The Stand Still, Stay Silent Fan-Forum

Worlds and Stories => Worlds & Stories Discussion Board => Topic started by: Jitter on January 07, 2022, 02:24:22 PM

Title: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on January 07, 2022, 02:24:22 PM
Edited on January 2023.

Information about this thread, please read

Minna’s personal testimony comic A Meandering Path has been published and her next work, Journey Upstream has launched. This thread is for discussion of these works, their Christian and possible other themes etc. This thread is more of a meta-discussion, not about the stories per se but the messages and the thoughts and feelings provoked by them.

This thread will not use spoiler tags, all content and plot points can be discussed openly.

This thread contains direct and stark criticism of the strongly Christian works. It is not intended as criticism of Christianity or religion as a whole, but some of the discussion is likely to contain elements that criticize or comment against certain aspects of what some readers may consider important for their faith.

This thread is NOT reserved for negative comments about the works. Positive comments, praise, and counter arguments of the criticism presented is welcome.

Everyone is expected to NOT engage in criticizing the opinions, views or faith of others. Criticism of an aspect of religion is not intended as general religion bashing, and conversely, disagreeing with it is not to be taken as a blanket ”I’m right and you are wrong.” This is a discussion, not an argument.

At the time of writing the thread has remained very civilized, let’s keep up the good work!

Moderator out.

If you’d like to discuss these comics in a similar discussion style as for other comics here, discussing the events and characters as the story unfolds, please open a separate thread with the title of the work in the title.

As the first information about Minna’s plans is coming out, I open a thread to discuss it if anyone wants to.

As has already been established, it will be very Christian and completely different from SSSS. Still, perhaps even more different than I at least thought. Here’s the first info:

Discussion about feelings caused by the end of SSSS should go to that thread in the SSSS board, this thread is for discussion about the future work. I assume some of us will follow the new works (while some won’t), so we should have a place for that too. Here is that place.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Grade E cat on January 07, 2022, 04:37:38 PM
From the title alone, I don't think the autobigraphical one will be to my tastes. I'm always a little miffed when I see anything suggesting that religion is necessary to be happy or a good person.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on January 07, 2022, 05:54:43 PM
She says it’s going to be her personal testimony so I’m expecting an illustrated version of the afterword of Lovely People.

I think I will likely be curious to read it nevertheless, although I’m not expecting to like it (I don’t even like the bunny art). I obviously don’t know her personally, but she seems like someone sort of familiar, so I’m curious to see how did this happen. Of course the testimony will present everything as she sees it now, but still she can be a great writer, so it may offer some interesting insight.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: moredhel on January 07, 2022, 07:28:36 PM
That is exactly why I am considering to read this. Because I want to find out how this has happened. But I am not sure if it will really tell this.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thegreyarea on January 07, 2022, 09:21:31 PM
Thanks for setting this thread, Jitter!

I'm curious too about the path that Minna took, of course because it's a person that I admire in artistic terms. I've never been much an autobiography lover, so if it was someone else I probably wouldn't bother even trying it. So I'll try to follow it and see what comes.

The second project can, eventually, have interesting pieces, but overall doesn't sound very appealing, particularly with the strong theological content... I studied on a catholic school and had my (life) share of "illustraded ways to be a better person following the Bible". Oh, I'll check from time to time, but doesn't seem to be my cup of tea.

Now the bunny part (on both)... I have nothing against bunnies, but I don't think Minna's (great) talent really shows with them. It would be a surprise if they come out above average, and that's a shame because Minna made some of the most beautiful illustrations I've seen, and that's what catch my attention since the beginning. I hope she reconsiders after the first year drawing herself as a bunny... Those slice-of-life stories doesn't need bunnies!

I also get the feeling that the bunnies option for both projects reflects that, on her head, they will be some sort of continuation of "Lovely People", a comic that she obviously enjoyed making so much that she didn't felt any need to apologize when it became clear that it hurt, on a way or another, a sizeble part of her fanbase. (that shrank to half, or less, thanks to that *).

That side of 2022 isn't looking quite enticing, you know? However I'm hopeful that we will find many more sources to fill our hunger for good stories and art.

* No, I don't have the data, but one can see how the number of comments on Disqus got much smaller, just like the votes on ARtD on TWC. (votes on SSSS have that strange "distortion" I've already talked many times, so I don't consider them a reliable indicator)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Grade E cat on January 08, 2022, 03:24:20 AM
I can see why people would be curious about the autobigraphical one. On my side, I never quite had a solid construct of Minna in my head, so my interest in her journey to Christianity is nowhere near strong enough to voluntarily to go through a work that looks like it's going to go the "Christianity good, everything else bad" route.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on January 08, 2022, 08:57:58 AM
I have more interest in the autobiographical aspect of the new comic, though perhaps not for the more usual reasons. But I would like to see how Minna perceives her journey. My reasons are that I am interested to see how Minna chooses to handle both her own nature, her religious conversion,  and the events that affect, possibly even shape, her life. I come from the position of a mother, one who has two children whom I would guess are the same style of precocious genius as is Minna. Their three siblings are bright enough, and all five are nice people, but I am curious to see how different Minna’s life solutions are to what my middle daughter and younger son worked out for themselves, and how the addition of religion affects this process. Interesting questions.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: catbirds on January 08, 2022, 11:28:54 AM
I can see why people would be curious about the autobigraphical one. On my side, I never quite had a solid construct of Minna in my head, so my interest in her journey to Christianity is nowhere near strong enough to voluntarily to go through a work that looks like it's going to go the "Christianity good, everything else bad" route.

Me neither, unless it's short enough to read in an evening, I don't see much value in picking apart her journey to where she is now. It's kind of sad to me that we've basically communicated directly with each other before (as many of us have through her twitch streams or twitter) only for her to write about the "other" the way she does now, and decide to spend an entire year of her life putting together a comic justifying it. But that's enough of a "construct" of her for me to know I should probably just stop.

But it's understandable that some SSSS fans would feel otherwise, and hey, it's a free webcomic that's merely clicks away at the end of the day, so why not?

As for the art, I have no clue why she'd choose to represent people as bunnies. Was LP really so successful at carrying out what was her plan all along that she stuck to the art style?? Also my very personal perspective on her art is that once you practice to a great extent and do enough observational studies, you begin to be able to pick out errors or flaws that are quite evident in many of her pieces, though most of the ones i've stared at are from some time ago, since her recent work is just a bunch of comic pages that aren't quite her 100%. But her art's still good nonetheless, and if these flaws escape the notice of most people, then I don't think it matters too much.
Spoiler: mutter mutter • show

Though I'm not nearly as practised as her in drawing anyway, my brain's just better at observing than my hand is at drawing. Aaargh!
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on January 08, 2022, 03:46:04 PM
As for the art, I have no clue why she'd choose to represent people as bunnies.

I'm tempted to say, because some part of her mind knows she's being unrealistic.

However, lots of SSSS is unrealistic as well, so that's most likely not the reason. -- though I do think the very realistically drawn (when she's having a good day, anyway) human characters help to ground the otherwise-fantastical SSSS world. Maybe she doesn't think to ground her new comics because she does think they're otherwise realistic, however unrealistic I'd be likely to find them. Maybe she thinks the bunnies are cute, and thinks she can use "cute" to draw in people who won't otherwise read what she thinks is a serious discussion.

I'm unlikely to read the new stuff. I don't want to be preached at; I don't want to encourage people to do that sort of preaching (which is not an objection to people doing the sorts of preaching that don't denigrate others -- some of that I'll even read, or listen to); and I don't generally like talking-animal comics in which the animals act like humans rather than like members of their own species. There's usually too large a chunk of my head saying 'if these characters are going to act just like humans, just draw them as humans'.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: JoB on January 09, 2022, 02:46:59 AM
As for the art, I have no clue why she'd choose to represent people as bunnies.
I'm not sure that there needs to be much of a reason. Minna definitely is no stranger to anthropomorphistic protagonists, including "bunnies (". Drawing humans comes with the risk of falling into the uncanny valley ( if you don't get it right, a risk you might want to avoid if you'd rather focus on a message.

(Which is not to say that Minna shouldn't be well aware of the possible "cute lure" effect; it's been mentioned quite a lot in the reactions to LP, after all.)

I don't generally like talking-animal comics in which the animals act like humans rather than like members of their own species. There's usually too large a chunk of my head saying 'if these characters are going to act just like humans, just draw them as humans'.
Ah, if only it were as simple as saying "me drawz realistic hyoomans now" ... :-\
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: catbirds on January 09, 2022, 11:31:38 AM
I'm not sure that there needs to be much of a reason. Minna definitely is no stranger to anthropomorphistic protagonists, including "bunnies (". Drawing humans comes with the risk of falling into the uncanny valley ( if you don't get it right, a risk you might want to avoid if you'd rather focus on a message.

(Which is not to say that Minna shouldn't be well aware of the possible "cute lure" effect; it's been mentioned quite a lot in the reactions to LP, after all.)

Good points and all, and I'm aware of the fact that a lot of young artists on the internet start off with drawing anthro/animal art because you avoid the "uncanny valley" type of effect, but SSSS has been fairly capable of conveying its… themes… well, plot, I guess, with its pretty normally drawn cartoon humans. As in these humans aren't realistically drawn, and yet they're still recognizably human at almost all times and have next to no risk of being in the uncanny valley.

You're probably right, it's probably just "hey this art style was cute and got my audience with christians" or just because she feels like it IDK.

Honestly in all my time looking at her sketchbooks, videos, etc, I don't recall ever seeing her draw a study of a human face.

However, lots of SSSS is unrealistic as well, so that's most likely not the reason. -- though I do think the very realistically drawn (when she's having a good day, anyway) human characters help to ground the otherwise-fantastical SSSS world. Maybe she doesn't think to ground her new comics because she does think they're otherwise realistic, however unrealistic I'd be likely to find them. Maybe she thinks the bunnies are cute, and thinks she can use "cute" to draw in people who won't otherwise read what she thinks is a serious discussion.

I'm unlikely to read the new stuff. I don't want to be preached at; I don't want to encourage people to do that sort of preaching (which is not an objection to people doing the sorts of preaching that don't denigrate others -- some of that I'll even read, or listen to); and I don't generally like talking-animal comics in which the animals act like humans rather than like members of their own species. There's usually too large a chunk of my head saying 'if these characters are going to act just like humans, just draw them as humans'.

Yeah, I do think getting new audience is a big part of it. And maybe even grabbing a younger audience too — draw in new readers and all that. IIRC a significant portion of commenters mentioned the need to show LP to their children, which is quite unfortunate.

From a practical perspective, having bunnies do the talking DOES make illustrating easier in some ways. For instance, less complexity in the hands and relatively simple facial expressions, a predictable face shape, etc… Makes it a little more efficient. But it does come at a loss of something… the new comic probably won't be the same as LP because LP used its characters in an incredibly utilitarian way (to its detriment lol), whereas this one's about Minna herself, a human whom she knows, but using this particular style of bunny art that she's so fond of just makes the characters feel so proplike… did I mention the character designs for LP and the weird bunny on the cover are both pretty bland in terms of design? Yeah.

Not that SSSS was peak character design either, or that there's an objective way to measure that, but SSSS characters had enough variety to seem like distinct and unique personalities even at a glance. The bunnies pretty much just convey 1. emotion and 2. the fact that they're different people (ahem) based on like fur colour or what dress they're wearing or whatever else. (There are ways to make animal characters interesting, but LP and this comic are not that lmfao)

Either way, considering this comic will mostly be preaching and talking about how the life she lived before was terrible and full of sin or whatever, I can't imagine why people would enjoy reading that. And most people on this forum who aren't devout and enthusiastic christians do seem to only want to read it to see how we managed to end up here. Thinking back to the way people approached LP ages ago, I wouldn't dare recommend other people to read this one either, unless I got very tired and drunk one night on a discord call with my friends and a chain of coincidences led to me opening Minna's new homepage.

Uuuuugh what was I saying… yeah the use of bunnies kind of doesn't have any relevance to the plot or themes or even personalities and is uninteresting, I'm glad we're looking at other webcomics now, still if you plan to read the webcomic and write something here about it that's cool too. I'm interested in hearing what people will say about it, but probably won't spend much time thinking about or looking at the comic itself.

Ok sorry this post went on for way too long, I hope it doesn't sound too whiny but odds are it'll come off that way anyway.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on January 09, 2022, 03:34:52 PM
It is possible to do an effective animal comic that isn’t revolting: Doc Rat and Footrot Flats spring to mind, also Digger, but LP seems to have been done much more as ‘suck innocents in with cute’.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on January 09, 2022, 06:10:00 PM
Part of what's interesting with Digger is that the talking animals don't behave like humans. They don't behave exactly like the members of their species that exist in this world; but they behave a whole lot like them, and in ways distinctly unlike at least most humans. [ETA: just as Krosp in Girl Genius behaves a great deal like a cat. Or both cat and rats in Pratchett's Maurice. It can certainly be done; but it's not generally done by making the talking creatures just stand-ins for humans.]

And, while Digger herself is in some ways cute (though watch out for that ax), "cute" is not a word that I'd use for the hyenas.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on January 09, 2022, 09:37:05 PM
And then there is Florence Ambrose, the Bowman’s Wolf in Freefall. She is a real delight. Highly intelligent (she would have to be as a spaceship engineer), genetically engineered from wolf and human DNA, and a generally competent person. The author has covered some interesting ramifications of this origin, including that she seems to not have very good colour vision, so has trouble with fashion and whether or not human clothing suits her. This is especially relevant because her two shipmates are a robot with a very weird sense of humour and a squidlike alien, both of whom are at least nominally male. The robot at least knows that when he sees a humanoid female wearing something he has not seen her in before the proper action for him is to compliment her on the new outfit. And that when a humanoid female asks him if her bum looks big in this the sane response is to run away.  Freefall can be funny, touching in unexpected ways, and well worth a read. And some of the aliens are really alien.

One of many things I love about Footrot Flats (dunno if that comic is online, I have only ever read it as the physical books) is the way that Dog, Jess and Horse (the cat) are clearly animals, as distinct from Wal and the other humans, yet are still very much their own people.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on January 09, 2022, 11:17:49 PM

Looks interesting. Too late here to look at it much right now.

-- and yes, I love Florence; who is indeed a fascinating mix of wolf and human -- done by an author who's clearly put a lot of thought into how such a mix might work. Is Freefall on the list for Comic of the Month yet?
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on January 10, 2022, 04:55:18 AM
Yeah, that Footrot Flats. Good, isn’t it. And dunno if Freefall is in the list?
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on January 10, 2022, 06:33:24 AM
Thorny, there is no list of comics, just people who will present, so I don’t know what the upcoming months will be! Also it just so happens that February is still free, would you like to present Freefall then?
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on January 10, 2022, 10:43:20 AM
I could probably do that but am not quite sure. I'm supposed to talk to some doctors in late January which will give me a better idea of what my February looks like. But presentation would be mostly right at the beginning of the month so that would very likely work.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on January 10, 2022, 10:48:15 AM
Ok, I’ll put you there and if you can’t make it, I’ll present something myself. I do have a list of comics that seem to have a lot of cross-following with SSSS, but as I haven’t gotten around to reading them, I can’t really present. But I can make sure there is a comic of the month!
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on January 10, 2022, 03:08:40 PM
OK, I've put that on the Lists; as well as a note to let you know if I can't. But it might be short notice, if I can't.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on January 10, 2022, 03:35:22 PM
No worries, I have you covered!
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: wavewright62 on January 10, 2022, 10:51:57 PM
I am not in any way interested to know about Minna's thoughts on Christianity or her conversion, and am not planning on checking out either of her next two projects.  I like fiction, whether rooted in fantasy or in real life.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: catbirds on January 11, 2022, 01:03:37 AM
Ok, I’ll put you there and if you can’t make it, I’ll present something myself. I do have a list of comics that seem to have a lot of cross-following with SSSS, but as I haven’t gotten around to reading them, I can’t really present. But I can make sure there is a comic of the month!

If you have the list itself, could you put it somewhere? I'm interested in finding more webcomics, but I haven't really figured out where to look. It'd just be nice to read them and maybe even have discussions about them here if I find any that pique my interest :V
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on January 11, 2022, 04:55:46 AM
Catbirds, currently it is just in my mind :) But check the Webcomics Discussion thread, I have copied a lengthy thread from the Disqus comments that features a few of the ones I have noticed get mentioned a lot. The ones that spring to mind without any digging are Gunnerkrikk Court, Unsounded, Wilde Life and Year in Hereafter. The latter is the only one I have read through, and it is very very good!
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Lenny on January 11, 2022, 11:39:47 AM
I have a feeling her first planned comic will feel very much like watching Hannu find religion but stay relatively the same throughout. As uh. Told by Hannu. So lots of read between the lines. This is a very biased opinion, however.

Her second planned comic is uh... all the alarm bells for me. Nowhere is she saying that she's working with someone else on the planned stories. I sincerely hope she has several ministers and particularly youth pastors going through it before it gets published in any kind of format, considering the audience she's apparently going for. This isn't some entertaining kid's fiction story, it's meant to be some kind of educational material. Unlike anything she has made before this (except perhaps LP, which was in my opinion a trainwreck chiefly because of the lack of handling - essentially a vitriolic rant in comic form), this by its nature carries much more responsibility. Parents are likely to buy it for their kids and direct children to it. I don't really trust her as an author or a person to handle that in a way that I could handle or recommend.

The ministers she mentioned as her favourites are both Calvinistic and Evangelical (and from the United States, sigh), as well as Baptist and Presbyterian, so it will definitely be quite different from Catholic teachings. There is a chance she doesn't see Catholics as "real Christians" either.

Possible things she might attempt to cover, based on over two decades of experience with Calvinism, Presbyterianism, and various Dutch Reformed denominations:

I'm not going to be reading them as they come out. It's possible I'll never read them, depending where I am in my own personal recovery. Christian material written/made by people who have no understanding of anything but their own personal bubble is a huge, huge trigger for me, even though I personally am still Christian. She also dismissed critique on LP as "oh, I was in that position, I totally understand, but you're wrong", which uh. Yeah nah, you were never in my position. I'm expecting the same level of dismissal throughout the second comic, unless she ends up working with an editor and co-writer. Which again, she hasn't mentioned at all.

If I do eventually read them, it will be to analyse and critique the doctrine taught in them - it's likely this will blow up in Christian communities since good quality art and story is hard to come by (bit like modern Christian music really), so I'll possibly want to have an opinion on this if it does.

I also recommend that if any of the above is not your cup of tea, wait until someone you trust reads and reviews the comics. A lot of this kind of literature can seem totally fine and normal to someone already within the religion, though it can be quite damaging to read if you have trauma and aren't in the correct headspace. Even without trauma it will almost certainly read as an attack on certain lifestyle decisions and cultures in places. Since it's all going to be in a cutesy bunny format that can make it even worse.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: moredhel on January 11, 2022, 01:17:33 PM
Her second planned comic is uh... all the alarm bells for me. Nowhere is she saying that she's working with someone else on the planned stories.
In my experience christian focused storys tend to very forseeable storytelling. The authors think they have found the one, the ultimate story. I can totally understand that they tell variants of this story but it is not pleasant to read this sort of storys. I fear we will get this sort of story.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on January 11, 2022, 03:34:27 PM
I think I have already said this but I’m mostly expecting the afterword of LP in comic form. I think the fact that her temporary (?) title contains “depravity” tell us what the tone of the autobiography thing will be.

As for your concerns, Lenny, I’m afraid there’s not likely to be much co-authoring by anyone. Baptists are a tiny group in Finland, a total of about 2000 people divided into several parishes. So her parish is likely to have around 100, or perhaps 200 people and one pastor. And zero resources to put on a webcomic. While she may well seek the pastor’s approval (I don’t know anything about this, purely a guess!) it’s not likely this will help make the works more balanced.

But, who knows. Maybe she will find a style of storytelling where she can make fun and genuinely good-hearted comics, with happy Christian messages. But I strongly agree that it’s probably a good idea to stay off them, if you have trauma or other issues with religion in general or Christians in particular.

At least it seems there will be no more fooling people to dive in with no warning.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Opaque on January 12, 2022, 12:18:06 AM
While I don't think my curiosity will allow me to not read Minnas personal testimony comic I also believe that I will be a bit disappointed by what might be in it. It may be a case of 'curiosity made the cat very uncomfortable'. But I still want to learn her thought process from her being and atheist to becoming a believer. I really hope this wont be a 'something bad happened in my life and I want god to magically make things better' type story. The existential crisis she mentioned has me concerned that it might be the case. But that's only speculation. I may be wrong.
I hope she calms down a bit from her newly found faith and learns to not say things like "no matter how good you are you are still a sinner". That's not the type of christian she should aspire to be. But then again I'm probably just projecting my own belief onto her. Which isn't good either.
I also don't know much about lutheran christians or how they're different from any of the other types of christians so maybe they're all like that.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: moredhel on January 12, 2022, 05:46:33 AM
I also don't know much about lutheran christians or how they're different from any of the other types of christians so maybe they're all like that.

I thinkl you are confusing the different sorts of christianity here. As far as I know Minna converted to one of the variants of baptism. lutherans are the dominant variant of christians in scandinavia (and some nearby european countries and regions). If she was a Lutheran I think we could be less concerned. Lutherans tend to be one of the more relaxed an accepting churches (because Martin Luther said that no authority pushing dogmas on the people is needed). What is not true for many baptist churches they tend to be much more dogmatic.

From an painters point of view (based on some talks I had with christians):
If you ask people what they think about the fact that as Sandro Botticelli found to (extremist) religion he did not only paint way less he also himself burned some of his works because they were not christian enough; in my observation lutherans say something like 'oh how horrible' but some baptists will say 'that is the right way to do it'.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Opaque on January 12, 2022, 09:29:12 AM
Ah, I understand. I guess I read the word Lutheran thrown around here and there and just assumed. My bad. I'm not well versed in in many different kinds of christianity. There's too many to keep up with. But I'm wondering why she chose to go with this particular form of christianity and not one that's less ridged.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: moredhel on January 12, 2022, 09:50:11 AM
I think this is a question of personal belief. Because essentially the variants differ in some points in their interpretation of the bible and christian traditions. In my opinion believers should follow the variant of wich they think it is closer to some sort of divine truth,
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on January 12, 2022, 10:21:32 PM
Dunno about Lutherans in Europe, but in Australia there is a whole spectrum of Lutheran sects ranging from the fairly standard set of Protestant beliefs to the serious one-true-way model, who among other weirdnesses forbid things like representational art, dancing, music and associating with members of other faiths, including other kinds of Christians.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Sc0ut on January 15, 2022, 07:39:36 AM
Well, I for one am a big fan of autobiographical comics, so I will be reading Minna's despite knowing the author has a very different system of values than I do. Going into it knowing this makes it way more manageable. I assume there will be some (sadly) hilarious moments when I learn what sort of "depravity" she might feel guilty for.

I'll also sneak a peek to the following comic, mostly to see in what direction her understanding of religion evolves. I will however not be supporting them in any way, because I really don't believe the world needs more of this type of content in it.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Kevin_Redcrow on January 15, 2022, 05:46:23 PM
It is possible to do an effective animal comic that isn’t revolting: Doc Rat and Footrot Flats spring to mind, also Digger, but LP seems to have been done much more as ‘suck innocents in with cute’.

Cheap Thrills
by SE Case aka vivisection_bob is an excellent anthro graphic novel in a real world setting. When Cheap Thrills began, the artist said it wasn't intended to be a "furry" comic. Animals were just easier for her to draw.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on January 22, 2022, 04:31:10 PM
In today’s stream Minna mentioned that the next comic (the personal testimony) is a short comic while she spends a year or two planning the next long comic. So it’s not totally set yet. But the theme is set.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Sherval on January 26, 2022, 04:18:16 PM
Despite my announcement over at the comic's comment section that I'd abandon ship once SSSS is finally wrapped up, even I am morbidly curious about her autobiography. I know I probably won't enjoy it (at least not the way Minna intends it to be enjoyed), but still.

It's funny, that in a way Minna has gone back to her artistic roots. Or rather, WILL go back once she's done with SSSS. Back to publishing predominantly anthro art, the way she used to in the early 2000s when I stumbled upon her art for the very fist time. Back then, there were absolutely no human characters to be seen, either on her website or over at deviantart, none at all. Folks over here have brought up many good theories as to why she's decided to continue with this art style, whether it's because they're faster and easier to draw, because they're cute and suck people in easier etc. But perhaps, she might've simply missed that era in some way, either consciously or unconsciously. The simplicity of it all, after drawing more realistic (and therefore more demanding) art for years now. That said, the cute lure effect mentioned here is certainly an intentional part of it, no doubt about it.

As for expectations for this autobiography, I hazard a guess that the backlash from the Emil slur incident from adventure 1 might be mentioned, one way or another. Especially so, when even the afterword of LP talks about how "nobody is allowed to say or write anything "harmful" anymore" in Minna's doomsday vision for future. And if the backlash-thing DOES come up, I wouldn't be surprised if Minna writes it entirely from a martyr's perspective, how "everyone was being so horrible to me over a harmless joke."

Of course, there was undoubtedly whole bunch of vitriolic messages that absolutely were NOT okay. I've heard something about even death threats... was that true? Regardless, the way Minna responded even to the reasonable criticism back then was very childish and unprofessional, which in turn made me expect similar attitude from her later on. So yeah, if Emil incident does come up and Minna does depict her perspective as that of a completely innocent victim, well, I'll probably let out a dry chuckle at that point. One of many, no doubt.

One thing that I've also thought about, quite a few times actually, is that she doesn't seem to care much about professionalism in these situations. Or how lack of it might affect her business in the long run. Indeed, Minna even mocks the "fake apology" culture in LP. But really, had her announcement of LP been more considerate, without the sneak tactics or the condemnation of others, she might've retained some of her customers for book 4, even if they'd decide not to see her religious works after that. There's no telling how many customers she has actually lost over this though, perhaps not that many, perhaps quite a few.

But whereas with the slur case Minna was caught completely unaware, with LP she MUST have anticipated the backlash. Her condescending commentary on the page day after LP's release told as much. I got the impression the sneak tactic was in the naive hope of converting more people to her cause... But did she really convert that many, especially those who weren't already Christian to begin with? As opposed to losing folks permanently who could've supported her financially before she moves on to her next Christian works after LP? I dunno, perhaps she did consider that, but didn't care. Because coveting wealth too much is a sin, or something? And she does have savings for a while, but still...

Overall, even from the professional, financial standpoint (regardless of being considerate towards others for it's OWN sake, rather than over mere moola) her approach is just mind-boggling to me. But hey, I'm not someone who's experienced a major religious awakening, so what do I know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Grade E cat on January 27, 2022, 12:04:55 PM

Of course, there was undoubtedly whole bunch of vitriolic messages that absolutely were NOT okay. I've heard something about even death threats... was that true? Regardless, the way Minna responded even to the reasonable criticism back then was very childish and unprofessional, which in turn made me expect similar attitude from her later on.

Having been there for a while myself, I'd like to point out that when one doesn't grasp why saying certain things is harmful (or knows on some level, but perceive the impact on others as being much lighter than it actually is), it can be very difficult, if not outright impossible, to tell the difference between reasonable criticism and an excessive reaction. Especially when faced with a mix of both.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Sc0ut on January 27, 2022, 04:57:03 PM
Of course, there was undoubtedly whole bunch of vitriolic messages that absolutely were NOT okay. I've heard something about even death threats... was that true?

I spent a lot of time reading the disqus comments when that happened and I didn't see any myself, though of course that doesn't mean there definitely weren't any (we can't know what private messages she got, for one). In fact I hardly saw any strongly worded comments at all, the people disagreeing with her were generally very polite about it, with a couple of exceptions that veered more towards sarcasm, not open personal attacks or threats.

As for the bunnies in the autobiographical comic, I suppose this allows her to stay as anonymous as possible without having to "lie" about people's appearance (after all she is a very private person, we haven't even seen a self-portrait this entire time, that I know of). Personally I don't think this is necessarily a bad choice, nor does it lessen the impact if used right - for an example of extremely impactful animal characters in a comic, see Maus (everyone should read Maus anyway). In Minna's case, the dissonance between her cheerful bunny art and the bleakness (imo) of her views makes for an unintentional interesting effect.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on January 27, 2022, 08:01:18 PM
I think it tragic and very frightening that in America at present there is a move to get Maus banned. Read it and see why. In my opinion that tale is ethically and socially valuable. We should read it and pass it on while we still can. We are not yet at the situation depicted in ‘Fahrenheit 451’, but may be heading that way faster than is safe.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Sc0ut on January 28, 2022, 10:11:54 AM
I think it tragic and very frightening that in America at present there is a move to get Maus banned. Read it and see why. In my opinion that tale is ethically and socially valuable. We should read it and pass it on while we still can. We are not yet at the situation depicted in ‘Fahrenheit 451’, but may be heading that way faster than is safe.

Well to be fair America seems to regularly have these moments, and they usually don't go anywhere. It's important to know a small minority of people is pushing for this, so I don't think we should blow it out of proportion (while also not ignoring it ofc). I hope it will at least make the book more popular!
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on January 28, 2022, 07:20:01 PM
They're trying, at this point, to ban it from certain schools. There's no attempt to ban it altogether, which would if nothing else run afoul rapidly of the First Amendment. And, as has been said, it's nothing new -- the libraries around here hold a Banned Books Week every year, complete with displays and posters with long lists of books that people have banned or tried to ban, and encouraging people to read them. I expect to see Maus up front and center in the displays this year; I know the local libraries have it.

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Kevin_Redcrow on January 28, 2022, 11:41:30 PM
I think it tragic and very frightening that in America at present there is a move to get Maus banned. Read it and see why. In my opinion that tale is ethically and socially valuable. We should read it and pass it on while we still can. We are not yet at the situation depicted in ‘Fahrenheit 451’, but may be heading that way faster than is safe.

Fortunately this is happening only in one county in the state of Tennessee. One the other hand, the justifications for the ban are beyond idiotic: depictions of a naked woman,  hanging victims.. Technically MAUS is a furry graphic novel, and Art Speigelmann's comic style tends toward the primitive. I own both volumes and I find nothing that would sexually arouse me if I was still 15, nor spark any blood lust.

The justifications for the ban strike me as a veil for a racist agenda.

A ray of light in this darkness; a professor of German studies is offering a free online course on MAUS open only to middle and high school students in that county in response to this censorship.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on January 29, 2022, 10:45:08 AM
And a comic book store near that school is buying extra copies and offering to lend them to any student who wants to borrow one.

This attempt at banning may actually considerably increase reading of Maus. It's now widespread news. In my area of upstate New York, Maus is currently checked out and/or on hold (someone's put in a request for it) at multiple libraries.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Tarnagh on January 30, 2022, 02:40:28 PM
And a comic book store near that school is buying extra copies and offering to lend them to any student who wants to borrow one.

This attempt at banning may actually considerably increase reading of Maus. It's now widespread news. In my area of upstate New York, Maus is currently checked out and/or on hold (someone's put in a request for it) at multiple libraries.
Maus is currently also listed as a "Best Seller" on Amazon, for whatever that may be worth. People who ban books in the Internet Age, people who seem blissfully unaware of "the Streisand Effect" are really only showing kids what books they really should read. At that age, if I were told I shouldn't read a book I would go out of my way to find a copy of that book and read it. I can't imagine modern kids are any different. (Edit to add: And modern teens have access to far greater resources than my generation had.)

Not that banning books (and the reasons for banning them!) aren't awful. I just remain unsure that in the long term this is going to have the effect that they want.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on January 30, 2022, 03:06:27 PM
I think the reason it won't have that effect, though, is that people are making a fuss. It's necessary to make the fuss; otherwise this sort of censorship creeps up on people, and becomes taken for granted; and then you're really in trouble.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: yung_chrysanthemum on January 31, 2022, 11:54:05 AM
There was a small chance that I would have read the new comic if it weren't titled with an insult to non-religious people.

I might question whether her intent is really to proselytize if that's the tone she's decided to set?
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on January 31, 2022, 05:20:52 PM
I think it's possible that she may genuinely not understand that the title is insulting; or why.

Her father apparently read multiple pages of the reaction on these boards to the bunny comic and understood none of it.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Sc0ut on February 01, 2022, 04:19:34 AM
I think it's possible that she may genuinely not understand that the title is insulting; or why.

Or maybe it's the whole "if you find it insulting, it's good for you to be insulted in this way, means you're sinful and I'm saving your soul" sentiment, which is fairly common among proselytising Christians.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Linebyline on March 11, 2022, 09:06:50 PM
Absolutely. I shudder when I think of some of the things I wrote and said when I was younger and really on fire for my faith. (If only I could get that zeal back and combine it with the lessons I've learned over the last fifteen years or so. *le wistful sigh*)

I used to believe that if you're offended by the truth, you need to be offended. But now I realize that this is a message that pretends to be one of evangelization/apologetics/proselytism but is in actually preaching toward the choir. Taken to extremes, you get the door-to-door proselytizing that's ultimately not meant to make converts but to put young members in uncomfortable situations to teach them that nonbelievers are hostile and afraid of the truth. In any case, it's no more effective for evangelization than the likes of God's Not Dead.

Simple common sense, if you stop and listen to it, tells you that people tend not to listen to others who offend them--and that's before you consider the backfire effect. So I'd say if you're truly offended by the truth, you need to be educated, but offending you is one of the least effective ways I could go about doing that. (Really, even that's a naive approach: Sometimes people are just bigoted, not actually ignorant. But there are enough people who do bigoted things out of ignorance, like Minna with the racist slur, that education is a good place to start--if, that is, you can do it without being condescending.)

Of course, I don't think it's a problem for Christians to believe that Christianity is more true or more complete than other competing belief systems. After all, no two mutually exclusive truth claims both be true. But not only is the Chick-esque "You're going to hell! Wanna know how to fix that?" approach not effective, it's also incredibly rude. Minna's approach in Lovely People wasn't that bad, but it's not that much better. Making disciples involves loving people, not just telling them how much better your belief system is than theirs and telling yourself that's loving. No amount of zeal, and no amount of cute bunnies, can make up for failing to respect the people you're trying to evangelize. Even if the disrespect is unintentional.

So I have little interest in Minna's overtly Christian stories. I'll probably check them out even if I don't expect to stick with them. After SSSS, I feel I owe it to Minna to give her a chance to surprise me.

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on March 12, 2022, 05:36:14 AM
Linebyline, I agree with you. For the faiths that encourage or even require proselytising of their adherents, it is still far more effective to do so while approaching the people you hope to convert from a position of courtesy and respect, rather than from one of: “Nyah, nyah, I’m better than you are and you are going to hell!”. This tends to have the opposite effect to what is intended, as well as being directly contrary to the advice of the god in whose name it is supposedly being done, who recommended justice, mercy and loving one another. And I am far more likely to listen to somebody whose life is lived as a witness to their faith.

 I should explain that I am myself a lifelong Pagan, and glad to be so. We are actively forbidden to proselytise, because we regard religion as being very much a private matter between the individual soul and its god or gods, and not a matter in which anyone else can or should have influence. I have taken the time and trouble to explore Christian theology because many of the people I like and respect are of that faith, including my late stepmother, my husband and one of my aunts. And I want to better understand these people who matter to me. I came to the conclusion that while it is not my own faith, if practised in the original form it can be a noble one and worthy of respect. Unfortunately Christianity has become, in many of its present expressions, Churchianity, a creation of politics, power over other people, and wealth creation for the political structures it supports, and has lost the focus on love that it had originally. A pity.

I intend to look at Minna’s new work, but I doubt it will mean anything to me if it is too much like Lovely People. We shall see.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Linebyline on March 12, 2022, 08:27:13 AM
Yeah. I'm in the States, and here Christianity (especially Evangelicalism and Catholicism) has been largely been hijacked by politicians who've managed to convince people that their religion imposes a moral duty to vote for Republicans. (So much for "put not your faith in princes," huh?)

And the Catholic Church, of which I'm a member, has a serious problem with trying to turn the Church into Fort Hunker-Down anytime there's the slightest whiff of criticism, which is why the enormous sex abuse/cover-up scandal (among others) keeps getting swept back under the rug every few years. Pope Francis (for all his faults) is trying to change this, which is probably why the Catholic media establishment, which I used to trust implicitly, is bent on painting him as an evil communist heretic. *sigh*

I think there's a charitable enough way to interpret Lovely People itself, apart from its its epilogues, as not being based on this mentality: You could see it as using persecution of Christians as an example of how a social credit system, or any oppressive society, could always come for you next even if your group had been socially acceptable up to this point. But it still feels at least a little like a "Christians are being oppressed, boohoo poor us" narrative, and the epilogues (especially the second) cement this.

I definitely bought into that narrative during what I call my "apologetics phase" and I grew out of it, so I have hope for Minna. I think we just need to be patient with her. After all, everything I said about bad Christian evangelization works the same in the other direction.

Doesn't mean we have to like the bunny comics, though.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on June 27, 2022, 05:54:50 PM
I forgot to post this a while back.  Minna sent an update in May.  Apparently the next comic is going to be a "So I’ve decided to take a couple years to make a medium-length adventure comic first, "(According to her post)  Now I am not sure if it will have religious undertones or not.  It is supposed to be second after her testimony comic.

She did post a couple of pictures (As always the art-work is really nice)

This is on her public blog (I do not subscribe to the private one)

But for anyone who is interested.

Here is one of the art pieces

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on June 27, 2022, 06:16:48 PM
Well, it’s promising that she realizes she is not an authority in in theology. On the other hand it seems like expecting a lot to think she will know how Jesus REALLY is (her words) in two years, or in any amount of time. Still, it seems to me the fires of faith within her may be tempering a bit, which I believe will be beneficial for both her as a person and her future art, be that Christian themed or not.

Still, those animals in the illustration look like they are on the run from something. Hopefully not a regime repressing Christians again. Oh well, maybe it will be just a nice and happy animal story. Just like Watership Down.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Linebyline on June 27, 2022, 09:02:55 PM
Well the art is, as you say, up to Minna's usual high standards. And, seeing all those animals wearing scarves and pouches? The only way you could make me more intrigued would be if one of them were wearing goggles, too.

I love the commenter Augustin's suggestion of titling the new adventure comic "Going places, loudly."

I've been a Christian my whole life and the longer I live, the more I realize I don't know about my faith and the more I learn. I applaud Minna's eagerness to share her faith, but it really needs to be done through the lens of "here's something wonderful I've discovered that I want to share with everyone" and not "I've seen the light and now it's time to educate y'all heathens," the latter of which is an extremely common trap for Christians, both cradle and convert, to fall into.

So, on the one hand, there's no perfect time when you know enough to start sharing. On the other hand, she's definitely making the right decision by giving herself some more time to process before launching into her next religion-themed project.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on June 28, 2022, 05:52:39 AM
While I’m not a person of faith (I seem to be veering towards nature spirits as I get older) I agree with you Linebyline. I am sure one’s personal experience can be used in a “this is what it’s like to be a Christian”type of storytelling (note, A Christian) successfully, whereas “this is what it should be like to be a Christian” tends to result in a Chick tract. The former may well, when applied with wisdom, result in interesting and hopefully wise and warm stories that hold significance also for non-Christians. So, here’s hoping!
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on June 28, 2022, 11:50:03 AM
Well, it’s promising that she realizes she is not an authority in in theology. On the other hand it seems like expecting a lot to think she will know how Jesus REALLY is (her words) in two years, or in any amount of time. Still, it seems to me the fires of faith within her may be tempering a bit, which I believe will be beneficial for both her as a person and her future art, be that Christian themed or not.
I think the fact she is learning is always a promising thing.  I know many people who are really devout and they say it is a forever process.
I am going to view this on a positive note, unless proven otherwise.

Still, those animals in the illustration look like they are on the run from something. Hopefully not a regime repressing Christians again. Oh well, maybe it will be just a nice and happy animal story. Just like Watership Down.

I like Watership Down.  It was definitely a good "quest" story.  Looking at the faces of the various animals, they all look fearful or sad. (As well as many different ones traveling together.  I mean there are hyenas there, and a parrot).  I think it will definitely be some kind of "quest" story

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: wavewright62 on June 29, 2022, 03:11:03 AM
A curious detail of the picture - there's nice use of contrasting colours in the chosen palette, and she mostly sticks to the values in that palette... except for the parrot.  Its colouring and plumage are different.  Hmmm, I wonder what it means.

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on June 29, 2022, 04:43:47 AM
I liked Watership Down, and was especially impressed with the growth of the relationship between Bigwig and Hazel, and the development of the concept that intelligence and compassion are as important to survival as is muscular macho heroism. And yeah, a quest story does seem possible.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: JoB on June 29, 2022, 06:23:15 AM
A curious detail of the picture - there's nice use of contrasting colours in the chosen palette, and she mostly sticks to the values in that palette... except for the parrot.  Its colouring and plumage are different.  Hmmm, I wonder what it means.
I'm not sure what you mean by "different plumage", considering that there are only two birds in the picture, but yeah, macaws tend to play palette busters in RL, too. 8)

So, macaw (South America), magpie (Northern hemisphere), hyena, and possibly an aardvark (both from Africa). (Can anyone ID the deer species?) Plus, of course, various accoutrements of them being members of a technological civilization, so they might be as widely-traveling as those animals we consider domesticated in our world ... though OTOH, they're apparently not sporting any opposable thumbs to easily work those buckles.

I wonder why the macaw would carry a backpack? Would be a negligible additional weight for several other party members, and must do quite a number on the airworthiness. Something small but valuable that they want to see escape together with the bird, should the party get ambushed?
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Lenny on June 29, 2022, 09:14:21 AM
Oh, this is more positive news than I'd hoped about her future comics, for pretty much everything you described, @Linebyline. I was bracing for the next bit of news on that front being horribly insensitive, and for the plans being a trainwreck in slow motion. Still not going to get into her personal testimony comic whenever that releases, since I really don't trust that to be any better than Lovely People and apparently insensitive Christianity is a thing I really need to avoid for my own health these days, but hey. Being around actual people seems to be a healthy thing for her.

I hope this new comic will be more like Animals of Farthing Wood, Redwall, or Watership Down, rather than something like Pilgrim's Progress or something based on Noah's Ark. Something super lighthearted like Danger Mouse might be nice, too! Could turn out pretty fun.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on June 29, 2022, 09:16:18 AM
I'm not sure what you mean by "different plumage", considering that there are only two birds in the picture, but yeah, macaws tend to play palette busters in RL, too. 8)

So, macaw (South America), magpie (Northern hemisphere), hyena, and possibly an aardvark (both from Africa). (Can anyone ID the deer species?) Plus, of course, various accoutrements of them being members of a technological civilization, so they might be as widely-traveling as those animals we consider domesticated in our world ... though OTOH, they're apparently not sporting any opposable thumbs to easily work those buckles.
Magnetic clasps?  The deer are rather large, so they can really be any type (without looking at their back end.). In the US, white tail and black tail deer look like the pics and can grow quite large.

I wonder why the macaw would carry a backpack? Would be a negligible additional weight for several other party members, and must do quite a number on the airworthiness. Something small but valuable that they want to see escape together with the bird, should the party get ambushed?

My presciousssss
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on June 29, 2022, 09:18:39 AM

I hope this new comic will be more like Animals of Farthing Wood, Redwall, or Watership Down, rather than something like Pilgrim's Progress or something based on Noah's Ark. Something super lighthearted like Danger Mouse might be nice, too! Could turn out pretty fun.

Lenny, I agree and hope also...
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on June 29, 2022, 10:37:19 AM
Still I think those of you who really absolutely definitely need to or want to avoid bluntly Christian content would do wise to let others pre-read first. But this animal quest is far in the future anyways, she’s only juat started drafting the concept so no hurry.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Lenny on June 29, 2022, 11:00:36 AM
Still I think those of you who really absolutely definitely need to or want to avoid bluntly Christian content would do wise to let others pre-read first. But this animal quest is far in the future anyways, she’s only juat started drafting the concept so no hurry.
Oh yes, I'm definitely planning on avoiding whatever does happen until it's complete and preread by other people! And also recommend others to do the same if they have similar issues to me. Respect your own boundaries, for whatever reason they might be.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Morriwolf on August 02, 2022, 08:57:49 PM
Yeahh...given the context absolutely no desire to read it.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Kevin_Redcrow on August 07, 2022, 03:39:48 PM
Oh, this is more positive news than I'd hoped about her future comics, for pretty much everything you described, @Linebyline. I was bracing for the next bit of news on that front being horribly insensitive, and for the plans being a trainwreck in slow motion. Still not going to get into her personal testimony comic whenever that releases, since I really don't trust that to be any better than Lovely People and apparently insensitive Christianity is a thing I really need to avoid for my own health these days, but hey. Being around actual people seems to be a healthy thing for her.

I hope this new comic will be more like Animals of Farthing Wood, Redwall, or Watership Down, rather than something like Pilgrim's Progress or something based on Noah's Ark. Something super lighthearted like Danger Mouse might be nice, too! Could turn out pretty fun.

I came here today for a quick look around at unread posts about what Ms. Sundberg is currently doing and thinking. Expecting to see that she would continue strictly with hardline dogma content in her comics, I was prepared to delete my account and move on.

Now I'm intrigued again, darn it.

I speculate this new story will be an allegory in the mold of The Narnia Chronicles. That's okay.

Plus I'm a sucker for Furry comics. So much so that I kept reading David Hopkin's Jack despite the bizarre juxtaposition of christian dogma and graphic, violent, explicit sexual acts.

I shall follow the recommendation that one read the posts of others who do look at Ms. Sundberg's posts and submissions, before I decide to look at them myself.

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: moredhel on August 08, 2022, 04:26:29 PM
I shall follow the recommendation that one read the posts of others who do look at Ms. Sundberg's posts and submissions, before I decide to look at them myself.

Seems to be a wise decision. I am not sure wether I am more wise or more curious.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on August 09, 2022, 12:26:18 AM
I am prepared to give Minna’s work a fair hearing before I form an opinion. I should perhaps add that I am a lifelong Pagan, and an active and observant Pagan at that. Nevertheless I have had a long and happy marriage to an Anglican Christian, and have friends who are active and observant Christians, including several who are Christian priests or missionaries or composers of church music. My personal belief is that religion is a very personal relationship between a soul and its god, and not really anyone else’s business, but people can still make and share beautiful works of art, music, poetry or comics celebrating their faith, in the same way that they might make such works celebrating their loves, patriotism or whatever else inspires their creativity.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: tehta on August 09, 2022, 01:49:51 AM
I think Minna has said that she is not going to do allegories like Narnia, where one could avoid the theological message? She wanted to make it unambiguous.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on August 09, 2022, 02:21:00 PM
I think Minna has said that she is not going to do allegories like Narnia, where one could avoid the theological message? She wanted to make it unambiguous.

Though I think/thought the next comic after the "testimony" one was going to be "So I’ve decided to take a couple years to make a medium-length adventure comic first, "

That could still be "just a great adventure" or "I've started my 'witnessing' "
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on September 22, 2022, 03:14:41 PM
Well Minna has sent an update.
Her next comic will be Cristian in nature.

Line 1 in her description is " "Journey Upstream" is a very overtly Christian comic. "

Here is the link if any one wishes.

The art is lovely though
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Zraark on September 23, 2022, 02:38:08 AM
Yeah I saw that yesterday, the part that actually worries me more is the part further down: "A distinctive point of focus is exploring our fallen nature as understood in the doctrine of Radical Corruption/Total Depravity, in that our hearts are corrupted to the core and turned away from God." That doesn't sound like a very positive outlook on... well most things. I had hoped that she had joined a more relaxed church but this sounds darker? I don't know? I looked around a little bit on the internet and this doesn't sound like a very inclusive or accepting part of Christianity.  It sounds a lot like everyone that isn't following "God" is an enemy to god, also the part of how you are completely corrupted just feels wrong to me, like there is nothing you can do to become "good" or virtuous.
Oh well, maybe I'm just overthinking things, I hope I am.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Keep Looking on September 23, 2022, 08:26:03 AM
Honestly it sounds to me like it's quite inspired by the Pilgrim's Progress (another book about Christians (the main character is literally named 'Christian') journeying towards metaphorical heaven meeting lots of very symbolic people and places along the way). I remember reading the Pilgrim's Progress as a kid. It's certainly... a book? A lot of weird stuff happens in it, but I kinda liked weird stuff as a kid (I used to read the book of Revelation for fun).

The doctrine of total depravity is fairly common in some Christian branches (at least, it's not too far off what I grew up with). The basic idea is that since the first acts of sin in the garden of Eden, humans are inherently stained with sin and cannot be accepted by a perfect God no matter how much good they try to do - only the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and belief in what he has done can wash away your sins and allow you to be accepted into heaven.

I'm... not a fan of this doctrine (It's a decent chunk of the reason why I left the Church), but regardless of how many people follow it, it seems like a bit of a weird thing to have as the main focus of a comic. I'm curious to read this comic because I want to see how much it aligns with the theology I grew up with, and also how similar it is to other Christian media I read when I was younger.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on September 23, 2022, 01:34:43 PM
That doesn't sound like a very positive outlook on... well most things.

This feels like "all people are bad except my peeps"

I do not know about the congregation she has joined, but I tend to try and think positive about people rather than negative. Unless they prove me wrong.  Though in public I am not a very "trusting" individual.  I tell my spouse it is the New York in me.  (I grew up in New York city during it's "dark" time, and thus am very leery)

Only time will tell here
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: JoB on September 24, 2022, 04:44:20 AM
This feels like "all people are bad except my peeps"
That's how some Christian denominations take it, sure. However, the more common (I hope ...) way to interpret the concept of Original Sin is "all people are bad in the eyes of God, including my peeps, but since we're all people here, let's talk about shades, grades, betterment, and ideally, pardoning clauses."

(Or "backdoors", if you prefer to call them that. Say what you will about "Dogma (", but the way a (near-)omnipotent God is expected to stick to some bureaucratic procedure decreed by "his" church no matter what sure rings a bell.)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on September 24, 2022, 05:38:41 AM
Yeah, ”no one is perfectly good enough for god no matter what they do” is the gist of teaching of protestant denominations. However the other part of the gist is that everyone has been pardoned already and gets the salvation if they just take it.

Unfortunately many of the denominations then proceed to set strict rules and standards nevertheless, with much scolding on anyone who falters. It saddens me to think that so many people seem to read the message “everyone is pardoned, everyone is salvageable” with the continuation of “as long as they adhere to MY rules”.

And then there are the ones who somehow manage to interpret this to mean that “my earthly success and affluence means god likes me, ergo I must be better than the rest”. And then either “ergo, whatever I do cannot be a sin” or “ergo, my sins don’t matter”. I believe this is not unheard of among protestants…
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on September 24, 2022, 10:11:58 AM
I think I’ll stick to being a Pagan, and accept that I am responsible for the consequences of my own actions.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Buteo on September 24, 2022, 12:23:53 PM
I think I’ll stick to being a Pagan, and accept that I am responsible for the consequences of my own actions.

I second that motion.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Linebyline on October 01, 2022, 11:03:15 PM
I think I’ll stick to being a Pagan, and accept that I am responsible for the consequences of my own actions.
I'm Catholic, not Pagan, but same.

The New Testament says repeatedly that, while it's by Grace through faith that we're saved, it's by our actions and our choices that we'll be judged. I honestly don't know how anyone squares that with the idea of predestination in the strict sense (that there's no free will) or with the idea that being "blessed" with material wealth is a sign of Divine approval of whatever someone does.

That's how some Christian denominations take it, sure. However, the more common (I hope ...) way to interpret the concept of Original Sin is "all people are bad in the eyes of God, including my peeps, but since we're all people here, let's talk about shades, grades, betterment, and ideally, pardoning clauses."

Original sin is different from total depravity. Original sin means that human nature has been corrupted as a result of the Fall (the literal original sin in Eden) resulting in a darkening of the intellect, loss of various preternatural gifts (like immunity from disease and death), and a tendency toward sin called concupiscence.

But not every denomination that believes in original sin believes in total depravity. I'm not familiar enough with the doctrine to know exactly what that phrase means, but the idea that people are entirely evil and can't do anything about it other than overtly accept Christ seems to run afoul of the New Testament. Among other things, one of the epistles says that those who haven't received Revelation are a law unto themselves, meaning (roughly) that they are capable of knowing right from wrong, even if imperfectly, and they are both able and expected to choose to do good based on what knowledge they have.

There are some Protestants who believe that humanity is entirely corrupt and our salvation is the result of God covering over our corruption and looking the other way; in this view, we're like dung heaps covered with snow. Perhaps this is what some of them mean by total depravity? Either way, this belief is definitely anti-biblical, as the New Testament speaks often of the genuinely transformative power of God's grace.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dreki on October 02, 2022, 03:44:41 PM
I think it's possible that she may genuinely not understand that the title is insulting; or why.

Her father apparently read multiple pages of the reaction on these boards to the bunny comic and understood none of it.

Wait is it "Lovely People" the insulting title? Can someone explain why? I don't understand.

Original sin is different from total depravity. Original sin means that human nature has been corrupted as a result of the Fall (the literal original sin in Eden) resulting in a darkening of the intellect, loss of various preternatural gifts (like immunity from disease and death), and a tendency toward sin called concupiscence.

But not every denomination that believes in original sin believes in total depravity. I'm not familiar enough with the doctrine to know exactly what that phrase means, but the idea that people are entirely evil and can't do anything about it other than overtly accept Christ seems to run afoul of the New Testament. Among other things, one of the epistles says that those who haven't received Revelation are a law unto themselves, meaning (roughly) that they are capable of knowing right from wrong, even if imperfectly, and they are both able and expected to choose to do good based on what knowledge they have.

There are some Protestants who believe that humanity is entirely corrupt and our salvation is the result of God covering over our corruption and looking the other way; in this view, we're like dung heaps covered with snow. Perhaps this is what some of them mean by total depravity? Either way, this belief is definitely anti-biblical, as the New Testament speaks often of the genuinely transformative power of God's grace.

This reminds me a lot of the priest from Road to El Dorado who believed humans are wicked and the solution is human sacrifice.

I can't remember what and I don't feel like looking for it but there was something Minna recently wrote about her new belief about how she's imperfect and can never be right or something along those lines and it was just so sad.

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on October 02, 2022, 10:50:56 PM
Wait is it "Lovely People" the insulting title? Can someone explain why? I don't understand.

No, not "Lovely People". The at-that-time proposed title of Minna's next work -- only the original link no longer shows that title, and I no longer remember the wording of it. Maybe somebody else does? It was something like 'my journey from depravity to belief' only what was meant by 'depravity' appeared to be atheism, or maybe any belief or lack of other than her current version of Christianity.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on October 03, 2022, 04:11:48 AM
Yeah, it was something on those lines, From total depravity to somethingsomethig (basically the only right thing).

Her Hummingfluff site now shows her works in progress (the two Christian furry animals) and finished work. The latter consists of LP only.  I'm sad again.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: JoB on October 03, 2022, 04:35:51 AM
No, not "Lovely People". The at-that-time proposed title of Minna's next work -- only the original link no longer shows that title, and I no longer remember the wording of it. Maybe somebody else does? It was something like 'my journey from depravity to belief' only what was meant by 'depravity' appeared to be atheism, or maybe any belief or lack of other than her current version of Christianity.
I don't remember her suggesting a proper title back then (it's said to be "A Meandering Line" now), but her description of her own life so far - which that comic is supposed to recap - certainly sounded a lot like that.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on October 03, 2022, 04:57:18 AM
I've seen an ad of sorts for it, with a bunny on a bicycle and the From Depravity etc. written on top of it in big fat letters, like a title. I don't know if there was also a comment underneath about this not being the actual planned title, but it was set like it were. Whether or not it was meant as the title it was very easy to read it like it was.

I'm not a big fan of being called totally depraved myself, so I wasn't very impressed. Admittedly, I will read it because I'm curious to learn how this could happen (and yes, I do understand it's not going to be an objective description) but I don't expect to like it one bit.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Roulietta on October 03, 2022, 06:44:39 PM
I hadn't been activefor a very long time, and finished to read SSSS today (life happened lol) , to then see this...

I am not feeling very comfortable with the whole "total depravity" and all, msotly because it's remembering me lot of people when I was in private school. I'm kind of wondering what happened... Ehh anyway  :-\
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: tehta on October 04, 2022, 04:59:41 AM
It was, "Through atheism, nihilism, and depravity to Christ". That placeholder cover can still be seen e.g. here ( I think she dropped the 'depravity' at some point (as to a casual reader it means something different than to her sect, perhaps?)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Grade E cat on October 04, 2022, 12:38:40 PM
Just found the future site for the journeying animals comic ( on my Twitter feed. I'm going to read an asexual activism post or two to balance out my evening. (Still not a fan of "you're fundamentally broken and God is the solution" doctrines)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on October 16, 2022, 04:29:08 PM
At least it in effect has content warnings.

I'm also not a fan; especially since, however it may be meant theologically, what it seems to turn into in practice is all too often 'everybody who disagrees with my specific cult is essentially depraved.' (And the word is back in there; from the page linked to "exploring our fallen nature as understood in the doctrine of Radical Corruption/Total Depravity".)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Kevin_Redcrow on October 16, 2022, 10:19:56 PM
Checking in after a two-month buffer period.

The outlook on comics and Ms. Sundberg's personal growth looks dismal from my point of view.

At least I still have A Year In Hereafter for my Nordic graphic novel dose.

Apologies to anyone I may have offended in this forum.

Later days.

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Turnstylus on October 18, 2022, 12:26:19 PM
I understand how this new comic has disappointed many of us: SSSS was a story that made no truth claims, but rather focused on basic human needs - survival, courage, teamwork, the need for acceptance. Am I right? It's a good recipe for a story anyone can relate to!

I see the new comic as the next step that most of us take in "growing up", if you will - after we take care of the basic needs, we try to make sense of the world. Whether or not we agree with Minna's chosen moral framework, this comic is part of her journey in understanding. I don't begrudge anyone that.

I'm inclined to think the best of people - yeah, I'm one of those gullible saps! - so I believe Minna's choice to make some truth claims is because she thinks others will benefit from hearing those claims, even if they disagree. The claims themselves may seem harsh, but I've never gotten the impression that Minna had a condemning attitude in her work or speech. And we're always free to read it, or find something else to read. No obligations!

I will give the new comic a look - the art, as always, is gorgeous, and giving folks a fair hearing is a priority for me.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thegreyarea on October 21, 2022, 07:37:48 AM
Just found the future site for the journeying animals comic ( on my Twitter feed. I'm going to read an asexual activism post or two to balance out my evening. (Still not a fan of "you're fundamentally broken and God is the solution" doctrines)
Thanks, Cat! I'm also not a fan, but as I said when the Bunny Comic came out, my problem was mostly related with Minna's atitude, refusing to properly warn readers about the religious tone and proselytizing speech.
There's space to make a good story based on religious beliefs, even if I'm still unsure that she will be able to avoid becoming propaganda...
Let's wait and see what turns out.

(BTW her art remains gorgeous!)

(BTW 2: Having animals (without human-like modifications) as main characters, making them intelligent, able to speak, etc... as we can see in "The Lion King"... Well, I'm ok with that. But making them have and use men-made objects like belts and tarps stretches my Suspension of Disbelief a bit too much).
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dreki on October 23, 2022, 02:00:06 PM
Yeah, it was something on those lines, From total depravity to somethingsomethig (basically the only right thing).

Her Hummingfluff site now shows her works in progress (the two Christian furry animals) and finished work. The latter consists of LP only.  I'm sad again.

Oh that makes much more sense thank you.

I imagine her definition of "depravity" would be hilariously disappointing.

However I do know people who've gotten wrapped up in really bad things so maybe she did end up addicted to drugs and using her body and destroyed her life and just a really toxic, horrible hole.  Which will be shocking and impressive she managed to keep SSSS going despite.

And also heartbreaking because it makes her new "hate yourself" church seem incredibly predatory.

Buuuuut I'm guessing depravity looks more like "normal human life that she now looks down on". 

.I've never gotten the impression that Minna had a condemning attitude in her work or speech.

Yeah that's why we're upset.  She's now quite condemning. Herself as well, so it's a bit tragic, but also anyone who isn't her brand of Christian.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on October 23, 2022, 07:31:56 PM
I think she's using "depravity" in a specific religious sense.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thegreyarea on October 25, 2022, 10:14:02 AM
I think she's using "depravity" in a specific religious sense.
Problem is that definition may be quite broad depending on the specific religious "flavour", ranging from orgies and/with use of drugs to people (oh god!) touching hands before marriage...
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: tehta on October 25, 2022, 10:56:37 AM
Sure, there are other, more casual meanings, but 'total depravity' is a specific doctrine with plenty of literature behind it, and even its own Wikipedia page. It's also promoted by one of Minna's favorite theologians. To me, it would be extremely weird if she used it in some other sense in a comic about religious doctrine, comparable to a Catholic using the phrase 'original sin' to mean novel sins that haven't been seen before.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thegreyarea on October 25, 2022, 06:20:26 PM
Edited on January 2023.

Information about this thread, please read

Minna’s personal testimony comic A Meandering Path has been published and her next work, Journey Upstream has launched. This thread is for discussion of these works, their Christian and possible other themes etc. This thread is more of a meta-discussion, not about the stories per se but the messages and the thoughts and feelings provoked by them.

This thread will not use spoiler tags, all content and plot points can be discussed openly.

This thread contains direct and stark criticism of the strongly Christian works. It is not intended as criticism of Christianity or religion as a whole, but some of the discussion is likely to contain elements that criticize or comment against certain aspects of what some readers may consider important for their faith.

This thread is NOT reserved for negative comments about the works. Positive comments, praise, and counter arguments of the criticism presented is welcome.

Everyone is expected to NOT engage in criticizing the opinions, views or faith of others. Criticism of an aspect of religion is not intended as general religion bashing, and conversely, disagreeing with it is not to be taken as a blanket ”I’m right and you are wrong.” This is a discussion, not an argument.

At the time of writing the thread has remained very civilized, let’s keep up the good work!

Moderator out.

Sure, there are other, more casual meanings, but 'total depravity' is a specific doctrine with plenty of literature behind it, and even its own Wikipedia page. It's also promoted by one of Minna's favorite theologians. To me, it would be extremely weird if she used it in some other sense in a comic about religious doctrine, comparable to a Catholic using the phrase 'original sin' to mean novel sins that haven't been seen before.
Ok, you're surely right about that. I didn't know that part... and it helps understanding Minna's position. Thanks for pointing it, Tehta. (btw here's the link to the Wikipedia page (

I suppose for a religious person that's a quite depressing and stressing way of viewing Humanity. How impressive is the difference with the all-forgiving view of some catholics that I know well... Minna could have had better luck.

(BTW nice to see you!)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: tyfasi on October 25, 2022, 09:49:29 PM
i bit the bullet and read the Testimony comic, it went up this week.

I was kind of just hoping the comic would be more about Minna struggling with faith and finding a meaningful community instead of the "nothing i said/made/did was good before i converted" tone a lot of her stuff has had recently.

Unfortunately it split down the middle of those themes. The comic is at its best when she talks about her severe anxiety and depression and how learning about Christianity and finding a church brought her out of that. The comic is really bad and patronizing when she talked about how wrong and evil she was before converting. There is a long and truly awful section where she talks about how without the moral framework of god people easily sink into degeneracy, a very common theme in the entire comic was that thinking not nice things is a mortal sin on par with acting on the same bad impulses.
Something kind of sad to read during this was how very little merit she saw in her old comics. She mentions Redtails Dream and SSSS by name once each and only to talk about the depictions she had of christians in those comics and, weirdly, how the traditional finnish depiction of the afterlife was grim and bleak.

But after that she refers to these comics as "empty entertainment", implying they are not meaningful art, and that her good reputation as an artist, the connections she made, and the support of her fans was a frivolous indulgence. And thats...really shocking to read since I know many people consider those comics to be deeply meaningful and beautiful art. It's even a bit ironic considering I thought Lovely People was a lukewarm dystopia at its best and chick track at its worst. The actual art too, I think is not very impressive for both Lovely People and this Testimony comic. Compared to the rich colors, bold inking, striking character designs, and gorgeous sweeping backgrounds from her previous projects the art in LP and this comic are a disappointment. Maybe it's because this comic was supposed to be an easy stop-gap and she didn't want to put in the effort but looking back at panels from aRtD and SSSS I can't believe it's by the same artist! The colors are washed out and pale, the characters boring and too similar to remember easily, and when there actually are backgrounds theyre messy and indistinct. And by looking at the concept art pages for the upcoming comic I don't think her previous style is going to come back.

Maybe she finds her new stories meaningful, but to me LP, this new comic, and the upcoming god seeking animal stories are shallow and dull. Theyre devoid of the interesting ideas she put in her "empty" fantasy comics, instead just more well-tread stories identical to every other christian moral lesson you can get anywhere.
The Journey Upstream comic might surprise me, but I really don't think we'll get anything close to a Redtails Dream or Stand Still Stay Silent from her again.

This was probably pretty harsh for a short comic made for what I suspect is Minna's own comfort, and I hope I'm wrong about what her future projects will be like (there was hints at comic ideas she was considering before LP and they did sound neat and I really hope she didn't shelve those permanently) but she doesn't seem to want to do the kind of art I originally admired her for. Oh well
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Keep Looking on October 25, 2022, 11:14:09 PM
Thank you for sharing how you found the Testimony comic!

I'm glad to hear that finding Christianity helped bring Minna out of severe anxiety and depression, but I do agree that it sounds rather depressing how little value she is putting onto her previous work. Potentially part of this may be derived from the fact that she may have been in a bad place mentally while she was doing it (I know how much that can colour things badly), but it also sounds like the doctrine of her new church may be having a strong influence there too.

I guess I'll have to read her comic myself soon enough - I am curious about what she has to say, even if I know it may not make me particularly happy.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Grade E cat on October 26, 2022, 04:17:06 AM
Because I have a very high "letting go of a work" threshold and it showed up in a bookstore I get myself to on a semi-regular basis, I own the French translation of Book 4 of SSSS. One of the additions for the print version was an afterword in which Minna mentions her newfound Christianity. However, her attitude towards SSSS in that afterword seems have been along the lines of "I made this comic for entertainment, so I hope it succeeded in that" and "it was interesting to reread it and remember where I was at the time". There are also bits about her "having found her way" and "now going where [Jesus] wants her to go". Now I'm seeing how this looks like further down the line.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on October 26, 2022, 12:13:58 PM
i bit the bullet and read the Testimony comic, it went up this week.

I will look at it when it is free.  I will admit, I am curious.

I was kind of just hoping the comic would be more about Minna struggling with faith and finding a meaningful community instead of the "nothing i said/made/did was good before i converted" tone a lot of her stuff has had recently.
She made an addendum on her hummingfluff page (Considering she never even mentioned SSSS and ARTD prior)

From page:
Old comics
I can't whole-heartedly recommend the comics I finished during my pre-Christian era, since even though I tried to make them as "just entertainment" and for mass appeal, our worldviews always color our creations. But the comics exist, and read with that understanding they can be kinda decent. So if you do want to read them they are:

"A Redtail's dream" My first finished comic, made when I was in university (finished 2013). It's a fairytale-ish adventure set in a dream world inspired by Finnish mythology.

"Stand Still. Stay Silent" This was my very long-running post-apocalyptic horror-adventure story, set in the Nordics and with a fantasy flare inspired by Nordic mythologies (Norse and Finnish). NOT suitable for children (and maybe not sensitive adults) because of the very prominent horror elements.
At least she is admitting she made them. (Maybe so she keeps her copyrights).  I also find it sad that she thinks the works are no longer "good".  They have supplied her with a decent living, inspired a very active fanbase and fan fiction.  Plus many people commenting on how beautiful the art was.  I find that truly sad.

Unfortunately it split down the middle of those themes. The comic is at its best when she talks about her severe anxiety and depression and how learning about Christianity and finding a church brought her out of that.

Depression is an ugly monster that swallows you whole.  It is good something helped her.  Everyone fights their battles in their own way

Something kind of sad to read during this was how very little merit she saw in her old comics. She mentions Redtails Dream and SSSS by name once each and only to talk about the depictions she had of christians in those comics and, weirdly, how the traditional finnish depiction of the afterlife was grim and bleak.
I Liked her handling of Anne.  I do not remember any clergy depictions in ARTD. (I read it only once. ).

I do like Valhalla better than sleeping in a river though :)

But after that she refers to these comics as "empty entertainment", implying they are not meaningful art, and that her good reputation as an artist, the connections she made, and the support of her fans was a frivolous indulgence. And thats...really shocking to read since I know many people consider those comics to be deeply meaningful and beautiful art.

WOW!  I think her feelings are totally way off.  It also feels like a slam in the face. Especially since she made a living off of this for 10 years..  The comic meant a lot to a great many people. (me included)  It is disheartening that she is willing to throw it and the people away.

Maybe she finds her new stories meaningful, but to me LP, this new comic, and the upcoming god seeking animal stories are shallow and dull. Theyre devoid of the interesting ideas she put in her "empty" fantasy comics, instead just more well-tread stories identical to every other christian moral lesson you can get anywhere.
The Journey Upstream comic might surprise me, but I really don't think we'll get anything close to a Redtails Dream or Stand Still Stay Silent from her again.

I think you are correct.  It will take a lot of thinking and introspection to come up with something unique and enlightening.  She seems to be repeating the rhetoric she is learning.  Which is hardly new or interesting.

Also, Making money with Christian themed arts is very difficult.  I do not know how many substack subscribers she has.

This was probably pretty harsh for a short comic made for what I suspect is Minna's own comfort, and I hope I'm wrong about what her future projects will be like (there was hints at comic ideas she was considering before LP and they did sound neat and I really hope she didn't shelve those permanently) but she doesn't seem to want to do the kind of art I originally admired her for. Oh well

+1 Sigh
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on October 26, 2022, 04:55:36 PM
Thank you tyfasi for letting us know it’s out. Not that what your are telling is making me any happier, but this was expected. Still, it’s disheartening to learn she has taken such a complete turnaround as regards the older works. In light of this it’s no wonder Adventure 2 became what it became. Considering the apparently utter lack of interest on her side towards the end, it’s a testimony of strong work ethic that she did finish it in any case.

I will buy book 4 when it becomes available to the Hiveworks shop, but I don’t think I would be interested in buying A2 in hard copies after all this. Also I mostly hope she will not be making any more bonus comics on SSSS, it would only be sad.

I will read the testimony comic despite everything because I’m nosy like that. At least I have been warned! However right now I don’t have the mental energy to spend on something that I know will make me sad and possibly angry, so I will have to return later with any comments on the comic itself when I can summon the strength for it.

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Mirasol on October 27, 2022, 06:12:44 AM
Heya, perhaps really stupid question.

I also want to read the testimony-comic, not that I actually expect much that I can in any way support from it, but mostly because I don´t think it´s really fair from me towards Minna after all to only read other people´s opinions about it. I too am very sad about how much Minna rejects her old works (at least she´s linking them again...), they meant a lot to me as well. But I also want to know what happened here to get Minna to that point.

So I was meaning to take a look at it yesterday after seeing your message, tyfasi, but the official Hummingfluff-page says it won´t launch until November, and googling the title itself doesn´t get me any results either. Is there some early-access-thing going on that I don´t know of?
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: angsttronaut on October 27, 2022, 07:35:31 AM

So I was meaning to take a look at it yesterday after seeing your message, tyfasi, but the official Hummingfluff-page says it won´t launch until November, and googling the title itself doesn´t get me any results either. Is there some early-access-thing going on that I don´t know of?

She's released it early for her Substack subscribers, don't think she's linked it anywhere else just yet.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on October 27, 2022, 08:10:20 AM
There were some jokes (or no-so-jokes) on discord, that she would release it for halloween Or Nov 1 (Nov 1 is all souls day).
 So if she is into symbolism, she may do it then.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on October 31, 2022, 03:26:13 PM
It looks like the new bunny comic is now available.  I have not read it, but I probably will later (Then finish my story about Sigrun to wash the sadness away)

Looking at the chatter on Discord, It looks really painful, incredibly sad and disheartening.  If Minna felt like what the few snippets that were pasted in Discord, I feel nothing but overwhelming grief for her.

Though there was one paste from the comic that kinda irked me.  (I am better than you vibes)

From what I have seen so far.  I do suggest any person who was stressed out about LP, not look at this comic.  I think LP was/is tame by comparison.

Now this is just what I am getting from Discord, so that is not a fully formed opinion

I will update when I do read it...(If I can finish it)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: angsttronaut on October 31, 2022, 04:19:21 PM
Read the new comic (it's on her website), and it's quite disturbing really. Particularly the third from last chapter.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on October 31, 2022, 05:17:39 PM
Read the new comic (it's on her website), and it's quite disturbing really. Particularly the third from last chapter.

I agree, but maybe for different reasons. 

It does have a lot of LP vibes, and some really chilling aspects of her personality as she described them.

At the end of it all I was meh..

Some of the things she described about her emotional state may be unwelcome triggers for people. 
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Keep Looking on October 31, 2022, 11:19:03 PM
I found it an interesting read for me personally because the religion she's gone into is the one that I left (reform-leaning baptists - I was a pastor's kid) with the full understanding of how the theology worked.

I'm glad that finding Christianity helped Minna to get out of some pretty bad mental places and also form relationships with other people. But it also feels a little weird for me to read. It's an interesting insight into different ways that she has thought and why she ended up where she did, but I can confidently say it hasn't created any desire in me to go back.

I guess I don't find it as disturbing as others might, but I think that's mostly just because I'm fairly desensitised to a lot of stuff. Usually when people tell me how they've thought about stuff, even if it's rather disturbing, I tend to take it at face value and accept that it was a way that they thought without feeling particularly many emotions about it, unless they're someone I deeply care about.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: NightMareMage on November 01, 2022, 04:08:50 PM
A quick note: I know a lot of people don’t know this, but degenerate is a word that means, “having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable.” It is predominantly an insulting description of disabled people. It entered most people's vocabulary because it is an anti-queer dog whistle. It is also used to mean anti-POC and immigrants, amongst others. Something we should keep in mind.

Okay, so I would be glad if finding God made her happy, but she depicts herself as having an unhealthy mindset about God. It honestly disturbs me. It reminds me so much of the victims of religious abuse and former cult members that I have seen. Almost the entire comic shows her in an unhealthy mental state, and that did not stop when she became a Christian. I am sure she would disagree with me, but that is what she shows us.

There is no mention of whether she has changed her views since she released LP. In the end of the A Meandering Line, she does seem to be improving as a person. If her views are the same as when she released LP, I think that improvement can only go so far.

Based on this comic, I think she needs therapy. Yes, we are shown changes over the years, but she still struggles with her mental health. (Also, her having more compassion for others would be good. Therapy could help with that too. Just saying.)

Also, her thing about the word of the Bible (also seen in LP) is weird to me. The book was written by humans and has been translated over and over again. We've got translations of translations of translations, all written by people. No Bible could ever be the word of God verbatim.

Otherwise, the art is good. Not great or anything, but if she is putting less time into art on smaller projects, I think that’s fine. The way the story is told is good. I mean, I think. It’s a bit hard to tell when you don’t like what is written, but I think it is written well.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: moredhel on November 04, 2022, 03:52:32 AM
To me it also reads like she switched one unhealthy mental state (drawing weird conclusions from beeing worried about everything ending in the distant future) for an other unhealthy mental state (beeing worried god would crash a plane in her house).
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on November 17, 2022, 04:42:36 PM
I have now read it too. Not as bad as I feared. There's lots of blaming herself of being horrible (a lot more than deserved I'm sure) but not much blaming of others.

It's also interesting to learn her mum is Pentecostal and she's actually gone to (their) church as a child quite a lot. The Pentecostals are not very common here in Finland and many of them are... maybe not exactly zealots but very enthusiastic about their religion. Especially in comparison with most Finns, religion is not a subject that is commonly discussed here. So, anyone who goes to church regularly will be viewed by others as having at least hints of zealotry.

Also I was glad to notice her church choosing criteria included "must not accidentally join a cult" because honestly I was a bit worried for a while. Although the churches she did consider are... well, not cults by any means, but a bit fringe here in the Finnish religious landscape (if such can be considered to exist). One was set up because our main church, the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran church accepts female priesthood, while some types cannot even start to consider it. I was a bit sad to see Minna is apparently one of these types, I don't understand why but then I don't understand her conversion either.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Sc0ut on November 24, 2022, 01:15:42 PM
Okay, unpopular opinion, but as a fan of autobiographical comics, i like A Meandering Line. Or rather, I'm glad it exists, because it made me understand a lot more about what's happening with Minna and as such it is an interesting cultural and psychological document. To me, it's a comic less about religion and more about the coping mechanisms one finds when one is materially comfortable but sheltered, book-smart but not emotionally intelligent. It also pretty much confirmed to me that Minna is autistic, something I'd been suspecting for a long time based on her depiction of Lalli (I know the caveats about armchair diagnosing people, but I have a good record of recognizing other neurodivergents even before they are diagnosed, and I am autistic myself, so I don't say this lightly). It reminds me of very young me, who used to find interaction with people unpleasant and confusing and was looking for an outside Purpose to bring meaning to life instead. My partner (also autistic) took screenshots of parts of the comic to take to therapy because they describe some of his experiences very well.

Anyway, I wish someone told Minna about therapy. Though I suspect she believes only "weak" or "really crazy" people go there (or those who don't have god's help?). She is such a fascinating mix of self-importance and guilt. I hope she will continue her slow progress towards understanding people and her place among them a bit better, and get to a better place than she is now. I do believe she can do it and she might surprise us pleasantly in the future, though it may take a very long time.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: wavewright62 on November 28, 2022, 01:12:04 AM
I like your take, Sc0ut - as always, you bring thoughtful analysis to a topic.  I hope your vision for Minna's future comes to pass.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Linebyline on December 02, 2022, 09:52:25 PM
So, caveat, I haven't read the new comic yet. Will do that sometime when I have more energy. Right now I fear it would just leave me angry and depressed. But with that said...

But after that she refers to these comics as "empty entertainment", implying they are not meaningful art, and that her good reputation as an artist, the connections she made, and the support of her fans was a frivolous indulgence. And thats...really shocking to read since I know many people consider those comics to be deeply meaningful and beautiful art.
Someone get this girl a copy of A Defence of Penny Dreadfuls (, stat!

And, like... We all kinda knew this was coming when she cancelled City of Hunger. Something that had seemed pretty important to her, that was resonating with an awful lot of us as well, and she dismisses it as unimportant, meaningless, frivolous, and (most importantly) a distraction from what really matters. An avid (if mediocre) gamer and aspiring game dev myself, I was frankly offended by the assertion that video games are just a waste of time.

And there was also the time she said her work wasn't going to be so subtle with its themes that you wouldn't know it was Christian unless you specifically went looking for it, like The Chronicles of Narnia. You know, the books about children meeting an incarnate god, who was the son of the emperor, who died and rose again, and who also rules over our world but under a different name, whom the characters meet and recognize under that our-world identity after they die and go to heaven in the last book. That was too subtle for her? And I suppose she thinks VeggieTales is a secular sketch comedy show?

Never trust people who try to tell you that following Christ means you have to cut away every other part of yourself. It is true that, per Christian belief, Christ calls us to a fairly radical rejection of earthly attachments. But the very same Bible tells us that God created the world (Oh, noes, The World™!) and said that it was good! That Christ came because God so loved the world! That the God who created the heavens and the earth and all their wonders is to be praised (among other ways) specifically in relation to those wonders! That nature glorifies God simply by existing! That he, the creator, created us in his own image and likeness! The (perhaps obvious?) implication of that is that if we're images of God the creator, then our creative impulses are a reflection of him, even when they're not specifically, overtly about him.

Okay, so I would be glad if finding God made her happy, but she depicts herself as having an unhealthy mindset about God. It honestly disturbs me. It reminds me so much of the victims of religious abuse and former cult members that I have seen. Almost the entire comic shows her in an unhealthy mental state, and that did not stop when she became a Christian. I am sure she would disagree with me, but that is what she shows us.
It's not just you. I'm getting significant "Minna has joined a cult" vibes. Everything I just ranted about above makes me think of high-control groups forbidding members from thinking and talking about things from outside the cult. Reminds me of some people I know who were educated with Catholic homeschool materials that were so religious that every single lesson had a Catholic theme. For instance, in English lessons, all the example sentences told boring little stories about the lives of the saints. I can't say it's surprising that those people are no longer practicing Catholics. I also wasn't all that surprised when Catholic blogger and cult survivor Mary Pezzulo (of Steel Magnificat) mentioned that the Charismatic Renewal cult she was raised in used the same kinds of materials.

Also, her thing about the word of the Bible (also seen in LP) is weird to me. The book was written by humans and has been translated over and over again. We've got translations of translations of translations, all written by people. No Bible could ever be the word of God verbatim.
Might be veering off topic a bit, but I want to push back on this a bit. Most modern Bible translations are made using the most ancient copies available. Most contain footnotes that at least mention, and often give explanations, where one possible translation choice was made over another. It might be a moot point, though, since Christians in general don't believe the Bible to be dictated verbatim by God. Not sure if Minna's community does or not.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dinoonthenet on December 03, 2022, 12:19:40 PM
it's been a bit since i read the testimony comic, and my memory isn't the best so it may not be accurate (and i don't much feel like going through it again to check) but i can at least say i think it's a lot better than lovely people, probably because it's a lot harder to get an honest account of your own thoughts and experiences wrong than social commentary (or maybe just because it's less shocking after having already burned by LP). i get the impression that while the author's faith may have changed, a few core aspects of her worldview stayed fundamentally the same throughout her entire journey. that is, her need for simple and straightforward answers to big, complex things like society, human nature, and indeed the entire universe and its meaning, followed by a sort of "i'm better because i know better, morally" attitude. she talks a lot about listening to people who claim to have answers, like preachers and futurists, but i don't remember her talking very much at all about the philosophy of the very questions she wanted answers to. it all just felt very odd, simplified and narrow minded. i feel kind of mean saying this but it really felt like she reached some of the conclusions she did because she just wasn't interested in the alternatives, and thus didn't bother exploring them very much, which is strange considering how much of the work is ostensibly about doing exactly that.

at least she seems to be working on her social anxiety. good for her, but yeah, church isn't therapy...
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: tzelly on December 15, 2022, 02:48:13 PM
I just came across the new comic a few days ago and needed time to process it. I was very disturbed by what i read, but also glad for the explanation for what happened to Minna.

I was worried that she had joined a cult and lost her mind but this shows that she has been mentally unwell for a very long time. Didn't get the help she needed and skipped out on some very impotent development stages due to self isolation.

I see echos of myself in some of her writings and how differently things could have turned out if I didn't have certain people in my life. But I also see echos of other people I knew that were not so lucky.

(trigger warning)
Spoiler: show
The way Minna explained her thoughts and understandings of how the world worked reminded me heavily of an old friend I had in high school-collage. The heavy focus on dangers that are so far out our human ability to understand and yet diving head first into the worst the world has to offer and reveling in it. Thinking so highly of themself and even the statements like "its surprising how easy it is to throw away empathy for others." and turn around with such guilt that they would lash out at themselves and others. Needing so desperately to be given a god given purpose in life. Literally burning years of her art because something whispered in her ear one day. And when everything failed to get the results she wanted; her family, god, the world... she took things too far and was gone...

All in all, I am glad Minna found something to give her some semblance of stability, and genuinely wish her the best... but also sad that she took this path due to what seems to be great lack of understanding compounding over a mountain of fear. I agree with everyone who said it, she needs therapy.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on December 15, 2022, 04:08:26 PM
Huh. I'm starting to think that maybe I should read the thing; though it doesn't seem like it's going to be pleasant to do so.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on December 16, 2022, 09:19:34 PM
OK. So I have read the thing, and no it wasn't pleasant to do so.

I have a page full of reactions done mostly going along as I read it. Spoilering it, both for length and for at least one really unpleasant thought I had along the way about something that might happen in Minna's future.

Spoiler: show
minna's new comic, do I actually want to read the thing?
   -- I think it's trying to load the whole thing at once, which is of course taking forever on my connection. -- ok, it seemed to have quit, so I hit refresh and now I think it has loaded.
   -- the artwork is simplified without any of the attention to background detail that was in SSSS. What there is of artwork isn't bad, exactly, but it's cutesy-bunnies again, and I'm not into cutesy-bunnies.
   -- she gives, in fact, an excellent argument for atheism. I wonder how she's going to argue her way back out of it again. (Spoiler: she isn't. She's not going to refer to any of it again, except the god-could-make--me-believe part.)
   -- the if-I'm-right-you-must-be-wrong attitude is there in her treatment of how she saw Christians when she was an atheist
   -- she won't show her religious grandma Redtail''s Dream because she thinks her grandma will assume she believes in Tuonela because she put it in the comic?! does she think her grandmother doesn't know what fiction is? (is she right about that?)
   -- and then she freaks out because she can't find a perfect political system.
   -- wow, that's one of the worst cases of 'if I can't have everything forever then that's the same as never having anything!' that I think I've ever seen.
      Except . . . that I''m not at all sure that's what's happening. I think maybe that's her rational mind trying to explain a bad case of clinical depression, when either she's never heard of clinical depression or she doesn't think it's real?
      -- and if that's it (which maybe it isn't, I'm not a doctor and I'm certainly not her doctor), what happens when the next round of the same thing hits her and her new belief set becomes just as senseless to her? That's a really really unpleasant thought and if that does happen I just hope she survives it.

   -- and then she says she became entirely a terrible person because she was nihilistic. And what does that seem to mean? does she steal or rape or murder or beat people up or even harass them anonymously on the net? -- naah. She laughs at people in pain -- not in their presence, virtual or otherwise. To herself, when she reads about them. She reads internet polls about awful things, and then doesn't even post that she would do them. She basks in the awful things she can find in her own brain instead of looking away from them. -- notice anything about all this?
   She's being damn careful not to actually hurt anybody but herself. She's rationalizing this as being due to avoiding possible negative consequences; but there are plenty of awful things one can do with little or no chance of actually suffering any negative consequences.
   Sorry, Minna. Ain't nothing immoral or even amoral about that at all. Betcha can't even kick a kitten when nobody human is looking.

   And her apparent idea of the entire universe of possible human religious congregations appears to be a dozen churches, all of them some flavor of Christianity. It's as if no other form of religious belief even existed anywhere in the universe. But since she finds a dozen choices way too much to deal with, maybe this is a defense mechanism?
   ummm, she didn't put SSSS on break to write the first bunny comic. She just cut it back to three days a week, which for anybody else would still have been more than a normal schedule, considering she was doing all parts of a really complicated comic rather than creating it with a scripter/artist/colorist team.

   "and once the Youtube algorithm noticed that I liked listening to John Piper, its "recommendations" tab led me down a big rabbit hole of other similar preachers"
      -- it never occurs to her that maybe this wasn't a Good Thing?

   "everything about social interactions is exhausting! Reading facial expressions, trying to make the correct ones back, eye contact . . .. awful!"
   " Okay, she's talking. Focus. Look in the eyes, don't smile weird, don't look angry . . . Oops, I forgot to listen."
   "my deepest secret . . . which is that I'm really a robot masquerading as a person."

   Oh Minna, I'm sorry. Not because you're not typical. Because you don't seem to know you're not alone. And because you don't seem to realize it's not essentially wrong to be you; not all people have to be the same. Yes, you're a person. Only a person could react like that.

   And -- OK. Maybe I can see why she couldn't recognize the pain that was in much of that flood of critical posts. She really doesn't know how to recognize it; and she really doesn't know how to listen. (I'm probably not going to have the faintest idea what you looked like even if I was face to face with you for an hour -- because I'd have to keep making mental notes in verbal form on individual details of appearance and that might not work anyway, but if I do that I can't listen, and I was trying to listen.)

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: tehta on December 16, 2022, 10:27:43 PM
Very interesting thoughts, thorny! Especially about the degree to which Minna seems to have exaggerated her own evil in her mind. And about her lack of self-compassion.

I know it's not surprising that Minna could writing neuroatypical characters so well, so believably (as proven by the number of fans who identify with them!), but I am now a little surprised by the amount of compassion she showed them while not feeling it towards herself. She has people accept and even befriend Lalli, but she really doesn't expect to get that herself, does she?

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Haiz on January 11, 2023, 12:02:50 PM
hello hi it's me i suddenly remembered the existence of minna sundberg and wondered if the Bunny Testimonial project had been released yet. turns out yes! so i read it. because i too like reading autobiographical comics and hearing stories about how people think and how they've changed their minds over time. it's a privilege to gain insight into someone's life like this, even if it's just the fraction of it they choose to share. there's a vulnerability in that, and i think there's something powerful about understanding the diverse experiences of people around us and how even at the core of someone i fundamentally disagree with there will be a human person.

also because i like to snoop.

on one hand i'm happy for her in the sense that it seems that minna has found a community of actual real life people she might connect with, as well as reconnecting with a faith that is important to her and presumably makes her feel closer to her family. these seem like good things to me and i have no other choice than to trust her word about her own life.

i DO fundamentally disagree with her philosophies though, which also explains why LP was Like That. like, i can't criticize the comic for telling her story wrong or badly, because those are her thoughts and feelings and i don't doubt her having them, and she is not a fictional character that needs to be thematically coherent or a moral lesson. it's just very.......... sad, i think.

the feeling i get from the mere existence of this comic is an assumption that all humans are inherently awful and uncaring and will only do things for their own gain, and feels very much like, i don't know, like she wants to share this for the other sinners in the crowd. i mean, that's the feeling i got from the whole LP debacle too - it's actually a little funny to me how God pushed her so hard to make LP. truly the most important story she has to tell!!! like, i believe her when she says she has a lot to learn about connecting with people and becoming less self-centered (self-loathing is also a form of self-centering) - not in a derogatory way, but in a hopeful way, like of COURSE it's easy to think everyone else thinks the same way you do about things when you've neglected to make any meaningful connections with other people around you! it feels a lot like when certain kinds of people assume i am transgender because of internalised misogyny, and it's like no, i promise it's not because i think it's bad to be a woman. 

(i stand by what i said about LP back when, at the core the concept/idea of it isn't Awful, it just feels like Baby's First Cyberpunk/Dystopia that has only a surface understanding of why things are the way they are and how oppression works, and that it falls a little flat because it doesn't dig deep enough. i don't know if she ever WILL dig deeper, that's her perogative.)

i think it's entirely possible to spend your entire life by yourself and still live a full and meaningful life, because everyone has different wants and needs. but i would also go out on a branch and say that Most people, humans being social animals, benefit from creating meaningful connections with other people and finding communities to belong in. i get a very strong impression it's something that can help many people find joy, purpose and empathy. like................... a lot of what i, personally, got out of SSSS was community. my love for that comic is something that led me to form a lot of friendships, confidence, and inspiration - which led to a lot of growth as a person and an artist. so it DOES kinda suck to see her say that her past work is "meaningless entertainment" with no other merit. it sucks in the same way that so many people, me included, loved and still love her characters so dearly, and yet she does not seem to care for them at all anymore. i can't tell her how she's supposed to feel about her work, because feelings isn't something anyone can control, but it's a little heartbreaking that that's where we're at.

speaking of things on can't control -  i think the most fundamental disagreement i have with her faith is how she conceptualizes sin. i don't believe Having Bad Thoughts in and of itself is sinful. especially as someone who has OCD and intrusive thoughts - and i gotta say a LOT of the content in this comic reads eerily familiar to me, especially the constant fear of Dying or the way thoughts will constantly spiral to a Bad Topic - i CANNOT believe my thoughts equal actions equals I'm Bad. obviously i don't know what minna has done with her life beyond what she's shared with us, but it doesn't seem like she's actuall DONE a lot of Bad Things. not even the controversies from the SSSS heyday where i disagree with her actions or statements seem like the horrible awful sinfulness she is punishing herself for. like i understand feeling bad for having thought Bad Thoughts!!! but thoughts are immaterial!!!! it doesn't matter if you thought about doing something if you didn't actually do it, and likewise!! if you do a good thing it's great that you did it even if it was for less noble reasons!!

it also makes me sad that she felt compelled to give up everything she had going for her. maybe it was a change she wanted and needed to do, and this was just how it manifested in her life, and that's valid. i know of so many webcomic creators who, in the middle of very large projects, need to end them or change directions, just because they're burning out on it or have changed too much since they started. it was clearly a decision she kept circling back to until she made it, so there were probably underlying reasons for it. it's her life!! i just... i hope she doesn't live by the philosophy of Sacrifice and Self-punishment.

it's just very harrowing & heartbreaking to see such disdain for Humans in the belief that nobody has genuine connections and that everything is self-serving in some way, that a better society is clearly impossible because humans are just too inherently cruel and those who don't admit to being so are just lying to themself, that there must be a MEANING behind it all because if not let's just descend into lawless chaos every man for himself etc etc etc. it's not clear by the comic that she's changed her mind on this, because the impression i get is that she's returned to faith mostly to get rid of her own sins before she dies. which DOES explain, once again, why the vibe of LP was "it's worth doing good things so you go to heaven afterwards" or something. i don't remember exactly, just - there's a distinct feeling that she lacks any kind of foundational values or belief that they could exist beyond God. all of my eyebrow raising at both comics come from That distinct feeling.

so yeah no i too think therapy would have been helpful - for the social anxiety, for the Very Plausible Autism/neurodivergence, for the intrusive thought patterns. hopefully having a network in her life will be helpful as well. i hope she didn't join a cult or anything cult-adjacent!

it's been an enlightening read :V

edit: forgot to say anything about the Radicalization Through Youtube Algorithm................ i don't really have much to say about it it's just. feels almost mundane in this day and age

(i hope i'm posting in an appropriate thread, i just noticed there IS a meandering line thread but most of the relevant discussion seems to be in this one)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on January 11, 2023, 12:16:55 PM

( ?? Who? What? Hh.. Haiz? Haiz! It’s you!


Hey guys, Haiz is here! Elder in the building, everyone look sharp!

It’s good to see you! I’ll calm down now and actually read your post soon :)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Haiz on January 11, 2023, 12:23:43 PM
look sometimes it's hard to choose between my cryptid status and my morbid fascination with minna's new era of comics. who else will understand
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on January 11, 2023, 01:20:33 PM
Seconding Jitter's post.

And I agree that people who don't act on things they think of carry no blame for thinking of them -- possibly are even more praiseworthy for not acting on them than those who don't have the thoughts. Does that make any sense?

Might have more to say later, want to think about that post.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on January 11, 2023, 01:20:44 PM
This is the more correct thread and the older one, the other one came to being because this is named before the title was known. In any case we have so much less traffic these days that there’s not much need for ”thread policing” any more, it’s not like dozens of messages are likely to create an unfathomable jumble anymore.

What you wrote seems right for me too. The earlier working title was something on the lines of From Depravity to something(good) and it seems her current theology strongly leans towards the idea that every human being is a horrible sinner.

In the other thread Wave(?? I hope I remember right) mentioned something that suddenly made me see SSSS as Minna’s earlier hyperfocus and now her own brand of Christianity as the current one. It doesn’t seem that far fetched now that I think of it. Her incessant work on SSSS earlier, including how she didn’t even take weekends as free might well qualiffy. I don’t want to make any assumptions of the mental and / or neuropsychiatric status of any real people but I have to agree that it seems some issues could be / have been easier to dealt with if suitable support was available.

I think she has mellowed a little about her earlier work, it’s still ”just entertainment” bit she admits they are “decent” so at least there doesn’t seem to be need to worry she’ll take everything down because of heathen content or something.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dreki on January 11, 2023, 01:44:58 PM
I'm just going to word vomit about the Pastor Anne bit of Act 1 and how frustrated/sad I am by Minna's dismissal of it because it kind of occurred to me recently and got a bit stuck.

So the whole bit of the testimony comic where she's like "Okay God if you want me to believe in you, like, help me out here"?

"You see, you were never abandoned. Only lost. But now you've been found, and we can all go home at last. If you wish to." -

That page just really feels to me like it's speaking directly to Minna's nihilism.  "We are not here for your salvation! We are the abandoned! The unjustly suffering! The world will be made to suffer with us! That is just! That is justice!" (previous page, 889) - Doesn't that sound a lot like Minna's worst thoughts in the testimony comic?

And then there is this calm, loving, Christian pastor greeting them and saying "I've been here the whole time, waiting for you". 

I get that she's ashamed by the paganism of the rest of it, but honestly wouldn't that just reaffirm the power of Jesus that even while she was mired in pagan imagery, Jesus still made his way to speak through her work?   

It just, it just rankles me that she's so eager to throw something that displayed so much talent under the bus that even though it's actually a strong argument in agreement with her current life view, she has to throw it away.

It's her right to, but it's sad to me.

it's just very.......... sad, i think.

This is how I feel.  May say more about your post later.

Hello I'm new-ish to the forum.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: wavewright62 on January 12, 2023, 03:55:49 AM
*waves at the bog creature enthusiastically*

Ja, Jitter, that was me.  I posted in the newer thread as a direct answer to a post there, but I also think this thread will morph into commentary beyond LP and the testimony comic, toward the animals-on-a-journey comic.

I agree with dreki about the strongly Christian message of the Pastor Anne arc, even though Minna herself says it predated her conversion.  It was a far stronger (and dare I say more positive) expression of Christian ideology than anything she's written since, and stands in stark contrast to the Christian pastor snivelling at the gates of Tuonela in ARtD.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on January 12, 2023, 07:04:44 AM
Good to see you back, Haiz! And yeah, I have noticed that the church militant seems to conduce to the encouragement of vices such as sadomasochism. And that the ‘miserable-sinner’ mindset provides far too many opportunities for people who shouldn’t be trusted with power at all to exercise a lot of power over other people. I distrust anyone who is motivated by having ‘power-over’.

Being myself an oldfashioned Pagan, I believe that people should bear the responsibility for and the consequences of their own actions. While clergy can be useful for the practical day-to-day business of religion, such as keeping track of what is considered the basic doctrine of the faith, whichever faith it is, giving service to their god or gods, and solemnising and keeping track of the births, deaths and marriages aspects of life, I do not believe that it is our place to stand between any soul and its god or gods. Then, I’m a Pagan. Christians seem to believe that it is the business of their clergy to ‘convert’ people. Each to their own, I suppose, but I fear a lot of ‘conversions’ are exploiting the damaged and fearful.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dreki on January 12, 2023, 08:35:15 AM
I agree with dreki about the strongly Christian message of the Pastor Anne arc, even though Minna herself says it predated her conversion.  It was a far stronger (and dare I say more positive) expression of Christian ideology than anything she's written since, and stands in stark contrast to the Christian pastor snivelling at the gates of Tuonela in ARtD.

I would join Pastor Anne's church. I would not join Minna's or the depiction in Lovely People. 

And yes the ARtD comparison - and that comic she says she's still fond of!

I do not believe that it is our place to stand between any soul and its god or gods.

This is a perfect way of phrasing it. Too many Christian leaders try to be the conduit between people and god.  Even so far as, in olden times, refusing to let bibles be translated to the common tongue.  I contrast that to Judaism which requires studying hebrew to be able to read the torah yourself. 
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on January 13, 2023, 11:57:21 AM
Edited on January 2023 by Jitter.

Information about this thread, please read

Minna’s personal testimony comic A Meandering Path has been published and her next work, Journey Upstream has launched. This thread is for discussion of these works, their Christian and possible other themes etc. This thread is more of a meta-discussion, not about the stories per se but the messages and the thoughts and feelings provoked by them.

This thread will not use spoiler tags, all content and plot points can be discussed openly.

This thread contains direct and stark criticism of the strongly Christian works. It is not intended as criticism of Christianity or religion as a whole, but some of the discussion is likely to contain elements that criticize or comment against certain aspects of what some readers may consider important for their faith.

This thread is NOT reserved for negative comments about the works. Positive comments, praise, and counter arguments of the criticism presented is welcome.

Everyone is expected to NOT engage in criticizing the opinions, views or faith of others. Criticism of an aspect of religion is not intended as general religion bashing, and conversely, disagreeing with it is not to be taken as a blanket ”I’m right and you are wrong.” This is a discussion, not an argument.

At the time of writing the thread has remained very civilized, let’s keep up the good work!

Moderator out.

She released the Prologue.

It bothers me internally for some reason.

There is one panel that is a bit disturbing (in my opinion). Though people need to make their own choices
Spoiler: show
Animals are eating a dead horse, which looks like it ate a lemur of some sort.

I do not know much about Calvinism Is it really that harsh? In the US there are many Christian Extremists.  Maybe I have been lucky, The ones I know and talk to have always been kind and loving (My mum included)

This was something I picked up while googling why is Calvinism so mean
Spoiler: show
NOTE: I thought this an interesting article.  I do not adhere to its tenants.

Though this was an interesting paragraph:

"2. I am differentiating mean Calvinism from “cage stage” Calvinism. If you’re not familiar with that phrase, “cage stage” refers to those who are new to Calvinism and so zealous/passionate about their new knowledge they ought to be locked in a cage for a while until they settle down, lest they hurt somebody. A lot of people emerge from the cage stage. The mean Calvinists I’m referring to are the ones who’ve been Calvinist long enough to have outgrown the cage stage. (Also, I’m of the opinion that most people who are new subscribers to any theology tend to go through similar cage stages. I’ve met plenty of social justice cage-stagers and anti-social justice cage-stagers, “progressive evangelicalism” cage-stagers, and so on. You probably have too. In fact, some of the meanest people I’ve known in church life and online have been angry about my Calvinism.)"
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on January 13, 2023, 01:04:43 PM
Journey upstream

The first batch (pages 1-7) bothers me for many reasons, but the biggest is this: What the actual duck is this??


Spoiler: show

Why are rabbits and antelopes and deer eating meat?? Why use different kinds of animals if they all could live on veggies only, but don’t want to?

Animals eating meat aren’t cruel. Clearly this is trying to be metaphorical of something but for me it fails so utterly that I’m amazed. It’s not even silly, it’s stupid.

At the same time I love the design of the celestial lamb, and the scenery in the art illustrations is lovely as always. But if this level of stupidity will continue, I won’t be curious enough to be able to read.

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dreki on January 13, 2023, 03:49:04 PM
I said this in the discord but

Spoiler: show
This isn't coming off as christian AT ALL - but it IS coming off as vegan.

And honestly Minna being vegan makes a ton of sense. Like the ultra judgemental, feeds her cats vegan food type of vegan. (Yikes)

Because if you see animal products and meat as cruelty and murder then actually yeah I see how you see humans as inherently the worst.

But the bible involves a lot of eating meat and fish so I'm confused how christianity comes into it but maybe she found a vegan christian cult?

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on January 13, 2023, 05:31:16 PM

Spoiler: show
I see where you’re coming from but she’s not vegan. At least long after her baptism she was talking about making chicken for dinner on the streams. And notwithstanding whether one regards humsns eating meat as cruelty, carnivores certainly can’t be considered cruel. Or can they?
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: angsttronaut on January 13, 2023, 05:41:19 PM
All I can really say about the first seven pages of Journey Upstream is that they are certainly pages of a comic. It is not in the slighest bit subtle with what it's trying to convey, although I was not expecting that at this point.
Spoiler: show
The metaphor she's going for just doesn't work for me. Other than it being bizarre that all the animals instantly turn to murder when the lamb turns his back for a bit, (which seems to reflect the belief Minna has stated before that we are corrupt without God, which blech) there's a strong vibe that the animals eating meat is deeply unnatural... how are the carnivorous species in Journey Upstream going to eat, I wonder? Not especially looking forward to the next pages, but I am morbidly curious about what comes next.

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on January 13, 2023, 08:02:28 PM
Angstronaut, yes, that’s exactly it! It’s wrong, but not the kind of wrong I think she’s trying for. Or maybe it is! She’s written horror before. Just doesn’t seem likely this would be intended as horror.

Spoiler: show
There seems to be a wolf or something similar happily eating mushrooms when the ”meadow” is getting started
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Haiz on January 13, 2023, 08:21:09 PM
ohhh this journey upstream comic is going to be a can't-look-away trainwreck for me, i'm sure of it. may whatever gods are listening grant me the strength to walk away from it should it ever hurt my heart more than i can handle.

on a purely aesthetic level, the art is gorgeous. i love the stylization, the compositions, the use of color. i can even roll with the carnivorosity of the herbivores and the tigers chomping on mushrooms if i read it like a fable - like one of aesop's or noah's ark kinda vibes, a story told to explain WHY things are the way they are, set in the time before they became as we know them to be. a little mythmaking! i can dig that! it certainly looks like that's the genre this epilogue is trying to hit.

it's just, too bad that i deeply and fundamentally disagree with the core
philosophy of the story.

is it too early to tell? i Wish it was too early to tell, but i feel like LP and the testimony comic are very strong indicators of two things:
1) minna seems to believe humans are just inherently rotten, awful and destructively selfish on the inside
2) minna doesn't do a lot of digging into WHY humans act the ways they do, why there is injustice in the world or even what that injustice even looks like. which makes sense if you believe humans are just inherently Bad and do shitty things because that's in our nature, no need to look further than that right

in that sense, the carnivorous horses are kind of an apt metaphor for this world view. if we assume Eating Meat Bad, we cannot Understand an ecosystem. Carnivores Are Just Evil And They Eat Meat For Evil Reasons. nevermind that carnivores are a natural and important part of ecosystems! nevermind that they physically cannot live on mushrooms! in the same way, if you do not understand that human people tend to do things for a MYRIAD of actual reasons, the culmination of their experiences up to that point, even cruel and destructive actions - I don't really think anyone does things JUST because they're evil. not even minna at her most evil in her own testimonial comic DID anything outwardly cruel beyond harboring internal thoughts and feelings.

i did not at any point expect this comic to be anything different than what it is. which really is a shame, because i would have liked to read a pretty comic that explores faith centered conundrums and challenges. like, dreamworks' prince of egypt or the webcomic daughter of the lilies. i do not have a problem with a religious story. i just have a big problem with the assumption that people are bad.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on January 13, 2023, 09:50:43 PM
While some animals such as cats are true obligate carnivores, to the point where cats on a vegan diet will die, slowly, painfully and horribly, most animals, including creatures we normally think of as herbivores such as horses, cattle, sheep and deer, are capable of omnivory. One of the madder Roman emperors had his warhorses trained to eat meat. And our farm animals as well as wild deer will happily munch easy prey such as baby birds fallen from their nests. Most animals will gnaw on bones, I suppose for the calcium.

Can’t say I care for the tone and attitude of the comic.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Buteo on January 13, 2023, 10:59:36 PM
I wonder what Minna would make of a turkey that belonged to a friend of mine.

The friend had caught a mouse in her grain-storage barrel. On her way to dispose of it, she paused at her property fence to talk to a neighbor. The moment she stood still, her turkey came up beside her, grabbed the mouse from her hand, and swallowed it!

Or what about my mare who came up to the pasture fence where I had placed my lunch - a hot dog. She unfolded the bun, left it on the fence and ate the meat.

Thinking about it, it seems likely that Minna would simply decide that neither of those incidents had anything to do with her, and dismiss them. It's sad (at best), what she's missing about the complexity of the world....
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on January 13, 2023, 11:36:55 PM
All poultry eat mice with great enjoyment. Where I live in country South Australia mouse plagues are common. I live on the edge of a little bush town, just down the road from the wool store and across from a lightly forested block with a lot of adjoining farmland, so there are lots of rodents. Back when I had geese and a few big ducks those would actively hunt rodents, and both they and the chickens would hunt and tear to pieces any rodents that got into their enclosure. If I find a freshly killed mouse in a trap I will give it either to the cat or the poultry. They enjoy it, and it makes a change from grass and grain and insects.

Then there are owls. My next door neighbour has three big open compost bays, which are always in use because he is a processor of dried fruit. These attract rodents, so every night a pair of barn owls perch on my TV antenna where they have a good view of his compost bays, while the neighbourhood cats prowl on the ground, and everybody eats well.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dreki on January 14, 2023, 02:01:53 AM
Question can we make it so this thread can show spoilers? It looks like most of the other comic threads do.

After aRTD and SSSS, I am sad we aren't getting a higher caliber of story telling.

She has the ability to do a far better story than this, while being 100% fully Christian.

Spoiler: show
Which this still doesn't feel like to me because thus far it's kind of going against Christian belief that God created everything so animals are all perfectly made in god's plan and don't evolve, and humans were made perfect then spoiled. I dunno maybe I'm reading a different bible? Did Finnish Bible translators just go balls to the wall on making up their own story?


Spoiler: show
I see where you’re coming from but she’s not vegan. At least long after her baptism she was talking about making chicken for dinner on the streams. And notwithstanding whether one regards humsns eating meat as cruelty, carnivores certainly can’t be considered cruel. Or can they?

Spoiler: show
 Nooooo my headcanon D:

Some particularly radical vegans do believe no animal should be carnivorous or even eat eggs and that every living thing can survive on a vegan diet. 

Regrettably this has ended in deaths of both infants/toddlers and pets, and thankfully is rare. But yes there are people who believe carnivorous animals can just eat vegan. I blame the American education system, personally.

which really is a shame, because i would have liked to read a pretty comic that explores faith centered conundrums and challenges. like, dreamworks' prince of egypt or the webcomic daughter of the lilies. i do not have a problem with a religious story. i just have a big problem with the assumption that people are bad.

Honestly I can work with the "people are bad" if it's well executed.  And, in the Bible, it isn't "from the beginning people were evil" - it's "god made people perfect then they were tempted and strayed and now we all carry the consequences of that sin".

I don't personally agree with it - but there is a reason, yknow?

But yes I prefer when the story has more nuance and I really love Prince of Egypt and Joseph King of Dreams.

Nightcrawler from xmen is my favorite superhero because of his faith - he uses it in a way of personal empowerment,  in most (all?) canons he doesn't try to convert anyone and respects faiths, and he questions the church when it feels wrong to him.

That's the religion I can get behind.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Haiz on January 14, 2023, 03:38:50 AM
Honestly I can work with the "people are bad" if it's well executed. 

I can't. or rather, i can watch or read a story and be like "well it executed its own ideals perfectly and is good on a technical level, but those ideals are in complete opposition to my core foundational values so i can't think of it as a Good Story."

i mean, i've read a song of ice and fire/a game of thrones, a series where many of the characters famously do/or go through a lot of horrendous stuff. but the story is essentially a set of character studies - how do they find and enact their agency in the world they live in? how do they hold on to their personal values when their life and honor is on the line? what does it mean to be in power and how do they wield it? like i know thr tv series adaptation especially got a (well-earned in time) reputation for "characters doing evil things to create the most shocking twist," but the books to me always read as a glimmer of hope and defiance and trying to do good even when all the cards are stacked against it. WEIRD DIGRESSION MAYBE.

something i kept getting snagged on in the testimony comic is the part where minna goes down the politics rabbit hole on youtube, and compared a totalitarian regime to one of complete anarchy. it really strikes me as odd that while the art depicts intense surveillance, the downside listed by the text is "people in power may be corrupt". is... is that really the drawback of totalitarianism? is that the biggest problem we will encounter in a totalitarian state? not saying corruption ISN'T bad, but it's such a simplistic explanation - does it imply totalitarianism is fine if the people running it are virtuous? is it fine if all the rules are Good Rules? i mean i guess these comics seem to think a perfect society is one where everyone lives perfectly by one perfect moral code....
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on January 14, 2023, 03:55:02 AM
I have certainly met sane Christians, including several Christian clergy and one church organist and composer of church music, who was a wonderful support to her community. Not to mention my Christian aunt and stepmother, who both coped well in a family of whom far more family members were Pagan or Jewish. I reckon this worked because all of these people respected the right of others to have their own faith, whether or not it was one they agreed with. The common trait I have noticed among these people is that they were more focused on the obligations of their faith than on the privileges. They gave help, love and service to others as the Christ of the Bible wanted people to do, rather than lambasting them for being sinners and feeling frightfully superior while they did so.

 I have actually read all the way through the Christian bible, plus a lot of commentary and theology, because I wanted to have a better understanding of my Christian stepmother. My mum died when I was quite a small child, and my father did not marry again until my brother and I were teenagers. I had been a lifelong Pagan, so I felt that it was only polite to acquire some understanding of her beliefs.

And Haiz, I quite agree with you about the GOT books having a more hopeful tone than did the TV series, which did seem to be oversimplified for the purpose of being shocking, and adapted for an audience who are more into being titillated than they are into thinking.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: JoB on January 14, 2023, 05:59:47 AM
(Disclaimer: Have yet to read any of Minnas post-SSSS+LP works myself.)

Some particularly radical vegans do believe no animal should be carnivorous or even eat eggs and that every living thing can survive on a vegan diet.
Good luck preaching that to the animals - yes, a large part of them belong to the fauna - that we call "decomposers (".

(Which raises a question I've never before asked myself: Does the concept of "vegan" truly label all uses of animal parts as off limits, including those using animals that have already died for whatever other reason than being useful to us?)

the downside listed by the text is "people in power may be corrupt". is... is that really the drawback of totalitarianism? is that the biggest problem we will encounter in a totalitarian state?
I think that you can describe its biggest problem with those words if you leave it sufficiently widely open what the definition of "corrupt" is. ;) It might easily turn into a non-precise, unusable description that way, though.

In particular, if you regard the suppression of minorities and dissenters as "the biggest problem" of totalitarianism, all you need is some of those calling that "corrupt" (per their standards) and hey presto, we found unspeakable "corruption" at the heart of the problem.

not saying corruption ISN'T bad, but it's such a simplistic explanation - does it imply totalitarianism is fine if the people running it are virtuous? is it fine if all the rules are Good Rules?
I'm right with you to distrust anyone in politics who claims he's "doing it just for the good of everyone", but you might want to note that, as the thing transitioned from a U.S. military project (DARPAnet) to the early Internet, the actors setting the technical standards with widespread interoperability, net neutrality etc. in mind pretty much did that, and are still often referred to as a "benevolent dictatorship". The things I do, to this day, as a systems administrator quite often come from a "this ain't a vote" kind of decision-making, too. (And don't get me started on the thinking of civil defense back in the Cold War ...)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Haiz on January 14, 2023, 06:59:21 AM
In particular, if you regard the suppression of minorities and dissenters as "the biggest problem" of totalitarianism, all you need is some of those calling that "corrupt" (per their standards) and hey presto, we found unspeakable "corruption" at the heart of the problem.
I'm right with you to distrust anyone in politics who claims he's "doing it just for the good of everyone", but you might want to note that, as the thing transitioned from a U.S. military project (DARPAnet) to the early Internet, the actors setting the technical standards with widespread interoperability, net neutrality etc. in mind pretty much did that, and are still often referred to as a "benevolent dictatorship". The things I do, to this day, as a systems administrator quite often come from a "this ain't a vote" kind of decision-making, too. (And don't get me started on the thinking of civil defense back in the Cold War ...)
see the thing is that you're approaching the topic with an iota of nuance and understanding that societies & situations are complex. i am not disagreeing that there are instances where administrative decisions have to be made for the benefit and safety of a group.

the problem is that the material i'm referring to is THIS:
though i suppose "cruelty" can carry a lot of implications.

like, that is my problem with all of these works, the Surface Level Understanding of very complex issues -
surface level understanding of oppression: sometimes individual people are Mean to people who are different from them and they need to learn to be nicer :(
more nuanced understanding of oppression: there are many incentives for people in power to keep their power and privileges, and even if an individual comes to realise it's wrong they are many structural hurdles baked into society that makes it very hard to enact change without dismantling and reworking many frameworks. even nice and well-meaning people can and will engage in bigotry even when they don't intend to.

the work to do good and be a good person is endlessly complex even for the most well-meaning person and i think stories tackling those topics are very engaging, but the level of philosophy minna's new works are currently at is like... Is Humanity Inherently Cruel: y/n
and that's just not a very interesting angle to tackle these issues from, in my opinion.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on January 14, 2023, 07:00:49 AM
Angstronaut, yes, that’s exactly it! It’s wrong, but not the kind of wrong I think she’s trying for. Or maybe it is! She’s written horror before. Just doesn’t seem likely this would be intended as horror.

Spoiler: show
There seems to be a wolf or something similar happily eating mushrooms when the ”meadow” is getting started

She is giving human traits to animals and it does not work (I know she likes furries, but it is whacked in my opinion)  The furry thing makes it all weird.

Spoiler: show
She calls the animal a wolf, but it looks more like a hyena

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dreki on January 14, 2023, 07:02:48 AM
I think she is trying to convey the animals as humans (Which would have worked better)  The furry thing make it all horrible weird.

Spoiler: show
She calls the animal a wolf, but it looks more like a hyena

Spoiler: show
 Belief in Jesus removes the ability to recognize different species.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on January 14, 2023, 11:04:26 AM
Dreki, I agree, we can drop the spoilers. This discussion is more about things other than the plot - as is the plot itself so far. I’ll go an edit the initial post and a recent one about Journey upstream to warn about this.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on January 14, 2023, 11:27:49 AM
I added a note on the opening post and on pages 7 and 9 (thanks dmeck and Grey, I utilized your posts) and I urge everyone to read it! The message is the same in all three places.

Thus, everyone can drop the spoilers now.

Let me know if you think there’s something wrong or missing in the message.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on January 14, 2023, 11:58:09 AM
I really wasn't going to read this thing.

And the more I read about it, the less I want to read this thing.

Except -- that this discussion is fascinating, and in order to make better sense of it I do want to read this thing.

What to do, what to do . . .
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dreki on January 14, 2023, 02:23:40 PM
I really wasn't going to read this thing.

And the more I read about it, the less I want to read this thing.

Except -- that this discussion is fascinating, and in order to make better sense of it I do want to read this thing.

What to do, what to do . . .

So far it's a short read. Think it took me like 2 minutes.   I think I'm going to avoid it for a few months. Or years.

Minna's such a talented story teller, that a part of me is still hoping she'll be able to course correct.

It's not like doing things for Christ means they have to be poorly done, some incredible masterpieces have been done in his name. 
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: angsttronaut on January 14, 2023, 04:04:05 PM
She is giving human traits to animals and it does not work (I know she likes furries, but it is whacked in my opinion)  The furry thing makes it all weird.
Making all the characters anthropomorphic might have helped with suspension of disbelief; less questions about why the rabbits are eating flesh and such when the creatures are half human and presumably have human traits. Still wouldn't get rid of all the weirdness though.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on January 14, 2023, 04:53:04 PM
Making all the characters anthropomorphic might have helped with suspension of disbelief; less questions about why the rabbits are eating flesh and such when the creatures are half human and presumably have human traits. Still wouldn't get rid of all the weirdness though.

Yeah.  I think that would have worked.  I know we "get" that she is telling a story.  It is just my initial response was EWWW.

Going back with anthropomorphic in mind is better.  It is still rather harsh in my opinion.  Though I believe it is the Calvinism talking (Every time I write the word Calvinism I think of "Calvin and Hobbs" (lol) It is not that tho

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dreki on January 14, 2023, 05:12:08 PM
Making all the characters anthropomorphic might have helped with suspension of disbelief; less questions about why the rabbits are eating flesh and such when the creatures are half human and presumably have human traits. Still wouldn't get rid of all the weirdness though.

Furries work because they're mostly human.

Some things still work in carnivore/herbivore (Kevin & Kell, Zootopia)- that tends to be a bit uncomfortable because they're so human it's uncomfortable to see a wolf-anthro hunting a rabbit-anthro. (And in zootopia, when they are shown hunting their physicality reverts to four-legged and very very animal, not humanoid)

I think most have it that they're basically fuzzy humans, and that livestock and pets and such are animal animals so it's not weird to see a rabbit-like humanoid eating a steak and it'd be a bit amusing to have a vegan tiger-like humanoid but believable.

So yes an anthro comic would work pretty well. 

However I imagine she's now aware of how LGBT friendly the furry community is so wouldn't be willing to touch it.   :-\

(Every time I write the word Calvinism I think of "Calvin and Hobbs" (lol) It is not that tho

If it were it would have more dinosaurs.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: JoB on January 15, 2023, 06:11:02 AM
Furries work because they're mostly human.
As far as I'm concerned, they're all stand-ins for a single species (humans), either way, so unless the creator goes out of his way to show most "herbivores" eating meat and/or carnivores going veg, I'd be wary of "there's got to be a secret message there!" ...

to see a rabbit-like humanoid eating a steak
Funny that you would put it like that, considering that Minna did make a vote incentive of a non-humanoid rabbit tearing meat off a (raw?) steak as large as himself with his teeth ...

(It's supposed to be rabbit!Ville, though.)

(P.S.: Definitely raw, original filename "bloodbunny.jpg". I remember it being a fandom suggestion, though.)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on January 15, 2023, 08:31:00 PM
OK. So I have read the latest. Hope these reactions are phrased at least slightly more coherently than I think the comic is:

Well, at least the artwork's back.

Pity that it's serving such an, at best, semicoherent story; and such an, IMO, unwise message.

-- for one thing, I keep wondering how the animals got into that mess in the first panel. That's not standard Christian theology, I don't think -- in Genesis God creates a functioning ecology (one in which, while we're at it, some of the animals eat other animals) and "saw that it was good". And unless created in that state, they must have had better living conditions at some point, or no young would have been produced and they'd long since have died out. And even when Adam and Eve got thrown out of Eden, wherever they wound up it was possible to make a living, even though by the sweat of their brows. So what happened?

And then there are all the questions about the weird disaster they create in the new place. Polluted springs don't "give up", they make those who drink from them sick. I suppose magic ones might give up, but wouldn't the animals drinking from them before they did still sicken? And if there isn't any water, thirst will get you before hunger will; at least for species not designed to get most of their liquid from the body fluids of their prey. And, if starvation in their original desert made them too weak to eat each other, why wouldn't it do the same thing after the springs gave up? And why didn't they eat each other in the original desert before they got too weak, until they got back down to carrying capacity -- especially given that as soon as they gain enough strength eating each other is what they all start doing? The desert clearly is supplying some food and water, as they hadn't all quite starved; just clearly not enough to go around.

And if none of them were supposed to eat each other, and they all had lots of food after the lamb fixed the place -- were they all sterile? all using birth control? (the birds are laying eggs, though --) all going to produce babies until that was no longer possible because they'd turned the place back into a desert by overgrazing?

And is this how she thinks actual predators behave (never mind the herbivores) -- they just keep slaughtering for the fun of it, leaving the bodies to rot in their water supply? Humans have been known to do that; but it's uncommon behavior for most species in a natural situation. Making her characters -- not that they are characters, none of them have any -- non human works against her there.

But I think the real problem's there in panel -- well, I think it's panel #7, though the panels aren't really clearly distinguished (which is not a problem, that I think is kind of neat.) Explicitly. "To live here you must be like me!"

That's explained in the next line as 'you have to be kind and gentle'. But it seems to mean, also, 'you must be vegans.' Which, as has been pointed out, isn't normal for even most herbivore species-- sheep included; and is flat out impossible for some of the carnivores. (Not to mention that overgrazing problem . . . ) Again, presenting her allegory in the form of non-humans is working against her, not for her.

It's pretty clear Minna doesn't mean just 'you mustn't be unnecessarily cruel to each other'. She means that everybody must live the same way -- that there is only One Right Way to be.

And there, again, is what I think is the underlying problem in all this.

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on January 15, 2023, 08:42:54 PM
Yeah, One True Way in never a good idea. Nature doesn’t work like that, and so neither do we.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dreki on January 16, 2023, 01:21:51 AM
Well, at least the artwork's back.
I still find it closer to adv 2 than adv 1.

-- for one thing, I keep wondering how the animals got into that mess in the first panel. That's not standard Christian theology, I don't think -- in Genesis God creates a functioning ecology (one in which, while we're at it, some of the animals eat other animals) and "saw that it was good". And unless created in that state, they must have had better living conditions at some point, or no young would have been produced and they'd long since have died out. And even when Adam and Eve got thrown out of Eden, wherever they wound up it was possible to make a living, even though by the sweat of their brows. So what happened?

No this is weird and not biblical at all. There doesn't seem to be a god, just a jesus lamb.

And I suppose if you're going so negative there kind of can't be a god in the biblical sense - since how could god create something in his image that's so wicked?

(I am aware that in a sense Jesus is god - but he's also a separate subset of god that did not create the world, and does not show the kind of godly powers that god has in genesis. So this comic feels like we extracted Jesus from god.)

Different theologies focus on different things - but the Bible is fairly straightforward that humans were created inherently good.  The tree of knowledge debacle put a layer above that inherent goodness, but ultimately the core is inherent goodness.

(Also the bibles I've read don't say anything about wickedness or corruption. Just that humans now have to 'labor' instead of sitting around being bored all day. If you ask me, Eve eating the fruit* gave humanity purpose.) 

(I also have opinions about god saying "if you eat this you'll die" when what he meant was "if you eat this I'll take your immortality functionallt killing you. Whereas the serpent was fully honest about the direct result of eating the fruit. Just saying.)

*technically it doesn't say "apple" just "fruit" and it's one of my partner's pet peeves
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: JoB on January 16, 2023, 03:23:11 AM
And I suppose if you're going so negative there kind of can't be a god in the biblical sense - since how could god create something in his image that's so wicked?
There is plenty of precedent in the form of "if God is good, omnipotent, and all-knowing (including the far future), how could He allow ... to happen" discussions. The two main counterarguments are "humans cannot understand God's reasons (except in the most simple cases)" and - at least in the catholic teachings I've had - "preventing all (human-perpetrated) evil would negate the freedom of will He gave us".

*technically it doesn't say "apple" just "fruit" and it's one of my partner's pet peeves
From the actual back-then flora, the pomegranate is considered the likeliest prototype for the biblical "fruit" - which is literally called "granate apple" (Granatapfel) in German. :P
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dreki on January 16, 2023, 03:59:32 AM
There is plenty of precedent in the form of "if God is good, omnipotent, and all-knowing (including the far future), how could He allow ... to happen" discussions. The two main counterarguments are "humans cannot understand God's reasons (except in the most simple cases)" and - at least in the catholic teachings I've had - "preventing all (human-perpetrated) evil would negate the freedom of will He gave us".

The latter isn't relevant, the former is a stretch. "In the beginning, God created the world and he made it barren so all creatures endlessly suffered from hunger". There's mysterious ways and then there's dick moves.

Edit to add - I saw a woman who believes she can see angels. One thing she talked about is how she sees people's guardian angels whispering in their ears and being totally ignored.  I personally like the idea that we're guided in the right direction but are too stubborn/traumatized/etc to listen.  She's Irish Catholic IIrc (like literally born and raised and lives in Ireland) so it ties into the free will thing.

There's a lot of suffering in this world that can be attributed to human free will.

Every living creature suffering from hunger because god created inadequate resources just to force people to accept jesus!lamb's worldview is a horse of a different color.

From the actual back-then flora, the pomegranate is considered the likeliest prototype for the biblical "fruit" - which is literally called "granate apple" (Granatapfel) in German. :P

'Pomme' refers to apple as well so there's an english association, too.

I like the Persephone reference.

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on January 16, 2023, 08:11:49 AM
The pomegranate is not only probably older in cultivation than the apple but is an ancient symbol of sex, femininity and fertility. Also far more likely to be found in the Middle East than any kind of apple. The error is typical of theological translations of the Middle Ages, I’m afraid. There are many such, some of which may have been honest mistakes or just taking a stab at a possible meaning for an unknown word. But far more mistranslations served the political agenda of rulers or powerful ‘clergy’, consolidating their power and opening up new ways to subject people. Why trouble about what a wandering preacher who may have been the son of god actually said when there is power to be had?
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Buteo on January 16, 2023, 01:25:01 PM
Many a pope, from the time of 'Peter' onward, might have taken that last sentence as his papal motto.
Or a more succinct Latin version thereof.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dreki on January 16, 2023, 02:20:00 PM
Many a pope, from the time of 'Peter' onward, might have taken that last sentence as his papal motto.
Or a more succinct Latin version thereof.

When the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs.

(I really like that saying, sticks in my head well)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on January 17, 2023, 11:07:48 AM

And then there are all the questions about the weird disaster they create in the new place. Polluted springs don't "give up", they make those who drink from them sick. I suppose magic ones might give up, but wouldn't the animals drinking from them before they did still sicken? And if there isn't any water, thirst will get you before hunger will; at least for species not designed to get most of their liquid from the body fluids of their prey. And, if starvation in their original desert made them too weak to eat each other, why wouldn't it do the same thing after the springs gave up? And why didn't they eat each other in the original desert before they got too weak, until they got back down to carrying capacity -- especially given that as soon as they gain enough strength eating each other is what they all start doing? The desert clearly is supplying some food and water, as they hadn't all quite starved; just clearly not enough to go around.

"That's what you got when you hire a cheap terraforming company to prepare your planet! First, they botched the producents. Second, they didn't plumb the water supply right. Third, they are trying to make horse a predator. And their solution to all this? Send down a winged lamb with a few quick patches!"
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on January 17, 2023, 02:14:25 PM
@Dilandu, thank you for the laugh!
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dreki on January 17, 2023, 03:15:10 PM
"That's what you got when you hire a cheap terraforming company to prepare your planet! First, they botched the producents. Second, they didn't plumb the water supply right. Third, they are trying to make horse a predator. And their solution to all this? Send down a winged lamb with a few quick patches!"

This is reminding me of Douglas Adams.

Douglas Adams would have made this plot enjoyable.

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on January 17, 2023, 09:48:40 PM
I miss his wit and his work. Like Terry Pratchett, a sad loss to both philosophy and humour.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Lenny on January 18, 2023, 10:57:46 AM
Well... haha, called it I guess? I dunno, from all of your commentary this series that's meant to be useful as a Christian piece of literature is seemingly quite useless with glaring flaws. Seems like the kind of thing my dad would have me read to then grill me on what's wrong. Certainly doesn't seem like she's working with her church or any actual theologian to produce it.

I'm not going to read it myself yet (maybe one day! finally getting to maybe handling that gigantic bundle of trauma this year!), but the thoughts of everyone here has been really interesting to follow, and a little cathartic. I suppose the one thing it's useful for is as a piece to analyse!
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on January 18, 2023, 11:03:36 AM
@Dilandu, thank you for the laugh!

You are welcome)

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on January 18, 2023, 11:05:19 AM
Well... haha, called it I guess? I dunno, from all of your commentary this series that's meant to be useful as a Christian piece of literature is seemingly quite useless with glaring flaws. Seems like the kind of thing my dad would have me read to then grill me on what's wrong. Certainly doesn't seem like she's working with her church or any actual theologian to produce it.

Well, as far as I understood (and I may be wrong), the current pages is more a lore - retelling of a legend, or something like that - than the actual events.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Lenny on January 18, 2023, 11:50:36 AM
Well, as far as I understood (and I may be wrong), the current pages is more a lore - retelling of a legend, or something like that - than the actual events.

As dreki and thorny pointed out, it's so far out there from actual Christian theology that the story would have to prove the legend wrong very firmly for this to be useful as a way to learn Christian theology. There are many things that can be interpreted differently that fall under the very large label of "Christian theology", but "God created it, and saw that it was good" is not really one of them. I'm painfully aware some fringe (and not-so-fringe) sects are of the opinion "all humans = bad, unless Jesus", but even those teach "humans good, until snake and fruit, now humans forever bad". The few left that do teach that humanity was always bad are blatantly ignoring the first few paragraphs of the Bible and tie themselves into knots to do so, and few actually feel the need to do this - even cults don't need to in order to control people, the whole narrative of humanity's fall gives them that power already.

That said, disclaimer, I'm coming to this from several layers away from the actual story, and will be for a good chunk of time still, so I don't want to get too into it. Who knows, it might be a setup for something better/more accurate, which may be more obvious if I read it directly. The precedence of her past two works don't give me much hope, but I suppose we'll have to wait and see. Regardless, due to the incorrect framing it gives the reader, I'd dock it points for a useful reference even if it does subvert it later on.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on January 18, 2023, 12:22:02 PM
I wonder if this somehow all reads entirely differently to members of her particular congregation?

I can't imagine how they'd be reading it; but pretty obviously it comes off differently to Minna, at least, or she wouldn't have written it.

-- maybe it's supposed to be a spiritual analogy, not a physical one: animals in the desert are separated from God and therefore starved on a spiritual level? But I don't see how that works, either. Even if we assume that Minna somehow thinks that atheists and members of non-Christian religions are disconnected not only from God but also from each other (she specifies that the creatures in the desert at the beginning can't connect with each other), which seems to me to be obvious nonsense but maybe it doesn't to her -- the lamb goes away and leaves them after (temporarily) making the area fertile. The renewed separation isn't initiated by the animals, but by the god.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dreki on January 18, 2023, 02:57:57 PM
Even if we assume that Minna somehow thinks that atheists and members of non-Christian religions are disconnected not only from God but also from each other (she specifies that the creatures in the desert at the beginning can't connect with each other), which seems to me to be obvious nonsense but maybe it doesn't to her -- the lamb goes away and leaves them after (temporarily) making the area fertile. The renewed separation isn't initiated by the animals, but by the god.

So I personally have the headcanon for Christianity that god has other things he has to deal with and keeps turning away from humanity to work on something else then comes back and we've wrecked it and he's like "FFS I set this up WTF how did you ruin it?!"

Like the Bible I read - it jumps from Joseph (hebrews come to Egypt, save their asses from famine, everyone is happy together) to Moses (hebrews are enslaved and brutally mistreated).

So I just imagine god setting everything up, spends decades preparing Joseph and aligning everything and they're all set up for equality and prosperity and it's rolling along and he turns around to check on something else then goes back to humanity and "THEY DID WHAT"

If I were to write a comic about this I would be incredibly open about the fact I'm not Christian and it is not necessarily a reflection of christianity.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on January 18, 2023, 07:14:11 PM
That's coherent enough in itself -- I meant that it's a problem if Minna's trying to show that the animals are in a spiritual desert because they rejected a connection with God. Because according to that comic, they didn't reject it; they weren't given a choice.

-- though it occurs to me: isn't there some branch of Christianity in which God is only going to save some specific number of people, and God chooses which ones, the humans can't actually do anything about it? If so, maybe Minna's fallen into one of those groups.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on January 18, 2023, 11:56:10 PM
There are several Christian and related groups who believe this. A common number for the ‘saved’ is 144,000. Not sure how this number is derived, I think by interpreting some passage in the Bible or the Apocrypha? Does anybody know? Apparently the rest of us can’t be ‘saved’, however virtuous we may be. Really doesn’t seem fair or just.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dreki on January 19, 2023, 01:33:47 AM
There are several Christian and related groups who believe this. A common number for the ‘saved’ is 144,000. Not sure how this number is derived, I think by interpreting some passage in the Bible or the Apocrypha? Does anybody know? Apparently the rest of us can’t be ‘saved’, however virtuous we may be. Really doesn’t seem fair or just.

This was created by people with social anxiety because clearly it can't be heaven if there's too many people. (I am joking, from what I've seen those tend to be the most dangerous cults and the small number is used to keep a tight leash)

Considering how regional religion is, the idea that you have to be this specific religion to be saved isn't fair or just in itself. Especially before globalization when it was quite concievable to go your whole life never knowing any christianity.

The very idea you have to be Christian to be good/saved is an excuse for bigotry and discrimination- amping that exclusion up just feels like a natural progression.

That's coherent enough in itself -- I meant that it's a problem if Minna's trying to show that the animals are in a spiritual desert because they rejected a connection with God. Because according to that comic, they didn't reject it; they weren't given a choice.

In my example it does mean generations without god's guidance - so from the perspective of later generations it's a spiritual desert because god has never been present in their life.
So if that were the case then we may have come in towards the end of him doing other things before getting back to earth.

(I do not believe this is what actually happened within the comic)

I'm genuinely confused about who created this world because it seems like the answer is "not god" - so what was god doing before now? How was god created? Why has the lamb showed up now?

Why did the lamb think that after the trauma of starvation and neglect that the animals would magically get over it and not need emotional support? (looks pointedly at the Hotakainens)

Why did the lamb think that just giving them abundance and immediately abandoning them was all it needed to do?

Jeez this just reaffirms how much the poor woman needs therapy.  She honestly has all my empathy. 
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: JoB on January 19, 2023, 01:51:57 AM
There are several Christian and related groups who believe this. A common number for the ‘saved’ is 144,000. Not sure how this number is derived, I think by interpreting some passage in the Bible or the Apocrypha? Does anybody know? Apparently the rest of us can’t be ‘saved’, however virtuous we may be.
Wikipedia has a page (,000#Christianity) about that number, but the info about a) what exactly the various denominations believe the fate of the rest of humanity will be and b) whether or not personal virtousness is a factor in the selection seems incomplete at first glance ...

Really doesn’t seem fair or just.
Which is only relevant if you consider religion a tool to promise justice etc. to be working behind the scenes of a world of the living that obviously fails (more or less) to provide them directly. Just from the premise of "there are beings with superpowers, and they use those and supernatural perception to work towards a goal that is more or less beyond human understanding", results that look fair or just to the very same (single-)human understanding seem rather unlikely. Even if those beings were very much sympathetic to individuals' desire of justice, they'd nonetheless face major problems providing it to all humans involved in a situation simultaneously, as there are constellations where there's just no intersection between what different parties would accept as "just".
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dreki on January 19, 2023, 03:23:36 AM
Which is only relevant if you consider religion a tool to promise justice etc. to be working behind the scenes of a world of the living that obviously fails (more or less) to provide them directly. Just from the premise of "there are beings with superpowers, and they use those and supernatural perception to work towards a goal that is more or less beyond human understanding", results that look fair or just to the very same (single-)human understanding seem rather unlikely. Even if those beings were very much sympathetic to individuals' desire of justice, they'd nonetheless face major problems providing it to all humans involved in a situation simultaneously, as there are constellations where there's just no intersection between what different parties would accept as "just".

There's an entire episode of Futurama about this.  Bender accidentally becomes the god of a small group of people living on his body and he tries really hard to be a good god but it ends really badly no matter what he does. I thought it was a good episode.

Even for parents with just a few kids - all the kids will have different experiences of their childhood, sometimes they'll grow up with drastically different opinions, and it can be impossible to keep things fair for everyone all the time. Plus as the kids grow their concept of what's "fair" changes. (not just in childhood, even for the rest of their life as they look back at their childhood and relationship with their parents their perspective will keep changing) Now multiply that by a billion.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on January 19, 2023, 09:34:07 AM
There's an entire episode of Futurama about this.  Bender accidentally becomes the god of a small group of people living on his body and he tries really hard to be a good god but it ends really badly no matter what he does. I thought it was a good episode.

That reminds me of a sci-fi story I read eons ago about this race of people who contact a guy in his sleep.  They ask for help because this pink cylinder has been destroying their cities and it could not be destroyed.  He figures out that time for them is different than time for him and that they are living between his fore-finger and index-finger knuckle, and scratching his hand is causing the destruction. He puts a band-aid on his hand and figures at the end of the week he will take it off, that 4 billion years is long enough for any race
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on January 19, 2023, 12:02:40 PM
There are several Christian and related groups who believe this. A common number for the ‘saved’ is 144,000. Not sure how this number is derived, I think by interpreting some passage in the Bible or the Apocrypha? Does anybody know? Apparently the rest of us can’t be ‘saved’, however virtuous we may be. Really doesn’t seem fair or just.

I am tempted to believe that some of these people are worshipping a devil, not a god.

That reminds me of a sci-fi story I read eons ago about this race of people who contact a guy in his sleep.  They ask for help because this pink cylinder has been destroying their cities and it could not be destroyed.  He figures out that time for them is different than time for him and that they are living between his fore-finger and index-finger knuckle, and scratching his hand is causing the destruction. He puts a band-aid on his hand and figures at the end of the week he will take it off, that 4 billion years is long enough for any race

I'd think they'd get a lot less than that; wouldn't he be responding to their pleas by cutting off all their access to light and air?
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: JoB on January 19, 2023, 03:51:34 PM
Now multiply that by a billion.
I had an Evil Thought™ moments after my previous posting: Cutting down the populace to 144,000 handpicked individuals would help immensely in avoiding such dissent .......

I'd think they'd get a lot less than that; wouldn't he be responding to their pleas by cutting off all their access to light and air?
If they're so small that he didn't notice them building cities on his hand, the band-aid won't prove much of a seal for air, and I'd rather not start theorizing whether the EM wavelength they see will be anywhere near the 400-800 nm range we call "visible".

(Not that they, given that size difference, should be able to recognize his finger as a cylinder, rather than a huge wall taking several millennia to pass overhead ...)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dreki on January 19, 2023, 04:40:40 PM
I am tempted to believe that some of these people are worshipping a devil, not a god.

I just want it on record that the Church of Satan is dedicated to religious freedom and fighting bigotry.  So if they were worshipping the devil they'd be better people.

I'd think they'd get a lot less than that; wouldn't he be responding to their pleas by cutting off all their access to light and air?

There's a book, "There's a Hair in my Dirt", about a well-meaning woman who goes through the forest "saving" a bunch of animals in ways that actually harms/kills them. It's about how being well intentioned but ignorant doesn't end well.

If they're so small that he didn't notice them building cities on his hand, the band-aid won't prove much of a seal for air, and I'd rather not start theorizing whether the EM wavelength they see will be anywhere near the 400-800 nm range we call "visible".

(Not that they, given that size difference, should be able to recognize his finger as a cylinder, rather than a huge wall taking several millennia to pass overhead ...)

The "cylinder" thing was confusing, yeah.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on January 19, 2023, 07:39:16 PM
I have been trying to find the story.  I was a pre-teen when I read it, and I am sure I have some info wrong
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dreki on January 20, 2023, 03:25:20 AM
Recently I finally tracked down a book I remembered reading as a pre-teen that had been pretty important to me.  Unfortunately with my current understanding of the world, I realize it's actually really terrible and problematic on many levels and I kind of wish I'd never found it and it had lived in my memory.  So it may be better not to find it.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: wavewright62 on January 20, 2023, 05:22:36 AM

[mod hat ON]
I wish to remind folks that speculation on Minna's or anybody else's mental state, including armchair diagnoses of mental disorder, is not considered appropriate in the Forum. 

If somebody reaches out and discusses their own mental state, that is totally appropriate and we have seen much incisive commentary and advice (some of which I have found helpful in my own life).

Commentary on the themes, imagery and cultural impact of the testimony and journey comics is also totally appropriate for this thread.  As works that are intrinsically religious in background, it would be hard to avoid discussing theology and religious themes in connection with these works, but perhaps keeping it close to the topic would be best practice.  It is not required for your comments to be positive, but it is required to be respectful of others' beliefs and opinions.

[mod hat OFF]

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on January 29, 2023, 03:25:14 PM

...When your lamb is out of arguments and the opponent turns hostile, the answer is always simple: ULTRAVIOLENCE!!!

Also, it's a clear demonstration, that the moral lessons and faith aren't as important as having an upper hand in arm's race.

P.S. Frankly, the Lamb is kinda unsympathetic. He blundered the first plot, and tried to persuade animals to follow him, by claiming "yeah, your suffering was totally according to my plan, but now I would bring you to paradise, ho-nest-ly". Considering that he already demonstrated himself of being kinda bad planner, it's hard to blame animals for being extremely skeptical about his ideas.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on January 29, 2023, 04:22:40 PM
Not only a bad planner, but IMO an evil one.

"you destroyed my meadow, as I knew you would"?

So the lamb knew they were going to start eating each other, and deliberately set them up in a situation in which that was inevitably going to happen?

The lack of concern shown for those who got eaten, and for the damage done to the community and the survivors, is breathtaking.

Genesis isn't that bad -- if one assumes the tri-potent god the problem is indeed simmering there under the surface, but the implication in the words themselves is that Adam and Eve might have just stayed away from that one tree, and if they had everything would have been fine. God in Genesis doesn't appear to have assumed that they'd disobey orders, and in fact doesn't at first seem to know that they've done so; the original authors may not have been assuming a tri-potent god.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on January 29, 2023, 04:34:32 PM
Not only a bad planner, but IMO an evil one.

"you destroyed my meadow, as I knew you would"?

So the lamb knew they were going to start eating each other, and deliberately set them up in a situation in which that was inevitably going to happen?

The lack of concern shown for those who got eaten, and for the damage done to the community and the survivors, is breathtaking.

Exactly. Frankly, after such revelation its kinda hard to believe that only one wolf attacked the lamb. The big stampede of Very Angry Animals stomping lamb into bloody pulp would be more probable. Apparently, all animals herecare rather polite...
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: LetsEatBees on January 30, 2023, 01:37:56 AM
Hey guys, I've been away from the fandom for awhile and was prompted to check in when I found out that the testimony comic was finally released, it kind of snuck up on me(same with newest comic) and have been reading peoples thoughts on the situation.
Firstly I wasn't impressed with the testimony, I'm happy for her but also found her situation so alien that I couldn't really relate to her struggle with belief.
Second, reading Meandering Line I am somewhat more compelled due to it's more allegorical(metaphorical? not sure) nature, I found it surprisingly coherent.

Now that takes me to a issue I was thinking about: I feel like I have some interpretations for what certain scenes are trying to say/establish that I don't think I've seen people touch on yet, some of these are from the last batch and some are from this one and some carry across both. The question I have is would this be the best place to talk about them or should there be a more dedicated interpretations page to put them.
I worry that these thoughts could take some time to put into words and might get outdated or wind up being accidentally controversial.
Also have not figured out how to put things in a "read more" yet and worry about being long winded.
It's certainly not what I expected to bring me back here.  o_O But I'm glad to see people are still coming and talking about this.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on January 30, 2023, 08:35:37 AM
Hello LetsEatBees, this is the correct thread. If you worry about being controversial, firstly read Wave's instructions above and follow them. You are allowed to be heavily critical of the work, but make sure you are not commenting on Minna as a person or any religion in general (specified beliefs and tenements can be discussed critically, but "Religion C is nothing but bullshit" type comments are not ok.

If you still worry, you may wish to put in an explanatory note, on the lines of "The following is my thoughts on xx and yy, which I think are relevant to the story and are not intended as general complaint about AA".

The read more or spoiler tags are available by pushing the button that says Sp above (to the right of the black button with i on it). It will create the spoiler tags (spoiler) to open and (/spoiler) to close it, but with [ ] parentheses instead. Write what you want between these tags and it will be inside a spoiler.  You can put in several one after the other, but nested spoilers i.e. spoilers inside a spoiler don't work, or at least it's not reliable.

So like this:

Here is a greeting for LetsEatBees

Spoiler: show
Hello! ( As you see, other tags can be used inside spoilers

and here's some more

Spoiler: show
just because (

ps pictures are from the Reaction image hoard which can be found by pressing "Attachments and other options" under the box where you write the message / reply.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on January 30, 2023, 11:44:28 AM
The read more or spoiler tags are available by pushing the button that says Sp above (to the right of the black button with i on it). It will create the spoiler tags (spoiler) to open and (/spoiler) to close it, but with [ ] parentheses instead. Write what you want between these tags and it will be inside a spoiler. 

Just to add:

You can also go ahead and type what you want into the regular reply box, and then highlight the part you want and click the spoiler button as above. That will put the spoiler tags around the highlighted text. That's what I''m doing here:

Spoiler: show
Hi Jitter and LetsEatBees!
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: LetsEatBees on January 30, 2023, 03:35:55 PM
Thanks Jitter, will probably come back today or tomorrow with my thoughts, been debating if I should skim what material/people Minna says she's been following or if I should
just give my personal take on what she's trying to get across.

Spoiler: show
Let's see if this works.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on January 30, 2023, 04:56:00 PM
It works!
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: wavewright62 on February 03, 2023, 10:21:08 PM
Spoilers within spoilers do function, I use them with each Advent Calendar entry!  There are limits to naming the spoiler, but I've had success even with three plain spoilers nested.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: BirchTree on February 12, 2023, 04:32:08 AM
Disclaimer: not a Christian, don't believe in any of this, but I was in catholic school when I was a teenager and read the Bible. Not American. My interpretation is based on this background.

I love interpreting media and I've been following Minna's comics for a couple of years now. The bunny comic was upsetting, but I'm not so traumatized by Christianity that it completely turned me away. I'm still reading the new comic for the art and because it contains some of my favorite animals which don't often get to be prettily drawn protagonists, and after seeing some confusion here I thought it might be fun to take my own stab at interpreting what's going on with it. Maybe it'll help!

I think the comic isn't trying to start with genesis/the creation of the world. I think the comic is a metaphor for the parts about Jesus, and it makes a lot more sense from that perspective:

The world is sinful and not close to god anymore (the animals live in a desert and are starving) so god sends himself in the form of his son to earth (the celestial lamb comes along) to teach humans how to live godly lives (the lamb vitalizes the meadow, tells the animals to 'be like him').

Jesus spends some time away from humans where there's a big time skip in the bible (the lamb leaves) and people fall back into sin even harder (the animals eat each other and the meadow dries up again). Jesus, who is the all knowing god in human form, knew they would since the original sin means all humans carry sinfulness in them (the lamb tells the animals he knew they'd fall into their old ways again) and comes to lead them once more.

This part is especially related to her Calvinism probably, with the view that the original sin changed humanity so that all their thoughts and actions are filtered through sin if I understand it correctly.

Then Jesus is tempted by the devil (the thin wolf challenges the lamb) but overcomes him and his temptation (lamb vs wolf sword action).

The last parts could also be interpreted as Jesus dying (lamb leaves) and being resurrected (lamb comes back) and promising people that he will lead them to heaven if they follow his teachings (the lamb tells the animals they should come with him and he'll stay with them to teach them his ways). Either could fit, but I currently think the former is more likely.

I expect that in the next parts the lamb will be betrayed and killed like Jesus was but promise that the animals who follow him (and 'journey upstream' since Minna said this journey is intended as a metaphor for living a Christian life/following Jesus) will be able to reach his meadow (and thus heaven).

That's how I read it at least! Let me know what you all think.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on February 12, 2023, 08:13:26 AM

Then Jesus is tempted by the devil (the thin wolf challenges the lamb) but overcomes him and his temptation (lamb vs wolf sword action).

Well, I kinda struggle to understood how it correspond with each other. Wolf didn't tempt the lamb or something; lamb didn't overcome any temptation by its goodness or power of will. Lamb just provoke wolf into attacking him - after completely failing to persuade animals to follow himself ("your suffering was part of my plan" isn't exactly the best way to persuade anyone that you could solve his problems) - and won the confrontation by being better armed.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: lwise on February 12, 2023, 09:20:05 AM
I find it hard to see this as an allegory for anything in the Bible, but I wonder if it might be read as an allegory for a single person's journey, with all the animals being her thoughts and feelings.

Initially, she's unhappy but doesn't know why (animals all together but alone).  Then faith!  At first, having faith (animals in the meadow)  makes it better and she's happy (all the animals are well fed and strong), but then her faith fails (the lamb goes away), and she's feels even worse (animals eat each other).  Along comes the Thin Wolf (nihilism) to say that faith was never enough and she shouldn't have tried it in the first place.  She starts to turn that way, but then a better, strong faith returns to combat the nihilism and (for now, anyway) prevails.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on February 12, 2023, 09:54:57 AM
lwise, that explanation does seem to make sense; or nearly (how is the returning lamb any different than the first one?).

And -- not sure how to put this -- but maybe Minna thinks her individual experience is so universal that it'll automatically make sense to readers?
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: lwise on February 12, 2023, 10:01:34 AM
lwise, that explanation does seem to make sense; or nearly (how is the returning lamb any different than the first one?).

Its clothes(?) are more elaborate.

And -- not sure how to put this -- but maybe Minna thinks her individual experience is so universal that it'll automatically make sense to readers?

Could be.  Or the comic is really just for herself in a way that ARTD and SSSS were not.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on February 12, 2023, 11:47:48 AM

And -- not sure how to put this -- but maybe Minna thinks her individual experience is so universal that it'll automatically make sense to readers?

Considering the infamous postscriptum to the bunny comics, I'm afraid, it might be.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: BirchTree on February 12, 2023, 12:56:24 PM
Iwise, that's a very good interpretation too I think. It seems fitting to her experiences, and I do think she has a tendency to see her own experiences as somewhat universal like when she presented her nihilism in her testimony comic as the 'truth' and being genuinely kind/open as naive with the whole seals vs sharks (I think it was sharks) comparison.

Also, yeah you're right Dilandu, the thin wolf is more tempting the animals than the lamb. Who knows, I might be completely off, that was just what made the most sense to me based on what little we have!

Hopefully it'll become a little clearer when more pages are out. I don't really expect that this comic will end up being a perfect metaphor/presentation for anything biblical, both because that's a fairly tall order for a book that has as many versions as it does interpretations, and because I don't think Minna is well versed enough in her faith to pull that off. But she is at least a decent storyteller, so I hope that it'll at least be broadly consistent as a story with enough touching points to its source material to get what she's trying to say. 
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on February 21, 2023, 02:54:48 PM
Yay, we have a new pages of Lamb-on-Wolves ultraviolence. Well, what did we have here?

* Considering how inept and incompetent Lamb already proves to be, animals are reluctant to follow him (they may also be worried about his tendency to decapitate those he don't like with apparently monomolecular blades). So they decide to follow the gravity, which is actually not so bad idea.

* Lamb, being as weird as usual, went into mountains by itself, create a meadow on the mountain top (generally not a good idea) and started to conspire with talking caterpillar about bringing animals to them. Why did I have a nasty suspicion that the Lamb ultimate goal is to feed his animal followers to caterpillar monsters?

* Then lamb started to send a massive amount of incomprehensible signals by placing pointers on the sky, placing clouds on the West, and creating massive floods. He apparently wanted to signal for animals to follow him to carnivorous caterpillars. Animals quite logically came to opposite conclusion: if the Lamb is capable of such things, but left them to suffer, then it's best to be as far from this werido as possible.

* After failing everyting, Lamb made an clumsy excuse that "well, they just a wrong animals!" and send a swarm of mind controlling pigeons to brainwash the animals.

P.S. Also, I was right, it was a legend. :) That fox/wolf/dog is telling the bunnies to explain why they are going upstream.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on February 21, 2023, 03:20:19 PM
For crying out loud, it just doesn’t… it doesn’t. I have to wonder about the theology behind the choice to make the lamb decapitate the dissident wolf.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on February 21, 2023, 03:31:47 PM
For crying out loud, it just doesn’t… it doesn’t. I have to wonder about the theology behind the choice to make the lamb decapitate the dissident wolf.

Well, apparently that "might make right", and that God is always on the side that have technological advantage) So if apes would came with grenade launchers and blow Lamb to smithereenes, they apparently would be doing a very godly thing)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on February 21, 2023, 07:48:32 PM
Yeah. My reaction was, whyever would you follow somebody who's reaction to dissension is decapitation? -- Well, maybe out of terror; but even if I did, I'd be plotting to escape first chance I got.

And I wouldn't have taken any of those assorted "signs" as invitations, either. Sun rises over there? OK, so we're going west. Why would it mean we should go east instead? And downhill / downstream usually makes more sense than upstream, if you're lost; or for that matter if you'd like to find a nice lake or ocean beach to live near.

And caterpillars are animals.

And if the lamb is both able to and going to magically change everybody's minds/hearts now, why not just make them the way it wanted them in the first place?
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on February 22, 2023, 05:34:43 AM
Thorny, I guess your last question lies in the heart of much questioning of faith. Apparently here agqin the answer is basically Because I wanted to.

We see here that the prologue is a story or legend like suggested earlier. So perhaps we can give the lamb some leeway on the basis of this being a rough cut version. Still, the message fails to fill me with desire to follow the lamb.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: JoB on February 22, 2023, 06:18:53 AM
I have to wonder about the theology behind the choice to make the lamb decapitate the dissident wolf.
Well, apparently that "might make right"
... I'll have to read up one of those weekends, won't I? :-/

In terms of Christian scripture, "might makes right" sounds downright old-testamentarian, as much as that flies into the face of the supposed allusion to Jesus ...
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on February 22, 2023, 06:36:20 AM
Thorny, I guess your last question lies in the heart of much questioning of faith. Apparently here agqin the answer is basically Because I wanted to.

We see here that the prologue is a story or legend like suggested earlier. So perhaps we can give the lamb some leeway on the basis of this being a rough cut version. Still, the message fails to fill me with desire to follow the lamb.

Just thought about a truly devious plot twist - that Lamb actually symbolize the Devil, who tempted animals with easy path to false salvation, and Wolf actually symbolized Jesus, who died trying to ensure they stay on hard and tedious but right path) THAT would be really interesting)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on February 22, 2023, 06:42:21 AM
As far as I can see, fundamentalist Christian churches, which tend to be run by the same class of rich old conservative white men as are fundamentalist right-wing political parties, tend to be very old testament oriented. The old testament is very focused on ‘power over’, unlike the new testament, which is more about what the Christ actually said in his message to humanity. All that stuff about goodness, mercy, honest dealing, charity to the poor, respect for those who deserve it, and care for those who need it.

Possibly it might be good to read what Jesus actually said, and act on it? Mind you, I am speaking from the perspective of someone who is not a Christian, but who has studied their faith so as to better understand Christians who have married into my family, such as my late stepmother, as well as my present husband, who is an Anglican Christian. My impression is that the new testament was an attempt to mitigate the harshness of the old testament into something that might actually work for humans.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on February 22, 2023, 07:04:54 AM
Possibly it might be good to read what Jesus actually said, and act on it?

Problem is, evolving as highly specialized tool users, humans are incredibly adept in interpreting anything anyone said to serve their needs. So unless someone follow Jesus words literally (which would be kinda awkward), it would still be open to interpretations.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on February 22, 2023, 07:18:47 AM
Sadly true. Which is why I stick to being a Pagan, which requires me to act in accordance with my conscience, and to take responsibility for the consequences of my actions. Somewhere in the development of fundamentalism the concept of individual free will seems to have become lost.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on February 22, 2023, 08:10:06 AM
Problem is, evolving as highly specialized tool users, humans are incredibly adept in interpreting anything anyone said to serve their needs. So unless someone follow Jesus words literally (which would be kinda awkward), it would still be open to interpretations.

The matter is not made easier by the fact that the Bible actively and directly contradicts itself… Or well, it is easier for the self-serving interpreter.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on February 22, 2023, 09:36:00 AM
Sadly true. Which is why I stick to being a Pagan, which requires me to act in accordance with my conscience, and to take responsibility for the consequences of my actions. Somewhere in the development of fundamentalism the concept of individual free will seems to have become lost.

And that's why I'm materialist; it's much more enjoyable to view the mindless, purposeless Universe, ruled by understandable physical laws and random chance - rather then assume that everything bad that ever happened was planned by some omnipotent entity as part of some grandiose plan "too complex to be understood by mere mortals".
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on February 22, 2023, 09:53:29 AM

And if the lamb is both able to and going to magically change everybody's minds/hearts now, why not just make them the way it wanted them in the first place?

True, but I think the comic is about the trip upstream.  I am curious how she is going to make a medium length comic about this.  (IIRC this was supposed to be a medium comic until she is ready to do the "slice of life" comic)

I think this is going to be a lot of 'da bears' type of thing.  Watching them wander around the forest.  (YAWN)  I have a hard time how she will be able to draw a story out for so long.  (Maybe 'thin wolves' attack randomly, or sickness.  Who knows)

One thing I like to to read others comments, but what little there are seems to be heavily edited/censored. In all the webcomics I read, I learn a lot and had always found them interesting.

I have been reading her story, but so far I am really bored. In my religious upbringing, God is good and cares for everyone.  So I have that disconnect also.

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on February 22, 2023, 09:56:02 AM
Just thought about a truly devious plot twist - that Lamb actually symbolize the Devil, who tempted animals with easy path to false salvation, and is actually symbolized Jesus, who died trying to ensure they stay on hard and tedious but right path) THAT would be really interesting)

Oh that would be a hoot!!
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on February 22, 2023, 11:04:26 AM
Just thought about a truly devious plot twist - that Lamb actually symbolize the Devil, who tempted animals with easy path to false salvation, and is actually symbolized Jesus, who died trying to ensure they stay on hard and tedious but right path) THAT would be really interesting)

I think that would actually make a lot more sense. Who's going to deliberately put people in situations in which the situation is expected to push them into doing evil things, if not a devil?

-- hey, it could even be tied into "the evils of social media!" All those birds are Twitter, trying to seduce everyone into changing their minds!

(no, I don't think social media is evil; though I do think it needs to be used with caution. But there was some of that theme in the first bunny comic, wasn't there?)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on March 18, 2023, 05:31:26 PM
Okay... and we have new pages of "Tale of psycho lamb".

So far:

* Apparently Lamb created dachshunds, which I say is pretty much copyright infringement. As far as I knew, no religion ever tried to claim that dachshunds are "god creations" (only in general terms). They are 100% human selection. They are copyrighted! Planets were nuked for less!

* There are some weird ideas about the mobility of rabbits/hares (not exactly sure). For some reason, Minna apparently assumed that due to their short legs they aren't exactly good in movement.

* Animals without any kind of hands, tentacles or even opposite thumbs are able to create industry up to the refined metal production (and leather bags, which required... leather. Animal leather. Better not think about it)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on March 18, 2023, 05:51:13 PM
Not to mention the fact that the bunnies are apparently children of a wolf(?) and a hyena, who also have a child who is a fox. But the animals aren’t just anything, since the deer couple have a deer child, and also the three smal” ones are all bunnies. It seems like she hasn’t really decided whether the characters are supposed to be animals or not.

I think the bunnies are supposedly slow because of being young, and the short legs are just their excuse. On the other hand I also think none of this makes sense.

Furthermore the god who created the dachshund has a (another instance) of interesting morality. Most dachshunds suffer from back deformities. A god would know this, but apparently they don’t care?
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on March 18, 2023, 06:04:57 PM
Not to mention the fact that the bunnies are apparently children of a wolf(?) and a hyena, who also have a child who is a fox.

Well, I decided to give Minna some slack here, and work under assumption that bunnies were adopted. Of course the idea of hunter specie adopting the babies of prey specie did not exactly looks right either, but oh well. Maybe local bunnies considered being eaten by wolves their sacred duty.

I think the bunnies are supposedly slow because of being young, and the short legs are just their excuse. On the other hand I also think none of this makes sense.

Come to think about it, bunnies aren't exactly made for long trot, so carrying them would actually be more practical for deers than to slow down to bunnies sustainable speed. Whatever moral lesson Minna planned here, it literally fell apart.

Furthermore the god who created the dachshund has a (another instance) of interesting morality. Most dachshunds suffer from back deformities. A god would know this, but apparently they don’t care?

Yep, exactly. While there are species with similar general designs - ferrets, for example - they have much better adapted spines (due to millions of years of evolution to cull out all defects). Creating the dachshunds would be just plainly impractical for any god; they are specifically made to hunt foxes for humans, and foxes aren't exactly a sustainable feeding source. Foxes breed too slow, and armed heavy enough that for a single dachshund attacking the fox would not be a reliable way to feed itself. So... specie without niche.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on March 18, 2023, 10:50:30 PM
Dachshunds were originally bred to hunt badgers (German ‘dachs’, badger and ‘hund’, dog. They were bred to that shape to get down burrows. Later they were used to flush foxes out to where human hunters could get at them, and miniature dachshunds, like ferrets, were used to drive rabbits out of their burrows into nets where the rabbits could be trapped. Rabbits, and sometimes badgers, were eaten by humans, but foxes generally don’t taste good by our standards, and were hunted originally for their furs and because they are a menace to poultry and other small farm animals. Later on, foxes were hunted for ‘sport’, hence that English custom of dashing about on horses to hunt them with packs of hounds.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on April 05, 2023, 11:55:10 AM
Hooray, new pages! Okay, and what we got here?

* Communist owls are running a free supply service for desert travellers. Unfortunately, a desert rescue service seems to be outsorced to buzzards.

* Minna used a pretty cliched way to circumvent the predator-prey relations in "intelligent animals" setting, by claiming that predators are eating fish and shrimps, which are (for some reason) non-intelligent. Specieism as its worst, yeah.

* How exactly they managed to got seaweed in the RIVER? Their river are saltwater? Lamb clearly messed up terraforming BIG way.

* The deer have a nasty prejustice against predators. Considering that deers are actually opportunistic omnivores, he is just a hypocrite.

* The deer seems to be ABSOLUTELY shocked, that someone could do be doing actual work here, not just jogging through the desert.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on April 05, 2023, 01:16:06 PM
The river has other features than salinity too. They are supposed to be going upstream, so the river flows from this desert up the mountains and down the waterfall they start at. Ok there’s a river gorge visible when they are looking down towards the desert station, but I still don’t think geography works like this.

Oh and now the animals are carnivores and herbivores. So earlier the ones who were eating other animals were truly doing it out of the badness of their hearts?
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on April 05, 2023, 02:36:54 PM
The river has other features than salinity too. They are supposed to be going upstream, so the river flows from this desert up the mountains and down the waterfall they start at. Ok there’s a river gorge visible when they are looking down towards the desert station, but I still don’t think geography works like this.

On the other hands, upward-flowing water is a Holy Graal of internal plumbing)

Oh and now the animals are carnivores and herbivores. So earlier the ones who were eating other animals were truly doing it out of the badness of their hearts?

Hypocrites, every single one of them)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on April 08, 2023, 12:00:39 AM
What's with the 'do not take this way' sign? Once you're in, you're not supposed to leave?

And where did this set of animals come from? Did only some of them go downstream in the first place? Did some of them head upstream a lot sooner than others? Did the Lamb make a new batch?

(Where did Adam and Eve's kids get their spouses?)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on April 08, 2023, 06:53:21 AM
The following is,pmy commentary on a few passages from the Bible, which I have always found contradictory to some common interpretations. This is not intended to be disrespectful, but it’s not particularly respectful either. Please don’t read if you think this might upset you.

Regarding spouses of Adam and Eve’s childrem.

Spoiler: show

Well, chapter 6 of the first book of Moses i.e. the first part of the Bible (sorry I don’t know the exact vocabulary in English) mentions “the sons of gods” who found they liked ”the daughters of humans” and took them as their wives (which apparently led to heroes and giants). It seems the lord didn’t like this because in the same chapter he then decides that humans should not live more than 120 years.

This doesn’t exactly answer the question (wives of Cain are simply mentioned to exist and have children with them) but it does imply that Adam and Eve and their progeny were not the only ones around.

It seems to me like originally the story of creation of humans was intended to be the story of how a particular people or tribe (the ones who were or later became the Israelits) and not a description of all of humankind came i to being. Other tribes and their gods exist for the offspring of the ”first humans” to marry with. I’ve probably read this interpretation somewhere because I don’t really spend time trying to understand what it says in the Bible, but it seems to make sense considering what actually is said about the wives and the other gods.

Then later when the religion gets ideas of grandeur and the creation myth is interpreted to mean all humans everywhere, the combination becomes… interesting?

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: wavewright62 on April 08, 2023, 10:23:27 PM
Spoiler: wives for the bros • show
I've been told that in Jewish interpretation, the wives came from the other tribes around at the time.  The Adam and Eve characters were not the first ones ever, just the first ones of the line.  Debate ensues (as is encouraged in Jewish circles) about the concept of where Eve is actually from.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on April 09, 2023, 12:37:04 AM
That was actually a kind of tongue in cheek comment -- I was thinking it was similar to 'where did all these other animals come from' as applied to the bunny comic.

Spoiler, for more non-theological interpretations:

Spoiler: show
I've heard various explanations; but the one that makes most sense to me is that Genesis is made up of bits of much older stories, which don't always meld well with each other and sometimes meld even less well with modern interpretations -- a much bigger problem than where the wives came from, for anybody monotheistic, would be the implications that the god of Genesis is only one of multiple gods; though I suspect that in the precursor stories that's exactly what was meant. But then, I'm not a believer. Or a Bible scholar, of either testament. And I can't read any of the original languages.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on April 09, 2023, 02:22:08 AM
It’s actually in the bible, both with mentions of fertility goddesses and also the incident of the golden calf. And their god does say: “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me”, not “There are no other gods”. Doesn’t even insist on exclusivity, just primacy.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on April 09, 2023, 03:11:08 PM
It’s actually in the bible, both with mentions of fertility goddesses and also the incident of the golden calf. And their god does say: “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me”, not “There are no other gods”. Doesn’t even insist on exclusivity, just primacy.

I never thought of that

There is way more flexibility in that
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on April 09, 2023, 04:23:51 PM
And may well have originally been considered to apply only to the specific tribe being addressed.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on April 24, 2023, 12:28:08 PM
Aaaaand we have another pages of wacky animals adventures)

* Owl spend so much time insisting that nodoby forced them to help other animals, that we kinda start to doubt that. Also, owl pretty much confirm that he/she is a communist; she evaluate other animals specifically on their ability to do particular job)

* One bunny is MASSACRED by massive stack of hay falling on him. Fortunately, the gravity here seems to be lower than on Earth, so the bunny survived (wofl and hyena seems to be disappointed by that fact)

* Spotted horse provide voice of reason, ABSOLUTELY shocking the young deer by the fact that someone could have other opinion rather than searching for slasher-smile lamb in mountains.

* Easy-to-shock deer went all "BURN THE HERETICS!!!" and clearly wishing to be born in 40K century. Communist owl became another voice of reason, explaining to Wannabe Inquisitor Deer that it's not right to force your faith on others.

* Massacred bunny is treated with band-aids... which were invented in 1920s. I.e. they are industrial-era products. Also, animals are using medical bags with Red Cross on them, which make literally zero sence, unless they are buying them from Earth-originated humans.

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thegreyarea on April 24, 2023, 02:11:23 PM
Humm, I need to catch up with this story and with this thread...

Anyway, their use of human-made and designed gear makes no sense at all (for instance, how would they use buckles without opposing fingers?).
On that I just call it artistic license and move on... :)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on April 24, 2023, 03:25:26 PM
Humm, I need to catch up with this story and with this thread...

Anyway, their use of human-made and designed gear makes no sense at all (for instance, how would they use buckles without opposing fingers?).
On that I just call it artistic license and move on... :)

I call it "poor worldbuilding" - of course, if it wouldn't be explained.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on April 25, 2023, 06:38:29 PM
So are they going to keep marching uphill for years, all the young ones growing up, nobody getting to do anything with their lives other than keep marching, only to find that Rational Horse was right and eventually they get to the ice zone? and how long will the comic take to do this?

Or are they going to go on just a few more miles and find a small patch of ice, which they climb over and find Paradise on the other side?

Or are we supposed to presume that Rational Horse took a wrong turn somewhere?

Or are we going to wind up being told that this perpetual march upstream is the whole point, whether through/along water or through ice, and nobody's supposed to want to do anything else?

-- anybody want to take any more guesses?

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: BirchTree on May 04, 2023, 03:05:59 AM
Well I turned out being very wrong about a lot of my last guesses  :)) oh well!

I think the whole celestial lamb story is indeed very weird and strangely brutal. I don't remember Canon Jesus being this brutal, but then again Minna is following a very specific version of fanon Jesus focused on how all humans are INHERENTLY EVIL SINNERS so that apparently colors her perspective in some very strange ways. Or maybe the guess that the lamb is the devil and the wolf is Jesus is right. Giant sword slashing as a metaphor for being nailed to the cross? Who knows. Still weird though.

I kind of like the overall metaphor of the 'journey upstream' as a metaphor for life though. You might be feeling like the horse as though you're searching endlessly for something until you feel hopeless and turn around, or you might feel like the deer, sure in your hope that it's worth to continue. Maybe it's not about finding what you're looking for, maybe it's about the views on the way there and being nice along the way like the owl. That wouldn't be a bad philosophy regardless of which religion it's trying to depict I think - for me at least it's a pleasant thought even though I'm not Christian at all.

Like others here I kind of wish the clothing and tool design was a bit more matched to animals without opposable thumbs. At the same time I can't help but like the designs regardless because they're really cute  :'D I think worldbuilding and accurate animal biology isn't something she's paying much attention to. Kind of reminds me of kids shows like My little Pony where it's less about whether it makes sense for horses to use something and more about stuff being recognizable for a young human audience. Though I wouldn't consider this comic suitable for a young audience in any way, just comparing design vibes.

Fun fact though: there are seaweed, or algae, species that grow in rivers! They're not suitable for human consumption, but deer do eat them when they have the opportunity. Then again, what do deer not eat when they have the opportunity, lol.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on May 04, 2023, 08:47:16 AM
So are they going to keep marching uphill for years, all the young ones growing up, nobody getting to do anything with their lives other than keep marching, only to find that Rational Horse was right and eventually they get to the ice zone? and how long will the comic take to do this?

I seem to remember Minna wrote somewhere that this was supposed to be a mid-length comic. (about 2 years..)  That's a lot of slogging...
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on May 04, 2023, 12:54:48 PM
BirchTree, some of the freshwater algae are edible for us too.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on May 14, 2023, 02:35:50 AM
Aaaand another new, exiting episode of weird animal adventures!

* We have wolved who are hunting according to stochastic probability. Their statistical methods apparently did not include extrapolation, or they would knew that releasing prey after catching it means "weak hungry wolves" on average.

* What the point of throwing the bunnies down the cliff for wolves? They are WOLVES! Predators, after all. If they hunting the sapient bunnies, why don't they just eat them? Or they are trying to make a bunny chop this way?

* Sapient bunnies did not have their patented "suicide by willpower" mechanism, which allow them to switch themselves off instantly, when caught by predator. Considering that bunnies are prey specie, I'm not sure it's an improvement.

* I have a sneaking suspicion that Minna did not understood the difference between rabbit and hare.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on May 14, 2023, 10:24:52 AM
They are distantly related, but are different species. About as different from one another as are sheep and goats.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on May 14, 2023, 10:45:15 AM
They are distantly related, but are different species. About as different from one another as are sheep and goats.

Exactly. And I have a sneaking suspicion, that Minna did not understood the differences.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on May 14, 2023, 04:45:42 PM
This makes even less sense than previously. I don’t even have anything to say.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on May 14, 2023, 06:20:02 PM
This makes even less sense than previously. I don’t even have anything to say.


-- maybe I'll say something anyway. (says thorny, who apparently didn't talk till she could produce complete sentences but has rarely shut up since.)

This looks like maybe some kind of ceremony, not a hunt?

One rabbit that size wouldn't make a meal for that pack, anyway. It would be swallowed by the one who caught it; or, just maybe, taken home to cubs if the pack has small ones. And neither the coin business, nor the throwing off a bridge, makes any sense for a hunt.

But then, that's not a plain side of the coin (token? badge??), either. It's got an X on it, and a batch of dots. Maybe the other side has a more complicated decoration?

And who is making all this complicated clothing for the rabbits, and complicated decorations-semi-armor for the wolves? And if it's supposed to be armor, it's not very good armor; doesn't cover enough. But if it isn't, why all those points on the outside of the big shoulder discs? And wouldn't those weigh them down, and be awkward on a hunt?

Of course, if what the wolves are wearing is also ceremonial, none of that might matter.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on May 14, 2023, 08:16:53 PM

One rabbit that size wouldn't make a meal for that pack, anyway. It would be swallowed by the one who caught it; or, just maybe, taken home to cubs if the pack has small ones. And neither the coin business, nor the throwing off a bridge, makes any sense for a hunt.

But then, that's not a plain side of the coin (token? badge??), either. It's got an X on it, and a batch of dots. Maybe the other side has a more complicated decoration?

In one of the drawings the "not-plain" side is black with an X and four dots.

I am actually really confused though.  I assume the squirrel in the last panel has some meaning?
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on May 14, 2023, 11:15:17 PM
But the side that lands up in the coin toss has an X with 4 dots. And the wolves say that's the plain side.

At least, unless coin tosses work the other way around in that world.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: BirchTree on May 15, 2023, 03:08:34 AM
BirchTree, some of the freshwater algae are edible for us too.

Hey, that's cool, I didn't know that! Do you know what they're called and if they're commercially available? I've liked the ones I tried in East Asian dishes so far and now I'm curious about these.

Intriguing new pages. I agree that this looks more like something of a ritual than a normal hunt? Maybe the wolves are meant to depict some sort of pagans who practice sacrifices to their gods  o_O
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on May 15, 2023, 03:49:31 AM
Intriguing new pages. I agree that this looks more like something of a ritual than a normal hunt? Maybe the wolves are meant to depict some sort of pagans who practice sacrifices to their gods  o_O

Maybe, but... the fact that hey drop prey into abyss instead of eating it looks just plainly stupid. They are carnivores. The ritual that required either releasing, or tossing away prey (i.e. wolves are losing every time!) would be biologically incomprehensible for them.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on May 15, 2023, 10:50:36 AM
But the side that lands up in the coin toss has an X with 4 dots. And the wolves say that's the plain side.

At least, unless coin tosses work the other way around in that world.

I was thinking plain is no color and not plain is color.  (Or Minna forgot what she wanted)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on May 15, 2023, 11:05:21 AM
I was thinking plain is no color and not plain is color.  (Or Minna forgot what she wanted)

Actually it looks not so much as coin, but as dress button.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on May 15, 2023, 08:58:58 PM
Aphanizomenon, Spirulina, Chlorella and some other freshwater species are edible and/or medicinal, and don’t forget the large number of saltwater algae like kelp and carrageen that as well as food and medicine are used for stockfeed, explosives, dyes, fibre and more. A useful group, the algae.

My gran always said that letting the cows eat seaweed kept them healthier and made their milk more creamy. Nowadays scientists also think that adding seaweed to the diet of cattle can reduce their flatulence enough to slow down global warming. Fascinating.

BirchTree, which were the algae you have tried in food?
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: wavewright62 on May 15, 2023, 09:23:26 PM
On cattle consuming seaweed, a link to the history of Enderby cattle: (
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Keep Looking on May 16, 2023, 01:37:29 AM
Spirulina is often sold as a health food in powder form - according to wikipedia it was originally eaten in cakes by the Aztecs and other Mesoamerican peoples. According to its wikipedia article, it can be a useful food in combating malnutrition because of its high content of proteins, B-vitamins (except NOT B12) and minerals such as iron and manganese. Although it's unclear exactly how helpful taking spirulina supplements is to your diet.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on May 16, 2023, 05:23:02 AM
Keep, I suppose how useful any supplement is would depend a lot on your state of health and on how deficient your diet may be in whatever vitamins and minerals the supplement contains. Also on the individual weirdnesses of your body. For example, I have a chronic iron deficiency which is bad enough to require regular iron infusions and an occasional blood transfusion. Yes, I also take an oral iron supplement, I eat good quality red meat and a lot of dark green leafy vegetables and I know about combining haem and nonhaem iron-rich foods, and I do so. My doctors have checked for bowel cancer and other possible causes of internal bleeding - nothing found. Puzzlement all round. In recent years they have asked a lot of questions about possible exposure to radiation and chemicals, which is not impossible given some of the places I have lived and worked, but again nothing checks out. Weird and annoying. Maybe I should give that spirulina a go!

And of course the other reason for eating some of the algae, especially the saltwater ones like kombu, nori, ulve, laver and kelp, is their sheer umami deliciousness. Seaweed flakes toasted and served atop soup or rice, or used in sushi…..yum!
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: BirchTree on May 19, 2023, 06:14:36 PM
Thanks for the names, Róisín! I had no idea spirulina was an algae. I somehow thought it was a leafy green like kale, haha...

Ive eaten wakame, nori and kombu so far, in various Japanese and Korean dishes mostly and a few Chinese ones. I like them a lot exactly for that umami flavor you mention.

Funnily enough I also have a chronic iron deficiency though for me it's likely related to other inherited factors rather than a mystery. I wonder if that's part of why I like algae if they're high in iron?
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on June 05, 2023, 09:01:33 AM
Okay, and a new exiting episode of funny animal adventures!

* Now we have a zealot squirrel (frankly, initially I thought it's a fox), which did not understood animal locomotion. For example, that bunnies could not climb trees.



* Also, we have a confirmation that they are, indeed, rabbits, not hares. The question "what are so many rabbits do far outside their burrow" is left unanswered.

* A ZILLLION OF WOLVES is chasing one tiny squirrel. Either squirrels here run on enriched uranium, or there wouldn't be even one bite per wolf as a result.

* For some reason, wolves aren't exactly disappointed that squirrel escaped on the tree. I utterly fail to see, what they are planning to do. They could not climb the tree, and - lacking the opposable thumb - they hardly could hope to cut the tree down. The only thing they could theoretically do is to besiedge the tree, standing constant watch day and night, but the spending of efforts and resources would be just ridiculous in compairson to possible prize. Especially considering that tree is big enough to provide at least some food sources for squirrel (insects, bird nests, nuts, ect.), so the wolves would most likely starve long before squirrel do.

* Wolf leader is an egomaniac, very pricky about titles. Also, he is the one carrying some kind of spiked sheilds both on his shoulders and back. How exactly he is supposed to hunt with all this ammunition is a big question.

* Eyes-of-Sulfur? What the Lambheck it supposed to mean? Is wolf leader a chemist, or geologist?

* I strongly suspect that Minna is still writing under old "Alpha male wolf" theory, and did not realize, that wolf pack in natural condition - is most oftenly an extended family, with a mating pair on the top, and their childrens of several generations behind.

P.S. My prediction for what would happens next - the squirrel would start to preach about Celestial Lamb and how wolves should not hunt, and the wolf leader would die out of boredom see the Lamblight and save the squirrel, turning the whole pack against himself.

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on June 05, 2023, 03:53:18 PM
You couldn't tell the squirrel from a fox? I couldn't tell it from the rabbit, and had to keep peering at the details of what it was wearing to tell which of them the wolves were after. -- ok, on second look their tails are different; but their heads are exactly the same. Minna's capable of much better artwork than this. -- and why would all those wolves go after one squirrel, instead of that entire pack of rabbits? Because it's running uphill, onto rough rocky ground with lots of crevices to hide in, instead of downhill into what appears to be open ground? That makes no sense.

Rabbits don't dodge hunters by running in a straight line! they do it by being able to switch directions faster than the larger predator; and then going to ground as fast as possible.

And it would make no sense whatsoever for the rabbits to run all in a group like that. They're not buffalo, defending the weaker ones by keeping them in the herd; none of them are big enough for that to work. They'd go veering and switchbacking off in as many directions as there are rabbits.

But then, I suspect Minna's not thinking in any real way of her creatures in this story being of any species other than human; I think they're just supposed to be standins for Timid Humans, Predatory Humans, and so on. (Which also explains all the gear they haven't the hands to make or use, and also the wolves treating their pack member as one of the nastier sorts of human king; complete with having two of them stand there and fan him.) This is definitely a style of Talking Animal Writing; it just happens to be one that I strongly dislike. I'm in favor of humans putting other species in their/our writings: but they ought to be, as much as we can manage, actual other species, whether they speak human languages or not. If not at least trying to pull that off, IMO, just make them humans.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on June 05, 2023, 04:04:57 PM
Because it's running uphill, onto rough rocky ground with lots of crevices to hide in, instead of downhill into what appears to be open ground? That makes no sense.

The only possible explanation I could come with, is that wolves aren't actually hunting, and actually performing some kind of ritual - i.e. they aren't actually interested in prey, but in the process of hunting.

Rabbits don't dodge hunters by running in a straight line! they do it by being able to switch directions faster than the larger predator; and then going to ground as fast as possible.

Exactly. Zig-zagging fast is basically rabbits patented method of survival, and they are VERY good in that. Seems that Minna have little understanding of non-pet rabbits.

And it would make no sense whatsoever for the rabbits to run all in a group like that. They're not buffalo, defending the weaker ones by keeping them in the herd; none of them are big enough for that to work. They'd go veering and switchbacking off in as many directions as there are rabbits.

Exactly. Dispersing immediately would increase the chances for survival both for the rabbit's herd and individual rabbits. They need space for fast maneuvering, after all.

But then, I suspect Minna's not thinking in any real way of her creatures in this story being of any species other than human; I think they're just supposed to be standins for Timid Humans, Predatory Humans, and so on.

I suspect, Minna just knew very little about animals & their behavior. And didn't bother to do research.

(Which also explains all the gear they haven't the hands to make or use, and also the wolves treating their pack member as one of the nastier sorts of human king; complete with having two of them stand there and fan him.) This is definitely a style of Talking Animal Writing; it just happens to be one that I strongly dislike. I'm in favor of humans putting other species in their/our writings: but they ought to be, as much as we can manage, actual other species, whether they speak human languages or not. If not at least trying to pull that off, IMO, just make them humans.

Agreed completely. If animals were at least semi-anthropomorphics (like in "Terrible Bunny Comics", AKA "Lovely Peoples"), quirks in their behavior would looks much more plausible. But animals as is fell flat in terms of metaphorical meaning. We simply do expect realistic animals to behave more like realistic animals, not as some strange mix of human-like and animal-like behavior.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on June 05, 2023, 08:46:20 PM
The only possible explanation I could come with, is that wolves aren't actually hunting, and actually performing some kind of ritual - i.e. they aren't actually interested in prey, but in the process of hunting.

But one does make that comment about stupid ones tasting better; which doesn't make much sense, but does imply that they expect to eat the squirrel.

Of course, that could be part of the ritual. Or it could be said to scare the squirrel.

I suspect, Minna just knew very little about animals & their behavior. And didn't bother to do research.

What's odd, though, is that her animals in SSSS were generally convincing. And she included quite a lot of them -- another thing that I liked about SSSS.

It isn't that she can't do good animals, even when they're behaving in some non-realistic fashions (like the trained cats.) She's got the capability -- just like she's got the capability of drawing distinguishable individuals, even distinguishable to somebody like faceblind me; let alone of drawing distinguishable species! her dogs don't look like cats in SSSS, her birds of different species look like different birds --

It's as if some part of her has just gone out of gear entirely, and isn't engaged with her current work at all.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on July 05, 2023, 06:09:23 AM
Sorry for delay - was on vacation)

And so we have a new, exiting episode of "Zealous Squirrel Adventures":

* Squirrel/fox/whatever is a worst prophet ever. Really, she/he basically could not open its mouth without offending someone. Celestial Lamb clearly should hire better televangelist to preach "let's go uphill!"

* Minna have zero understanding how wolf's pack operates. She is hopelessly under the outdated "alpha male" concept.

* She also does not realize, that predator species - like wolves - have in-build blocks against in-specie violence. The dominance/submission behavior exists specifically so wolves could avoid actually fighting to death (which would inevitably cause disabilitating injuries for the victor, too). The last thing sapient wolves may think about is killing the leader - father/gandfater/uncle for the most of the pack! - for stepping down from his position.

* The largest wolf pack in recorded history was only 37 wolves. Minna apparently have zero clue, how hard is to feed a hundred (!) of large predators. Especially if the prey is sapient, and could defend itself much more efficiently.

* The wolf leader is essentially the only characters around, with whom I could sympathise. He is calm, intelligent, and knew when to fold it. I wish he eat the annoying squirrel in finale)

P.S. It would be utterly hilarious, if the next comics would be like that: squirrel, assuming himself/herself/whatever safe, praise the Celestial Lamb... and then wolves return with beavers in company)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on July 07, 2023, 08:53:24 AM

* Squirrel/fox/whatever is a worst prophet ever. Really, she/he basically could not open its mouth without offending someone. Celestial Lamb clearly should hire better televangelist to preach "let's go uphill!"

Yeah for someone/thing that is supposed to be righteous, it is a rather annoying nasty prick...

* The wolf leader is essentially the only characters around, with whom I could sympathise. He is calm, intelligent, and knew when to fold it. I wish he eat the annoying squirrel in finale)

Which may be why he is the leader.  Calm .  Yeah the squirrel can go (though in the drawings it looks like a bunny...)

P.S. It would be utterly hilarious, if the next comics would be like that: squirrel, assuming himself/herself/whatever safe, praise the Celestial Lamb... and then wolves return with beavers in company)

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on July 07, 2023, 09:29:33 AM
(though in the drawings it looks like a bunny...)

Frankly, I initially thought it's a fox. And yeah, it looks like bunny, too. Doubt that Minna really put much efforts into this character.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on July 07, 2023, 07:45:28 PM
As I think I more or less said earlier: some of Minna's artistic ability seems to have packed up and deserted this comic. The only thing remotely squirrelly about that creature is its tail.

Agreeing that she has no idea how a wolf pack works.

And does that squirrel, or whatever it is, actually think -- or rather, does Minna actually think that the squirrel gave the wolves any reason to follow the squirrel, or to go uphill, or anything else? It's just 'come with me' and no reasons why. And why would wolves want to "walk in the light"? They're mostly nocturnal. That's a disincentive, not an incentive.

Oh, and squirrels get moisture from dew and from their food, as well as from drinking from pools of it. If there's plenty to eat in that tree, then there's water in the leaves and in the food, and probably dew on the leaves in the morning. I suppose that without the flood (is that flood supposed to be divine intervention?) a squirrel stuck up in a tree might eventually die of thirst, but it would take quite a long time if it happened at all.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on July 08, 2023, 02:12:45 AM
And does that squirrel, or whatever it is, actually think -- or rather, does Minna actually think that the squirrel gave the wolves any reason to follow the squirrel, or to go uphill, or anything else? It's just 'come with me' and no reasons why. And why would wolves want to "walk in the light"? They're mostly nocturnal. That's a disincentive, not an incentive.

That's a big problem with "realistic animal concept" she chose for this comics. We expect a - more or less! - realistic animal behavior from the realistically-drawn animals. And "animals are metaphorical humans" just didn't work here at all.

Oh, and squirrels get moisture from dew and from their food, as well as from drinking from pools of it. If there's plenty to eat in that tree, then there's water in the leaves and in the food, and probably dew on the leaves in the morning. I suppose that without the flood (is that flood supposed to be divine intervention?) a squirrel stuck up in a tree might eventually die of thirst, but it would take quite a long time if it happened at all.

Yep, the wolves would be out of commission long before that. They are predators, and their food require much more efforts and energy to catch. Sitting around the tree and waiting till the squirrel ate every single nut & leaves... it's basically suicide for wolves.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on July 08, 2023, 06:19:01 AM
I suppose the theory might be that one or two wolves could stay at the tree while the others went hunting, and the hunting wolves could bring some back for the tree guarders, and/or they could take turns. But the whole thing still doesn't make any sense.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: LetsEatBees on July 11, 2023, 01:40:25 PM
Okay i'm still kinda confused on why people keep trying to apply realism to this comic, it was pretty obvious from the opening chapter this is going to be a story about ideas and heavily allegorical, realistic animals are being used because they provide useful short-hand and are visually interesting(as well I've noticed that Minnas' back-catalogue of work consists mostly of animals drawn in a similar style).
I think the only reason people are thinking this way is because in SSSS there was some thought put into how it's world works(less in some areas than others) and didn't really try to explore much in the way of themes or ideas, it was a very literal story. Personally I don't the realistic animals detract that much from the message, it reminds me a lot of fables, but I do think the kinds of animals don't really tie in that much to what they represent(outside of the celestial lamb) but it's still early and I feel it might become more thematically important later, who knows.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: LetsEatBees on July 11, 2023, 02:04:54 PM
Something that I picked up on as well, that I think thorny also mentioned, is I think the wolves were sacrificing the squirrel probably as a reference to human sacrifice, that and the use of a coin flip to decide if the squirrel lives or dies I think the wolves are stand ins for pagans or non-Christians that worship (what Minna/her sect believe to be) chaotic amoral gods, their ceremonial garb is further evidence.
The water appearing for the squirrel I think is meant to represent the common theme in Christianity of that those believe in god and follow Christ will be protected from hardship and enemies, or receive great rewards in times of need.
The horse from earlier I think represents those that give in to despair on their journey to find/understand god, or just for one reason or another have lost faith, what I find interesting about him is that I don't think the story frames him as evil just kind of sad and as an example of someone who couldn't go on.
The biggest questions I have are about the way station the group finds themselves at, we don't get much information before the flashback and i'm interested about the staff there.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on July 11, 2023, 02:11:53 PM
LetEatBees, in the main story it seems to be less important what animals they are since there is at least one family consisting lf at least three species. But in this part it’s clearly intended that wolves are this and rabbits are that.

I think it’s more for the heck of it than actually trying to work out what each animal species means, but just because they could be used to represent something (shorthand like you say) it adds to the confusion that they are and are not the animal they are drawn as.

I lost mu train of thought. I’m sure you are right that this is not intended to depict these animals as animals, but it’s still a mess.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on July 11, 2023, 03:06:52 PM
Okay i'm still kinda confused on why people keep trying to apply realism to this comic, it was pretty obvious from the opening chapter this is going to be a story about ideas and heavily allegorical, realistic animals are being used because they provide useful short-hand and are visually interesting

I addressed this to some extent earlier:

I suspect Minna's not thinking in any real way of her creatures in this story being of any species other than human; I think they're just supposed to be standins for Timid Humans, Predatory Humans, and so on. (Which also explains all the gear they haven't the hands to make or use, and also the wolves treating their pack member as one of the nastier sorts of human king; complete with having two of them stand there and fan him.) This is definitely a style of Talking Animal Writing; it just happens to be one that I strongly dislike. I'm in favor of humans putting other species in their/our writings: but they ought to be, as much as we can manage, actual other species, whether they speak human languages or not. If not at least trying to pull that off, IMO, just make them humans.

And to add -- I don't see how they provide useful shorthand if they're depicted as massively uncharacteristic of their species. What is useful shorthand about making a squirrel a preacher? Depicting Jesus as a lamb at least has a lot of history behind it; as does depicting wolves as evil murderers, however inaccurately; but if there's any established shorthand explaining the squirrels and the rabbits and the horse and the birds in this story, it's not established well enough for me to know it.

Plus which, if the "visual interest" is a matter of trying to figure out what species a creature's supposed to be, because the squirrel's drawn so poorly that some of us mistake it for a rabbit and at least one of us thought it was a fox: that adds to the confusion, in a fashion rather the reverse of "visual shorthand". Minna's capable of very clear and massively detailed artwork, as she proved over and over again in SSSS -- but, for whatever reason, she's not producing it in these talking-animal comics.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on July 12, 2023, 01:52:49 PM
Okay i'm still kinda confused on why people keep trying to apply realism to this comic, it was pretty obvious from the opening chapter this is going to be a story about ideas and heavily allegorical, realistic animals are being used because they provide useful short-hand and are visually interesting(as well I've noticed that Minnas' back-catalogue of work consists mostly of animals drawn in a similar style).
I think the only reason people are thinking this way is because in SSSS there was some thought put into how it's world works(less in some areas than others) and didn't really try to explore much in the way of themes or ideas, it was a very literal story. Personally I don't the realistic animals detract that much from the message, it reminds me a lot of fables, but I do think the kinds of animals don't really tie in that much to what they represent(outside of the celestial lamb) but it's still early and I feel it might become more thematically important later, who knows.

To put it simply - because whatever allegories Minna wanted to implement here, they aren't working. A large part is because she apparently could not decide, how much realism she wanted here. For example: the opening basically states that predation is kinda like sin (we have a horse trying to ate cat, for example...), so presumably predators here are capable of eating plants and not hunting other sapient animals. Okay. But on later pages Minna resort to the staple of furry's fandom - that "good" predators should eat fish (which is for some reason non-sapient), instead of hunting other sapient animals. So what exactly Minna is trying to tell us?

Such inconsistences are all around comics. And they ruin all the allegories Minna tried to implement here.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: LetsEatBees on July 12, 2023, 02:35:44 PM
I got the impression that it was violence toward each other not predation that was the equivalent to sin, because I distinctly remember a scene where a deer crushes a nest of eggs and doesn't eat them as well we're shown a pile of corpses that merely killed, cannibalism is the culmination of their evil. I don't see the fact that carnivores eat non-sapient sea food as some kind of inconsistency because humans only eat non-sapient animals as well, it singles out what happened in the flashback AS cannibalism (or even a stand in for other kinds of evil).
Did people really look at the semi-realistic animal designs and think "Oh this is going to be like call of the wild or warrior cats", because it's dumb to get mad at a story that does not do things that were never it's stated goal or intention, because to be brutally honest, these are nit picks. What were people here expecting?
I remember I think around when Lovely People was first announced and we got the character art that some people were lamenting that Minna was moving away from realistic humans in her future work, and I can't help but get the impression that this is related to that disappointment.
But to make an even bolder claim; I think some people are just don't like that it's a christian work(nominally as of now) they just dislike it on principle but since "It's bad because it's christian" sounds stupid and doesn't offer much material to complain about they have to find problems and make small problems somehow worse than they are.
I don't love Journey Upstream, but it's already better than Lovely People, most of us are here because of SSSS myself included and i'm dissapointed that it's over, but I can't generate any hate for this comic either.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on July 12, 2023, 02:46:32 PM
I don't see the fact that carnivores eat non-sapient sea food as some kind of inconsistency because humans only eat non-sapient animals as well, it singles out what happened in the flashback AS cannibalism (or even a stand in for other kinds of evil).

Think about it. Predators eating non-sapient fish meant that they are designed & build for predation. Now put those predators away from sea - on the Celestial Lamb first plot - and think, what they are supposed to eat here? Besides other sapient animals, you know...

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: LetsEatBees on July 12, 2023, 03:19:07 PM
Think about this, we see tiger eat a mushroom in the "Garden of Eden", as well the first instances of violence/cannibalism were done by herbivores so it has nothing to do with their design, we don't actually know who or what created these animals, for all we know carnivores don't look like that for any reason and them eating each other is just this worlds version of eve eating the apple and getting humans kicked out of eden.
The fact remains that eating the talking animals was apparently not what carnivores or herbivores were meant to do.
Dilandu I am curious about what your expectations for this comic were, you seem to think realism is the most important part of this piece of fiction.
This is all disappointing to me because it's the least interesting thing to be talking about, when I heard about the premise I thought people would get more upset about it's messages or ideas stuff about human nature or the flaws in how people see the world or just something. This is just the weirdest thing people could get hung up on.
Conversations about feasibility and how things function in these worlds was common during SSSS and there it made more sense because that was something Minna focused on, and lets be honest Stand Still was light on themes or meaning,(even then I got bored of it sometimes, we put way more thought into it then Minna did).

(Incidentally some sects of Christianity genuinely believe that carnivorous animals did not eat meat when they lived in the garden of eden, only after the fall did they start, like how humans needed to work the land and die after the fall)(I think that might be a coincidence in this case)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on July 12, 2023, 03:29:13 PM
Dilandu I am curious about what your expectations for this comic were, you seem to think realism is the most important part of this piece of fiction.

I think that this piece of fiction is a confusing mess of annoying preaching, allegories that didn't work and nonexistent worldbuilding. I fail to see, why I can't poke some well-deserved holes in it. Without my commentaries, there would be zero discussion about "Journey Upstream" anyway  ;)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: LetsEatBees on July 12, 2023, 03:48:12 PM
Oh please you came into this with the intent to hate it, post here with the intent to troll, and worst of all the only gotchas you have are "This piece of fiction is unrealistic, how dare they 0/10"
And preaching? What has even been preached so far? Don't BS me with this "Oh it's bad because of world-building this nonsense that" you're not smarter than some christian webcomic nobodies heard of, get a life. Why you actually hate it i'd like to hear but you don't have the guts to say that in public.
You know what we're both idiots, you for poking at something everyone here already decided they didn't like, and me for engaging with it honestly; especially on this forum.
At this point I think maybe this thread should be locked, it should have been obvious that the people who were here for SSSS were not going to stick around for content that was this wildly different from what they wanted. All anyone does here is complain for the sake of complaining.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on July 12, 2023, 04:34:30 PM
Oh please you came into this with the intent to hate it, post here with the intent to troll, and worst of all the only gotchas you have are "This piece of fiction is unrealistic, how dare they 0/10"

Well, you are perfectly fine to believe in it, if simplistic explanations is what made you happy)  ;D
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on July 12, 2023, 05:05:48 PM

OK guys cool it. I would ask both Dilandu and LetsEatBees take a break from this thread for a while, ok? (Welcome to talk in any of the other threads!)

This thread is open to any kind of commentary about Journey Upstream. Anyone can make their own comments, or start a new thread if they don’t like this one. You don’t have to acknowledge anything that was previously written here, but are allowed to comment on anything whether you agree or oppose or bit of both.

LetsEatBees, you are probably right that this thread, possibly this forum, is not likely to result in mostly positive attitude discussion about Journey Upstream. However I’m not closing this, the critical comments concern things in the comic and are allowed.

On the other hand Dilandu is correct that he’s the only one creating any discussion on JU at the moment. Like already mentioned, anyone is free to pitch in here or in a new thread.

Changing the direction a discussion is taking is allowed and welcomed, however it should be done by making different points about the subject or creating new discussion, not by insisting others are discussing wrong.

Having said that, everyone is reminded to keep their comments about the comic Journey Upstream and / the other new (”bunny”) and not venturing into comments about Minna as a person or other things about her that are not directly related to the comic (especially Meandering Line is directly about her personal journey and discussing it also means taking about her, but as long opas it’s about that comic it’s ok). ALSO no bashing of Christianity or any religions in general, whether mainstream or sect, in this thread! Discuss the bunny comics only.

Any name calling or otherwise impolite behavior towards other Forumites is right out.

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on July 12, 2023, 11:31:11 PM
Thanks Jitter. I’m still working my way through the new comic, and don’t yet understand it well enough to have formed an opinion. But I hope to do so at some point, and may then have more to say. I don’t enjoy the art as much as in Minna’s previous work, and some of the basic concepts behind the story seem bewilderingly chaotic, but I want to give it time and see how the story and the art develop, or whether they do grow and develop further. Let’s give Minna time and space to explore her ideas?
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on July 13, 2023, 08:37:21 AM
I haven't been following Minna in any fashion which lets me know when new pages are out, and have been relying on Dilandu to let me know. Are they still permitted to post when the next installment's up, and/or to comment on it in normal fashion? I'd think that would still qualify as taking a break "for a while", as there's usually a significant delay before Minna posts the next batch of pages.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on July 13, 2023, 01:18:41 PM
I haven't been following Minna in any fashion which lets me know when new pages are out, and have been relying on Dilandu to let me know. Are they still permitted to post when the next installment's up, and/or to comment on it in normal fashion? I'd think that would still qualify as taking a break "for a while", as there's usually a significant delay before Minna posts the next batch of pages.

The only people who can comment are the ones who have subscribed.  Those comments are blocked to the rest of the viewing audience.  I used to get emails, but the Discord members usually remind people when it is up.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on July 13, 2023, 03:30:09 PM
I'm not asking about comment on Minna's site, I'm asking about comment here.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: dmeck7755 on July 14, 2023, 09:18:54 AM
I'm not asking about comment on Minna's site, I'm asking about comment here.
I apologize, I misunderstood.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on July 14, 2023, 12:26:51 PM
No apology needed! I sometimes misread people, too.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on July 14, 2023, 04:16:14 PM
Oh yes, the “for a while” has passed when people have cooled down. I believe it’s happened already.

@Dilandu and @LetsEatBees you are free to continue this discussion, just remember to keep it friendly ir at the very least polite, ok?
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Kevin_Redcrow on July 16, 2023, 06:57:06 PM
Disclaimer: Other than Lovely People I have not read Ms. Sundberg's christian comics.  I'm getting my info on these from these forum threads.

I've found the commentary about the problems of using animals as the characters in this story to be very interesting.

So, thinking aloud,  I wonder if using Furries/Anthromorphs in place of real animal species could have avoided many of these technical problems?

Yes, I'm speaking as an unrepentant Furry.  ;)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on July 17, 2023, 01:06:15 PM
I think some at least. Now they are sort of in between “these are this animal species” and “these are people that just look like whichever animal”. Which is confusing precisely because certain species can be used to represent something, but here they apparently aren’t , at lest not uniformly.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: angsttronaut on July 17, 2023, 05:32:51 PM
Yeah, I think if they were furries it'd be easier to handwave things like them wearing clothes and not particularly acting like their real life counterparts. I've read books and comics where the animals were actual animals but had more humanlike behaviours and technology, it isn't something that automatically turns off my suspension of disbelief. But something about Minna's approach in Journey Upstream isn't doing that for me, I'm not entirely sure why.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on July 17, 2023, 09:43:58 PM
In part, for me, it is because the few other furry comics I have seen were better written and had more relatable characters. Kevin and Kell was interesting, Doc Rat is a delight.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: angsttronaut on July 18, 2023, 08:36:29 AM
Yeah. Journey Upstream's cast of characters haven't had much development yet, there's not much to distract from the oddities in the world itself. Perhaps that'll improve as the comic goes on, but there's such a large amount of characters that I'd be surprised if any of them become particularly developed.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on July 18, 2023, 12:59:23 PM
Most of them don't even seem to be individuals at all; and when one does do something as an individual, the story doesn't follow that character in any way. Is there any connection between the current rabbits and the ones earlier in the story, or are they an entirely different group of rabbits? I can't even tell.

Do any of them even have names?

Maybe Minna thinks that there's no such thing as individuals in an allegory, and so isn't trying to write them.

ETA: yeah, I think making them anthromorphs would have solved some of the problems; but not all of them. And it might have created a new batch -- the very beginning of this work might have seemed even odder that way.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Dilandu on July 18, 2023, 02:50:24 PM
Disclaimer: Other than Lovely People I have not read Ms. Sundberg's christian comics.  I'm getting my info on these from these forum threads.

I've found the commentary about the problems of using animals as the characters in this story to be very interesting.

So, thinking aloud,  I wonder if using Furries/Anthromorphs in place of real animal species could have avoided many of these technical problems?

Yes, I'm speaking as an unrepentant Furry.  ;)

My IMHO - yes. It would dealt with a lot of problems, that plagued "Journey Upstream". With anthropomorphic animals, there wouldn't be puzzling problems like "how animals without opposite thumbs managed to make metal armor and leather bags", and their behavior would not be so problematic.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Unremarkabillionaire on September 05, 2023, 03:23:40 AM

I'm new to this forum, and I am jettisoning a number of thoughts about Ms. Sundberg's work, if only because I see no better place than this thread.

Unlike the average member of the forum, I discovered Sundberg's work through Lovely People when it was linked in a Discord server (of all places) sometime in 2021.  I'm a Christian (and have been for all my life), and my initial thought was that LP was a beautifully illustrated but imperfect work.  I also thought to myself that the author may have been a recent convert to Christianity (which, as I later found, was true).

Since LP was intentionally fanciful, I see no reason to criticize LP for its art-style or world-building, but as others have pointed out, its plot was flawed due to its shift towards Christianity as the only victim of "Not Amazon's" dystopia.  It seems that Sundberg had several main ideas that she attempted to express: firstly, that blind escapism through consumerism and online attention-seeking is empty; secondly, that certain groups would seek to exploit the tendency towards consumerism for their own gain; and thirdly, that the Christian faith is the best solution to the problem of human meaninglessness.

Due to my view of the world, I agree with all three of those statements, but their presentation in LP is, unfortunately, cluttered.  Perhaps a greater number of pages might have allowed for those themes to be more coherent; however, I appreciated the "core" message of holding fast to one's beliefs, even to the point of personal loss.
All that being said, I was intrigued enough by LP that I might have gone through the rabbit-trail of Sundberg's works then, had the page which hosted LP contained any more information about its author.  At the time, it didn't, so I mostly forgot about Lovely People altogether, though some of its examples of consumerism remained with me.

Recently, I came across A Meandering Line in much the same way as before, but I now recognized its author as the person who "drew that interesting comic with the rabbits."  Contrary to many of the posters here, I enjoyed that comic quite a lot!  My viewpoint was surely different that that of the long-time readers of Sundberg's previous work; since I was merely perusing what remained after the fact, my opinion was not colored by prior experience with aRTD or SSSS.  Nonetheless, I appreciated Sundberg's tendency for honesty in A Meandering Line, since it honestly dealt with problems that were actually relevant to human beings (not to mention that *anyone* would need courage to write about their own thoughts in that much detail with their own name attached).  I still think that the art is lovely; even though the level of detail is lower than in Sundberg's previous works, her art is cleaner (in my opinion) and very expressive.

To summarize that soup of words, I unashamedly like A Meandering Line, though I wouldn't hand it to a child to read.

After reading those two works, I discovered and read Journey Upstream, aRTD, and SSSS, in that order.  To briefly summarize my thoughts:

Journey Upstream is a nice allegorical work, although it makes little to no sense outside of that context.  Due to its nature, I think that as the story progresses, the characters will indeed turn out to be "shallow," but unlike certain posters here, I am not bothered by this.  It's a fair tactic in metaphorical writing to make characters into archetypes; unlike more "novel-like" works, their entire purpose is to be recognized and extrapolated into the real world.  Since JU's character page names quite a few characters that haven't seen any dialogue, I expect Sundberg to represent simplified "archetypes" of people through the different animals.  It is still too early, I think, to judge the work, but I expect that I will cherish it, if it is written well to the end.

aRTD is lovely and cozily paced.  Its usage of Finnish folklore intrigued me, and I enjoyed the cast of characters in the story.  I loved the art, the story, the length, and most everything about it.

SSSS contains my favorite work of world-building by anyone not named Tolkien.  Its cast of characters was fantastic, its plot was meticulous, and its story hooks were fascinating.  I do understand why readers would be disappointed in its abridged ending, though.  Even though the story feels incomplete, it is to Sundberg's credit that she did not cripple the setting in an attempt to hastily conclude the series.  It's as if it left off in a good place, so to speak, and while I don't want to needlessly speculate, I would not mind seeing Sundberg revisit the setting someday.

The above post is probably a horrid mess of formatting and a grotesque patch-work of ideas, and I have not said all that I wanted to say, but I am posting anyways because I want to contribute my own thoughts into the discussion of Sundberg's work.  My impression of certain opinions here (and please note that I am not trying to attack anyone) was that "Minna was a good writer, and then she 'picked up' christianity and trashed everything," and that doesn't seem fair to the merit that I see in her work.

Please correct me if there are any glaring holes in my thinking.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Keep Looking on September 05, 2023, 09:08:52 AM
Hiya! Thanks for sharing your thoughts here.

It's definitely interesting to hear the perspective of someone who found SSSS through Lovely People. I'm glad to hear that like many of us here, you also really enjoyed the characters and worldbuilding in SSSS.

It's also interesting to hear both your criticisms and the positive points you raise about LP and Minna's other new works, particularly from a Christian perspective. I'm not particularly in the mood to re-read LP at the moment, having done my fair share of analytical reading already today for my multiple university assignments, but I will say that you raise a good point about one of LP's biggest weaknesses (from a storytelling perspective) being its cluttered nature.

I do agree that Minna put a lot of her personal struggles and thoughts on display in 'A Meandering Line', and that does take a certain amount of courage. While I do not personally agree with the position Minna has ended up in, having had a moderately painful departure from Christianity myself, I do hope that the community and purpose that can be found in some Church communities might help her to be in a better place mentally and socially. I know her very hardcore 4 pages a week SSSS update schedule was often a source of concern for her wellbeing in the SSSS fandom.

That's about all I have to say on this topic, but since this post may re-ignite some activity on this thread, I want to remind everyone to stay civil, listen to others' perspectives and properly read others' points before you engage with them.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Jitter on September 05, 2023, 11:34:24 AM
Thank you, Unremarkabillionaire! Like Keep, I found it extremely interesting to read your views.

Also I have to say I’m relieved that you found SSSS via LP, read it, and liked it. I think a bug part of the shock to the SSSS fandom at the time LP dropped was the extreme surprise - people went blind into it thinking ok sweet future bunnies, and bam Bible to the head. Considering how there were several people who for various reasons would never have read it if they’d known, it was not considered a good way of presenting the comic to us. Anyways there was some arguing in SSSS comment section and for a while we weren’t worried there might be an unmanageable influx of people who would hate SSSS for magic and old gods. Luckily it was a completely unfounded worry! Anyways it’s great getting you here via the mew comics.

I think it’s very valuable for us and for this discussion to get your perspective on both the new work and the old. On the religious works, coming to them from the outside of the SSSS fandom and simultaneously as an insider, if you will, as a Christian, your views are definitely very different than e.g. mine. For me the clumsy metaphors of both LP and JU are just flat. The Meandering Line was for me a lot better, and like you say it’s also a very brave work.

I think I have more but I now have a mild headache so have to stop here. In any case, I’m glad you have re-opened the discussion! And for what it’s worth, I didn’t find your message confusing or horrid at the least :)

BTW there is an Introduction thread in the General board, if you’d like to go there and say hi. It’s not an obligation, just fun :)
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Unremarkabillionaire on September 05, 2023, 04:32:22 PM
Thank you for your thoughtful reply!

On the religious works, coming to them from the outside of the SSSS fandom and simultaneously as an insider, if you will, as a Christian, your views are definitely very different than e.g. mine. For me the clumsy metaphors of both LP and JU are just flat.

I suspect that this is just because I am the type of person that the metaphor was written for.

Skimming through Journey Upstream, I find the metaphors like that of the dying spring to represent the Christian idea of a "fallen world" fairly clearly.  I also enjoyed the metaphor of the natural signs that were given to "the animals" to remind them of the new garden instead making them discomforted and encouraging them to flee farther.

The general image of life as a path leading either to or away from the Celestial Lamb (obviously representative of the Christian God) is a strong one, I think (I am reminded of similar themes in the writings of C.S. Lewis, for instance), but I also have an existing religious viewpoint that is similar to Ms. Sundberg's.  The story's details read more like a reminder than an attempt to persuade, if that makes sense.

That said, if I had read Journey Upstream without my particular perspective, I would have seen the story as little more than a hackneyed hodge-podge of mismatching metaphors.  It'd have been lost on me, and I would probably have just shrugged my shoulders and moved on to something else.  I feel much the same way about Lovely People.  It's as if the metaphors in Sundberg's later work are better at reiterating beliefs already known to the reader than teaching anything new.

I'd like to add one more thing (that I forgot to say in my last post) and say that I believe that Sundberg's usage of the actual medium of comics has matured over time, in comparison to SSSS.  The latter, in my opinion, sometimes fell into a repetitive arrangement of panels that made following quick scenes difficult, despite the fidelity of the art itself.  The opening act (prologue?) of Journey Upstream has brilliant placement and pacing of the actual scenes, even if the reader dislikes the plot or art direction.  However, this may have just been a side effect of SSSS' release schedule (I can't draw a single thing; how on earth did she put out that many pages for that long a time?).

Thanks again for both of your responses.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: wavewright62 on September 05, 2023, 04:56:43 PM
*waves at Unremarkabillionaire*  I am delighted that you shared your thoughts here, and made such cogent points!  I echo Jitter & Keep's thoughts, and share the relief that fans such as yourself can add greatly to our discussions.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on September 05, 2023, 10:09:03 PM
Hello and welcome, unremarkabillionaire. My own perspective is different again, being an older woman and a lifetime Pagan from a large family that includes Pagans, Christians of several kinds, Jews and people of no religious belief.

Your views are interesting and well expressed. Hopefully the discussion can continue while remaining courteous and informative. My own objections were to Minna’s attitude of believing that she was totally and unarguably right, and that everyone who believed otherwise was doomed and damned to hell. And to the level of condescension and discourtesy with which that view was presented.

Have you read ‘The Screwtape Letters’ by CS Lewis? Even better, his Space trilogy, ‘Out of the Silent Planet’, ‘Perelandra’, also called ‘Voyage to Venus’ and the third novel ‘That Hideous Strength’? Brilliant books, and an interesting way to approach the concepts of Christianity. I remember reading in the preface to one of them that his friend from the Inklings, Professor JRR Tolkien, had recently published an epic work  of an adventure and quest novel based on Western European folklore which was what led me to read ‘Lord of the Rings’.

Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Unremarkabillionaire on September 05, 2023, 10:47:30 PM
My own objections were to Minna’s attitude of believing that she was totally and unarguably right, and that everyone who believed otherwise was doomed and damned to hell. And to the level of condescension and discourtesy with which that view was presented.

She has run into the fundamental problem with "outsiders" that every Christian has to "work out" for themselves.  Suppose for a moment that Christianity is true, and the traditional understanding that "non-believers" are "doomed and damned to hell" is also true.  If you really believed that, how would your conduct to others be altered?

My point is not to argue for Christianity but merely to state that the behavioral problem is complicated.  I don't know the answer to it, and I can't fault Minna for not knowing either.  I hope that I am not stepping outside of the desired conduct of this forum, but it seems impossible to discuss a Christian work without discussing Christianity as well.

To actually answer your question, The Screwtape Letters is my favorite book, and I would call Lewis my favorite author for his non-fiction works (namely Mere Christianity and The Abolition of Man).  Those three books helped to awaken my self-awareness and "thinking brain" at a time when I much needed a "splash to the face;" The Screwtape Letters in particular is one of the best explorations of human nature that I have ever read, but for all that praise, I haven't read the Space Trilogy yet!  My reading progress has been poor, and I want to finish a number of other books first (The Lord of the Rings being one of them, oddly enough).
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Róisín on September 05, 2023, 11:35:18 PM
That makes sense. Have you read Lewis’s work of theology ‘The Problem of Pain’? It is a fascinating discussion of how suffering can occur in a world created by a supposedly omnipotent and benevolent god. For a Pagan I have read quite a lot of Christian theology, because I wished to better understand my late stepmother, who was a Christian. My mother died when I was quite a small child, and my father did not remarry until I was in my teens, so I was old enough and curious enough to study her faith, and also thought it courteous to at least try to understand her. She did not succeed in converting any of us, but I found the theology interesting.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Unremarkabillionaire on September 06, 2023, 01:09:04 AM
I haven't read it.  I'm saving that book for when I need it; thankfully, that time hasn't come yet.  Thank you for reminding me of C.S. Lewis' works that I haven't read, though!  I need to allocate more time in the day to reading.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: danckert on November 29, 2023, 11:50:11 PM
Time flies and I suddenly stumbled across Minna's two new efforts...

I can't see why some of you insist on reading this latest one from a realistical pow. I mean, they're talking animals. So. But I also noticed that the animals headed the wrong way are more or less sticking to their beastly "natural ways" with wolves being hunters, rabbits being prey, and everyone sticking to their group and their pattern. Meanwhile the Enlightened Ones of The Righteous Path are living in a mixed group, unified in their belief and their holy goodness. Sigh. I also think Minna might be putting her own story into dad wolf's tale - "I'm a misfit, no one likes me, I get criticism no matter what I do"...

It is a pretty straight-forward allegory. Strong C.S.Lewis influence. The art is cute, more recent-like. It doesn't have the richness of earlier SSSS, but she was bending over backwards to produce that kind of quality alone. I'm glad she's found a flow that looks pretty, yet lets her work at an effective pace.

Ok, so that's the journey thing. On to the one about her faith journey. That was absolutely terrifying! The level of spiraling, intrusive thinking and self-loathing/self-absorbedness described in the comic makes me wish someone had made an intervention much sooner. Church can be good for someone who's that isolated, but therapy would likely have been better in my opinion. The whole comic comes across as someone who doesn't really "get" empathy  :-\ And that scared me.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on November 30, 2023, 06:58:03 PM
Two full rounds of melodrama. To be, most likely, followed by another.

And if that's supposed to convert that wolf, I don't believe a bit of it. If he gets out of there, he's a lot more likely to try to kill the witness to his pleading.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Unremarkabillionaire on December 04, 2023, 01:16:03 AM
Two full rounds of melodrama. To be, most likely, followed by another.

And if that's supposed to convert that wolf, I don't believe a bit of it. If he gets out of there, he's a lot more likely to try to kill the witness to his pleading.

I appreciate the attempt at "deeply" representing human cognition, though.  SSSS' characters were written with plenty of wit, but they became a little stiff when  unusual situations arose.

This little "arc" has gone on for a while and taken turns that I didn't forsee, so I'll wait for it to end before passing judgement.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on December 04, 2023, 11:43:54 AM

I appreciate the attempt at "deeply" representing human cognition, though. 

I'm afraid I didn't even see such an attempt. Where did you see it?

Since LP was intentionally fanciful, I see no reason to criticize LP for its art-style or world-building

Coming back to this:

I know some people think of fantasy as simply being "anything goes". That doesn't work for me at all (or for quite a few other fantasy writers and readers.) For me, a fantasy work needs to be consistent within its own framework. The author can posit "in this world, magic works, and at least some gods are real" and that's fine -- but if the author posits that magic works in a particular fashion with particular limits, then it needs to work in that way throughout the work, and if there's an exception a reason needs to be given for it. A world in which magic just does whatever the author wants it to on a particular page is incoherent and IMO lazy writing. If a particular god behaves in a particular fashion, then again that needs to be consistent or an explanation given. And so on.

Minna wasn't perfect at this in SSSS, and I sometimes criticized that work for that reason. But the world as a whole was reasonably coherent. I can't even find a coherent world in Journey Upstream.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: Morriwolf on March 24, 2024, 05:39:33 PM
Bloody hell. comparatively the new work is concerning, just.. wtf.
Title: Re: Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work
Post by: thorny on March 26, 2024, 05:30:09 PM
Huh. Nobody had been notifying of updates in this thread, so I hadn't caught up in a while.

Morriwolf, did you mean the work as a whole to date, or just the last couple of installments?

I can't figure out why they'd need to break into that line; they're not going through a cleft barely wide enough for one creature, there's plenty of room for the hungry party to fit by next to the slow party. But at least some of them seem to have names, which is a nice change.