If you figure this one out let me know, I sure wouldn't mind some mystery gifts in my life.
I'm still not sure if it's sweet or creepy
first gift I got (in..... 9th grade.......) was a tank top with the text "cuter than cupcakes" on it and there was nothing else in the package except a tiny paper with a shaky < 3 written on it in purple glitter pen. This was very mysterious, because the sender knew 1)my adress, 2) my tank top size, and 3)my love for cupcakes. But at that point everyone I knew were either faraway internet friends, or people at school. People at school either a) despised me or b) were too homophobic to even touch a glitter pen. (ninth grade is so much fun you guys)
So that was the mystery of the ages, but after a while I just shrugged and went on in my life. Except a year later I got a new gift. this time a bunch of colourful silicone cupcake forms, and a new glitter pen-written < 3. MYSTERY BEGINS ANEW, but yields no results this time either.
THen, over a year later after
that again...... a new cupcake themed gift. this time a pen. nothing else.
My two theories on this:
1) my internet friends have been sending me gifts, and while I don't believe they would have kept this a secret for five years of intense interrogation...... it could be they have taken the secrecy so far they can never go back, because if they admit guilt I will never be able to trust them again (i have never forgotten the pretending-to-be-eaten-by-werewolves-for-a-week incident)
2) the gifts are from me, but in the future. To test my time machine and give myself the idea to build it, I have been sending myself mysterious gifts at various points in my timeline.