Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2565219 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5550 on: May 21, 2015, 12:51:18 PM »
The more intense the stress, the more intense the need to procrastinate.

This is a law of the universe. What is urgency. In fact being finished with work actually feels a bit empty, because you suddenly lose interest in all the things you wanted to do in order to procrastinate.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5551 on: May 21, 2015, 01:03:04 PM »

I'll be serving toblerones and pistachios. Not sure what to do with all the champagne and wine I've got here, though, maybe I can trade with some other airport ruler? especially someone whose airport has skittles


Inventory (by Dorothy Parker)
Three be the things I shall never attain:
Envy, content, and sufficient champagne.

Three be the things I shall have till I die:
Laughter and hope and a sock in the eye.

Remember, I took over the Google boys' Top Sekrit Science Base in Hangar One at Moffett Field, which probably still has plenty of 10-gallon dispensers of Skittles left behind as workforce motivators.  I'm sure we could work out a trade for all that useless wine...
"The music of what happens," said great Fionn, "that is the finest music in the world."
:chap3:  :chap4:  :chap5:  :book2:  :chap12:  :chap13:  :chap14:   :chap15:  :chap16:

Speak some:  :france:  :mexico:  :vaticancity:  Ein bisschen: :germany:


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5552 on: May 21, 2015, 01:07:39 PM »
This is how I am reminded that a lot of the people on here are younger than me, that they go for the Toblerone and pistachios rather than the tobacco and alcohol.
Little do the younglings know that airports, derelict or not, for reasons that have always mystified humans, are the traditional home of the giant Toblerones (a.k.a. "tank traps") beckoning everyone WELL HOW FAR CAN YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH, HUH, HUH!?
native: :de: secondary: :us: :fr:
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Daéa Reina

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5553 on: May 21, 2015, 01:28:42 PM »
Ok, I have a question.

Here where I live there's this thing they call "swedish bread", that comes in packages and tastes like cardboard, it's awful (like this one here:

Is this really a swedish thing? Does it really exists in Sweden?
native :brazil:  |  decent :usa: :spain:  |  wants to learn :germany: :finland: :france:

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5554 on: May 21, 2015, 01:32:11 PM »
Ok, I have a question.

Here where I live there's this thing they call "swedish bread", that comes in packages and tastes like cardboard, it's awful (like this one here:

Is this really a swedish thing? Does it really exists in Sweden?

Looks like a very very poor imitation of crisp bread. We have something similar in Norway called flattbrød.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5555 on: May 21, 2015, 02:45:35 PM »
Here where I live there's this thing they call "swedish bread", that comes in packages and tastes like cardboard, it's awful
Is this really a swedish thing? Does it really exists in Sweden?
Well, it looks like an attempt at manually making Swedish knäckebröd, not in the round but in the rectangular shape (which will usually look a lot more "precision cut", thanks to mass production by machines).

The truly interesting info would of course be what the ingredients are and what it tastes like. Proper knäckebröd is rather dry for "all the breads in the world", but most definitely not tasteless, like cardboard is.

(He said, assuming that the rest of the world doesn't flavor their cardboard, either. Cue memory of epiphany when I discovered that other nations do flavor the glue on their postage stamps!)
« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 02:47:10 PM by JoB »
native: :de: secondary: :us: :fr:
:artd: :book1+: :book2: :book3: :book4: etc.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5556 on: May 21, 2015, 03:33:09 PM »
(He said, assuming that the rest of the world doesn't flavor their cardboard, either. Cue memory of epiphany when I discovered that other nations do flavor the glue on their postage stamps!)

They do?! I didn't know that...Why on earth would somebody flavour this? (Okay, apart from the obvious reason, but I thought people who send so much letters tend to have these little orange sponges to wet the stamps)

(I had a pleasant gustatory surprise some time ago when I discovered that the fluoride-gel the dentist smears on the teeth doesn't taste awful some dentists you can even choose between mint and strawberry - this makes the half-hour you're not allowed to eat and drink definitely better).
Native: :germany:
Mostly fluent: :uk: / :usa:
Rusty: :finland:
almost forgotten: :italy:, :estonia:, :vaticancity:
learning: :sweden:

"People may say I can't sing, but no one can ever say I didn't sing." (Florence Foster Jenkins)

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Daéa Reina

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5557 on: May 21, 2015, 04:47:03 PM »
Looks like a very very poor imitation of crisp bread. We have something similar in Norway called flattbrød.
Well, it looks like an attempt at manually making Swedish knäckebröd, not in the round but in the rectangular shape (which will usually look a lot more "precision cut", thanks to mass production by machines).

The truly interesting info would of course be what the ingredients are and what it tastes like. Proper knäckebröd is rather dry for "all the breads in the world", but most definitely not tasteless, like cardboard is.

(He said, assuming that the rest of the world doesn't flavor their cardboard, either. Cue memory of epiphany when I discovered that other nations do flavor the glue on their postage stamps!)

Ok, so it is an imitation of a real thing, good. And yes, it tastes awful (my parentes like it, but I can't figure out why).
Ingredients: whole wheat flour, water, soy oil, sesame and salt.
native :brazil:  |  decent :usa: :spain:  |  wants to learn :germany: :finland: :france:

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5558 on: May 21, 2015, 11:03:17 PM »
ooh ooh someone threw some of that at us at syttende mai and we were like "what." and then we ate it and we were like "... better than particle board?"
I'll do art-swaps and beta-reads, PM me!
Native: :usa:
Can make a fool of myself, but comprehensibly: :france:
Write a little Sindarin (working on that)
Wish-list: ASL, :sweden:, :norway:
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5559 on: May 22, 2015, 12:58:53 AM »
Proper knäckebröd is rather dry for "all the breads in the world", but most definitely not tasteless, like cardboard is.

Some variations are - at least if you are used to a more tasty one. We used to argue about näkkileipä (as it's called in Finland) with one of my friends at school since we had two variations of it in the school canteen and both preferred a different one. I used to call the one she liked pahvinäkki, "cardboard näkki", since imo it was tasteless and chewy compared to the other (which she in turn called snobinäkki, "snob näkki").

In Finnish and Swedish shops there's usually a whole row of shelves full of different näkkileipä and other "dry bread" like hapankorppu, "sour cracker", which is a really yummy thin rye cracker. My favorite näkkileipä is a rather crumbly one covered with pumpkin seeds.

Edit: Here is a Finnish receip for Helppo näkkileipä, "easy näkki bread".

2 dl water (or milk if you like)
1 teaspoon salt
100 g melted butter
4 dl rye flour
2,5 dl wheat flour
sesam seeds or poppy seed if you like them
(you can also add herbs or spices if you like)

Mix the salt and melted butter in the lukewarm water. Whisk the rye flour in and knead the dough adding the wheat flour. It should turn out elastic and easiy to roll out.

Roll out the dough into a thin slab, about 3 mm thick. It's important that the thickness is as even as possible all over the slab. Sprinkle sesam or poppy seeds all over the slab while rolling it out and roll them into the dough. Stick little holes into the slab with a fork and cut it to pieces either with a cookie form or a "dough wheel".

Bake in oven in 225° C for 12 - 15 minutes untill the breads have gotten some colour on their surface. Cool down on a grid.

(Doesn't look or taste quite like the versions sold in shops, but nice munchies anyway.)
« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 01:40:27 AM by Pessi »
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5560 on: May 22, 2015, 01:38:16 AM »
I just read through about twenty pages of this thread and it was great. However, I need to sleep so I will limit myself to one burning coment.

Velociraptor calls: my sister does great ones. One of these days I really want to record her.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5561 on: May 22, 2015, 05:00:21 AM »
They do?! I didn't know that...Why on earth would somebody flavour this? (Okay, apart from the obvious reason, but I thought people who send so much letters tend to have these little orange sponges to wet the stamps)

I don't know about stamps but I think you can by envelopes over here where the glue on the seal is flavoured to taste nice.  Not exactly a great idea considering the glue is harmful, but oh well.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5562 on: May 22, 2015, 11:51:08 AM »
NEW RULE: I will not draw after 5 o'clock.

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5563 on: May 22, 2015, 11:53:48 AM »
NEW RULE: I will not draw after 5 o'clock.

Rules are made to be broken  ;)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5564 on: May 22, 2015, 11:56:26 AM »
NEW RULE: I will not draw after 5 o'clock.
But... why ?

And *Curious* what is this "soul count", I've seen at least one other member having that in signature, I'm missing something ?
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