So I take it the Norwegian prologue characters' complaints about the bad roads are accurate?
(And Haiz, I'm sure even taking you to gas up the car has high entertainment value. Can you sing a Viking version of "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall"? )
"Oh look, the roads are better, maybe we have crossed the swedish border"
- my family on roadtrips to finnmark
this place tho. this place just has it BAD because for some reason, whenever someone wants to "fix" something about the roads here, and it becomes worse. like, I don't KNOW how they come up with these solutions, like "oh hey let's build an underground passage, but make it replace the sidewalk so people who just wanted to keep to the same side have to pass underneath and then cross the road afterwards! and let's use STAIRS so bike and wheelchair users can't get anywhere! WHICH WE HAVE TO CLOSE IN WINTER!!! this is such a good solution obviously nobody will get hurt. especially not all the kids going to school who will walk on the road instead of using the passage!!!"
((I don't actually know how the bottle song goes but I think we have a norwegian equivalent, yes.........))