Last night was pretty awesome. First, I accidentally wrote a pretty neat little guitar tune. My roommate was actually humming it later after I finished playing, and that made me super happy. Then, while I was typing a post on here, the power went out across campus. Everything was dead, even the wifi... yeah, we had fun. Our neighbors on the women's basketball team were smoking all of the pot and were high out of their minds, so we messed with them a little bit. My roommate dressed up in his dementor-like Halloween costume and went from door to door scaring people out of their minds (starting with the high neighbors), while me and my other roommate sat back at our door trying not to laugh to loudly (my third roommate, the frat boy, was doing homework elsewhere). After the midnight pizza guy delivered pizza to the neighbor's place, one of them came out carrying her bb-gun, and went to investigate the thugs that took away the electricity X'D After we finished messing with people and laughing at the neighbors, we started telling spooky stories around the... carpet. We didn't have a campfire in the apartment, unfortunately, so we made due with the carpet... I one-up'd all the stories with my final one about some people in a camp site who narrowly avoided cult-murder-death, complete with chanting and drums! That lasted until about 1:15 a.m., and then we decided to go to bed. But none of us could sleep, because the last few stories were actually kind of terrifying, so we decided to share the living room couches/futons. Then, my frat boy roommate came back to the apartment when we were still awake, walked through the door, flipped the switch, and all the lights on campus came back on!
So, tl;dr: I wrote a song, two of my roommates and I had fun scaring people, then scaring ourselves, we were going to sleep in the living room because of the scary stories, but then we found out my frat boy roommate has superpowers.