Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 806348 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2130 on: May 22, 2016, 04:18:14 PM »
I wrote a really long fic for the Multimedia Exchange. Please enjoy Mikkel and Sigrun terrorizing small children.
Prompt: something from the Hogwarts Au. (from the recent crossover)
Emil Västerström and the Shadows of the Forest
A Stand Still, Stay Silent/Harry Potter crossover fic
This fic is in five parts because it somehow got ridiculously long. Sorry about that. Hope you like it.
Spoiler: part one • show
"This is a disaster and everything will go wrong."
"Shhh, honey, don't say that! Emil will be fine! He'll be learning lots, and he might even get the, ah... fire problem under control."
Torbjörn beamed at Emil. Siv smiled uncertainly.
"Besides," Torbjörn added encouragingly, "Hogwarts can't be worse than that military school."
"The military school wasn't so bad, it was better than public school," Emil tried to say, but the whistle of a train drowned out his words. "What time does the Hogwarts Express leave?" he asked anxiously.
"Eleven o'clock," Siv said.
"What time is it now?"
Siv looked at her watch. "10:59."
"You should run!" Torbjörn said, shoving him forward.
Emil jogged towards the train as the doors began to close. There was no way he would make it in time. Then a silvery blur shot past him, standing in the doorway and materializing into a human being.
"Thanks... Lalli," someone behind him panted. A short, stocky girl stumbled into view, lugging a large trunk behind her. "Whew! I'm tired!"
"Not... me!" Emil panted. "I could... run for... hours!"
She turned around. Her eyes lit up. "Oh, hi! Would you like to go find a compartment?"
"Sure," Emil said.
"Great! I love meeting new first years. My name's Tuuri, by the way. What's yours?"
"Emil." He looked around. The person who had held the door for them had followed them silently, like a shadow. Light, wide eyes peered back at him from behind Tuuri.
"Oh, this is Lalli, my cousin. Don't mind him if he doesn't talk, he's not good with people and he doesn't speak much English. Oh, this looks good!" Tuuri leapt sideways into a compartment and glued her face to the window.
"Enough," Lalli said quietly.
"Hmm?" Tuuri asked, still looking out the window.
"I speak enough English," Lalli said. He stared at Emil, refusing to say another word.
"What's so interesting out there?" Emil asked, hoping to break the growing silence.
"Hmm? Oh, the last time I rode on this train, I saw a troll! But you'll learn all about trolls with Professor Eide. I mean Sigrun. She doesn't like us to call her Professor Eide, it sounds too stuffy and old-fashioned."
"Ah," Emil said, feeling very overwhelmed. He had barely understood half of what Tuuri had said.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I'm being rude!" Tuuri exclaimed suddenly. "I haven't asked you anything about yourself! Which house do you think you'll be in? I'm a Slytherin third year."
"What are you talking about?" Emil asked helplessly.
Tuuri's expression changed rapidly. "Oh, are you Muggle-born? Why didn't you say so? You must be so confused! I'm sorry if I've been babbling, I should probably stop now."
"No, it's okay," Emil said. "My uncle Torbjörn is a wizard, but my parents are Muggles. I just don't know much about Hogwarts."
"Okay! So, everyone at Hogwarts is divided into four houses: Griffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. The brave go to Griffindor, the helpful, hard workers go to Hufflepuff, the people with a sneaky side who don't always follow rules go to Slytherin, and the nerds go to Ravenclaw. They say Hufflepuff is a bunch of dorks,  but don’t worry, that’s probably not true."
"How do they choose who goes to what house?" Emil asked apprehensively.
"Oh, they have a hat," Tuuri said cheerfully. "I’m in Slytherin, and my brother Onni is in Hufflepuff. He’s a seventh year, and he’s really good at magic! He's the first student Animagus since the days of Sirius Black, you know. He can turn into an owl, and he's a prefect."
"He cries a lot, though," Lalli said quietly. He had placed his hands over his ears to block out the torrent of enthusiastic exposition.
Emil reflected that this might be the weirdest conversation he had ever had in his life. It was even weirder than the time he had tried to explain why his professor's toupee kept mysteriously catching fire every time he got near it. Or the time he had to explain why his math test had exploded into a miniature fireball on his desk.
"You know about Sirius Black and Voldemort and Harry Potter and the War 90 years ago, right?" Tuuri asked, ignoring her cousin.
"Yeah," Emil replied, recalling the bizarre bedtime stories Torbjörn used to tell him.
"Okay, good," Tuuri said. “So… which house do you think you’ll be in?”
Emil could feel his face turning bright red for absolutely no reason. “Uhhh…”
“It’s okay if you don’t know. I’m pretty sure Lalli’s going to be in Slytherin, though. Right, Lal?”
“Mrrh,” Lalli said. Emil couldn’t tell if that meant he agreed or not.
“Most of our family has been in Slytherin. Slytherin’s not actually that bad. It used to be really anti-Muggle born, but there was this big reform 80 years ago and now it’s not so bad!”
A blur of red and blue crashed into their compartment, interrupting Tuuri’s enthusiastic explanation. It was an older student, one with a magnificently long red braid.
“Oh, hello Reynir,” Tuuri said pleasantly. “Emil, this is Reynir Árnason, a Hufflepuff second year.”
“D-d-dementors!” Reynir squeaked.
“What? Not again?” Tuuri cursed under her breath. “I knew we should have waited another year before we sent Lalli to Hogwarts! He’s only eleven!”
“I’m only eleven!” Emil yelped, staring at their panicked faces. “I don’t understand what’s happening!”
As he said that, every light on the train vanished. Everything was black, and cold seeped in around the door.
“I have to get a teacher! Surely there’s one on the train!” Tuuri said breathlessly. “Reynir! Can you—“
“Ex—Expecto—“ Reynir’s teeth were chattering, he couldn’t speak. It was too cold.
Then they heard it. The deathly rattle of inhuman breath. There was something searching, trying to suck the last bits of light from the darkness. Emil was drowning in cold, clammy fog. He couldn’t see.
Then there were voices. “We have to face it. He’s a pyromaniac. He’s so fascinated with fire.”
“What can we do?”
“Our son is a freak. What can we do?”
“What should we do with him?”
They were his parents, and they were talking about him. He couldn’t get them out of his head. He was drowning in the cold and the dark and the past.
“Expecto Patronum!”
Light blazed like white fire. Gleaming white paws tore at the shadows surrounding them. The chilly darkness hissed and vanished like smoke on the breeze.
Emil realized he was curled up on the floor. The lights flickered on, giving him an excellent view of the reddish carpet pressing up against his nose. He looked up, expecting to see Tuuri the confident third year, standing tall with her wand out. Instead, he saw Lalli, who could not stop glaring at the door with a suspicious expression.
Tuuri stood up shakily. Silver tears streaked her face. “It’s okay, Lal, they’re gone now. Thank you for getting rid of them.”
Lalli slowly lowered his wand, still staring at the door. The huge, glowing creature standing next to him vanished before Emil could see what sort of animal it was.
“What were those things?” Emil gasped.
The thin gray light from the window illuminated Tuuri’s hair as she gazed toward the front of the train. “I can’t believe the train was attacked by dementors again,” she said, “they really need to do something about this.”
“I had no idea your little brother could do that, Tuuri!” Reynir chattered, apparently fully recovered. Then, to Emil, “Dementors are creatures that feed on happiness. If they get too close, they suck out your soul. They’re pretty nasty.”
“He’s actually my cousin,” Tuuri said to Reynir. “He does know a lot of magic already.”
Lalli sighed and collapsed onto his seat. Emil felt like doing the same. Soul-sucking shadows were a little more than he had expected.
The rest of the train ride passed uneventfully. Night had fallen by the time they reached the school. Emil was the first to hop off the train, desperately trying to smooth his golden hair so that it looked more or less presentable. He gave up as he stepped into the thick mist around the train.
Lalli reached up and smoothed it for him. Golden sparks flew up into the night.
“Sorry,” Emil muttered, trying to wave the sparks away. His odd hair sparkles were only one of the things that had gotten him into trouble at his old school.
“LISTEN UP, NEWBIES!” A voice like a foghorn blasted Emil’s eardrums. “FIRST YEARS OVER HERE!”
This voice was accompanied by a swinging lantern and a truly impressive braided beard. Reynir waved enthusiastically, and he and Tuuri disappeared. Emil and Lalli wandered over to the shouting man with the beard.
“THIS WAY!” he yelled, swinging his lantern. They followed him down a dark, foggy path. “YOU’LL GET YOUR FIRST GLIMPSE OF HOGWARTS IN A SECOND!”
The mist cleared a little, and Emil could see light glimmering in a hundred windows, then reflected on the surface of a wide lake. The night was too cloudy for stars, but the twinkling golden lights seemed determined to make up for the absence of their celestial relatives.
“Whoa,” someone breathed.
“I KNOW, IT’S AN UTTER EMBARRASSMENT! A SHELL OF ITS OLD SELF!” their guide roared suddenly, startling Emil so much that he nearly stumbled into the lake. “THE OLD CASTLE IS NOTHING LIKE THE GLORY DAYS BEFORE THE RISE OF VOLDEMORT!”
Emil thought that the castle looked very impressive indeed. Not that he was going to admit that out loud.
The man with the braided beard herded them into boats, and they glided across the smooth, dark water to the castle.
Once they got there, he led them through passages filled with candles, then finally to a pair of huge doors.
Emil patted his hair. Sparks flew everywhere. “What happens now?” he asked anxiously.
Lalli shrugged slightly. He did not seem concerned.
“What’s going on here?”
“First years, of course!”
Emil jumped. A group of transparent, milky-white beings had just floated through the walls. They were… ghosts?
“Ah! About to be Sorted, I suppose?” one asked, smiling benevolently. “I hope to see you in Hufflepuff! My own house, you know.”
“Must you say that to every group of first years, Friar?” a long-haired ghost in a gray dress asked.
“MOVE ALONG!” The doors swung open, and the line of first years moved forward into a huge hall, already packed with chattering students. In the middle was a stool, and on the stool there was a hat.
It was not a very impressive hat. In fact, it was filthy, ragged, frayed, and even charred slightly at the edges. A rip like a mouth opened near the brim, and to Emil’s great surprise, the hat began to sing.
It sang about the war 90 years ago, and the merits of the four houses. None of this gave Emil any insight as to which house he would actually be in.
Then the bearded man began to yell out names. When a person’s name was called, they would run up to the stool and try on the hat, which would call out the name of a House.
“HONDERBY, EMILIA!” he bellowed.
“RAVENCLAW!” the hat replied instantly.
Lalli walked up to the hat and placed it firmly on top of his head. Tuuri waved from the audience, her fingers crossed.
Emil could see Lalli shiver slightly as the hat seemed to frown in concentration. It was taking an awfully long time to decide.
Suddenly, the hat opened its mouth wide enough for Emil to see the glint of Lalli’s silvery hair underneath it and shouted, “GRIFFINDOR!”
Tuuri looked astonished. “What?” she mouthed, staring across the room at Reynir, who managed to shrug and clap at the same time.
Lalli wandered over to the Griffindor table, looking pleased with himself. A teacher with fiery red hair cheered and pounder him on the back. Lalli seemed very alarmed.
The line of frightened first-years became shorter and shorter. Emil wondered whether he really belonged in any of the four houses. Maybe he didn’t even belong at Hogwarts. What if he put on the hat and it told him to go right back home?
Emil jumped, tripped over the hem of his robes, and staggered to the front of the room. Several people laughed. I’ll show them, he thought angrily, jamming the hat on his head in a shower of sparkles. Once I’m a famous hero they’ll all regret doubting my excellence. All of them.
“Well now,” a little voice rasped, somewhere behind his left ear. “Someone’s got ambition. Slytherin might well be the place for you.”
Emil froze, trying not to think. If he had known the hat could read his mind, he never would have put it on in the first place.
“Hmm, that’s strange. There’s definitely more than that. Tricky, tricky. A good bit of compassion—oh yes, Hufflepuff is definitely an option.”
Not Hufflepuff! Emil did not want to look like a dork. Anywhere but there.
“Not Hufflepuff? Well, you don’t belong in Ravenclaw, that’s for sure.”
Emil had been right; he didn’t belong anywhere. He supposed this was the part where the hat told him to take the first train back home.
“Don’t go jumping to conclusions! Yes, you’re a hard one to place but I think you belong in—GRIFFINDOR!”
Emil ripped the hat off his head and stumbled over to the Griffindor table, sighing with relief. The Griffindors cheered, the red-haired professor yelling loudest of all. He collapsed in a chair next to Lalli, who appeared to have fallen asleep.
“Excuse me, who’s that red-haired teacher?” he asked, tapping an older student on the shoulder.
“Oh, her?” the student said, chuckling. “That’s Sigrun. You’ll have her class tomorrow morning, if you’re lucky. Defense Against the Dark Arts.”
“Ah,” Emil said, watching Sigrun laugh loudly.
As the other student turned away, Emil heard her say, “Just wait ‘til the newbies get Professor Sigrun’s class. They’re so doomed.”
Emil was about to tap her on the shoulder again and ask her just what she meant, but then it was time for the headmaster, the legendary Trond, to give a speech, and after that it was time to dig into the heaps of delicious food, and by the time the feast was over, he had forgotten all about it.
A prefect led him upstairs, through the portrait of the fat lady in pink silk (the password was Devil’s Snare), into the common room, up the stairs. He ended up sharing a room with Lalli and two other boys. The last thing he saw before falling asleep was Lalli sitting on the windowsill, staring at the stars.

Spoiler: part two • show
The next day, Emil woke up to a strange scratching noise. Lalli was scratching the wall next to his bed, possibly as his own strange way of trying to wake Emil up.
Emil yawned widely and got ready to go downstairs for breakfast. Lalli followed him silently as he pushed open the doors to the Great Hall. Tuuri greeted him enthusiastically, waving as Reynir bounced cheerfully over to their table to say hi.
“Let’s see, what classes do you guys have?” Tuuri said, snatching Emil’s schedule out of his bag. “Oh look; Defense Against the Dark Arts, first period. I hope Professor Sigrun isn’t too hard on you guys. And you’ve got Potions with Professor Madsen— he’s head of Slytherin House.”
“Why does Professor Sigrun scare people so much?” Emil asked apprehensively.
Tuuri just laughed. “Oh, you’ll see.”
Breakfast passed quickly. Emil stuffed his wand into his pocket, woke Lalli, and set off for Defense Against the Dark Arts with a very determined expression. He thought he was ready for whatever this professor could throw at him.
How very wrong he was.
“Alright, class!” Sigrun crowed, dusting her hands off then slapping them down on the untidy piles of paper on her desk. “My name is Sigrun Eide, you may call me Professor Sigrun! Because “Professor Eide” sounds like some stuffy old guy. Now let’s get started!
“It is my duty to teach you all about the dark horrors that roam our world; foul creatures such as dementors, werewolves, Inferi, and the ways of the dark wizards that live among them! Has anyone here seen any of these things FACE-TO-FACE?”
Emil raised his hand, remembering the dementors on the train. He was the only person to do so, since Lalli appeared to be fast asleep yet again with his face pressed up against the desk.
“There we go!” Sigrun shouted cheerfully. “Someone here’s got guts! What’s your name, kid?”
“Emil Västerström,” he replied anxiously.
“Well, Emil, you’re going to be my right-hand warrior. Do you see that cage over there?”
“Y-yes,” Emil stammered. The cage was full of small, grayish-red creatures, all hissing and baring tiny white fangs and rattling the bars of the cage. For a minute, Emil wondered if she meant a different cage, one he hadn’t noticed yet. Then he realized that was probably wishful thinking.
“Those are imps,” Sigrun explained. “Nasty little things. Okay, Emil, go ahead and open it.”
“What?!” Emil yelped.
“Go on!”
Emil approached the cage, wand at the ready. He reached out a hand. As soon as he touched the cage, its door exploded off the hinges, propelling dozens of irate imps into the crowd.
Chaos reigned. Imps flew everywhere, smashing into desks, scattering books and students alike. A few imps retrieved a candle from the chandelier and flew around the room, lighting things on fire and dripping hot wax everywhere. Emil put his arms over his head to protect his hair.
“Why would you teach like this?” a student wailed, trying to hit an imp with a textbook as it grabbed her pigtails and pulled.
“I believe in hands-on learning!” Sigrun replied.
Another team of imps seemed to be attempting to remove the chandelier from the ceiling.
“Lalli! Watch out!” Emil called, since Lalli was sleeping directly beneath it.
The tip of a wand emerged from the pile of silvery hair and rumpled black robes. Emil heard a muffled incantation as the chandelier crashed to the floor, shattering into shards of glass, twisted metal, and bits of still-burning candle. Lalli emerged from the wreckage, yawned, and went back to sleep in a nest of smoking wax, broken glass, and splintered wood.
“Huh,” Emil said aloud. Then he turned his head, and realized that there was an imp sitting on his shoulder, leering at him. “AAAIIIIIIIIII!” he screamed, swatting it desperately.
“”That’s the way to do it!” Sigrun said, simultaneously giving him a thumbs up and swatting an imp all the way across the room.
Naturally, Reynir chose this moment to open the door and declare, “I have a message for Professor Sigrun!”
The imp Sigrun had just hit landed directly on his freckled face. He let out a muffled shriek.
“What was the message?” Sigrun yelled.
Reynir didn’t answer. He was too busy trying to get rid of the four imps that had attached themselves to the end of his braid. Finally, he managed to take a deep breath without getting a mouthful of imp, and he started shooting spells left and right. “Relashio! Protego! Petrificus Totalus!”
A student to Emil’s left toppled sideways, stiff as a board.
“Just give me the message already!” Sigrun demanded, looking exasperated.
Reynir shivered in the safety of a magical shield, looking alarmed at the battle raging around him. “Professor Madsen says to remember that this is their first day at Hogwarts and they don’t know any magic!”
“I know that!” Sigrun snorted. “Get back to class!”
The bell rang. Around half the class bolted for the door before Reynir had time to move.
“Pff, cowards,” Sigrun said, chuckling slightly. She yanked a handful of imps out of the air and stuffed them back into their cage.
“Do you need any help?” Reynir asked anxiously.
“Nah, I’m good!” Sigrun looked at the rest of Emil’s class. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be?”
They ducked a few imps in order to get to the door. Every one of them was bruised, battered, and smoking slightly.
Emil took a deep breath, smoothing his hair. “Well,” he said, “that was an… interesting… first class.”
“Mrrh,” Lalli agreed.
“What do we have next?” Emil consulted his schedule. “Oh. Potions. Well, that can’t be too dangerous.”
Lalli suddenly turned and ran downstairs. He seemed to know where he was going, so Emil followed him. Down a hall, past a row of windows, through a door pretending to be a solid wall, down some stairs.
Emil yelped as one of the steps disappeared underneath him. His leg sank into the gap, and suddenly he was stuck.
How humiliating.
He knew what would happen next, too. Everyone would keep walking, chuckling a bit at the plight of the hapless newbie. No one would stop to help. He would be stuck there all day.
Lalli skidded to a stop at the foot of the stairs, surprise written in every gleam of his wide eyes. He dashed back up the marble stairs, grasped Emil’s hands, and pulled him back onto solid ground.
“Thanks,” Emil panted, trying to smooth his hair and his uniform at the same time.
With a gentle flick, Lalli smoothed Emil’s hair for him.
Then he was gone, running towards their next class. With a slight smile and a cloud of sparkles, Emil jogged after him.

Spoiler: part three • show
The rest of Emil’s classes were boring compared to Defense Against the Dark Arts. That said, History of Magic was boring compared to anything. Emil would rather watch paint dry.
It was taught by an ancient ghost by the name of Professor Binns, who had been teaching for centuries and didn’t intend to stop now. In Emil’s humble opinion, the old ghost was completely senile. His droning voice made Emil as exhausted as Lalli.
The rest of the classes were okay. Charms came naturally to Emil, and Herbology wasn’t so bad. In Transfiguration, Lalli had woken up long enough to transform a match into a glittering needle, and Emil had managed to turn his into a pointy grayish splinter.
Potions was perhaps the second-most interesting class. It was taught by Professor Madsen, a large, bear-like man, with truly impressive golden sideburns. They weren’t on the same level as Emil’s hair, of course, but they were impressive.
Professor Madsen glided past rows of cauldrons, inspecting them silently through half-closed eyes. He had the rare ability to teach a class without shouting or becoming angry. If someone did something wrong, or pulled someone’s pigtails, he would loom over them like a mountain. Huge, unmoving, and utterly determined. If the student had the courage to sit there and look him in the eyes, he would be forced to do something to remind the student that he was the Master of Pranks. No one else compared. No mere student could match the incredible ingenuity of a Madsen prank.
Emil got to witness such a prank on his third Potions class.
It all started when a boy called Joshua Kestrel-Smith decided it would be funny to toss a Dungbomb into Professor Madsen’s cauldron. As soon as he did so, the strange brew glowed a peculiar shade of green and emitted the most horrible smell Emil had ever encountered. It burned the inside of his nostrils, filling his senses with a stench so awful that he wished he could rip his own nasal cavity out. It was so bad that it made Lalli lift his head off the desk, gagging and choking.
Professor Madsen zeroed in on the perpetrator with practiced accuracy. He stared at Joshua. Joshua stared back.
Lalli flopped back onto his desk with his scarf wrapped around his nose and mouth.
“Joshua,” Madsen said softly, holding a small vial of orange liquid. “Do you know what this is?”
Joshua shook his head, staring resolutely at his professor’s face.
“This is Punkimponimus Juice. It causes the most deadly of all diseases when it comes in contact with bare skin. Do you know what the most deadly disease in the world is?”
Joshua shook his head again, eyes wide.
Mikkel lowered his eyes solemnly, as if to honor the millions who had fallen to this awful disease. “Face cancer,” he said in a voice of doom. Then he seemed to lighten up a bit. “Don’t worry, the cap is on tight. See?” He tipped the bottle upside down.
The cap fell off and the liquid splashed into Joshua’s open mouth.
“AAAAAAAUGH!” Joshua shrieked, spewing Punkimponimus juice everywhere. He attempted to wipe the liquid off his tongue with his sleeve, panting frantically.
Mikkel chuckled.
“It’s not funny! I’m going to diiiieeeee!” Joshua wailed.
Without saying a word, Mikkel turned the half-empty bottle around so that everyone could plainly see the label. The bottle had been filled with pumpkin juice.
Everyone laughed, except for Joshua, who slouched low in his seat and sulked. “Well done, sir!” someone called to Mikkel.
Mikkel bowed, a faint smile spreading across his face. “And now,” he announced, “I think it would be best if we abandoned our current project and started making air-freshening potions. Please turn to page 175 in our textbook…”
“That was the most hilarious class so far,” Emil said at dinner, still giggling about it.
Lalli stared at the star-filled ceiling of the Great Hall, quietly munching a cookie.
“Oh, Professor Madsen’s class? Yeah, you can really see why he’s Head of Slytherin House,” Tuuri said, coming over to chat. “He can be kind of evil sometimes.”
Lalli suddenly stood straight up, knocking his chair over. Reynir, who was standing directly behind the chair, crashed to the floor as well.
“What is it, Lalli?” Emil asked.
Lalli pointed. Emil’s eyes traveled the length of Lalli’s index finger, across the room, through the window, and straight into the deep darkness of a dementor’s hood.
Tuuri gasped, trying to disentangled her wand from her pocket.
Reynir was faster, not to mention louder.
“AAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIEXPECTO PATRONUM!” he yelled desperately, pointing his wand at the threatening specter.
A gleaming white sheepdog burst into existence, leaping through the window and barking at the dementor.
The dementor hissed and retreated into the night.
“YEAH! GOOD JOB, KID!” Sigrun shouted from across the room.
Many people applauded. Lalli sat down.
“Thanks, Reynir,” Tuuri said.
Emil just shuddered. Those things scared him. He resolved to ask Lalli how to get rid of them.

Spoiler: part four • show
That night, Emil didn’t go to sleep right away. He stared at the curtains of his four-poster bed, thinking about dementors.
As he thought, he heard the floorboards creak under Lalli’s feet.
He looked up. Lalli was fully dressed, alert and awake. He slipped through the door, and Emil heard his footsteps echo softly on the stone stairs outside.
Emil followed him, wondering what on earth he could be up to.
Lalli crept through the silent common room, past the patterned armchairs, past the embers of the dying fire. He had almost made it to the portrait hole, when a voice rose out of the shadows by the hearth.
“Lalli.” A dark shape rose out of an armchair, and Emil stifled a squeak, thinking it was a dementor. “I knew you were sneaking out to the Forbidden Forest at night, but I was unaware that you were being so obvious about it.”
Lalli’s eyes flicked to Emil’s hiding place, a shadowy spot near the stairs. Then he sighed. “Onni, just because you’re a prefect…”
“You don’t know what’s out there!” Onni exclaimed. “You could be eaten by a werewolf, or bitten by a vampire, or mauled by a spider, or squashed by a giant, or roasted by a dragon! What’s so interesting out there, anyway!” Onni’s voice rose to a hysterical squeak, removing the question from the last sentence.
Lalli folded his arms, staring hard at his older cousin. “Are you crying?”
“No!” Onni wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his bathrobe. “I’m allergic to… to…” He looked around the darkened room for inspiration. “I’m allergic to armchairs! I swear, Lalli, if you do this one more time, I’ll have to report this to Headmaster Trond!”
“Okay,” Lalli said, shrugging.
“Now go back to bed!” Onni ordered, glaring through remarkably bloodshot eyes.
Lalli sighed and turned back. When he reached the foot of the stairs, he stopped, staring directly at Emil. Then he nodded, seemingly approving of Emil’s presence, and began the weary and disappointed climb back up the stairs.
Well, Emil thought, at least he knew why Lalli was so tired all the time. He never slept at night.
Then he followed his friend up the rough marble steps.
The next morning, Lalli seemed much more awake than usual. Emil assumed it was because he had actually gotten some sleep last night.
“Lalli?” he said, trying to get his attention.
“Mfh,” Lalli replied through a mouthful of food. He still refused to eat anything but cookies at breakfast, but today he had eaten nine or ten cookies rather than four or five.
“You know the dementors?”
This was not encouraging. Emil continued, undaunted. “Can you teach me how to fight them?”
“No,” Lalli said immediately, still chewing.
“Oh,” Emil said, and stared at his food.
Tuuri started to walk over to say good morning, noticed the awkward silence, and hastily started chatting with Reynir and walking in the opposite direction.
Lalli swallowed, opened his mouth, and hesitated. Then he took a deep breath and said, “Close your eyes and think of something happy. Then say ‘Expecto Patronum.’”
Lalli just blinked at him.
Emil closed his eyes, thinking of a time his professor had complimented him back at the military school. “Expecto Patronum.”
Nothing happened.
Lalli stared incredulously. “You… you need your wand out.”
“Oh,” Emil said, feeling very foolish. “Oh, is this how you get rid of the dementors?”
Lalli nodded. Emil bit back an exasperated reply.
“Expecto Patronum!” he said, waving his wand in a vague circle. A fine silver mist leaked from the tip. Emil stared at it. “Isn’t something more impressive supposed to happen?”
“Yes,” Lalli confirmed, munching his eleventh cookie of the morning. “Maybe your memory isn’t happy enough.”
“Well, maybe I don’t have a happy enough memory!” Emil said loudly, stuffing his wand back into his pocket.
Lalli nodded, not seeming surprised or angry at all. If anything, he looked sympathetic. Emil didn’t notice. He was too busy sulking.
Classes passed uneventfully, if Professor Sigrun’s class could ever be called uneventful. No one was seriously hurt, which was good. Professor Sigrun had even praised Emil for setting a kappa (and her desk) on fire.
When the sun had gone down and dinner was over, Lalli did not risk going back to the common room. He crept past crowds of babbling students, through a hall towards the secret passage that would take him outside.
“Hey!” Emil called after him. “Wait!”
Lalli turned around, caught between fright and exasperation.
Emil held out a lantern. “You should probably take this.”
“Don’t need it,” Lalli replied tersely. He turned to go into the secret way, and when Emil showed no signs of following, he stopped to wait.
They burst out into the chilly evening air. Emil couldn’t deny it, sneaking out felt amazing. The stars glimmered in the sea of sky above, and night noises drifted out from the forest, floating across the grass to where Emil was standing. As if so many incredible things were not enough, Emil thought he saw a slight smile drift across Lalli’s face.
They had barely taken a step before an owl landed heavily on the grass in front of them.
It was a large owl, with beautifully speckled plumage.
It also appeared to be extremely cross.
The owl unfolded into Onni, who glared down at both of them. “I’m taking you to Trond,” he said.
Onni lectured Lalli about the dangers of the Forbidden Forest all the way to Trond’s office. He seemed to consider Emil out of his jurisdiction. Onni only paused once, in order to give Headmaster Trond’s gargoyle the correct password, then said, “and fifty points from Griffindor!”
When they reached Trond’s office, the headmaster was waiting for them. “Let me guess. Students out of bed?”
“How did you know, sir?” Onni asked, dumbfounded.
Trond simply pointed to the other side of his office, where Tuuri, Reynir, Professor Sigrun, and Professor Madsen were all standing around looking somewhat awkward.
“We were trying to warn you,” Tuuri whispered to Lalli, “but Professor Madsen caught us.”
Lalli nodded, possibly as a sign of appreciation.
“This is ridiculous!” Onni burst out. “Lalli is barely a first-year, and Tuuri is not even close to being a responsible adult! What if they had died? What if they had—“
Trond motioned for him to quiet down. “The way I see it, there are four students awaiting punishment tonight. Sigrun, do you have any particularly grueling tasks for them to do as detention?”
Professor Sigrun contemplated this with her hands on her hips. “Well, I had noticed that the Forest has a bit of a dementor problem. Maybe they could help with that?”
Trond considered this. “Very well. Sigrun and Mikkel, would you be willing to accompany them?”
“Yep!” Sigrun answered cheerfully.
“Absolutely,” Professor Madsen agreed.
Onni’s jaw dropped. “But—but—“ he sputtered.
“Why don’t you go out and take care of that now?” Headmaster Trond suggested, casually handing Onni a tissue.
“Awesome, thanks!” Professor Sigrun saluted happily as she herded the four students out the door.
Onni blew his nose loudly.
“Allergies again?” Trond asked, the irony barely audible in his voice.
“Yeah,” Onni said, staring at the door his sister and cousin had occupied just moments ago. “Definitely allergies.”

Spoiler: part five • show
Sigrun marched into the forest. Emil tried to match her confident stride, and Lalli dashed ahead of them all. Tuuri walked slowly, so full of fear and wonder and excitement that Emil thought she might explode. Reynir bounded obliviously on beside her, babbling softly about the trees, and how they were different from the trees at home. Mikkel shuffled calmly along at the back of the group.
“Can you feel the lovely darkness/ All around you as you’re walking?” Professor Madsen murmured. Emil recognized the lines, but he couldn’t remember where they came from.
“That’s cheerful,” was Sigrun’s only comment.
Tuuri gasped as she recognized the poem. “Walking through the nighttime forest/ Never stopping, never waiting,” she said, continuing it.
To everyone’s surprise, Lalli’s soft voice floated back to them through layers of trees, stumbling a little over the words. “For you always must remember/ All that you to comrades promised.”
“All that you to comrades promised,” Emil echoed, wondering if the strange order of the words was true to the original poem, or something Lalli had added. Then he snapped out of the dreamy, poetic mood. “Sigrun? How are we going to get rid of the dementors?”
“Well,” said Sigrun matter-of-factly, “if we trample around the forest for long enough, some dementors are bound to find us.”
“Wander about until we attract dementors. Brilliant plan,” Professor Madsen said sarcastically.
“I know, isn’t it?” Emil could not tell if Professor Sigrun did not notice the sarcasm, or chose to ignore it.
“Wh-what will we do once they find us?” Emil stuttered. Yes, it was the cold that made him stammer like that. Just the cold.
“KILL THEM DEAD,” Sigrun replied, with a mad glint in her eye.
“Dementors can’t die,” Professor Madsen reminded her.
She waved her hand dismissively. “Whatever. We’ll make them wish they could.”
They marched onwards. The forest seemed to get darker with every step they took, the trees crowding inward as if to get a better look at the sextet of doomed adventurers. Every breath of wind that stirred the leaves sounded like the hiss of a hunting dementor.
Let’s not think about that, Emil thought to himself. I have to think about something else. The poem, that would be good. How did it go?
Can you feel the lovely darkness?
But that was all he could remember. Can you feel the lovely darkness. He muttered the words in time to his rapid footsteps.
Can you feel the lovely darkness. Feel the lovely darkness. Lovely darkness, lovely darkness.
And darkness.
Was it just him, or had it gotten colder? He was freezing, and it was dark. He couldn’t see. The wind hissed in the trees.
Then suddenly it wasn’t the wind hissing any longer. His parents’ derisive laughs mingled with the deathly rattle of inhuman breath. The cold was in his bones, in his heart, and he couldn’t breathe.
Tuuri’s scream echoed in the fog, the high-pitched keening of pure terror, as Emil tried to think. He could close his eyes. That was the easy part, but how was he supposed to think of something happy?
Happy. The word sounded alien in his ears, he hardly knew what it meant. Happy, happy, happy. What was happy?
An image swam to the front of Emil’s mind. He was in the golden light of the Great Hall, eating dinner. Professor Sigrun was there, laughing heartily, and Tuuri was giggling with her. Reynir was grinning and babbling as he flipped his braid over his shoulder and it narrowly missed landing in his drink. Professor Madsen smiled his approval. And Lalli… Lalli’s face shone with a slight, delicate smile.
Emil was jolted back to the present as a pair of gelid, slimy hands forced his face upwards. He shoved at the creature, and roared with all the strength he had left, “EXPECTO PATRONUM!”
It was Lalli’s voice that replaced the last lingering sound of his parents rejection, whispering from the back of his mind. Never stopping, never waiting. For Emil always must remember, all that he to comrades promised. He had friends, and he wasn’t going to let them down.
A huge, glittering shape burst from the tip of his wand. It rushed at the dementor, golden sparks flying from its mane. The dementor fled.
Emil stared at this dazzling new beast. It was a beautiful silver horse, with warm tones of copper and gold glimmering in its mane and tail. Then his Patronus turned and charged at the shadows attacking his friends.
Lalli was the first to stagger to his feet. Emil was dumbfounded to see water glistening at the corners of his eyes. He had thought Lalli would never cry, or perhaps that he was totally incapable of it.
With a quick swipe of his hands and a whispered incantation, he banished the tears and called his Patronus. The huge, gleaming beast burst to life beside Emil’s horse, and this time he could see what sort of animal it was.
It was a cat. An enormous, fluffy, glowing cat. It ripped at the dementors’ robes, making them whirl back, retreating.
Reynir bounced to his feet. Then Sigrun leapt up. Then Mikkel. Then Tuuri.
Together, they drove the shadows from the Forbidden Forest.

Also, LooNEY: that is brilliant  ;D
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2131 on: May 22, 2016, 05:16:59 PM »
Heeee for crossovers!

@LooNEY_DAC, I haven't seen the movie Wall-E (I know, I know, actually, I haven't seen much of anything), but this reads true to both what I know about the movie and SSSS, amazing!

@Tr, I can tell you're on a roll here.  Please tell me, is this Joshua named after a real person of your acquaintance?  He seems to be.  Also, you had me at Admiral Shouty playing Hagrid.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2132 on: May 22, 2016, 05:28:33 PM »
@Tr, I can tell you're on a roll here.  Please tell me, is this Joshua named after a real person of your acquaintance?  He seems to be.  Also, you had me at Admiral Shouty playing Hagrid.
Heheh, thank you! <3
Believe it or not, Joshua is not based off a real person. It was simply the first name that came to mind.  ^-^
And Admiral Shouty and Hagrid just have so much in common! Impressive beards, for instance!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2133 on: May 22, 2016, 08:45:11 PM »
I might have rushed through the writing of this one because it's the next chapter that I really wanted to work on...

52. Deep in Thought

Next chapter is another Jureeya-inspired. Brace yourselves.
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2134 on: May 23, 2016, 05:29:23 AM »
Three chapters in one go, for some reason

63: Do not disturb
Sigrun is a nervous carpenter

92: All that I have
A glimpse into a possible past of the Hotakainens'

62: Magic
Emil is so danged magical even he doesn't know what to do about it
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

:chap11: :book2:  :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2135 on: May 23, 2016, 04:48:23 PM »
Three chapters in one go, for some reason

63: Do not disturb
Sigrun is a nervous carpenter

92: All that I have
A glimpse into a possible past of the Hotakainens'

62: Magic
Emil is so danged magical even he doesn't know what to do about it

}hugs{ and kudos to you.
Always a newbie at something
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Grew up speaking but now very rusty: :ee:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2136 on: May 23, 2016, 05:48:12 PM »
I wrote a really long fic for the Multimedia Exchange. Please enjoy Mikkel and Sigrun terrorizing small children.Emil Västerström and the Shadows of the Forest
A Stand Still, Stay Silent/Harry Potter crossover fic
This fic is in five parts because it somehow got ridiculously long. Sorry about that. Hope you like it
*rests chin on hands* I approve :3
I LOVE Emil's patronus, it fits so well !! I think that might be my new headcanon for what his fylgja is. And Emil in Gryffindor ? I wouldn't have thought of it but it fits and I like it ! (if nothing else for the fact that this means him and Lalli would be able to room together heheh)

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2137 on: May 23, 2016, 08:59:05 PM »
Right, so this is my first fic in this fandom. Warning: it is EmiLalli and VERY VERY PORNY. VERY MUCH SO. Do not read this at work or around small children.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2138 on: May 23, 2016, 09:04:29 PM »
Right, so this is my first fic in this fandom. Warning: it is EmiLalli and VERY VERY PORNY. VERY MUCH SO. Do not read this at work or around small children.

homie i read this and i loved it and i don't even ship it normally goddamn
(aaaaalso though there's a tootaly different scriptorium in the NSFW board and i think it would vibe better with us over there)

EDIT: ALSO @Lazy8 I LOVE YOU X10,000
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2139 on: May 23, 2016, 09:10:18 PM »
I would post it to the NSFW board I can't find any links to it or anything. /cough. I've only been here a few days!

EDIT: nevermind, found it.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2016, 09:34:25 PM by lilith_queen »


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2140 on: May 23, 2016, 10:43:03 PM »
I would post it to the NSFW board I can't find any links to it or anything. /cough. I've only been here a few days!

EDIT: nevermind, found it.

You have to have 12 posts to get on the nsfw board, it's a rule to make sure that spammers don't get in there and wreak havoc, but as soon as you get 12 posts you can apply to be able to post and read things there :)
everyday: :gb: :fr: (:ca:) | can do: :is: | somewhat: :dk: :se: :no: :de: | lil bit: :lb: :np: | currently learning: :sgn:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2141 on: May 23, 2016, 11:21:53 PM »
Oooh, that makes sense, gotcha.

And I don't want to let too many posts pass without something of substance, so have a slightly shippy EmiLalli drabble! It's only a bit over 100 words, too.

Lalli was cold. And damp. And tired. He hated being cold and damp and tired. It was just a few more steps to the door of the cat-tank, though, and from there to his bunk. Right, he could do this. Shuffle into the tank, decontaminate himself, grunt affirmatively in Tuuri’s direction when she asked if it was safe…

And pause. The pallet on the floor would be cold. He was done with being cold.

Emil had half rolled onto his side, leaving a little space on the bunk. It would fit him, if he pressed himself very close.
So he did. Even mostly asleep,  Emil’s arm slid around him, and he sighed happily as he snuggled into the warmth.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2016, 12:00:40 AM by lilith_queen »


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2142 on: May 23, 2016, 11:25:41 PM »
Warning: inspired by this.

I hope everyone brought tissues.

53. Keeping a Secret
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2143 on: May 23, 2016, 11:31:18 PM »
Warning: inspired by this.

I hope everyone brought tissues.

53. Keeping a Secret

WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO US. WHY. My feels, they have been wounded.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2144 on: May 23, 2016, 11:48:38 PM »
Warning: inspired by this.

I hope everyone brought tissues.

53. Keeping a Secret

Hello, darkness, my old friend.

*thanks whichever gods are relevant that this isn't canon*

And remember what peace there may be in silence.