Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2566534 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1050 on: November 04, 2014, 04:30:17 PM »
Dude, I take offence at that. If you actually go back and read you'll see I DID read it, but gave up because I thought it was terrible. Now I'm sorry I don't like your book series, but there's no reason to get personal about it. Just because you like something that's unpopular doesn't mean you can lash out at others you don't agree with. Hell, I like the American Godzilla movie, but I don't go into a frothing fanrage because no one else does. Just chill.

I'm not even going to get into counter-arguments about your points, because there's been whole essays written about how Edward/Bella is a by-the-numbers abusive relationship and that Bella is objectified. Also as a formerly 14 year old girl, I beg to differ that their literature is garbage. There is plenty of excellent YA fiction out there (if anything we seem to be reaching a renaissance regarding its surge in popularity), so being 14 doesn't mean your books are bad. Look at To Kill a Mockingbird, hugely popular amongst YA readers but a well-written classic.

Anyway, let's get off this before it dissolves into petty bickering. Can anyone recommend any decent werewolf novels? Vampires are ten a penny, but you never seem to be able to find good werewolf novels. Granted they're a lot harder kind of monster to write about, but it just seems strange that in a fiction genre filled with vampires, zombies and eldritch horrors there's no lycanthropes anywhere. Where are all the shapeshifters at?

I'm sorry. Really. I didn't mean to sound angry, I'm just tired of everyone spesifically targeting Twilight when there is so much worse literature out there. You said you gave up on reading it and I assumed that meant you didn't read it through, again, I'm sorry for misunderstanding. Forgive me. I have a bad habit of getting over-enthusiastic over these kinds of arguments and I have a lot of pent up anger over these books.
I'm actually starting to get ashamed for having loved them, and I don't think anyone deserves to be ashamed for what they love.

Also, I have not actually read a lot of pure romance novels, for young teenagers or otherwise, but what I have read is usually much worse than Twilight. Most good books ave other plots as well.

I too, want to read good werewolf literature. I'm starting to wonder if I should just write it myself. The only book I ever found that looked promising turned out to be a badly written "strong female character" in an obviously abusive relationship. I gave that one up a few chapters in. Tell me if you find anything.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1051 on: November 04, 2014, 04:34:52 PM »
This expedition thing ain't half bad. The faculty actually got us a really decent hotel with apartment rooms, we got a fancy dinner of salmon and potatoes and we gathered tons of data. If it weren't for my totally useless colleagues (who are now getting drunk in the local football pub) and my severe sleep deficit/stress overload I might actually enjoy myself.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1052 on: November 04, 2014, 04:36:19 PM »
This expedition thing ain't half bad. The faculty actually got us a really decent hotel with apartment rooms, we got a fancy dinner of salmon and potatoes and we gathered tons of data. If it weren't for my totally useless colleagues (who are now getting drunk in the local football pub) and my severe sleep deficit/stress overload I might actually enjoy myself.

Hey, that sounds fun. Hope you get some proper sleep then. :)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1053 on: November 04, 2014, 04:46:55 PM »
I finally got to eat IHOP today, and that was really good. I ordered myself a Baja Fish sandwich. C: Half of the time the place is really full with a waiting line that goes out the door, or we didn't hear our name....

I just hope I don't do something stupid to make myself not enjoy this day.
Half-crumbled I guess: :southkorea:
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1054 on: November 04, 2014, 04:51:03 PM »
Can anyone recommend any decent werewolf novels? Vampires are ten a penny, but you never seem to be able to find good werewolf novels. Granted they're a lot harder kind of monster to write about, but it just seems strange that in a fiction genre filled with vampires, zombies and eldritch horrors there's no lycanthropes anywhere. Where are all the shapeshifters at?

I saw my friends reading a book called Shiver, which apparently had werewolves in it I think...? Not sure how good it might be though. When I was young I read a book called The Shapeshifter byyyyyy....Ali Sparks? I dunno, but it was about a kid who could turn into a fox? I only got to read the first book, because the rest aren't available in my country, so I never found out how the story ended O___O The Bartimaeus Trilogy has mentions of a werewolf police force in London, but that's about it.
The web comic Prague Race has just introduced a cute new werewolf character called Pam and her pack of buddies, and Pam seems like she's going to be in the main cast, because she's so cool :3
Other than that, and that one Dr Who episode, I can't really think of anything....
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1055 on: November 04, 2014, 05:03:42 PM »
The Discworld books have several about the Watch, including the werewolf in the watch. I think The Fifth Elephant was the one that was located in Uberwald and was mainly about the whole werewolf/vampire/dwarf thing? But mostly about the werewolf thing. Lots of werewolves. Lots.

I don't know, I've found that most vampire/werewolf books are really really iffy when it comes to good writing, so I usually avoid them, unless the plot has something unique to it.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1056 on: November 04, 2014, 05:10:00 PM »
I saw my friends reading a book called Shiver, which apparently had werewolves in it I think...? Not sure how good it might be though. When I was young I read a book called The Shapeshifter byyyyyy....Ali Sparks? I dunno, but it was about a kid who could turn into a fox? I only got to read the first book, because the rest aren't available in my country, so I never found out how the story ended O___O The Bartimaeus Trilogy has mentions of a werewolf police force in London, but that's about it.
The web comic Prague Race has just introduced a cute new werewolf character called Pam and her pack of buddies, and Pam seems like she's going to be in the main cast, because she's so cool :3
Other than that, and that one Dr Who episode, I can't really think of anything....
Shiver, I knew I heard that title before. Maggie Stiefvater, was it? It's not about classical werewolves, but treats lycanthropy as an actual illness, like... rabies. And the the humans only turn into wolves when the temperature is low. Yep, I've read the trilogy, and it was decent. Some of my friends actually really liked it.
And then there was the (German) Arkadien-trilogy by Kai Meyer. It was all about shapeshifters of all kinds. And it was really good.
kind of getting along: :germany: :uk:

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1057 on: November 04, 2014, 05:28:33 PM »
I really dislike politics, but 95% of my life depends on it :( so I might as well have a say, plus voting is compulsory. :/

Hehe oh dear: tiny troublesome Eich O___O as I was very close to the definition of "quiet well-behaved and obedient child" I think that now I'm 20 I'm should be allowed speak up for myself and not take silly orders from a delusional old man -___- I've "been allowed" to go to university, which makes me the first person to get past year 12 in family history. Ergo: yup, I guess that makes me a troublemaker now ;P educated women! What will they think of next?! XD

You? A bad influence?! *stifles horrendous laughter* but you seem like the model student!
Hm, yeah, politics don't affect me very much (or so I think).  If they did, I'm sure I'd be more involved.

Yep, that's the exact opposite of me.  I was a nightmare child.  Good to hear your changing things up!  Your dad seems like a traditionalist (I mean by nature, and this is coming from one, though what traditions we like can vary), and it can be hard for traditionalists to deal with change.  Doesn't mean he doesn't love you, though (after seeing my niece, it kind of flipped my view of parents completely upside down).  My dad was expecting a star athlete like himself -ha- nope.  Didn't happen. 

Speaking of causing trouble...
Yeah, I really can't picture our wise and hard-working Forum Thor being a bad influence.  Maybe he just needs a lot less study time to absorb a subject than his friend.  "Whaddya mean, you're still only on the second page of the calculus problem set?!?  They're easy!"
Yeah... sometimes.  I can be a quick learner, it depends on the subject.  Hard working, though, I'm usually not.  During the school year, I play a lot of games and watch a lot of tv between assignments.  If I actually did my homework right when I got it, I might be less stressed out when schooling time comes.  I get the work done, just... barely.  But yeah, he was my main friend for geeking out over stupid stuff with, so we were texting back and forth all the time.  I guess it became a problem?  Eh, I'll have him over for Christmas break to hang out anyway.

Once my parents and me went to voting and while my mother and me studied the names my father made his poll. Afterwards we just called out of the cabin because he knows all the guys und could give arguments. I had to vote with them because I was listed as being resident with them but not at my actual flat. Back there I was deeper into local politics and offered advise to my room mates as they where at a complete loss.
Today there was a report on TV covering the engagement of mainly liberal/leftish nuns touring through the US encouriging people to vote and thinkt about it. At the same time they made points against the huge donations lobbyists seem to be giving to the big parties. That was why many conservative christs, basing on the report's statement, are against the nun's actions because they fear that these put their oppinion on other voters.

As I'm an outsider to american politics: Did you see one of those touring groups at some occassion? Also is it true that lobby groups (which tart to be a bigger problem in Germany over the last years) are drawing the strings behind politics?
I tried hard on the first book and watched all the films (in English) with my room mate. She really liked the story and we agreed that some of the interactions could be usefull rolemodels for youngsters. As I played RPGs like Vampire Masquerade and like ancient Vampire stories I dislike the thought of these guys gliddering in the sun.
I've never seen a nun in my life, actually.  We get people at university who hand out pamphlets about "why you should vote for candidate X over candidate Y," but I usually just ignore them.
I don't understand what lobbyists do, except annoy people into doing what they want.  I remember hearing they had a more sinister nature, but... that's true of almost everyone in American politics.  There's a reason "House of Cards" is about being evil, and being a politician.  Washington is one of the sleaziest, most corrupt cities in the world.  So much so, that Hollywood itself thought it was scandalous enough to make a show out of.

As for wolf-related romance novels... Spice and Wolf?  Anyone?  No?
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Noah O.

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1058 on: November 04, 2014, 05:41:24 PM »
I have succeeded in my quest to make "Republican" and "Conservative" sound like insults. I can also do them in a Smeagol voice.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1059 on: November 04, 2014, 05:51:02 PM »
Oh yeah. Though it's (probably?) not a book, Wolf Children is probably the best story of any kind I've seen about werewolves.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1060 on: November 04, 2014, 05:55:38 PM »
Hm, yeah, politics don't affect me very much (or so I think).  If they did, I'm sure I'd be more involved.

Yep, that's the exact opposite of me.  I was a nightmare child.  Good to hear your changing things up!  Your dad seems like a traditionalist (I mean by nature, and this is coming from one, though what traditions we like can vary), and it can be hard for traditionalists to deal with change.  Doesn't mean he doesn't love you, though (after seeing my niece, it kind of flipped my view of parents completely upside down).  My dad was expecting a star athlete like himself -ha- nope.  Didn't happen. 

.Yeah... sometimes.  I can be a quick learner, it depends on the subject.  Hard working, though, I'm usually not.  During the school year, I play a lot of games and watch a lot of tv between assignments.  If I actually did my homework right when I got it, I might be less stressed out when schooling time comes.  I get the work done, just... barely.  But yeah, he was my main friend for geeking out over stupid stuff with, so we were texting back and forth all the time.  I guess it became a problem?  Eh, I'll have him over for Christmas break to hang out anyway.
As for wolf-related romance novels... Spice and Wolf?  Anyone?  No?

I'm sure he's proud of your intellectual fitness and gymnastics ;3

Despite what he says sometimes, I think my dad's pretty proud of me, I know my grandfather is, because he gets really emotional and cries a bit whenever me and my sisters do or achieve something X'D which is nice,'s always heart-breaking to see your grandpa cry for any reason o___o

I've seen quite a few nuns, my high school had a resident Sister and her nun friends there all the time. Then at college there were lots of Buddhist monks around- they're so nice X) I saw one of them the other day in the city, (he was jaywalking! Haha) I don't think he recognized me but he smiled and waved back anyway.

What's Spice and Wolf??

Oh yeah. Though it's (probably?) not a book, Wolf Children is probably the best story of any kind I've seen about werewolves.

Really? What's it about? :D or is that spoilers? ;P
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1061 on: November 04, 2014, 06:15:17 PM »
The simple version is a girl falling in love with a werewolf/wolf man, they have two children. Basically about their life, the hardships of being so extremely different in human society, and the choices the children have to make. It's an anime, but not a series, a film. As I said, it's extremely good. It starts with romance, but it shifts focus quickly to the love between a mother and her children. It's very very beautiful. If you have the chance, watch it. I think the state library has it.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1062 on: November 04, 2014, 06:22:15 PM »
I'm sure he's proud of your intellectual fitness and gymnastics ;3

Despite what he says sometimes, I think my dad's pretty proud of me, I know my grandfather is, because he gets really emotional and cries a bit whenever me and my sisters do or achieve something X'D which is nice,'s always heart-breaking to see your grandpa cry for any reason o___o

I've seen quite a few nuns, my high school had a resident Sister and her nun friends there all the time. Then at college there were lots of Buddhist monks around- they're so nice X) I saw one of them the other day in the city, (he was jaywalking! Haha) I don't think he recognized me but he smiled and waved back anyway.

What's Spice and Wolf??

Really? What's it about? :D or is that spoilers? ;P
He's a roofer so, growing up, he'd always offer me a place up there on the rooftops.  I think he's most glad that I picked up on the hints he was dropping to not be a roofer.  He's currently recovering from a shoulder surgery, and has another one in store after he's all the way better.  Grandparents are awesome.  They've got the experience, and they'll fight for you like freakin' tigers... of love.

We get the Buddhists over here too, always in black shirts.  They're always asking for money and, while I'm not Buddhist, I know it can be tough living on the road like these guys do, so I was going to give one of them some money, but I left my wallet at home.  :-\  It was weeeiiird, and I felt kind of bad. 

Spice and Wolf is a weird little story about a god, economics, travelling, and wheat.  It's weird.  I don't know if it still holds up, cause I watched the anime a long time ago, but I enjoyed it quite a lot.  The characters are fun and play off of each other a lot, and there's a kinda-sorta romance thing going on.

The simple version is a girl falling in love with a werewolf/wolf man, they have two children. Basically about their life, the hardships of being so extremely different in human society, and the choices the children have to make. It's an anime, but not a series, a film. As I said, it's extremely good. It starts with romance, but it shifts focus quickly to the love between a mother and her children. It's very very beautiful. If you have the chance, watch it. I think the state library has it.
I've needed to watch this one for a while.  Hearing a synopsis makes it sound much more fun.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1063 on: November 04, 2014, 06:29:23 PM »
He's a roofer so, growing up, he'd always offer me a place up there on the rooftops.  I think he's most glad that I picked up on the hints he was dropping to not be a roofer.  He's currently recovering from a shoulder surgery, and has another one in store after he's all the way better.  Grandparents are awesome.  They've got the experience, and they'll fight for you like freakin' tigers... of love.

We get the Buddhists over here too, always in black shirts.  They're always asking for money and, while I'm not Buddhist, I know it can be tough living on the road like these guys do, so I was going to give one of them some money, but I left my wallet at home.  :-\  It was weeeiiird, and I felt kind of bad. 

Tigers of love X3 hehe
A roofer? Is that.....roofs and stuff? I could never get on a roof ;___; hope your dad's shoulders recover ok! :3

The monks I see wear the maroon and orange robes with little sandals. I've never seen them asking for money though, so they must be doing ok

Aggghh I got up so early, ignored all the pulled muscles on my right side (I can barely wLk today it sucks) and came to the city to collect my grades and assignment from the art school, and they'd changed the pick-up date to last week, so my stuff has been thrown out and I'll never know what my grades and feedback were because they write it by hand. And to top it all off I've had to send them a lovely polite email asking them if it's possible they could just tell me what my grade was, and I had to sign that email off with "my sincere thanks" >:(
I've just wasted a whole day that I should be spending to study for my finial French exam, and i just.
I think I'm just going to stay in the art library and cry until my phone battery dies and I have no way of getting home. That's the plan. Aaaaaggh.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 07:17:35 PM by OrigamiOwl »
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1064 on: November 04, 2014, 07:28:21 PM »
As for wolf-related romance novels... Spice and Wolf?  Anyone?  No?
Oh yeah. Though it's (probably?) not a book, Wolf Children is probably the best story of any kind I've seen about werewolves.

Ah, manga. Yes and yes. Read them both, loved them both. Thank you for reminding me.

Aggghh I got up so early, ignored all the pulled muscles on my right side (I can barely wLk today it sucks) and came to the city to collect my grades and assignment from the art school, and they'd changed the pick-up date to last week, so my stuff has been thrown out and I'll never know what my grades and feedback were because they write it by hand. And to top it all off I've had to send them a lovely polite email asking them if it's possible they could just tell me what my grade was, and I had to sign that email off with "my sincere thanks" >:(
I've just wasted a whole day that I should be spending to study for my finial French exam, and i just.
I think I'm just going to stay in the art library and cry until my phone battery dies and I have no way of getting home. That's the plan. Aaaaaggh.

Aww, nooo, that sounds horrible! I can't imagine what that must be like!
 Mostly quiet.