Not too far off, actually.
That's only happened to me once, over this summer hanging out with some lady friends. I don't think it's too unusual, though. Actually, at the post office yesterday there was some guy on the phone asking a girl if she wanted to meet up and study for their test. She was clearly trying to get him to word it differently, but he kept saying, "yeah, let's meet up and study! That'll be fun!" He left, and the guy who delivered my package said, "Somebody should tell that boy to just ask her out! 'Study time'... I mean that's just silly!"
Yes, but at "study time" he can switch to studying if their encounter fails
. Also he has not to think about what they have to do if he asks her out. Maybe he lacks ideas for things that might be done together. Or he was just afraid. If people were'nt afraid all the time, relationships could be easier. On the other hand, people would have to cope wiith hurt more and I think nobody wants that.
Edit: I talked about the girl who showed up against a a person bullying two younger girls at a MC'Donalds some days ago. After being diagnosed brain dead they put off the medical equipment last friday. This is quite bitter, paying for your live while you stand up for another being. It's not like we are at war now, that this was a family feud or we have to fight for food or something. The offender just hit her, because she interferred with him pestering two teenagers (He waited outside on the parking lot, not inside). Now I have read in the newspaper that the "ANGER ON FACEBOOK" leads to situations were the personel of the MC'Donalds restaurant get's bullied because some people are sharing rumors about them. Those people are neither friends nor family, just stangers concentrating their anger on people whose conditions of work are far beyond anything good. Easy targets to get blamed for a situation mainly the offender is to be blamed. I wonder what is wrong there. If people want to take action now, they should start practicing intervention scenarios if they get into a situation where someone requires help. though statistics should not be trusted to far, psychologists have found out, that people react quicker and with more reason, if they went to possible scenarious on their mind in a calm situation.
Sorry for that long ramble...