Aw, yuck, sorry to hear that. I hope you can get plenty of sleep. I always notice that lack of sleep will lower my resistance to colds etc. faster than anything else.
As far as the other thing, I wish I knew any better treatment than hot water bottles and OTC pain pills. People suggest all kinds of herbal or dietary remedies for, um, "female issues" but I've never found anything that made much difference. They do think ibuprofen is somewhat better than paracetamol (acetaminophen) because it has more anti-inflammatory effect on top of pain-fighting per se.
They are actually wild turkeys, which in the last 10 years have had a huge population boom where my parents live. Nobody there hunts (although my dad always threatens to get out his old airgun), so the stupid birds have become fearless to the point of being traffic hazards. In the spring, we often see toms fully puffed up to Butterball size, chest-bumping to compete for the hens. I shot this photo today while visiting.
Good advice u__u
Tuuuuuurkeys!! We don't see a lot of turkey's here, even as food- no thanksgiving, and people prefer seafood for Christmas

But they look so cool and funny XD
I love cucumbers, they taste so good.
At the last family reunion - at some sort of relative's house - other relatives were tramping through the vegetable garden looking at the squash and someone randomly handed me this giant cucumber. (It was like a foot long.) I was looking so forward to eating the whole thing raw because I love cucumbers, but then my sister and one of my aunts stole it and completely mutilated it... That was probably the weirdest reunion I've been to.
O__O that sounds really hilarious! And a bit weird, yeah. Cucumber is great! Greek salads are great for hot days, with balsamic and extra extra cucumber and then randomly added spicy salami and weird herby leaves ^__^
Those family reunions sound so cool and relaxed! *is jealous* dancing?! Vegetables?! Awesome! *coughpleaseadoptmecough* ;3
Heh, we just had one of our many bee-invasions again :/
Usually around this time of year we get about 4-6 bee swarms trying to build a hive in mum's bathroom, which is bad because she's deathly allergic so bees + bathroom = nope.
This time of year is coincidentally when our beekeeper 'friend' goes on holiday. >8O
So, if the bees have all clustered together we usually put them in a hive box ourselves, but if they haven't, and they're trying to get further into the house (once they were flooding out our fireplace it was horrific) we just have to spray them

And we had to spray them today so I feel a bit bad, cos bees are awesome. But also crazy.