I am being an
exemplar *cough* student today. U__U I presented my Pecha Kucha (on
The Shining and
The Exorcist. I swear my assignment is cursed.) today....two weeks after it was due. U__Ub I finished it this morning. I hand-wrote the script in the hour before class -____- six pages. RIP hand. But at least I'm more efficient at speed-writing than speed typing oh my gosh <_< that's probably why I feel so betrayed that there is no exam for this unit, only a 2,500 word research essay. Due next week. ;__;
But anyway, I DID THE THING. And the teacher said my topic was good which was great because I thought it sucked.
Carrying on my saintly studiousness, *ACKCOughCough* I'm currently starting another major research essay on The Odyssey. Which is due this afternoon.
I can't remember if it needed an annotated bibliography or anything. What it
is going to have though, is a LOT of owl-blabber about a book I .....have not actually read. >_> Ahaha...WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF?
However, this unit is only a minor/elective (I was planning to have it as a third minor but really it's just the I-have-to-take-a-subject-but-i-dont-have-to-do-particularly-well-yolo class) so I think it should be ok if I submit it a bit late. Lateness is only like 2% per day. Should be fine. <_<
For my animation/hotel project (may as well fill you guys in for no reason since I'm on a typing/sharing roll, sorry) I've bought all the exhibition fabric! Whoot! So much money!! Not so whoot! *insert Torbjörn face here* ;u;
And my class decided that I should sculpt a skull keyring instead of just using...an actual wallaby skull. Because of reasons like "Heath and Safety" and "Sensibility" and "How will you connect the key?" X)
Probably for the best.
So I bought some "translucent" clay, which I'm gonna mix with glow in the dark clay...and make a heap of skulls. Eventually. At some point. My main issue for this class though is illustrating 9 postcards and sending them off to the printer to get fancily printed. -__-
This weekend.
Which overlaps the Odyssey essay. HNNNNnnnnnnnGGG. I WILL DO IT SOMEHOW.
Also I am (probably prematurely and unluckily) prepared for the end of semester! I have bought a book!
The Hollow Boy, its about ghost hunter kids and it coincidentally coincides with halloween even thought we don't do that ;__; Also I am making a list of things to draw! (If anyone wants to add to the list just do eet) And I plan on renewing my driver's licence, buying exercise shoes and maybe going swimming for exercise. Depends how expensive pool entry is. Dad will probably want me to get a summer job instead though -__- Lots of things to do. Lots of..things...like..homework....but HOLIDAY!