Boiled peanuts! I know that's a Southern treat (though one I've never tried). Why sell them at a nursery? Are they local? Seasonal?
Also, is your former boss a fan of reviving the traditional Southern crop of hemp? (Nudge, nudge, wink, wink...) (Actually, I gather that might happen. Now that several U.S. states allow growing and possessing really high-powered cannabis strains, what's the harm of growing the old, low-power variety for its fiber, seeds, etc.?)
They're one of the few things I like that I know lots of people won't like. I eat them like candy, whenever I can get my hands on them. We sold them there to make some extra money, and cause they made the place smell nice (nice = hot and salty). I don't know if they're local or not, but they're absolutely everywhere in the summer. The street vendors, in particular, make them really good. One guy in Pavilion that my dad knows... he makes them better than anyone.
I'm just waiting for them to legalize weed in South Carolina. It's not like it's bad or anything, alcohol is certainly much worse. I've never had it before, just because I've never really wanted to try it, but I'm sure I'd enjoy it occasionally if it were legal. As for my former boss's habits... well, whatever he did in his free time was up to him. 0:)
I've never been bitten by a spider O____O *touches wood* and I hope to never find out how that feeeeeels......
The reaction depends on what kind of spider bites you. I've never had a days-long pain before, but they are pretty nasty.
Also, my car was spider free today!
Also, General Discussion: I forgot to post this earlier. Today, when I was brushing my teeth, my hand slipped and I put a knick in that thing between my tongue and the floor of my mouth. It tasted like blood for a little bit, and I was upset about it cause it hurt, ect. Then I realized... I had an
iron-y taste in my mouth. *PUN-SPLOSION* I've never been so happy from such a stupid pun in my entire life, and it made everything better, haha.