it seems like the maybe i feel about art isn't echoed by the alot of people. i mean some it is just exsaggeration, obviulsy, but it seems like a lot of people find art really draining. i dont? i guess. maybe its because art is something i want to be good at, but the not the thing i want to do- that would be writing. and you've seen how far i've gotten there
but i'm always drawing all the time, and even when i get an art block-which is rare-, i just power on.
[actual quote i swear]
"What's that?"
"An art block"
"I'm gonna fight it"
and it works.
i'm always energized about drawing, probably to a somewhat unhealthy level. and i guess my method is litteraly just "fight it". has anyone noticed that my drawings recently have had backgrounds?
thats because i want to learn how to do backgrounds. so therefore, everything must have a background.
and its not just one drawing a day or something. even after i do the art trades or finish something that i worked on for a while in the morning, i'm drawing something else like ten minutes after. and i almot nevr take a break to strech my hands and make sure i don't get carpal tunnel symdrome or something. if anyone has a link to a timer that goes off and stuff that would be great.
but i'm pretty sure i haven't hurt myself yet and besides, good artists know where to draw the line, right?
haha actually this post was maybe mostly because i'm bitter about having some much n=engry to do the draw, but aBSLOLTY NONE about writing. well i do have a little enegry, but i get drained loooking though my writing notebook and telling myslef i have to write these stories up, most of which are either 1/1 thiugh, 1/4 though, or 7/10 though. and at the time of writing this post, i have two story ideas i can bring to memory but are not in any words, two requests i'm like 2/10's of the way thoguh, two unfinished fanfics, and an interlude chapter which hasn't even been written. and might not get written. don't get ur hopes up.
and add in the fact i have no faith in my writing skills at all
-keep going and you'll get better!
i would love too, but all my ideas are big and large and uGH maybe i'll find a solution.
sorry, i just needed to rant
i dont know if this goes in the comfort corner or not, it seems kinda mild