Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2565065 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2025 on: December 02, 2014, 01:47:14 PM »
My best friend (male) had to wait until the age of 25 until he got his first girlfriend. He was very choosey about the girls and could not stand going out with his mates for some time because everyone of them was nagging at him to talk to a woman so he could get layed. Another friend has recently turned 29 but he simply is too much of an introvert do meet somebody. He's a solid guy, but besides university he dates his computer all day and the older he gets the less partys he gets engaged into. At our local chess club back home there are mainly men and boys but only few women all being married to someone.

Now that I think of it, every girl of my former school seemed to have a boy-/girlfriend till we quit. I think there were just two who had no partner, but both of them met somebody very quickly during their studies. One even moved to the UK to stay with her partner.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2026 on: December 02, 2014, 01:51:02 PM »
Yes, we may suggest changing the game. I often do that. But I feel like I'm interrupting the others' fun - none of you ever suggested changing the rp-thingy after all. I'm not saying that we should bring it back or anything! Just as an example: what one may like the others may not.
I liked the avatar based one, it gave out interesting replies.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2027 on: December 02, 2014, 01:52:18 PM »
Heh, on the subject of being together with someone: everyone around me seems to have had a boy-/girlfriend at a point, to still have one or to be looking for one. But really. Need I remind people that "everyone around me" means "fourteen year-olds"? And this thing had been going on from kindergarten for them! Being together for three weeks at most, then getting on as if nothing had happened. Is it just me, or is it weird? Because it's very weird to me, yet to people it's completely normal (call it cultural shock if you will)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2028 on: December 02, 2014, 02:01:04 PM »
Heh, on the subject of being together with someone: everyone around me seems to have had a boy-/girlfriend at a point, to still have one or to be looking for one. But really. Need I remind people that "everyone around me" means "fourteen year-olds"? And this thing had been going on from kindergarten for them! Being together for three weeks at most, then getting on as if nothing had happened. Is it just me, or is it weird? Because it's very weird to me, yet to people it's completely normal (call it cultural shock if you will)

At my time (gosh I just doubled you, it is not that long ago) starting relationships at the age of 16 was average, though everyone seemed to be on the look out from the age of twelve on. In kindergarten we just played family but kissing somewone - uh.. no.., there was spittle involved and tongues. We never understood what these adults were up to ;)

But you have a point, I'm often driving with public transport and often very young people are argueing like those who are in a relationship. Some of the primary school children have started boosting about whom they had for a "boyfriend" (though that seemed to involve only holding hands, thanks for that). In major cities in Germany there are projects aiming at 11 to 13 year olds who feel under pressure to get into a real relationship to eperience everything - leading to early pregnancy at the age of 13...

If I felt at pressure to get into a relationship it never felt right, when I finally got into one. If it just happend by, like the present one did, everything is fine and solid (for some time at last ;) ).
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2029 on: December 02, 2014, 02:10:36 PM »
Funny facts: in Helsinki the sun was visible for only 13 hours through November, 10 hours of that during the first two weeks. So from 15th to 30th November the good people of Helsinki could enjoy a total of two hours of sunlight.

Bloody climate change...
Slushy Helsinki at night = epic.
It's more depressing at day during this time, really.

Or do you mean that theres no slush anymore, due climate change?


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2030 on: December 02, 2014, 02:21:49 PM »
Uggh, gosh, I know what you mean. My friend group has somehow managed to avoid all the boyfriend and girlfriend thing but it's now starting to creep up... Most of the people in my school year have had at least one relationship during high school even if some of them only lasted a couple of days. I've tried to keep away from all of that because:
A) Having relationships so young means you'll fall out over stupid teenage problems even if you're made for each other and;
B) Because both my cousin and one of my friends have been asked out and said yes, only to be told that it was a dare or a joke, and all through my first year of high school people asked me out like that. It really lowers your confidence.
I guess it wouldn't have been considered strange a few hundred years back when people didn't live as long, but now people can afford to wait and not rush into things.
People at school are suddenly getting boy/girlfriends because we'll all be going off to sixth form soon and because it's prom at the end of the year. A few people have even arranged 'back-up dates' like it's some sort of pressure to go with a boy/girlfriend...
Yes, it's weird but I've learnt to ignore it all and get on with my own life. Except when people go around snogging in public. That really is disgusting.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2031 on: December 02, 2014, 02:23:12 PM »
Heh, on the subject of being together with someone: everyone around me seems to have had a boy-/girlfriend at a point, to still have one or to be looking for one. But really. Need I remind people that "everyone around me" means "fourteen year-olds"? And this thing had been going on from kindergarten for them! Being together for three weeks at most, then getting on as if nothing had happened. Is it just me, or is it weird? Because it's very weird to me, yet to people it's completely normal (call it cultural shock if you will)

Many of my classmates, mostly girls, were dating someone back when they were 14 and even younger. The funniest thing was that they thought their current date (each new one, actually) was their One True Love. But after breaking up the One True Love would become That Jerk rather quickly. It seemes more like, I don't know, a status thing to me? Some people tend to believe that everything revolves around being in relaionship. If you don't have a date, they think it's because you're weird, ugly, freaky, boring and nobody likes you, not because you just don't want to. And if they find out that you just don't want to, they think you're crazy, and mother nature made a terrible mistake when you were born.

But looking at those girls now... a fair share is already married, and one of them even had had a baby recently. None of them is older than 21, though. Not the kind of life I would like to live, but they seem alright happy to me. I've never got that concept of trying to live your life fast. I've always thought: "Come on, we're young, we are not obliged to take on extra responsibility if we don't really need it. Well, if extra responsibility is not exactly your long-time goal".
The proverb lies, I've never killed a cat.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2032 on: December 02, 2014, 03:24:03 PM »
This. Bloody winter time is more like it! Could someone wake me up in late April 2015 or thereabouts?

Even if we have more light around here, I'd be in :D. Would mean all my exams would be done at once and I have finnished my whole pracitcal training and am done!
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2033 on: December 02, 2014, 03:30:57 PM »
Heh, on the subject of being together with someone: everyone around me seems to have had a boy-/girlfriend at a point, to still have one or to be looking for one.
They are Italians after all. I would be more surprised if they weren't practicing in order to live up to the stereotypes.

there was spittle involved and tongues. We never understood what these adults were up to ;)
T-Tongue!? Great, even baby Kex knew more advanced kissing techniques than most of us.

I don't think there should be a separate thread for each new game on play by post. I however do think that if some of us would prefer to play roleplay games, then there could be a separate thread for that.
Well if we're not going to have one thread for each game then we shouldn't have one for your rp'ing. Or are you going to have one standard for that game and one for all the others for some arbitrary reason?

And the whole point of this board is so we can talk about things unrelated to the comic...
That's the whole point to this forum?? That's going to be a big surprise to a great many who probably had the impression that this forum was an arena for the SSSS community to discuss the comic in more depth as well as other things. This isn't just a generic forum, the "whole point" of the forum is a lot more than just the "other things". But as it stands now 1/6th of all posts are made in the one single play by post thread. Do we need to make it 1/3rd or could it be that this forum should be about other things than spammy games?


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2034 on: December 02, 2014, 03:44:10 PM »
Well if we're not going to have one thread for each game then we shouldn't have one for your rp'ing. Or are you going to have one standard for that game and one for all the others for some arbitrary reason?
That's the whole point to this forum?? That's going to be a big surprise to a great many who probably had the impression that this forum was an arena for the SSSS community to discuss the comic in more depth as well as other things. This isn't just a generic forum, the "whole point" of the forum is a lot more than just the "other things". But as it stands now 1/6th of all posts are made in the one single play by post thread. Do we need to make it 1/3rd or could it be that this forum should be about other things than spammy games?
I think that the majority of the posts for games being one word answers does sort of defeat the point of having a forum that was created to express creativity. The RP games, however, do involve imagination and sharing ideas. I don't think there should be any extra threads though, it'll probably just complicate things.
Even if we have more light around here, I'd be in :D. Would mean all my exams would be done at once and I have finnished my whole pracitcal training and am done!
Is this turning into a collective hibernation? If so, I think I'll join in too! Walking to school across a field turned bog has ruined all my trousers (and given me a variety of inventive onomatopoeias) and we haven't had a sky for the past two weeks. Maybe the fog has eaten it? Maybe there was never a sky to begin with and we've just imagined it?


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2035 on: December 02, 2014, 03:49:11 PM »
Not too far off, actually.
'Study time'... I mean that's just silly!"
If they already had a nearly-relationship going on then the guy should maybe try and find the courage, unless he doesn't feel that way. Then study time isn't so bad. :P

B) Because both my cousin and one of my friends have been asked out and said yes, only to be told that it was a dare or a joke, and all through my first year of high school people asked me out like that. It really lowers your confidence.
The only times I've ever been asked out were for dares and "oh, the everyone just wanted to see what would happen." kind of things. So if anyone were to ask me out in any way, my thought process would be:
1. nO
2. Are they joking/dared/filming
3. If not 2, what IS their motif? To get me to try looking pretty then stand me up somewhere for laughs?
4. Why would they ask me out?¿
5. Are they a murderer
6. What if they're seriou--HAhahA
7. Oh they've gone away...uh...
Hmm. Then on top of that, there's another delightful and happy thought process for if any guy approaches me, which I won't depress you with. :P
Bottom line is though, I majorly fail at social interactions with boys. And I wouldn't know what to do if someone genuinely asked me out. O___O
The only boys I could ever kind-of talk to (socially! Not flirting! X'D) are friend's boyfriends, because something in my weirdo brain says that if Friend is dating them, they're safe to be around so I might as well have a chat. And then the friend gets all defensive and says I'm trying to steal their man which is laughable and usually ends up like "why would/how could I steal your boyfriend? Let alone with a riveting and oh so flirty discussion about TINTIN OF ALL THINGS." And then the friendship carries on as usual :P

My best friend (male) had to wait until the age of 25 until he got his first girlfriend.
My dad jokes that I'm not allowed to date until I'm 25 X'P
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2036 on: December 02, 2014, 03:52:10 PM »
(this was intended to answer to Fimbulvarg, but 2 posts appeared inbetween)
Piney wrote 'board', not 'forum'...
Besides, we're in a SSSStarvation moment. When the new chapter starts, we can expect the SSSS board to revive and this 'General Discussion' board to cool down a bit.
Fact is, the 'play by post' thread does not contain the most valuable information of the forum. If it eats up too much disk space at the expense of the other threads/boards, I think it could be pruned a good bit, retaining only the, say, 100 or 200 last posts. Under that regard, a 'one thread per game' solution might be easier to manage.
The essence of the question, in my eyes, is that such threads use the forum as a chatbox, which it is not.
Maybe a true chatbox could help?
« Last Edit: December 02, 2014, 03:55:06 PM by FrogEater »
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2037 on: December 02, 2014, 03:55:41 PM »
The only times I've ever been asked out were for dares and "oh, the everyone just wanted to see what would happen." kind of things. So if anyone were to ask me out in any way, my thought process would be:
1. nO
2. Are they joking/dared/filming
3. If not 2, what IS their motif? To get me to try looking pretty then stand me up somewhere for laughs?
4. Why would they ask me out?¿
5. Are they a murderer
6. What if they're seriou--HAhahA
7. Oh they've gone away...uh...

Used to be exactly my thinking pattern in high school, yet it always was me who left the scene first. And now it has reduced to just one single thought: "They're freaking crazy, gotta run away like hell!" x)
The proverb lies, I've never killed a cat.
Perfectly fluent: :russia: :ukraine:          Desperately need to revise: :france:
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2038 on: December 02, 2014, 04:14:45 PM »
(this was intended to answer to Fimbulvarg, but 2 posts appeared inbetween)
Piney wrote 'board', not 'forum'...
Besides, we're in a SSSStarvation moment. When the new chapter starts, we can expect the SSSS board to revive and this 'General Discussion' board to cool down a bit.
Fact is, the 'play by post' thread does not contain the most valuable information of the forum. If it eats up too much disk space at the expense of the other threads/boards, I think it could be pruned a good bit, retaining only the, say, 100 or 200 last posts. Under that regard, a 'one thread per game' solution might be easier to manage.
The essence of the question, in my eyes, is that such threads use the forum as a chatbox, which it is not.
Maybe a true chatbox could help?

A chatbox would be the best! But can Eich add one to the forum?
Fluent: :italy:, :albania:, :usa:

Okay: :spain:

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Bloody messed-up spoils of a language: :france:

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2039 on: December 02, 2014, 04:16:15 PM »
(this was intended to answer to Fimbulvarg, but 2 posts appeared inbetween)
Piney wrote 'board', not 'forum'...
Besides, we're in a SSSStarvation moment. When the new chapter starts, we can expect the SSSS board to revive and this 'General Discussion' board to cool down a bit.
Fact is, the 'play by post' thread does not contain the most valuable information of the forum. If it eats up too much disk space at the expense of the other threads/boards, I think it could be pruned a good bit, retaining only the, say, 100 or 200 last posts. Under that regard, a 'one thread per game' solution might be easier to manage.
The essence of the question, in my eyes, is that such threads use the forum as a chatbox, which it is not.
Maybe a true chatbox could help?
I assumed it was about the forum because the alternative was obvious. The variations in board activity isn't really that apparent between hiatus and weeks with page releases.

But you have a great point about the chatbox example, and I've been considering that. If we're even going to have a play by post thread, maybe it would be a good idea to do as some forums do and have a "spam" board where posts don't count towards users' post counts - that way it's not really a problem if things get extremely spammy and people can do as they please (within the bounds of the forum rules).