Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 806317 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1500 on: February 07, 2016, 09:10:19 AM »
And on that note, I post the next chapter. *sigh*

Madsen’s Malmö Mayhem
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 2

Emil. Do not try to get between Sigrun and Tuuri when they are fighting. Do not try to get between Sigrun and anyone she is fighting with. You really, really ought to know this by now. :))
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1501 on: February 07, 2016, 09:12:53 AM »
Hello,  I have a thing. It's (link bcos long)

I've been writing it for a while now but never thought to share it here (clearly my capacity for overlooking the obvious is strong).

Warning: it's shippy. I know that's not everyone's style.

I think I must have read every ssss fanfiction on a03 and I love the community's fun loving vibe. I think one of the reasons minna's characters are so fun to write is because of how well crafted they are.

Oh man Just Dreaming was actually the first SSSS fic I read, I think, when I first started scouring the a03 archives! I left kudos as an anon because I didn't have an account yet (actually my account there is still < a week old so this is true for everyone's fics). I was excited to see you updating again.

I gotta binge through the archives soon. I haven't read anything since I started working on mine ~3 weeks ago. 

Speaking of:

My chapter two is up. It's a slow one for pacing and context. Getting closer to the action and horror though :D


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1502 on: February 07, 2016, 09:32:29 AM »
My chapter two is up. It's a slow one for pacing and context. Getting closer to the action and horror though :D

Reviewed on AO3.
:usa: native
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:norway: can hold a basic conversation

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1503 on: February 07, 2016, 12:20:10 PM »
@dire - Oh I read the first chapter of elegia,  I always love a long pacing stories and I really want to find directions out what happens if  this one (let us know if you ever need a peppered talk, haha!)  It's a tense situation to write about, I loved emil's frustration.  Can't wait to read the next chapter!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1504 on: February 07, 2016, 05:53:05 PM »
@dire - Oh I read the first chapter of elegia,  I always love a long pacing stories and I really want to find directions out what happens if  this one (let us know if you ever need a peppered talk, haha!)  It's a tense situation to write about, I loved emil's frustration.  Can't wait to read the next chapter!

Aww thank you so much :D Especially because yours is one of the fics that made me want to write one, too.

Question for the group: Is there a defined line between what gets considered shippy and what doesn't? Does something have to be explicit about characters' romantic interest/attraction to be called shippy or does ambiguous/open to interpretation qualify too?

I'm basically wondering at what point I may need to acknowledge I'm writing a shippy fic vs one about really good friends haha


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1505 on: February 07, 2016, 07:00:34 PM »
Minna did say that if she ever did write a romance into the comic it would be hard to tell from a really good friendship. So if I'm writing Emil/Lalli I try not to write them doing anything much beyond what a pair of coeth-companions in one of the old hero-tales would do. Not that that relationship excluded romance, it just didn't require it.

The other couple I ship, Mikkel and Tuuri, I'm writing much more cautiously, because I think that relationship would require a great deal of negotiation and sorting out of the power structure before it could work.

I'd say the line between romanticshippy and friendshippy is the presence or absence of overt sexual activity. But that's just my opinion. Anyone else have ideas?
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1506 on: February 07, 2016, 07:04:36 PM »
Some creakily old stuff being dredged up here--not inspired by the current topic, though.
Spoiler: show
One of the memes of the past is "gal in love with the boss", but modern sexual harassment regulations say, "Not a chance! Lawsuit! String him up!" if he initiates anything. Unfortunately, the public is largely unaware of this, so the meme lives on. Emil acted as a proper employer/superior should, not taking advantage of his position; in fact, I was trying to suggest that M more or less talked/tricked him into proposing, thus his surprise.

After he proposed, however...

Spoiler: show
Don't worry, I didn't think for a second that Emil would ever take advantage of his position.  Not only was he brought up (as I like to think) with a very noblesse oblige attitude that the strong should never prey on the weak, but as a former fat kid he has a core of insecurity that probably still lingers even after 15 years as a successful Cleanser. 

What I *was* thinking, though, is that inhibitions occasionally get lowered between colleagues in times of stress (especially if a bottle of liquor left over from the office Jul party turns up), leading to make-out sessions in the supply closet.  Either the happy couple might then realize they're compatible in other ways too... or Emil, being the lovably old-fashioned dork that he is, might be the last person alive in the Known World who thinks he has to "save the lady's honor" and propose.  (Which Marta might in fact have anticipated.)

Spoiler: show
Bringing back Marta brought this back to mind, so I thought I'd drop a little scene on what Emil didn't say(/write) in this part:
[spoiler]Emil and Marta looked at each other and burst into laughter. Somehow, they'd managed to keep still as, on the other side of their slightly ajar office door, that blowhard Blomfeld blustered his way through the most awkward, pompous, comically bad proposal either of them had ever heard.

And the proposee had actually said yes!

But still, Marta and Emil had managed to wait until the happy couple had departed, still unaware of their audience, before looking at each other and collapsing with mirth.

Once they had subsided to an occasional giggle, Emil said, "Well, should someone propose to you and make a mess of it, at least you can say you've heard worse now!"

Marta laughed again. "Yeah, even you at your worst couldn't mess up that badly."

Emil tilted his head back in mock arrogance. "My dear Marta, I would never mess a proposal up at all…" He let his head lower "…because I'd keep it too simple for that."

Marta raised her eyebrows sardonically. "Oh, really. The guy who spent two hours answering a simple yes-or-no question once is going to keep his proposal simple? This I have to hear."

"You think I couldn't?" Emil shot back.

"I'm sure you couldn't. Go on; make like you're proposing to me and we'll see."

Emil sighed, rolling his eyes. "This is not where I would choose to propose."

Marta smirked. "Let me guess: candlelit dinner with romantic strings in the background and all that terribly cliched stuff that never goes off right? Just spit it out, like you got so carried away that you couldn't wait for 'the perfect moment', which never comes anyway."

Emil sighed again. "Oh, very well. Marta Kiianmies, I love you like no other. Will you marry me and make me the happiest of men?"

"Absolutely!" And Marta threw herself into Emil's arms.

Oldest trick in the book, isn't it? And you know it'd only work with Emil.[/spoiler]


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1507 on: February 07, 2016, 07:26:06 PM »
Hahahahahahah! Funny AND sweet! And so very, very, Emil.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1508 on: February 07, 2016, 07:44:16 PM »

Question for the group: Is there a defined line between what gets considered shippy and what doesn't? Does something have to be explicit about characters' romantic interest/attraction to be called shippy or does ambiguous/open to interpretation qualify too?

I'm basically wondering at what point I may need to acknowledge I'm writing a shippy fic vs one about really good friends haha

Heck if I know. I feel like half the time when I'm writing mild/G-rated shipfic, I end up purposely putting a kiss or something in there just to make it clear that it is shipfic, because otherwise it'd be impossible to tell the difference between that and when I write friendship.

The lines are fuzzy sometimes. Luckily at least when it comes to labelling, you can always mark it as "ambiguous relationship", if you can't decide how you feel it should be defined, or if you want others to decide for themselves.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1509 on: February 07, 2016, 07:51:03 PM »

(and yeah, I do know about "view full work," but I keep forgetting and then the end notes are like "will fred die??? find out next chapter!!!!" and I'm like "aughhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
I'll do art-swaps and beta-reads, PM me!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1510 on: February 07, 2016, 08:03:51 PM »
The other couple I ship, Mikkel and Tuuri, I'm writing much more cautiously, because I think that relationship would require a great deal of negotiation and sorting out of the power structure before it could work.

That power dynamic is exactly pretty much any ship involving Mikkel or Sigrun with anyone else on the crew is enough to make me run screaming. That is just a squick no-zone for me.

(It... is okay to talk about not liking ships here as long as I'm not attacking anyone for it, right? I don't want to inadvertently step on any toes...)

I'd say the line between romanticshippy and friendshippy is the presence or absence of overt sexual activity. But that's just my opinion. Anyone else have ideas?

I'd say... there's purely platonic sibling/best friends relationship, overtly sexual, then this whole huge gray area in between on the sliding scale of "might one day possibly go somewhere romantic" and "open to interpretation." I don't know that there is a clear-cut answer on this one.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1511 on: February 07, 2016, 08:15:35 PM »
Agreed on the grey zone. A writer can do interesting things in that zone though.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1512 on: February 08, 2016, 02:03:09 AM »

Goldilocks Emil & the Three Bear Warriors
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Spoiler: show
Once Upon a Time...

Emil “Goldilocks” Västerström made his way homeward through the big, dark, scary forest dejectedly. He hadn’t caught a thing today, so his Uncle Torbjörn and Aunt Siv would send him to bed without supper again, while they made do with the dregs of last week’s pease porridge.

A bolt of lightning blazed through the heavens, splitting a tree close to Emil’s path. He was supposed to stay on the path, because then the wolves and the bears wouldn’t chase him and gobble him up. But would getting struck by lightning really be any better than that?

Rain began to pour down, and the lightning cracked again. Emil tried to duck beneath a particularly broad pine, but as soon as he stepped off the path, his feet flew out from under him, and he slid through the mud until he fell into a dark cave.

Gathering himself together, Emil reached into his basket and pulled out his tinder-box. Now, most tinder-boxes wouldn’t work if you got them as wet and muddy as this one was, but Emil had used all of his earnings for last year to get some special things from the apothecary so that his tinder-box would always light when he needed it to.

Emil had fallen into a hole, but he’d come to rest against a rough-hewn door. “Ah!” he told himself. “Here is a place where I may seek shelter for the night in exchange for some labor!” As he was a well-mannered young man (when he remembered to be), Emil thereupon knocked at the door, which bounced open.

Although Emil did not know it, he was entering the abode of three Bear Warriors of great renown: Sigrun, the fiercest Bear Warrior ever ever ever; Mikkel, the general dogs-body of the trio; and Lalli, their newly acquired Cub Scout. They lived all alone in the woods because they didn’t like other people, and all the wolves and the bears were too scared to try to eat them.

Emil carefully shut the door behind him, being careful to be on his best behavior. “Hello?” he called. “Is anyone home?”

After no one answered, Emil shrugged. He would just go around the place and see what work was needed that he could do. But first, he took his muddy cloak off and hung it on a stand by the door, also removing his muddy boots and placing them by the stand. It would be impolite to track mud all over someone else’s home when you were their guest.

The first room Emil found was the living room. He saw three chairs arranged around the fireplace. “Ah!” he told himself. “I can get the fire going, so this room will be nice and warm for them when they return!” And he did.

He didn’t sit in any of the chairs, though each looked inviting, because he still had work to do. “Now, for the other rooms.”

The next room Emil found was the kitchen and dining area, where three bowls sat atop the table. “Oh, this will never do!” Emil said. “Without something to cover them, the bowls will attract bugs from everywhere!”

Emil looked through the cupboards until he found some clean cheesecloths. He took some and covered each bowl so the porridge inside would stay bug-free. Emil didn’t eat any of the porridge, even though he was very hungry by now, because that would be rude.

Finally, Emil came to the bedroom, where three unmade and very messy beds immediately caught his eye. “Oh!” he said. “This will never do!” And he straightened up the room and made the beds. Emil did not lie down on any of the beds, though by now he was very tired, because that would be rude.

After all this, Emil went back to the living room and stood warming himself by the fireplace when the door flew open and Sigrun, Mikkel, and Lalli came in. Before Emil could speak, Sigrun went to the most uncomfortable-looking of the chairs.

“Someone has been sitting in my chair!” she roared, ignoring Emil’s stuttered denials (and Emil himself) completely.

Mikkel went over to a larger and plusher chair. “Someone’s been sitting in my chair,” he said in surprise, also ignoring Emil completely.

Lalli, however, looked straight at Emil, who held up his hands and said, “I swear, I haven’t sat down the whole time I’ve been here!”

“Okay,” Lalli replied quietly.

The others ignored them and went into the kitchen, where both Sigrun and Mikkel declared that someone had been eating their porridge, while Lalli shook his head.

Emil was getting very confused by now.

Now they all stomped into the bedroom, where Sigrun and Mikkel declared that their beds had been slept in by some interloper. Emil finally got mad.

“Look,” he said, pointing at the beds, “I have only made the beds, not slept in them, just as I only covered the porridge, without eating any, and lit a fire to warm the chairs, without sitting in them. I tried to ensure that I didn’t track mud in here, and in every other way, I’ve tried to behave like a good guest, even though I wasn’t invited. Why do you accuse me of such rudeness?”

“Aren’t you ‘Goldilocks’ Västerström?” Sigrun asked, surprised by his ire.

“Well, yes,” Emil admitted. “Why?”

“Well, we were told that ‘Goldilocks’ Västerström was a mean and rude boy who would leave us--Lalli especially--without food or a place to sit or even a bed.”

“Who said this?” Emil asked.

“They never mentioned their names.”

The three Bear Warriors were so impressed by Emil’s good manners that they let him stay until dawn, and gave him a grouse to take home, saying he could visit whenever he wanted. Lalli even shook Emil’s hand, which was not usually his thing.

And the moral of the story is: it pays to be polite.

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

Well, this was unexpected.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1513 on: February 08, 2016, 02:17:39 AM »
Minna did say that if she ever did write a romance into the comic it would be hard to tell from a really good friendship. So if I'm writing Emil/Lalli I try not to write them doing anything much beyond what a pair of coeth-companions in one of the old hero-tales would do.

With sagas in mind, if we go by that the fic can still include:

- bathing together
- one person bathing and the other one simply hanging around
- wrestling naked while swimming
- hugging (duh)
- kissing (no homo)
- cuddling, but only if the other one is dying
- sharing the same household
- sharing the same wife
- sharing a kid or two (Medieval Norse people strengthened friendships by fostering each others' children, it was a kind of a non-marriage family union)

Then again that's still better than what happens between enemies: that one time a guy wanted to ambush Grettir and when Grettir realized it he attacked first, chased the guy for a long while until he finally caught him, forcibly stripped him naked and spanked him...
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1514 on: February 08, 2016, 02:25:58 AM »
LooNEY, laughing very hard at that!

Laufey, those sound so like our Irish tales! We have lots of such incidents. As do the Scots and the Welsh. Including the sharing of wives and fosterlings, or in some cases the sharing of husbands. And of course Ferdiad and Cúchullain probably were lovers as well as coeth-companions.
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