Some more:
I will not ask icelandic mages for next week's lotto numbers. Besides they almost certainly got the tickets first.
I will not taunt or insult the spirits
Even if I do it in runo time
Not allowed to make bets with mages to taunt spirits
Especially if they are Norwegian
As of the Saimaa incident, I am never to be given access to a kantele
I am no longer allowed to entrust classified information to the following: myself, new recruits, foreign diplomats, Trond Anderson, and Admiral Olsen
Especially Admiral Olsen
I am not the high priest of Loki and am not religiously obligated to put buckets of water over the door to the military conference room.
I am not allowed to become an ordained priest of Loki
I am not allowed to become an ordained priest of any god, deity, or supernatural entity.
Especially the Hiisi