There were 7 of us (including Reynir and supporting-girl)
I was wishing to make a group cosplay for the whole time I know this comic, so, it means, nearly for two years.
So me and my friend chosen Hotakainens at the very begining.
For that time I was already in good relationship with the girl i asked to be our Mikkel, because there were not that much cosplayers of such type here in Moscow with good behavior and without selfish pridness about their indispensability. So when i had chance after repetition of perfomance we were preparing to the festival i asked her, and she got interested. Also there was the girl who's fan of all the viking stuff and like that, she felt in love with Reynir as well at the moment i showed some random page.
That was settled.
The next day i already had in mind the candidates for Emil and Sigrun.
But, unfortunately, we end badly with my Lalli, so it was the first changing. For some time I got less intrested in 4S fandom, cause that was the only person who shared my huge love to this fandom for a long time. After a year i think i finally returned to normal condition and remembered about this project so i started to poke others for preparing costumes.
Next summer we bought the fabric, but still didn't start working much in real.
There began problems with Sigrun. Second role change happened, fortunately, before we started the costume with the mesuares of previous person.
So, it came up with me taking participance in "Winter Fandom Kombat" so i just came and said: 'no matter what but we need to finish this and make a photoshoot till 11 of febreary'.
After we also had problems with the photographer, with the place, with the weather (at first we were going to make it in snow outside) And as i said before, Reynir unfortunately had problems at institute so could not come. There were WAY TOO MUCH of problems that day in real. But we had no time to move the date, cause of the deadline. Emil also overslept (and didn't cut beard...)
So it's only me, Lalli, Mikkel and Sirgun a little, who were acquainted with our roles. Only Emil was told something like: 'see, it's your bestfriend, but he didn't really know about that' Of course I was sure in him, as in everyone else, cause i know them all for a quite long time, and i know how they can act on stage and for cameras, so i wasn't nerveous too much about the result. Also we had a helper that was from my "SSSS fandom kombat" team, so she was the one responsable to take care of everyone being in their roles in front of the camera.
As you can see, everything was all of a sudden and didn't go really well. So I'm looking forward to fix all the mistakes and to make it even better!
(also now we have flashback costumes, hehehehe)
That's all i think. But you can still ask questions, if you want:3