I want the new 3DS so badly (I don't have a 3DS yet, so it won't be a waste for me) but ever since I bought a PS2 and got a glitchy one because I bought it "too early" (apparently early release systems tend to be buggy?) I've been afraid to buy early release systems. So I'm trying so hard to wait a while for them to find and work out the bugs. But oh, it's hard. I want to buy Tales of the Abyss, Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D, Rune Factory 4, and (coming soon) Xenoblade Chronicles 3D. PAIN.
Also, has anyone who has played Lufia 2 also played Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals? Can someone tell me if they are basically the same game or if Lufia: Curse of the Sinstrals is a different game, and if it is different, if it sucks? Because I loved Lufia 2 and want to play it on a portable console so much. So much.
Gah, I need to drag out my Golden Sun and start playing it again.