Just saw a weather report about a snowstorm over there!! (On the....west? Of the country?) You weren't kidding, huh. O_______O
Sometimes I forget snow is a real thing that happens
Yep, it's in Buffalo, New York. Poor NY. Oh gosh.
I heard a story about a guy who got in his car, drove around just fine, and then 10 minutes later, could not drive anymore. We just had a record setting summer, and now we're set up to have a record setting winter right after it. And
last winter already set recooooords! There were things I heard about people farther north whose windows spontaneously shattered from the cold. At this rate, it'll be that cold in a couple of weeks... it's only the beginning. *Wide-eyed distance-stare*
I've only seen snow a few times in my life, and much more since starting college. And I've had exactly 1 white Christmas... and so have my parents. Snow is rare here, but it does happen sometimes, and much more in the last 2 years.