500 members. \o/ I was gonna write a big spiel for this but, as it turns out, I'm just no good with words so I'll just sum it up:
Thanks to everyone who's posted and contributed. You're all lovely and wonderful, and I hope this place makes you all happy.
Yes, that's quite a milestone! We owe a lot to
you, Eich, for investing so much of your time and energy into creating and maintaining this forum. Not just technically, but as a leader, contributor, and guiding spirit. You play a large part in keeping the Forum a place enjoyed and peacefully shared by a diverse group of people literally around the world. Which, as many posters remark, is a refreshing contrast to a lot of other corners of the Internet!
Squirrel cookies and beverage of choice all around. Good job, everyone!
BTW, Eich, you're too modest about your word skills, in my opinion as a "communications professional." You said everything I would've said, just as eloquently and in half the space.