Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 806934 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #825 on: August 23, 2015, 10:09:03 PM »
Further chapters of the others are forthcoming, but for now…
O__o That escalated quickly.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #826 on: August 23, 2015, 10:15:25 PM »
O__o That escalated quickly.
All according to plan, m'dear. MWA-HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH-(inhale)-HAH-HAH-HAH-HA.

(by the way, forgive my internet illiteracy, but what does '/pot' mean?)
Oops, meant to answer this already.

I like what are called 'old saws': choice apothegm, traditional maxims and so-true-they're-trite proverbs. "/" in internet parlance is "end", so "/pot" means I, the pot, have finished calling you, the kettle, black.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #827 on: August 24, 2015, 12:16:34 AM »

I'm gonna run the other way now, if you'll excuse me
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #828 on: August 24, 2015, 11:33:51 AM »
Further chapters of the others are forthcoming, but for now…

The Oldest Law
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 3
Spoiler: show
Six Little Wanderers

The little Swede had the bad habit of being right when he should have been wrong; it tended to throw Sigrun off her game. Now, the others were all looking to her to work something out of this mess.

“First, no one is alone, ever.” Oh, good. Her brain had worked something out. She’d wait and listen to what it had to say, and only step in if it got too crazy. “They want us apart; we should stick together. Next, we need to tear this place apart--” she looked at Emil “--metaphorically for now, Fire-bug; we still need the walls up tonight--but everything else gets moved, examined, probed and tested so it won’t give us any surprises.”

Sigrun paused to assess their reactions. It had to be particularly long for the translating to get done, but once they were all up to speed, she could see the agreement on her crew’s faces, so she concluded, “We’ll start in here so we can make it our base camp. After we check everything, we’ll need to set it up so we can sack out in here. Oh, and reserve supplies: we’ll need to gather a cache in here.”

She looked around the room again. “This will be our redoubt until we get out of here; but we will get out of here, even if we have to build a boat ourselves. Well, let’s get to it.”


The room was large, running directly below the six bedrooms as it did, so checking and rechecking every nook and cranny took a considerable amount of time. Once they had completed this monumental task, however, Mikkel took Tuuri into the kitchen and the two returned in short order with enough dishes of various types to make for a small but genuine smorgasbord.

Exercise had, naturally, restored their appetites, and so all six set in with a will. As they ate, Sigrun laid out more plans and rules, culminating with, “When we’re done here, we’ll go up and strip the rooms of anything usable. We may even be able to cobble a makeshift raft together with, like, the bed-frames or something. We’ll see when we’ve got it all lumped in here.”


Sigrun and Tuuri were clearing out Tuuri’s room, Sigrun grabbing stuff from the wardrobe as Tuuri gathered everything from her desk, Tuuri chattering all the while, as was her wont.

“I’m really glad we’re all in this together, you know, Sigrun? I mean, I wouldn’t feel nearly as safe if you or Mikkel or Emil, or even Reynir weren’t here. It’s like, as long as we’re together, nothing can touch us, isn’t it, Sigrun? Sigrun?”

Tuuri turned to the wardrobe. It was totally empty. “S-s-s-sigrun?” she whispered. Then, as was their prearranged signal, she screamed.

In less than a heartbeat, Lalli was there, followed closely by Emil, Reynir, and Mikkel.

“Sigrun’s gone,” Tuuri nearly wept.

Mikkel looked grim. “Stand back,” he ordered, ripping one of the bedposts away as though it were balsa wood and brandishing it like a club. Without another word, he beat at the back of the wardrobe until it splintered to reveal the wall behind it. Then Mikkel tried the sides, without luck.


Down in the bowels of the island, a whisper sounded, unheard by any of those above.

“...And then there were five.”

Spoiler:  Authorial Notes • show

What, you were expecting it to say, “Feets, don’t fail me now!”, maybe?

And yes, I kind of broadcast that Sigrun would vanish there, didn’t I?

Spoiler: show



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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #829 on: August 24, 2015, 04:16:34 PM »
SectoBoss crawls in from the dry, parched landscape of Writer’s Block to deliver… this. Three little vignettes from Sigrun’s life, vaguely connected by the headcanon someone posted in the comments ages ago that she might have dyslexia. (Or some similar reading difficulty which is why she hates books so much.)
yeah break my heart WHY DON'T YOU
I think I'm too late to the party to say anything that hasn't been said by others already, but this was really great and you're amazing at conjuring non-intrusive canon-fitting stories out of thin smoke.

the only thing I'd nitpick at is names, though! norwegians don't use c's in their names much, so Erik (or Eirik) would be a way norwegianer name than Eric. And I don't think norwegians call teachers by their last names, ever. I mean, we don't do that at the university, never mind elementary school! but yeah this is super nitpicky, carry on~
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #830 on: August 24, 2015, 04:22:57 PM »
the only thing I'd nitpick at is names, though! norwegians don't use c's in their names much, so Erik (or Eirik) would be a way norwegianer name than Eric. And I don't think norwegians call teachers by their last names, ever. I mean, we don't do that at the university, never mind elementary school! but yeah this is super nitpicky, carry on~

Edited the name to Erik for authenticity purposes, thanks!
And, well, you can see my British roots coming through there I guess ::) Over here, you never refer to a teacher by their first name - at least, not in any of the schools I attended. Maybe she's just that much of a domineering old so-and-so...?
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #831 on: August 25, 2015, 11:40:10 PM »
The Good, the Bad, and the Bestial
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Western crossover fanfic
Part 8
Spoiler: show
In Which Our Magnificent Six Finally Become Seven

The homestead was disturbingly empty, so only Sigrun and Emil went in. Lalli manned the turret warily, while Mikkel readied his doctoring kit and Reynir sat wishing he could be of use.

The homestead, though seemingly made of driftwood and whiskey kegs, was actually quite extensive, with a main hallway that wound back and forth until Emil wasn’t sure whether they were coming or going. Just then, they came back to the main room from the other side, having circumnavigated the residence.

“Well,” Sigrun said, “not much here for us. No signs of an attack, and everything seems in it rightful place, but where’s the other guy we’re supposed to meet up with?”

Just then, Emil caught a faint snarl and hiss from parts unknown. As he was dumb enough to mention it, Sigrun sent him off to investigate.


“Hey, Doc!” Sigrun called out as she ambled casually to the wagon. When Mikkel opened the door, she handed him a dusty bottle of whiskey. “Give this to Vision Boy and tell him to get Seeing. I’m going back in, but we should be out soon.”


The shots echoed from somewhere near the back of the place. Swearing to herself, Sigrun hurried.


Sigrun paused when the shots ended, unsure which way to go. Indecision was anathema to one like her, though, so she plowed forward.

The first thing she saw was a treed wildcat. The first thing she didn’t see was Emil. The next thing she noticed was how badly the cat was mauled.

Coming to a halt at the base of the tree in which the cat had holed up, Sigrun looked the cat right in the eye and said, “We can do this the easy way, or the hard way.”


Outdistancing the rabid, slavering dog had given Emil time to reload, and so he turned to face his pursuer down, but the mad dog was gone. Cautiously, Emil went back the way he’d come.

To Emil’s surprise, the dog was loping away with all the speed it could muster. “Come back!” he cried, hardly knowing what he said, or even why. “Let me make it easy for you! You can’t want to die alone and in pain!”


Sigrun was only a few feet from the mangled cat when Emil shouted “Rabies, Sigrun!” at her from below. Bare seconds later, while Sigrun was still working out how to get the cat down without infecting herself, the cat passed out. Well, that solved that.

Again, Emil’s quick ears caught a very faint and weak mewling. Bending down, he found where a few bits of the shabby-looking wall had shifted or been moved to form a kitty-sized hole. Through this hole, he could see several small forms lying in some kind of liquid.

When Emil pulled the first kitten out from the hole, the smell nearly choked him. The kittens were lying in a pool of rat poison. How so much had spilled in just that area, he didn’t know, but that odor was unmistakeable.

The stench of rat poison was strong and bitter, but as Emil pulled body after tiny body from the deceptive “safety” of the hole, Sigrun knew the odor wasn’t why there were tears in his eyes.


The sound had the two of them wrenching at the loose sticks again, until enough had pulled away to reveal the source. A single kitten, far larger than any of the others, had escaped the incident. Or, mostly escaped; while not wet with the poison, it had obviously still inhaled enough of the fumes to be weak and nearly unresponsive to them. But it was alive.


“Doc! Help!”

Mikkel came forth, ready for anything... except a sleepy kitten and a gutted, but still barely alive, mother cat.

A single shot from his bag took care of the mother, but the baby would need delicate handling for quite some time. In the meantime, Sigrun, Mikkel, Lalli and Emil went out and buried the others.

Sigrun and Mikkel had gone back in, but Lalli still stood with Emil.

“I don’t suppose you know any kind of sending-off rites for this.” Emil’s tone was melancholy, but Lalli wasn’t listening. A moment later, Emil saw why.

The dog, too exhausted from loss of blood to try to attack now, lay in a pitiful pile some yards distant from where they’d buried the kittens and their mother. Lalli had already drawn his knife and was about to go put it out of its misery when Emil stopped him. Lalli saw that Emil had drawn his own knife and was looking suitably grim. Nodding, Lalli sheathed his blade and stood back.

Emil spoke quiet and soothing words to the poor beast as it lay there, though he was mostly unaware that he did. Even knowing that this was a mercy to the critter, he still had to steel himself in order to finally plunge the blade home, right into its brain.


Inside the wagon, the kitten awoke, sniffing at the milk-soaked tuna in front of her. “Yep,” Reynir said, “it’s time to join the living again, sweetie. Uncle Emil just put your mama’s killer down.”


As the boys walked back to the wagon, Lalli pointed out, “Looks like every shot hit, just nowhere vital.”

Emil snorted. “Might as well have missed.”

“Nah. No misses is never bad. Brought it down in the end. No danger anymore.” If this epic speech (for Lalli) weren’t enough, Lalli then gave Emil a clap on the shoulder before jumping into the wagon.

Spoiler:  Authorial Notes • show

I do like how easily these bits can be switched from post-apocalyptic to western.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #832 on: August 25, 2015, 11:56:31 PM »
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #833 on: August 26, 2015, 12:57:10 AM »
LooNEY: the styles do switch over surprisingly well, don't they. Good tale!
« Last Edit: September 08, 2015, 07:01:04 AM by Róisín »
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #834 on: August 27, 2015, 12:34:57 AM »
I like what are called 'old saws': choice apothegm, traditional maxims and so-true-they're-trite proverbs. "/" in internet parlance is "end", so "/pot" means I, the pot, have finished calling you, the kettle, black.

And THAT, my friends, is what we like to call a "LooNEY_DAC-ism". The joke is funny, but needs at LEAST two sentences of explanation for *anyone* to get it.... unless of course, he's explained it to you before.  ;)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #835 on: August 27, 2015, 07:22:25 AM »
you know how I said I'm gonna work on the next chapter of my high school au, right? how i said that like, two months ago? yeah I haven't... really.... done that yet........ i'm sorry


I have a draft thing
for a conversation that's gonna happen in the chapter after next
it may change a bit when I write it into the actual story and stuff
it's super embarassing
both for me and for emil
but I had a lot of fun writing it
I wrote it... almost three months ago........
so I might as well publish it so you have SOMETHING, right? i mean it's a spoiler but who knows how long you'll have to wait anyway

Standstill High: confronting ur feelings
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #836 on: August 27, 2015, 07:51:37 AM »
you know how I said I'm gonna work on the next chapter of my high school au, right? how i said that like, two months ago? yeah I haven't... really.... done that yet........ i'm sorry


I have a draft thing
for a conversation that's gonna happen in the chapter after next
it may change a bit when I write it into the actual story and stuff
it's super embarassing
both for me and for emil
but I had a lot of fun writing it
I wrote it... almost three months ago........
so I might as well publish it so you have SOMETHING, right? i mean it's a spoiler but who knows how long you'll have to wait anyway

Standstill High: confronting ur feelings
Poor, poor, poor Emil, forced to talk... *Pat pat him*
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #837 on: August 27, 2015, 12:18:05 PM »
you know how I said I'm gonna work on the next chapter of my high school au, right? how i said that like, two months ago? yeah I haven't... really.... done that yet........ i'm sorry


I have a draft thing
for a conversation that's gonna happen in the chapter after next
it may change a bit when I write it into the actual story and stuff
it's super embarassing
both for me and for emil
but I had a lot of fun writing it
I wrote it... almost three months ago........
so I might as well publish it so you have SOMETHING, right? i mean it's a spoiler but who knows how long you'll have to wait anyway

Standstill High: confronting ur feelings

AH HA HA.  I like:
Emil:  that was MORTIFYING and we agreed to NEVER TALK ABOUT IT AGAIN
Tuuri: pffff, no we didn’t, just you.
"The music of what happens," said great Fionn, "that is the finest music in the world."
:chap3:  :chap4:  :chap5:  :book2:  :chap12:  :chap13:  :chap14:   :chap15:  :chap16:

Speak some:  :france:  :mexico:  :vaticancity:  Ein bisschen: :germany:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #838 on: August 27, 2015, 06:21:48 PM »

Standstill High: confronting ur feelings

I know I've said this before, but this is tremendous fun to read! Ah, Emil, your pain is at once hilarious and annoyingly relatable...
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #839 on: August 27, 2015, 06:59:29 PM »
Haiz, that's sweet! And very Emil. You catch adolescence so well.
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