I just discovered that I never build up prejeduices against Albania due to a lack of knowledge about the country . But at school I have been asked the same question by many because at the age of sixteen I wore a mohawk haircut. But I think at that age I might have had an affinitian to some communistic ideas. My father then always quoted the saying: "He who is no communist at 20 has no heart, he who is it at 40 still, has no reason." I only discovered yet that this saying exists in several variations and is not clearly assigned to a certain autor. Their origins vary from France, over the UK to Italy and the supposed German authors are left politians as well as from the right wing. Quite amusing.
.My roommate's back from partying, and he's snoring like a damn train wreck. So, 2.5 hours of sleep posting time, yay! (If I was a mean person, I'd plug my computer into his loud, loud very-loud speakers and play some of Jack White's guitar solos. Hangovers: easy to take advantage of) I admit, I have a hard time picturing you in a Mohawk. Our newly arrived "Lord of Mohawks" would approve, I think.
My mom said a variant of that a lot when I was a teenager.
Which means I'm a monster.. Or, well, I used to be. I don't bother with politics at all anymore because it just makes me angry; I don't like being angry.
@Nimphy, that dude can shove off with his stereotypes. Also... *shame intensifies* I didn't know Albania was a country until you brought it up. Have I mentioned I was a terrible student in my younger years? I almost failed
every class I took, until I turned 14 and turned into me. Geography was one of those classes. *Apologizes for being dumb*
@Owl, everyone can tell I look German (by descent, at least). The only other thing I've been called is Irish, and I have some Irish blood in me too, so they're still right. German genes are apparently super strong, so my siblings and I all look like my dad, with only a couple Scottish and Irish features from my mom's side of the family.