Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2563620 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4020 on: March 19, 2015, 04:30:10 PM »
That person must have really wanted a tractor if he didn't take your word for it. Maybe it's time to change number?
ah no you see the thing is. there were like. ten different people asking me for tractors. someone had put my number in some ad in the harstad newspaper of all things.
hopefully I won't have to change numbers. if I was a little braver and less honest I have some really good pranking oppurtunities here but I'm just gonna let them go
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4021 on: March 19, 2015, 04:36:31 PM »
ah no you see the thing is. there were like. ten different people asking me for tractors. someone had put my number in some ad in the harstad newspaper of all things.
hopefully I won't have to change numbers. if I was a little braver and less honest I have some really good pranking oppurtunities here but I'm just gonna let them go
Ah! In that case you should have told them, all of them, to meet at a deserted barn outside the city. Then, when they're all there, confused, you tell them only the last man standing gets a tractor. Genius.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4022 on: March 19, 2015, 04:45:27 PM »
Ah! In that case you should have told them, all of them, to meet at a deserted barn outside the city. Then, when they're all there, confused, you tell them only the last man standing gets a tractor. Genius.
the tractor games
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4023 on: March 19, 2015, 05:05:38 PM »
the tractor games

the harvest games
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4024 on: March 19, 2015, 05:08:01 PM »
recently I've been getting a lot of accidental calls and messages? like often from people who are asking me when I'm gonna finish their cottage???? what. [...] I suspect maybe someone put my number by accident in an ad or something. it has happened before. Some years ago a lot of people kept calling me to ask how much I wanted for that tractor.
Well, if that's the case, they're not accidental, are they?

Stuff like that happens, two digits switched, omitted area code, etc. etc.. The cow-orker across the room has the last two digits of the extension turned around, compared to mine, and sometimes I receive calls from people who correctly dial his number virtually daily.

(... while my extension is pretty much a secret because I do not intend to have the (different) error on my company-issued business cards corrected anytime soon ...)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4025 on: March 19, 2015, 05:42:52 PM »
i'm counting switched digits as an accident. hopefully. unless it was an elaborate prank

less explainable is the Mystery of the gifts I get in the mail from an anonymous sender but that's another topic entirely I guess
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4026 on: March 19, 2015, 05:50:08 PM »

less explainable is the Mystery of the gifts I get in the mail from an anonymous sender but that's another topic entirely I guess
If you figure this one out let me know, I sure wouldn't mind some mystery gifts in my life.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4027 on: March 19, 2015, 06:00:32 PM »
If you figure this one out let me know, I sure wouldn't mind some mystery gifts in my life.
I'm still not sure if it's sweet or creepy

first gift I got (in..... 9th grade.......) was a tank top with the text "cuter than cupcakes" on it and there was nothing else in the package except a tiny paper with a shaky < 3 written on it in purple glitter pen. This was very mysterious, because the sender knew 1)my adress, 2) my tank top size, and 3)my love for cupcakes. But at that point everyone I knew were either faraway internet friends, or people at school. People at school either a) despised me or b) were too homophobic to even touch a glitter pen. (ninth grade is so much fun you guys)

So that was the mystery of the ages, but after a while I just shrugged and went on in my life. Except a year later I got a new gift. this time a bunch of colourful silicone cupcake forms, and a new glitter pen-written < 3. MYSTERY BEGINS ANEW, but yields no results this time either.

THen, over a year later after that again...... a new cupcake themed gift. this time a pen. nothing else.

My two theories on this:
1) my internet friends have been sending me gifts, and while I don't believe they would have kept this a secret for five years of intense interrogation...... it could be they have taken the secrecy so far they can never go back, because if they admit guilt I will never be able to trust them again (i have never forgotten the pretending-to-be-eaten-by-werewolves-for-a-week incident)
2) the gifts are from me, but in the future. To test my time machine and give myself the idea to build it, I have been sending myself mysterious gifts at various points in my timeline.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4028 on: March 19, 2015, 06:06:59 PM »
2) the gifts are from me, but in the future. To test my time machine and give myself the idea to build it, I have been sending myself mysterious gifts at various points in my timeline.
In which case I think you and future you need to sit down and have a long talk about "excessive subtlety".


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4029 on: March 19, 2015, 06:13:39 PM »
what does that even mean
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4030 on: March 19, 2015, 09:00:12 PM »
hopefully I won't have to change numbers. if I was a little braver and less honest I have some really good pranking oppurtunities here but I'm just gonna let them go

Then you are a much better person than I am.

I'm still not sure if it's sweet or creepy

first gift I got (in..... 9th grade.......) was a tank top with the text "cuter than cupcakes" on it and there was nothing else in the package except a tiny paper with a shaky < 3 written on it in purple glitter pen. This was very mysterious, because the sender knew 1)my adress, 2) my tank top size, and 3)my love for cupcakes. But at that point everyone I knew were either faraway internet friends, or people at school. People at school either a) despised me or b) were too homophobic to even touch a glitter pen. (ninth grade is so much fun you guys)

So that was the mystery of the ages, but after a while I just shrugged and went on in my life. Except a year later I got a new gift. this time a bunch of colourful silicone cupcake forms, and a new glitter pen-written < 3. MYSTERY BEGINS ANEW, but yields no results this time either.

THen, over a year later after that again...... a new cupcake themed gift. this time a pen. nothing else.

My two theories on this:
1) my internet friends have been sending me gifts, and while I don't believe they would have kept this a secret for five years of intense interrogation...... it could be they have taken the secrecy so far they can never go back, because if they admit guilt I will never be able to trust them again (i have never forgotten the pretending-to-be-eaten-by-werewolves-for-a-week incident)
2) the gifts are from me, but in the future. To test my time machine and give myself the idea to build it, I have been sending myself mysterious gifts at various points in my timeline.

I can understand the confusion between sweet and creepy, but just be happy that you are getting free gifts.  God knows I would be extremely flattered if someone did that for me.  Also, your internet friends sound fun :)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4031 on: March 19, 2015, 10:58:02 PM »
I'm going to assume that the SSSS review was written some time ago as a) the crowd funding for the first book has already been completed and b) Minna has stated that she intends to keep this going for a few years.

I'd say that it is a decent enough review, though in my opinion you are being overly critical about having trouble distinguishing the characters from each other.  Then again I suppose art is supposed to be all about interpretation and stuff, so maybe I shouldn't comment on that.  I also think you are being a little too vague about why the Silent World is lost to humanity, I understand that you are trying to avoid spoilers, but it is a fairly key part of the series and that knowledge would perhaps draw in people who otherwise would not think the comic worth checking from your review.  Overall it is well written, but could do with some polishing in areas.

(Also as this is your first post and it basically serves as advertising for your own website, I would recommend introducing yourself here.

Thanks for the feedback!

It's a tricky line to walk between spoiler and supplying sufficient details. Personally I really hate spoilers so I tend to err on revealing less rather than more.

Also there is a nice dramatic build during the prologue where you are hearing about this disease but the details of the impact are withheld (deliberately I would think) so your left wondering exactly is happening to the victims. There is a logical assumption (or at least it was to me) that the patients are "merely" dying but of course its worse than that.

There is also a period where your left wondering what exactly the beasts, trolls and giants might look like - until one bursts through the roof of the train in what is probably my favourite scene of the comic so far. So I really wanted to avoid lessening the impact of both of those elements to a new reader by describing the effects of the disease or the appearance of its victims.

Of course it is my nature to severely over think these things - hence the name Over Analysing  :)

R J Hogan

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4032 on: March 19, 2015, 11:57:08 PM »
Give them to your favorite lady/gentleman/Rash-Monster/giant robot.  Or stash the wine for future use and present the flowers to some elderly neighbor.

Congrats on the presentation, BTW.

404 ladys and elderly neighbors not found, i live in student apartment building :p

That reminds me, when i was invited again to the stage with other speakers to receive the wine and flowers, one succesful IT-businessman came to talk to me about how he also has no need for them and that he planned to give them to one of the girls in the stand. Two hours later (after the whole event) he came to talk to me again and told that he was too afaid to give them :D


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4033 on: March 20, 2015, 06:53:40 AM »
waaah the forum is more active when I'm asleep, thanks timezones
and then when I wake up it's like. Have a bus to catch and eclipse to watch no time to answer
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4034 on: March 20, 2015, 09:06:25 AM »
Did you get a good look? I was so happy when I got up and the sky was all clear. I had to queue for 20 minutes at the planetarium to get some glasses, but then I could see the sun disappear  8)
Shortly before the climax, clouds came up and it got really cold. Now I can imagine how strange this must have been for people some hundred years before...
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