Swedish and Finnish coast are also littered by tiny isles with semi-isolated communities...
Plus Finland has tons of lakes and islands in them...
And more about Finland:Every apartment building here is has small blast/fallout shelter with supplies in them.
(Norway seems to also have shelters everyehere)And cities have massive public shelters everywhere with more supplies.
And Finland also has well equiped and trained army...
Unfortunately, Army and shelters can help only if people will be ready.
How I understand the setting of SSSS, the main problem here was not a Rash monsters but the hidden incubation period. Otherwise exist no reasonable reasons why airborne infection destroyed the civilization. How we can see in the comix the quarantine and isolation are sufficient to protection from infection itself. More, a gas mask allow you to be a healthy after a contact with infected people or Rash monsters. Consequently, if the Rash hadn't a hidden incubation period, we seen in few times more people then SSSS worls really have.
Actually, the First World was turned into a no man land only because the Europe and USA didn't has a time for effective quarantine measures. I'm sure what every time when people in Europe tried to separate infected people from healthy people and build isolated city every time Rach was already inside. And if they has a any safety place they have almost no chance to keep the quarantine. I'm sure what Europe was full of Trolls, Giants and small monsters - infected rats and mouses.
Of course, Europe has lots of survivors in first ten years . In EU we have 750 millions people now and if 7% was immune like in Ireland - 750 000 000*0.05=37 500 000 millions of immune people. Where is all that people? Looks like most part from them is a die. Europe is a pretty small place with a high population density. Therefore, the most common cause of death in Europe from 0 to 10 years should be a latent infection of community members, infected rat and small monsters, Trolls and only after that - famine. People in Europe just haven't been able to stabilize the situation when they has a muzzle of trolls everywhere. Just recall the Danish attempt to take own lands back. The Nordic countries have a lower population density, more colder climate and lots of places with low number of places where immune people can scavenge but...
But Nordic countries is too close to Europe and when Rash has in a big towns - it was impossible to stop the Rash. Every big savety zone withnout any infected people was in great danger because of the trolls. I'm sure what European and Nordic military tries to fight against Trolls, but most part of soldiers was infected too and they no areas for retreat.
I'm sure what something like that we seen in European Part of Russia. Of course Russian military in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg does own work as well as Finnish military do own work in Helsinki but they has same conditions with every European military. Infected people everywhere, Rash monsters everywhere, and any quarantine zone - already infected. They just has no time to stop all ways, and if it's happend by lucky case - Trolls fix that minor problem. For example, few military bases in European part of Russia could save some civilian and military people, but they were surrounded by trolls and had no chance to save quarantine for long. Murphy's Law together with the lack of time was a reason why Rash was too effective. I'm sure what exist a thousands of ways to death.
Nevertheless, when people are ready, like 90 years later in Nordic countries, it's possible to live among the Silent World. And really - all survived groups of a people should have a very same story.
What is the main idea of any stories of survival? It's the Time.
Then more Time people have when Rash come for them then more survivors we will see. Siberian part of Russia just has more time than Europe and Nordic countries, because they Siberia is a damned big and Rash can't walk faster then people or animals. Only few hours of advantage allow block the main roads and airfields. In Siberia lives near 40 million of people. 3/4 from them live near Trans Siberian railroad and will be infected wery fast - looks like they have same chance like a Nordic people, only one chance from 500 as in Finland. That life\death rate working for all Nordic countries and should be same for Siberia or Ural just because people have a place outside of a troll-areas.
30.000.000/500=60.000 Russian survivors near Trans-Siberian Railroad. Nordic world outside the Ireland have only 50.000. Looks possible.
Central parts of Siberia and Northern parts of Siberia together with a Russian Far-East have near 17.000.000 people. Take out part from Russian-Chinese Border and from very lovely towns. We left a 8.000.000 people. 7% of immune people - immune 560.000 Russians and I see no trolls hordes in that forgotten lands of Russia. Nordic survivability rate - 16 000 people.
So, minimum possible number of a Russian survivors without time benefits is a 66.000. And it's already close to Nordic countries. Next step - near 400.000 Russians, if we take the Iceland rate with 2/3 of survivors for immune people only. Same number f we recall the idea about safety zone like Ireland on Sakhalin and Kamchatka, because that parts of Russia have 800.000 citizen in common and we use a Iceland scenario for that parts of Russia.
I think what that number can show the numbers of survivors if everything will be as bad as it was in Nordic countries. But Russian people in that part of Russia have a huge advantage over Nordic countries - the Time.
So, how many people from 8 millions can survive if they will be have a few hours or few days of advantage over Rash and the Russian military who actually can do that work if will be have the Time? Of course, it's very-very hypothetical calculates.
Let's face it - military idiocy is an almost universal constant.
Show me a ideal people or people who are better prepared for disaster than the military. Of course, military are people too and also make mistakes, but civilian people usually don't have any military trainings and tend to be disorganized more then military people. It's well shown in the comix on example of the main characters.
Those mistakes for the British military largely come from the government. Unfortunately the British military does not have anything in the realm of sufficient funding to decide to just build a huge aircraft carrier like that. It was a government decision that much of the military considered a waste of time and resources.
British military is a top-10 military, really. And UK also have a Royal Navy in ocean and lots of Submarins. I'm sure what they can survive and save some people too. UK irself unforlynelly don't have any chance.