Heh,'no humans, no problems'.
I don't care about parties and social events at all, and I don't like talking with most of the people.
I often talk with my few friends about topics like science, technology, politics, history and etc... And I do like talking with professors and similar persons about the same topics, I could say that i get along better with many professors in my uni than others students.
And i'm very nocturnal.
I took a different test, and got INFP
by "that much" which is nice haha
Maybe it's because I was feeling happier because I was watching a man fail to ruin a castle on Grand Designs ;P
I'll go to social things if I
haaaaave to, because I don't want to be unintentionally rude or alienate myself from the few friends I have, even if we never talk. So I will always politely decline the party, and weasel them into meeting up for a quiet lunch instead to discuss stuff. If worst comes to worst, I'll go to the party and sit in the corner and discuss the same topics as you do. I'm very much the same with my classes too, I feel a bit outside of the city-savvy classmates, they're very judge-first-no-second-thoughts :/
If I was able to be more nocturnal I probably would, but I'm currently sharing my room (for at least 4-5 weeks now ;__;) with my mother x_____x
I've read that ISFJs are "people-centric." I'm definitely not people-centric - I'm rather selfish, actually.
You're a people ;P maybe it means people vs animals? *fails to bend meaning*