Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2565468 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4365 on: April 14, 2015, 10:31:22 AM »
Nah, that would mean the person was a criminal/dissident *waggles eyebrows*.

Hm, true:

Harald Fairhair: "Hi I'm here."
Random farmer: "Bye I'm out."
Random farmer: "After weeks out at sea we have finally found land. Time to chuck something overboard and build a farm where it drifts ashore. Anyone got any chairs?"
Others: "No."
Random farmer: "It's ok this old guy just died so we can toss him instead. Nothing says home like a beached corpse."

(Btw I never found out why they didn't just simply choose a nice spot of land and build there, nooooo it's always chairs overboard - or worse. Norwegians are mysterious.)

That's really neat looking. We don't get things like that unless you're up in the mountains. But we do get terrible fog which is like being in a cloud (if that counts?).

Well... same, but when most of the country is literally mountains that's what you get. :D Also I hate fog with burning passion because I like to try to scare myself when I'm walking in it, and I'm really good at scaring myself... this one time I almost ran up Esjan in panic because I thought someone's footsteps were following me right behind, hidden in the fog.
But nah, just water sloshing in my water bottle.

Um sort of I guess idk? I was just.. trying to compliment Iceland as best I could, as I have not yet been there and therefore have nothing to compliment on other than ICELANDIC LANGUAGE I WISH I COULD SPEAK YOU! (I know, like, one song in Icelandic, and I'm not sure my pronunciation is good or even OK..)

It's ok, I understand that feeling. *points to language flags below* Welcome to Iceland, book your good weather in advance!

I like cloudy days, snow and fog. I think I'm not born in the right country.

Yoouuuuu would love it here.  ;)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4366 on: April 14, 2015, 10:35:26 AM »
Bluebell forests and friends, there's no better combination after a year of Birmingham.

Well I suppose you have a point with the friends there, though it would probably have been better to go further south for bluebell forests.

Oh Deer

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4367 on: April 14, 2015, 10:42:39 AM »
I love cold weather, I get too hot at like 70 degrees (21 Celsius). But I live in Texas where the weather is at its coldest right now, 61 degrees (16 Celsius) I think I would love Iceland, I'm always in my best writing/drawing/reading/creativity mood when it's rainy or foggy  ;D
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4368 on: April 14, 2015, 10:49:07 AM »
Hm, true:

Harald Fairhair: "Hi I'm here."
Random farmer: "Bye I'm out."
Random farmer: "After weeks out at sea we have finally found land. Time to chuck something overboard and build a farm where it drifts ashore. Anyone got any chairs?"
Others: "No."
Random farmer: "It's ok this old guy just died so we can toss him instead. Nothing says home like a beached corpse."

(Btw I never found out why they didn't just simply choose a nice spot of land and build there, nooooo it's always chairs overboard - or worse. Norwegians are mysterious.)

"Show us the path Ragnar!"
*Chucks old dead guy overboard*
*Old dead guy promptly sinks*
"... Thy will be done great allfather!"

As Adam Hills the Australian comedian pointed out, colonisation brings out the nature of the colonisers.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4369 on: April 14, 2015, 10:50:30 AM »
Yoouuuuu would love it here.  ;)
I really think about vacations in Iceland...

I'm always in my best writing/drawing/reading/creativity mood when it's rainy or foggy  ;D
That's it ! :D It could be everything behind the fog... even some thing which would not be scary ^^
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4370 on: April 14, 2015, 10:51:34 AM »
I love cold weather, I get too hot at like 70 degrees (21 Celsius). But I live in Texas where the weather is at its coldest right now, 61 degrees (16 Celsius) I think I would love Iceland, I'm always in my best writing/drawing/reading/creativity mood when it's rainy or foggy  ;D

Please. That's summer temperatures.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4371 on: April 14, 2015, 11:04:19 AM »

It's ok, I understand that feeling. *points to language flags below* Welcome to Iceland, book your good weather in advance!


I WILL I am suuuuperexcited for the trip! It's been so long since the last time I went on a trip with my family that HASN'T been a trip to Denmark. Don't misunderstand, I love Denmark, and it's always superfun, but I'm lazy, and the danes understand me even if I speak my most best western norwegian dialect with a lot of "eg" and "ikkje" and "berre" and "gjere" and really, really, REALLY prominent r's, so I've never been forced to LEARN THEIR LANGUAGEEEEE - also I understand them, which I guess is just as important as them understanding me.

Perhaps I should grab the first icelander(is that a word?) and force them to teach me icelandic the moment I get off the plane. BwahahahahahHAAHAHAahhhhhhhhhhh.. *cough*~
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4372 on: April 14, 2015, 11:14:37 AM »
"Show us the path Ragnar!"
*Chucks old dead guy overboard*
*Old dead guy promptly sinks*
"... Thy will be done great allfather!"

As Adam Hills the Australian comedian pointed out, colonisation brings out the nature of the colonisers.

That would mean that the Icelandic nature is to go right back home and be like: "Guys you have to move there with us, such awesome farmlands that we decided to call the place Greenland!"

Still, good to know. *makes a mental note of never looking like a chair or an old dead guy around any Norwegians*

Perhaps I should grab the first icelander(is that a word?) and force them to teach me icelandic the moment I get off the plane. BwahahahahahHAAHAHAahhhhhhhhhhh.. *cough*~

I've a feeling that the first word you'd learn would be "Há". It's very useful though, excellent for any situation.  :D
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4373 on: April 14, 2015, 11:15:06 AM »
Oooooh nooooooo please visit Iceland! All of you!
I've been to iceland!

it was great, 11/10 would go again
(no, seriously. I would.)

hhhh im curently at a cafe thing/youth club waiting for UKM info meeting to happen? UKM is... not exactly a competition, but kids aged 10-20 can do any kinda cultural thing they want on stage, and they pick representatives from each city to go to the county competition,,,, and I was like. one of two trondheim kids having any kinda literature performance so I'm going to the next stage, wheee!!

tbh I'm a little scared of everything except for the part where I stand on a stage and recite poems.
I'm also scared of sitting at this café when i don't know anyone here but hhhhh it'll be fine. it willl beee fiineee *repeats until i believe it*
(someone said hello to me and I didn't recognize them? should I have? did they think they knew me or?? waahhhh)

also in the middle of trying to write on that essay I came up with the brilliant idea of writing a..... videregående au............ i don't even know how to translate videregående. High school? Yeah i'm writing a tiny high school au with the ssss kids because i need something silly to focus on, all my ssss things lately have been pretty, what, violent? wistful? Serious?? flowercrowns aside
you'll know where to find me.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4374 on: April 14, 2015, 11:22:07 AM »
That would mean that the Icelandic nature is to go right back home and be like: "Guys you have to move there with us, such awesome farmlands that we decided to call the place Greenland!"

Still, good to know. *makes a mental note of never looking like a chair or an old dead guy around any Norwegians*

I've a feeling that the first word you'd learn would be "Há". It's very useful though, excellent for any situation.  :D

On the other hand, I read that they called Baffin Island (I lived there for quite a while) Helluland - land of flat stones? Nunavut is so terrible that even the saga people couldn't make up nonsense about it.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4375 on: April 14, 2015, 11:52:32 AM »
Haiz: yes that's obviously the face of someone who wants to come back.  ;D Good luck for the stage thing!

Vafhudr: it is indeed assumed that Baffin island could be Helluland. I've never been to Nunavut and now I'm curious...
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4376 on: April 14, 2015, 11:59:18 AM »

I've a feeling that the first word you'd learn would be "Há". It's very useful though, excellent for any situation.  :D

You can't just drop words on me like that and not expect me to ask; What does "Há" meannnn?

As I said, I only know one song in icelandic, and I'm not even sure I know it properly.

And yes I am musician my linguistic understanding will always be estimated in how many songs I know and understand in any language.

So far:
I guess I could understand mostly all norwegian songs.
English songs are what I listen to the most and often makes more sense than many norwegian songs.
Swedish/danish songs - i understand many of them.

And then there's everything else that I don't understand - except one song in russian, one in icelandic and one in hungarian.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4377 on: April 14, 2015, 12:17:10 PM »
wildfire: It doesn't actually mean anything special, it's just a "whut?"/"uh?"/"er?"/"excuse me I didn't quite catch that, would you mind repeating?"
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4378 on: April 14, 2015, 12:20:13 PM »
wildfire: It doesn't actually mean anything special, it's just a "whut?"/"uh?"/"er?"/"excuse me I didn't quite catch that, would you mind repeating?"

Ah, here we say "hæ?", except those of us with a Northern upbringing who say "HÆ!?!? Ka du sei!?".


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4379 on: April 14, 2015, 12:23:04 PM »
wildfire: It doesn't actually mean anything special, it's just a "whut?"/"uh?"/"er?"/"excuse me I didn't quite catch that, would you mind repeating?"

Dat last one tho, so sofisticated! From now on, whenever I hear "Há" it will sound like "Excuse me (good sir/madam) I didn't quite catch that, would you mind repeating please?"

Ah, here we say "hæ?", except those of us with a Northern upbringing who say "HÆ!?!? Ka du sei!?".

Lol Fim it sounds like something I would say. Only I've got a western upbringing, but I'm PETTY DARN LOUD because inside-voice what is that?

I would probably say something like:
"HÆ KE'RU SA NO?!?!?!?!?!?!?"
« Last Edit: April 14, 2015, 12:25:46 PM by wildfire »
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And in the light of the sun we go, through rain and raging snow, to find the things we do not know