Comic Merch
One of my favorite English words to baffle people with is "monopsony." It's the mirror-image of "monopoly." In a monopoly, one supplier controls the market for something, holding all the buyers hostage. In a monopsony, one *buyer* controls the market, holding all the *suppliers* hostage. I'm not sure there are pure monopsonies in the U.S. (at least where the gov't isn't involved, e.g. buying nuclear bombers). However, Wal-Mart is at least a partial monopsony; it's a VERY powerful buyer, so all its suppliers (Colgate-Palmolive, etc.) jump when it snaps its fingers.
For example do you know the longest german word?"Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitänsmütze"! (okay, it is a composite word, but I really like how German allows to make up your own words in simply glueing them together: Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitänsmützenständer...
I really like how German allows to make up your own words in simply glueing them together: Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitänsmützenständer...
Favourite swear word- Nincompoop!
Too much words ! ^^ On the edges of my classes, even in university, I can find some "crépusculaire", "livide", "incandescent", "s'étioler", "diaphane", "enchevêtré", "ombrageux". I still do that and always wonder later "Why have I done it ? It must have a reason, but which ?" ...Maybe I can chose "réminiscence", which is nearly the same in english I find it beautifuler than "memory".
What do these mean? "enchevêtré", "ombrageux". I'm guessing the last one probably means "shadowy," by analogy with Latin "umbra" = "shadow."