Thank you for the nice comments on my earlier pic guys and sorry for the feels (also for not replying sooner, this thread moves so fast it's a bit overwhelming
There have been some absolutely beyooootiful things posted here these last few days
Coyoteslaugh: Your pictures are so super amazing and I'm really really excited to see the rest! You've managed to make them tidy, dynamic, vibrant and so very in character and they really are lovely (and I'm also very happy to see how the pictures are created)
Antillanka: Nuuuuu, the feels are too strong still :'( but it is powerfully done....
Martti: Your stuff really is something special, how you manage to churn out so many excellent quality pictures in such a short time is beyond me. I'm just assuming that some of you forum guys are magic....
Haiz: I am
quite fond of dragons, and these are pretty darn marvellous (as I was saying, definitely some magic forum guys around these areas)
and then you decided to do dragons in sweaters
that is super fantastic stuff and I likes it a lot!
ClairityKoi : Sigrun suits dem glasses, buuuut I'm pretty sure she doesn't need to be worried about any of that cereal stuff, she's just too cool
Animators: Erm, just in case anyone's bored, I don't think anyone's produced a SSSS caramelldansen yet? Just saying.....