Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 805774 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2640 on: September 27, 2016, 05:30:27 PM »
I wish I could wrap this up in anything other than pure bluntness, but I am decidedly against awarding-polls for fanfiction and if it should come to pass here I will opt-out of it.
My personal reasons are plain: The fear of not being good enough and the feeling of being a failure is a constant shadow in my daily life and I will not have that in an environment where I want to feel safe to experiment with my art and writing. Getting no kudos or comments or whatever is hard enough to bear without giving in to the urge of withdrawing everything and never to post anything again (only slight exaggeration), having awards here would make that infinitely worse because I would not only feel like a failure myself but would feel sorry for everyone else who got no mention. That is that.

I can see the the noble reason behind this proposal, however. There are fics here which are exceptional, there are writers here who are awe-inspiring, be it in one way or the other. Authors create with their fics something out of nothing, they give their own spin to the events and the world we love and they're doing it in their spare-time when they could be doing other things. So writers deserve appreciation and a friendly clap on the back for their work. And before anyone asks, yes, even with the Most Horrible Fanfic Ever there is at least this as a reason for encouragement and approval.

Also, we should not forget that several of the regular contributors are not english-natives and as much as we might want to overlook it, it shows in insecure usage of appropriate code-switching variants, of idioms, accents, cultural-inherent visuals, slang and so forth. And a firm and secure grip on those is very important for creating diverse characters and a reading environment which engulfs the reader and pulls them along without hickups that disturb the flow. Running awards would basically be unfair on the level of craftsmanship.

So, what can we do to let people know that we like their work? There is always the comment. Write and tell people how you liked their work, let them know what moved you, what disturbed you. Tell them what didn't work for you. Semi-constructive criticism does not need to be an essay - two sentences about what you liked and another two about things you think could be improved. Done and dusted.

Another thing I liked in this regard was a meme I have seen recently on tumblr. It was for fanfiction-appreciation day and asked people to recommend fics, using prompts like: "A memorable sentence", "made you see a character in a new light" or "made you ship a pair you formerly didn't ship". Going about it like this doesn't focus on competition but on personal experience and encourages people to explain their choice, giving the author feedback and possible advice or inspiration to others. A recommandation-thread could work that way, even with the categories Lazy8 has suggested so far.

You make some really pertinent points here, Talimee.  You're completely right about the safety aspect and the freedom to be experiment.  My daughter has made a "joke" about talking with her friends about what their mums are into, "My mum plays tennis, my mum likes to go diving, my mum does hot yoga.....and MY mum writes and draws fanfic about a webcomic!"  And then she mimics the horror on her friends' faces.  (She is, of course, kidding - she tells them I play in a brass band, which elicits enough horror on its own.)  But the work I post here makes me happy even while it makes me anxious to see if anyone's approved or even looked at it.

The question now is, would an award to another writer invalidate my pleasure in creating works?  Only in the short term, and not at all if it was a work I voted for myself!

Your last paragraph makes a stunningly good suggestion, and I heartily recommend putting that into place, even if we do end up voting on best works!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2641 on: September 27, 2016, 07:19:22 PM »
Another thing I liked in this regard was a meme I have seen recently on tumblr. It was for fanfiction-appreciation day and asked people to recommend fics, using prompts like: "A memorable sentence", "made you see a character in a new light" or "made you ship a pair you formerly didn't ship". Going about it like this doesn't focus on competition but on personal experience and encourages people to explain their choice, giving the author feedback and possible advice or inspiration to others. A recommandation-thread could work that way, even with the categories Lazy8 has suggested so far.

I was thinking of something like this as I was reading other posts on the subject. I think it would keep the heart of the idea - giving people a chance to publicly gush about fics they enjoy - without making anyone feel bad. And having categories would actually make it way easier to narrow it down, because I've read and enjoyed SO many fics that it would be impossible to choose a favorite, or even a top 5.

Also, a recommendation thread might be a good way for new fans to dip their toes in the water with reading fics for the first time. I know when I first got involved in the forum I found this thread and was SO overwhelmed by the backlog of entries (and I still am, I don't think I've ever gone through the whole thing). So if someone is brand new, it might be helpful to see that other people are talking about fics they've enjoyed, and use those as a starting point. (And for people like me who don't read through the whole giant thread, it might give them exposure to older fics that they haven't seen before).
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2642 on: September 27, 2016, 08:30:09 PM »
I was thinking of something like this as I was reading other posts on the subject. I think it would keep the heart of the idea - giving people a chance to publicly gush about fics they enjoy - without making anyone feel bad. And having categories would actually make it way easier to narrow it down, because I've read and enjoyed SO many fics that it would be impossible to choose a favorite, or even a top 5.

Also, a recommendation thread might be a good way for new fans to dip their toes in the water with reading fics for the first time. I know when I first got involved in the forum I found this thread and was SO overwhelmed by the backlog of entries (and I still am, I don't think I've ever gone through the whole thing). So if someone is brand new, it might be helpful to see that other people are talking about fics they've enjoyed, and use those as a starting point. (And for people like me who don't read through the whole giant thread, it might give them exposure to older fics that they haven't seen before).

That sounds like a good idea. Who would you recommend to submit the...recommendations?
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2643 on: September 27, 2016, 08:52:33 PM »
That sounds like a good idea. Who would you recommend to submit the...recommendations?

Well, I imagine anybody could, once the thread was set up. (I guess it could eventually get bogged down like this thread over time though...) I was just thinking something like "here's a list of categories, post with links to fics you've enjoyed that fit them!" or something. And then people could the thing. So anyone can recommend a fic, as long as it was written by someone else.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2644 on: September 27, 2016, 09:12:38 PM »
Well, I imagine anybody could, once the thread was set up. (I guess it could eventually get bogged down like this thread over time though...) I was just thinking something like "here's a list of categories, post with links to fics you've enjoyed that fit them!" or something. And then people could the thing. So anyone can recommend a fic, as long as it was written by someone else.

Have the thread starter take the links and put them in the primary post, each category under a spoiler?
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2645 on: September 27, 2016, 11:23:05 PM »
Have the thread starter take the links and put them in the primary post, each category under a spoiler?

Something like that would work well for me, since I've already proven myself to be the ur-obsessive indexer.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2646 on: September 28, 2016, 01:57:10 AM »
Something like that would work well for me, since I've already proven myself to be the ur-obsessive indexer.

The index on the Relationships Challenge is truly beautiful work. It's like watching the da Vinci of indexing at their craft.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2647 on: September 28, 2016, 04:35:01 AM »
Sorry for only chipping back in now. Sleep happened. ^^

I find Ragnarok's idea of an fold-out index very good because I had the exact same worries that a thread would grow very scrambled over the time. Since I have no idea if that is possible: If a fic is posted in that index, would it be possible to link to the original post that recommended it? So that people could read about the the reasons for recommending? And is only the thread-starter allowed to change the first post? I would say it is pretty obvious but I want to ask anyway.

Who would you recommend to submit the...recommendations?

Oh gosh, I feel so bad stirring this up and not contributing but I have little to no idea how this forum's structure works and I am in the middle of research for my bachelor's thesis. =/
As I said, the categories Lazy8 mentioned sounded good. To keep things clearly arranged the first post should not include more information than necessary, sorting the fics into categories and pairings. The actual rec-post should include some more info. Ideas down:
Shippy [y/n]:
[if yes] Pairing:
Finished [y/n]:
Link to Fic:

So far so obvious. I think we should make it clear that the thread-starter would not be reading and approving the recommended fics but is only the custodian of order for this thread. So, to get people talking we could pose some questions that might [or might not] be mandatory to be answered unless the rec-post might be deleted (can the thread-starter DO something like that? Or is that the firm prerogative of a Mod?). Maybe something like "Answer X out of Y questions".
But on the other hand it might be easier for some to just say something straight from their heart about their recommended fic. I would say, if someone takes the trouble and recommend something, they would like to gush about it but one can never know ... So maybe a few exemplary questions? Or some recs that could be used as a guideline???

Damn, now I really want to do this. =/ Would it be awful if the thread was not regularely updated? And can someone help me putting this thing up, once there are enough ideas? Plx? If someone else did this thread I would feel like I strong-armed them into doing this. =/
« Last Edit: September 28, 2016, 04:39:13 AM by Talimee »
[22:31] <@amity> And they care about only two things: Emil/Lalli fanfic, and chewing bubblegum.
[22:31] <@amity> And the word is, they're all out of bubblegum.

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2648 on: September 28, 2016, 07:21:24 AM »
Another option to organize the recs would be to do it in a googledoc or something, link the doc in the forum, and allow editing. That way, once the rec is posted, the reccer could just plunk the relevant information into it, like: Title, Author, Characters/Pairing, Fic link, and Rec link.

Buuut I'm just a fan of spreadsheets, so. ; )
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2649 on: September 28, 2016, 11:01:51 AM »
Since I have no idea if that is possible: If a fic is posted in that index, would it be possible to link to the original post that recommended it? So that people could read about the the reasons for recommending? And is only the thread-starter allowed to change the first post? I would say it is pretty obvious but I want to ask anyway.

Unfortunately I don't think it's technically possible to edit a post that isn't one's own unless one is a mod. So long as whoever starts the thread (and I was assuming that would be me) keeps on top of things, though, I don't think that will be a problem.

As I said, the categories Lazy8 mentioned sounded good. To keep things clearly arranged the first post should not include more information than necessary, sorting the fics into categories and pairings. The actual rec-post should include some more info. Ideas down:
Shippy [y/n]:
[if yes] Pairing:
Finished [y/n]:
Link to Fic:

I like this format. A few addenda, if I may:

What you have up there could specifically be the template for recommendations; the fic could also be simply linked in the title. So here's what I was thinking:

"Title (with link)" by Author
Characters: If applicable - stories that don't focus on a specific character (say, an ensemble cast) shouldn't need this label
Relationship: If applicable - "A & B" should be used to indicate a gen relationship; "A/B" is shippy, and something like "A->B" could indicate one-sided romantic attraction if needed. If people stick to this format a shippy tag wouldn't be necessary at all.
Status: Oneshot, WIP (Work In Progress), or Complete. If a work is part of a series this would also be the place to mention that.
Rating: FFNet/AO3 standard warnings
Warnings: If applicable
Comments: This is where the recommender gets to go into more detail about why they're recommending this fic, why it worked for them, etc.

The first post with index could just have the stories sorted into categories without all the tags (since everything will be sorted under tags anyway). That could go something like this:

"Title (linked to fic)" by Author (recommended by X, Y, and Z) - where each recommender's name is linked back to their recommendation

I think we should make it clear that the thread-starter would not be reading and approving the recommended fics but is only the custodian of order for this thread. So, to get people talking we could pose some questions that might [or might not] be mandatory to be answered unless the rec-post might be deleted (can the thread-starter DO something like that? Or is that the firm prerogative of a Mod?). Maybe something like "Answer X out of Y questions".
But on the other hand it might be easier for some to just say something straight from their heart about their recommended fic. I would say, if someone takes the trouble and recommend something, they would like to gush about it but one can never know ... So maybe a few exemplary questions? Or some recs that could be used as a guideline???

Well, the thread-starter wouldn't be gatekeeping the thread, but still ought to be able to make recommendations of their own. ;)

I think that having an additional "Comments" tag on the template ought to take care of any problems with things being too dry - this is the part where people making recommendations can say whatever they want and really get a chance to sell the fic.

Damn, now I really want to do this. =/ Would it be awful if the thread was not regularely updated? And can someone help me putting this thing up, once there are enough ideas? Plx? If someone else did this thread I would feel like I strong-armed them into doing this. =/

Well, I was sort of thinking of starting it as well, since I already kind of want to.

Here's an idea: the thread-starter is the one who's in charge of maintaining the index, but if for any reason the thread-starter needs to leave someone else can copy the index into their own post so they can edit it, and the starter can edit the first post to link to that index instead.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2016, 03:22:18 PM by Lazy8 »
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2650 on: September 28, 2016, 02:56:40 PM »
Title: Cotton Love, Chapter 4
Author: Talimee
Pairing: Emil/Lalli
Warnings: none, kinda? (one s-bomb and some outdoors-life-related ickyness)

Out in the woods, the tables are turned.

« Last Edit: September 28, 2016, 03:02:05 PM by Talimee »
[22:31] <@amity> And they care about only two things: Emil/Lalli fanfic, and chewing bubblegum.
[22:31] <@amity> And the word is, they're all out of bubblegum.

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2651 on: September 30, 2016, 04:57:43 AM »

Sigrun and Tuuri; in which Sigrun teaches Tuuri the basics of self-defence, and in which the training session becomes something that wouldn't be out of place in a gladiator's ring.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2652 on: September 30, 2016, 10:20:53 PM »

Sigrun and Tuuri; in which Sigrun teaches Tuuri the basics of self-defence, and in which the training session becomes something that wouldn't be out of place in a gladiator's ring.

Huh...ironically, the chapter Solokov and I just completed has Tuuri learning some self-defense as well...

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2653 on: September 30, 2016, 11:57:25 PM »
Huh...ironically, the chapter Solokov and I just completed has Tuuri learning some self-defense as well...

The Khalasar of the Iron Tiger: Chapter Eleven

Well that's a little creepy.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2654 on: October 01, 2016, 12:02:20 AM »
Well that's a little creepy.

The chapter, or the coincidence?
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