Noodly, the very first comment exchange with you I somehow had cemented in my mind that you were male.
When I saw your sketch of yourself, I thought, "Oh, he has long hair... probably some kind of computer person."
It's almost as if the habitual use of binary gender pronouns fosters a dependence on the constraints of presumptive gender assignment as a necessary precondition to social contact.
haa I was convinced that you were female for the LONGEST time. Which may have something to do with (mostly) giving up guessing genders (it's not like it matters or anything, I just wanna categorise all the things).
Also, my male friend and I were both on a school trip a while ago. He has shoulder-length, curly hair and is fairly slender. The flight-attendant-guy comes up behind him and is like "would you like some soda, miss?" and the kid turns around and just looks at him. The flight-attendant blushed BRIGHT red. It was kind of hilarious.