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67. Onni Confronts the Dream Intruder
Nopsaan kuni kyy tuo käärme
iski Onni käsin kylmin
hehkui mahti tietäijäisen
taikuudessapa totisen.
Switfly as a viper adder
struck then Onni with fists freezing
blazed the might of wiseman doughty
truest who was in his spellcraft.
Heitti houkan paatta vasten
raivo riuhtoi kivikolle
unen kiven kallioille
ahdistihe kauluksesta.
Threw the fool against the cliffside
with rage burning to the hillock
onto stones of dreamland mountain
by his cloak he this man forced there.
Reynir raukka unen utra
katselipa kauhuissansa
katsantoa tuiman miesin
kekäleinä kuni hehkui.
Oh poor Reynir, wretch in dreaming
looked upon him full of terror
stern-eyed visage of this man whose
burned like embers eyes before him.
Lausui tietäjä totinen,
puhui Onni ja komensi:
"Henki hullu, haamu heikko
ei oo kuuna ahdistellut
väijyskellyt vähäisempi
mua uniasunnossain.
Uttered then the truest wiseman,
spoke then Onni, thus commanded:
"Spirit senseless, weakest wraithling,
no has ever me harassed thus
lesser creature me has stalked here
in my dreaming's wizard haven.
Mikä olet, mistä tulet
luontos näytä näkyväksi
muoto omasi ojenna
paljastele hahmos aito!"
What then are you, whence have come thee,
show to me now thy true nature,
form reveal thy own before me
make plain shape of thy origins.
Kakisteli kauhuissansa
Reynir utra punapaula
peloissansa pajatteli
lausueli läkähtyen:
Gagged and staggered there in terror
Reynir poor, the redbraid girdled
babbled he then full of fears and
spoke aloud like man all parching.
"Tiedotonna, onnetonna
olen miesi eksynynnä
tiedän vähän vihastasi
syystä vimmaisen valasi!
"Without inkling man unlucky
I have erred on ways these errant
I know not of thy great anger
reasons for thy oaths and curses.
Päästä minut sekä säästä
sillä tunnen tuttujasi!
Naaman nuoren naisen näen
kasvot kaivan muististani!
Oh release me and so spare me
for I know those of thy kinsfolk!
Woman young, her face perceive I
features finding from my memory!
Kasvoiltansa pyöreäinen
soma oli neito nuori.
Lyhyt neiti pitkätukka
tosin vainen kuvassansa.
Nyt vain hivus lyhennynnä
muutoin muuttunut vähäsen.
Round of aspect is her visage,
sweet fair lady is this young maid.
Not too tall is this girl longbraid,
although only in her picture.
Now her hair has grown all shorter
in all else is same her aspect."
Äimistyikse ärjyväinen
velho vahva oiva Onni.
Kuinka tunsi siskosensa
tiesi kasvinkumppalinsa
tämä outo nuori miesi
kulkija punahivunen?
Thunderstruck was then man raging
wizard strong most splendid Onni.
How had knowledge of sweet sister,
of his growing up companion
this young man of strangest manner
this dreamfarer with red tresses.
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68. Conversation Continues
Jatkoi Reynir punakutri:
"Tytön tunnen, valkohiuksen
Tuuri on hän nimeltänsä
Veljyt vanhempi oot neidon
näen sen ja julki lausun
näinpä miesi pajattelen.
Went on Reynir of red tresses:
"I do know this girl, the white lock
Tuuri is what she is called and
elder brother of her you are
this I see and thus I utter
all these things I will now tell thee."
Vastas Onni, ihmetellen:
"Olet hänen kumppalinsa,
matkaveljyt vaaroissansa?
Kuinka onkaan laitansa ja,
kaipaileeko kotiansa
haikaileeko hän jo tänne?
Wonder-filled still answered Onni:
"Among are you of companions
journey-brother in her perils?
Tell I pray thee how she fares now,
is she missing much her homeland,
pining once more here to be then?
"En mä tiedä." vastas Reynir
"Kun en tullut kysyneeksi
tietäellyt tytön tilaa
tavatessa sisartasi
kuullessa valkohivusta.
Ystävä kai olen huono
kun en tuota tiedustellut.
"I know not" then answered Reynir
"For I did not this inquire,
thought to ask of her condition
when I met your sister last time
when I heard the white-lock woman.
I now see that friend am poor one,
when I even did not ask that."
Kysellyt ois paljon Onni
mutta hetkel kuumeisella
unen laitaan iski kovin
Lalli nyrkein narskahtavin
tahtoi läpi unen uksen
tulla velhon juttusille.
Much would Onni have inquired
but on this most heated moment
struck the side of dream then soundly
hammered gnashing knuckled Lalli
sought to enter through the dream door
come for confer with the wiseman.
Niinpä kävi tahdostansa
Onnin tietäjän totisen
unen uksi apposelleen
portti auki paukahteli.
Loikkasihe siitä Lalli
velhounen veräjästä.
By the will so this was granted
of this Onni truest wiseman
opened wide the door of dreaming
gate with clangor thrown agape then.
Jumped inside then young man Lalli
through the shaman dreaming's gateway.
69. A Shaman's Vigil
In the mists of dream I lay
in a fortress made of will
after each night comes new day
this believe I ever still.
This is always vigil mine
when the sleep me lures away
in the dream world serpentine
otherwise I'd go astray.
Dream within a dream I form
walls of will, gates pure of mind
hope to weather nightly storm
keeping out the spirit-kind.
Spirits, whispers, shades of soul
wander ways beneath the stars
where the chilling waters roll
dreaming's twilight darkness mars.
From the dreaming's current rising
ghostly clang, a dry cold sound
image deformed ghosts devicing
haggard wolf, a bird or hound.
Tuonela them out is keeping
so to land of dreams they cling
slowly through the slumbers seeping
wraiths all come on silent wing.
Souls in peril are in dreaming
mortal mankind far from light
ghosts of men and spirits scheming
seek to feed on them at night.
Thus I chant my incantation
as I sink to dreaming deep
this small world of my creation
conjure up to guard my sleep.
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70. Onni and Lalli Meet Once More
Loikki Lalli yli vetten
velhounen valtakuntaan
Onnin joka luonut oli
turvapaikan tutunlaisen,
missä kaikui metsät Suomen
korvet kuiski, muistot maansa.
Lalli leaping over waters
came to realm of wizard's dreaming
Onni's who had it created
sanctuary fair, familiar
Finland's forests where did echo
woods there whispered of their country.
Onnin unen laitamalla
velhoveljet Suomen pojat
tapasivat tuttavansa
ystävänsä yhyttivät
sukulaiset saapuvaiset
rakkaan kasvinkumppalinsa.
Limit on of Onnis' dreaming
brother shamans sons of Finland
met acquaintances both men then
friends familiar there encountered
kinsfolk who had just arrived there
each dear growing-up companion.
Sanat harvat mutta vahvat
sommitteli Onni, Lalli,
sillä silloin sanattakin
ilmaisivat kumpainenkin
kuinka ilo rinnassansa
nousi sekä veljesriemu.
Words few yet with feelings fill'ed
were by Onni, Lalli uttered,
wordlessly as they would confer
both would express in this silence
how a joy to their hearts hastened
brother-gladness rose inside them.
Virkkoi Onni, tiedusteli
nuoremmalta tietäjältä:
"Sinut tänne toiko tämä
outo miesi liittolainen
johdatteli jäljessänsä
rajalle velhouneni?"
Thus spoke Onni, this inquired
from his kindred younger wiseman
"Did he bring you here this fellow
is this strange young man your ally
were you led here by the redbraid
to the borders of my mage-dream?"
Vastas Lalli vimmoissansa,
tiuskahteli tuittupäinen:
"Liekö mulle liittolainen
moinen ulkomaiden utra
tuskin tunnen töykeätä
velhounen valtaajata."
Fully fuming anwered Lalli
sharply said the boy bad-tempered:
"He at all is not my ally,
fiend from foreign lands all wretched
rude this redbraid hardly know I
who my mage-dream too invaded."
"Kuinka hänet sieltä häädän
pidän poissa unistani?
Sisään tuli vailla vaivaa
mursi muurit muokkaamani
kaatoi suojat suorimani
siedä en mä miestä moista!"
"How can I him from dream banish
keep away from mine own slumbers?
Effortlessly he so entered
broke all walls I had deviced and
brought down all my true protections
I can't go such man abiding!"
Lausui Onni noin nimesi:
"Velho hän on muilta mailta
tietäjä eri lajinen.
Et voi häntä ehdoin estää
voimansa on toista maata
sepä paljon selittääkin."
Onni uttered thus he named things:
"He is wiseman from lands other
he a different kind of shaman.
Cannot you his craft this hinder
for his powers are of strange sort,
which aplenty to me explains."
"Kerran kuullut olen heistä
vähäsenpä tiedän vainen
tuosta velhokansastansa
kaukaisista tietäjistä.
Mitkä mahdit mahtaa olla
heillä hurjat hallussansa?"
I have heard but few times of them
know a little of them only
of their wizardfolk, of wisemen
shamans from the land far foreign.
What might be their mighty magics
what posses they hidden powers."
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71. Reynir Just Wants to Help
With puppy eyes he'll follow you
he'll shout and bark and yelp
for Reynir's comrade tried and true
he's here to serve and help.
All barriers he'll in dream break
he inadvertent slumbers spoils
but Reynir all tries better make
in helping tireless ever toils.
He clueless goes a-skipping there
and causes mischief, grief
but waking or in dreams he'll care
and tries to bring relief.
As ever plucky redbraid goes
with his can-do attitude
he'll try to mend all sorrows, woes
to earn teams' gratitude.
72. The Trouble With Reynir
Katselivat velhoveljet
pohtivaiset punapäätä
joka heille heilutteli
tervehtien taputteli
hymyellen hyvänlainen
ystäväksi yrittävä.
Watched him still the wisemen brethren
full of deep thought at the redhead
who was then them gladly greeting
with his hand was happy waving
with a smile and friendly visage
tried so hard to make friends of them.
Siinä silloin kummissansa
Reynir punapalmikkoinen
häviävän huomasikin
muodon äkkiarvaamatta,
kalpeni tuo miehen muoto
kävi läpikuultavaksi.
Then he was in full astounded
Reynir of the braid so reddest
realized that vanishing was
all asudden form was fading,
ever paler grew his outline
turning was his shape translucent.
Huusi kauhun kalvamana
lyömänä pelonkipinän:
Antakaatte apuanne!
Miten mulle nyt jo käykään
katoanko kaikkisesti
erkanenko elämästä?!!!
Gripped by sudden fear he cried out
as was struck by sparks of horror:
Oh you men now aid and help me!
Happening what is to me thus
do I vanish now forever,
erased I am be'ing from life?!!!
Virkkoi Onni noin nimesi:
"Vaikka olet vaivan alla
kumman tuon velhokykysi
silti sua siitä kiitän,
jotta saatoit serkukseni
luoksein läpi unen usvan.
Then said Onni, thus he named it:
"Oh regardless of your issues
of your vexing shaman powers
I thee thank for your all efforts
for thus guiding here my cousin
through the misty lands of dreaming.
Kummissansa, hämillänsä
kadotessa unen muodon
ymmärsipä vihdoin Reynir
sanat Onnin kiitolliset.
Huusi silloin suurin riemuin:
"Minä autoin!" Kiljaisihe.
Though was baffled,all confused still
when the form of dream was fading
finally he understood them
words of Onni those most grateful.
Then he shouted full of gladness:
"I helped" screamed he all-rejoicing.
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73. Onni's Sage Advice
Puhelipa velhopari
keskenänsä keskusteli
piti miehet neuvoansa
syvyyksissä unen usvan
velhounen vartiossa
Onnin unen turvamaassa.
Conferred then the shaman pairing
with each other had discussions
had a council men together
in the mists of deepest dreaming
in the vigil of the mage-sleep,
Onni's dreamscape sanctuary.
Sanoi Lalli, puhui poika,
ilmaisihe ilmoillensa:
"Enää en voi palaella
unen uksen kaidan kautta
oman unen valtakuntaan
läpi maiden uneksunnan."
Thus spake Lalli, young man uttered
this he expressed and let out pour:
"No more can I there return now
through your narrow doors of dreaming
to the realms of mine own resting
through the endless depths of slumbers.
Vastaeli Onni oiva
tietäjä aina totinen:
Älä kulje unen mailla
tuiki vainen vaaraisilla
parempi jo tänne jäädä
täksipä yheksi yöksi.
Did so answer Onni doughty
truest who was always wiseman:
"Do not journey through the dreaming
that is wild and full of dangers
better here remain for you is
for this night with me to stay safe.
Kohta keksin keinojakin
taidan toiset tavat löytää
joilla Tuurin tavoittaisin
sinut kaukaa kurottaisin
valmistelen voimillani
loitsuillani luonnostelen.
Soon I'll might find some devices
other ways discover could I
how to contact make with Tuuri
from afar how I could reach you
with mine powers this prepare I
with mine spells this I am sketching.
Lalli loihe lausumahan
villihivus vastaeli:
Eikö miesi muukalainen
velho vieras voine auttaa
kerralla myös seuraavalla
kuni sua tavoittelen?
Lalli then prepared and spoke thus
gave in answer boy wild-hair'ed:
"Could not man of foreign visage
that strange wiseman help in this task
also then as comes the next time
when have I the need to meet you?
Käsken Tuurin komennella
siskos miestä maanitella
minut maassa unen taasen
luokse sinun saattahaman
jotta voimme veljesvelhot
kera toisen keskustella.
Tuuri I will ask him order
sister yours to plead assistance
so he will in land of dreaming
guide me once again to you and
thus can we the wisemen brethren
with each other councils confer.
Virkki täten turkisnuttu,
Onni tuima noin nimesi:
Ällös uhmaa pyyntöäni,
pysy suojassa pesäsi
velhoturvan tuntumassa
loitsurajan sisäpuolla.
This he uttered in his furcloak
Onni doughty named things thusly:
"Do not defy mine fair request
stay you safe in your own dreamnest
in the cirles of your mage-walls
inside limits of your spell sphere.
Väitä älä vastaan veljyt
uhittele uhmallasi!
Unen usvaan ällös lähde
jottei henget sua hyydä
jottei sielu surmattuna
kulje Kalman kartanoilla.
Against argue do not brother
resist me in thy defiance!
Do not walk the mists of dreaming,
so that spirits do not chill you
so your soul shall not be slain and
not on Death's mark soon be wandr'ing.
Katsein vakain katsoi Onni
teräs tuikki silmissänsä
ymmärsipä valkohivus
kissansilmä nuori Lalli
teki kuten velho tahtoi
tottelihe tietäjäänsä.
With gaze steady looked him Onni
steel in eyes was calmly gleaming.
Understood then youth this white-haired
realized it cat-eyed Lalli
did he as the wizard willed him
thus obeyed he of men wiser.
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74. Obedience
Synkin ilmein istui Onni
Lallillepa lausahteli:
"Sepä meitä vielä etsii
koittaa saada käsihinsä
siksi piirit pääsi päälle
lue loitsut turvaksesi
jottei unen uhka pääse
lepopaikan lujan läpi."
Onni sat with dark expression
this he spoke to young man Lalli:
"Looking for us It is once more
tries to lay Its claws about us
so you chant the spheres above you
read protection incantations
thus does not the dreaming menace
come through to your resting stronghold."
Kullanpunaa loisti maailma
metsät unen unelmissa
korpi kuiski kaikki rauhaa
vedet lauloi virvoitusta
tuuli tuutulauluansa
turvaa taivas pyhää tyyni.
Golden red was world then glowing
forests these in depths of dreaming
woods all whispered message peaceful
waters vigours sang renewing
wind was lullabies it chanting
skies they promised sacred safety.
Katsoi kaksin mielin Lalli
pohti hänkin huoliansa
halutonna toimimahan
lähtemähän tulemahan
siellä Onnin unosessa
punahämyn aarniossa.
Of two minds was then young Lalli
he then pondered his own troubles
was unwilling to take action
either go or stay in this place
there in Onni's sphere of slumbers
in the woods of redflame evening.
"Istu!" virkki vanhempansa
osoitteli vierellensä
siihen vitkaan velhoveljyt
laskeutui ja tottelihe
Onni sentään sukulainen
sekä oppimestarinsa.
"Sit!" spoke curtly of men elder
pointed down on earth beside him
there he slowly wiseman brother
down descended and obeyed thus
Onni after all was kinsman
teacher was his, wiseman master.
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75. From Dream World to a Silent One
Istui siinä sukulaiset
unen veden partahalla
hämyssä kultaisen usvan
illan valon väräjävän
rauhassa Onnin unosen
suojissa tietäjän totisen.
Sat there both of these two kinsmen
on the edge of dreaming waters
in the golden mist of twilight
in the evening light a-quiver
in the peace of Onni's dreaming
in the stronghold of true wiseman.
Siinä miehet tavatessa
istuksihe iloissansa
Onni kera nuoren Lallin
halus tietää tutultansa
kyselipä kuulumiset
tieteli tapahtuneita.
There the men as now were meeting
sat both down in silent gladness
Onni then with young man Lalli.
Fellow from this close, familiar
he desired all the news hear
to know all what had transpired.
Eipä tiennyt paljon Lalli
ystäviä liekö saanut
arvelipa vitkaan vainen
yhden kenties tavanneensa
toveriksi todenneensa
noista matkakumppaneista.
Did not know much this young Lalli
had he friendships formed on journey
though thought then when slowly pondered
that he might have person met one
who he thought to be a comrade
among all travel companions.
In the eve of greyness still
when the waters pour from skies
as the rain drops with sound fill
world embrace with endless sighs
Emil in the Silent land
waits and waits as minutes fly
Sigrun busy close at hand
parcels wrapping, movements spry.
Where is staring this young man
looking beyond water's veil
what his sight reveal then can
twilight when descends this pale?
Return journeys he might muse
dangers lurking down that way
joyous as they'll bring the news
to friends waiting the next day.
Perhaps thinks of friends and home
might he long for lands he knew
as he now is doomed to roam
lands so empty known by few.
Could adventures ponder he
with his comrades new and true
worry might what fate their be
without him to help them through.
But we leave these thoughts in gloam
treasures as they gather still
world this silent as they roam
find home to friends I hope they will.