Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2563492 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #495 on: October 15, 2014, 04:48:16 PM »
I like how prejudices are the same all around the world :D Australian animals are always dangerous and Americans shooting seem to be so totally normal nobody wonders about it ;). We have Salamanders around though here they are threatened to die out because the swamps in the woods they are mostly living in are seldom safe of woodchopping works.
The guy with all the guns I mentioned actually met up with a couple of the German interns we work with yesterday to teach them how to shoot.  He said they were the fastest learners he's had yet. 

My dad has a few airguns, and I rather like to shoot with them. I'm actually a pretty good shot.

Oh, and spiders. Spiiiderrs. I have a spider. Her name is Kiwi, she's super cute.
Definitely be proud of winning at an amusement park.  Those games are rigged; the sights are usually bent to mess you up.  My teacher actually brought that up yesterday in my class at work...  Me, concerning spiders = Ron Weasley.  Hmm...  any other Harry Potter fans here?
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #496 on: October 15, 2014, 05:02:19 PM »
Definitely be proud of winning at an amusement park.  Those games are rigged; the sights are usually bent to mess you up.  My teacher actually brought that up yesterday in my class at work...  Me, concerning spiders = Ron Weasley.  Hmm...  any other Harry Potter fans here?

That's cheating, most people are Harry Potter fans. I can (and have) talk for hours about certain aspects of Harry Potter.
 Mostly quiet.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #497 on: October 15, 2014, 05:06:00 PM »

Oh, and spiders. Spiiiderrs. I have a spider. Her name is Kiwi, she's super cute.

I used to have a spider when I was six. With all the incredible name fantasy I have, I named her Speedy (for Spider, of course). She was the prettiest and cutest snow-white spider in all the world, and I don't know how she died (I'm suspecting my mum murdered her with the infernal device known as vacuum cleaner)

So today I forgot the ticket for the bus, then almost missed a bus, then went to buy something to eat and forgot about my little sister. Then I remembered about a very important homework that I was supposed to turn in tomorrow but hadn't started yet - at about 19:30. Today was a forgetful day.
Fluent: :italy:, :albania:, :usa:

Okay: :spain:

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Bloody messed-up spoils of a language: :france:

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #498 on: October 15, 2014, 05:11:47 PM »
I used to have a spider when I was six. With all the incredible name fantasy I have, I named her Speedy (for Spider, of course). She was the prettiest and cutest snow-white spider in all the world, and I don't know how she died (I'm suspecting my mum murdered her with the infernal device known as vacuum cleaner)

So today I forgot the ticket for the bus, then almost missed a bus, then went to buy something to eat and forgot about my little sister. Then I remembered about a very important homework that I was supposed to turn in tomorrow but hadn't started yet - at about 19:30. Today was a forgetful day.
Sounds similar to last Friday, for me.  I accidentally deleted a file containing a project I finished, and had to call the company's computer services to recover it for me.  Then, 3 hours later, I deleted another file with a bunch of parts I made and had to remake them from scratch this week.
Good luck on that homework.  Hope you get it done before it gets too late/got it done already.
Feel free to PM.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #499 on: October 15, 2014, 05:21:26 PM »
That's cheating, most people are Harry Potter fans. I can (and have) talk for hours about certain aspects of Harry Potter.

Not a fan to be honest. I should read the last book soon though. It's been ... how many years since it came out?

One of these days I'm definitely going to finish the most recent book in A Song of Ice and Fire. Not that I'm in a hurry or anything, the next book probably won't be released before the author dies of age.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #500 on: October 15, 2014, 07:18:56 PM »
So today I forgot the ticket for the bus, then almost missed a bus, then went to buy something to eat and forgot about my little sister. Then I remembered about a very important homework that I was supposed to turn in tomorrow but hadn't started yet - at about 19:30. Today was a forgetful day.

Awwww no! 7.30pm isn't too bad though, depending on the assignment I guess :/ I usually get home near then, and always leave tasks to the night before ;___; it's a curse I can't break out of :/ So you're still in the clear as far as responsibility goes Nimphy! You're still good :P

Sounds similar to last Friday, for me.  I accidentally deleted a file containing a project I finished, and had to call the company's computer services to recover it for me.  Then, 3 hours later, I deleted another file with a bunch of parts I made and had to remake them from scratch this week.
Good luck on that homework.  Hope you get it done before it gets too late/got it done already.

That sounds like one hectic Friday! O___O

Pffffffft now I'm imagining you hiding in a corner saying "Why can't it be 'Follow the butterflies?!'" X'D
:artd: :book1+: :book2:


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #501 on: October 15, 2014, 10:18:59 PM »
That sounds like one hectic Friday! O___O

Pffffffft now I'm imagining you hiding in a corner saying "Why can't it be 'Follow the butterflies?!'" X'D
*Phew*  Forum updated somewhat now.
It was a very hectic Friday.  I also had a 2.5 hour drive home to see the new niece, and that almost went very wrong too; was certainly stressful.  There were a lot of motorcyclists on the road, which are scary to drive near in my beast of a vehicle.  One of them wouldn't let me change lanes in "Malfunction Junction."  That's not a good place for a biker to start acting like a dick. 
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #502 on: October 15, 2014, 10:23:25 PM »
Sounds similar to last Friday, for me.  I accidentally deleted a file containing a project I finished, and had to call the company's computer services to recover it for me.  Then, 3 hours later, I deleted another file with a bunch of parts I made and had to remake them from scratch this week.

That seems suspiciously like my Tuesday. D: I was supposed to move a bunch of files out of a subfolder into the main folder, but accidentally "disappeared" them. IT took very long to respond, but it was okay because I needed to redo them anyway. To top it all off, all the documents were in French (I do not read/speak French).

Good luck Nimphy! As long as you don't start assignments the morning they're due, you're still far from the worst on this forum. Not that I'm speaking from personal experience or anything. >_>


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #503 on: October 16, 2014, 12:17:10 AM »
*Phew*  Forum updated somewhat now.
It was a very hectic Friday.  I also had a 2.5 hour drive home to see the new niece, and that almost went very wrong too; was certainly stressful.  There were a lot of motorcyclists on the road, which are scary to drive near in my beast of a vehicle.  One of them wouldn't let me change lanes in "Malfunction Junction."  That's not a good place for a biker to start acting like a dick.

The new folder icons look great by the way! :D

Hmmm (motor)cyclists can be like that >:/ so can pram-ladies :/
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #504 on: October 16, 2014, 04:38:20 AM »
The guy with all the guns I mentioned actually met up with a couple of the German interns we work with yesterday to teach them how to shoot.  He said they were the fastest learners he's had yet. 

We have a political comedian, Volker Pispers who once said (similar meaning):
Let the Germans participate in ordinary cross-country-skiing and they won't even touch the podium. Put a gun on their back and they will be the best biathlets to be seen.

He seems to got that one right though I never touched a gun when it turned out that my hands are to unsteady for shooting with a longbow.

...and forgot about my little sister. Then I remembered about a very important homework that I was supposed to turn in tomorrow but hadn't started yet - at about 19:30. Today was a forgetful day.

That sounds bad. For my job I have to get up at 5.30 AM so 19.30 PM sometimes is tough for preparing the next day. I think you have to get up at a similar time for school? Hope your little sister isn't still out there on her own ;)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #505 on: October 16, 2014, 07:21:49 AM »
(Edit: ah man, this started out as a question about bio security and turned into a weird rant I'm sorry :/)

General Discussion...
On a rating of 1 to 10, how silly is it to pay someone to deliberately lower their bio security for a shipment from a 100% infected area, without sterilization treatment, and only an inspection of 2% as an experiment to see if the contamination really does spread as bad as people think, all in order to save money, and risk putting the importer out of international business for decades? And then making this deal without actually telling them until after the announcement has gone to air? (In one train crash of an interview) O___Ò or, well, that's how I understand it so far :/

And if that didn't already sound ridiculous, the infected imports in question are, of all things, oranges. I mean....I just..... *ultimate face-palm of utter frustration* They take away the quarantine sniffer-dogs and staff, and federal police from the airport, and now it's......bug-riddled oranges (no offense Mainland, I'm sure your oranges are lovely. But, you know. Incubating flies or whatever.) :/

~weird farm girl rant over, sorry folks~

That sounds bad. For my job I have to get up at 5.30 AM so 19.30 PM sometimes is tough for preparing the next day.

5.30am....agh! Even though it's only by half an hour, I think getting up that early everyday would be the end of me X'D I'd melt into a puddle of sleep-deprivation or something! *pats Kex on the back, nods admiringly at your awesomeness*
:artd: :book1+: :book2:

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #506 on: October 16, 2014, 08:08:15 AM »
I did a camp once where we had to get up at 5:30 every day for ten days (except the day everybody got food poisoning from the apple juice), and when it was over, I slept until noon. :P

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #507 on: October 16, 2014, 08:35:44 AM »

General Discussion...
On a rating of 1 to 10, how silly is it to pay someone to deliberately lower their bio security for a shipment from a 100% infected area, without sterilization treatment, and only an inspection of 2% as an experiment to see if the contamination really does spread as bad as people think, all in order to save money, and risk putting the importer out of international business for decades? And then making this deal without actually telling them until after the announcement has gone to air? (In one train crash of an interview) O___Ò or, well, that's how I understand it so far :/

And if that didn't already sound ridiculous, the infected imports in question are, of all things, oranges. I mean....I just..... *ultimate face-palm of utter frustration* They take away the quarantine sniffer-dogs and staff, and federal police from the airport, and now it's......bug-riddled oranges (no offense Mainland, I'm sure your oranges are lovely. But, you know. Incubating flies or whatever.) :/
~weird farm girl rant over, sorry folks~

I really tried to understand the porblem. Did I get it right, that normally organges would be cooled down to -0.6 degrees measured at the core (or less?) For some time and afterwards get shipped at this temperature?
And now they just want to ship them cooled down but not at the normale core temperature? If it doesn't make any difference then lot of money as well as energy would be saved and more vitamins would survive. Though I'm not sure wether its the same problem with oranges as with apples. Normally apples stored beyond three month don't contain any vitamin C anymore.

5.30am....agh! Even though it's only by half an hour, I think getting up that early everyday would be the end of me X'D I'd melt into a puddle of sleep-deprivation or something! *pats Kex on the back, nods admiringly at your awesomeness*

Awww thanks. At the moment I'm on holiday, that's the special extra with being a teacher (and getting up at this horrible time): you can stay 12 weeks at home (but have to work on at least 8 of them if you really care about your students). These holidays for example I only got two days of real freedom because my teaching skills will get tested next monday. I'm a little bit nervous about it.
:germany: :uk: :norway:
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #508 on: October 16, 2014, 09:06:18 AM »
I really tried to understand the porblem. Did I get it right, that normally organges would be cooled down to -0.6 degrees measured at the core (or less?) For some time and afterwards get shipped at this temperature?
And now they just want to ship them cooled down but not at the normale core temperature? If it doesn't make any difference then lot of money as well as energy would be saved and more vitamins would survive. Though I'm not sure wether its the same problem with oranges as with apples. Normally apples stored beyond three month don't contain any vitamin C anymore.

Awww thanks. At the moment I'm on holiday, that's the special extra with being a teacher (and getting up at this horrible time): you can stay 12 weeks at home (but have to work on at least 8 of them if you really care about your students). These holidays for example I only got two days of real freedom because my teaching skills will get tested next monday. I'm a little bit nervous about it.

You're pretty right there, they don't want to cool the fruit down because they're assuming that the fruit flies won't be a problem in the winter, which is interesting, but their experiment to test it puts a lot at risk for one experiment with orange imports :/ (eg: only checking 2%) we don't have the fruit flies here, and it's kind of our little niche in the fruit trade that props up a lot of business here :( and it was a little bit rude of them not to properly inform the Fruit Growers Association- especially with a test trial this big. I might be paranoid but there'd have to be a fairly high chance of it going wrong in some way, and I think a lot of fruit growers would just prefer no risk to their livelihoods if it can be avoided: a lot of work has been put into keeping these flies and diseases off the island for this long, and it would suck if it all went down the drain for the benefit of another (better-off financially etc) state :/ it just feels......not good....? If were a smaller scale test, carried out somewhere else, (like a lab, or their own state) that would be better maybe...? It seems like someone saying "Hey there, we're going to inject you with the plague, because we have a theory that you might be fine. If you're not fine: you'll just die horribly, but if you survive: we'll keep injecting you until you eventually die anyway. But it should be fine." :/

I'm sure you'll do great in the test Kex! :) you're super dedicated and knowledgable! :D
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #509 on: October 16, 2014, 10:07:37 AM »
That seems suspiciously like my Tuesday. D: I was supposed to move a bunch of files out of a subfolder into the main folder, but accidentally "disappeared" them. IT took very long to respond, but it was okay because I needed to redo them anyway. To top it all off, all the documents were in French (I do not read/speak French).

Good luck Nimphy! As long as you don't start assignments the morning they're due, you're still far from the worst on this forum. Not that I'm speaking from personal experience or anything. >_>

Hehehe, I managed to finish it in time. But morning?! Nooooo... I mostly do stuff when I'm already at school >_>

Okay, so yesterday was a forgetful day? Today was even worse. Not only did I forget my bag for PE class (which happens quite often), but I forgot my iPad. My iPad, where all the books and assignments and notes and important things are stored. I'm surprised none of the teachers found out o.O
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