I like to consider myself a microwave master U__U I can cook eggs three ways, pasta, rice (egh), stewing, boiling, and replace all tedious stove cooking with microwave cooking for recipe preparation. The other day, I cooked biscuits in the microwave because the oven was broken. Microwave everything. EVERYTHING.
However, there have been....2 incidents this year. Yesterday, I was poaching an egg and decided to give it 10 more seconds...it blew up.
I did not try to salvage it an put it's remains on toastAnd then a few months ago someone put the Nutella in the fridge so I decided to whack it in the microwave for a few seconds, completely forgetting that there were traces of tin foil around the lid. Sure, there were only tiny lightning bolts going on, but it scared the heck outta me ;_; And I've discovered that a lot of brands use foil in their labels, for little special metallic highlights of fanciness, and they zap.