Author Topic: Chapter Break Filler  (Read 19643 times)

Grade E cat

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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #105 on: April 14, 2020, 02:41:52 AM »
Róisín's works are few and far between, but always worth it!
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.


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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #106 on: April 14, 2020, 06:22:17 AM »
Wow, that's a fascinating story, Róisín!

I think the we are all hoping now that Minna will take the story in that direction.
(Which, in turn, will be quite strange to happen, unless Minna and Róisín share a telepathic link or Minna is not totally happy with her actual planned outcome, reads this story and decides to change plans)
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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #107 on: April 14, 2020, 07:03:48 AM »
Case in point, the exact same story is 76 words in Finnish!
Filling 147 lines, I trust. >:D

unless Minna and Róisín share a telepathic link or Minna is not totally happy with her actual planned outcome
Spoiler: show

Now why do I suddenly remember the term "geas"?
native: :de: secondary: :us: :fr:
:artd: :book1+: :book2: :book3: :book4: etc.
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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #108 on: April 14, 2020, 08:08:34 AM »
I have another Finnish feast to offer, with some participants we know only briefly.


It was time for the Ukonvakka, and Jukka and Juha were excited. Usually it was celebrated at the village, and the big celebration was held in Vakkasaari only every few years. The last time, they were almost kids still and got only a taste of the sacred beer.

“Do you think Anne-Mari is here somewhere?”
“I’m sure of it. I can’t wait! I think this is the year we make the promise!”
“You are so lucky to have her. How does such a sweet girl like a stupid one such as you!”
“You are the stupid one! You are just jealous!”
“Well, I guess I am…”
“Don’t worry, you’ll find someone! You are stupid but you do have the family good looks! I’ll go look around Anne-Mari’s village’s camp. See you at the Circle!”

Jukka arrived at the Circle alone. All young people seemed to know each other already, and Jukka didn’t want to disturb them. Maybe the Circle would shuffle the crowds a bit. And Ukonolut was good and strong, to bring blessing and fertility for the year.

After the ceremonial drink, the feast proper began. Jukka wandered among the tables, beer in hand. There were so many kinds of fish, and even some meat with the baked goods and jams. Fresh spring greens were used as both garnish and decoration. Clearly the winter had been gentle on many of the islands, and it was looking like it would be a good year ahead. Jukka was deep in thought, so much so that he bumped to a lone girl with beautiful blonde hair. She spilled her beer.
“Ooops! Sorry. I’m a clumsy idiot!”
“It was my fault too, I wasn’t looking! I’m Tuulikki, by the way.”

Ukonvakka or Ukonvakat was a spring celebration held probably in late May to ask for rain and blessing for the crops. It was in honor of Ukko, the high god of sky. A key element was making and drinking of sacred beer (here called Ukonolut, Ukko's beer), in addition there was feasting but it’s a bit unclear whether the food was only eaten or also sacrificed. The beer sacrifice was a tankard or so poured away, and the rest was drunk by the celebrators. The point was to be drunk. Like many spring festivals, it was a fertility celebration and probably resulted in unions and new babies. They were held in some places at least until late-ish 1800’s.

It was usually held by each village, but here I’ve thought the villages in the area gathered for a larger feast every few years. And of course, the Y0 survivors knew of genetics so they would have known it’s beneficial to find mates from another community. The description is largely based on scenes from Mikko Kamula’s book “Ikimetsien sydänmailla” which unfortunately isn’t available in English.

Here’s a song about Ukonvakat by Finnish folk metal band Korpiklaani (name of song is spelled Ukon Wacka):

The lyrics (in Finnish) are posted as a comment

Ok, so posting my own pictures is tricky, but YouTube appears as a link. Good to know :) If you want to see the lyrics comments, you probably need to go into YouTube proper.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 01:33:16 PM by Jitter »
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:A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #109 on: April 14, 2020, 08:11:22 AM »
Filling 147 lines, I trust. >:D

Both English and Finnish of "Baking" under the cut for the linguistically curious :)

Spoiler: show
“Onniii! Help! Quickly!” Lalli’s shout startled Onni, weeding the veggie patch. Heart pounding, he ran inside. “What is it? The kids? Is somebody hurt? Are you hurt?” “Kitchen! I need help!” Onni bounced through the door into disaster zone. Everything, including Lalli, was covered in flour. Actually, especially Lalli. The kids were throwing flour and lumps of batter and clearly having the best time ever. “What in the name of Mielikki…!” “I wanted to make a cake for Emil. I thought it’d be nice if I did it together with the kids. I was wrong. You must help me clean!”

”Onni! Auta! Äkkiä!” Lallin huuto säikäytti vihannesmaata kitkevän Onnin. Sydän hakaten hän juoksi sisään. ”Mitä nyt? Lapset? Onko joku loukkaantunut? Oletko sinä loukkaantunut?” ”Keittiössä! Tarvitsen apua!” Onni loikkasi ovesta sisään ja katastrofialueelle. Kaikki, mukaan lukien Lalli, oli jauhojen peitossa. Itseasiassa erityisesti Lalli. Lapset heittelivät jauhoa ja taikinakokkareita, ja heillä oli selvästi hauskinta ikinä. ”Mielikin nimessä, mitä…?” ”Halusin tehdä Emilille kakun. Ajattelin, että olisi mukavaa, jos tekisimme sen yhdessä lasten kanssa. Olin väärässä. Sinun täytyy auttaa siivouksessa!”
🇫🇮 🇬🇧 🇸🇪 🇫🇷 (🇩🇪)(🇯🇵)((🇨🇳))

:A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

Proud ruler of Joensuu Airport, Admiral of S/S Kuru on the Finnish lake systems. Also the Water Mother.

Grade E cat

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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #110 on: April 14, 2020, 09:35:15 AM »

 “How does such a sweet girl like a stupid one such as you!” “You are the stupid one! You are just jealous!”

Calling loved ones "stupid" runs in that family indeed.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 11:19:46 AM by Grade E cat »
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.


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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #111 on: April 14, 2020, 10:04:26 AM »
So much work to love here! This fandom never ceases to amaze me with its depth of talent. My husband, who ranges far more widely on the internet than do I, tells me that I have ‘lucked into the deep end of the internet‘ here, and I think he is correct!

And no, no telepathic link to Minna that I know of, other else I would maybe have some tiniest smitchín of artistic talent, rather than being totally devoid of it! She would be joyfully welcome to use any idea of mine that she wished to, of course, as would any here. Just let me know what you plan to do with it.

And wow, Grey! Somebody else who knows what a geas is!
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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #112 on: April 14, 2020, 10:40:17 AM »

The little drawing by Noodles was adorable! But inedible. Who would want to eat such cute little kittens?

Roisin's stories describe a whole place and mood in a few words and it is great. We can see it so well this farm, it's full of details and life and it feels good. Thank you for this story and yes, I sincerely hope that Minna is not wearing an aluminum hat to protect herself from potential telepathic waves ! Russu gives so much good vibes, I'll love to see such a character in SSSS.


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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #113 on: April 14, 2020, 01:44:12 PM »
Jitter, I love your story! The "stupid" part is perfect! It entered directly to my headcanon. Unless God Minna says otherwise, that's what happened, period. :-)

(And the music is great, too)
Chapter break survivor: :chap20: :chap21: :A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:
Languages: :pt: :br: Capable: :gb: Can read and survive: :es: Knows a bit: :fr: :it:

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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #114 on: April 14, 2020, 09:20:11 PM »
"What do you all want to eat first when we get back home?" Reynir asked. Lalli felt that familiar rustle of annoyance that came every time the freckled one spoke, but he took a deep breath, and let it relax. He's okay, Lalli told himself. He's not hurting anything. He let his shoulders sink back down.

The evergreens swayed gently overhead, like sentinels towering over their humble campsite. It was a rare moment Lalli felt safe out here, in the silent world, but for some reason tonight he did. There was a pleasant warmth on the spring wind. Crickets sang from somewhere not so far away. The world was quiet here, but not quiet in the way he'd grown used to where beasts, trolls, and unspeakable dangers were near. Just calm, at ease, as if everything sighed in relief and contentment for a moment.

He didn't understand much of what the others were saying, just a word here and there, close enough to what he knew of Swedish to get the idea across. Of Reynir's question Lalli understood "eat" and "home," and guessed the rest from context. 

He didn't need to translate Sigrun's answer. From her miming taking a big drink and wiping her mouth, he guessed some sort of beer or mead. She spoke with her hands and her expressions, telling of a party with friends. Of dancing and games. Laughter and good cheer. Strangely, he coveted that. His people were typically quiet and reserved, and he exceptionally so among them. He knew that. And he knew at times he could even be cold. Better to be cold than to burn out too soon, he thought, as Tuuri's smile drifted past his mind's eye. But there were moments, such as these, he wished he could burn bright too.

Mikkel was speaking. He said something that Sigrun recoiled at, Reynir looked confused by, and Emil didn't seem to understand at all. Mikkel smiled coyly, as if he'd told a joke only he was privy to. Sigrun punched him on the shoulder. The smile grew a little, almost imperceptibly. Lalli wondered what it meant. Some weird Danish thing, maybe. He barely understood Emil's jokes, he wasn't even going to try to understand Mikkel's.

Emil went next, something about cake. Afterwards he translated for Lalli. "Back home we had this amazing chocolate cake with this really rich icing. It was so good. You remember seeing little fat Emil in the dream? That cake was why. And the lack of—gods, what's the Finnish? Oh! Exercise. Wasn't a big fan of the outdoors back then." His accent was still poor, but his wording had improved. Lalli smiled a little, a private smile for Emil's eyes only as the others listened to Reynir's answer. Something about "sheep" he picked up, but he didn't really care. He only cared about the warm sparkle that entered Emil's eye at the sight of his smile.

Emil did this, the goofy Swede. Got all happy whenever Lalli showed a sign of joy. He wanted to explain that he wasn't good at showing emotions. He wasn't good at—feelings. He'd been raised, trained, to put them aside and act. It had always got him out alive when he was working, and he'd always worked alone. He'd never needed—no, no, that wasn't right. He'd never seen the need for friends before. But now, things were different. And he... liked it? He liked seeing that sparkle in Emil's eyes. He liked seeing Emil happy. And if him being happy made Emil happy, perhaps it was a good thing to want. Happiness.

"What about you?" Emil asked. He'd half abandoned the full Finnish, and was now mixing it with Swedish in a way Lalli could just sort out. "What do you want to eat when you get home?"

Lalli put a knuckle to his chin, and looked into the fire for a moment. He thought of Tuuri's delight while shopping for sweets in the market in Mora. Thought of himself and Emil enjoying sweets together in the dream space. Thought of someday enjoying a tasty treat again with his friend, and feeling this contentment, this safety, this happiness for more than an evening. And he answered as simply and clearly as he could.


The others nodded in approval, and Emil smiled and patted him softly on the shoulder. Lalli let a little smile slip loose again, and patted Emil's shoulder in return, letting his fingers linger a little longer than he normally would. The warm night air, the warmth of Emil's skin, the warmth that filled his own chest, that sparkle, that smile. It was enough.

What's this? Scottish is writing SSSS prose! Believe it or not, I'm more comfortable writing prose than poetry, and SSSS allowed me to set sail into some uncharted territory on the poetry front. I don't often write fan-fiction, but I had an itch to write something cute about my boys, and was in a prose-y mood. Also, wonderful posts Jitter and Róisín! Your warm, delightful scenes inspired me.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 09:22:40 PM by scottishnottish »


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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #115 on: April 14, 2020, 10:10:13 PM »
Scottish, yours is warm too, and just lovely. Now I wonder what Onni would want to eat - mämmi?
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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #116 on: April 14, 2020, 11:23:23 PM »
Scottish, yours is warm too, and just lovely. Now I wonder what Onni would want to eat - mämmi?

Thank you! (Also I didn't have a good enough working knowledge of each country's cuisine to guess at what each person would pick, and was too lazy to do the research, thus I kept it really vague and used the language barrier to get away with non-specific answers heh.)

Mämmi sounds tasty, probably quite a treat to Finns in y90. I'd also be interested if anyone knows a good gross-out Danish food Mikkel might suggest to get a reaction out of the others.

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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #117 on: April 15, 2020, 12:17:20 AM »
Jitter, I love this prompt's little scene and how it explores some characters we don't know very well! And Scottish, that was such a lovely fic - very heartwarming, and it's always nice seeing Lalli interacting with the others.
I write poetry sometimes.

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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #118 on: April 15, 2020, 12:23:24 AM »
Chapter Break Filler


Prompt 8: Harvest


Today's contribution is from Grade E Cat, who's written a story set during a very fateful harvest indeed.

Spoiler: show
Harvest’s end
Tuuri had been “resting her eyes before reading that book” for half an hour now. Onni took the book and packed it; she could always read it the next day, when they would be back in Toivosaari. For now, the few members of the harvest party and even fewer permanent residents of the farming island who weren’t exhausted by the last few days of work were having a small celebration. Tuuri hadn’t wanted to participate, and Onni didn’t dare leaving her alone after she had shown interest in sneaking out to one of the uninhabited islands. During a conversation over lunch, Hilja’s daughter Hellä had admitted to being a lot like Tuuri when she was younger, and to have lost the impulse after reading a few books on the subject. She happened to have brought one of them to reread during the harvest, and had gladly made a temporary swap with one of the books Tuuri had brought over. Onni really hoped it would have the same effect on her as it had had on Hellä. Getting her interested in reading wouldn’t be bad, either; if she liked books enough, she would be given a job that would keep her inside most of the time, maybe even one that would let her stay on Toivosaari during the harvest. That would be one less thing to worry about.
Onni went to the room’s only window, from which he could see Toivosaari. Grandma and that little eye-poking critter Lalli were probably back from their fall scouting trip by now. Onni still couldn’t believe Hilja, Illmari and Tapsa were going out there while not being immune. Their time had been a different one, during which immunity hadn’t been discovered and couldn’t be tested for. Once it had turned out that grandma was the only member of their scouting and hunting party to be immune, the only way to take the information into account without arbitrarily retiring three competent people from the job they’d been doing all their lives had been to make sure that Toivosaari’s next generation of hunters of scouts was immune. Onni briefly wondered what would have happened if Tuuri had grown up a time during which one didn’t know if one was immune or not, and quickly realized it was a path he didn’t want to travel.
Someone knocked on the door:
-Onni, are you in here?
He recognized his father’s voice.
-Yes, come in.
Both of Onni’s parents came in, sat on one of the room’s unoccupied lower bunks, and invited Onni to join them. His mother was the first to speak:
-Your father and I have noticed how carefully you’ve been watching Tuuri over the week. You also showed us that you have gotten the hang of rowing a fully loaded boat on the way here.
His father continued:
-If you feel comfortable with it, we thought the two of us could get off the boat at the main dock tomorrow, and you could be the one to take Tuuri and the bags to the house.
Onni didn’t have to think much before answering:
-I know I can do it. Thanks for trusting me.
He was sixteen. It was about time they treated him as an adult.
Just as he was thinking this, his parents got up from the bed, then invited him to come to the celebration and have a drink. But only one cup of something not too strong, he was going to be rowing alone the next day. Despite this, the alcohol messed with his mage senses a little; at some point, one of the faint troll voices he heard from the nearby islands sounded like it was coming from Toivosaari.

Thanks very much to Grade E Cat for today's piece, and if any of you are inspired by this prompt, please feel free to share what you've come up with down below.
I write poetry sometimes.

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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #119 on: April 15, 2020, 03:04:13 AM »
Ooo, spooky ending, good one!
Always a newbie at something
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