Velociraptor calls: my sister does great ones. One of these days I really want to record her.
this video ruined my life:
I stepped on a wasp on my way out of the shower and it hurt like hell
I thought something was wrong with my foot until I saw a crippled little fellow on the floor outside of the bathroom an hour later
dude are you okay??
AS YOU MAY HAVE NOTICED, I managed to stay logged off this forum for most of the day today!!! GO ME. I have, at long last *cough*after two days of procrastination*cough* started to actually
write on my architecture analysis. Not a lot, but I actually read through some stuff, and made scrawlings in my notebook of what I
want to write, so now I only need to actually sit down and write it! Problem is, my "sit down and write" method consists of wandering around in the house and waving around my arms inbetween every sentence I get down. sometimes running around in the garden to get some fresh air. Not very effective, not recommended.
OH AND I really
do get that hotel job in prague!! I sent my
third czech adult email today! Apparently I'm getting a job in the administration of a fancy clarion hotel, so I have no idea what I'm going to do but I'm sure it'll look great on my CV. The only problem so far is that I will be required to wear..... professional clothes......
"Black skirt/trousers, a white or otherwise monochrome shirt, or a suit"
*opens closet*
*rainbows spill out*
............yeah. time to go shopping.