Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 905601 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1605 on: February 25, 2016, 08:02:01 PM »
Frostykitty, the story is fine. Eh, I'm still reading! The only way to develop a better flow and suppleness in your writing is to write more. Lots more. I also find that it's easier to spot the bits that don't flow if you read them aloud. Do keep going!

OwlsGo: Skalds: back in the days of the sagas, the word originally meant something like a bard/ historian/ storyteller/ record-keeper. In the Minnaverse it has retained at least the record keeper and clerical aspect, as yet we don't know how much of the other aspects it has retained, if any. It also seems to have become the general term for a scientist, linguist or scholar. Tuuri is a skald as well as a mechanic. Lalli is a scout. I did notice that you had labelled him skald, but up until Sigrun noticed his cold-hardiness, I had presumed it to be part of the general AU.
The story is fun anyway!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1606 on: February 26, 2016, 04:57:06 PM »
So much is happening! I haven't quite finished reading through the entire scriptorium yet but I made an account last night and then I had a fic idea (another one in addition to the Y0 I've mentioned) and so I just finished writing that one and am very excited about it. I would post it immediately but I guess professionalism demands at least an attempt at editing. Let's just hope I don't start being embarrassed about it when I look at it some more...~

Can't wait to catch up and actually post something constructive! :)
Fluent: :germany: :uk:
Alright: :spain: :france:
I try: :vaticancity: :norway: :turkey: :ireland: :sign: Yiddish
(I study historical linguistics and like to dig around in various Germanic languages of the last 2000 years or so.)

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1607 on: February 26, 2016, 05:01:47 PM »
I wrote this fic a while ago, but never got around to posting it. It's unfinished but there will be more later hopefully!

Spoiler: Forgotten Dream - Part 1 • show
Reynir slowly drifted off into the realms of sleep.  And then, he woke up. But it was a new dream this time. The moss-covered cliffs and straggled sheep were passed from his mind. He now stood on a dilapidated stone bridge overlooking a deep valley cut into the land, carpeted in fog. This wasn't his dream, then whose was it?

    He decided to look around and see what he could find. He wandered down the bridge until he came to a narrow gravel road, with a steep drop-off on one side. Frightened at the prospect of falling down the valley, he stuck close to the rock face on the opposite edge of the road. The sharp sound of nails on a chalkboard came from behind him. He turned around. Nothing. He kept walking. He heard it again, this time, louder. Closer. He was afraid now. Were there trolls in dreams? Without turning around, he started moving as fast as he could without risking slipping on the loose gravel underfoot.

   ~HelLo LitTLe mAgE~ The thing behind him whispered in it’s raspy voice.

   “What are you?! Why am I here?!” Reynir exclaimed in fear as he kept running, now no longer worried about the slippery gravel.

   ~WhaT aM I? tHat’s A STraNge QueStIOn… Why dOn’T yoU TUrN aRouNd And FInD OuT?~ The creature mused.

   “You didn’t answer the question.” Reynir said in a strange mixture of fear and curiosity.

   ~I waS OnCE LikE YoU, LItTLE MaGE. BuT I waS… ChAnGed. NoW I am MoRE. StrONgeR. BeTtEr. MoRE PowERfuL.~ Suddenly the troll leaped up and landed in front of Reynir.

   It was a hideous amalgam of body parts, warped by the unnatural power of The Rash. It had as many arms as he had segments in his braid, and it’s twelve eyes glowed blue with otherworldly power. 
Abruptly, he was thrust towards the ground, and found himself on his knees before the creature. Reynir tried to get up to find that he couldn’t move. some paralyzing force held him in place, exposing him to the terrifying power of the troll looming over him.

   ~yOU SeEM tO Be foRGeTInG THaT ThiS iS mY DrEAm. And I cONTrol It!~ 

   Reynir fought the powerful presence of the troll in his mind, and slowly… Ever so slowly, he began to gain movement in his left hand. In the rock dust he traced a symbol with his finger. He had seen it in a book somewhere. Something to repel evil spirits. The Hannunvaakuna.

Spoiler: Notes • show
Yes, Hannu will be coming in next chapter. I might put it in the aRTD scriptorium instead. :))
tired programmer girl with stories in her head and magic in her heart

currently working on a video game/digital novel called Keeper of the Labyrinth<3

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1608 on: February 26, 2016, 05:28:58 PM »
I wrote this fic a while ago, but never got around to posting it. It's unfinished but there will be more later hopefully!

Spoiler: Forgotten Dream - Part 1 • show
Reynir slowly drifted off into the realms of sleep.  And then, he woke up. But it was a new dream this time. The moss-covered cliffs and straggled sheep were passed from his mind. He now stood on a dilapidated stone bridge overlooking a deep valley cut into the land, carpeted in fog. This wasn't his dream, then whose was it?

    He decided to look around and see what he could find. He wandered down the bridge until he came to a narrow gravel road, with a steep drop-off on one side. Frightened at the prospect of falling down the valley, he stuck close to the rock face on the opposite edge of the road. The sharp sound of nails on a chalkboard came from behind him. He turned around. Nothing. He kept walking. He heard it again, this time, louder. Closer. He was afraid now. Were there trolls in dreams? Without turning around, he started moving as fast as he could without risking slipping on the loose gravel underfoot.

   ~HelLo LitTLe mAgE~ The thing behind him whispered in it’s raspy voice.

   “What are you?! Why am I here?!” Reynir exclaimed in fear as he kept running, now no longer worried about the slippery gravel.

   ~WhaT aM I? tHat’s A STraNge QueStIOn… Why dOn’T yoU TUrN aRouNd And FInD OuT?~ The creature mused.

   “You didn’t answer the question.” Reynir said in a strange mixture of fear and curiosity.

   ~I waS OnCE LikE YoU, LItTLE MaGE. BuT I waS… ChAnGed. NoW I am MoRE. StrONgeR. BeTtEr. MoRE PowERfuL.~ Suddenly the troll leaped up and landed in front of Reynir.

   It was a hideous amalgam of body parts, warped by the unnatural power of The Rash. It had as many arms as he had segments in his braid, and it’s twelve eyes glowed blue with otherworldly power. 
Abruptly, he was thrust towards the ground, and found himself on his knees before the creature. Reynir tried to get up to find that he couldn’t move. some paralyzing force held him in place, exposing him to the terrifying power of the troll looming over him.

   ~yOU SeEM tO Be foRGeTInG THaT ThiS iS mY DrEAm. And I cONTrol It!~ 

   Reynir fought the powerful presence of the troll in his mind, and slowly… Ever so slowly, he began to gain movement in his left hand. In the rock dust he traced a symbol with his finger. He had seen it in a book somewhere. Something to repel evil spirits. The Hannunvaakuna.

Spoiler: Notes • show
Yes, Hannu will be coming in next chapter. I might put it in the aRTD scriptorium instead. :))

Well then.
What a place to leave a cliff-hanger. You, sir, have learned well from Minna. I look forward to more, in hopes that there will be more.
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

:chap11: :book2:  :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1609 on: February 26, 2016, 10:16:53 PM »

I got inspired again.

The Red Herring League
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Superhero AU fanfic
Part 1
Spoiler: show
In the Company of Heroes

The Indre By, Copenhagen
In the 90th Year of the Outbreak

Sigrun “the Red Terror” Eide finished off another grossling with a single, precise stab through its brain, her third kill in under a second. Behind her, her right-hand warrior, Emil “Firework” Västerström was using his pyrokinetic powers to roast another handful or so attempting to rush them.

Whing! A nearby grossling’s head exploded. “Looks like the rest of the gang’s here,” Sigrun commented to Emil. “You might want to rein in the sparkles, for their sake.” Sigrun was invulnerable; the rest were not.

Emil concentrated on bringing his burn-BURN-burn-fire powers down to a safe level. As he did, the fountain of multicolored sparks concealing his head diminished until the became the customary sparkles glinting from his golden hair. “Is this okay?”

Sigrun shrugged. “It should be fine.”

Behind them, Mikkel “the Grave Dane” Madsen brought their Field Expeditionary Light INfantry OPerations Excursion DEvice to a halt. That he was at the controls meant that Lalli “Phantom Strike” Hotakainen wasn’t the one who’d sniped the last troll, but his cousin, “Super Tuuri” Hotakainen, or, as Emil liked to teasingly call her, “Mighty Mouse”.

Lalli was insanely fast and insanely stealthy; usually his kills were caught so off-guard as to bear bewilderment as their last expression. He was also a magnificent sniper.

Super Tuuri, as she insisted upon being addressed, had probability warping powers, as did her brother Onni, who never set foot away from home if he could help it, as he was also cursed with the ability to see the worst thing that could happen in any circumstance. Super Tuuri, however, could also fly, and shared her cousin’s aim.

Their final member, Reynir “the Helper” Árnason, was in the FELINOPEDE’s cabin with Mikkel, practically bouncing with his eagerness to get out there and help his friends. Mikkel’s chief power was to make anyone and everyone around him unnaturally glum, to the point of suicide in a few cases, but even at his most powerful, he couldn’t dampen Reynir’s spirits. It was commonly accepted by the team that Reynir getting depressed was one of the signs heralding the End of Everything.

Not that Everything didn’t seem to be Ending already. Ninety years ago, the Rash had swept across the world like a forest fire, the monsters it created hunting down those few who’d escaped it. This was when the first Heroes had arisen, a minuscule fraction of humanity that had the power to save what was left of it.

Even with the Heroes’ unceasing efforts, though, most of the world was in the grip of the grosslings. The Bastion of Amalienborg and the Forts of Kastellet and Kastrup were practically the only parts of Copenhagen held by humanity anymore, and even that spoke more of Danish stubbornness and valor than of grossling weakness.

The six of them had banded together at the behest of the Nordic Council, charged with defending (or hopefully Cleansing) the hard-pressed Danish holdouts in a show of Nordic solidarity, though not much of one. Sigrun had promptly christened the group “the Red Herring League”, as their purpose was much more distraction than anything else.

Super Tuuri whipped by, in search of more grosslings to snipe, and Emil waved as she passed. He both regretted and didn’t regret that he couldn’t fly, himself: no Hero who could fly was immune, and Emil liked to be as close as he could to his flames, as he kept them under better control that way.

“Don’t encourage Little Fuzzy-head, Burn-Boy,” Sigrun chided him gently. “So, lunch?” She gestured back at the FELINOPEDE, and they were off...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
I blame Kiraly’s avatar for this.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1610 on: February 26, 2016, 10:54:40 PM »

I got inspired again.

The Red Herring League
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Superhero AU fanfic
Part 1
Spoiler: show
In the Company of Heroes

The Indre By, Copenhagen
In the 90th Year of the Outbreak

Sigrun “the Red Terror” Eide finished off another grossling with a single, precise stab through its brain, her third kill in under a second. Behind her, her right-hand warrior, Emil “Firework” Västerström was using his pyrokinetic powers to roast another handful or so attempting to rush them.

Whing! A nearby grossling’s head exploded. “Looks like the rest of the gang’s here,” Sigrun commented to Emil. “You might want to rein in the sparkles, for their sake.” Sigrun was invulnerable; the rest were not.

Emil concentrated on bringing his burn-BURN-burn-fire powers down to a safe level. As he did, the fountain of multicolored sparks concealing his head diminished until the became the customary sparkles glinting from his golden hair. “Is this okay?”

Sigrun shrugged. “It should be fine.”

Behind them, Mikkel “the Grave Dane” Madsen brought their Field Expeditionary Light INfantry OPerations Excursion DEvice to a halt. That he was at the controls meant that Lalli “Phantom Strike” Hotakainen wasn’t the one who’d sniped the last troll, but his cousin, “Super Tuuri” Hotakainen, or, as Emil liked to teasingly call her, “Mighty Mouse”.

Lalli was insanely fast and insanely stealthy; usually his kills were caught so off-guard as to bear bewilderment as their last expression. He was also a magnificent sniper.

Super Tuuri, as she insisted upon being addressed, had probability warping powers, as did her brother Onni, who never set foot away from home if he could help it, as he was also cursed with the ability to see the worst thing that could happen in any circumstance. Super Tuuri, however, could also fly, and shared her cousin’s aim.

Their final member, Reynir “the Helper” Árnason, was in the FELINOPEDE’s cabin with Mikkel, practically bouncing with his eagerness to get out there and help his friends. Mikkel’s chief power was to make anyone and everyone around him unnaturally glum, to the point of suicide in a few cases, but even at his most powerful, he couldn’t dampen Reynir’s spirits. It was commonly accepted by the team that Reynir getting depressed was one of the signs heralding the End of Everything.

Not that Everything didn’t seem to be Ending already. Ninety years ago, the Rash had swept across the world like a forest fire, the monsters it created hunting down those few who’d escaped it. This was when the first Heroes had arisen, a minuscule fraction of humanity that had the power to save what was left of it.

Even with the Heroes’ unceasing efforts, though, most of the world was in the grip of the grosslings. The Bastion of Amalienborg and the Forts of Kastellet and Kastrup were practically the only parts of Copenhagen held by humanity anymore, and even that spoke more of Danish stubbornness and valor than of grossling weakness.

The six of them had banded together at the behest of the Nordic Council, charged with defending (or hopefully Cleansing) the hard-pressed Danish holdouts in a show of Nordic solidarity, though not much of one. Sigrun had promptly christened the group “the Red Herring League”, as their purpose was much more distraction than anything else.

Super Tuuri whipped by, in search of more grosslings to snipe, and Emil waved as she passed. He both regretted and didn’t regret that he couldn’t fly, himself: no Hero who could fly was immune, and Emil liked to be as close as he could to his flames, as he kept them under better control that way.

“Don’t encourage Little Fuzzy-head, Burn-Boy,” Sigrun chided him gently. “So, lunch?” She gestured back at the FELINOPEDE, and they were off...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
I blame Kiraly’s avatar for this.

Muahahahaha! I am fully okay with being blamed for this. ;) Their names are awesome, and I like the different powers you gave them (and I notice Reynir's isn't mentioned, except for not being affected by Mikkel's (hilariously appropriate) power. Poor Reynir, you try so hard to help that it's even in your name!) Also I will be laughing about the name of their crew for the next decade or so, don't mind me. :))
(And now I'm getting the urge to draw the crew in spandex hero outfits...oh dear...)
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1611 on: February 26, 2016, 11:16:57 PM »
Kiraly: nice idea. But Lalli in spandex...oh, my! There's already so little of him, he'd just about vanish in spandex! Though he looked good done as Wolverine, if you saw Scout's drawing, way back on the art thread.

LooNEY: helpless laughter here! FELINOPEDE, inagh! Do continue!

Luth: nicely done creepy, and your landscape is good. Why not post it in both threads as a crossover, that way people who only read one of Minna's comics won't miss out. Looking forward to what comes next.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2016, 01:47:07 AM by Róisín »
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1612 on: February 27, 2016, 12:25:04 AM »
Well then.
What a place to leave a cliff-hanger. You, sir, have learned well from Minna. I look forward to more, in hopes that there will be more.

Really the only reason I left it there is because there will be a bit of an abrupt scene-change afterward. :P Sorry for the cliffhanger!

Luth: nicely done creepy, and your landscape is good. Why not post it in both threads as a crossover, that way people who only read one of Minna's comics won't miss out. Looking forward to what comes next.

Thank you! That's a good idea! However, I sincerely believe it's impossible to only read one of Minna's wonderful comics without eventually being drawn into the other.  ;)
tired programmer girl with stories in her head and magic in her heart

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1613 on: February 27, 2016, 01:48:43 AM »
I actually know people who only read one, because the other is a genre they don't enjoy. I love both tales.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1614 on: February 27, 2016, 01:25:27 PM »
These are all great!

Very interesting start to 'Forgotten Dream'. I'll be waiting for the next part! Patiently! Yeah that word, I can do that. Totally capable of that. I can just imagine it now, Reynir following around Hannu... "Can I help?" "There's nothing to help with." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "Really?" "Yes. Really."

And then the silent world superheroes! Their powers fit them well.... I mean, honestly, Sigrun is already pretty invincible in the comic. And we all knew Emil's power would be fire and hair sparkles. But their names are fantastic! Including the vehicle.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2016, 02:17:47 PM by frostykitty »


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1615 on: February 27, 2016, 01:47:35 PM »
These are all great!

Very interesting start to 'Forgotten Dream'. I'll be waiting for the next part! Patently! Yeah that word, I can do that. Totally capable of that. I can just imagine it now, Reynir following around Hannu... "Can I help?" "There's nothing to help with." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "Really?" "Yes. Really."

He'll have to deal with both Reynir and Ville's excited helpfulness!
tired programmer girl with stories in her head and magic in her heart

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1616 on: February 27, 2016, 02:22:48 PM »
I wrote this fic a while ago, but never got around to posting it. It's unfinished but there will be more later hopefully!
Spoiler: Notes • show
Yes, Hannu will be coming in next chapter. I might put it in the aRTD scriptorium instead. :))

*_* Yessss...! I am totally here for this.

BTW re: crossposting to the aRTD scriptorium, that is something I'd definitely appreciate. No need to crosspost the entire story; just dropping a direct link there to the individual message after you update here would work well. The SSSS scriptorium updates so frequently that it's hard to keep up with it, and it's nice to keep everything together.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1617 on: February 27, 2016, 07:10:15 PM »
I'm not quite caught up but I couldn't wait to share this thing I wrote yesterday! So I made an AO3 account and I'm so excited it's ridiculous. I hope you like it!

(It's got some gender stuff in it, in case you want to avoid that. And with "some stuff" I basically mean that that's the topic.)

Title: Right-Hand Man

"One step at a time", he had told himself. "Make a good first impression, don’t let there be a repeat of what happened at the academy."

Length: 1316 words
Characters: Team minus Reynir (happens after p. 266)

Okay, I'll better leave and try not to explode now. :D
Fluent: :germany: :uk:
Alright: :spain: :france:
I try: :vaticancity: :norway: :turkey: :ireland: :sign: Yiddish
(I study historical linguistics and like to dig around in various Germanic languages of the last 2000 years or so.)

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1618 on: February 27, 2016, 08:02:56 PM »
EEEEEE!!!! *gives tamaerchen a giant internet hug* I love that so much, it's really great! I already commented on AO3 but I wanted to echo it here. And as someone who also made an AO3 account a few months ago specifically to post SSSS fanfic, welcome to the madness! :))
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1619 on: February 27, 2016, 08:09:16 PM »
Huh. I like it!
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I wrote a thing. It has consumed my life.

Reigning champion of time spent on this forum.