I cant find that ye olde homework thread XD ah well I guess it has been a while. Gosh knows where it's gone in all that time.
Hey guys, I have an animation assignment to do, but I can't think of anything really to animate :/ All types of 2D animation are options..
Even sound or music clips totally count as helpful suggestions ;3 One of the projects from last year we watched was just a tiny clip with the sound clip of "this is bat country!" and that was it, so it doesn't have to be super long. u_u)b
i think i'm most interested in hand drawn line animation and maybe mixing it with paper cutout animation? But I'm not really sure where to go with that. I was thinking of doing something nature-y with like, little plants and things. Does that sound like a good idea? :/
I just don't really have anyone I know in my class to talk about this stuff with, or at home. In fact, I only took this subject because I thought I would be moved into my apartment but the date got changed to AFTER SCHOOL ENDS,,, so I dunno, it all just seems kind of fruitless to me. But i'll see if I can at least have something to hand in for the final project.
There was also a green screen assignment due yesterday which I got an extension for, but every time I try to film, something happens and it's been doing this for
weeks in a row so i'm considering just not doing it because it must be cursed for me <_<