story would have looked like*He never finished a complete version, but Christopher Tolkien published what there is in "The Book of Lost Tales" (2 vols.).
Nitpick: You misspelled "subtleties". It almost looks like the Ishtari were "masters of many subtitles," which, while hilarious, is not what I think you were going for.*Sigh*
An archaic form of "subtle" is "subtil". So I used an archaism in a Tolkien pastiche.
Lazy8: if you don't want to put that story on the general board, have you considered the 'Mature' board? As well as the usual adult references, there are threads for stories or art where the gore and horror levels might make them unsuitable for a thirteen-year-old to read.
...I see what you did there.I should hope so.
Posting on behalf of Llama!
Soulmate AU
Emil/Lalli ship
General rating
Little snapshots of the expedition and Lalli finding his soulmate ;D
Read it here! (http://archiveofourown.org/works/10319225)
Oh, look; it's back.Spoiler: Authorial Notes show
Wavewright, this is getting really interesting. I'd forgotten that Onni doesn't know where Lalli is. He is going to be apoplectic when he finds out!Thanks for that! There are lots of bits that I need to clean up, & quite a few details such as this that are being incorporated into these last chapters. I will go through and make a revised version at the end (haven't decided if before or after the planned Epilogue), complete with the final title for the whole work (which I do have now).
I will catch up to you, Lazy8! I'm only 3 back now, so I'm making progress!
Well, given that you're doing all 3 at once, and I'm doing only anarchrous to start...Wait... Are you trying to say there are Danes Mikkel isn't related to?
Is this one of MIkkel's relatives Marten, or just some random Dane named Marten?
Wait... Are you trying to say there are Danes Mikkel isn't related to?
Hi Scriptorium, it has been a while. Now, Who's up for some Emil torture?!
No one?
Well, good, because I didn't remember to bring any today, instead I bring you this thing!
Title: Ken-chan (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12413124/1/Song-Challenge-Ken-chan)
Summary: Lalli stalks Emil through Mora. What he finds out may shock you!*
Rating: K+
Genre: Friendship
Warnings: NONE :D
Inspired by Ken-chan ~ Wormmon no theme #2 (https://youtu.be/TWf-iRsoUzs) but please don't ask how xD
I enjoyed this very much, Windy. :D
So glad you made a follow up to that pic you drew a few days back. It was a very cute picture and this is a very cute story. Your english is also improving. Very good!
Hi again, Scriptorium, did you miss me during these hours I was away?
I couldn't sleep because my mind decided that this here was a story I totally needed to write and who needs sleep anyway?
Title: A little help goes a long way (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12414636/1/A-little-help-goes-a-long-way)
Summary: None, on the other hand, may cause much needed laughter.
Genre: Humor! Wow, look at me broadening my horizons! (And yet I still manage to torture Emil, ain't I amazing?)
Rating: K+
Warnings: Nope, none this time either \o/
LooNEY_DAC, I blame you for ending up writing this instead of another project. There may have been some troll-like transformation between the original idea and the actual story, but it still started out as one of your AU thread posts.I totally accept the blame for this...
My first published fic to not be more or less Reynir-centric (he still shows up, because I suck at planning long things that are not AUs), enjoy:
Three for the price of one (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12418142/1/Three-for-the-price-of-one)
Here to drop off another story, but this time together with all the warnings! Well, at least some of them! Because, you know, I did promise to kill Emil in all of my Alphabet Soup-stories.
Not killing Emil? You're expanding your horizons!
Mikkel's efforts to feed Lalli, my knowledge of the existence of the How to give a pill to a cat (http://www.pawsperouspets.com/humor/catpill.shtml) piece and everyone's general tendency to treat Lalli as a cat came together and created a little writing piece. It's not quite fanfiction, but definitely SSSS-related writing.
This whole trans!Emil AU is taking on a life of its own. So much so that I took a brief break from Alphabet Soup to hammer this out. (No break from the music, though...)
Good Girls (http://archiveofourown.org/works/10515987)
The increasingly-inaccurately-titled 'Khalasar of the Iron Tiger'
Alphabet Soup
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Series 2, Part 6
Complete Links to Complete Links post (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg108613#msg108613)Spoiler: For Envy of Ensi showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Róisín, I think the question is "why not?" 8D
Okay, no, it's just, I said when I accepted the Alphabet Soup challenge that I needed to find 70-something ways to kill Emil. At least I've lowered it to 26 now!
*shakes head* I think that you've actually managed to beat me for sadism. Even I got sick of killing Sigrun eventually. *bows and yields Sadism Throne*
Windy, I can never go in an aeroplane ever again oh my goodness...aww, don't worry, it's a very safe activity! Probably! I've never tried so I have no idea actually. Just... don't do it if someone named Sofia Magdalena Linnea Wilhelmina
*Hastily scrubs 'skydiving' off bucket list*
Windfighter, sorry to be a grammar nazi but it's shook not shaked.
And then Tuuri realizes that her family has in fact troll ancestry (???) and accepts the infection and the attendant transformation happily (though in dubious sanity).
From the books thread...
Xenogenesis (http://archiveofourown.org/works/9308429/chapters/23313470)
And then Tuuri realizes that her family has in fact troll ancestry (???) and accepts the infection and the attendant transformation happily (though in dubious sanity).
Thank you, Abprallen <3 Have another story!
Title: A can full of poison (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12432446/4/Alphabet-Soup-Collection-How-do-you-want-to-die)
Summary: Jacques is a hired assassin. He specializes in poison in order to kill his victims without a trace. This time he's hired to take out a member of the Nordic Council in order to stop an expedition into the Silent World.
Rating: T
Genre: ...errr... Nope, I give up \o/
Warnings: Character death. Stairs and an old church-place.
I suck at summaries \o/ Anyway, enjoy!
I got flashbacks to that scene from Hot Fuzz. Poor Emil, what a nasty way to go!
Should teach him to stay away from tall towers though!Ah, sorry! Hot Fuzz is a police movie, kind of a cult classic in England. It's very funny but also pretty grim. Let's just say something similar happened in that movie! I would post a video of the scene but uh, pretty not safe for life.
Also, never heard of Hot Fuzz but I'm going to assume it's a good thing \o/
aww, thank you!
And to prove that that story wasn't just a fluke and that I can actually write stories without torturing Emil, have this one inspired by the comment section:
Title: For Onni (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12445235/1/Alphabet-Soup-For-Onni)
Summary: Reynir wakes up in the dreamworld and makes a new visit to the church and to Onni. However, he ends up in the sanctuary of yet another mage.
Rating: T (but can probably pass as K+, I'm terrible bad at ratings)
Warnings: uuuuh... weird Finnish mage?
I will happily take the blame for this (though really, I think Aliax deserves more credit).awww, thank you! <3
Very sweet, very Reynir and very Onni. (I remember when I wrote Reynir doing the impossible it was quite a bit more cracky, but you made it work like this just fine.)
Nah, it's okay, I've deleted the "How do you want to die"-collection from the thread (as far as I could anyway) and I'll just avoid posting it and any other angst/tragedy/non-fluffy stories I write in here.
If there's any teen in here who's as desperate for angst and tragedy as I was when I was your age they'll still be posted on ff.net, they just won't be linked here. Deal? <3
Here I go again...
Alphabet Soup
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Series 1, Part 7
Complete Links to Complete Links post (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg108613#msg108613)Spoiler: A Good Night Out showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
<blue-sky speculation>I wonder what tattoo motifs are popular in Y90?</blue-sky speculation>I'ld bet that they dropped red ink entirely ...
I lik the crack*liks the crack too*
That I hav writ
Tho it be wyrd
I doo lik it
*liks the crack too*Yep.
Hmm... Bear Warriors in the woods... is this in any way connected to the Goldilocks Emil story and prequel(s)?
Yep.Yessssss! ;D
...They might just get together someday.
Ooh, always fun to see different authors' takes on the same idea.
And Loki short-sheeting Thor made me giggle helplessly. Loki and Thor's interactions were always the best part of Norse mythology, imo.
...I think it might be time to re-revive the Scriptorium.
A Horse with No Name (http://archiveofourown.org/works/10689663/chapters/24427806)
Why am I writing shippy stuff I'm not a shipper I've never been a shipper and this pairing isn't really my thing what is this fandom doing to me?
Nice cliffhanger, LooNEY!When I wrote "Next Cycle", I named all the cats after Sundbergs with English-language Wikipedia pages. For this, I re-used some of them.
Is there a source for the names of the cats?
That medication does that to me too. And I bet what he found was Giant Hogweed? Forms dense patches, irritates and photosensitises the skin, and is probably common in Denmark after 90 years with no eradication program. Poor Lalli!
Heh, my first thought was poison ivy, but I'm pretty sure that's a uniquely American thing (lucky us).See, I was thinking that as a night scout he'd know the generically "don't touch me" plants, so I thought, "OK, he's just mildly allergic to some Danish plant he's never seen before", because people can have a contact dermatitis (usually hives) reaction from anything they're allergic to.
Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) comes from Central Asia and the Caucasus. It's a spectacularly beautiful plant (I've heard it described as 'Queen Anne's lace on steroids'). Unfortunately it became widespread as a garden ornamental before people realised just how prolific and weedy it was, and how extremely allergenic. Now many countries all over the world have programmes to try and eradicate it, but most of them are losing. Now add 90 years of neglect and no herbicides, and the stuff is probably all over.I had to google giant hogweed. Your description sounded very familiar but in our area it's known as poison parsnips. I got into it once and had colorful purple rashes and blisters. Though a guest in your country it seems to fit in well with with all the other charming ways Australia tries to kill everyone like your stinging tree which was a new one to me.
Lazy8: poison ivy and poison oak (Rhus spp.) are sometimes found here in old gardens or in botanical collections. Again, they were imported as ornamentals for their lovely autumn colours before people realised how weedy they could be.
LoonNEY: look on the bright side - at least it wasn't our Australian stinging tree! I ran into a leaf of that in the dark, once, and it took months for the stinging sensation to fade. Every time my face got wet it would flare up again, and I still have a scar forty years later.
When I wrote "Next Cycle", I named all the cats after Sundbergs with English-language Wikipedia pages. For this, I re-used some of them.
Looney, would you mind reminding me which fic proceeds this one so I can archive it properly?Sorry: it directly follows "Great Geats!", which follows "A Dynamic Encounter"; the whole is a crossover with H Beam Piper's Paratime.
Wrote a famfiction over at tumblr, it features an Onni so maybe it's okay if I share it here as well? It... should be perfectly safe for reading but just let me know if it isn't and I'll remove it again.
Warning for owls?Spoiler: show
Well I suppose that's my cue to saunter in and tear down the happy mood.
A Thousand Words (http://archiveofourown.org/works/10689663/chapters/25308087)
I intend to complete the WIPs that have Tuuri as a character, and post them all together if and when I can post things again. They will just have to be AUs.I should work out if I should try rewriting the parts of my WIP relating to the main cast or post it as an AU too
(Oh, and Looney - if you really wanted to beat me on the Alphabet Challenge, now's your chance...)Not the way I want to do it, but oh well...
Not the way I want to do it, but oh well...
I thought about posting this in the Leave of Absence thread, but I'm not really going to be absenting myself from the forum - I'm still happy to lurk around the art thread and discuss the comic and various other things, and the index, of course, will still be updated. I am, however, going to take a break from writing fic. Between the shock over the end of this chapter and a recent health scare that I had at almost exactly the same time, I just don't feel like it anymore. I'd like to at least wait and see where the storyline goes from here, then see if I want to pick it up again.
(Oh, and Looney - if you really wanted to beat me on the Alphabet Challenge, now's your chance...)
Solokov, does your "Doctor Bashir" have something to do with Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. I stumble over the name each time I look at your fic. I have to say I like the scientific tone of the story although I just skipped over it right now.
Okay here comes... (If this is not the right place for this fic, I can gladly post it in the other thread.) I had a get go (and still am) at writing a fic for this fandom about a week ago. It focuses on the relationship between Sigrun and Mikkel. It is sort of shipping but then again it's not. It is more interested in throwing the characters in a heap of problems and see how they deal with it. And it explores a bit how the Norwegian military works (in my headcanon!!!). There are few unpleasant surprises waiting for the characters. I also made a cover for it which you can have a look at in the "Art-Museum" Thread and I will probably make some more art for it.
The rating is Mature because there is sex happening and also the discussion of other topics that others might find sensitive (I try to be cautious concerning these things), but it is by no means porn or gore. Everything happens for a reason.
Summary as given on Ao3:
This story is about growth: individual, interpersonal, biological.
During their mission in the Silent World it is Sigrun’s job to keep the team together and alive. To achieve this goal, she makes a mistake that costs her dearly.
This story does not only explore the relationship between Sigrun and Mikkel but shows you also something about Norwegian society in the year 90. Be prepared for a few surprises. Even if you are not a great Sigrun/Mikkel fan this story might still be interesting as it explores the characters for the sake of themselves.
Vekst (Growth) (http://archiveofourown.org/works/11421570)
Solokov: I had wondered whether Wavewright intended his interest to be because there is magery in the family, or immunity, or survivor stubbornness, or just because he likes them, or some combination of these elements, which was my guess. Especially since his own folk seem to be gone. Coyote of the tales always gave me very much the impression of what a modern gamer might refer to as 'chaotic good', with the emphasis on the 'chaotic'.
Wavewright: would you care to elaborate on your intentions here? Great story, by the way - your writing is improving even as we read.
I'd say this makes me a dirty triple poster, but seriously, why isn't anyone else posting here? Is the whole fandom just going through an epic fic slump?I'm still stuck on "An Orange That Killed Itself", and trying to break it loose by working on that other thing.
Anyway, officially 2/3 of the way through Alphabet Soup.
A Zillion Notes Make Sound (http://archiveofourown.org/works/10689663/chapters/26197551)
I'd say this makes me a dirty triple poster, but seriously, why isn't anyone else posting here? Is the whole fandom just going through an epic fic slump?
Anyway, officially 2/3 of the way through Alphabet Soup.
A Zillion Notes Make Sound (http://archiveofourown.org/works/10689663/chapters/26197551)
I'm still stuck on "An Orange That Killed Itself", and trying to break it loose by working on that other thing.
I'd say this makes me a dirty triple poster, but seriously, why isn't anyone else posting here? Is the whole fandom just going through an epic fic slump?I for one am glad you are writing, even with compelling reasons to go to bed with a hottie. Hang on, that bit of antipodean slang for sleeping with a hot water bottle doesn't quite have the same connotation in print....
The Index has updated. *collapses*
Ahhh, good catch! I changed it
One nitpick, though: "dollars". As we saw in some of the earlier comic pages, this ought to be kroner.
That one made me laugh. What happens next?I'm not sure honestly! I was writing this and put it down for a while and completely forgot where it was going. I think I'll give it a proper ending when I revise it to put up on AO3
Hey look, I actually wrote something main-forum-appropriate for once.
The Call of the Mountains (http://archiveofourown.org/works/11713725/chapters/26670720)
Alphabet Soup
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Series 2, Part 15
Complete Links to Complete Links post (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg108613#msg108613)
Onni and the Cursed Machine
Alphabet Soup
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Series 2, Part 15
Complete Links to Complete Links post (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg108613#msg108613)Spoiler: Onni and the Cursed Machine showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Alphabet Soup
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Series 2, Part 15
Complete Links to Complete Links post (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg108613#msg108613)Spoiler: Onni and the Cursed Machine showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Hi everyone, I usually don't tend to post here when I finish a piece of writing, but "Onni, he hates our food!" has finally, after like almost a year I think, gained its last chapter and is finished now!*scratches head in bewilderment* But, nobody ever told Onni that anyone hated the food? I jest, I get the reference although I haven't seen the movie. I left comments on the last chapter, but I congratulate you again on finishing the story, and in a second language, no less!
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8326516/chapters/26889948 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/8326516/chapters/26889948)
I think this is safe to post here, since it's nowhere near as overtly abusive as I originally intended. Behold! Emil's turn for a villain AU.
The Eulogy Ballroom (http://archiveofourown.org/works/11713725/chapters/26917389)
...it was a ShopVac, wasn't it? *hopeless giggling*As close to one as Y100ish tech can duplicate.
EXCELLENT. Although I am still curious why the Grade A cats went UP and not OUTOUTOUTNOW. Not at all disappointing.They stayed for the same reason they fight grosslings.
LooNEY, do I recognise that 'Kianmies' surname from another fic of yours.....?Well, Miira does have a daughter who wants to join the Swedish Cleansers when she's old enough...
Hey look, I wrote something else that wasn't too brutal for the main board.
The Gathering (http://archiveofourown.org/works/11713725/chapters/27088389)
No one else is writing, and this makes me sad.
The Knife (http://archiveofourown.org/works/11713725/chapters/27429837)
I am writing, but not *finishing* - not yet anyway.*Grumble grumble*
One of the tales I want to put up is the original first chapter, and some of the chapters I have since written, of that one I wrote for you for that '1,000 years in the future' challenge. I looked for it in the Scriptorium, but couldn't find it. Have you any idea where it might be?Here. (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=813.msg102686#msg102686)
One of the tales I want to put up is the original first chapter, and some of the chapters I have since written, of that one I wrote for you for that '1,000 years in the future' challenge. I looked for it in the Scriptorium, but couldn't find it. Have you any idea where it might be?
*Grumble grumble*I lost my manuscript! *muffled shriek*
*Grumble grumble*
LooNEY, thanks! Probably won't try it tonight, have to sleep sometime, but soon.
Lazy8: I wasn't even sure where/when to look. By the way, thanks again for that index.
Pff, I've been writing the whole time, you people just don't see it because I don't post here any longer ;) Still nice to the thread moving by those of you who do post here! ♥or maybe I don't count as people
*goes back into hiding*
Looney, is that the sequel to something else?"Into the Silent World" and "The Jitters", in order.
"Into the Silent World" and "The Jitters", in order.
...but isn’t nearly the end of it.
...the stupid index is updated in spite of my stupid wireless not cooperating.}hugs{ for wireless difficulties. I should be finally able to finish the Q story I put on hold a few weeks ago, but this month it's mostly going to be about drawing. (Not that it really matters.)
(Also, holy crap, the Scriptorium got bumped to the second page?? We need to get writing, pronto!)
I also have noticed that both the scriptorium and the art museum have been pretty empty lately. I blame the fact that in a lot of countries, the semester/school has just started again.
Pffff, fine, send me some asks over at Wordfighter (https://wordfighter.tumblr.com/tagged/asks) and Ill write some short stories I can post here! Already working hard at keeping the art-museum active tho!
...the stupid index is updated in spite of my stupid wireless not cooperating.I wasn't sure if the thread was only to announce new projects or also to announce an update. That's why I stayed mostly silent.
(Also, holy crap, the Scriptorium got bumped to the second page?? We need to get writing, pronto!)
I wasn't sure if the thread was only to announce new projects or also to announce an update. That's why I stayed mostly silent.
If there's a rule against posting updates I've certainly been breaking it, along with pretty much everyone else who's ever had a multichapter project. ::)Thanks for the heads-up! Then I can post more in this lovely thread. <3
Posting my bits one by one here,
Spamming my stuff on the thread,
Killing the thread with my postings,
Killing the thread with
My postings...
Alphabet Soup
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Series 3, Part 18
Nice! Have I mentioned how much I enjoy that you've raised the stakes by forcing them to do this with no tank or shelter available?
(And by all means, spam the thread. Poor thing's been getting so lonely...)
Alphabet Soup
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Series 2, Part 19
Oh dear. Extremes. Maybe we should introduce a character named "Happy Medium"?But then I couldn't beat him up--you know how difficult it is for anyone to strike a Happy Medium!
But then I couldn't beat him up--you know how difficult it is for anyone to strike a Happy Medium!
Besides, they're pretty thin on the ground: I don't know about you, but I like my Mediums rare.
I must not spam the Bad Jokes thread
I must not spam the Bad Jokes thread
I must not spam the Bad Jokes thread
I must not spam the Bad Jokes thread
I must not spam the Bad Jokes thread...
Alphabet Soup
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Series 3, Part 20
The Task At Hand
I could see her doing it to someone who bullied the young folk.
...and now I really want to see that confrontation.I'll write it up soon, but until then...
I'll admit that that's cracky, but... did you see what I just wrote?You wrote Mikkel as TSgt Kwan from Galaxy Quest.
(Also, what's coming up next... erm...)
You wrote Mikkel as TSgt Kwan from Galaxy Quest.
Has a unicorn been considered as candidate for Emil's fylgja yet? Because after reading this, I think it should totally be added to the list of possibilities if it's not already there.
I wouldn't doubt it - I think Windfighter may even have arted it!
Close enough, I arted Emil and Lalli riding a unicorn:
And here's more updates of stuff nobody wanted to read!
Bits and Bots
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“WALL-E” crossover fanfic
Part 3
Complete Links to Complete Links post (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg108613#msg108613)
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg134355#msg134355)Spoiler: Wascally Wobots showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Do their encrypted character sets not include the eth (Ð) character, though, for use in the word seiður? The extended character set may not be available to models from this range.That information is classified.
That information is classified.By pros (https://cervelet.deviantart.com/art/Ad-Science-Classification-Day-1-695324509).
The wings of an angel
Warning: Character death. But he got better. So I guess not actually character death.Spoiler: Chapter 2 showSpoiler: Chapter 3 show
Temporary Character Death might be a more succinct way to put it.
aww, gosh blast it. That's it. I officially give up on warnings again. I never learn, I still don't understand them, people laugh at my attempts at warnings and I'm still way too confused about them! I'll keep using those you can check off on ao3 of course (Temporary Character Death is not one of those) but outside of that I give up *flops frustratedly*Ah, crap, I didn’t mean to discourage you! You’re doing great on your own; I need to remember to double-check my phrasing for possible unintentional meanness.
And since I'm writing a post, have another chapter!
The wings of an angelSpoiler: Chapter 4 show
So, in case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm updating all of my WIPs before moving on to any new stuff that might be percolating through my LooNEY brain. That said...
The Red Herring League
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Superhero AU fanfic
Part 11
Complete Links to Complete Links post (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg108613#msg108613)
Prior part (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.msg136500#msg136500)Spoiler: Mish-Mash Lalli Dash showSpoiler: Authorial Notes show
Ah, crap, I didn’t mean to discourage you! You’re doing great on your own; I need to remember to double-check my phrasing for possible unintentional meanness.
...is it too soon? Oh dear gods, it's too soon, isn't it?
The Zombie (http://archiveofourown.org/works/11713725/chapters/29083341)
*throws the challenge entry on the table and flees*
Aaaaaah you actually did it! *snicker*Juster Quick Trip, as there will be other parts.
Are you going by "Juster Quick Trip" for the title or "Lalligagging Around"?
I think you might have forgotten "Despite the cold", which I published on the 12th of november (but didn't announce here, because it's NSFW).
What you can expect not to find: anything NSFW. If someone wants to repeat this venture on the NSFW board, go right ahead, but I'm not on that board and don't want to link explicit stuff here.
Double-posting to bring you...
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Part 2Spoiler: Authorial Notes show
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Part 4
Windy, that is sad and beautiful.Thank yoooouuu! Sorry about the sad though! <3
The Index is updated.
C'mon, people, write more! ...I would say, but I can't exactly talk.
The Index is updated.
C'mon, people, write more! ...I would say, but I can't exactly talk.
Another entry for the SSSS Alphabet Soup, a story that posits that Jews still exist in the Known World, and converge on Mora for the High Holy Days. I've intersected Onni's arc as well. Please enjoy Yom Kippur (http://"http://archiveofourown.org/works/13722132").The link doesn't work for me. I loved Northern Exposure and remember that episode. I really want to read your story.
The story was originally inspired by an episode of the old TV show 'Northern Exposure,' where the main character needs to get a minyan (10 adult Jews) together any which way he can, but it didn't actually end up anything like that story. *shrugs*
The link doesn't work for me. I loved Northern Exposure and remember that episode. I really want to read your story.
Kallasar of the Iron Tiger Chapter 29 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7707919/chapters/32075805) and Chapter 30 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/7707919/chapters/32075850) are now up. Chapter 31 is being worked on, it's either going to be a Reynir chapter or a Viserys chapter....considering I have more of the reynir chapter done, probably the first.I can empathise with how hard it can be to keep the impetus going on a long work like this!
If there was ever a time for feedback it's going to be the next couple of chapters since I'm flying solo more or less.
Because everybody knows Y0 was all about that fluff: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14088714
Signe Sørensen arrives on the Madsen family farm.
I don’t check in on fic here as often as I should but I really liked this one! Signe has a real sense of humour, the way you’ve written her :D
Wavewright, I liked that tale, and was pretty sure it was you. Now I wonder whether one of those traders was a descendant of the girl Coyote rescued......
You had me at "Emil got injured" and kept me captive through the thing and now I want the full story.I'd steal it and write it myself if I had energy for writing.Thank you for that one <3
Silent Flight (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12961331/1/Silent-Flight) is just a small thing I wrote on FF by the same username. Featuring Tuuri.
And Swans.
Second chapter of 'Caring for a Friend' is up on Archive of Our Own.
I did enjoy that story!
Finally remembered to post this here, whoops ;D
Wrote a future!fic Onni/Reynir piece for Rare Male Slash Exchange - warnings for temporary dark!Onni and temporary character death.
Where No Other Loves Goes
"What is life if it's just of the earth,
Only of the flesh and bone?"
The Kade in Red fled through the deep forests, and the mage followed.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15468192 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/15468192)
I've been slowly writing a fic over the last several months, and have finished it today (didn't bother posting links to individual chapters). It's a Year 0 fic set in northern New Jersey, about a community that survives while sheltering in a strip mall. Please enjoy Thanksgiving at the Last Curry House in New Jersey. (https://archiveofourown.org/works/15019994/chapters/34818416)
It's a little scattered and I guess there are the odd continuity issues that cropped up over the months separating the chapters, but it's not the worst thing I've ever written.
Wrote some words:Those are some nice words!Spoiler: Can I have this dance? show
I've gone ahead published Chapter 1 on Archive of Our Own (http://"https://archiveofourown.org/works/18476692/chapters/43778641"). You can click on that link to read it, if you're interested.
Oripoke, that sounds really awesome! I'm looking forward to reading it.
Catching up on the new fics after having been a little distracted for the past couple of days, and liking both of these very much.Thanks for reading!
First post XoX (finally time to end my lurker status, lol)Hi, welcome! :D Always nice to see more writers and creators around.
Anyway, really admire everyone's work here, so I wanted to drop by to share this small character study on Reynir that I wrote, set back when the team was in Iceland!
Haunted (http://"https://archiveofourown.org/works/19045006")
I can't get this to load.
I'm pretty sure everybody already knows about this, but for the sake of completion, I'm putting the link to my fanfic (https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/46683124) here because, as I understand, that's what this thread is for.
I wrote a piece for the MultiFandom Drabble exchange recently, as a gift for Elleth. It's a drabble series starring Mia Västerström, 5 vignettes from her life, starting from before the Prologue. Please enjoy Mamma Mia. (http://"https://archiveofourown.org/works/19485538")the link doesn’t work and I can’t seem to find the work on ao3?Spoiler: show
the link doesn’t work and I can’t seem to find the work on ao3?
I have had another go at deleting the extra chapter of ‘Caring For A Friend’, and it seems to have worked. Could I possibly ask some other person who uses Archive and has more technical expertise than do I to open it and see if it shows to them and has six chapters so far, as it is meant to have, ending with the scene of Reynir catching Onni as he falls? Thanks in anticipation!
Róisín (Tanist on A3O).
I can't find any mention of this in going back a few months, so bear with me if this is already known.
Adge has been beavering away at rendering the comic in Alliterative Verse, and it is so glorious.
Prologue 1 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/20440883)
Prologue 2 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/20440958)
Chapter 1 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/20441075)
Chapter 2 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/20441117)
Chapter 3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/20441219)
Chapter 4 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/20441192)
Chapter 5 pt 1 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/20441258)
Chapter 5 pt 2 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/20441288)
Chapter 6 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/20837513)
Chapter 7 pt 1 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/21272969)
Subscribe to Adge on AO3, if you haven't already, as each chapter is posted independently.
Oh, good! That was a fine story.
I have a crossover fic (one of my DnD characters due to rift shenanigans ends up in the SSSS world) That I never finished, I'm gonna toss here. Maybe you all will enjoy it!
maybe I'll finish it and post it properly on Ao3 or something.
I have always found that when a character is well written, the author knows what that character is most likely to do because ‘being himself, what else could he do’.Ah. None of my characters is well written, then. Not that I expected them to be, but it's good to have a reliable outside opinion on that.
Haha, Wave, lovely! Onni’s especially is very beautiful, except for the last sentence.
Haha, Wave, lovely! Onni’s especially is very beautiful, except for the last sentence.
Anybody up for a bit of harmless humour? I had an inspiration for a piece this afternoon, definitely not to be overthunk.
As seen on AO3 and in the spoilers below - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24584164
Feel free to add your own take on the concept.Spoiler: ssss dating profiles show
not afraid to get in there and do what needs to be done, might even be you?! I can go all night, especially in the summertime. (...) If you like to go hard, you should totally pick me!
Anonymous Response
Have been in the army, too, and had several missions along my life, never sitting around for much time, so perhaps we can travel together and do what needs to be done? Maybe I should pick you as my future partner in crime, ha ha. Does your name start with M?
Well then, Sigrun seems pretty... eager to get it started, doesn’t she?
Also a fic recce for lwise2019 (dunno if they have a Forum identity?), who is writing some of the best Mikkel material I've ever clapped eyeballs on: https://archiveofourown.org/users/lwise2019/pseuds/lwise2019 (https://archiveofourown.org/users/lwise2019/pseuds/lwise2019)I just finished binge reading this series. I give it a rating of Most Best. Seriously, check it out.
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll see frogs fly.
I put my current fic aside, for a Human!Kitty AU one./me is still thinking.
I wrote this a while ago, it's a story taking place in Africa in the SSSS world. This is mostly a prologue to the actual story, quickly written and only quickly revised. :P I may or may not finish it, but I wanted to put it here for some feedback so... enjoy?
..." Water buffalos are nasty creatures..."
A naturalist-type note...
While water buffalo are now found in some parts of Africa, they are of Asian origin, are frequently domesticated, and to this day are a major draft animal for many Asian farmers.
The animal native to Africa is the Cape buffalo. It is ranked among the most dangerous game animals, because it (gasp!) has the nerve to resent being attacked, and will not only fight back, but attack the would-be hunter preemptively, given any chance.
When I finally presented her to the rest of the crew, I was rewarded with gasps of delight from Tuuri and Emil, a look that wasn't a glare from Lalli, a "Good job" and a pat on the shoulder from Mikkel, and the best gift of all from Sigrun. A "Well look at that Braidy, you helped!"
All these child-kitty stories are great fun!
All these child-kitty stories are great fun!
Hi, we already have a general writing scriptorium for posting original writing, if you want to post things in that thread: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=257.0
And we also have a writing discussion thread here: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=788.0
"Please use the radio," Onni sighed. He was exhausted and didn't need the red headed nuisance to make it worse.
Thanks.I love the clarity of Math, where something is, or not, with few grey areas :) Life is not like that, and a story is a description of life, even if it's an imaginary life on a fictional world. Usually there are no straight paths, rather a network of roads, avenues and trails that we negotiate the best we can, never being able to see, much less explore, all the possibilities.
I considered including the ride in the crate, or including more "calming" interactions with Mikkel or Tuuri, but that didn’t fit with what I wanted.
Having so many possibilities available is sometimes problematic for me, because I can’t decide what to do. In maths there’s usually not so many possibilities you have to consider at once (in my experience). I’ll get more used to it, by exposing myself to it.
I didn’t expect there to be a russian-speaking SSSS-community.
Wait, there is?I wasn't aware there were so many SSSS-related works in Russian on Archive of Our Own. Unfortunately (for non-Russian speakers) several of them aren't translated to English. But at least we can appreciate the art. :)
I didn’t expect there to be a russian-speaking SSSS-community.
Wait, there is?Yep. (https://archiveofourown.org/works?utf8=%E2%9C%93&work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=revised_at&work_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_from%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_to%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_from%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_to%5D=&work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=ru&commit=Sort+and+Filter&tag_id=Stand+Still+Stay+Silent)
Also, being trapped inside a dark crate on a ship, rocking all the time, for days (?) surely wasn't a relaxing experience...Reynir hopped into that crate (http://sssscomic.com/comic.php?page=297) when the shipmates selected them to hand to the expedition team, which happened after Trond blackmailed the captain into it (http://sssscomic.com/comic.php?page=282), and then he told the crew in the still-ongoing radio contact (http://sssscomic.com/comic.php?page=284) where to meet up with them. It isn't said out loud how much time the ship took to get there, but Trond was looking through the papers to find a nearby one, so I'd guess it all happened the next morning.
I love the clarity of Math, where something is, or not, with few grey areas :)*cough* Gödel's theorems (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6del%27s_incompleteness_theorems), P =? NP, Continuum Hypothesis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuum_hypothesis), ...
I didn’t expect there to be a russian-speaking SSSS-community.
Wait, there is?The Russian fan translation (https://acomics.ru/~stand-still-stay-silent/) was active before this forum's translation project (https://ssssforum.com/thingies/comictranslation.php) even started (and never got to get anything translated) ...
... so I'd guess it all happened the next morning.Yes, maybe hours, not days. Anyway a very uncomfortable experience, I'm sure.
*cough* Gödel's theorems (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6del%27s_incompleteness_theorems), P =? NP, Continuum Hypothesis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuum_hypothesis), ...Well pointed! In my defense I did said there were a few grey areas. :) But the vast majority of Math users* won't dive in those deep waters**, staying on the upper layers were results are clear and the paths to solve problems are more or less evident. I believe that's what Groupoid intended to reference.
I love the clarity of Math, where something is, or not, with few grey areas :) Life is not like that, and a story is a description of life, even if it's an imaginary life on a fictional world. Usually there are no straight paths, rather a network of roads, avenues and trails that we negotiate the best we can, never being able to see, much less explore, all the possibilities.Yes to all the things! Especially the first paragraph. Your maps sound pretty fun, I might try that method of planning.
I'm by no means an experienced writer, but to me having a good idea on how the story will end is essential. Without it I'm lost.
I also draw a "road map" with the relevant "places" where the story should pass, but my map is like the medieval ones: Everything is out of proportion, legends fill the empty spaces and there are imaginary places that I never find. :)
Anyway all writers (AFAIK) tend to agree that experience is fundamental. The more you write the better you do it.
So let's do it!
*cough* Gödel's theorems (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6del%27s_incompleteness_theorems), P =? NP, Continuum Hypothesis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuum_hypothesis), ...I don’t think of Gödel’s incompleteness theorems as something fundamentally fuzzy. Because if something is unprovable (in some system!) then the fact "the something is unprovable in that system" may still be provable in some other system. It reminds me more of the things we can’t calculate or the things we can’t construct (in finite time). An example is Goodstein’s theorem (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodstein%27s_theorem), which is unprovable in Peano Arithmetic, but provable in others. It has nice visualisation/application with Hydras (this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWwUpEY4c8o) explains stuff a little & might be interesting, but I haven’t watched it fully).
I don’t think of Gödel’s incompleteness theorems as something fundamentally fuzzy. Because if something is unprovable (in some system!) then the fact "the something is unprovable in that system" may still be provable in some other system.Gödel's work pinpoints that a) there is such an undecidable statement in every moderately advanced mathematical model, hence b) an infinite number of (truly different) models to choose from, and thus c) need for an infinite number of experiments (read: cannot be done) to pinpoint the proper model for an application case. If that doesn't make the relation between reality and math(ematical modeling) "fuzzy", I don't know what would.
So I only consider your mentioning of the continuum hypothesis to be something of a grey area. It differs a lot in tone from the others, since the question now (after having proved its independence of ZFC) is: "do you want the continuum hypothesis or not in your set theory?".How is that different from "the Gödel statement we found for your current model is A, do you want to accept A or ¬A as an additional axiom?", or, for a more specific and obviously practical example, "does your geometry include the fifth (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_postulate) (-> Euclidian / planar geometry) or its negation (-> non-Euclidian, e.g., spherical, geometry)" ... ?
...I hope it's all in the past. Please no wars about the grey area! Holy, near-holy or totally unholy! Make love, not war! <3
And yes, I'm aware that there used to be near-holy wars about whether the "grey area" is a uniform mass of "undecidable" statements, or split into "unreachable truths", "unreachable falsehoods", and maybe some remaining "undecidable" ones.
(Off-Thread-Topic alert ...)Answered in another topic (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=1168.0). I was a fool thinking I wouldn’t learn something, when taking up the discussion. I wonder how you think about my response.
A little exercise inspired by the german poem "ottos mops".Spoiler: That brat’s cat hat show
I’m so conflicted about posting this, argh! Is it finished? Is it good enough? I want to be done with it, so I post it.
I wonder if there are people for which this is not mono-vocalic in their variation of English.
Edit: Oh, and have this:
Rey waved.
“Hey! Cave!”
“Nej, nej” they say.
“Cave ain’t safe” they say.
I’m so conflicted about posting this, argh! Is it finished? Is it good enough? I want to be done with it, so I post it.
I wonder if there are people for which this is not mono-vocalic in their variation of English.
I laughed so hard at this. Feel free to be inspired by stuff I write and create new stuff! *mumbling about being happy with references and enjoying spontaneous collaborations*
I laughed so hard at this. Feel free to be inspired by stuff I write and create new stuff! *mumbling about being happy with references and enjoying spontaneous collaborations*I'm very happy for making you laugh! :) And even more for doing it again! :D
The non-sexual-M/M-hug makes me somewhat uncomfortable, I dunno whether it fits Mikkel in canon or in Kiraly’s AU. But it’s (physically) possible so let’s leave it at that. I wish I was more comfortable with hugs... I’m thinking too hard about this response.
I laugh each time I read your post again. It fits so well.
Edit: Actually, I chose my avatar because I wished I was more comfortable with hugs. Wishing to be so free like Reynir in that moment, to hug his friends. And it’s such a nice thing to be greeted by a happy face when logging in to the forum.
The Synchronised Screaming group posted some prompts, and I have written a thing. The Enchanted Chain (https://archiveofourown.org/works/29896920)I like this magic-system very much. It took me a while to get what "wax" referred to. :mikkel:
Now, to go back and read some of your stories! *looks at clock hands set to past-your-bedtime-on-a-work-night-missy* Soon, I promise.
I like this magic-system very much. It took me a while to get what "wax" referred to. :mikkel:
Thank you. 8)
Years later, after settlements got big enough to support restaurants again, Lalli could never stand going to the ones where they had candles on the table, claiming that the smell made him nauseous.
He and Emil once got banned from a restaurant when they argued about keeping the candle lit for once, and Emil lit it up BUT GOOD before Lalli dumped a whole pitcher of juice on it. When the chef emerged to see what the hullaballoo was, they were shocked to see it was Mikkel.
Reading waverwright fic.
I believe it's rather starf than stave. Plus starf is a runescript, while what Reynir uses is obviosly a bindrunes.
Whoa, so he's bi?
Oh, am I correct to say I gave you the idea of lassoing a troll with a magic chain?)
I believe it's Mages, not Mags. Or do yo have smth to say with this form of multiple number?
State of the Union Version Four is a go.
I'll try to get chapters out at least biweekly.
Hello tehta and welcome to the Forum! We also have an Introduction Thread on the General board, why don’t you pass by there too? (It’s not mandatory, just fun).
I read the two finished ones, and liked both very much! I did leave kudos too, I’m Jiiri on the Archive. Like you mentioned, On the Edge was not very dissimilar from many other Emilalli stories, in the other hand many of us LOVE Emilalli stories :) And I liked the way Tuuri was worried for Lalli.
I’m not sure whether I’ll be needing a beta anytime soon, but I’ll be happy to comment your writing if you’d like! I’m not native in English though. Anyways I have a few stories in the Archive and here, take a look and let me know by PM if you’d like my comments :)
AO3 is in my opinion nicer to look at and the tagging system is good, so I recommend it :)AO3 is better than Fanfiction.net in some aspects and worse in others. It really depends on what you want to do.
Well, I did it! I posted the first seven (!) episodes of Sunset Sea Songs on AO3!
I have a question and could not really find it in the FAQ's
If some one writes a story and they would like to use specifics of other people's work.
do/should you get permissions first?
Identify where some of the plot points came from? In notes? I am not sure if either A03 or fanfic have an acknowledgement header.
don't use other's peoples plot points at all?
I am not talking about using other people's work, but if something in their world building is something you want to incorporate in your story. (kinda like making your story take part in their world)
I am not sure I am getting my question across cleanly
May I suggest you add a warning for violence, because a named person sliced to ribbons is kinda, well, violent. I would also rate at T.
Several people have expressed interest in ssss gap-fillers. Well, angstyastronaut just posted one: a story about the discussion between Onni and Lalli that must surely have occurred in the Lehto.
It can be found on AO3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/38191786). I really like it!
Just in case anyone else out there is in need of fluff (I know I am; that's why I wrote it) I wanted to mention my new Emilalli fic. It is set during the Epilogue, somewhere before The Great Snow Shoveling Adventure, and yes, it is pointless fluff.
It can be found at AO3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/37975327).
I thoroughly enjoyed it, thegreyarea. And your surprise was a success! Turns out it was a good thing to read your two stories in reverse order.Thanks, Buteo! I'm very happy that it worked! :)
Yeah, good story, Grey. One wonders if your wanderer is another one like Pastor A who is held together by their will despite being infected?Thanks, Róisín! I'd say that will is extremely important (how one stays sane after eight years crossing the silent world?) but in this case there's also a magic component...
Thanks, Buteo! I'm very happy that it worked! :)
Thanks, Róisín! I'd say that will is extremely important (how one stays sane after eight years crossing the silent world?) but in this case there's also a magic component...
real spoiler below:Spoiler: show
Grey, I love your “surprise” stories. This was great. I agree with Róisín, that reverse order makes it better.Thanks, dmeck! I'm very glad that you liked it. ^-^ I was a little worried about it all becoming "too much surprises", afraid to overuse the trick. Next story's characters will be exactly what they seem to be.Spoiler: show
After a lot of pain and suffering (well, mostly after a lot of procrastination) I have finally finished a story I built around on a series of ficlets I wrote for last year's Yoinktober.
It's complete fluff with no nutritional value: a comedy (of errors) featuring Emil/Lalli and Reynir/Onni, set a few years post-canon, during a wedding in Iceland. And I actually think it might make more sense to read all at once than chapter-by-chapter, as I posted it, because the various heroes stories interlock quite a bit, which will be easier to see in a single reading.
Anyway, it can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38158930/
And now I can get back to my usual EXTREMELY SERIOUS writing.
Grey, you already know I love it! Just as a minor thing, the knife is puukko, not pukko :)Thank you, my dear!
The male goat is pukki :)Oh, but when I write "pukko" on
So instead of a knife (puukko) Ensi had a decorated goat (pukko) with her! And she used that glowing magical goat to stab the monster! ;DWell they do have horns ...
Apparently some people have already seen these from the Discord (which is so wild to me? like I'm perceived by communities I'm not a part of?? holy heck???), but I figured I might as well stick my couple of SSSS fics here:
The Perfect Yule - https://archiveofourown.org/works/44122114
Fledgling - https://archiveofourown.org/works/44163649/chapters/111054181
These are lovely! Absolutely beautiful!
Our community or communities, whichever way you like to think of it/them overlap a lot so that the Forum, the Discord, AO3 and previously also the comment section are interlinked :) I’m personally not on Discord (yet?) because when I tried I got confused. Should ask my son to help me get started. On AO3 I’m Jiiri, I left you a comment. And Tanist is Róisín.
I like this. It might indeed have taken folk awhile to figure out immunity.Thank you! ^-^ And you're right, it could take some time to realize some people were immune, particularly considering the disruption of comunications caused by radio interference*.
Thank you! ^-^ And you're right, it could take some time to realize some people were immune, particularly considering the disruption of comunications caused by radio interference*.
(*: always wondered if that also affected cable connections. If so the loss of data over the Internet, alone, would be enough to create an awful mess all over the world)
I'm with lwise on that one - power to the servers would only have gone on for so long.The Internet of today is a weird mixture of the original ARPAnet's "go on and nuke us, we'll just route around the craters" and SPOF (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_point_of_failure)-laden structures. Some users might experience all of it just going "poof" as their own hardware or infrastructure of their direct Internet providers loses power (say, all those unassuming DSLAM (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_subscriber_line_access_multiplexer)s or CMTS (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cable_modem_termination_system)es sitting in their little roadside cabinets all over your residential area), others might get to watch humanity drop off it somewhat nation-by-nation style as the TLD (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top-level_domain)'s authoritative nameservers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System) give out and render the still-working stuff impossible to find for the would-be user. I'm not convinced that the way some carriers (looking at you, Deutsche Telekom!) handle peering with others still holds much real world promise of being able to "route around" failing links, either ...
Great job Grey! Like I already commented on AO3, I got strong Doctor Who (when it’s horror) vibes.Thank you!!! ^-^ I'm very happy that you liked it! Can't say that I have a great knowledge of Doctor Who. I only watched randomly some episodes. Anyway I liked what I saw... Perhaps I should dedicate some time to it. So if you have any preferred episode(s) please let me know. :) But be warned, we may end up with Ensi being chased by a dalek, or finding a curious blue cabin inside the bunker!
I mentioned in the few introductory posts that I have that I'm starting a Silent World story thanks to the effect of being around here. I always like apocalypses that are in the process of happening; the whole 'watching a car crash you can't look away from' and I always dislike writing characters that aren't mine; so have Down Deep - https://archiveofourown.org/works/48536083/chapters/122429281
Who knows where it'll go; so far I'm just stretching my legs in the silent world; casting about for a tone and some characterisation.
Glass, that is certainly true. Horror that is not clearly delineated has more potential to, well, horrify.
For me, writing any kind of horror is a relatively new thing, as is writing online. I had written a lot before I became involved in this fandom, but the bulk of what I had had published or broadcast was poetry, factual technical articles, a few songs, and the occasional ‘hard’ science fiction story (that is, SF with a base in real science). The two books I have been working on slowly for several years are not fiction at all, but a basic cookery book and another about wild food foraging and how to cook what you find. Progress on those books is slow because real life is busy, chaotic and stressful. I’m an old age pensioner who is still working enough to bring the pension up to a wage on which I can keep paying the mortgage, while caring for my disabled husband, all of which means that it is difficult to scrape together enough time to write.
I enjoy both your storytelling and your background building of the world and your characters. To quote my beloved, who is a keen reader, “You know a character is well written when the reader would notice and care if they disappeared between one page and the next.”. I hope your characters continue to develop and grow!
I see you have added. I only had time to read the second chapter. This is really a good read. Can't wait until I have a bit more time to get to the rest. Thank you for the story :)
Hello, I would like to publish a fic on AO3 as a birthday present, but I realized that I didn't know the comic birthday. Is it the 1st November (first page on the site) or a little earlier ?Well, that depends on what exactly you consider the comic's "birthday", of course. :3
Well, that depends on what exactly you consider the comic's "birthday", of course. :3Thanks ! I think I will just take the day of the first page to keep it simple and be patient until then.
Page 1 (http://www.sssscomic.com/comic.php?page=1) was indeed the first to get publicly posted, at the date indicated, confirmed by the SSSS reference here (http://www.minnasundberg.fi/).
Concept art publicly appeared on ARtD's gallery (http://www.minnasundberg.fi/gallery.php) in 2012, and possibly even earlier someplace else (I forget what her username on DA was ...).
On the other other hand, ARtD expressedly was her "practice comic" to see whether she can do SSSS justice, so the idea of SSSS wholesale predates ARtD - which debuted uhhhihavenoidearightnow.
Edit to add: ARtD page 140 (beginning of chapter 4) is the first one to be marked with a date, 01-Jun-2012. Given her update schedule back then, I'd say that that puts page 1 into Nov/Dec 2011.
Looked on DA, her user name was just MinnaSundbergI'm pretty sure that there was a different account where she had posted, among other things, all four Zarkora title pages, rather than just this one (https://www.deviantart.com/minnasundberg/art/Zarkora-cover-art-287245288) ... sorry, my names-and-faces memory is pretty dysfunctional to begin with ...