First post
(finally time to end my lurker status, lol)
Anyway, really admire everyone's work here, so I wanted to drop by to share this small character study on Reynir that I wrote, set back when the team was in Iceland!
Hi, welcome!

Always nice to see more writers and creators around.
I liked this a lot! It's nice to see some introspective Reynir. It shows a new perspective on his character that I hadn't fully considered before. And the imagery of the idyllic sheep farm, haunted by the ghosts of the Silent world, is really powerful. I'd be thrilled to see a continuation or character studies of different characters from you.
I can't get this to load.
Looks like the link is broken. Try
this link instead, that might help.
Now for another shameless self-promo. I've written more of my ongoing fic,
when there's fire in my woods it burns me and nobody else.
Like, a LOT more. It's nearly at 40k words now (with another ~9k written yet unpublished).
I just added
Chapter 7: Journey.
Also, I should probably mention that it's inspired by
this piece of artwork by Minna depicting Lalli as a dragon and Emil as a knight.
Hope you enjoy! I'm having tons of fun working on it, plus it gives me an excuse to re-read SSSS many, many times.