heeeeeeeeey so you guys know that
www.fimby.no domain? that i paid for because you gotta be norwegian to own a .no domain? my ownership of the domain is going to expire soon if i don't pay up, and it's not expensive or anything (and it was a group effort anyway) but is anyone still using it? fimby doesn't seem to be much active anymore, so maybe the time of this particular meme has Passed. if anyone wants to contribute to keeping it alive you can tell me and we'll figure it out!
while i'm posting here, might as well do a life update probably? ? ?
- the air here is so fresh and clean and good, especially when it has been raining! also it's a bit of a relief that it's an inverted situation as last year - i was stuck in a 40 degrees prague while everyone back home had miserable weather, this time people back home complain about melting and heat and i'm like *shrugs on a sweater and a jacket* "cool"
- working here more like RAPID LANGUAGE SWITCHING CONVERSATION GAMES........ most of my coworkers are finns, most of my housemates are ukrainian, there is one swedish guy (whose name is IVAN i thought he was russian), anddddd there's my norwegian/czech self. if the finns talk among themself it's all gibberish, ukrainian i can sort of gather the gist of and sometimes i say things like 'thanks' and 'good night' in czech to them. then there's the customers! more like FRIENDLY REMINDER I HAD FRENCH AND GERMAN AT SCHOOL BUT REMEMBER NAUGHT...... i know how to say 25 (the price of a cup of coffee) in french, and pointing and gesturing helps loads, too. and i never know whether the customers speak/understand norwegian until they talk so i try to keep my greetings to some kind of mumbly almost-norwegian almost-english hellu/g'morn so it doesn't get awkward. then there are all the bus drivers who are used to speaking finnish with everyone that works here. and then there are danish guests THAT I SHOULD BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND BUT GOD IT'S TEMPTING TO SWITCH TO ENGLISH
...... anyway yeah i'm having tremendous fun! like non-sarcastically
- this place feels so cut off from civilization it almost feels surreal. i mean there are loads of buses going to Actual Civilization but i still feel like this is a tiny spot where time stands still?? like literally because the sUN DOESN'T GO DOWN IT'S JUST ONE ETERNALLY LONG DAY
- at my hotel job i was more of a tiny assistant that wasn't really needed, but here i am an active and responsible part of the staff and it's SO ODD but kind of nice? like i literally have to open up in the morning and prepare the breakfast buffet on my own and brew dozens of jugs of coffee and warm the waffles and talk to the customers and do all kinds of things before even the chef shows up at work. i've never had this much responsibility before but i feel like i'm handling it surprisingly well! also i get to put on my own music, and i'm trying to overcome my "SORRY IF IT'S TOO WEIRD OR TOO LOUD I CAN STOP IT IF YOU WANT" feelings about it, it's just some soft indie folk rock........ today, on my day off, the music was blasting 80/90s pop music twice as loud, so i have literally nothing to feel guilty about