Our comic of the month for October is Ventura City Drifters. Discuss it with other forumites here!
One of my favorite English words to baffle people with is "monopsony." It's the mirror-image of "monopoly." In a monopoly, one supplier controls the market for something, holding all the buyers hostage. In a monopsony, one *buyer* controls the market, holding all the *suppliers* hostage. I'm not sure there are pure monopsonies in the U.S. (at least where the gov't isn't involved, e.g. buying nuclear bombers). However, Wal-Mart is at least a partial monopsony; it's a VERY powerful buyer, so all its suppliers (Colgate-Palmolive, etc.) jump when it snaps its fingers.
For example do you know the longest german word?"Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitänsmütze"! (okay, it is a composite word, but I really like how German allows to make up your own words in simply glueing them together: Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitänsmützenständer...
I really like how German allows to make up your own words in simply glueing them together: Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitänsmützenständer...
Favourite swear word- Nincompoop!
Too much words ! ^^ On the edges of my classes, even in university, I can find some "crépusculaire", "livide", "incandescent", "s'étioler", "diaphane", "enchevêtré", "ombrageux". I still do that and always wonder later "Why have I done it ? It must have a reason, but which ?" ...Maybe I can chose "réminiscence", which is nearly the same in english I find it beautifuler than "memory".
What do these mean? "enchevêtré", "ombrageux". I'm guessing the last one probably means "shadowy," by analogy with Latin "umbra" = "shadow."