Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 806820 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1410 on: January 25, 2016, 03:13:19 AM »
Emil and the Wasps

(special thanks to misea, Rosepieces, and OrigamiOwl)

(apologies to Sergei Prokofiev)

(moved here from Poetry by request of mods)

This is the story of Emil and the Wasps.  In this story, the characters are represented by the instruments of the symphony orchestra.

For example, Reynir is played by the high-voiced flute.

{ flute }

Tuuri is played by the gorgeous oboe.

{ oboe }

Lalli is played by the beautiful, sultry clarinet.

{ clarinet }

Mikkel is played by the deep-voiced bassoon.

{ bassoon }

Emil is played by the carefree string section.

{ strings }

Sigrun is played by the kettle drum and the bass drum.

{ rolling thunder of drums }

And the wasps are played ...

... by all the kazoos and vuvuzelas in the audience.

{ ominous crescendo of discordant buzzing }

So, now, here is our story.

Early one morning, Emil opened the cat tank door and went out into the great, green meadow.

{ strings }

On the branch of a big tree sat Reynir, Emil’s friend. "I'm helping with ... stuff!" chirped Reynir happily.

{ flute }

Soon after, Tuuri came strolling around. She was glad that Emil had not closed the door, and decided to take a nice swim in the deep pond that happened to be right there in the meadow.

{ oboe }

Seeing Tuuri, Reynir alit down on the ground, sat himself near to where Tuuri was swimming, and shrugged his shoulders...  "What kind of a Nord are you, if you don't climb trees!" he said. To this, Tuuri replied: "What kind of a Nord are you, if you can’t swim!" and, splashing him playfully, dove into the pond.

{ oboe and flute duet, leisurely }

They argued and argued – Tuuri swimming in the pond, and Reynir hopping around waving his arms along the bank.

{ oboe and flute duet, faster }

Suddenly something caught Emil's attention. He noticed Lalli, crawling cat-like through the grass.

{ clarinet }

Lalli thought: "My cousin is busy arguing with that weirdo?  I’ll just grab her and we'll go back home to Finland."  Stealthily he crept toward her on his smooth neoprene protective garments.

{ clarinet }

"Look out!" shouted Emil, and Reynir immediately jumped and practically flew back into the tree.

{ flute, strings }

From the middle of the pond, Tuuri scolded Lalli angrily for sneaking up on them like that.

{ clarinet, oboe }

Lalli skulked around the tree and thought: "Is it worth climbing up so high?  By the time I get there, that redhead with the braid will have jumped down."

{ flute, clarinet }

That was when Mikkel came out. He was angry because Emil had gone to the meadow. "This is a dangerous place," he said.  "If angry wasps were to come swarming out of the forest, then what would you do??"

{ bassoon }

Everyone else looked baffled at Mikkel's words.  Emil paid no attention at all.  Swedes such as he are not afraid of wasps.

{ strings }

But Mikkel took Emil by the shoulder, force-marched him back to the cat-tank, and locked the door.

{ oboe, strings }

No sooner had Emil gone, that a big, buzzing cloud of wasps did come swarming out of the forest.

{ kazoos first, softly, joined by a dramatic crescendo of vuvuzelas }

In a twinkling, Lalli scampered up the tree.

{ clarinet }

Tuuri shrieked, and in her panic jumped out of the pond.

{ oboe }

But no matter how hard Tuuri tried to run, she couldn’t escape the wasps.

{ oboe }

The swarm was getting nearer.... and nearer... catching up with her... and then they caught up with her, and stung her!  She went running to the cat-tank flailing her arms, and locked herself in with Emil.

{ vuvuzelas and kazoos }

And now, this is how things stood:  Lalli was sitting on one branch of the tree...

{ clarinet }

Reynir on another, trying to get closer to Lalli...

{ flute, clarinet }

and the wasps swarmed around and around the tree, in a cloud of angry buzzing.

{ kazooes, vuvuzelas, flute, clarinet }

In the meantime, Emil, without a single out-of-place hair, sat inside the cat tank listening to Tuuri tell him what was going on.

{ strings, oboe }

He left the cat tank, went around to the back, opened the trunk, took a strong net, and climbed up the side of the tank to the roof.

{ strings, oboe }

One of the branches of the tree around which the wasps were swarming stretched out over the cat tank.

{ strings, clarinet }

Grabbing hold of the branch...

{ strings, flute }

Emil clambered over onto the tree.

{ strings, woodwinds }

Emil panted heavily, and said to Reynir: "(phew) Hey, why don't you jump down and (phew) distract the wasps... just (phew) take care that they don't sting you."

{ flute, strings }

Reynir, slightly bird-brained, was eager to help, and jumped down to dance around the angry wasps, while they buzzed and swarmed after him, from this side and that!

{ kazoos, vuvuzelas, flute }

How Reynir did antagonize the wasps! How they wanted to sting him! But Reynir was clever and had some outdoor experience, and he made evading the wasps seem easy to Emil.

{ kazoos, vuvuzelas, buzz, BUZZ! }

Seeing this and deciding it would be simple, Emil carefully climbed down with the net...

{ tense strings }

... swung it into the swarm, and tried to catch all the wasps in a single sweep!

{ even more tense strings }

Feeling themselves get tangled up in the net, the wasps went berzerk and began stinging Emil over and over!

{ strings, kazoos, vuvuzelas }

"This is not how this part of the story is supposed to go!" cried Emil, swinging the net wildly and running from the wasp swarm as it stung him mercilessly.

{ kazoos, vuvuzelas, discordant strings }

Lalli and Reynir watched in bafflement from their various vantage points, wondering how Emil thought this was ever going to work.

{ kazoos, vuvuzelas, woodwinds }

Just then ...

{ drums }

... Sigrun came out of the woods, wearing a mesh beekeeper's outfit ...

{ drums }

... guided by Tuuri ...

{ oboe, drums }

... following the wasps, and firing off a flamethrower as she went.

{ drums }

But Emil, staggering around the meadow covered in wasp stings, cried: "Hold your fire!  Everything is fine!  The pain has passed.... I no longer feel anything below my eyebrows!  Below... hold your... Reynir and I have this totally ... under control!  Totally .... totally ... under ... "

{ dreamy strings }

So, now...  imagine the triumphant procession.

Emil, on morphine.

{ orchestra, dreamily }

After him, Sigrun carrying the charred remains of the wasps and their nest.

{ orchestra with kazoos, triumphantly }

And winding up the procession, Mikkel and Lalli. Mikkel shook his head, discontentedly: "Well, and what if Emil had gone into anaphylactic shock?  What then, hmm?"

Lalli didn't understand a word he said.

{ orchestra, majestically }

Around them skipped Reynir, chirping merrily: "I helped!  What a brave and clever fellow I was!  I helped!"

{ orchestra, flute solo }

And if you listen very carefully, you could hear Tuuri laughing from within the cat tank, driving slowly behind them all.

{ finale }
If life hands you Emil, make Emilonade!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1411 on: January 26, 2016, 12:21:18 AM »
Eeep, I have been neglecting to tell people how amazing their things are! So many amazing things. I am too tired to be specific. Too tired because basically I've spent the last 24 hours falling down the Reypunzel rabbit hole. I now emerge from the other side bearing this piece of fluff. There are pictures. I'll probably put those in the art thread. Or maybe the crossover thread. Or you can see them when you read the fic.

*crawls into bed and passes out*
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1412 on: January 26, 2016, 01:09:31 AM »
The Good, the Bad, and the Bestial
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Western crossover fanfic
Part 17
Caper the Third: The Cave of Time
Part 6
Prior part
Spoiler: show
Shaking Off the Tar Baby

Somewhere in Galicia, Spain
11 December, 1808

Mikkel poleaxed was certainly a sight to see, and the fact of two poleaxed Mikkels staring at each other with identical expressions only amplified that. The others were content to gaze on at the sight, but Reynir had to speak.

“So, what’s up, Doc Mikkel? Why are you strolling about in the dark, alone?”

The question seemed to bring the interloping doppelgänger to life again. He started, opened his mouth, reconsidered, and finally decided what to divulge to these strange copies of his comrades.

They had been conducting a raid against the French and their local hirelings when Tuuri, through an awful misfortune, had been stabbed by a rusty bayonet. Sigrun had dispatched its wielder almost casually, but the damage had been done, and she obviously blamed herself. Since then, their activities had been more and more curtailed, as the French brought more and more troops into Spain to face their enemies.

Things got worse. Inevitably, it seemed, their Tuuri’s wound had turned septic, and their Mikkel, though skilled and smart, was powerless to help her. It was only a matter of time before the Eide Traveling Players were short one member.

Desperate, but too self-contained to show it and upset the Captain, Mikkel had gone off in search of native herbs that might assist him. He hadn’t held out much hope.

Of course, when he’d heard the familiar voices from this little canyon, Mikkel had naturally assumed that his friends were out looking for him, and rejoined them, as he’d thought, with a bit of light banter.

“Mikkel,” a very tentative Tuuri said, “I might know how to help her, if you’ll let me.”


Tuuri Face-Like-Baby had not learned much from the community’s Eldest Midwife, but she had picked up on a few, a very few, important bits of the Old Lore.

The Eldest Midwife had impressed the importance of cleaning wounds so sepsis couldn’t set in, but she’d also vouchsafed a somewhat risky way to drive sepsis out if it did get a foothold. Sometimes it killed rather than cured, but sepsis was a death sentence anyway, so most sufferers chose to chance it, if they were still coherent enough to make the choice.

Tuuri Hotakainen was not coherent enough to make a choice. Tuuri Face-Like-Baby looked at her erstwhile twin doubtfully, then applied the poultice.


The poultice worked, and Tuuri was on the mend. Sigrun, however, was not. She’d taken Tuuri’s plight far more to heart than she’d let on to anyone else, letting the notion of her own responsibility in the matter eat at her like a starveling dog, slowly eroding her wonted self-assurance.

The two Emils had put their heads together to mix up something “special” (dangerous, flammable, explosive, or all three) for the next venture: a raid on a local concentration of French troops, just to stir things up a little

“I don’t think we can do this without your help,” one Sigrun confessed to the other.

“Sure you can,” the Western Sigrun replied with her usual breezy confidence. “You’re Sigrun Eide, head of the Eide Traveling Players, and that’s all the help you need.”

The other Sigrun smiled back at her, drew herself up, took in a long, slow breath, and let it out just as slowly. “OK. Time to do this.”


The Westerners were back in the canyon when the Man in the Black Hat stepped out from the Cave, his flunkies surrounding him and preventing even Lalli from getting a clear shot. Sigrun waited until the knot of men had inched a good piece away from the Cave to bring the storm down upon them.

The Man in the Black Hat dropped to the ground at the first shots. He was untouched, and meant to stay that way. “Loose the Beasts!” he snarled, wriggling his way back to the Cave as his henchmen rushed to do his bidding.

As soon as the Man in the Black Hat gave his order, his opponents began pouring as much lead as they could on his flunkies. They all remembered what they’d seen on Bornholm, and they weren’t about to let that happen here!

With his dying breath, the last flunky opened the cage nearest him, allowing the Beast within to spring forth...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

They’re baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1413 on: January 26, 2016, 03:22:27 AM »
Kiraly, I've left my comments on AO3, but I'll say here: that was hysterical!

LooNEY, that has me on the edge of my seat! Don't leave the next bit too long!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1414 on: January 26, 2016, 06:23:14 PM »
What do you guys think about AU's? I'm trying to decide what kind of world I should set a fic in, and I'm wondering what your thoughts are on AU's for SSSS in general
So far, the only options that really seem like workable things to me are modern settings and a setting where it's SSSS except the trolls are changed in some way
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1415 on: January 26, 2016, 07:42:57 PM »
What do you guys think about AU's? I'm trying to decide what kind of world I should set a fic in, and I'm wondering what your thoughts are on AU's for SSSS in general
So far, the only options that really seem like workable things to me are modern settings and a setting where it's SSSS except the trolls are changed in some way

If you like the idea and think you can make it work, then go for it!

If you take a look around this thread, you'll see people writing all sorts of different AUs and crossovers, from modern to Western to fairy tale - I'm currently working on a Matrix crossover, of all things. If there's a specific idea you had that you'd like some feedback on, post it and see whether anyone is willing to idea bounce with you.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1416 on: January 26, 2016, 09:32:32 PM »
What do you guys think about AU's? I'm trying to decide what kind of world I should set a fic in, and I'm wondering what your thoughts are on AU's for SSSS in general
So far, the only options that really seem like workable things to me are modern settings and a setting where it's SSSS except the trolls are changed in some way

My overall thought is: Write what makes you happy. If you like a particular setting and want to write it, then write that. Some plots work better with some changes, anyway. As long as you label it, it's all cool.
Of the two you suggest above, "SSSS except the trolls are changed in some way" idea sounds like something I would be interested in reading.

The canon setting is what interests me the most, so I usually gravitate toward stories with that, or maybe stuff that's canon-divergent, or 'mostly the same except this one thing is different'. But sometimes very different alternate universe settings can be interesting.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1417 on: January 26, 2016, 09:47:46 PM »
What do you guys think about AU's? I'm trying to decide what kind of world I should set a fic in, and I'm wondering what your thoughts are on AU's for SSSS in general
So far, the only options that really seem like workable things to me are modern settings and a setting where it's SSSS except the trolls are changed in some way

I feel like there are plenty of directions you could go with an AU, and so far I haven't seen any that I didn't enjoy. (I've also written a few, so I may be biased, haha). I think AUs are fun because you get to figure out how the characters translate into a different do you keep the essence of the character even though some things are different? Probably my favorite part about writing AU is getting to twist those little character details to fit the new world. (So for instance, in my modern/hipster band AU Tuuri is a bike mechanic and Reynir works for an urban farm; Emil accidentally lights appliances on fire whenever he tries to cook. Things like that.)

Anyway, I'll echo what others have said...pick something that interests you and go for it! Others will most likely enjoy it too. :)
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1418 on: January 27, 2016, 06:24:38 AM »
Guys, you are so talented!

I'm not so experienced in writing, but some time ago wrote a fic for Secret Santa. It's rather short (about 2000 words), and without any warnings. I'd like to share it here, but I'm not a native speaker, and it would be better to check it.

Is there anyone to proof-read it?
Native: :russia: Fluent: Intermediate: :france: Try to learn: :denmark: :japan:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1419 on: January 27, 2016, 06:47:03 AM »
Guys, you are so talented!

I'm not so experienced in writing, but some time ago wrote a fic for Secret Santa. It's rather short (about 2000 words), and without any warnings. I'd like to share it here, but I'm not a native speaker, and it would be better to check it.

Is there anyone to proof-read it?
I could give it a read, although I'm not a native speaker.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1420 on: January 28, 2016, 08:01:47 AM »
Further to AUs, we've had high school, coffeeshop, time travel, western, jazz age, prohibition-era Chicago, modern era Scandinavia where the Rash worked out differently, science fiction, urban hipster, fairytale, nakki,...... Have I forgotten any? So I think how readers feel about AU stories depends on the writing. Have fun!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1421 on: January 28, 2016, 05:01:39 PM »
*clumsily sneaks in to forum*
Hello, I finally went through the whole (nearly, almost, who needs specifics...) fanfic thread and these are ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! And uh, you people have me an idea... I already have 2 and a half chapters written (they are kinda small though,). But I guess I should first ask, do you guys think that it would be too unlikely that the team would run in to some cleansers at all? Not like that was my whole plan, haha, nooo....

Guys, you are so talented!

I'm not so experienced in writing, but some time ago wrote a fic for Secret Santa. It's rather short (about 2000 words), and without any warnings. I'd like to share it here, but I'm not a native speaker, and it would be better to check it.

Is there anyone to proof-read it?
I'm a native speaker, if you still need help.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1422 on: January 28, 2016, 05:10:38 PM »
And uh, you people have me an idea... I already have 2 and a half chapters written (they are kinda small though,). But I guess I should first ask, do you guys think that it would be too unlikely that the team would run in to some cleansers at all? Not like that was my whole plan, haha, nooo....

It depends. With the current mission, at the current canon point? Very unlikely. Part of the thing about where they are now is that nobody from the known world has been there in a very long time. It would take work to make it convincing, I think. Not saying it's impossible though - just that it would take work.

But if it happened at a later time than current canon - such as if the current mission wraps up, and then they go on another in a different location - I wouldn't even blink.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1423 on: January 28, 2016, 05:34:45 PM »
I can work that in, definitely. I might have to change up the first chapter/make up a small prologue, but nothing major has happened to contradict that...

Would  it be okay if I posted the first chapter here once it's edited?


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1424 on: January 28, 2016, 05:51:50 PM »
Would  it be okay if I posted the first chapter here once it's edited?

Of course! That's what this thread is for. : D
Just remember to use a spoiler to cut for length if you post it directly. Or you can link to it externally (by posting on Ao3 etc).
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