(Edit: ah man, this started out as a question about bio security and turned into a weird rant I'm sorry :/)
General Discussion...
On a rating of 1 to 10, how silly is it to pay someone to deliberately lower their bio security for a shipment from a 100% infected area, without sterilization treatment, and only an inspection of 2% as an experiment to see if the contamination really does spread as bad as people think, all in order to save money, and risk putting the importer out of international business for decades? And then making this deal
without actually telling them until after the announcement has gone to air? (In one train crash of an interview) O___Ò or, well, that's how I understand it so far :/
http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2014-10-08/biosecurity-tasmania-explains-the-decision-on-orange-import/5798450And if that didn't already sound ridiculous, the infected imports in question are, of all things, oranges. I mean....I just..... *ultimate face-palm of utter frustration* They take away the quarantine sniffer-dogs and staff, and federal police from the airport, and now it's......bug-riddled oranges (no offense Mainland, I'm sure your oranges are lovely. But, you know. Incubating flies or whatever.) :/
~weird farm girl rant over, sorry folks~
That sounds bad. For my job I have to get up at 5.30 AM so 19.30 PM sometimes is tough for preparing the next day.
5.30am....agh! Even though it's only by half an hour, I think getting up that early everyday would be the end of me X'D I'd melt into a puddle of sleep-deprivation or something! *pats Kex on the back, nods admiringly at your awesomeness*