Dear Forum members:
Since this Forum was founded in Sept. 2014, its topics have grown well beyond discussing SSSS and ARTD. By and large, this is a good thing; we encourage the spirit of fellowship and Minnions' wide range of interests.
But we can't be all things to all people, and there are some topics and activities that by their nature trigger strong feelings or are divisive. We reserve the right to moderate, lock, or even remove threads if we feel they are becoming problematic. After all, there are many other venues online to discuss or advocate controversial topics.
With that said, here are our proposed guidelines for what is and isn't appropriate for the Forum. (You already know not to engage in discrimination, bigotry, or hate speech and to treat all other Forum members with respect.) We're giving Forum members the chance to weigh in on these rules before we make them official.
* No political advocacy. We realize it's hard to avoid all mention of political positions one way or the other (and we've tolerated that in the past), but we won't allow out-and-out politicking.
For example, it would be OK to say that last weekend you were at a Rand Paul 2016 rally (a mere neutral mention of an activity), or even share a funny/interesting but nonpolitical photo you took there. A brief mention that you plan to vote for him, and why, would be *tolerable.* A long screed in his favor, or a fundraising link, would be right out.
This covers not only electoral politics but advocacy for various causes -- environmental or pro-development, pro- or anti-immigration, etc.
* The same thing for religion. You can discuss religions, beliefs, and traditions (including your own) in a neutral, objective way -- and in fact, we already have a lot of that on the Forum. But please, no advocacy or evangelism.
* Prayer requests and other religious *practice*, we are allowing temporarily (as a subset of the Comfort Corner), with the understanding that this thread will make clear that it is open to people of all religious backgrounds. If it becomes divisive, we reserve the right to moderate it.
* If a post or topic makes you uncomfortable, we encourage you to bring your concerns directly (but politely) to the poster. Often, people don't realize that others may have different feelings on a topic (or, say, the amount of PDA or blood shown in art); if they find out someone objects, they are generally willing to remove the questionable post or discuss a mutually acceptable solution.
HOWEVER, if you've tried that approach and it didn't work, or you don't want to approach the poster directly, please feel free to reach out to any skald, moderator, or admin via PM, or reported post, and we will work to resolve the situation.
* If you have questions/disagreements with something a mod, skald, or admin has asked you to do, please either discuss it directly with that person, or if you feel uncomfortable approaching them, you can approach Kjeks, Sunflower, or Feartheviolas.
We hope you'll see these rules not as censorship, but guidelines to help encourage good fellowship and civil discourse among the Forum at large. The rest of the Internet is often a free-fire zone; we'd like to avoid that here.
Now the moderation team is curious to hear your thoughts on these guidelines