Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2570145 times)

Daéa Reina

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5085 on: May 09, 2015, 08:09:15 PM »
Welp, I live in a new place now.  I thought I was going to room with 2 other people, but I'm actually with 4.  *Sweats nervously*
They're all extroverts. 

I may not be able to handle this for very long. 

Sometimes it can be a nice experience to be forced to interact with extroverts. But four! That's what makes me feel sorry for you.
Anyway, these situations we think we will hate can sometimes turn to something really cool and life changing (I have some experience on the matter). And it has already been said, but if you need some time alone and without social interactions, just ask them for some space. Maybe I'm being simplistic, but I always think that things can be easier if we try to face it with tranquility. :)
native :brazil:  |  decent :usa: :spain:  |  wants to learn :germany: :finland: :france:

I'm a survivor: :artd: :book1+: (-1) :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10:

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5086 on: May 10, 2015, 04:21:24 AM »
Welp, I live in a new place now.  I thought I was going to room with 2 other people, but I'm actually with 4.  *Sweats nervously*
They're all extroverts. 

I may not be able to handle this for very long. 

Uh, that sounds...difficult. My little piece of advice would be: search for a lonely place somewhere near where you can go on hiatus if it is too much. At university I volunteered to do supervision in the was always restful there for me and it was a great place for learning too, maybe there is such a opportunity for you?
Nevertheless, best of luck for you!

And happy mothers-day to you all! I was allowed to sleep in today till *gasp* 8:30 AM! ;D And since I was going to bed early, this was the highest amount of sleep for the last (let me think) 3 months easily. The drawback of an owl living with three larks...
Then I got a song and a poem from my kids, breakfast from my husband and cake from my mother-in-law (she doesn't like mothers-day and threatened to be very offended if we get something for her, but every year she brings something for me  :o )
Native: :germany:
Mostly fluent: :uk: / :usa:
Rusty: :finland:
almost forgotten: :italy:, :estonia:, :vaticancity:
learning: :sweden:

"People may say I can't sing, but no one can ever say I didn't sing." (Florence Foster Jenkins)

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5087 on: May 10, 2015, 05:47:32 AM »
Welp, I live in a new place now.  I thought I was going to room with 2 other people, but I'm actually with 4.  *Sweats nervously*
They're all extroverts. 

I may not be able to handle this for very long.

On the bright side there's four of them, which is better than just one extrovert: with one or two they'd not have much choice so they'd be always seeking you out. With four you can distract them with each other and by the time they realize it you're already well-hidden in a blanket fort!

On a more serious note, try to make it so that you'll always have a retreating spot where you can be completely alone so your new roomies won't accidentally and well-meaningly drain you. I hope you'll have your own room at least because it's always easier to do awkward kitchen errands etc. knowing you'll be able to quickly return to a quieter place.
Speaking as an extrovert myself, don't forget our type can be just as shy and awkward as anyone else so there's a chance your roommates actually won't seek you out, especially if they think you're not welcoming it. I know my first reaction to people looking uncomfortable around me is always "whoop I did something wrong here, better take a step back". I do love people's company but only when the company doesn't seem to mind it/doesn't look like they're about to flee through the nearest window...

Good luck with the living arrangements! Hopefully it'll all sort itself out. :)
Speak: :finland: :iceland: :uk: :icelandic sheepdog:
Butchering at every try: :sweden:
Learning: :japan:
Wishlist: :norway:

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5088 on: May 10, 2015, 11:12:16 AM »
Phew, I've been an archery instructor viking today... the event itself was only three hours (but we spent just as much time, if not more, to transport/set up the net and targets and bow stands...), yet we somehow managed to break or otherwise ruin more arrows than we ever have at a weekend long viking market.
you'll know where to find me.

Sigrid Marie

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5089 on: May 10, 2015, 12:14:06 PM »
Okay, I have a feeling this is going to be a really long post, so sorry in advance about that.

I'm back!! I haven't been logged on in the forum or the chat for a week now, which... most of you probably never even noticed <_< Or, those who are active in the chat did. Maybe.

Anyway, I've had a lot of trouble with stress and tiredness and just generally feeling really awful these last few months, but it got progressively worse ever since Easter, and it showed in everything I did and said here during that time. Then last Sunday it just got to a point where I was really tired of logging in here only to feel bad about being such depressing company and also about not being more active. I'm usually a really cheerful person, so it felt wrong to be in such a bad mood most of the time.

But this last week has been really good for me, and that's what I wanted to tell you about! A lot of great stuff happened, so I'm going to make a list

1) My chemistry teacher offered to spend 1 hour of her time every Thursday after school helping me catch up with all the stuff I've been missing in class. Technically we started doing this last week, but I'm putting it on the list anyway because it's really great and we've only done this twice but I've already caught up with an ENTIRE CHAPTER!! :D (When it comes down to it I'm actually very smart, and she's helping me remember that)

2) I had my first driving lesson in at least 1.5 months. Not only did I suck it up and start learning to drive again even though I didn't like it at all, I also faced my fear of contacting people I don't know very well via phone in order to schedule the lesson. Yay!

3) More practice driving stuff. I drove with my dad for an hour this Thursday, and for the first time I actually felt in control! And the day after I drove all the way to my grandparents and back, and I think I might have actually enjoyed it??! This is great news because suddenly I don't feel the need to avoid practice driving anymore. I'm actually beginning to look forward to it :3

4) Me and my friend finally started planning our trip to Desucon (biggest convention in Norway, I think?) this summer. We booked a hotel room, ordered tickets and looked at train schedules. AND. Her parents offered to pay for the hotel!!

5) I had a chemistry test this Friday (not in the same subject I've been working on with my teacher), and for the first time in at least half a year I actually felt prepared. I haven't been able to study for more than like 15 minutes without getting distracted, but Thursday I just kind of sat down and studied for 3 hours straight??? And it was actually kind of fun?? And really it's just one test but it feels SO GOOD to finally be good at something again.

Heh. Sorry about all that text. The short version is that I've had a great week and I feel better than I have since last year. I also had art class this weekend and we made films with iPads and it was super fun!


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5090 on: May 10, 2015, 12:27:19 PM »
Sigrid Marie: I'm so glad you're back and feeling better!!!!!!
you'll know where to find me.

Sigrid Marie

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5091 on: May 10, 2015, 12:36:32 PM »
Sigrid Marie: I'm so glad you're back and feeling better!!!!!!

Thank youuu!! <3


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5092 on: May 10, 2015, 01:51:24 PM »
Yay! Welcome back! :)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5093 on: May 10, 2015, 01:56:36 PM »
We were speaking about roaming in a forest yesterday...
Friend : Hey, Mélu, I'm going in the wood, do you want to come with me ?
Speaking about something might sometimes be enough to make it happen :D (Bonus : two does and one stag in a field.)
« Last Edit: May 10, 2015, 04:50:52 PM by Mélusine »
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5094 on: May 10, 2015, 02:18:55 PM »
5) I had a chemistry test this Friday (not in the same subject I've been working on with my teacher), and for the first time in at least half a year I actually felt prepared. I haven't been able to study for more than like 15 minutes without getting distracted, but Thursday I just kind of sat down and studied for 3 hours straight??? And it was actually kind of fun?? And really it's just one test but it feels SO GOOD to finally be good at something again.
This is what happened for me when I got to uni.  I'd spend multiple hours each day studying for tests and it was very different than how it used to feel.  Maybe it was the added pressure of knowing everything would be more difficult at uni?  Either way, studying was way different for a while, and it's good that you're seeing it differently now, too! 
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5095 on: May 10, 2015, 02:32:35 PM »
We were speaking about roaming in a forest yesterday...
Friend : Hey, Mélu, I'm going in the wood, do you want to come with me ?
Speaking about something might sometimes be enough to make it happen :D (Bonus : two does and one stage in a field.)

Instant gratification is the best kind of gratification in my opinion.

Okay, I have a feeling this is going to be a really long post, so sorry in advance about that.

I'm back!! I haven't been logged on in the forum or the chat for a week now, which... most of you probably never even noticed <_< Or, those who are active in the chat did. Maybe.

Anyway, I've had a lot of trouble with stress and tiredness and just generally feeling really awful these last few months, but it got progressively worse ever since Easter, and it showed in everything I did and said here during that time. Then last Sunday it just got to a point where I was really tired of logging in here only to feel bad about being such depressing company and also about not being more active. I'm usually a really cheerful person, so it felt wrong to be in such a bad mood most of the time.

But this last week has been really good for me, and that's what I wanted to tell you about! A lot of great stuff happened, so I'm going to make a list

1) My chemistry teacher offered to spend 1 hour of her time every Thursday after school helping me catch up with all the stuff I've been missing in class. Technically we started doing this last week, but I'm putting it on the list anyway because it's really great and we've only done this twice but I've already caught up with an ENTIRE CHAPTER!! :D (When it comes down to it I'm actually very smart, and she's helping me remember that)

2) I had my first driving lesson in at least 1.5 months. Not only did I suck it up and start learning to drive again even though I didn't like it at all, I also faced my fear of contacting people I don't know very well via phone in order to schedule the lesson. Yay!

I don't think you should feel sorry for taking a break. Anyways, at first learning to drive tends to feel like you're straddling a rocket, which can be really stressful for anyone. When you start to feel like you've mastered it, and can manouver the car without expecting to wreck 400k kroners worth of machine, it will become a lot more fun.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5096 on: May 10, 2015, 02:38:38 PM »
>Draws a welcome back picture
>Phone is dead and can't actually take the picture

OH WELL... Welcome back, You shall have a nice picture whence my phone stops being dead.

Sigrid Marie

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5097 on: May 10, 2015, 02:57:52 PM »
Yay! Welcome back! :)
Thanks :3

This is what happened for me when I got to uni.  I'd spend multiple hours each day studying for tests and it was very different than how it used to feel.  Maybe it was the added pressure of knowing everything would be more difficult at uni?  Either way, studying was way different for a while, and it's good that you're seeing it differently now, too! 
Productivity!  Growth!  Personal achievements!
Yay for all of those things! Also this test might have saved my final grade in chemistry so I'll at least get a 4 instead of 3, so that's good as well

I don't think you should feel sorry for taking a break. Anyways, at first learning to drive tends to feel like you're straddling a rocket, which can be really stressful for anyone. When you start to feel like you've mastered it, and can manouver the car without expecting to wreck 400k kroners worth of machine, it will become a lot more fun.
I don't really feel bad for taking a break so much as I feel bad for just disappearing without telling anyone why. Then again I don't really feel TOO bad because I really needed this. And yeah, practice driving was really stressful and I was so incredibly stressed to begin with so it's really no wonder I was avoiding it. But since I'm feeling much more relaxed in general and ALSO getting a lot better at the driving thing it's all good now ;3

>Draws a welcome back picture
>Phone is dead and can't actually take the picture

OH WELL... Welcome back, You shall have a nice picture whence my phone stops being dead.
You drew me a welcome back picture?


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5098 on: May 10, 2015, 03:24:22 PM »
ehh something small, with a finnish poem for good measure.

Sigrid Marie

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5099 on: May 10, 2015, 03:30:20 PM »
ehh something small, with a finnish poem for good measure.
It doesn't matter that it's small I feel so honored oh my gosh