I'm very happy that my comment helped sparking a fascinating discussion!
To clarify, when I talked about
our canon I meant pieces/stories that we consider so fitting they
could be canon. Not that we would, or should, define our own dogmatic canon, and anyone contradicting it would burn on the bonfire of our comments.
We could even have two (or more) could-be-canon things for the same moment in the timeline. So dmeck wrote that nice piece with the Hotakainens conversation, and it fits very well with the story and the characters, therefore many of us (or perhaps one of us) believes that it
could be canon, and so we add it to that yet-to-be-created repository/thread. Next month someone else writes another piece about the same conversation. And, you know, it's very different, but also great. We don't have to decide which is the best, or which fits better. We simply add the new one to the repository.
My idea is that those works should be added to the SSSS scriptorioum, and inside that we could create a thread ("Could be Canon" or other name, IDK) where we put a brief description of the story and a link to the place where it is (just to avoid repetition). That would also help avoiding that those pieces where "lost" inside other threads where it can be hard to find them in the Future.
Now, if someone disagrees with the could-be-canon status of a story... well, speak up and explain the reasons, and we decide. And by "we" I mean the people that are around the Forum. The fact that only moderators or admins can remove a post would help, of course. I can help keep it organized and write descriptions.
Well, that it. I hope it wasn't very boring.
Oh, about the permissions, I'm completely ok with anyone using anything from my stories to develop their own. No need to ask, but I'd like to be informed, not to "police" what happens but just to know, because I'd be curious to see the outcome.