omg I kept erasing things and you can totally tell
sorry about how messy it is, Curry--but I have finally finished!
I totally wanted to have you holding two flamethrowers...but I could't seem to get the second one right so I had to go to plan B before the eraser-marks got even darker TT vTT
the eraser marks under the flames lend a fairly nice effect, though...
!!!!! Oh my god this is AWESOME! I agree, the eraser marks under the flames are really cool and that kind of makes me want to try that out somewhere! I have no idea where, but...
eventuallyyyyyyWell gosh, there's a lot to comment on here and I hardly know where to start! I think maybe I'll have to just give my blanket compliments to all the pretty arts and the funny concepts rather than try to comment on everything that I've missed, which is a shame because this whole thread gets me smiling each time I read it, and it would be nice to comment on each of the gazillion individual things ^_^
Well anyway, here I am with my art trade with Curry My reasoning was that since Karri was both a cleanser and likes science that they'd probably be able to create their own fireworks. Also, pretty sure Karri can get down fine from the balcony of the burning building, but don't you guys try this at home!
(as for the hair, it actually DID look fine in the lineart, but for some reason the painting messed it up - which is weird, because that's actually the opposite of what happens usually - and I also forgot the flamethrower until about halfway though painting… buuuuut seeing as I'm really bad at weapons it probably looks better without anyway)
This is SO CUTE!!! *squirrels away to treasure trove* Also, the fireworks detail is really cool and now that HAS to be a thing that happens!
During a Very Serious Mission:
"Karri, why is that fire pink"
"I dunno. Magic."
why is the fire pink."
"Okay fine I was testing out prototypes for fireworks. Don't judge me. Maybe it'll confuse the trolls LEAVE ME ALONE"
...ahahaha, it's official. Flamethrowers seem to be the bane of everybody's existence, but it looks great without it!! Thank you so much! I actually started doing the final sketch yesterday for yours, so it will be here... soooooon
just got back from sushi and somehow this happened while I was waiting for my food...
Yoooo these are really cool and that second one is hilarious! Double flamethrowers and a wink
Laufey, that badminton picture is near the top of my list of Favorite Things. That's truly best way to deal with blorptroll's incessant screaming