Started making an SSSS mod for Civilization 5 a few days back (so far, finished the map itself in a standard-size and huge-size version, and halfway done with implementing a Trond-led Norwegian civilization(its fully functional, but has no unique unit or building yet), although its a slow process due to it being quite a number of years since I last tried to mod a civ game (I semi-remember how to mod the xml files, but have forgotten everything I learned about lua). Anyone care to help? The areas where I'm unable to do much is the graphical element (did make icons for the nations, and just using pages for the comic as a stand-in for leader and starting screens), and I have zero knowledge of lua left at this point.
My plans for the mod is to make a total of six civs (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia and Scotland), not including Iceland as a civ due to balance issues + couldn't fit Iceland on the map while making it large enough for roving trolls to be a serious threat, replace the tech-tree, units and buildings, disable faith, city-states and policies, and general revamps (changing barbarians into trolls, making culture and purchase of tiles represent cleansing).