Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 1066411 times)


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The SSSS Scriptorium
« on: November 17, 2014, 02:31:34 PM »
As a companion to the SSSS fanart thread, I give you... the SSSS fanfiction thread! Because not all of us can be amazing artists.

Some Rules
1. Keep it PG-13! If it's above that rating, please post it somewhere else (Google docs, your blog, whatever) and share a link to it instead.
2. If it's really really long (more than 1000 words), also post a link to it.
3. Prose only, please! If you want to share a poem, it goes into this thread instead.
4. Commenting on other people's stories is fine, but keep it respectful and constructive. Saying that the story could be improved with more dialogue is okay, saying that a certain pairing/idea is stupid is not.

Also, here's where you can find some of the fics in this thread:

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A couple of people wanted some help using AO3; I've compiled a little walkthrough here
« Last Edit: August 11, 2015, 12:31:25 PM by Solovei »
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2014, 02:41:25 PM »
To start us off, here is a little thing I posted on the comments earlier, in which Emil tries to teach Lalli some stuff (and fails... maybe?)

A Lesson

Emil had drawn the night watch again; he was beginning to think the Dane had rigged the lots out of some misplaced spite towards him personally. Still, Lalli was usually up during the night anyway, and spending time with the scout wasn’t too bad, once you got over the fact that he didn’t understand anything you said. It was kind of nice, in a way.

“-- So anyway, this guy I was in training with, he thought he was the best at everything, but clearly he was just trying to show off in front of the girls, you know? It was really pathetic!” He finished with a self-satisfied laugh, raising his arms to stretch his back. As always, the Finnish teenager said nothing, the expression on his face that of slightly bored apprehension as he sat with his arms folded over his knees, rifle at his side.
“You know, Lalli, one of these days we should have an actual conversation. That would be nice, right? Maybe I could teach you some words or something while we’re out here...”
This seemed to pique the scout’s interest, as he sat up and glanced at Emil with an almost imperceptible smile. He tapped his chin, looking at their surroundings. There wasn’t much, really.
“Um… lets see…” At this point, he made an exaggerated shivering gesture. “It’s cold, right? Kallt?”
He got a few blinks in reply, but this didn’t deter him. He was a Swede after all, and if Swedes gave up this easily, they would not have reclaimed so much of their lands, or built a city as magnificent as Mora.
 “Okay, maybe that’s too hard... “ after all, cold was a very abstract term. You can’t touch cold, at least not when it’s in the air. Maybe he should look for something more solid, something real. He pointed excitedly to the small fire they’d been allowed to set up to keep warm during the night. “Brasa. Can you say that, Lalli? Braaa-sa.”
This time, the Finn nodded slowly, but didn’t say anything in response. Emil was starting to feel a bit silly, sitting out here and saying random words and waving his hands like an idiot. He pointed up to the full moon. “Månen?” Surely he would understand that, he was the one that summoned the thing, supposedly. But once again there was only a small nod and nothing else to suggest comprehension.
“Ugh, I give up.” He said finally and bit off a chunk of his meat jerky in frustration, staring into the dancing flames. For a while, everything was quiet; only the howling wind broke the night-time silence. They had picked a good spot to make camp for the night, and the chance of an attack here was minimal, but Sigrun had insisted on setting up a rotating watch anyway. He was about to start dozing off, just for a short while… it was fine, really, because Lalli was right there and he was much better at this than...
The sound of his name snapped him awake. It was his turn to blink now - Lalli had never, ever called him by name before. His features softened somewhat and he smiled before realizing that the scout was pointing at something off in the distance.
The smile vanished. “Go get the others. We need to leave.” 
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2014, 03:17:45 PM »
Heeeeeey, writers ARE artists >:C What discrimination is this??

Also, I loved your fanfiction! I have a feeling Lalli wouldn't even nod, but meh :P
More, please!!! :D :D :D ;D


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2014, 03:29:11 PM »
Hehe... I feel really nervous about sharing fanfiction with this community (what if you all think I'm a horrible writer amd person and despise me for the rest of your lives?!), but I think I shall write somthing. Dammit, I'm supposed to be writing for NaNo and now I'll soend so many hours on this thread. Well, toooo baaad  :D

Also, vey nice story, Solovei! The characterization is very good, and Emil trying to teach Lalli Swedish is very cute. I like the ending, too - even if forna brief moment I had thought that it was Lalli giving that command, and I was really confused (how could Emil understand him?)
Fluent: :italy:, :albania:, :usa:

Okay: :spain:

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Bloody messed-up spoils of a language: :france:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2014, 04:45:07 PM »
In this installment, Emil wakes up from a weird dream!


“He’ll be back before you even get out of bed”, Sigrun had said.

There was rather a nice bench here in the cockpit or whatever it was called; he had tried to sleep in one of the bunks but the Dane’s snoring was making it impossible, so Tuuri agreed to switch. It took him some time to find a comfortable position, but finally he stretched his legs out onto the dashboard and drifted off sometime around what he thought was midnight.

Emil was dreaming about food. Or rather, he had been dreaming about the Giant that attacked them on the Dalahästen. He was trying to get away from it, only the train went on forever; also, the giant was composed entirely out of spaghetti and meatballs. This made it only slightly less terrifying, but the smell was really the worst part - like butter and salt and some herb he didn’t know the name of. It was so delicious he kept wanting to stop and try a bit before remembering how dangerous it was and running again.

Caught between fear and hunger, he didn’t hear the metallic clunk of the door opening and closing.

He felt a weight pressing on his chest. In the dream, the spaghetti monster had cornered him with a noodly appendage, and he was trying to decide if he should take a bite out of the thing or just reach for a weapon of some kind. Would it still be infected if it was made out of pasta? It would probably burn pretty well, that was certain.

Emil blinked himself awake, slowly realizing where he was - the cockpit of their vehicle. It was approaching daybreak, and the first rays of a late autumn sun were getting ready to break the horizon. He was about to smile thinking how pretty it looked, even if it was incredibly dangerous, but he quickly realized that the weight from his dream was still there. The cleanser coughed a few times and tried to sit up, only to hear a rather disgruntled whine.

“Lalli, get off. I can’t brea--”

He sighed quietly and resigned himself to his fate, pulling out the blanket he had mostly kicked off during the night and draping it carefully over the scout. Idly, Emil wondered if he was dreaming about something too.
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Paul Ferris

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2014, 10:58:58 PM »

Thank you, I'm a sucker for romance/bromance stories. You're very good at this, have you considered a series?
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2014, 01:14:12 AM »

Thank you, I'm a sucker for romance/bromance stories. You're very good at this, have you considered a series?
Aww, thanks! I'm glad you liked it~
I don't know about a series per se, I mostly just write these as they come to me, or rather, as people in the comments mention things and I think "oh that's really cute!" I've tried to write longer-form things before but it never really panned out.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2014, 01:30:53 AM »
I'm going to be egotistical here and cross-post something I put in "Scenes We'd Like to See" back in mid-Sept., before we got properly introduced to Sigrun and Mikkel (and before we realized our crew was going to be given the bum's rush out of Oresund, without any training, team-building, driving lessons, or good Danish beer).  I'm charmed and impressed by the stories here, and I hope to come up with something later that can reach their level.  Meanwhile....


Setting: The SSSS team's last 24 hours at the Malmö base before setting out into the unknown. 
Training Montage of Tuuri trying to parallel-park a 1970s shag-carpeted van, Lalli effortlessly hitting distant targets with his beat-up rifle, Emil going all Van Halen with his flamethrower, everyone practicing hand signals, Cap manically cheering them on.  Medic quietly inventories and rolls up his medical supplies, including a lot of morphine and some really scary-looking bone saws.  Taru and Trond are seen standing with pointers in front of maps (too blurry to see of where).  Torbjorn hands out print-outs.  Tuuri reads hers with earnest interest; Lalli stares blankly.  Emil plays with his hair.

Sound phases in as Taru ushers the Fearless Five out the classroom door.
TARU: "....All right, I see that's about all your brains can hold for now.  I think for once we can let you youngsters have an open evening, especially since it's Band Night at the canteen.  But remember, reveille is at 0600 tomorrow, formation at 0700, and launch at 0800.  Meanwhile, we have a treat:  100 Kr each open tab at the bar!"
TROND (with a chilly smile): "Don't spend it all tonight.  Who knows, you might come back."

Scene of crew (after dinner, spiffed up a bit, minus parkas and weapons [except Lalli], plus hair ribbons [Tuuri] entering a large timbered hall full of people whooping it up.  A band is on a podium at the far back. 
TUURI: [Icelandic] Wow, all these people!  This must be more than everyone who *lives* at Keuruu.  And... and... they're friendly, right?  I mean, I don’t need to request permission to speak, do I?
CAP: Nah, they're cool.  You get all kinds here in Malmö, you know?  Everyone's been out in troll country at some point, so they've all got stories.  Just don't let 'em scare ya!
MEDIC:  You guys want some beer?
LALLI stares at him blankly.
MEDIC: Suomi?  [LALLI nods.]  [bad Finnish] Uh... beer, kid?  This way.
CAP: Go get us some too!  I wanna dance, not stand in line!  I bet you do too, what’s your name -- Tuuri?  [The men head off to the beer line.]
TUURI (shyly): Um, I'm not sure I know the dances you all do in a big place like this.  I’d like to try, though.
CAP:  Not a problem!  I know tons of guys here – I’ll grab a couple, and they’ll be happy to teach you!

[A few minutes later.] MEDIC and Lalli are sitting in silent contentment with several other men at a bench, beer mugs in front of them.  They look kind of like this: 
[Intro to the U.S. TV show “King of the Hill," for those who don’t recognize it.]
MAN #1: Yep.  (Drinks.  Pause.)
MAN #2:  Yep.  (Drinks.  Long pause.)
LALLI: Yep.  (Drinks.)
MEDIC:  Mmm-hmmm.  (Drinks.)

At another table, EMIL (on the right) is trying to make himself agreeable to a very superior-looking dark-eyed lady, who oddly resembles a certain Swedish elkhound we know.  In the background, the band starts playing “Jeg ønsker at blive bedøvet.”
/>CAP [on the left, next to TUURI, leaps up exuberantly]: Ahhh!  That's my favorite song!  I’m going to dance, you guys – I’ll be right back.  (She disappears into the throng of joyously pogo-ing dancers.)

[A few minutes later.  EMIL has not made much headway with the dark-eyed lady; he’s spent all his money on single-malt whiskey for her and water for himself.  Into CAP’s vacant seat next to TUURI slides a tall, crew-cut, good-looking Dane, JENS.]
JENS (to TUURI):  [ICE] Well, hello there.  I don’t think we’ve met – I’d remember a pretty girl like you.
TUURI (blushes, flattered):  Oh!  Um, I’m Tuuri – Tuuri Hotakainen.  I’m part of this new team that’s going out exploring tomorrow.  We’re looking for….well, I’m not really supposed to tell, but we’re looking for things the Danes want. 
JENS:  Oho!  Things the Danes want, eh?  I could probably help you with that, seeing as how I’m a Dane.  The name’s Jens.
TUURI:  Oooh, really?  That would be great! 

[An hour later.  EMIL is sitting alone, eating seaweed crisps and sulking over Astrid’s desertion, unaware of what’s going on with TUURI just behind him.  There are a great many empty beer mugs in front of JENS and TUURI.  She is flushed and pie-eyed; he is draped all over her.]
JENS:  …all the Disney Princess books, and I even have the first-edition hard-cover of “Fantasia.”  I inherited them from my grandmother, and I hardly ever show them to anyone.  Except scholars with a special interest.  But if you’ll follow me back to my quarters, I’m happy to let you see them.
TUURI:  Wow, re- really?  I’ve always w-wanted to see real Disney things – I’ve only heard about them.  I’ll just…just check with my commanding officer, in case we’ve got more briefings or something before bedtime. 
JENS:  Oh, pfff, here at Malmo there are never briefings right before bedtime.  Except the one-on-one kind…  [Rises, pulling TUURI up with him.]  Listen, I’ll leave a note for your C.O.  As long as she knows where you are, there’s no problem.  We’re all adults here.  [Makes to leave with TUURI, who is starting to protest uncertainly, but very wobbly on her feet.]
[Meanwhile, LALLI has noticed this and made his way across the room.  He steps in front of them, glaring.]
LALLI:  [FIN] Quit that!  Let her go.  C’mon, Tuuri.
JENS (initially not understanding): [ICE] What’d you say?  [LALLI reaches for TUURI’s free arm, to get her away from JENS.] 
JENS (Mockingly, as to a pet):  What’s that, boy – you smell a troll?  Go get it, and I’ll give you a kitty treat!
[LALLI looks irritated, spots EMIL, shakes his shoulder.  He looks up, takes in the situation, and rises.]
EMIL (coldly, to JENS): [SWE] I don’t think the lady is interested in your company.  Why don’t you take your leave?  We all have to be up early tomorrow. 
JENS bursts out laughing.  [DAN, but imitating Emil’s accent mincingly]:  Oh my, a rival for little Suomi-neito!  Is the young gentleman going to challenge me to a duel for the fair lady? 
Or… is it me you’re jealous of, or her??  Haw, haw.  Say, pretty boy – do you row bow, or stroke? 
[EMIL goes red with rage and punches JENS in the gut.  JENS bellows and throws himself at EMIL – and then goes sprawling because LALLI has quietly tripped him (and moved to support the reeling TUURI).  As JENS staggers to his feet and EMIL braces himself for impact, the large, impassive form of MADSEN suddenly appears between them.]
MADSEN (benevolently): [DAN] Hey guys, what’s up? 
JENS and EMIL, simultaneously:
[DAN] Mikkel, hey!  I was about to close the deal with the little country cousin here and these two bozos are getting in my way.  Get ‘em out of here, willya?
[SWE] Madsen!  Do you know this… low fellow?  He was being offensive to Miss Tuuri!  So I was just teaching him some manners.  (While shaking his sore punching hand; JENS has abs of steel.)
[Now TARU and a member of the SHORE PATROL (or local equivalent) come into view.]
TARU:  [ICE] What’s going on? 
SHORE PATROL OFFICER: [DAN] What’s all this, then?
MADSEN:  Oh, hey, Marshal.  It’s nothing; the kids here are on my team, and they had a bit too much to drink.  You know what it’s like, the night before your first Long Patrol.  Everyone just needed to blow off a little steam. 
OFFICER:  Huh.  Well, if you say so.  [To the participants]  Does anyone want to press charges?
TUURI (sounding scared):  N… no.
JENS (after meeting MADSEN’s gaze, sullenly):  No.
OFFICER:  All right, off you go.  [Leaves.]
MADSEN wraps an arm around JENS’ neck in a friendly-looking but unbreakable headlock. [ICE]:  I think we both need a breath of fresh air.  What’s say we head outside, buddy?  [To TARU, EMIL, and LALLI]  Can you take care of Miss Hotakainen?  [They part ways.]

[Leaving the canteen for barracks.  TARU and LALLI are supporting TUURI, who is mumbling in Finnish and starting to cry.  EMIL trails behind awkwardly.]
TARU turns.  [ICE, trying to keep it simple for EMIL]:  We… OK now.  You savvy?
[FIN, to LALLI]:  She’ll be fine, once I get her into a cold shower and a nice sauna.  You boys roll along now.
[Offstage, we hear a KUNK like a crew-cut Danish head being thwacked against a doorframe, apparently by accident.]
MADSEN, offstage:  Careful there, buddy, that’s gotta hurt.  [Barfing noises.]  Oops, looks like the beer disagreed with you.  Again.  I better hose you off.  [Loud hose noises, groans.]

[EMIL and LALLI glance that way, then give each other a satisfied look.]
EMIL [SWE]:  You know, I think he’ll be an asset to our team.  [LALLI almost smiles, and pats EMIL’s shoulder.]
LALLI:  Hyvää yota. 
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 01:42:51 AM by Sunflower »
"The music of what happens," said great Fionn, "that is the finest music in the world."
:chap3:  :chap4:  :chap5:  :book2:  :chap12:  :chap13:  :chap14:   :chap15:  :chap16:

Speak some:  :france:  :mexico:  :vaticancity:  Ein bisschen: :germany:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2014, 01:39:40 AM »
That was delightful wish I had time to write a ssss fanfic but I'm busy writing a KH fanfic for angry readers who haven't seen an update in a while :P


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2014, 05:37:38 PM »
I participate in an on writing group every week, and one of my recent efforts was this prologue-inspired piece. Setting is North America, probably one of the national laboratories around Washington DC... 

“Which is it, the meiosis or the mitosis, dear? I know you know they’re not the same thing.” She paused in the doorway as he folded the newspaper irritably, the headline shouting the spread of the rash disease into Australia; the EU nuclear plants being pulled offline.

Holding onto the doorframe for balance, she edged into the room. “It’s both, sir,” her voice faint below the ringing in her ears. “It’s like nothing we’ve ever seen before, over ninety percent of the viral DNA recombines, the mammalian mutations pile up – mitosis looks more like meiosis…“

Dr. Greevey looked up sharply now, his indulgence and pomposity dimmed.

“ – and the cells don’t die, sir. They don’t die.”

Greevey blew out a gust of air, “And Victor? How –“

She shuddered and clung a little harder to the doorframe, “I won’t talk about Victor. He’s not – well.”

“I must see him then,” Dr. Greevey began to rise.

“No! No, you can’t – you know he handled the samples before we went to Biosafety Level 4!”  And, and the worst part, she swallowed desperately, willing herself to breathe, to not cry, to force it out: “My suit’s been compromised.”

Greevey turned gray. “This is most unexpected, Cass. You’ve always been the most careful - ”

“He pulled out my air supply a couple of days ago, I thought I decontam’ed fast enough, but,” she pulled her right hand up to her chest to show him, “it’s contagious as hell.”

Sigrid Marie

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2014, 01:14:21 PM »
In response to Solovei's "Dreams", with her permission and encouragement, I bring to you the story as told from Lalli's POV. I'm not feeling very confident about this, but here goes:

Of Sunrise and Soft Pillows

Lying on Emil was much more comfortable than expected. He was warm and soft, the slow rise and fall of his chest soothing. Lalli laid there for a while, listening to the heartbeat under his ear. It was muffled by thick layers of clothing and blankets, but still audible in the quiet of the driver’s cabin. Dawn was fast approaching. The sun came quietly, unnoticed, much the same as he had done. He watched it poke it’s first rays above the flat horizon as he curled up tighter on Emil’s chest, yawning tiredly. The last excitement from a night of being on the alert was finally seeping out of him, and he felt his eyelids growing heavy.

He let them fall shut, wondering how it could be that the messy swede, who was so very loud and bothersome when he was awake, could be so tolerable when he was asleep. Lalli had originally planned to bunk with Tuuri, but after finding her in the same room as a big, snoring Dane he had quickly changed his mind. It wasn’t that bad, really. Tuuri moved around a lot in her sleep, and while Lalli could sleep through most anything, a motionless pillow was still much preferable to one that elbowed you in the face and stole your blanket.

The next thing he knew, Lalli was jolted awake by his pillow being… well, not a very good pillow at all. Emil was thrashing about, muttering nonsensical things in his strange language. At this point, Lalli cared even less than usual about what was being said. He just wanted to sleep, and preferably right now, while their evil vehicle was not moving.

Emil’s breath hitched, and Lalli knew at once that he was awake. He had no plans of getting up now that he was all warm and comfortable, though, so he shut his eyes and pretended to sleep.

The moment he awoke, Emil stopped moving. Lalli felt him relax for half a second, before he seemed to realise that someone was lying on top of him and tensed up again. All was blissfully silent for a few seconds, until Emil cleared his throat and tried to sit up. Too tired to fully register what was happening, Lalli let out a pitiful whine and wrapped himself around Emil’s torso.


His name was slurred, Emil’s voice hoarse from sleep. Lalli mumbled something unintelligible and settled more comfortable against Emil’s side. Emil started saying something else, but was promptly interrupted by a palm pushed lazily against his face.

Hot breath blew against his palm as Emil let out a soft sigh, and then a blanket was wrapped around him. Lalli fully expected Emil to get up and leave, but he didn't, and everything was warm and soft. He thought he felt an arm around his shoulder and then he was sinking, and everything turned quiet. He dreamt of snow and dark woods and a big train flying across unfamiliar water.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2014, 07:30:09 PM »
In response to Solovei's "Dreams", with her permission and encouragement, I bring to you the story as told from Lalli's POV. I'm not feeling very confident about this, but here goes:

Of Sunrise and Soft Pillows

....I think my heart just simultaneously melted and exploded....*calls for an ambulance*
EeeeeeeeeeEEEEeeeeee!!!! 8'D *applause*
:artd: :book1+: :book2:

Paul Ferris

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2014, 01:41:23 AM »
Of Sunrise and Soft Pillows


Thankyou, I think I've got cuteness overload  ;D
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 01:43:26 AM by Paul Ferris »
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Sigrid Marie

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2014, 01:44:19 AM »
....I think my heart just simultaneously melted and exploded....*calls for an ambulance*
EeeeeeeeeeEEEEeeeeee!!!! 8'D *applause*

Gee, thanks! C: I was worried I made it too fluffy, but then again, you can never have too much fluff ;3

Edit: Oh, and thank you to Paul Ferris too!
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 01:45:57 AM by Sigrid Marie »


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2014, 03:06:47 AM »
I love it!  Even though your story does contradict my claim that Lalli fails some basic functions of cat-hood, such as purring and keeping your lap warm...

Because I have an evil mind, I can't help picturing what happened about 30 minutes after the end of this story:
1. Tuuri pads into the kitchen, hoping to sneak a piece of dried fruit from Mikkel's porridge-making stash before everyone else wakes up. 
2. Peeking through the cockpit door to make sure Emil won't catch her, she lets out an EEEE! of delighted amusement.
3. A confused series of grunts, bangs, and then a loud THUD as Emil wakens with a start, flails about, and falls heavily to the floor.  A softer THUMP as Lalli, ejected from his warm nest, neatly lands on his feet.  He gives Tuuri the outraged stare of a cat rudely deprived of its sleep. 
4. Tuuri giggles as Emil, red-faced, shouts "NO!  No!  It's not what it looks like!"
5. Mikkel, woken by the ruckus, looms up behind Tuuri in the doorway.  Instantly sizing up the situation, he very theatrically turns his eyes away as if to say, "Aw, let's give the happy couple some privacy."  (And stifles a chuckle behind one massive hand.)
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 03:09:56 AM by Sunflower »
"The music of what happens," said great Fionn, "that is the finest music in the world."
:chap3:  :chap4:  :chap5:  :book2:  :chap12:  :chap13:  :chap14:   :chap15:  :chap16:

Speak some:  :france:  :mexico:  :vaticancity:  Ein bisschen: :germany: