There are better way to hide the fact that I'm briging a cat back from the Silent World than convincing my employers that they are hallucinating it.
It's "cooking duty" not "food duty". Especially if it's being assigned to anyone that I have called "backup food supply" on previous occasions.
I am not allowed to call anyone "backup food supply".
Especially the civilians.
...Even if they agree.
I am not allowed to use the phrase "backup food supply".
...Or "emergency rations".
The Blessed Felines are our friends and allies and are not to be used as dust mops.
...Or rug beaters.
I am not allowed to tell those assigned to me to use the Blessed Felines in the aforementioned manner.
I will personally clean up all the bloodstains resulting from my violations of the above.
It is known as "the Silent World" for good reason; therefore, I am not allowed to use noisemakers of any type.
I will explain exactly where and how I obtained a working air-horn.
Blasting an air-horn at someone from behind does
not cure "cranial-rectal inversion".
There is no "cranial-rectal inversion epidemic" in the Danish Army.
...Or the Danish Navy.