There's a record label called Sublime Frequencies that digs up and publishes extremely obscure music from places like Southeast Asia, India, Middle East and Africa: their typical releases are pop music of Cambodia, folk songs from Indonesia, 1960s rock music scene of South Vietnam and Indonesia, various popular tracks from radio stations of Algeria and the rest of Maghreb, etc. One of their releases is a compilation of various North Korean songs of what appears to be very late 1980s-early 2000s, and most of the songs are really catchy. They resemble Soviet pop songs of the 1970s with a healthy dash of Korean cultural specifics. Sadly the compilers couldn't provide the name of the songs and the artists.
The entire compilation (and many other releases by SF) can be found on Youtube, here's some stuff:
Also, here's another song from the album that I managed to find elsewhere, because I really like it:
You can guess by the image quality how old it is.
(PS: I really hate that YT embeds in posts are centred now - it looks awful)